HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-13 Packet4 DRAFT MINUTES CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday June 13, 2013 7:03 PM I. CALL TO ORDER 7:03p.m. II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call was Brandt, Gubrud, Heer, Howard, Risser, Thompson, Zarrin and Chair Sierks Absent: Kostuch, Sokol Late Arrival: Latham, Rudnicki Staff Present: Ross Bintner, Rebecca Foster and Wayne Houle III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Member Latham arrived at 7:05p.m. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes. Member Rudnicki arrived at 7:09p.m. Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Heer to approve the amended Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. B. Attendance report and roster. No Comment. C. Workgroup list and minutes. No Comment. Motion made by Member Thompson and seconded by Member Gubrud to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. V. COMMUNITY COMMENTS No Comment. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Living Streets Policy. Mr. Houle, Director of Engineering, and Jennifer Janovy, ETC Commissioner, presented the proposed Living Streets Policy. They explained how Living Streets will balance the needs of motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders and storm water run-off from paved surfaces. Living Streets elements may include additions of traffic calming, sidewalks, landscaping, pedestrian lighting, marked pedestrian crossing, bump out with rain garden, etc. The policy is scheduled to be reviewed at the July 16th Council Work Session. An Advisory Committee will be formed including volunteers from Boards and Commissions. Member Risser, Member Thompson and Mr. Bintner are volunteering from the EEC. The goal is to complete the Living Street Plan in 2014. B. Prepare for June 18 CC/EEC Workshop i. Energy Recommendations (WP1-3). Chair Sierks gave an update on the following work plan items. 1. WP3. The Energy and Education & Outreach working groups are planning on how to Promote Edina Emerald Energy Program for the commercial sector over the next few monthly meetings. 2. WP1. Chair Sierks will explain that the EEC is reviewing the State Guarantee Energy Savings Program and Center for Energy and Environment Continuous Commissioning approaches to public building energy financing. The Commission intends to present results this Fall to Council and Jet them decide which program to use to complete the Comprehensive City Building Energy Efficiency Project work plan priority. 3. WP2. The EEC plans to leverage the City's Communications Dept. more to promote Energy Efficiency within the Community. Member Thompson would like to ask the Council to budget for the Home Energy Squad Enhanced program. Member Brandt excused himself from the meeting at 8:14p.m. Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Zarrin to recommend approval to enter the Home Energy Squad Enhanced program and create a budget for it. Motion carried unanimously. ii. Integration of Comp Plan Chapter 10 into City operations (WP4). Chair Sierks likes the Living Streets model and wants to use its framework to complete Comp Plan Chapter 10. The EEC Members concerns are the City doesn't have the money in the capitol budget to implement Chapter 10. The EEC thinks the City needs a greenhouse reduction action plan. Motion made by Chair Sierks and seconded by Member Zarrin to recommend that Council approve a resolution of a Living Streets framework approach to implementing the different components of Comp Plan Chapter 10 and will necessitate additional staff resources. Motion carried unanimously. iii. Residential Recycling Recommendations (WP6). Member Latham will report on organic recycling and explain that until the two barriers of the MPCA regulations and Emerald Ash Bore are lifted it 6 can't be done. Ask if Council wants greater transparency with private contracts too. The EEC is presenting this report as information only. iv. Commercial Recycling Recommendations (WP6b). Member Zarrin presented what the Edina Business Recycling task force is doing and what they've learned about business recycling. Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Gubrud to approve the task force recommendation as information only. Motion carried unanimously. v. Urban Forest Recommendations (WP9). Member Latham would like the Urban Forest Task Force Report be a work plan item for the Park Board next year. C. Air and Water Quality WG. Member Risser said the working group likes the City of Eden Prairie's model with their environmental group. D. Education Outreach WG. Member Gubrud promoted the July 4th parade. Tolby stickers and switch plates will be handed out. Member Thompson said he gave away 200 reusable bags at the Farmers Market. He gave away 4 Home Energy Squad visits and there are 17 visits remaining. Member Thompson announced a Cool Planet grant from Hennepin County to teach kids how to use power strips and learn how to read the kilowatt hours and therms on their electric and gas bills. Motion made by Member Thompson and seconded by Member Gubrud to approve up to $450 for an ecofriendly EEC double sided banner and pole to use in the parade. Motion carried unanimously. E. Energy WG. No Comments. i. Home energy squad task force. Chair Sierks announced parade support from CenterPoint Energy, Xcel and CEE. The next meeting will cover the Home Energy Squad Enhanced program. F. Recycling & Solid Waste WG. Member Latham said EBR needs to visit Randy's. Member Rudnicki excused himself from the meeting at 9:20p.m. i. Business recycling task force. Discussed above. G. Student Initiatives. No Comments. VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS A. Tim Rudnicki — Franchise Agreements Email. Mr. Bintner reminded Commissioners that they can't email everyone due to the Open Meeting Law. N B. Paul Thompson —Film Festival Email. Mr. Bintner reminded Commissioners that they can't email everyone due to the Open Meeting Law. C. Green Step Cities Invite. Mr. Bintner invited Commissioners to attend the League of Minnesota Cities Conference on June 20h VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS. Member Latham is disappointed that the Community Garden is under water due to too much of a clay base and the gate around the garden is never locked. IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Sustainable Infrastructure tools and examples. Mr. Bintner said 54th street is demoing a public engagement process for the first time. The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Envision product is what's being used for the public engagement. Mr. Bintner is inviting EEC Members to participate in reviewing the ISI self-assessment check list and rating system. The MNDOT Complete Streets Seminar is information only. B. EEC 2013 summary and draft schedule. Information only. There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Sierks declared the meeting adjourned at 9:37p.m. Motion made by Member Zarrin and seconded by Member Latham to adjourn meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Foster GIS Administrator 8 Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type 'it under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type 'it under the month on the meetings' line. 12 NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session6 Special Meeting Meetings/Work Sessions There is no number typed on the members' lines. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... . _.._._. ......... Brandt, Andrew student 1 1 1 1 1 6/18/2013 (enter date) Gubrud, Bob 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 Heer, John 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Howard, John 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 zy Kostuch, Keith 2/1/20161 1 1 1 1 1;.3 Latham, Dianne Plunkett 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 Risser, Julie 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 74° Rudnicki, Tim 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 , Sierks, Bill 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sokol, Elana student 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thompson, Paul 2/1/20161 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :"" 1 Zarrin, Sarah 2/1/20151 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type 'it under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type 'it under the month on the meetings' line. Type 'it under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "I" under' Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "V under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type 'it under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l " under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type 'it under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l " under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line. There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting datettime at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously -scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. NOTES: 3 CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday July 11, 2013 7:00 PM MS4 SWPPP ANNUAL MEETING 1. Materials provided at the meeting. 50 STREET WORKSHOP LINKS 1. Project website 2. 54th Street Community engagement 3. IAP2 public engagement spectrum 4. Sustainable infrastructure project framework 5. ENVISION Sustainable Infrastructure Ratings 6. Survey 7. 54th street proposal (page 23-49) AGENDA ITEM 6.A Public Building Energy Financing LINKS 1. Department of Commerce GESP Website 2. Department of Commerce GESP Contract Documents 3. CEE Continuous Commissioning webpage 4. CEE Short "Low Hanging Fruit" vs "Deep Retrofit" video 5. CEE Detailed EBCx Recommissioning Video (11:10 - AGENDA ITEM 8 Commission Member Comments LINKS 1. NY Times solar defects article (via Keith Kostruch) 2. Edina Patch green business article (via Sarah Zarrin) AGENDA ITEM 9 Staff Comments ATTACH M E NTS 1. EEC 2013 summary and draft schedule LINKS 1. Regional Indicators website NARRATIVE 1. Volunteers needed for Human Services Task Force (4 meetings in October and early November) 2. Bradley Hanson UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS: City Events Calendar (link) 1 CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday July 11, 2013 MS4 SWPPP Annual Meeting 5:30 PM — 6:00 PM I. Staff Presentation II. Public Comment 54`h Street Special Workshop 6:00 PM — 6:45 PM I. Introduction/Process II. Information Gathering III. Next Steps Regular Meeting 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL (2min) III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (3min) IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA (5min) A. Minutes B. Attendance report and roster C. Workgroup list and minutes V. COMMUNITY COMMENT (10min) During "Community Comment," the Energy & Environment Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission, or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Commission might refer the matter to staff or to an EEC Working Group for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Public Building Energy Financing Options (30 min) i. Continuous Commissioning and Guaranteed Energy Savings Program B. Air and Water Quality WG (5 min) C. Education Outreach WG (10 min) D. Energy WG (5 min) L Home energy squad task force E. Recycling & Solid Waste WG (10 min) i. Business recycling task force F. Student Initiatives (5 min) VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS VIII.CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS (15 min) A. Review Council worksession IX. STAFF COMMENTS (5 min) A. EEC 2013 summary and draft schedule B. Announcements UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS: http://www.edinamn.gov/ <click calendar> 7/16/13 City Council Meeting — City Hall 8/5/13 City Council Meeting — City Hall 8/8/13 EEC July Meeting — City Hall The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. Edina Energy & Environment Commission Working Groups, Task Forces and Projects Draft of 4-11-13 Air Quality Working Group (AQ WG) — Temporarily deactivated 9 Feb. 2012 Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 4`h Thursday at 6:30pm - Chair Julie Risser — Members: Jon Moon, David B. VanDongen Enemy Working Group (AE WG)— 3`d Tuesday at 7:00 pm — Chair Bill Sierks, Co -Chair John Heer - Commissioners Bob Gubrud - Members Richard Griffith, Richard Oriani, Greg Nelson, Gary Wahman, John Howard, Brad Hanson, John Dolphin Prospective Members Chad Bell Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — 1 s` Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud — Members: Sarah Zarrin (EEC), John Howard Home EnergSquad Task Force (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud Purchasing — Meets as needed — Chair Keith Kostuch Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) — I" Thursday at 7:00 pm - Chair DP Latham, Commissioners Sara Zarrin and Tim Rudnicki - Members Michelle Horan, Melissa Seeley — City Staff Solvei Wilmot Urban Forest Task Force (UF TF) — Meets as needed over lunch hour - Chair DP Latham — Commissioners - Joseph Hulbert (Pk Bd), Michael Schroeder (Planning Commission) & City Forester Tom Horwath (Staff). Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force —Chair Open, Members — Bill Sierks (EEC) Michael Platteter (Planning), Ken Potts (Planning) with support from the EEC Energy Working Group — City Planner Cary Teague (Staff) Bylaws Working GroW — Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham (EEC), Carbon Disclosure Project Committee — Commissioner John Heer Edina Business Recycling — 3`d Wednesday - Chair Sarah Zarrin — Members: Lori Syverson (Chamber of Commerce), Ben Knudson (Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES), Aileen Foley 11 es hk, cl n in Edina �b sorn, le- re vin Commission : konment Services s 12 13 w t � 14 5 15 od. a 4 f city, Bill,N, to set upAndre *Wto come up.with the list of -�_ 7 17 June 2013 Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Meeting Minutes In attendance: Commissioners Bob Gubrud, Paul Thompson, John Howard May minutes approved. Discussion of new state legislation - 1.5% of energy must be solar by 2020. Generally will increase solar business in Minnesota, possible role of EOWG to connect residents to solar opportunities. Could have Dustin from AES (Applied Energy Solutions) give presentations on how citizens could be solar investors, hosts for panels. Farmers Market Help with EGG- Giving away reusable bags to attendees at the Edina Farmer's Market on June 13th. EOWG is invited. May be handing out bags over the course of the HES- 8 visits are planned from April 18th event, 6 installs/visits are complete as of May 14th. ECF (Edina Community Foundation) will pay CEE (Center for Energy and the Environment) $1,500 to subsidize visits, as decided by EEC at May meeting. Paul relayed comments from Dick Crockett of ECF, who said ECF account for EEC is actually ECF money that gets granted to EEC or other environmental organizations. City seems concerned about having this extra account and would like to close it. 22 remaining visits at $50 price (after 50% city subsidy). How do we advertise the remaining visits? Sun Current, About Town, and Edina magazine are all possibilities. Bob will communicate with Judy Thommes of CEE about what the name of the visit is, and what it includes. July 4th Parade- Bob has been in communication with Judy about using a HES van, and getting the TOLBY mascot to come. Challenge is that nothing can be posted on the van, and TOLBY is very sensitive to heat. Could hand out light switch reminders, or TOLBY stickers. Paul would like to tie in other groups for the parade, for example Project Earth or Morningside neighborhood group. Bob has confirmed our registration with the parade chair, John Swon. Ideally we have another banner so we can have it run parallel to the crowd. Bob will create a parade sign up for commissioners at the upcoming EEC meeting. Night to Unite- Aug 6. Paul and Bob are out of town, Paul to contact Karen Kurt, assistant City Manager, about commission involvement. 18 Movie Night - seems we should tie in with Art Center film festival in Oct. Paul has cooled to idea of commission movie due to limitations. Other possible ideas are showing of the movie Switch. John to contact Edina Art Center about getting movie into the festival. Fall About Town Article - Paul is to contact Jennifer Bennerotte at the City about submission requests. It is likely the EOWG would write the article, likely need it to be approved by the commission. Plans for Fall Activities- Edina day of service activities. Historically done HES installs, did 2 last year. Tree planting? Buckthorn pull? Continue advertising HES visits. John to set up commissioner movie screeningfor July 12th. - Postponed Misc.- survey to Edina residents has been sent, thus too late to add questions regarding environmental initiatives. Next survey will be in 2 years. Next Meeting- July 2, 7 pm Community Room. 19 3 June 2013 ENERGY WORKING GROUP MINUTES, 3 JUNE 2013 Attendees: Bill Sierks John Heer John Dolphan Approved EWG minutes Reviewed EEC Work Plans related to energy items • Public buildings, State Approach, City approach • Energy Efficiency outreach and education • Emerald Energy Program expansion ideas • Commercial Pace program discussion • Discussed ideas for providing commercial program incentives / promotion for energy efficiency improvements. Effective communications tools. Further discussion of State Energy program options Discussed community solar ideas Next meeting to have further discussion of Emerald Energy Program 20 CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION March 2013 — February 2014 Term SUMMARY AND DRAFT SCHEDULE March 14, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: WP2 Outreach around April 18 Edina Forum Presentations: City of Edina Communications Staff April 11, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Solid Waste WP6, WP9 Recommendations for residential soil waste ordinance and commercial recycling, review goals and methods, and education and outreach report. Urban Forest Task Force Report Presentations: Dianne Plunkett Latham May 9, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Energy W131, WP2, WP3 Results and decisions around contract methods, planning, scope and budget for building energy. Presentations: CEE, Staff June 13, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Complete Streets and Prepare for CC Worksession, W131-3 Energy, WP9 UFTF, WP6 Solid Waste and Recycling. Presentations: Wayne Houle / Jennifer Janovy June 18, 2013 JOINT EEC / CC Workshop WorkplanItem WP1 City building energy project May preview of staff proposal, discussion of State GESP alternative WP2 Energy efficiency community outreach March vote for Earth Day proclamation, review of CEE - HES enhanced service; April 18 event; May preview of staff proposal, film show idea; June vote to recommend CEE-HES enhanced service for 2014 budget. WP3 Promote EEEP, May preview of staff proposal WP3b review residential PACE May vote not to pursue WP4 Integrate comp plan Ch 10 into city operations March review of staff summary of City environmental goals, June vote to use "living streets framework" approach to implement. WPS Surface water quality policy WP6 Update solid waste license ordinance, April vote not to recommend, update only. WP6b Provide commercial recycling recommendation June vote to present task force recommendations as information only. WP7 Greenstep reporting February review of 2012 greenstep actions WP8 Purchasing policy WP9 Urban Forestry April vote to recommend proposal with minor amendments. CC add 1 Research MPLS group request to support franchise agreement legislation May vote to recommend deferring to council due to lack of expertise, suggest attorney review. March 14, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: WP2 Outreach around April 18 Edina Forum Presentations: City of Edina Communications Staff April 11, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Solid Waste WP6, WP9 Recommendations for residential soil waste ordinance and commercial recycling, review goals and methods, and education and outreach report. Urban Forest Task Force Report Presentations: Dianne Plunkett Latham May 9, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Energy W131, WP2, WP3 Results and decisions around contract methods, planning, scope and budget for building energy. Presentations: CEE, Staff June 13, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Complete Streets and Prepare for CC Worksession, W131-3 Energy, WP9 UFTF, WP6 Solid Waste and Recycling. Presentations: Wayne Houle / Jennifer Janovy June 18, 2013 JOINT EEC / CC Workshop Ni July 11, 2013 Meeting Prior to regular meeting: SWPPP Annual Report 54th Street Stakeholder Engagement Item of focus: WP1 GESP/Performance Contracting/Building Re -commissioning, WP2 Review EEEP program implementation, education and outreach coordination Presentations: WPI CEE, State DoC/Energy, City facilities manager WP2 Environmental Engineer August 8, 2013 Meeting Prior to regular meeting: City Infrastructure Tour — Lift Station 6, Water Treatment Plant 6, 4MG reservoir, Bridge, Pond Item of focus: Sustainability in City Operations WP4 and WP8 purchasing policy. Presentations: WP8 Karen Kurt, WP4 St. Cloud / Burnsville / Minneapolis examples of organization? City of Edina Staff, Brett Emmons September 12, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Create 2014 Workplan (Due September 23 to Karen Kurt) October 10, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: Business Recycling Task Force Report Presentations: Sarah Zarrin, others? November 14, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: WP5 Water Policy Presentations: Julie Risser, Local watershed districts, UMN Academic, Staff December 12, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: W137 Prepare and review annual reports, awards, recognition. January 9, 2014 Meeting Item of focus: February 13, 2013 Meeting Item of focus: The City of Edina has begun two important infrastructure projects in the Arden Park neighborhood. We aim to make these projects highly collaborative, inclusive, and transparent and we hope all stakeholders will provide input to ensure the outcomes best meet community needs and priorities. Reconstruction of 54th Street In 2014, the City will reconstruct 54th Street from France Avenue to Wooddale Avenue, including the 54th Street bridge over Minnehaha Creek. The road is badly deteriorated, is a safety hazard to pedestrians and cyclists, and the bridge is at the end of its useful life. A state -aid designated roadway, 54th Street must meet State requirements; the State will pay for approximately 80% of the reconstruction. A city -maintained sidewalk on at least one side of the street and bicycle lanes are also required. The project offers an excellent opportunity to update the roadway to current standards and better meet community needs. We need community input, ideas, and feedback on a variety of design options. Stormwater Management Plan In the Arden Park neighborhood area, Minnehaha Creek water quality is impaired from untreated stormwater runoff and State law requires the City to reduce the harm. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has partnered with us to plan a cost-effective solution, which will also affect the 54th Street roadway and bridge design. We will be seeking community input on this plan. Ways we will gather community input: I . Gather issues and needs about 54th Street, stormwater, and the Creek and park—June-July We will have a team of people gathering input through doorknocking the neighborhood, .in-person surveys at the park, and via an online survey on the City's website. The City also will hold small group meetings with local business groups, organizations, and agencies. 2. Gather input on design components — August Based on the identified issues and needs, we will create alternative design components and preliminary scenarios for the roadway and stormwater management, then host community workshops to gather input. 3. Gather feedback on refined scenarios — August -September Working from the input to the preliminary scenarios, we will develop a set of refined scenarios and host additional community workshops to gather feedback. Input on those final scenarios shapes the preliminary engineering design and stormwater management plan included in the City Council's public hearing on this project in October or November 2013. KEY QUESTIONS for stakeholder engagement What issues and needs do you see on 54th Street, including the bridge? (Please focus on needs and issues rather than specific solutions. Examples might include: We live west of Arden Park and kids can't walk there safely. Or, The bridge isn't wide enough for cars, bikes, and walkers.) 2. What issues and needs do you see for Minnehaha Creek and Arden Park? (Please focus on issues and needs rather than specific solutions. Example: Stormwater runoff dumps directly from the road into the Creek. Or, The canoe landing is primitive and slippery after a rain.) �. ,St , x {' �-porJ •1 '� 'Y14* t- �S � WL. �'�r F€ �� ��`F i .,t,. } � � 1. �� ti',�; 4 _ InT Ar ri N .A 14, Af 71 A. 116i; I 5Ttw,,�„c_.,ti {t1f��rt�Y(''C4��f.`,`',�r� � 1 M1..F�-s_J t.!rt sJL iyy- /s� ��� '' ' ���,�'•F-'�•�. y�s%�;;.,;+Ci•`:. •ai ��,� xzrt .+J. ad � II � �� . r .�LTTT��1 `t{ '�tiit-"� 1k°`•j�•�.�riij•.'a., .�''•'t�a:,: '`.ry-,.M�J�}k��^�_,1nt._.!,��iy�14�! ,1i��. -3 -��'��,z, r`4 ir +y�rY1TSr�`t �, t"�14/ ;Sj L�d'Y� _rti�`�kI• �'.F'��'��i_°''�hty:°, v+�v{aa�, }�,.�, ':r•L''_n�d, ��!-�E -rt,�p,.'_ i � r �` la" 1�•��tiS��.E} � � �l�1i,���i �ti��Ji�k J'?Sy.��a a�Y��1•,�_Y,.mei(��Y.k.J-,'�,Y`r�i�`ag?C�-;y^.G: �'ff� 1' t".yf{! lii �� ����'r 3i`i`5�!1 1°r'.� ( {,f�i't • a�'e��' r�_�C !�?,Fr�c„.{Z���'1'�E�-s���+��r!fl.Fti��:` _�''.; ,.dt@ '`r1�,1+a} �1k 1 i��1? 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We will work with YOU to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision, To partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and the identification of the preferred solution. We will look to you for advice and innovation in formulating solutions and incorporate your advice and recommendations into the decisions to the maximum extent possible. ■ Fact sheets ■ Public comment ■ Workshops ■ Citizen advisory ■ Web sues ■ Focus groups ■ Deliberative polling Committees ■ Open houses ■ Surveys ■ Consensus -building ■ Public meetings 0 Participatory decision-making To place final decision-making in the hands of the public. We will implement what you decide. ■ Citizen juries I Ballots 2 Delegated decision 20M -2G36 IAP2 Core Values • Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process. • Public participation includes the promise that the public's contribution will influence the decision. • Public participation r promotes sustainable decisions by recognizing and communicating the needs and interests of all participants, including .decision makers. • Public participation seeks out and facilitates the involvement of those potentially affected by or interested in a decision. • Public participation seeks input from participants in designing how they participate. • Public participation provides participants with the information they need to participate in a meaningful way. • Public participation communicates to participants how their input affected the decision. QUALITY OF LIFE 13 Credits 1 PURPOSE QL1.1 Improve Community Quality of Life QL1.2 Stimulate Sustainable Growth & Development QL1.3 Develop Local Skills & Capabilities 2 WELLBEING QL2.1 Enhance Public Health & Safety QL22 Minimize Noise and Vibration QL2.3 Minimize Light Pollution QL2.4 Improve Community Mobility & Access QL2.5 Encourage Alternative Modes of Transportation QL2.6 Improve Accessibility, Safety, & Wayfinding 3 COMMUNITY QL3.1 Preserve Historic & Cultural Resources QL3.2 Preserve Views & Local Character QL3.3 Enhance Public Space QL0.0 Innovate or Exceed Credit Requirements LEADERSHIP 10 Credits 1 COLLABORATION LD1.1 Provide Effective Leadership & Commitment LD1.2 Establish A Sustainability Management System LD1.3 Foster Collaboration & Teamwork LD1 .4 Provide for Stakeholder Involvement 2 MANAGEMENT LD2.1 Pursue By -Product Synergy Opportunities LD2.2 Improve Infrastructure Integration 3 PLANNING LD3.1 Plan For Long Term Monitoring & Maintenance LD3.2 Address Conflicting Regulations & Policies LD3.3 Extend Useful Life LD0.0 Innovate or Exceed Credit Requirements RESOURCE ALLOCATION 14 Credits 1 MATERIALS RA1.1 Reduce Net Embodied Energy RA1.2 Support Sustainable Procurement Practices RA1.3 Use Recycled Materials RA1.4 Use Regional Materials RA1.5 Divert Waste From Landfills RA1.6 Reduce Excavated Materials Taken Off Site RA1.7 Provide For Deconstruction & Recycling 2 ENERGY RA2.1 Reduce Energy Consumption RA2.2 Use Renewable Energy RA2.3 Commission & Monitor Energy Systems 3 WATER RA3.1 Protect Fresh Water Availability RA3.2 Reduce Potable Water Consumption RA3.3 Monitor Water Systems RA0.0 Innovate or Exceed Credit Requirements NATURAL WORLD 15 Credits 1 SITING NW1.1 Preserve Prime Habitat NW12 Protect Wetlands & Surface Water NW1.3 Preserve Prime Farmland NW1.4 Avoid Adverse Geology NW1.5 Preserve Floodplain Functions NW1.6 Avoid Unsuitable Development on Steep Slopes NW1.7 Preserve Greenfields 2 LAND+WATER NW2.1 Manage Stormwater NW2.2 Reduce Pesticide & Fertilizer Impacts NW2.3 Prevent Surface & Groundwater Contamination 3 BIODIVERSITY NW3.1 Preserve Species Biodiversity NW3.2 Control Invasive Species NW3.3 Restore Disturbed Soils NW3.4 Maintain Wetland & Surface Water Functions NWO.0 Innovate or Exceed Credit Requirements Rao P� P7 :. 8 Credits 1 EMISSIONS CRL1 Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions CRL2 Reduce Air Pollutant Emissions 2 RESILIENCE CR2.1 Assess Climate Threat CR2.2 Avoid Traps & Vulnerabilities CR2.3 Prepare For Long Term Adaptability CR2.4 Prepare For Short Term Hazards CR2.5 Manage Heat Island Effects CR0.0 Innovate or Exceed Credit Requirements Engineering Department Phone 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 • www.EdinaMN.gov To: Tim Hunter cc: From: Rebecca Foster Date: June 20, 2013 Subject: EEC Posting Notice MEMO w9iN�1r.1. �O • �����AiroM�Fv peen I have attached three copies of a special meeting that must be posted today before 5:00 p.m. Please post as soon as possible. I have also attached a certificate of posting for each notice that must be completed by the officer who actually posts the notices. The certificate needs to be returned to my office. Again, thanks for your help in this matter. I really appreciate it. Attachments City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting C'> 0 of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I date posted copies of the attached Meeting Notice, at each of the official boards, located at conspicuous places within the City as follows: 1) City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street 2) Municipal Liquor Store, 50th and France Business Area for the City have on this City bulletin 3) Centennial Lakes Park Centrum, 7499 France Avenue South Date notice was posted & 1"-) � ) v'3 Time notice was posted: �/� 6 Signed CIMf'A-- Officer Posting Notice Signed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and_ pr Hennepiin_County Minnesota, this day( J V M , 2013. w MACHELL BENTLEY NOTARY PUBW - MINNESOTA] My Commission Expires Jsn. 31.2011 Revised: June 2006 W NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA, MINNESOTA JULY 11, 2013 THE CITY OF EDINA WITH THIS GIVES NOTICE that the Edina Energy & Environment Commission will hold a special meeting Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will take place in the Community Room of Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota. The purpose of the special meeting is to receive information on the 54th Street Reconstruction and Arden Park Area Stormwater Management Plan. The meeting will be open to the public. BY THE ORDER OF THE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION Rebecca Foster EEC Recording Secretary Dated: June 20, 2013 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard . Edina, Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392