HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902824430072-01292016KOM 899.9 ri'N\t rt.-7\N tc\, -0 1 900.5 901.4 OE/na /44f2 1f Site Address: 6124 Oak/awn ED/NA, MN 901.8 N 89°23'42" E 133.87 91)18 co. I 900,8 900.9 EXISTING' ;HOUSE / .9010 901.0 \• .eS 0\\ 'GARAGE 40;4 o\lef-e \, -Floor= 901.7' - 901 20.41 900.9 0,9 Adjacent Hoose 16128 1st Floor= 903.2 s.d.,Aon Wail Reinforcing Pre-backfill 7iThg and Sheathing --1 -Plli ? .. __ .,,.nry Firoptiace L'iciazil BUILDING COVERAGE 1,168 Sq.Ft. 1,168 Sq.Ft. 6,685 Sq.Ft. = 17.5% 898.5 • (7) a", CO krZ tZt) CZ1 898.8. 899. 0.0 993 0 5 01.0 2- "Trees 74-ori -900 900.4 1.6 901 o WORK HOURS: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturday NO WORK ON SUNDAY OR IIOLIDAV 8 901.0 Hk 0900.6 geOSI, N (0/11M6 cro apple 19.9 7, r--'-'1- c, n 7.7.'73777 0:+l ev- • -• • ''- t.T.!MT.:3!_..---TI and ADDNESS 1st Floor= 903.8/ //olo 410.1// 19.8 /- -61 cz i Drive 0114 $901.3 901b tn0 •0) 17,1 90 1CN 1•;;I .901.5 900.6 Adjacent House '6120 1st Floor= 901.5 N 89°24'41" E 133pu. omin 6' Board Fence, 90 .1 Board Fence 9" 5 '01,8 901,6 Bituminous CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR: T & Company PDF created with odfFactory trial version www.odffactorv.com 900.9 29.9 01.1 .903.2 901.6 Adjacent Garage 899,5 34. Confirm property may be RedeveIcp.Qd prioiJpIemoIitiofl A demolition permit provides no Assurance of permitted future uses Bucktho 90 ,q9: Shy 9 0.9 Conditions of Demolition/Moving 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter and excavations with slopes steeper than 1: 1 . Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried 1' and spaced at a maximum 10' on center. Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building demolition/move - utilities abandoned at the property line with a permit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a neNt, structure within thirty (30) days of the building demolition/move. 901.0 51/67241v6, ge9../IR1L9 Drive 900.8 water ser. 9no ,t C'''Z "tzt..1 900.3 900.5 00.3 900.0"...„ 9110.11 Wire mesh reinieivernent (optional) Encorteefing fabric SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION Fabric enchorege trench beetle with lamPed natural soli .1. • P P!. ; :fr 7." Inch minimum Natural coll ' • Note: Depending upon configuration, attach fabric to vittre tries,* with hog revs, steel poste with tie wires,. at woad posle with staples. Figure 62-2: Typical Inaleitalkm for MN fence Residential Temporary Rock Construction Exit ./"--'''' „.6. .,( e.8 allii.f.A;1174:1:0":74 . EV0.0%.• Willgiall44 . hell% :11 -15' Initial length .1it,4 ---.d:tit if 1 71 - :*16a /401114V-Agigt ‘)z.c' •itk•• ' -.1.4.41411:4k: etarillitt1710104. ii„ ov-T.o front yard setbicr„ :11ne after backfill le. eriti:/10.....:11.011•Ttirat;mi, :4, i % i* .14 ff.: 12 inimum oitilf.,317...<„, .. Width z Failure to install the Construction Exit before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to maintain the Construction Exit will result in enforcement action by the City. Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric under minimum thickness 1 1/2" to 3" washed rock ?t, vc 10 14etal or post or stalce Direction eli remit now • ig • ••••• • • 6 Inch minimuk, W c •- 0 goo o E MH Rimr 903.0 if) o E14t ' 1---. ' 7 1 cn 900,2 a) ( ) (f) Buildings Total Coverage Lot Area Z, of Coverage OF: it 7, Block 22, FAIRFAX '1)1)02 c.; _ File No. 14356 B Bock-Page 1 "=20' 4 5 7 11 12 13 14 18 15 2 3 10 0 File No. 74356 B Book-Page Scale DEMARS - GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 6875 WASHINGTON AVE. SO. SUITE 209 Edina, MN 55439 Phona:(763) 559-0908 Fax: (952) 767-0490 Soil Investigatioit Design, Inc. 2809 78th Ave. N Brooklyn Pork, MN 55444 Metro 01-260-3783 pbmnclvriloilinvestigalions.us Figure 1: Site Detail 6124 Oaklawn Ave. Edina, MN J8cP Company E MH A 15 8 10 11 18 13 14 12 TREE INVENTORY Buildings Patio Allowance Patios Total Coverage Lot Area % of Coverage Total Coverage Lot Area 7, of Coverage 1,168 Sq.Ft. 1,168 Sq.Ft. 6,685 Sq. Ft. = 17.5% 1,540 Sq.Ft. -150 Sq.Ft. 280 Sq.Ft. 1970 Sq.Ft. 6,685 Sq.Ft. = 29.5 %; EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE Proposed first floor elev.=903.8 (Previous Home first floor elev.=903.8) Proposed garage floor elev.=902.25 Proposed top of foundation elev.=902.55 Proposed lowest floor elev.-993.55 Revised: January 26, 2016 - proposed drainage Revised: January 25, 2016 - proposed house loc. Revised: January 24, 2016 - proposed house Site Address: 6124 Oak/awn ED/NA, MN O Denotes iron monument • Denotes found monument x 000.0 Denotes existing elev. (000.0) Denotes proposed elev. ▪ Denotes surface drainage 900.9 29.9 2" Crab Apple Multi-stem 4" Mulberry 5" Buckthorn 00.3 930, 900.3 0.9 6' Board Fence 9 Areas that require Step! .0 Excavation. Complete at a rate of 1.5 run 901,5 to lii Adjacent Garage if 099.5 89 .06 724'41 ...... Ad 1 E 133.80 ----- ------- Bituminous 099.9 , wafer set. 3.W 900 4 C-21, CraZ:11 k!, cz) , 900,3 \ gam 8911.5 • • ▪ • krb i ▪ Zt1 CZ:26 I 890,0 • 95 03 Ii 9" 900-- 6" Lord Fence egg.4-6 -15,4- E311111111033 . 0. omprimodimummil••119Nok.hr 191.199iMP - LTIg. -- r n010.04.040;401r..! Arki•dratir v-- .• 50012.1010M, .1,1 Kdrir• VMS 11.74%101%/1!...-"r-.- AV 11'4 410 .061,1 Z;00,0 '00 610 orti 'PM 11111 ,;n 4/ 12-5yu1bgny Trees\ 93110 900.9 \ 1 ,g. stumr..9- _,, i t i I \ li 111, .5 fat.o 881.8 501.0 1 1 • i / cr1S-t / N 89°23"42" E -(91°1j3.87 901.5 900.6 900.5 fluckilk, r gala Adjacent House '6128 lot Floor= 903.2 903.2 900.2 00.2 PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE Buildings CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR: JP & Company OF: Lot 7, Block 22, FA/RFAX hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the State of Minnesota. 0014, David E. Crook Date: November 18th, 2015 Minn. Reg. No 22414 I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the Laws of the State of Minnesota. 4‘ • - ! Ray. H. Brandt Date .1, Reg.No. 8140 Figure 2: Shoring Typical TITLE Typical Shoring Section SIZE CAGE COD SCALE Give DWG NO REV SHEET 4 3 \I7 2 Full Wall Shoring Typical 1. Drive vertical supports with backhoe to depth. 2. Vertical supports no more than four (4) feet apart. 3. Place structural grid (1/8 inch welded wire) against the vertical support between the support and excavation wall. 4. Place 3/4 inch thick plwood vertically betwen structural grid and the excvation wall. 5. Remove shoring system prior to back filling 6. Repface in cradle or oritrailer as directed. EXCAVATION TO BE CUT BACK AS NOTED Given Plywood Square steel tubi g (or equiv.) 1 brac. ig Soil Tools LLC 2809 78th Ave. N Brooklyn Perk, MN 55444 Metro 651-260-3783 651-260-3783 pbrimdtrgsoilcool, net 111E111E111511 leg = = = 3 11E111E111E111 irpmEmem 111E11 EllIEll 4=111E111E11 11E1116111E111 F=Mmoism swims! Anallammu 1H Haman-ma . ..., alia.:...—,.. ., =1110111E111=111=111=116 1=111E111E111E111=UP —=111E111E111E111— 1=111E111E11 =111E111 — 11E11 FREE STANDING SHORING SECTION (Patent Pending) 4 3 2 1