HomeMy WebLinkAbout3002824220024-11152013901 898.52 908.98 908.58 908.63 Elevation: Elevation: (at door): Elevation: Lowest Floor Top of Foundation Garage Slab Elevation First Floor 90 RLS 19922 901.8 x 901.4 1 903.7 1.; 902.4 Blk 2, NORMANDALE 899.0 899.8 TC 'South line of the East Half of Lot 5, A \ 6"A pie Denotes Existing Overhead Utility Line(s Denotes Existing Fence Denotes Existing Bituminous Surface Denotes Existing Concrete Surface X 000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation x0oo.0 Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Direction of Drainage Denotes Found Iron Monument, as n Denotes Proposed Contour Denotes Existing Contour Denotes Existing Trees as noted 0 Denotes Existing Manhole MH HYD Denotes Existing Hydrant Denotes Existing Sign PP Denotes Existing Power Pole ohe q==' rL (CftTh> Denotes Existing Tree to be Removed Denotes Proposed Retaining Wall 0000000 SMH Dated this 27th day of September, 2013. • Signed: Carlson McCain, Inc. (IN FEET) 4728.001 Proposed 749 Located in the NW 1/4 of )0n,S e-eS att,3 8.7 fl NAVe /3 Sec. 30, Twp. 28, Rge. 24 90 TC Certificate of Survey for: JIMS CUSTOM HOMES, LLC ia.5- 6-73. House Address: % 90742232. ViRj 1.t63e2:-Virginia Avenue, Edina, MN LEGEND I hereby certify to JMS Custom Homes, LLC, that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed land 901.6 surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. re o x897.8 i fr,-- ., ., -c xi c, I , x 8 9.6 c -0 --„,, 0 -' '.. • 898.2 RLS / 19922 899.0 898.9 899.0 ohe 1-0 o tt.) 898.9 TC a <pap / 899.2 8992 >< 15.0 40.62 cp Lon 1899.04 :9.:/ 2n. /899.2 (5' 7 9.0 / Existing 0 / Garage ni • Slab=899.2 .5.•1 x 899.1 898.9 \ 899.1 )) \ x 4 904. /\Flogsto4e, f?staining 1 I 89°51' 1, 902.2 121.0 7 0 i;1 / x S89°54'24"E Wr Fence / 899.0 10"Tr ohe 908.3 0 9 8 0 902 7 ci) (0 (.0 0 0 0 0 4- 898.6 0 o00 056 908.4 905't6 907 94.4 T 1\9\7.3 al I X L908.5 ç.7.0r1 \L../ 0 C9TDET-3) 0 90.6.2 • x 07 4 r'Existing House 6224 Virginia Ave. FFE=912.4 /1 //3 /I 910.3 910.31 211 5 1 0 908.6 \ Z_Z_ZZ.Lr C 908.7 909.4 T.W.-906. W.-903.0 907.5 908.4 - I \ PROPOSED RIVEWAY\- 908.6) 1. 'Cant I! L- L- / I Y V L- / x899.8 T.W.-908.5 B.W.-`908.0 \?; % he oh T ohRe1 BUS:EL obe 89 EE 9.6 909.6 908.6 onascaPe x 908.6 , Are° 2.0% IN 907.8 1-VALLEY GUTTER 910.3 60"Tree ± / k- 911'4 RLS 909660 .,2, -909 909.2 2.0x Fit. Flagstone 909.4Alumkium Retaining Fent, Wall I 9 898.3 899.0x x9007 Bearings shown are assumed GRAPHIC SCALE 7 0 20 11.1.0 10 .-" 899.0 98.9 x t 899.2 902.7 X 902.0 RLS -•19922 901.7/ 901.1 T.W.-9091 BW.-9O5:g (3os Tota/ Lot Area ±14,652 sq ft. Gross Building Area ±2,231 sqft. House Foundation ±1,885 sq ft. Covered Porch (w/o 80' Exemption) ±132 sq ft. Cantilevers/Patio ±214 sq ft. Building Coverage 1.15.2% PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS x 897.4 North line of the East Half of 90R7 897.3 X 897.7 898.0 X X 897.9 x 898.3 x 898.7 898.7 TC NORMANDALE- 900.7 899.4 k 899.9 901 5" '‘D(,) PROPOSCD QC/SE 9.17 Ft. Pobr,ed t3rnt. Full Base nt le(6 ) 9003 899.8 r•I SD oi 899.8. ±37.9 909.9 Bituminous Driveway 909.8 Qe al 3"Apple 9044 5"Apple(4)C0 ( cf9, A I- • D - 0 a 36"-rree 5- 045d) BENCHMARK TOP OF SPIKE EL = PARCEL DESCRIPTION: (PER HENNEPIN COUNTY TAX RECORDS) The East Half of Lot 5, Block 2, NORMANDALE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota Subject to all easements of record, if any NOTES: 1. Only VISIBLE improvements were located as part of this survey. 2. Surveyed property contains ±14,652 sq. ft. 3. Surveyed property is zoned R-1, per the City of Edina Zoning Map. 4. Existing retaining walls and landscaping areas may encroach, as shown. 5. BENCHMARK: Top Nut of Hydrant located at 63rd St. W. and Virginia Ave. So. Elev.=903.98 (NCVD 29) - per the City of Edina. r.r. Revised: Hosue Pion 11/08/13 By: Revised: Stake House 10/14/13 Thomas R. Balluff, L.S. Reg. No. 40361 Located in the NW 1/4 of Sec. 30, Twp. 28, Rge. 24 9089x 908.7 -rc Existing House 6224 Virginia Ave. 910.3 FFE=912.4 A / 908.7 Certificate of Survey for: JMS CUSTOM HOMES, LLC House Address: 6232-Virginia Avenue, Edina, MN X 89(7.4 \ ) \ • \ \ _ North line of the East Half of Lo'IN5,\BIk'24NORMANDALE-.., 900.7 Bituminous Driveway 901.8 x 901.4 Xp 908.5 /11 /I 910.3 909.4 • x -908.5 908.3 • 908 3 9,0.3 S89 '5,1'2710E9.8Flogstone 909.4-A91219 sin t2 Retaining Fen& 902. 998. Il 948.1 907.3 902. 908.6 909.6 RLS 9.922 9.C.).*q/ 99\4.1 i\elagstohe R ewt aa nig( , \ 903.3 \ • 9 9O 905\6 907 RLS T.W.-909.0 B.W:=908.5 07.5 w....c.LB A 907.3 19922 LEGEND 909.6xN 909.2 (9-,- 897.3 x 897.7 0 MH HYD -0- Denotes Existing Denotes Existing Denotes Existing Denotes Existing Denotes Existing Denotes Existing Denotes Existing Manhole Hydrant Sign Power Pole Overhead Utility Line(s) Fence Bituminous Surface Total Lot Area ±14,652 sqft. Gross Building Area ±2,231 sq ft. House Foundation ±1,885 sq ft. Covered Porch (w/o BO Exemption) ±132 sq ft. Cantilevers/Patio ±274 soft. Building Coverage ±15.27; co 907.4 • -CURB • r53 -H 908.6 ondscal)e 908.6 Argo 907.8 906 2 907 0)-.< W.-909.0 B. .-9050 PP oho - PROPOSED DRIVEWAY,,, 910.0 899 1 25. 15.0 PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS 906.6) 903 /‘ Denotes x 000.o Denotes xC000.ii) Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Existing Concrete Surface Existing Elevation Proposed Elevation Direction of Drainage Found Iron Monument, as noted Proposed Contour Existing Contour Existing Trees as noted /L 901.52 910.4 910.0 912.1 Lowest Floor Elevation: Top of Foundation Elevation: Garage Slab Elevation (at door): First Floor Elevation: •9 A • I \ V 903.6 GARAGE 3"Ap 1.0 .11n111 9Q.3 x N.36-Tree S 9O.4 E/P1 44) cb 15.0 %98.0 00,, 124 CC Denotes Existing Tree to be Removed< 0000000 Denotes Proposed Retaining Wall S- PARCEL DESCRIPTION:(PER HENNEPIN COUNTY TAX RECORDS) t----- The East Half of Lot 5, Block 2, NORMANDALE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota Subject to all easements of record, if any NOTES: 1. Only VISIBLE improvements were located as part of this survey. 2. Surveyed property contains ±14,652 sq. ft. 3. Surveyed property is zoned R-1, per the City of Edino Zoning Map. 4. Existing retaining walls and landscaping areas may encroach, as shown. 5. BENCHMARK: Top Nut of Hydrant located at 63rd St. W. and Virginia Ave. So. Elev.=903.98 (NGVD 29) - per the City of Edina. - a \\P 7- \ 899.2 897.4' x 0 o 2 clj .2 2:. o 089715 x Co 3) -4 x 898.0 PROPOSED HOUSE 9.17 Ft. Pourecl Bsmt. Full Basemen )898.6 0 (0•\ t7R 899.2 899.3x 15.0 0-01.C) 11 9. e(6) 899.8 899 x 899.1 x 0 5.O(9:01 8 co 35.17 40.62 899.0 899 2 8 x 897.9 2 T.W.-907. B.W.-903.0 / /16.6 / 9.0 Existing Garage Slob-899.2 (To Be 5"1 Removed) 14 899.9 51.1 902 901 -H 1 x 898.3 898.2 X X RL 199 2 121.07 " s. 054'2455 899.6 ‘;\\ >0< TREES/E3U5HES 899. F- aki/i 89 9 899.01 899.0 F1-1 Wiree x Fence x 898.7 98.9 898.9 899.0 IS oh ohe o e ohe 898.7 T0 899.8 ,South line of the East Half of Lot 5, Blk 2, NORivfANDALE 901.1 33N19N3 1081/9910N00/ INI3d AINA1401110 1430 D 03 3aNWIti I her .y certify to JMS Custom Homes, LLC, that this survey, plan or report was prepare ,,,by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed land 901.6 surveyor ud' er the laws of the State of Minnesota. I \L-L- V V L-s-.• I 4:;‘ 71-2)r-1 C 7PC-1-1- I A ir-C-r y898.3 Bearings shown are assumed GRAPHIC SCALE 20 10 0 20 x899.8 ? SMH Dated this 27r ay of September, 2013. Signed: Carlson McCain, Inc. 001 6 1i (IN FEET) 4728.001 Proposed By: 749 Thomas R. Balluff, LS. Reg. No. 40361 X 897.7 x 897.8 X 898.0 x 901.4 North line of the East Half of L\ON5,\Eit 2, N R ANDALE-, 900.7 X 897.9 L. N. 898.2 RLS 19922 X 898.3 • NownwrAmir.n14 • 1,C117, - ._ 4.0 Ft. Wi 1e112ce1.0 899.01 898.9 899.W.. Axis.7 • .38-9 8.98.9 899 '' x 8F9°54'24"E 899.6 >n< % 898.9 c9! 899.0 TC // 7,0" t../1 x898.3 899.0 / x899.8 X 898.7 898.7 TC 899.8 TC I A /r-c-s -r / / \LL / v • • • •0 • < 898.0 • • • • • 1 x899.1 • • X 899.2 X 899.2 899.0 899.2 899.2 • • ./16.8//, / ex 8,99.0 Existing 0: • / Garage f,',1 Slab=899.2 • \q? 7 / , 899.1 \\N 9"Apple(6) X 899.3 x 99 8 N N ±37.9 909.9 Bituminous Driveway 908.'9 x 908.7 908.7 TC 908.5 901.1 )(900.7 \NT Existing Power Pole Existing Light Pole Existing Flag Pole Existing Electric/Gas Meter Existing Overhead Utility Line(s) Existing Fence Retaining Wall Existing Bituminous Surface Existing Concrete Surface Existing Elevation Direction of Drainage Utility Easement, per Fina/ Plat Found Iron Monument Existing Contour Existing Tree, as noted Proposed Silt Fence Proposed Rock Entrance Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes X 000.0 Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes "'Denotes • Denotes -• • • - Denotes •:;•,;•1:n Denotes 907.6 CK CONST. 907.0 PP LP FP 0)- EM GM 00 - ohs - 3.41.7215, \ "i:Dre) ..`N o NI • 'CP .c711 0 I 0 Z 897.41 Lx 897.3 RLS `.•P9922 INSTA FENCE x 901'% 90,4.1 SILT /Flagstone Retaining 'Walls t 111 rr x 899.2 901.8 1 0"Tree N --......,.... 9 .5 ---.........„. \\‘‘x 908.4 901.4........... 908.6 8.2 `.... , \ '''''.......,‘, ?on°s,,,,,\Feeecejintone9 ,,,,,,, Onto° 9 3 \ 907 ;T-9 - \ I‘ \ \ - \\Wa\il '‘N.. '',......_. -.....\\ • ..\. x 'T.7 N.< 904.1 \Go> N N \ im \ A \ L \ - 316pple °Of< ..,...„, \ \ is>t 903.2 \ 941.,,..... 4 4,, \ N. \ 0.;. \ .\\.., N.. x 904.3 X9044 904.4 899.3 7„ Pare . Adress ----- \ ---___ x 4., 00..6.2,3.2, Virg iti,isa, A ve ,ie ',....,....... 4 X 898 6 9d3.7 902.4 902.2 9 • 1 x 899.9 995.5 teps dsope -900- oncre '-South line of the East Half of Lot 5, Blk 2, NORMANgAtff • • • • 908.5 998.4 907.3 01, • • • " -41• • • • • x 90 7 909.4 /I 910.3 3"Apple 909.8 909.2 909 4A7.° F • umxittilno 910.3 S89°51'27"E Retaining - Fence Wall N N. 907.8 14 4. R 909.6x\ 19922 909.2 'S. 908.6 \ RLS 1)9922 %901.7,1 • • s-tn• ,k,g`t044A--$ 116.440,11/40 .11 t oLt-00, stah-tostr, ispeA07:- I OPIA4.00. 44410•04 4*, 4 909 2 908 3 o 2 z\ •<t 0 te 4r- 9C07.9 T INSTALL R ENTRANCE T907.2 C S. ,E < _ LEGEND EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. Silt fence, bio rolls and/or catch basin inlet protection devices shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity. 2. Rock construction entrances shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity or after existing driveway is removed. .3. Any sediment that reaches the existing street or adjacent property shall be removed 905.1 immediately and measures shall be taken to prevent further sedimentation offsite. 4. All silt fences, bio rolls and catch basin inlet protection devises must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches of the height of the device. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. 5. Rock construction entrance must be repaired or replaced when the rock becomes inundated with sediment and/or excessive sediment is being tracked from the site. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. so B34 9/26/13 4LJILDNG DEPARTMENT OCT 3 2013 CITY OF EDINA 0 10 20 ( IN FEET ) Existing House 6224 Virginia Ave. 910.3 x 897.4 z./First FL=912.4 • x 899.1 • • 907.3 908.6 a, 0 lb "11 ro = - \ . ›_ .\...t"Tree " id) '41k, • 'di • 902.4 TC 904.9 IC 908.1 TC N x 902.7 901.6 I hereby certify that this plan, spedfication ior cePort was prepared lay me or under my direct superylgon and Met I am a duly licensed ProfesSionol Engineer under the laws of the State of MinnesoM Nafriei Brian 2. Krystofiak, P.E. signature.,_ „0. le.7354- Date: 9/26/13 License P: 25063 40 REVISIONS 2. 3. 4. S. s, DRAWN BD DESIGNED BY: ISSUE WOE: CIL/L.1 900.7 N RLS 122 SILT FENCE lagsto\ne etaininy ails/ f 902.2 901 2 904.1 897.3 X 897.7 • X897.8. • • \ • 141, gtj to Is) --.-1 / ±37 9 909.9 908.7 k 908.5 908.7 TC 910.3 \ Bituminous Driveway Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes WELL „oPP, 000.0 Coo. 903 ANDALE-, 90. , 9.08.5 --',908 3 907.3 998.4 u) x 908.6\ x 908.7 909.4 Existing House 6224 Virginia Ave. FFE=912.4 /1 V 909.6 A 910.3 910.3S89°51'27"E 908.6 ntjsccPe 908.6 La Pre° ROCK STRUCT1ON 907'.8 ENTRANCE_ 909.8 ]9O9\908 2.0 Fit. Flagstone 909.4A/umiriuml 908.1 Retaining Ferke TC Wall 907.2 TC LEGEND Existing Well Existing Electric Meter Existing Power Pole Existing Overhead Utility Line(s) Existing Fence Existing Bituminous Surface Existing Concrete Surface Existing Elevation Proposed Elevation Direction of Drainage Found Iron Monument, as noted Set Iron Monument Existing Contour Proposed Contour Existing Hydrant Existing Telephone Box Denotes Existing Trees as noted Existing Tree to be Removed Proposed Silt Fence Proposed Rock Entrance Proposed Retaining Wall EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. Silt fence, bio rolls and/or catch basin inlet protection devices shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity. X 897.4 901 North line of the East Half of Lo\5, It 2, NO 901.8 X 901.4 x-- 903.7 I , 902.4 907.9 TC 907.6 907.0 Denotes -0 • • - Denotes FF. reiLe Denotes Denotes x 898.0 1-1 0 898.0 • X 15.0 \ \ PROPOS HOOSE„ 9.17 Ft. Pou?e Bsmt.st...„,,,.. Full Basement., 9"A le(6) ir., r'\ X 898.3 X 897.9 19922 898.2 x • x 898.9 * 899.01 • 81198.9 • RL 898.9 TC • e 40.62 • '899.0 899'2 8- /16.5 89.0 4) Existing Garage 0 S1ab=899.2 c.4 (To Be 5,`I Removed) 899.0< 89,9.cr • 899.0 h'o 899.2 ▪ 15.0 2 'Ftx--f---4Wire x Fence ' sr. k 899.9/ cst ,.. x -„,,,,, 899.6 x x899.8 ..., /BUSHES „ ,South line of the East Half of Lot 5, Blk 2, NORMANDALE .--, TREES >o< •-•,...„,_ i n-.. .... / 899.8 IC / ,....,,....", \ L../ s...) i it \ L....L. i v 1,1_,.._;" / 71'0r1 Cs.. 7-17.)C-r- 7- I A ir-c•-r 1 121.0 ssq *5424" E T.W.-907. B.W. -903.0 0 901g 15.0 0 0.00000 901 902 x901.7 N 901.1 \\\\ x900.7 \/ ‘RLS 19922 2. Rock construction entrances shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity or after 905.1 existing driveway is removed. 3. Any sediment that reaches the existing street or adjacent property shall be removed immediately and measures shall be taken to prevent further sedimentation offsite. 4. All silt fences, bio rolls and catch basin inlet protection devises must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches of the height of the device. Repairs shall be Made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. 5. Rock construction entrance must be repaired or replaced when the rock becomes inundated with sediment and/or excessive sediment is being tracked from the site. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. N AtuLDING DEPARTMENT O N ?1N3 Z013 20 40 ( IN FEET ) REVISIONS 2, 3. 4. s. 6. DRAWN BY: Tb DESIGNED BY: 1335 ISSUE DATE: 9/26/13 I hereby certify that Ms plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my afired supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the lams of the State of Minnesota Narne: Brian 3. Krystafiak, Signature: „4. 4/4.364- Date: 9/26/13 Lkense 0: 25063 904.9 IC x 898.7 898.7 TC x898.3 0 0 0 • • 902.4 TC x 902.7 901.6 SAH 10 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DETAILS 310 133K 9/26/13 REVISIONS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: ISSUE DATE: 1. ENDS OF BIOROLL SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" HIGHER THAN BOTTOM OF 2. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL 3. SEE MNDOT SPECS 2573 & 3889. FLOW PATH. SILT FENCE ANCHOR W/ METAL T— POST OR WOOD 2"X2" STAKE DIRECTION OF FLOW FILTER FABRIC (36" MAX. HEIGHT) OPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE < 212 pm 6"X6" TRENCH (COMPACTED BACKFILL) mil I 111H11= '11E111=1 • _ 1E11 1E1 I lp I 1— III=III= - - I • UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE. 2. DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 3. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 6"X6" TRENCH. 5. SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 6. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 & 3886. COPOLYMER BARRIER FENCING (48" HEIGHT) ANCHOR W/ METAL T—POST OR WOOD 2"X2" STAKE TREE FENCE UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. TREE FENCING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT PER CALIPER INCH OF TREE DIAMETER FROM TREE(S) THAT IS/ARE TO BE SAVED. 2. ANCHOR POST MAY BE SPACED UP TO 10 FEET APART. 3. SECURELY ATTACH TREE FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF TWO ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 4. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2572. INFRASAFE - 2'x3 DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS — MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION — FILTER BAG INSERT" — DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES INFRASAFE - 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS — MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION — FILTER BAG INSERT" — DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3250—A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2" CLEAR ROCK (MIN.) 6" MIN. BUILDIN EPARTUSIT OCT 3 Z013 CITY OF EDINA BIOROLL DETAIL 1"x2" WOODEN STAKE 10" EMBEDMENT DEPTH NOTES: HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN VOUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS thereby Certf5/ that this plan, spedficatIon or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly LIcensei Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Name: Brian Krystafiak, RE. Signabtre: Date:I/26/13 License #: 25063 3 f 3