HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902824210091-08152012Property located in Section / / 19, Township 28, Range 24, //// Hennepin County, Minnesota' / / w-w-w-w 55C2"_ t., Wood Fence 0.6' South of Line 590.0 20.3 15,0 - 4) 1 1 1 Wood Fen 0.6' North is?f Line \ to Q() /Power w-w w-w-wl--w wwwww. vit ./ A A S 89°4327" E 119.01 Meas. . -w- X -X X Egress Well 3'7'0" W00,5)\ ••„0 Fencel rfL\ - •n\ **, 47.83 South Line of the North 67.5 feet of Lots I and 2 // 120.00/plat \ 146' rn Proposed Residence =-x--x I -5-Frame No. 553G peak 906.6 559.2 559. I 145, 32'4" 1'0" -- / _ 20.94 5591 - co \.tcy 6.946±. 9(8 1 1 I co 2.1FH r o z r /. x / 21(26 _ tn 7' tree i590.2 559.05 tcc z tcc 555.75 tcc 555.65 z g.) Overhead Wires I a!) I 557.2 / 1 Ix elem.(' 1 gl 1 1 Edge Pond Egress Well _Vs4.LL 71" I il I I / , 1 I 50.4± To Edge of Pond / o /' S 89°43'27" E 119.00 mlas / ui x-x Ir"--x . / '..--- Wood Fence / 557.5 / / / x / / 1 Wood ence 0.6' 11 - ` 1 - - - - I/ I 1 South of Line / , 1 i O'Cj ir -q/ ‘ II 6 I ' - 15555 I . % -1411F-4- \ I \ I \ Pole I Overhead Wires // // // Hardcover Lot area Building front Porch Rear Porch Total Percentage That part of Lots I and 2, Block 2, SUBDIVISION OF LITTEL PARK lying South of the North 67.5 feet, thereof Hennepin County, Minnesota 7,951 sq ft± 1,1351 sq ft± 1139 sq ft± (239 - 50 allowance) 613 sq ft± ( I 15 - 50 allowance) 2,105 sq ft± 26.4% cNi Water Elevation 554.7 Vinyl Fence 120.00 plat Vinyl FeWeie P°we Wood Fence 9:156 0.2' South .< 00 f.6L,' nSeout Pole 1i . ..n /0.7' North of Line 0) xix I u ,.. / of Line /tb / 0 to tl> / / . 13 1 % 22. I --Alt-- -c 033 /////////0t-e- s.. t / peak elev / / 905.3 / C.) / I -3-Frame / No. 5544 / // 10'10" 0 0 Driveway I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 15th day of August 2012. Signed Gregory asc Minn. Reg. No. 24992 oposed Site Plan Survey For: DONNAY HOMES INVOICE NO 80466 F.B.NO. 1059-62 SCALE: 1" = 20' Denotes Existing Contours / Denotes Proposed Contours • Denotes Found Iron Monument O Denotes Iron Monument O Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation ir;COGD Denotes Proposed Elevation -01111(--- Denotes Surface Drainage NOTE: Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked with approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction. Proposed grades shown on this survey are interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be verified by builder. Proposed First Floor Proposed Top of Block Proposed Garage Floor Proposed Lowest Floor Type of Building full Basement The Gregory Group d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No. 560-3522 §urtirTars Trrtiftirair 6-5-40 Ave_. og-5?- al • Dog I The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. Rev 8- I G- I 2 Pond setback 8-28- I 2 move house 0.54 north Basis for bearings is assumed Property Address: 5540 St. Johns Avenue Edina, Minnesota Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant at St. Johns Avenue & 56th Street West Elevation = 890.30 feet Existing First Floor Elevation - 891.9 Existing average elevation at front of house = 889.4 feet. Proposed average elevation at front of house = 890.9 feet. 892.9 89 I .2 890.9 883.4 21.0 Drawn By 5. At U41/1A341. File Name sip-1-2-2inva0466sitepian.dwg