HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002824310084-06262016889.6 x gag, • 8910 '2-0 8809 •iis- °at. 60 -4-8(1a4 8880 • 60 ' 50 0. m • 60 35 LOT 15 EXISTING HOUSE 13,94 O980I 887.2 • SE19°37'21“E 128.13 • 889.1 FULL BASEMENT 5841 BEARD AVE S. (889.3)8 1%0.8 Qi„ci< • 880 It; q A BSI{ OM) o- oa - O0004 73 X13874 ' __k ifMff if22.18•4 Usix U22. tt.4 • 7, 7 8901 • 13,94 60 • :072 „ \ 6 , ,.., UT= 'F 852.2 r S89°37'2I"E 128.13 4 8119.0 66 .1 FEr. WALL 08905 35 35- PFO- 894.3 N89°37'49"W 128.01 EXISTING FrE= HOUSE .'. 854.3 LOT 13 ASBUILT CONDITIONS if- 35 LOT 15 EXISTING HOUSE 642_1 • 659.5 • 6922 0 \10 \ 57 622_5 EME1041 1" alaig*Maln.1tAC.1"-- 29.8 • 24.2 °A. 1 n 869 5 " 6.I3X ;j) • ‘66.91 I 8W9°C1. Bite, is 2.0 609.1 38.lEN0a.3 BLOC 4 LOT 14 66/.2 • 889 3 PA/ 9 3 RET. VIALL"'. ç-- 08908 / / / /4'elt7 " / N89°37.49"W/18./0/1 EXISTING HOUSE LOT 13 391 1FON-zees 60 FULL BASEMENT 5841 BEARD AVE S. 35.3 saps , 915 • ass SI- it, ° TEE . ear 6885 LOE L 23.2 8805 o -a.o L ss .T - 22.0 We have shown the location of utilities on the surveyed property by observed evidence only. Existing Elevations Existing First Floor Elevation .090.0 Proposed Elevations t . .."" Proposed Garage Floor Elevation 490.5 Proposed First Dam Elevation = 891.8 Proposed Top of Foundation Elevation = 889.8 Proposed Basement Elevation =001.0 Proposed Hardcover Lot Area = 6,408 S.F. House Area = 1,852 S.F. Stoop Area = 68 S.F. Total taco= 1,920 S.F./6.408 S.F.(986% Trees Removed 10' Maple 4,4' Arborvitae 24' Oak DENOTES TREE REMOVED Asbuilt Elevations Aibuilt aunt Floor Fiesariuri =11594, Astatilt Top of Foundation Elevation ,74I89.6 Aibuill Firm Floor Elmmine = 891.3 SURVEY LEGEND ® CAST IRON MONUMENT 0 A/C UNIT O CATCH BASIN ED CABLE TV PEDESTAL 4 FLARED END SECTION IC ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER DO GATE VALVE 0 ELECTRIC MANHOLE 4 GUY WIRE 0 ELECTRIC METER tr HYDRANT 0 GAS METER O SURVEY MONUMENT SET 0 GAS VALVE • SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND -•-•-•- GUARD RAIL A 13 LIGHT POLE 40. SOIL BORING SURVEY CONTROL POINT 0 HAND HOLE TREE CONIFEROUS POWER POLE TREE DEODUOUS SANITARY mANHOLE O TELEPHONE MANHOLE O SAMTARY CLEANOUT In TELEPHONE PEDESTAL SIGN - TRAFFIC SIGNAL .9,2, GROUND ELEVATION • STORIA DRAIN • UTILITY MANHOLE (P) STORM MANHOLE • UTILITY PEDESTAL €8,1 WELL • YARD LIGHT I. 20 10 0 10 20 40 TOn%nn!1 SCALE IN FEET BITIPAINOUS -esat - BUILDING SETBACK LINE -cry- CABLE TV CONCRETE CURB COlICRETE eHrirqs 4,44414.4oneeturrox.0874 uotHan Sjeare MGM -1,23) Sao CONTOUR EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED - UT - DRAIN TILE -Dc- ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND -0-5- FENCE - FO - FIBER OPTIC leIDERGROUND -605- GAS UNDERGROUND OVERHEAD UTILITY -mmpviemm+EN RAILROAD TRACKS - - SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER -1 - 0.- TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND -O0. UTIUTT UNDERGROUND - I - IYATERMAIN DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED Lot 14, Block 4, HARRIET MANOR, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County. Minnesota. NOTES PROPOSED CONDITIONS SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL NOTES Storm water, Sediment, and Erosion Control Contad: Matt Blackketter LDK Builders Inc. Phone 612-886-5963 Construction Sequencing I. Install rock berm entrance. 2. Install sot fence around construction she. 3. Ship and stockpile existing soil. 4. Stabilize stockpile areas. B. Excavate for new house foundation. 6. Pour and backlit foundation. 7. Construct new house. 8. After construction completion. stabtize with seed, sod, and/or landscaping. B. Remove silt fence and reseed areas disturbed by removal. Erosion Prevention The contractor Is for planning and implementing appropriate construction phasing, vegetatNe buffer strips, horizontal slope grading, and other construction practices that will minimize erosion. Site Address: 5841 Beard Avenue South, Edina, MN 55410 This property Is contained In Zone X (Areas outside the 1-percent annual chance floodplain, areas of 1% annual chance sheet flow flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, areas 01 1% annual chance stream flooding where the contrIbutMg drainage area Is less than 1 square mile, or areas protected from the 1% annual chance flood by levees. No Base Flood Elevations or depths are shown within this zone. Insurance purchase Is not required in these zones.) per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 27053C0364E, effective date of September 2.2004. The Gross land area Is 6,40801-square feet or .147.1- acres. Elevations are based on TON ELEV @5845 Beard Ave S., Edina= 890.94 Feet The current Zoning for the subject property Is R-1 (Low Density Single Family Residential District) per the City of Edina zoning map. The setback, height, and floor space area restrictions for said zoning designation were obtained from the City of Edina web she. SETBACKS: Front Average Distance = 35 Feet Side = 12 Total, 5' min. Rear = 25 Feet Please note that the general restrictions for the subject property may have been amended through a city process. We could be unaware of such amendments if they are not In a recorded document provided to us. We recommend that a zoning letter be obtained horn the Zonkvg Administrator for the conclusive restrictions for this site. TM= To limit soil erosion, all areas of exposed soil must be stabilized within 14 days of construction being temporarily or permanently ceased. The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch, scrub. or diverler around the site must be stabilMed within 20 lineal feet of the pmperty edge, or from the point of discharge into any surface water. Stabilization of the last 20 lineal feet must be completed within 24 hours of connecting to a surface water. The remaining portions must be completed within 14 days conceding to surface water and construction in that area and construction in that area has been completed. Sediment Control The contractor is responsible for preventing or minimizing sediment loss horn construction where runoff can enter into environmentally sensitive areas and drainage systems. Sediment control measures must be Installed doyen gradient prior or in conjunction with soil disturbing actNities. Storm drain inlets most be protected with sediment capture devices prior to soil disturbing activities and remain in place for the duration of construction. A rock construction entrance must be Installed to minimize sediment tracking Into the streets by vehkies. lithe rock entrance 16 not adequately minimizing sediment tracking, street sweeping 15 10 be used. Inspections and Maintenance Ills the responsibility of the contractor to maintain erosion and sediment control devices throughout the duration of construction. Including inspection and repair of all devices and disturbed areas. The actual installation and modifications to erosion and sediment control devices may differ from the control plan to help prevent water runoff based on actual field conditions. Stormater Control Final grading of the construction site will allow for adequate water runoff and avoid accumulation of storm water and maintain existing drain patterns as mush as possible lo avoid any damage to adjacent properties. I hereby certify that this plan or specification was prepared by moor under my (tired supervision and that I am a duly registered professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Nathan R. Herman, P.E. Date: 10-06-15 Lis. No. 7 51- ci6s Wei c9oog3 91-43 (e,0-1--1 Ave, on DATE t3112/1016 REVISION Rh-MED FOOTPRINT -144ROCOyER USE (INCLUDING COPYING, MI180W001I, 0040013 CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION) OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT SATHREBERGOUIST, 150.9 EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT SAID AIITHOM7ATICIN C.ONIRSITI nrg AN II I MITA/ATE USE AND I hereby certify that this survey, plan or moon mos prepared by mc or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surreyor under the laws of the State of !Minnesota. TVVP.028 - RGE.24 SEC.20 Project City: Edfna County CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FILE NO. 5035-118 BRV 111142015 HOUSE STAKED POIELI3 FS3M0A3103.93,3.7 Dated tips 591day of October, 2015. _, SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. e 17,21/2015 GRADING ASBUILT