HomeMy WebLinkAbout2811721210125-06152009u_ N-) 00 00 E o 0 jci 0 0 L LU `-" 0)E Fo 51] FOUND IRON . . . . . . . . . . . ' . • x x x x x L., ni- (n< 20,0 LOOR _ 6.00 c, tx c)ril BITUMINOUS cz?< ce.40 40 coN-c5 BITUMINOUS rt.\ c)N• 0 q, c(1/* / / >*,_, 0 / / / / / '`Z / / "'6, 7) ) ,90, / / / / / `96( k9 /__ 7142 6 6 -- - 7:1REs / .55( ( - - ' A >e 'c5) (i)/ ELEV.= 895.97 / / cct!? 0 TOP OF BLOCK _ ELEV.= 896.43 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 12, THIELEN'S BROOKSIDE, Hennepin County, Minnesota. GENERAL NOTES 1. The bearing system used is assumed. 2. The location of the underground utilities shown hereon, if any, are approximate only. PURSUANT TO MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3. Site area = 9,880 square feet = 0.227 acres. 4. This survey was made on the ground. 5. No current title work was furnished for the preparation of this survey, legal description, recorded or unrecorded easements and encumbrances are subject to revision upon receipt of current title work. 6. Elevation datum is based on City of Edina data. Bench mark is located TNH NE Cor. Thielen Ave. & W. 44th St. (NOT SHOWN ON SURVEY) Elevation = 894.25 LEGEND I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. June 15, 2009 Thomas E. Hodorff Minn. Reg. No. 23677 PRIMO JUN 23 200q FINISHED FLOOR HARRY S. JOHNSON CO. INC N 1\ FINISHED FLOOR L_ ELEV.= 895.48 — —906 — — --- X 851.27G X 934.3 CERTIFICATION: Date: L FINTED E V.= 89.1.56G in Inc es) BLOCK RETAINING WALL --\\ 6)- \LIJ L; AL 14-I 9 -- - Ft5:9 '0 (9 9 6, N? 92 •0 N• q§6 29,8 \ ROCK WALL FINISHED FLOOR _ ELEV.= 897.28 -sN, cb cbv. INI .H D FLOOR 7/ // L 'TF OF BLOCK ELEV.=893.77 FINISHED FLOOR ELEV.=895.09 •6' 9 qi \ OVERHANG CHIMNEY >9,9)39.1 X8,91 ar q5) ‘.9.?4) c91;, • \ CO (9 (0 9 34.5 is3 (-11 ••5< . •u, 0, FINISHED FLOOR >c9 A \ ELEV.=895.06 89°57'06" tx• cb WINDOW WELL - 42.9 0/F .7-829 -74383 THIELEN AVENUE 7/2-STORY STUCCO HOUSE/// /FOOTPRINT AREA = 1,976 SQ. FT. / /// EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING HOUSE \\\ - 16.3/ 0 13fr / / / /' 25.2 6.64 (01 ci°3 ''i'MtnR?":93-1/15..2)S:97. 7CP:4 / &144SS*IS 0,4ststs? totraststi, or '3(1 \ '70 $ oPtsirtS, r(?) I 6 " "AA OA a N:9) 9571- - P A TIO/ PAA/ERSX89 c,y 94.3 rt, (1\1? / / • %,C)-' cCci? / '5- / / 06-8 9'10" W WOOD (tc3) AT_ RETAINING WALL cfot) / -X I (9 4 . co 7, 9 't-7:-. z .L20.4 z / vl ,bcb / vX 1 °.)''-'-'/- / IS P/3 / 'LI \ \ / / - / So is / / coc° (9 / • / /50 FlOOT 4ETBAC /LINE! cb 9 / \ / / / / 7 I LFRO(v1 WCIOD T/IM E/R S co co \ WOOD >- - TIMBERS r /1/ 1.1,1 883.2 4C, (9j\ , co • (9 co co \ +/- 883.4 NNN IHSJ BENCHMARK i \--ITOP OF NAIL I IE LEV =892 19 L • • _I 883.3 1/ CID I CIDCbl I I I / / /CIT/ .1\ 883.1 at3t, 0 883.2 13.1 +/- cn I •"*- CD 1a7) Found Property Monument Concrete Concrete Curb Fence Overhead Electric Underground Telephone Water Gas Sanitary Sewer Electric Meter Power Pole Air Conditioning Unit Deciduous Tree (Diameter Existing Contour Existing Spot Elevation Gultter Existing Spot Elevation I CAD File: 2009194.DWG Path: J: \2009194\DWG\ Revision History: co (7. 2 LEGEND 411_ FOUND IRON Found Property Monument Minn. Reg. No. 23677 Thomas E. Hodorff 34.5 \ WOOD >--- TIMBERS r 883.2 TOP OF BLOCK _ ELEV.=896.43 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 12, THIELEN'S BROOKSIDE, Hennepin County, Minnesota. GENERAL NOTES 1. The bearing system used is assumed. 2. The location of the underground utilities shown hereon, if any, are approximate only. PURSUANT TO MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3. Site area = 9,880 square feet = 0.227 acres. 4. This survey was made on the ground. 5. No current title work was furnished for the preparation of this survey, legal description, recorded or unrecorded easements and encumbrances are subject to revision upon receipt of current title work. 6. Elevation datum is based on City of Edina data. Bench mark is located TNH NE Cor. Thielen Ave. & W. 44th St. (NOT SHOWN ON SURVEY) Elevation = 894.25 — —906— — -- X 851.270 X 934.3 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. June 15, 2009 Concrete Concrete Curb Fence Overhead Electric Underground Telephone Water Gas Sanitary Sewer Electric Meter Power Pole Air Conditioning Unit Date. BLOCK _ RETAINING WALL ---\\ B9 560 ,.;\• 4,‘") In es) LOOR _ 6.00 co tx Ix 0;11 / (9,5, LIJ .9 7 LU LIJ <AT I —7 \LIJ &" 7 4, c.,c3N-1 - G-L--/ F -VY9„ '0 BITUMINOUS I> (D)N. ce, BITUMINOUS 40 Cl 4?‹ 40 cbc' FINISHED FLOOR _ ELEV.= 897.28 —N . ••.•\ .. • . • . FiOCK•.'WALL ... . . . . . . . . ... FINISHED FLOOR ,/ ELEV.=895.09 HED FLOOR / LEV.=893.41 TOP OF BLOCK ELEV.=893.77 CA / °kV / ei "I-. FINISHED FLOOR Iccr ELEV.=895.06 —PS/ _B95-- 89°57'06" 42.9 F" /7/ THIELEN AVENUE 7/2—STORY STUCCO HOUSE /FOOTPRINT AREA = 1,976 SQ. FT.- co/ EXISTING HOUSE \ \ EXISTING HOUSE \\\ I FINISHED FLOOR L_ ELEV.=895.48 94. 20 10 0 / 20 SCALE IN FEET 9'10" W ›,e W RETAINING WALL AOLL Li-,-' // / op evi XCbCP. z 0(2) >5/ )9' // CPsi CO- / /6)0" <1, / o E cbtl- 42 • lb , 1/ gv- / 6).61 ,/ —s-rpNE evx STAIRS 1 6'140 I %go) zz I TzT) // / /c,a8I co ‘95rX ,‘t / c")J / ' 0\ 1 1 I iso• 1 Is'es' ,, , , Go -__. ./ , / \ , , 1 1 ,/ .. v. )_ 50 i OOT .JETBAC /LINE co /"' / F' OOT .6,X1 co°),,I ,z(F-Rum`''' WO/OD TAM . ERS // 7) / -k' 6,,.5., PC \fr Ifbc)i./ I/ // / /1 ii /:.• I os) °,3 op/ / -L 1606. FINISHED FLOOR ELEV.= 895.97 883.4 883.2 n +/- 883.3 IHSJ BENCHMARK \--ITOP OF NAIL I IIELEV.=892.19 683.0 '4.. 883.1 Lo.. co 883.1 ° i.() 0 0 n5_,..J Cid Lid . o FIN IHED E V.--= Deciduous Tree (Diameter in Existing Contour Existing Spot Elevation Gultte Existing Spot Elevation I Revision History: CAD File: 2009194.DWG Path: \2009194\DWG\