HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902824240002-12222009LEGAL DESCR/P770N. The east 68.00 feet of the west 346.00 feet of the north 178.00 feet of the south 3/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24. N 892.8 x 35' Spruce 893.6 x _ --50 Spruce x • Denotes iron monument found o Denotes /%0/7 monument set x 000.0 Denotes existing e/ev (000.0) Denotes proposed e/ev Denotes surface drainage SITE ADDRESS: 4617 TOWER ST. EDINA, MN 55436 -Ex/syri7g Structures, .9/71/eivoy oro' Seekra/ks /o be removed- -P/ease co/me ier-i7a approved bui7d/i7g p/ors for consfrucfibr CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY S 89°51'06" E 613.00 TOWER STREET \ O O found inn 053 Ect. 042 S x 892.4 -895 690- x 891.2 x 896.6 carport x 896.6 89 0 \ 68.00 x 894.4 found 061 E 0.31 S 15 Tree 1 x 893.5 A Concrete Sidewalk • N 24.76 Existinc 2 Story House #4317 0.65 13.17 17.96 Existing Conc. Patio rn 893.6 x / g96 Top Fdn.=898± FFE = 899.16 Adjacent House G0 Adjacent \ Garage 3 x 892.9 CZ / sZI -^•-• ,--s kr'S rci m 1* oz\ 3.5 3.5 <3. 3.5 a 3.5 Covered Porch 13.23 gl 16.04 12.8 893.8 N (894) 8931 X 5.04 X 8930 O / ICS Adjacent House GROSS PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE Building* 2,232 Sq.Ft. O C\1 Patios (375-150)** 225 Sq.Ft. CC; Total Building Coverage 1 2 2 ,:} 1 6 0 7 4 Sq.Ft. Lot Lot Area . W) C:2 Z of Coverage = 20.3 Z NET PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE Building* 2,232 Sq.Ft. Patios (375-150)** 225 Sq.Ft. Total Building Coverage 2,457 Sq.Ft. Lot Area 9,860 Sq.Ft. Z of Coverage = 24.9 Z Top Fdn.=892.7± FFE = 893.3 (893.3) Gar. 22.95 5.04 891.6 Tower Street Setback Average: 4629 = 28.4 4621 = 29.8' 4617 = 29.8' 4613 = 31.6' 4609 = 29.7' 4609 = 29.3' Total =178.6' 29.8' average setback e>" tc. 68.00 891 St- 89°51'06" E B90 889- *includes covered porch **does not include sidewalks x 892.3 REVISED:9/03/10- final as-built REVISED:4/ V10 REVISED:3/25/10 REV1SED:1/11/10 Old Home First Floor Elev.= Existing First Floor Elev.= Old Home garage floor elev. = Existing garage floor elev. = Proposed top of foundation elev.= Existing top of foundation elev.= 0//%77e/75//75- 895.5 895.02 894.1 894.12 894.5 894.5 DEMARS-GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 6875 WASHINGTON AVE. SO. SUITE 209 Edina, MN 55439 Phone:(952) 767-0487 Fax: (952) 767-0490 I hereby certify that this survey plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. As surveyed by me this 22nd day of December, 2009. File No. 13779 PREPARED FOR; 57/Fekv- Assoc&ts Book-Page Scale 1"=20' David E. Crook Minn. Reg. No. 22414 -/./1/7/[- 6e /9-; PDF created with odfFactory trial version www.odffactorv.com 7 rc'inci/Fiez, CD 0 concrete curb