HomeMy WebLinkAboutArrowhead Lake Macrophytes_20140811!? Typha sp. Typha sp. Typha sp. Scirpus sp. Iris versicolor Chara sp. 1Myriophyllum spicatum 1Potamogeton sp. 1-2Ceratophyllum demersum 1 Nymphaea odorata Ceratopyllum demersum 1Potamogeton sp. (narrow) 2Chara sp. 3Nitella sp. 1-2Najas sp. 1 Nymphaea odorataNuphar lutea (sparse) Chara sp. 2Najas sp. 1-2 Zosterella dubia 1 Nitella sp. 1 Chara sp. 1Najas sp. 1Potamogeton sp. 1-3+Nitella sp. 1-3 Chara sp. 1Nitella sp. 1-3Potamogeton sp. 2-3 Nymphaea odorata (sparse) Typha sp. Nymphaea odorataNuphar lutea (sparse) Nymphaea odorataNuphar lutea (sparse) Scirpus sp. Typha sp. Typha sp. Nymphaea odorata (sparse) Chara sp. 1-2 Lythrum salicar ia Typha sp. Typha sp. Chara sp. 1 Typha sp. Typha sp. Typha sp.Scirpus sp. Nitella sp. 3+ Iris versicolor Nymphaea odorata (sparse) Potamogeton sp. 2-3 Nitella sp. 2-3 Chara sp. 1Nitella sp. 2-3 Iris versicolor Water QualityMonitoring Location !;N 0 75 150 Meters 0 300 600 Feet B a r r F o o t e r : A r c G I S 1 0 .3 , 2 0 1 5 -0 5 -1 2 1 4 :3 3 F i l e : I :\C l i e n t \N i n e _M i l e _C r e e k _W D \W o r k _O r d e r s \2 3 2 7 0 6 3 4 _P r o j e c t \M a p s \M a c r o p h y t e _M a p s \2 0 1 4 \A r r o w h e a d L a k e M a c r o p h y t e s _2 0 1 4 0 8 1 1 .m x d U s e r : k a c 2 ARROWHEAD LAKE MACROPHYTESURVEY August 11, 2014Nine Mile Creek Watershed District !?Water Quality Monitoring Location Emergent Plants Floating Leaf Plants Submerged Aquatic Plants No Aquatic Vegetation *Note: Bold red name indicates extremely aggressive/invasive introduced species. FIELD NOTES:- No macrophytes found in water > 6.0 to 7.0'- Macrophyte densities estimated as follows:1=light; 2=moderate; 3=heavy- Ceratophyllum demersum observed - sporadic, light density- High water level- Algal mats (submerged and floating), less dense than June- Iris versicolor sporatic along entire lake perimeter- Aerators off- Lake treated with Tribune and Copper sulfate on 6/25 and 7/25- Myriophyllum spicatum: no visual or sampled specimens exceptsouthwest basin- Potamogeton crispus: no visual or sampled specimens Imagery Source: 2012 Twin C itites - U SGS(MNGeo WMS) Com m on Nam e Scie nt ific Nam e Bus hy pondw eed Naj as s p.Coontail Cer atophyl l um demers umEurasion w ate r m ilfoil M yr i ophyl l um spi ca tumMuskgrassChara s p.Nar row leaf pondw eed Potamogeton s p.Stonew or t Ni tel l a s p.Water s targras s Zosterel l a dub i a Com m on Nam e Scie nt ific Nam e White w ater lily Nymphaea odorataYellow w aterlily Nuphar l utea Com m on Nam e Scie nt ific Nam e Bulrus h Sc i rpus s p.Cattail Typha s p.Ir is bluef lag Ir i s ver si c ol orPurple loos e s tr ife Lythr um sa l i ca r i a Subm e r ge d Aquatic Plants Float ing Le af Plants Em e r ge nt Plants