HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllata's First Addition0 ALLATA'5 CUAtk, C IELo �U NOWNV, Ent�ineeryL 5urvcNors o¢cember,1954 Scale C'�% W, 49TR S -r. FIRST HENNEPIN GOUNTY,MINN, ADDITION Know all mon by these pro%06 tial lhom15 Cordal15 and Mqaret Gorbh5, his wife, and Russett T. Lund, and Harold L15ne, and the First National 6an4 o} Minneapolis a5 651ec5, owners and proprio}ars and Rhoda 5. Lund? o4 Qus50 T. Lund, and Mary F. LySne, r;i}e 64 Harold LySne, j the �ollowing 4566bed Property tiAuate in the Sia}e o� Minnsbota, and Coun}y j Hennepin, }orikthat pari o! the north i 04 l0}5 54 and 55, AuMor5 5uhdiv16ion N° m Hennepin Coun}y, Minnesota lying norlharly o westerly a hn5ion o� the north line 4 the 5ouih w9.5icA o Lo} 32, paid Auditory 6ubdiviyton N° have caused the same to be surveyed anb Platted 15 M -L.ATN's f M.5T NDDlTV4, and do hereby donate and dedicate 1c, the public, {or the public, otic forever the 5lreel a5 yhown on the annex ed plat. in witness wherea� we have hereunto 5c{ our hands and %e ly lily day o� ND.I*L ;and Said First National Punk c,4 Minneapolis has caused lhe% pre5eni5 }o ba signed by its proper o4{icc5 and its corporate scat to bs hereunto a��ixed %5 —6y j A.D. o%. In Presence of �-- A5lo Thomas eordik (seat) Nd Mar� are} eeM65 (seal) ASto 0.umll T. wnd (5c8l) 1 and Rhoda s. Load (soot) } Ay to Harold L150e (heal) Jand Mary F. LYm In Prasenu o} - �IQST NATIONAL. 5ANIC DC MIN NCAROL15 16 Vice Prc4h O il5 8551 5cuclary Stale o� Minnesota M. Coun}y o{ Nonnepin On this day o� A.O. mz 5 be{ore me , a Notary public, within and for said Gounl� , Personally appeared Thomas Gardalis and MarVrA Co U(5, hi5 wifiyrid 65%11 T. Lund and Rhoda 5. Lund, his wilt and Ilsrold Ly5ne and Mary F. Lysnc hiy rime to me known to be It persons described in and who eRcuted the �oreQuoing imirummn and they acknowledge Thal they exeA- od game a5 their own �me ac} and deed, No}ary Public,, Hannepin County, MtnneSo�a My Gammi55ion ExPireS stale o� Minnesota Gounty � Hennepin 55. On lily day of U. on before me, a Nota Public, por5onaily appeared Frank 6. aleck and Jarl 015en, to me personally known, who being by me. each duly sworn, did 5af that lhty are respectively the Vice presidant and Ass}. 5eore g7 0 the Fu5� Na6mo tank. aE Minneapo}i5, lho corporation in the oretoin� ins}rumen}, that }he 5cal 31f ixed to Said in51runIO 15 the Corporate haat o %id corpor8tlon, that Said iWromenk was 51Qmd and Sealed in behalf o{ sold cop?001ion by iotho A` o� it5 board � 01re4m and #hey xbowled�d Said instrument to be the �m au} and deed o� 53id corporation. Iva}ary Public, hlennep'ln Coun}y, Minnesota My Commission E�;�ires Slate o� Minnesota 56. County o Hennepin 1 do hereby that 1 have surveyed and pla}lad the Property dcscnbed on this plat as ALLr\TA'S FhR T AooiTloN,ihal this plat i5 a correct representation of 5aid survey; that all 66aces are corrachly shown on the p}a} in �mt and dee+mala o� a �oo�" that the monuments {or gVlbrite o� future surveys have bead correctly placed in the ground 05 yhown on the plat; thel the outside boundary Lines are correctly d0iQWa d on the plafi; that the land i5 correc,tly Shown on the plat and hi there arc no hey lands or public highways }o 6 deylgna}ed on 5aid Plat other than a5 5hown thereon. 5urveyor5- Mi(lfmoia Re�0ot ,ion W ul Above 5u6scrlbed and Sworn to boort me on this day o� A.D. t95L. No}ary public, 1-lennepin County, MinneSo�a My Commission E�QireS Thisplat was approved and as ?W b 4he Viliagp uunchl of Edina, Minnesota, ata re thr meeti[A lheroo� held this day 1 .0.1952. VIL.b,t�GE COUNCIL„ DINNA MLNNC.SOTA by �Mayor by Clerk