HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolane Additionp //1Yor/h //pie of A/,C %4 ill/le /d." Jec. 8 T, //6, X,01 ..___^70 hrte o/ fhe Norfh al,Alle /YlW 4 .fee, 3/eel o//he Eorf 24acres a///,e //6, Rz/. Scv/e //oo' S. M. �\W v CAROLANE ADDITION. M. J. BERsGHEID. Surveyor. KNOW ALL IW -N BY T 111E5E" Ah 5E/YT5; 7h41we 11wol B C7-uncle7�son 4rlcl Oegfrice G. �ctndey sort, own ers >rt .fee of the fo/%w/hy' ele.scrlhetl lz,roloer K /,O -W/ /; The /YorlhFour hvr� dreq� 1`hir y-fhree (433) feel of fhe Z" ,,,V Tweri1y ,'`our, <.2¢� Acres of fhe /t�orfheQsf Qu4rfer (ly!:%) of the /Yor¢/7cves7� Quarfer CN,VY.%g) of 5ecf>ar1 E'i�fi/ C8), Towe/skC✓ One-huri�req'- six/een CIl6)> 7�arrge Twee-oi7e C2/). hove cause j f%e 9.6ove fo be /Qin ouf �n-�o lot's B/oc .sheet 4/2q' the saswe fo be /mowl? 4s "CAR0LANF' A.W/T/ON' 47r�41 .for pub/lc use forever q// sfreefs shown orr sal(l pl 1. Sfreel/s ads .showw 6 the lvlvf o/7 lhis uie here�6y q'e4'icgte '7'o fhe lovb/ic W> f/7 e.ss our h 9h d q� d sea/ fhls. -5 d�ry of Wlfness for Pawl B. Crunder.son. W1.1-17 e55 for 8e4 ae G. Gun9'er-.Son, { S fA/e of /Y/1/7,7e.507�Z Cour)/y of f/eane/o/l2 f On fhls q'af ofd A.D. /g5 before /ne q Mno`4r Pu 611c /n ��e for /he couhfy A//r�nesofQ, oe-rsor7olly app,eare Pav/ B. rrjWngerson' 4V7 Be4V7`r/ce C. CrUnder.son ar>d each by me /rhown fo he the persons //7 a74' who execafeV fhe forey'oih,q /nsr`rumenf Qnq' each ac%/wow/eggeV such fo be the/r oain free acf q-r2q' 4'eeq/. /Yo/yy Pahl/c, f/err/7e/ol>? cour�fy/1�/ih/Iesofq> !� " - S/ar/e of /Yf/naesot'g1 S.S. Cozen/y of //eonepin J I hereby cerfify 1fi4/l I have .5urveye V fhe ;Kescr1hegl //� >ahe q'egica7`ioq 017 70h/s sheep o174' 9'iv/4'eV /fie "Ive 11.7- /o Lofs, .B/oc%s or/,cl -51eeeits 4s shover! .dy ffie p/o/ hereon w///ch correct'/{' siiorY3 such c l yl.fl on, 1hg7/ S9/q' lo7cs 4�9' blocks qre Numb ere q/ /r� ,orogressive t1c1m6ens as .5hoaur7 on .sf✓41q(p1 lh&7 1h q'ime/-rs>or7 of 4//161-s 4fhgl Me wiq'lh o7c c>// sfree& ore correCf� - ;&Wp /�! /`eel ar/q' q'eciir�a�/S cv`a , Oof lhgf f`ie rr/oc:urr>er/74s trot fhe cwlgl4nce of Aa lure surveys have oee/7 lo%ceq' //.7 fhe ground 9s lar//cafeVoa swio`/o/vf /f,�✓l fhe fo1oogr4pphy /rr eorred� sheai/i, Thal rhe ou/slc% houa4'lrry /ir�es qre correc/y shorar�� �hr/l (here are nc we/ /alwq's crpu6/ic h/ghways fo he ee.si9r7a/eci ort saiq'p/off o/`her r�h4// /s ereoq sfiow�. This o,f a7p�vroveq� �e9isr�ere9� l.�aq' surreJ-or; /1'riilrl, �`/3s9 Su6scr�6eq' crr/q' sworn/ befdi ore e a Aoi`vey Pub//c, /a a,17V .for fhe cour7 fy of year�epa� /Y/i» l>esor`Q fhis o>` _/95Z, /Y0/47 ,Dubuc, fi/e`raepla coup fy, /Y/iar>esofq 6r fhe vi//4f Council of /he vi//49e of Edirrq �.airesol/q, cr/Q fe9ular WeellI19 fie/l /his Yil/Q9eneso/'`q 6y /r`s i�resi4'er�7` l�eCDrq'eJ^ sP4/