HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreston Hills0 v a H W H X i F JOHN E.CAROARELLE SURVEYOR OCTOBER 1946 Th/s ,o/a/ was approved and accented by the P'lll 'qe COUnO;I of Edna, Minnesota a/ a regU/or meetipq (hereof he/d the Sf. AO /947 f//L L AGE COUNCIL OF ED/N Q, M11VNf_ SOTA by 11,111 �f'resident '' — recorder .State of Minnesol--a County of Hennepin SS /hereby certify That /have Surveyed and/�/a/fed the 01-0,0er�ly described on (his plat as "Creston Hi//s, f-tenneoin Counl-y;' Minnesota; that fh�s /at rs a correct representation of said survey; /hal` a// distances are correct/y shown ort the ,o/al /n fee/ and decli7a/s of q fool`'; fhaf /he -no,-7umer7/s for quidance of future surveys have been correctly ,o/aced in /he q'-ound as ShOWI.2 on /he o/a7 that /he ou/side boundry 11�7e,S' are correc(/y shown on fhe p/qf fhaf Me /009-0 of the /and rs correc//y shown on the P/at; and that (here are no wet' /ands or oub/rc hiyhwzrys fo be designated O/V paid ,o/at o>her 117017 as shown fhereorz Sur -'-Or ,4bove cerfif/cate subscribed orno'sworn before me this IL4 day of �- A.D. 1946. ' CRESTON HILLS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA N SCALE 1" =100' -- ,— -„” IV//,,, ulna /-w/ U/, /f/C- rveS/- //ne OT Me JO0;rl?WeS1 C✓Uarter of )eCI`/Or/ -YO State of Minnesota County of h enneo/n SS' On Phis /6 day of ods _ AD. /946 before Notary Public within and for said county and state„persona//y aooearedJudsonL. Crouse and Emma (-I h/s wife to me persona//y known, who each du/y sworn, did say /ha/ they executed the foregoincl instrument of ded cation as their free act and deed. /-now a// men by these presents; that vve,✓udson L.Crouse, and Fn/AO Crouse,h/s wife, owners and ,uro/orietors o{ /he /-O//Ow//79 described /�)ro-)el /y situated i/? the County of//enneoin, State ofMii,nesotaI CS fo/%ws: Commencil?q a/ a ,00//-7 1- on the SOU112 //i/e of Scc71711- y610), To;lvr)sf)io 1'wcn11v-eiyht(28), /vorth Twenty four (l4) West to the Foul th (dlh)Prmuloa/ Meridian Thiry -eight (38)Cfroiiu (21)d /arty -four r44) /inks Ent o{the South-west Cor/X-/-, thence East on the Section fine Five (S) C/'C/nU and /1- "7 <f/J fihkS tO the Quarter(//4Jsect/on corner-, thence North to the ceWer- of said section the)ce lyesl on fhe 4k/orterr//4 Section fine fo apoint on saidfi�e Thiry eigM(38)choins and Forty-four (44)/nks L as t ofthe /Northwest corner Of the Southwest quarler(SW. 1/4)ofsoid seclion T/h/i-1v(-�O) thence Souih fo the P/ace o{b(5'yinniny Thirty- eight (39) cha n5 onc/ Eyhty -seven (671/inks, accord nq to /tic Gauer /� - rnent Survey /hereof, and —that .part of the East One-hcff(%2)of-Southrvest qu4rter(Si9///4Jof SecTio� thin/(30)Townshj� Twenty-eight (28), /Uorlh /?ange 7, venty four(24) loves r of>he Four/h/4/17) /'1 i�c /tileridro� desribed os follows: Com1nenei%e q on the /Von //7 line of the Sw outhest quarfer(Sl�!t/�t)o{said sect/on Th rly (30) at cYpo/n/` 253/"fEas/ of the korthwest Corner ofsoid Southwest quarter (SLV.7/4), thence Southparallel with the West /iae of said ,Southwest quarter (S.W,//4) to fhe South /ine thereof, (hence West a/onq said South 1/%7e 38/3 feet, /hence /UOr/h para//e/ with /he West /ine 1/7ereOf, t0 the North line of Sold SOUthWest thence East a/onq said /NOrth /ine 381.3 feet to veginninq, including Qr7lv part or portion of any street or a//ey ad- Jacent /o said prem yes, heretofore vacated or to be vacated occordinq to rhe Un/fed States Survey thereat have caused fhe same /o be surveyed Ond p/at/ed ds: CRESTO/V HILLS, HE/VNEPI/U COUNTY, A1111VNES01'A"a/r al do hereby donate and dedicate /o the .Public, Us -a forever the Streets, Roads, Avenues, L ares, Droves and Parrs os shown on the annexed p/a% /n witness whereof, We have here_U01O set our �mnds and affixed our Seals this /6x17 day of d AD /916 /n pres�rce Of , Jiynpd Ro co,w� /