HomeMy WebLinkAboutDelaney's AdditionSCALE: 1"= 20' O Denotes Iron Mon. Bearings Are Assumed MAY, 1959 It* J.M. — _ _J.M. ZA DELANEY'S HENNEPIN COUNTY, e of N 701h 51reel and N. line of NW, -41, Sec.31, T. Z8, R. 24 .200.0 •- W. 70 th 4 BLOCK STREET ONE //0 0 a i M. R ^•wv.v•- naa ac Dv c 15. line a f Me N. i93 fl of the C 660 # of the NE. ¢ o1r1he N41,x , Sec. 31 MINNESOTA JOHN E. CAR®ARELLE SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that John J. Delaney and Margarel Catherine Delaney, husband and wife owners and proprietors of the foilowinq described property situaledirr the County ofHennepin, State ofIVInnesola, �o wit: The North One Hundred Ninety-three (l93) reef oflhe Wesl Two Hundred (200) {eel offhe East Six hundred Sixty (660) feel offhe Norlheasl Quarler (NE¢) offhe Norlhwesl Quarfer (NW¢) of Section 31, Township 28, ?angeZ4, except Thal part fhereo{taken for road. Have caused the same lobe surveyed and plalled as DELA NEY 5 ADD/T/ON' and do herebyy donate and deolicafe to lhe,oablic for,ou6/c use %revel- the street as sflown on the annexedplal; sublecl Yo the ulilify ana`draina�e easements as shown on the annexedplal, for use ofmun/cipa&y or otherpv6h/ utilities forins/a//a/ion and moinleaance offacililies inslalled in andover said easemenfs to serve adacenf or other premises in the vieini/y. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals MIS !a*- day of A.0 /959. Sian d: STATE OF MiNNE50TA C OUN T Y OF HENNEPIN S. S. On ihis4- ay of -1� A.D. /959, before me, a Nolary Public, within and for said County and Stale, did persona//jy appear John J. e/aney an4' Margaret Cafherine Delaney, husband and wife, to me persona/ly known, who each being duly sworn, dd say lhallhey are 1hepersons describedin and who execufeo'fhe foregoing inslrumenl and acknowledged that they executed fhe same as (heir own �ee��ac_`�an deed. CSG/� ��.::�'" Notary P41,61ic, e-nneoin County, Minnesota My Commissin Expires 071- e Mi= I hereby certify lhal / have surveyed and plalled the properly deseribedon lh/s plal as DELANEY S ADDITION; lh lhis p/al !s a correct represenlation of said survey; /hal all dstances are correctly shown on the plat in feel and dec/mals of a {ool; /hal monuments forguidance of fulure surveys have been correctly ;re the ground as shown on lheplaf,- lhal the oals/de boundary lines are correctly designaledon theplaf• thal there are no wellands orpublic highways lobe designaled on said plat other lhao as shown hereon; and /haffhe l000gr;q/ohy offhe /andis correctly shown oh saidplaf Surveyor No. 566 J.M. STATE OFM/NNESOTA 5.5 COUNT Y OF HENNEP/N Above certilicale subscribed andsworn to be%re me lhis� dayf ofd`% A.D /959. s This p/al was checked andaoproveo' lhis Zo6day of &4y A^D. 1939. 1 Thisp/al was recommended Ar approval bylhe P/arming Commission offhe VlIlageof Edna, Minnesota, alare tllarmeefinq fheWe , held lh/s i�ti� day of A.,O /959, P/an inq J mission of the Village ofEarna, Minnesota. Chairman This p/al was approved and acc�eoled by fhe VIlloye Council of the Edna, Minnesola, a1 aregalar meet/;q lhere o1, held lhis -Lh` day of A. D. /.y'59. V//lage Council of Edina, Minnesota ' (7 Mayor / i i/" , �'='r- ; . �`� !/illa�e Manager �� N M I y 0 C� "l ••� «ice 0 Cn M I < c, c o �� �; aa ( o :N ^•wv.v•- naa ac Dv c 15. line a f Me N. i93 fl of the C 660 # of the NE. ¢ o1r1he N41,x , Sec. 31 MINNESOTA JOHN E. CAR®ARELLE SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that John J. Delaney and Margarel Catherine Delaney, husband and wife owners and proprietors of the foilowinq described property situaledirr the County ofHennepin, State ofIVInnesola, �o wit: The North One Hundred Ninety-three (l93) reef oflhe Wesl Two Hundred (200) {eel offhe East Six hundred Sixty (660) feel offhe Norlheasl Quarler (NE¢) offhe Norlhwesl Quarfer (NW¢) of Section 31, Township 28, ?angeZ4, except Thal part fhereo{taken for road. Have caused the same lobe surveyed and plalled as DELA NEY 5 ADD/T/ON' and do herebyy donate and deolicafe to lhe,oablic for,ou6/c use %revel- the street as sflown on the annexedplal; sublecl Yo the ulilify ana`draina�e easements as shown on the annexedplal, for use ofmun/cipa&y or otherpv6h/ utilities forins/a//a/ion and moinleaance offacililies inslalled in andover said easemenfs to serve adacenf or other premises in the vieini/y. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals MIS !a*- day of A.0 /959. Sian d: STATE OF MiNNE50TA C OUN T Y OF HENNEPIN S. S. On ihis4- ay of -1� A.D. /959, before me, a Nolary Public, within and for said County and Stale, did persona//jy appear John J. e/aney an4' Margaret Cafherine Delaney, husband and wife, to me persona/ly known, who each being duly sworn, dd say lhallhey are 1hepersons describedin and who execufeo'fhe foregoing inslrumenl and acknowledged that they executed fhe same as (heir own �ee��ac_`�an deed. CSG/� ��.::�'" Notary P41,61ic, e-nneoin County, Minnesota My Commissin Expires 071- e Mi= I hereby certify lhal / have surveyed and plalled the properly deseribedon lh/s plal as DELANEY S ADDITION; lh lhis p/al !s a correct represenlation of said survey; /hal all dstances are correctly shown on the plat in feel and dec/mals of a {ool; /hal monuments forguidance of fulure surveys have been correctly ;re the ground as shown on lheplaf,- lhal the oals/de boundary lines are correctly designaledon theplaf• thal there are no wellands orpublic highways lobe designaled on said plat other lhao as shown hereon; and /haffhe l000gr;q/ohy offhe /andis correctly shown oh saidplaf Surveyor No. 566 J.M. STATE OFM/NNESOTA 5.5 COUNT Y OF HENNEP/N Above certilicale subscribed andsworn to be%re me lhis� dayf ofd`% A.D /959. s This p/al was checked andaoproveo' lhis Zo6day of &4y A^D. 1939. 1 Thisp/al was recommended Ar approval bylhe P/arming Commission offhe VlIlageof Edna, Minnesota, alare tllarmeefinq fheWe , held lh/s i�ti� day of A.,O /959, P/an inq J mission of the Village ofEarna, Minnesota. Chairman This p/al was approved and acc�eoled by fhe VIlloye Council of the Edna, Minnesola, a1 aregalar meet/;q lhere o1, held lhis -Lh` day of A. D. /.y'59. V//lage Council of Edina, Minnesota ' (7 Mayor / i i/" , �'='r- ; . �`� !/illa�e Manager �� N