HomeMy WebLinkAboutDonna Ridge Additionfhe,south fine of Benton Avenue I � i � cOol 26 r I y2� I I I I I I I t I i I I I I I WI z I I i I t / 2 9Q.00 3 --243./575—' I I �0 9------ uriurr -�---� NOTE•'o Denotes iron monuments h QI I I I I I I I I I L DONNA RIDGE ADDITION HENNEP/N COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE: /".= 40J 0 131#15' W N J y 03 .°i3 c � bw- rM \ << O b (tl d hen Hh 9e •-6f0.50-- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we FRED C. OBERMEYER and .DOROTHEA SOULE.OBERMEYER his wife, owners .and proprietors of the following described property situated in the Countyof1leaaep n State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot One (U, Block Three (3) BENTON PARK, and that part of Government Lot Five (51, Section Thirty -Three (33), Township One -hundred Seventeen (117)North Range Twenty-one r211 West, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Government Lot Five(5) distant SJx-hundred Ten ond�ive Tenths (6/0.5) feet West of the Southeast corner of sold Government Lot Five (51; thence North on a line of right angles to the South line of sold Government Lot Five (5) a distance of Three -hundred Sixty-three (363)feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence West at right angles Twa-hundred Forty-three and Flfteen- hundred Seventy-five Ten-thousandf/,s(243.1575) feet; thence North at right angles Three -hundred Nineteen and Fiffy-five hundredths (3/9.55) feet more or less to o point in the Easterly extension of Me Southerly line of Benton Avenue as plotted in BENTON PARK; thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of6enton Avenue as now /aid out. and travelled Three -hundred Twenty-three and Forty-six hundredths (323.46)feetmore or less to a point In the West line of the East* Six -hundred Ten andve-!en>hs (6/0.5) feet of saidGovernment Lo! Five (5); thence South ondporo/%1 wl/h the East line of sold Government Lot Five (5) One -hundred Six and Eight -hundredths (106.08) feet more or less to the octualpoint of beginning subj�ect to the utility easements as shown on the annexed plot. Have caused the some to be surveyed and plotted as Donna Ridge and do herepy donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the Avenue as shown on the annexed plot. /n witness whereof we hove Xiereunto set our hands and seals on this day of /953 AD. M the presence of: Signed: FRED C- DOROTHEA SOUL E OBERMEYER STATE ppFFM/NNE OTA SS C , WTYOFHENN P/N On this doyof 94,, ,// /953A.D, before me,oNotory Pub/ic within and for said County and Stote, persona//y appeared FRED C. OBERMEYER and DORO EA SO LE OBERMEYER, his wife, o me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged Mot Mey executed the some as their own free act and deed. Notary Public, Hennepin County Minnesota My Commission Expires. fl9y �omtnlseir�n Expires pec, 19, / hereby certify that i have surveyed and platted the /and described in the above dedication as Donna Ridge; that this plef.isa correct representation of sold survey; that q// distances ore correctly shown on said plot in figures denoting feet and decimals of o foot) that the monuments for guidance of future surveys hove been correctly placed in the ground as shown on said plot; shot the outside boundaries of the land ore correctly designated on said plot; and that there ore no wet grounds or public highways to be designated on said plot other then are shown thereon. Registered Land Surveyor Minnesota Registration Number 2584 STATE OFMINNESOTA SS COUNTY OF HENNEP/N Above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public within and for soid County and State, on this dayof /953 A. D. Notary Public, Hennepin County Minnesota My Commission Expires ;eHN li PETERSON i My commsgiw, Ex�ias _ . T� � This plat was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission of the Vi/loge of Edina, Minnesota, of a regular meeting thereof held this day of /953 A.D. CHAIRMAN This plot was approved and accepted by the Vi//age Council of the Vit/age of Edina, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of /953 A.D. PRESIDENT RECORDER X.