HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuggan's Homestead, Gv, CG� A_ �.N.: �� So —IENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA E(3AN,FIELD ONOWAK E v; neer5 Survo-y i � �f,��,rr5 r 886814) .VirV4 �ok 9 0 0cfo6er, IS4 (o,c. ° 6- �enoieh Iron MonumO .nage o{°vi 7 til 01- N .. 4000 1 NE flA /ISN 96.61 p�iye i 'e Of 2 er�Y l�014 50alb Q O I 9g.66� / / 9 90°°0 9866 ��Ouc�Y T E 5 9°1 sire( / 0 I ,; 101 r ,ok 1117e 6e/wem Sec/o,7s 4, 9, 7.46,221. SCALE : icy._ 40� co o. N .r a �+ d :i co The lo7re�ol�Io/a1 wgg aopro ved andaccePfed 6y /he K' e Courci/ o1 Eoina, NI1 71 esofa, Fl s rely/ar meeting fhereoj' he/d this da/y oj' 1 e 4 14.0.1954. VILLA 6f CoZINci1. oFEO/NA, MwrvEso7A Checked and ap/oroWeorlhig� Ogy of%✓�Yem 1 1954. genneoin County Surveyol- n No w ALL MEN BY 7-/aE5,e P2EgevTg: - lhal John J 0uAa/7 and Nae E/en Daffs , h/5 wile', owners awr pro rie/ors of the �Ilowrrr descrided oroperl , gifuale in the/e o{'iVlinne5ofa ano' Count of'/,lenne in �owr,- Tha' a/-/0/: eclions 4 d 9, 7owr75hi 116, ,Qgrl e 21, degeribedaS 101/owscen : 8e ronin of a oinl in the ter line o/'wg� 70th. 511 -eel a5 n� now /g�o l and 1r -,q eo% o�sr<anl 6007ee> Soak e lel a/on Pfhe center k7e of gsivd rogo1lrorrr the int 1-.seclion 0/ 5gid center /ne wrlh the E991/rye ol'yaio✓ 5'ecloI7 9` hence .5oulhwglvl a/on�the cen�erine o/'5aio'rroad 4001 -'eel; thence a�n��h�a��/e5 Nal-l/we5�el-/ 25oslreef;1hence/Y���- y ea5�erl loa�a//e/ wil/ /he cerlel- /ne of'.sarvlroad 4ob•'�el; die we of s �i h� ar�'/e So��heay�er/ 2508 &I fo the o �l o, <' d e ronin - ,Fxce %� �he�e om the 5ou�hea5�e�/ 33 �f fa � f �YeSf 70Ih. 5,�reef slave P Q �� P � Y caused the game F be surveyed an0$6111 d 99 Dl/GGAN 5 90ME5TEA0; 541 lecl /o Ufi/ly LCg5emenf5 as sho wn onflie 9nr7exeo�/91, 401uge uj•//1e5, 7ror in51al/afron andrnainfenance 01�rScille5 inglglleol in snob vel- 5ardeasemel-715 to serve ad acenl or o/her,onel?7i5e5 in the vicin11y.1n w111705 whereof said ✓oho J. 0U�an and Mae E/1en 1715 wife have hereunlo gel /heir hanor5 andyea/5 lhr5 day o f�,��� ` /4 /n Presence o : - Sl�ned. L STATE oF/y%/NNE5oTA / COUNT)' OF WFNNE/�/N} 5� On r/j/5 3 `�O�o'� D �% e ` y f Q.0.1994, betore me, a N019ry,Du6/rc,10erSorte//y sF ared John ,I.Ou�an 9170'11ae E/len Du gn, his wl>e, to rrre known fo 6c Ihe,oer5ons de5cribeolrn anol,who execuled the �0re�01) p in,yTrun/enl, and /hey acknow/ed�ed lhallheyexeeuleollhe 5arne a5 lhe�rown free act anddeeo! Notary kills, Alenrcloin County, MinneSols My Comrniysion Expires I hereby cerfJfY that I have surveyed ano'P/affed jhe�ryerfy described on 1h1s,olgl s5 alaaAw5.4/oMESTEAo; fhaf thisOlaf i5 a correct l-eore5enfa1i0n 0/'.59/0/ 5ur-vey; fhaf a// d5fance5 are co1-recf/y 5how17 on 1heI. in &I anoI`decima/5 of'a /0of; �ha><1tie rnoramerlo �r�ur71erce o1''Pujure surveys hate been correcf/yplgced in 4e ¢round as shown on the p/g1;1hs l /he oul5ioe �o4 r7nary /hey al -e correctly o�gl�r�afeo/o� 4e�/a/j/hat the loo ffll-aloh y ae the IFnd is correct/y shown orr (herolg>, arvdlhgl /here are 17o wellynds or'oud //c hr hways to 6e oegiQnaleod on g,91 olal other Thar a5 5how17 thereon. C, Sur veyor �/Vlinr� /��N° 2264 TATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF yENNE/o/N} y 5' Above cerlifi'cale subscribed and5worn lo before rrre a NoAary ,Oud/rc , phis day /i /LTpi✓,Z (�, G9 j7.�Nv Notary /0ublrc, Wenneoin Coun/y, Min71wo/a My Cornrn/ygion A`'xoires The >loreQoi.�o/al wag al�olo ved andacceloled d y the D/annl;v� Cornllnyyiorr ov- the K%IR�c of Edna, lKmwo/a of a �e�/a rneeli lhereo�he�d lh�g day of'�i A /R. /W,¢ AANN/N6 C01VM15510N V/LLA6EOFE/�/N4,M/NNE507A by ils Chairman