HomeMy WebLinkAboutLampe's Rearrangement of Lots 27 thru 33 Blk 7 Southdale First AdditionLAM PE%S REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 27THRU33,BLOCK '17, 90HTW DAI F FIRST ADDITION COUNTY , M i N N worn o- keno\e s Iron MormMeni I4ENNEPIN A; ---- W. 68 th S _ N. a2 .12-W. �. �S0.o ° N ' u c Q Lu N.Cr S o a W E Q Ai T �'\ _ \ M ct, o 3 se's¢ 9S V v . � s Soo /?So / r�! Checked and approved �h;s 3r`' d ay of March 1-lennep;n COLA45urve�or r The f ore�oin' pla} was approved and accep 6 by the Plamin Cornmioion of I•he Villaof Edina�MinneSo�a, al sre'uiaar muu k }hereof held this l Ofi o �M, 4, .0.1955, DLANNING COMMt5 ION of VILLAGE of EOINA MINNESOTA b� � ��_Jls Chairman The fore,Omt plat was approved and accepted by the Village Council 0f Edina, Minnoo�a, at a ret-Nlar yILL GE Cou CILo NA,,M71ESOTA y� KNOW ALL MEN 5Y THF-5PRESENTS: Illi Lampel Jftrs,Ine., 3 MinneSo�a corporo�ion, owners and proprie}ors and Thorpe bro5. Inc.,a Minne,5o�a corporation, mor4gspee, of ; e, f ollowin� described properly 544e, in the SlS�e, of Minnoo}a and County of Hennepin low .,- Lo45 17, Is, 30,31, 32 2n8 331 l5 ock1) 50ulh82le, FirS� Addi}ion. Wave cme,d the 52me�o be 5urveye,6 and plal•I-ed a5 LAMPV5 REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 21 THRu33, bLOCK7, SOUT1AOALE FHZ5T ADOITION; 5ubjec� �O IJW!i Y easemen�5 S5 Shown on the, annexed 914 for use of mxicipahi y or of u public u}111�ie5 •, f r the msin6snce of f 861i�ie5 ins Iled in or over said e,a5emen�5 �o serve a6�ace,4 orAv premicoo in the vlc�nl�y, In wi}ne55 �,O ereof Said Lampe builders have caused fInm presence �O be5igne6 by its proper off ►'cern �his�Zsi dad of 2 A.Q, 955 v6 Said Thorpe P rc5. Inc. have caused I•he5e •pre5en�s �o be 5►g�ned b� ,�5 proper of f icer5 N5-ZZ&62� of A.D.1955. In P e5ence of :� 5 i�ned ; LAMPE,bIJILpI=RS, ING. 25 40 Lzz cr' rd�� ih� prQSldenT • A•vl.lampC and 2a1ph i.ah,�e %� YSeCre�ar� Treasurer " TW RAE .INC. f � l 0 ROS _ ✓int �`' - YIC ' I're51d o}• 2 a <.�„ � _Ak'3,:t M , , .4.:- v ; .`• , y • %�. �` r� t<l • b )' ..,r-'1�j'� lE'F� . Tr¢,a5urer STATE OF MINNE50TA SSI COUNT'' OF HENNEPIN On �I li day of A.D.1955, before me, a NolarY public, whin and for Said Counl� and perwall� appeared A wa smpe and R Iph J.Lsmpe, }o me personally known,who bein� by me each duly Sworn, did 5a that 4heY are rope4ivel� the PrcSi8cn� and 5ecrcl96 of Lampe%uh rs,lnc. , N. corporB�Ion named in the f ore oin in4rume -, the Seal affixed to said in5lrumO i5 }he corP orale Seal 0f said cor oration a d 4W Said ins}rumenf was 5; ned and 5e -Sled in behal 0 Said cor oration b aulhoril o h board o Oirec ors and p � ff P y yf f } I .W. Lampe and Ralph J. arnpe acknowledged Said in5�rumen} }o be I•he free et} and deed of 5�orpor9�ion, 12j Notary Public, Hennepin Count , MinncSofa STATE OF MINNESOTA My Commi55ion Expires �� 6v COUNTY OF WENN EPI N On �6; day of % r A.0.1955, be f ore me, a Notary Publie,wikn and for Said counj and 5181e, personally appeared � tt .; rsv and `�' it to me personally known,who being b� me each dull Sworn, did Sa� iha� }he are re5peJivelY }he Vice- PreSidk and Treasurer of Thorpe $ro5.lnc, }he corporal•ion named in the fore oin In5lrumen�; }hal' 4he seal affixed �O 5a;4 in5�rumen} i5 the corpor8le Sea) of Said coc oral;on an lW said in5�rume4 was 5i�M8 and Sealed ;n Be al 0 Said cor ora}ion b u�hori� o i�s o rd o corsPp � a f� a f oire and acknowlQ,dg�ed Said inti}rumen �Oloe ree act sn� deed o 541cor ore}ion, Nolar� Public, Hennepin County Minne54a 160 hereby cerlif }ha I have surveyed and pia ed }he properly described on NS 919� 95 IAMPT5 REARRARANG6MVNT of LOTS 21 T»Ru 33, &OCK 7, 50uTHOALE FIRST AOoI Iow, i9 a corrac} repre5Oa6n of Said 5urveY;lhal all di51 antes are correctly Shown on the plat in f eek and decimals 0� a foo}; }had lh mv%urnm�5 for �u;danee of (inure surveys have been correctly placed in the round 85 shown on the pial , lha� the wk,16e boundary lines are correcll� deSlQn W on the plat , tha}the Popo raphy of the land is correctly Shown on the plat, and lha� there are _ no we} lands or public I hwaYS to beJdol naU on Said play ol•11er l sn a5 shown thereon, STATE OF MINNE507A7urve�or- Minne5o4a Re4iyira'iion W3454r CouNTY OF HENNEPIN ' Above cer�if Teale subscribed and Sworn �o be,f ore me, a No}arY (public, this dad of—,,,-, A-0, 1955, Notary Public, Hennepin Coun}�, MinneSoia ` M� Commission Expires