HomeMy WebLinkAboutLoken's 3rd AdditionLOKEN'S 311DADDITION —IENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA March,1955 o Otoi: 5 Iron Monumvu)�s t.;'-`.., <<, is SGAN,FiELD RNOWAK E n in neers Surve,Yo rs NoWh /tee of 74710 $W' of5ec. 2q T. IB, rI 24 13.1,..... ..... NA/r n �h 586.674.-. . � T n G C T . �o y - �.J _..E 1i . Jud�,alLa�drna/k $0' 43.+0 30' 31.6 m 900 30' 13o I� 34.95 0 90. 4 a 0 3, 1$4.94 r 43.01 !. I'Mo f'3 � 134.13 I $6 I 135 I m I CID o' ,....... .-_ 165.0.... II o �(14 134.97 I 1 p i.L 130.49.... Q L co %..... 98.94 � �� 165.0... 0 31' •. m 900 30' 13o I� 34.95 0 90. 4 a 0 3, 1$4.94 i 43.01 !. I'Mo 0 � 134.13 1 , 134.98 %; $6 I i 135 I m I CID o' ,....... .-_ 165.0.... II o �(14 134.97 I 1 A. co %..... I 10 �1 165.0... I ml 135 30' 134.95 IN I 13 a.72 s I o I! I co 0 I Z I� w J o � 134,94 I I V34-11 Is sl 135 30 � II 00 00 m 8 G N �_ II "- 134.92 I I N co w I 00 I� u0 c " CID 00 90c 3y,3 .I I I 30 134.91 s s m 900 30' 13o I� 34.95 0 4 a 0 1$4.94 i N � 0 30 1 30 • � •-586.6T4•-- - 659.544 - - - I 11 61 KA/OPV ALL MEN6Y THESE ARESENTS:-fha} L. M. [o/ren, Inc, a Minnesota corporal/on owners andproonie�or5 Of the �1/Ow/n� oe5crid e pro�enf s�uafe in the S�a�e of illhrres0�g and County of L/e��eoi� fowi - lhg�,oaraf ;the So�iea5�-' of '��re opt e 5 �wg: of 'Sec4on Zq 70wI7yhp 29,1Ian6e Z4, d5cri6eda5 011 w5; CommenC�� a4ap0ij in the Nor /ite of raid 50 �iea� of the 90li:i4we5�4 , oi5&r>`.46.674 wey�of the Alol4eay�c4a17#ere0f ; thence sou�h,oara//e/ Y/hh ash/�o�fof 5a��2reafl7e �a�fF� 221 f e�><o��reac>'ua/poiof'6ed�nn�i� of�/�e �rac�of'/a�d�o deo�eycr/bed,• ��ience or h para//e/ with the a.:5 o Agl, Quar�er-Quar�er 60 e�; �tic�ce ay�para//e/with I�e No�1h/tee 01'04l Quare Quarter 130.49�e;1, more o�/e 55, �0 apo/h� 328.IB�e� west of '��re Faye/ne of 'Sa/dQuar�er- Quar�e�; �/ie�ce 504o4 o a//e/wII/ 74a Eay�/ne Qu9/4er 79f e�, �iVW ea5�parg//e/WI# the 164 /ne of 'yard Quar�er- Quarler 63.2274ree1; /hence 5ou�hpara//e/ wl# 7/e E90�/17e of yard Qua��er =Quarter /98�e�; 7he17ce ea5�paIa//e/ wr�h tie Nor 11he of 'yard Quar les Qua��er /65)ieek �o the Qual�ler-; /hence 5ou�ti 910/7 S yaidEaS1/ne 56feef %er/ce wes�para//e/ w11h the Nol-lh 1117cof'ya�o�Qua��e� Quar�e� 165 eek'• 4elce 5o414 oara/lel wN 1he Za 11ie of said)UP"1e1-- -56f0e�; 4CI70e who /1e Nol-4 /irle olo/Qu9 el-- 165�Ce� /o 4C 59y1/�e of ya/o' uar4l-- Quarter; 7;�ehce 504,4 a10l 117e 1/etW we5hpara/le/ w4 1/e Nol-4 /rr7e of y,:i 1_1�1ar///wQuare uar�er56¢ eh; hence nopr;41�e jay�/tee Quarter lo the ac�ua/ poin� 0 6e /irr�ir� , A/yo �hal�arl of the Soulhea5��' of the 90411&e57,1 of'Sechon 20, 7ownyh o 29, kI 4e 24, de5cridedd5 Be /hn�r on The Nrlh /int of said 5ou,�heay�-' ot�he 5outhwe5� a1apoin4 58s 674 �e� weyh olYhe Eay� k 7e, of Said �hwes ; lhe�rce 5ou�tipara//e/ w/;�h sa�dF 5f/she a dy�ance of'33 e��o apoi� whichpoin4i?marked 6 a .Jud/ci l Landmark; thence c0n1/nuI j Sou� papa//e/with salol EaS1 /17e a oll XXpxeoj'629 f eek �o a poin wh1ch poin7 i5 mar Ci 6y a .ludcia/ Landmar/r; thence wey�par�/e//with the No��1�/he ofSa�dSoufhea5�� of,�/,e 50u�hwey�� �o ��ie Erik/" e of /he Rles�z oj'Sa/o�5ouf�eas� of lire 5oalhweyh! ; thence North a/ol,¢ 5aial5jeh the �O 1/e No�1h l�17e of ya�o/ ou��ea5� aPlhe 5oulhwe5l1; /hence EaS� a/ond saro�Nor�! /rye fo the prsir�hof'6e���r7in6, acCordnd lo the Ung ed 5Iale5 30vernmerrh5urve . gave caused the same lobe sure Yandplafted25 Lot,-ev'e 3`'-�,4002lro v; ambo here6ydor anddecete lolhe pub/c oud/rc uyeforever�he aVenues�ay sho 1r shown o ke ennexeo/p/aff �y5e 0f ir�ur�ic�,,00a/icy orofherpud/rc u�i/ries, /,^0/- insfa//a1ion SnCd mai417,9 Ice 01'f e�ciIVie5 in or our 5a/desgemen45 to Serve adace 7t orolher preml?c5 in the Y/cine/y. In wr�ney5 whereof ' egio/L. /V Lo%en, Inc, haves no colpol-afe yea/ has cay5edAeye,oreyero to 6e s fined6 y Ifs propel- of�iceny of- A.D. 1955. 1,7 Aeyencle .� L. M. L OK5/V, IVC. l n / / I ,• ��� TeaSurer- 5747'5 OF M/NNE50TA / COON 7 Y OF 95NNEA/N} y' S' 0n�t�i y—day of A 1J 1955, 6e14^01? me, a No7ary 1�ablrc WAin and for$eidand 5ta�e, eryonal/y appeared L. M Z oken and u'vian M" Loren, his w�� ,10 me,oeryona//y known, who beir�� 6y me ea h du/y 5 worn d o'say that they are re5pec�i ve/ , /0reyidenf and 7reayurer o`'L- M Lolren, 2M the corpog1 fi7 /amed1n the �re- a oin i y�rcirnerr�; lha�sa�dins�ru�nenf 5 yi r�eo'/� 6eha�of 'ya/o/cor orahion 6/y au7ti01r15 0/`1//9 /3oendol'Directors ar 9 dL-M.Loken andV1vianR..Lo/%nackw/eded5a/o�ac�,�o 6e ��free actar�doeeo�of'Saio�corp&7. All /�u6/e, WeMVe1;7 COun� , Minnesor<a My Expires_ -y I tiC rqp6y cert/fy �ha�Ihave 5urve edandp/a fed ��reproper�y descrided on �hi5p/a�a5 Lo�rENS 3='d400/TION; ISI $ plati5 correc�repreyerrfaliorr of 5aidyur�ey; �ha�alloiy�arrce5 are correct/y 5hii on �he,ola�in�ee�anddecima/5 0)"S of fha�lhe 1?70nurne171y for /u/dance of'fu�ure surge 5 h6ve been correct/y placedIn thedroundas ghow�r on lh �ar�; that><he ou><yioe bvur�o' /hey are correct/y des -f hafzdorr lheln/a�" lha the /opo ra of'1he 1arrolis correct y shown 0n thepiafandfhaf ��e e aren0 wet/ano'S orpu /rc hi hwa y f0 dedeyidna�edolhel >a5 shown �irereon. STAT OF MINNESOTA �u��e�Or�-•--•' " "' 5014o' �eyi/y�r�7lD N� IIC'4 CouN Y OF HENNEA/N J 5 5.46ove cer�i�'ca�e 5udycr�6edandywornlo 6e oreme alloiary /dud/c this ��' dao f y�� No�ary Aub//c, //ennepin Counly, Mlhne5ola MyCorrrmiyyior� FX/JireS //'�//i 2 � This /a� way approveo/arrdacce04ed 6y IAC V1l/ade COunc//of Edi79,Minney0{a, a 11�u1r1'77W�in� 16-eof'helOiAiy o 19. D. 1955, Chec edarrdappro edlhiydayof�=�;% 4.D">955 �«��� o�I� oFEDinr�, MmIivESoiA j iid c/dr� > r oL4 '' ��12 Wernep;17 COurr><y Surveyor�- 0 19 0 i M 134.13 � w I I i 135 30 ,....... .-_ 165.0.... I A. co %..... 165.0... ,1 ml 135 30' I I 13 a.72 o I! I e10 V34-11 Is sl 135 30 KA/OPV ALL MEN6Y THESE ARESENTS:-fha} L. M. [o/ren, Inc, a Minnesota corporal/on owners andproonie�or5 Of the �1/Ow/n� oe5crid e pro�enf s�uafe in the S�a�e of illhrres0�g and County of L/e��eoi� fowi - lhg�,oaraf ;the So�iea5�-' of '��re opt e 5 �wg: of 'Sec4on Zq 70wI7yhp 29,1Ian6e Z4, d5cri6eda5 011 w5; CommenC�� a4ap0ij in the Nor /ite of raid 50 �iea� of the 90li:i4we5�4 , oi5&r>`.46.674 wey�of the Alol4eay�c4a17#ere0f ; thence sou�h,oara//e/ Y/hh ash/�o�fof 5a��2reafl7e �a�fF� 221 f e�><o��reac>'ua/poiof'6ed�nn�i� of�/�e �rac�of'/a�d�o deo�eycr/bed,• ��ience or h para//e/ with the a.:5 o Agl, Quar�er-Quar�er 60 e�; �tic�ce ay�para//e/with I�e No�1h/tee 01'04l Quare Quarter 130.49�e;1, more o�/e 55, �0 apo/h� 328.IB�e� west of '��re Faye/ne of 'Sa/dQuar�er- Quar�e�; �/ie�ce 504o4 o a//e/wII/ 74a Eay�/ne Qu9/4er 79f e�, �iVW ea5�parg//e/WI# the 164 /ne of 'yard Quar�er- Quarler 63.2274ree1; /hence 5ou�hpara//e/ wl# 7/e E90�/17e of yard Qua��er =Quarter /98�e�; 7he17ce ea5�paIa//e/ wr�h tie Nor 11he of 'yard Quar les Qua��er /65)ieek �o the Qual�ler-; /hence 5ou�ti 910/7 S yaidEaS1/ne 56feef %er/ce wes�para//e/ w11h the Nol-lh 1117cof'ya�o�Qua��e� Quar�e� 165 eek'• 4elce 5o414 oara/lel wN 1he Za 11ie of said)UP"1e1-- -56f0e�; 4CI70e who /1e Nol-4 /irle olo/Qu9 el-- 165�Ce� /o 4C 59y1/�e of ya/o' uar4l-- Quarter; 7;�ehce 504,4 a10l 117e 1/etW we5hpara/le/ w4 1/e Nol-4 /rr7e of y,:i 1_1�1ar///wQuare uar�er56¢ eh; hence nopr;41�e jay�/tee Quarter lo the ac�ua/ poin� 0 6e /irr�ir� , A/yo �hal�arl of the Soulhea5��' of the 90411&e57,1 of'Sechon 20, 7ownyh o 29, kI 4e 24, de5cridedd5 Be /hn�r on The Nrlh /int of said 5ou,�heay�-' ot�he 5outhwe5� a1apoin4 58s 674 �e� weyh olYhe Eay� k 7e, of Said �hwes ; lhe�rce 5ou�tipara//e/ w/;�h sa�dF 5f/she a dy�ance of'33 e��o apoi� whichpoin4i?marked 6 a .Jud/ci l Landmark; thence c0n1/nuI j Sou� papa//e/with salol EaS1 /17e a oll XXpxeoj'629 f eek �o a poin wh1ch poin7 i5 mar Ci 6y a .ludcia/ Landmar/r; thence wey�par�/e//with the No��1�/he ofSa�dSoufhea5�� of,�/,e 50u�hwey�� �o ��ie Erik/" e of /he Rles�z oj'Sa/o�5ouf�eas� of lire 5oalhweyh! ; thence North a/ol,¢ 5aial5jeh the �O 1/e No�1h l�17e of ya�o/ ou��ea5� aPlhe 5oulhwe5l1; /hence EaS� a/ond saro�Nor�! /rye fo the prsir�hof'6e���r7in6, acCordnd lo the Ung ed 5Iale5 30vernmerrh5urve . gave caused the same lobe sure Yandplafted25 Lot,-ev'e 3`'-�,4002lro v; ambo here6ydor anddecete lolhe pub/c oud/rc uyeforever�he aVenues�ay sho 1r shown o ke ennexeo/p/aff �y5e 0f ir�ur�ic�,,00a/icy orofherpud/rc u�i/ries, /,^0/- insfa//a1ion SnCd mai417,9 Ice 01'f e�ciIVie5 in or our 5a/desgemen45 to Serve adace 7t orolher preml?c5 in the Y/cine/y. In wr�ney5 whereof ' egio/L. /V Lo%en, Inc, haves no colpol-afe yea/ has cay5edAeye,oreyero to 6e s fined6 y Ifs propel- of�iceny of- A.D. 1955. 1,7 Aeyencle .� L. M. L OK5/V, IVC. l n / / I ,• ��� TeaSurer- 5747'5 OF M/NNE50TA / COON 7 Y OF 95NNEA/N} y' S' 0n�t�i y—day of A 1J 1955, 6e14^01? me, a No7ary 1�ablrc WAin and for$eidand 5ta�e, eryonal/y appeared L. M Z oken and u'vian M" Loren, his w�� ,10 me,oeryona//y known, who beir�� 6y me ea h du/y 5 worn d o'say that they are re5pec�i ve/ , /0reyidenf and 7reayurer o`'L- M Lolren, 2M the corpog1 fi7 /amed1n the �re- a oin i y�rcirnerr�; lha�sa�dins�ru�nenf 5 yi r�eo'/� 6eha�of 'ya/o/cor orahion 6/y au7ti01r15 0/`1//9 /3oendol'Directors ar 9 dL-M.Loken andV1vianR..Lo/%nackw/eded5a/o�ac�,�o 6e ��free actar�doeeo�of'Saio�corp&7. All /�u6/e, WeMVe1;7 COun� , Minnesor<a My Expires_ -y I tiC rqp6y cert/fy �ha�Ihave 5urve edandp/a fed ��reproper�y descrided on �hi5p/a�a5 Lo�rENS 3='d400/TION; ISI $ plati5 correc�repreyerrfaliorr of 5aidyur�ey; �ha�alloiy�arrce5 are correct/y 5hii on �he,ola�in�ee�anddecima/5 0)"S of fha�lhe 1?70nurne171y for /u/dance of'fu�ure surge 5 h6ve been correct/y placedIn thedroundas ghow�r on lh �ar�; that><he ou><yioe bvur�o' /hey are correct/y des -f hafzdorr lheln/a�" lha the /opo ra of'1he 1arrolis correct y shown 0n thepiafandfhaf ��e e aren0 wet/ano'S orpu /rc hi hwa y f0 dedeyidna�edolhel >a5 shown �irereon. STAT OF MINNESOTA �u��e�Or�-•--•' " "' 5014o' �eyi/y�r�7lD N� IIC'4 CouN Y OF HENNEA/N J 5 5.46ove cer�i�'ca�e 5udycr�6edandywornlo 6e oreme alloiary /dud/c this ��' dao f y�� No�ary Aub//c, //ennepin Counly, Mlhne5ola MyCorrrmiyyior� FX/JireS //'�//i 2 � This /a� way approveo/arrdacce04ed 6y IAC V1l/ade COunc//of Edi79,Minney0{a, a 11�u1r1'77W�in� 16-eof'helOiAiy o 19. D. 1955, Chec edarrdappro edlhiydayof�=�;% 4.D">955 �«��� o�I� oFEDinr�, MmIivESoiA j iid c/dr� > r oL4 '' ��12 Wernep;17 COurr><y Surveyor�-