HomeMy WebLinkAboutLoring ManorL OPING MANO V/LLA6E- of EDPVA — COUNTY of 11ENAfcOIV MINDER ENGINEERIN6 CO., INC, ENGINEERS & SUR VE YOBS NScale /" 50" Denofes Iron Alfonulnenl July, 1957 60 30 —i /'ti r--- --- —------------- J a,fe Casarnrnf y � L O T 2 <( W I ?-� ---- ----- 7- -Z 75 ---5 da----- - --- ----- - / � � -( O I I io' Uti/ify i Oraina9e Easemcnf "Z + '�� LJ 0 T A3 o Q) ;=_ I . � `� 89032 .1_ �' �✓ s I °�� �J 3os j I 275 i 1 1 60 . / do he�e6y cerli that (/� have .surve}led and Pplalled lAe Property described on Ifiis of`as L02/NG MANOR , Mal Ih/s P/al /s a correct representation ol'said survey; fhalalldislanees are correctly shown on the plal in )reef and dec%mals of a {sol; /hal Itie monumen6 guidance of future surreys �aye been correctly Placed /n fhegroun as shown on #ie pA (fiathe oulside boundar //nes are correctly 4-79oaled on Itie Plal; Mai Ih lo�9ra y a, ' 7e land /' correcl/y shown on the P/vI and that /here are no reel /ands or Public highways fo be des9nafed on said Plat olher than as shown thereon. Surveyor- Annesole Re9islralion N° 2o39 Stale of A/linneso fa 1 s. s. coup ty o f'Nenne p/n J Above cerli f cafe V,�scrified and sworn fo before me this day of 1 i' A.D./95 � �. A ..I /// 1 1 Y r1/ A/olary Avb& , dennepin Counly, Min se ola My Comm/ssion Expires SLY � � dye heredy certify Thal the Qlaye Council ol,'Ihe Yi/laye of Edina, Nen176f n County, M/innesofa, duly acceded and appproved/ the annexed Plat of ZOR/NG MANOR al o regular mee �inq thereof held IhlsI_ day oF' a " ousf' A.D. 1957: VILLAGE or" EDINA, 9ENNEPIN COUNT}; M/NN, Mayor Manager Checked and approved This l 't day of u•5 7- A.D. A.D. 1957. llennePrn Counly 5urve)lor _ KNOW ALL ll'IEN 3Y THESE PRESENTS that Edward tl Loring and Mary Naze/ Loring his suite, on/ners and oprietors 01"11-2c Pollowll') described properly sl/vale /n Itie Covnly ofnI-/ennepin_ and Stale oP Aihnnesola, lowi/ Tads 6;,G ,O and E " )Pe9isleied Land S�ryeY- , /benne rn Coun7<y, /1�%i�i sofa` j have caused /he same to besuryeyed and p/ Iled as CORING MAN02 su6Jecl to the Ulr/iIy and Drainage Easements as shown on the annexedP/af fir the use of mun&c alrty or other puhl/c vl�llies. /n m lness rvhereof'said Edward J. Lor�n9 anc� 11�la/ y Haze/ Lorii9 his rvi ,have hereunto set e/� /lands and sea/s this / day o�' 4.0.1957 In /oresen ce o S/ned b State of Minneso Ia 9 y County o� P s, s. Y { A.D.1957 be me, a No ary , rn and �or said Covn y Menne m 0 Ih/s � �=� da o � l Pub/�� with � l a' (Seal and Sfafe personally aP eared Edward J. Lorin an Mary Hazel Loring his wig tome �errona/ly Lnown lo be Itie Persons A5 Edward J. Lot-/; j, (EO t0 . L /NG J described in and who exec led Itie ore oin Instrument and the eckoowled ed that the executed the same as /heir own ree acl and f y �' and Mary Hazel torr p f 9 9 I /G�e�;%..= (.t��na��✓ J (Seal deed. /ay HAZEL LO2/NG) This lolal ryas approved and accepted 5the P/anl-v n9 Co/nm/ssion op lie Yl//a9e L Ed/tea, Minneso/a of a ru/ar meehn� AereoPheld #/s--7 dayoP- Au,ousl A.D. 1957 PGANN/NG COMM/SS/0N mf 9 V1LLA1rE t, ED11VA, MINN. Chairman ` ".:/ Aloary PuRil , Wenaeph Counly, M1�)nesofa My 60mmi55JOn Expires /