HomeMy WebLinkAboutLuce Highwood Additionk L UcE HIGHWOOD ADDITION HE NNEPl1Y CO UAI T Y /V/NNE S 07A SCALE -//N. =80)trT. v Iron Lme para/%l with ;he of Sec. 92Ti17 e2 / I I on 33 33 I� _--------i p to vej q SA XON Y ROAD 1051 l25 12� 5 Nv3� � //`fi/ifies � ecrsernenf \ N so M /rare man. I O IT 20 -r ;4 �.M oIL `) /22•x/ 5 • l20 — — — �2 — — y2.39 9`• Uti/ifies ec�semen� ti ,� 42 � 3 2 " 1 ::r i`po 9 9 9 /05 120 1 120 70 SA XON Y ROAD 1051 l25 12� 5 Nv3� � //`fi/ifies � ecrsernenf \ N so M /rare man. I O IT 20 -r ;4 �.M oIL `) i o .I Bock V) Q SA XON Y ROAD 1051 l25 12� 5 Nv3� � //`fi/ifies � ecrsernenf \ N so M /rare man. I S:- i ch• 75.is -Azo I fc:aa,f I ! R: 35l•5 a=l4"19'34' �q 1 1' 12739s !25 -- --1Z5---- — IZ5 -- 5! 133; ,33. /06 ExceP7%0- 668.so _ Line,Doral/e/ wi'fh Me North /irre of <Sec.>rion 32, T//7 R 21 f /Q 6 �'j -r ;4 Lot `) i o .I Bock . S:- i ch• 75.is -Azo I fc:aa,f I ! R: 35l•5 a=l4"19'34' �q 1 1' 12739s !25 -- --1Z5---- — IZ5 -- 5! 133; ,33. /06 ExceP7%0- 668.so _ Line,Doral/e/ wi'fh Me North /irre of <Sec.>rion 32, T//7 R 21 f /Q 6 �'j -r ;4 `) i o Q I, ) t ::r �' C12ecX-ed and approvea/ fh/s 3�/=" da y o/` /dr vor� fr'.IJ /9�7 w. r 1-Her7nep//i Caen y urveyor Th/:7 pka wus approved ant/ accepted by fhe V /(ocle Councj/ of E�hd� R//7nes0la dtcr/-eyular- meet/hy (hereof' 17e Id f17 1,3' At a/ay of�` /J /ri57 Y/A E.707A /5 y 4�u C� resicrer7 1//%/a4le Know 0 men 6y /hese presents, lwarieA. Luce husf aoc/ an d wide, owners a'nd � �-apr/`efors of the fo //owir� y ra'�,scri/�ed�rope�f y sif�afe in M60 ,stale of /11/nnesafa and County of f/ennepir6 to wig`: - ThatPorf 0/'7'17e Alorlhwesl l%uarler rNGV%) of the Mor/bwesl Quarf�" (NtV%� of �`ecfion Thir�`y- fwo (32) Townsh/p //7 lFaI79& 21 West of fh e 5 , Prl�eiog/ /%ridian described as follows Beyinnin9 on /he Wesf line of scric�' Secfior7 32 arapoin� 825 feel ,50oufh of 1h Alorfhwesf corner 01sa1,V 5'ecf<o12, fher7ce South ore Sala' wesl 1117e of salt! j'&cg2 d1X71cr17ce of 330 fee)`; 117e17ce Eos( on & /ioe para//e/ wi�17 fhe Nor#`? 1117 S'echor2 fo fhe,5asf/i12e of 117eW6>,rl 12 ofthe Na/-thwesf % ofthe /1/o1--fhwes/ 4 of said Section 32,' 7'her7ce/Yorfh a/ons said 5asfline 330 fee(; (hence /Nestpara//e/ w/fh 7417 North line of send O'ecfion to the point of heyinnin9, except 1h <5'oufh /0.6 feet (hereof have caused fhe s4rne 'oh e surveyed and p/affect cys L ucE h'/�& Woo D 19ov17-1do^/ anclo hereby ado/7afe acrd de0'1car`e fa 7'1;'&1041&1C /0/ 117e use o f fh e pu6A: fore ver fh e ro <Yds en d p late a r shown on the a 7a fxed plat sab1;:Fc1 to ut//�f/es easements as- Shawn an fhe annexed 70Icr¢. In w/tn ess whereat we aha ve hereUr;Ifo set our hands anal sea/s th/S .day Z/2 'e oI` (� �Sicfr�eca' j Oafe of XImesoho/ $ S C0on/y0111e1wepia on /his i day of i90. /9,57 hefore me o /Ya7`c/r y Pub/ic NI171n and for said County ana/' c� ersona//y appeared K L. L 61C e ani lVa/-ie �4, Z ae e� b/5 wife fo m e person a%/y known to b s fh e p erson s n am ed in anC/ W17o executed #7e forego/n 9 in.sfrurne/7l a174/ Th e y acknowledged /`hat fhe y executed fhe same cls /eir free act and aleed, O Nofcrry Pub/i� /c/er/�/��in l unfy /1%innesofa' NY camrr7/ss/on eXpir s �t t��� �,`� Z . �y loo Thereby cerfij`y that 1 have surveyeo1ar7a' p/4Y 6' fhe properly a/esc-ri6ed /n Ih/X,a/at as ZaC-E h 141.7,017 -10N; //7af (his pial /s a flue and ccsrrec/ represen la 7'100 of sore/ survey,= /hal a// d�sr`anoes 01-e carred/y shown an 7�7e platin feet and decirr7a/s of a fact; Thal f/7e Inot?awents for the yuia'anee of future surveys have been correctly p/aced ir7 fhe ground crsshaH/n on (fie platy(/74f fhe outside bouoda-y /Ines are correct/)l clesigr;�a7`eara12 fhe p/crt; /-/? a/ fhe ><apograpiiy of fhe /0/7 C/ /s correctly shown on /`he p/crf and that t/7ere are n o live( /one's or publh: /71hb# ays fo be desiyrraled on 7c17e p/c/t o7`her 1-17c7n as .shown fhereor>. Stale 0/�011717e5-0Id) <5'ur-veyo� ,(7ey,/Yo. //88 Caunly o>`Her»epir/ T Above cert/ficcrfe �udscri6ed crr7cl 5-worh to before me this ,3j 0'7y o/ rAJ /957, „ Notary Publle Hennepin County, M/1nes0`a My camrn/ss1017 eXp/res , ice-• �� 6OProved h✓ y f//e P/artn/nq C0rr71'771,7s104? of'r`he (/i//aye o/`°�ffc/ii7a IWinr/esofa' 1-1/9 /957 P/crnn/r� Carnrrrissior% �c%.� �ne�iofq I hairrr7ar7