HomeMy WebLinkAboutLund Kruse Additionr;! WEST 49TH ST, -✓vv. ” -ilvc 6v: pp i /Vw -wr WEST 50 TH ST, SCALE; fox 40' • DENOTES /R0N MONVA40N7S ARLE16H C. SMITH REG. EAUR. j LAND SUQVEYOR W,4YZA7,4, U NN. OCT. 1!)54 49 4 ST. 50' 1_—.s F ow o'l man by these lores¢nts that Lund Kruse Inc., a Mzinnesoto Corporation, fhe til/loge of Edina, Minnesota, a Minn sofa Corporal/on oad fhe First Edina Nofionol /36117k /ncorporot¢d under the lows of the ,'Vol/ono/sank /ncy Assoc '¢,-tion of Me Unifod 5161cs of.9m¢ricc, owncrs ondpropri¢fors of fhe �`o/%wing dcscrib¢d /or�dSifvofed in the State of IVlinn¢sota and County of flennep/n fo L t Thirty 5ev¢n (37) and fhe GYosl Forty foef (40) of Lof Thirty Si rl96), Auditors Subdivision Numhar One Hund ed Savenfy Two (f72), Alennapin County Al/nnesota. v¢ caused fhe same to he surv¢ycd ondp/afted as l UND K2USE ADD/TION, and do h¢rcby donolc and dedicate fo 1h4 public for pub/ic ase forayer fhe roads ano'sfreefs os shown on *'he annexed,a/ot. I w/fn¢ss, �vhor¢of, ,solo' Lund (Crus¢ Inc,, fha villoy¢ of Edina, AW717csofo, ondfhc First Edina Nafiono/ljonk hove sous¢ Chas¢ presents to ba signed' by fhe/r,oroo¢r officers cncefheir corpo,-olc seals harcunfo oll,,:red this day a A. D 1954. /n prosence of 5/yned.'^' As to Russe// T. Lund Florence E. Kruse Reuben F. Erickson Eya/d C. 54n1C Eugene W. Oredson Thomas C. Jackson Lund ,C'ruse, Inc. pros/dent Clark fie First Edina Nab o17,71 Bonk Pres/01¢/714 Cashier 5 7,4 716 OF M/NNESO74 ?r COfi'N Y OFHENNEP/N 'r'S On Phis1 doy of A. ,.1954, before me, o Notary Auh/ic, tvifhin and t'orsoid �"ounf andSf4fe„oarsono//y opoearod ,Puss¢/l T. Lund and florance E. Kruse Ruab¢n F. Er/ckrw andEvald C. fgank Eugcn W. Oradren once Thomas C Jackson, who h¢iny by me, each duly sworn, didsoy that They ora fhe /'resio'enf and Sccre o, -y, Mayor On7C/ ark, O1-zs/c%171 andG'ashier, respccfivo/y of LundKrus¢, Inc., fhe Vi%/oyd ofEdiho,Mihnasofo, C,701 t o Fist ABina Nof/ono/ Ronk, the corparofions nomad ih fhe foreyoincy insfrumanf fhaf solo' 1nsfru,77enf was s/yne ano'seo%d ih be -half of soil cor�oorofions by aufhorily of lha/r hoard of directors; fhaf Me sod/a offi rcd lo ;aid i sfrument aro the corporofa .4ea/s of solo' corporations and so�o',Pussa// T, Lund once F/orenc¢ E. Kruss', /ducbdn F. Eric son and Eyo/d C. ,3ank, Euyane 141 OredsOn and Thomas C. ¢Jackson insfrumont fo he fho free o f and .�czd of so; od corporations. 5TAT, plat .have des�< we/ The Tho Y/li Th¢ x 0)10, Th¢ Notary Puh//c, Hennepin Counly,M/nnesofa, "M/NNESOTA My comm/scion Expir¢•s; 5 'OF f!E/YNEP/N} 5., / do hereby c¢rfi fy that / boyo survay¢d and plotted fha prooarfy dascribad iii this L UND K/2U5,FADD/T/ON,' that Phis p,'of /s a correct raprasentolicn of'so1o'survey; the/ Q// d/slanccs are V shown on Chep/al in feefano'deciino/s ofa fool; fhaf the monuments forgo/clonce of lulu,-¢ surveys cn fheground os shown on the p/af; lhal fhe outside boundary /fines Ord carred/y Ace` on the p/at; that thefopayroohcf of fhe /and is corr¢cf/yshown fhelw are no ;'s or publi c h/ghways to he dasiynalQdon fhe plot other than shown r�iyerdo17, Land Surveyor MinnesoAr Ah7. No. /SO/ c¢rf/ficaf¢ to before me on this day of_ A, D,1954. Notary Pubic, Hcnncp/n County, iYlinn¢soto My comrr��ss/on Exp/rel yol, 7y plat of L UND Ze415E ADD/TJON was approved and occ¢,ofed by the pkarm/ny comm4mt of fhe of Edina, M/nn¢sofa, of a rayu/or maobih thoroof hold th,4 01C,4-'01- A. O. /954 P/4,AO', eg'mm/ss/on of the Vi/lagc o� Ed�i�o, Minnesota, byL ifs Cho/, -mon roh?y plat of LUNO XZO-5E A0,01T/ON was �u/or maefiir9 ffyereo�'' he%' fh/s-� doy of pf by fie l/%.ayt Couci/otEdii7a A01954N1ii�nasofcr, 1////oyi Jounci/ ddno� Minn¢sofo. /fs Mayor Ay a . �� ' :. X, /fs clerk ►xe ceplot approved once occep fQd this ®% �a day o f — c c• d 4 D. 199V by ®rant ./..) ;��-�,�� County Surveyor,