HomeMy WebLinkAboutOtto's 2nd AdditionSCALE: I"=100' O -INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED I ( I � I I R.L.S. Nr'. 7! TVT L -----L---�Q�/j --= }x661, Ry din° 5, 81 IILi (So f+w sff� er ofi 56G5' 4 5.E.statSic.j,r.11c,R.zj s�. OTTO'S 2nd AbDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY ,MINNESgTA JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; that FJ Nays and Helen B /-lays, huir i na/and wife, owners and proprrefors of ,he fol/ow/'n, described propperty, situated io /he County of Hennepin, 51 -ate of /'linnesota io wit: Tr acl A, Re /slered /and Survey No. 710 Files of 1Zefislrar of Tilles,�t Coun/y of Hennepin excePl Aha{per{ Jhereof/ym� J`ouA ofd /ine �ereinaffer described. Be�inala poinl on the drvidin�� line befween Section Sand Seclion B, Tow0A' //C, Ranlge 21,, oils/ant 1563 feel Easy of 4A Sou 1hwes/ corner of ,he 5ou/heas{ %4 ofsaId Sec{ion 51 thence /lord% a/ ri7�i an�/es to said d/'vidinq line a dis{ance of 145 feel to a point whichth is e point of be�inniny- of /he fine to be described`j /hence East al riybi an /es a disfence of 5O Earl and (here ierminalinfj also )?amus lnveilmenf Co.) a Minnesota corporelron, owner end proprietor of )fie following described properly silvaled in Ae6ounfr of ffennepinlStafe of Minnesota 4wif: / That par) of Trac{ Afrim Soulh of the fo/%wrndescrif ed line : Be9g�nnl�s�a/ a poini on the dividing line befween .Section Sand Secrlion 8� To nsAtlo /14, Ran le 21, islanl 1543 {eel Ea, -0 of e Soulhwesl corner• of the 5'041 ieasf of said See%on 5 j thence North of rryfif sfi�es /o said d,vtolin4- /ins a d4lance of 145Isel to a poinl which Is the point of he,,g�'innin¢� of -Ihe fine to be descrik-v"; //fence Easl al rl�hl anYfes a distance of f0 feel end /here lerm/nalrn�, Reis{ered Cend 5firvey Ito. 7/01 {i/es of Registrar of Ti/les, County o{ Hennepin. Piave caused the same io be surveyed end plaHecl as 0770 '5 Znd ADDITION end subject 10 the unlit and sanriary se war ease me»fs es shown on fheannexed plat. /n witness whereof we have herevnlo set our /rinds and affixed ourseals ihis2LTday of /Y/a 4 40-1958. /n wilness whereof Ramus fnves{men) Co. has caused (hese presents 10 be sifned by Els proper offlcer end ifs corporate seal to be hereunto eff�,ed ,his?_/`rky of_� A. D 1958. In Presence of S�ned dSfo... c' fJ s as io./ z Helen Nays _ RAM(/ INVfStMElOT co. ✓%z re men a Troesurer STATE O MINNESOTA if G nI COe/NryOf MENNE PIN } On /his�day of _� A.D.1y58, before me, a Notary Public, wii,�in and forsaidCoun{yand5{a% did persona/lyappear fJNaYs and Heken Hays,hus derx/wife, /o me personally /rnown /o be the persona described in and who exeeuled /he foreQ h7f In51r4/rlienl and acknow/edfed the same as their own free acl and deed. No1ars public, llern epinCounly, Minn. Mr Commisslon Expires Ly STATE OF MINNESOTAi', Votary Public, Hennepin County, Minh" CouNTyOf HENNEPIN] 'On this L—day of AD.195S. be{ore me, a Notary Public, wif�inanatorsaia' °o'u}r§fy'9�r1r/STATE appeared Clarence W Ramus, lo me personally know who beim by me duly sworn did say that he is president and treasurer c, r?Amvs INVESTMENTCo. the corporation named in 6e for�olr inslrumenl1�#wl ihe seal affixed fosaid rnsfrumen{is ibecorpor-e% sea/ of said corporation, YAea -did instrument was si ned and sealed in beha ofsaid corporalion by aulflori{y of ils board of Dirac{ors and said Clarence W. Remus ecknow/ed said inelrumenl to be the free ac{ and deed of sa`d�coripor {ion. Noiery!Vub11c,HenMvip1�{ iy, Minn. My Comm{�sthPpra>xri#t-- MY Commission Expires Fe . 1 , ].r� ��, 1 hereby cerfifr Aal [have surve yed/and p/alfed A-- properly described on )hi is p/d/ as OTTo's 2nd ADDITION; e fh`s pla{ is a correct represents/ion of said survey- /hal a// dis{ances are correctly shown on the plat in fee/ anddecima/e ate fooff /Pia{ /he monuments forurdence W Aire surveys have been correc/ly placed in the froundas shown an the pla{j that the outside boundery /i es are correctly deslgna/sd on the plat j that there ere no we lands or public h15�hways . to 6e desl�rvArd on said plet other than ss shown thereon j /hai the topoy-raphY of )fie and Is corredly5lwwn on the plal. iyrveror- Minnesota ,Peg. AG 3813 STATE Of MrvNESOTA] f f COUNTY Of HENNEPIN Theeheve cer{fica le was sukscribed aix/s worn 10 before me a /Volar Public wi#7/n and sid for a County end Sia Ale on this #;®y o{ �l �i A.D. 1958. y iveary Pub/ici( /7nTfn County, Minn This plef wes checked andepproved on this 216 day of A D. 1958, N9W.1/"„i /x .N/Kr, r.. G i ;rptP 7`e ] `,., r i G CovnfySurveyor, h(snnepin6,cinirjM/� n. , This ppAlai was recommended forappro✓ by /he Plannin Commlasion of tie V/1a?e of Edina, Minnesota ala ra�ular meellny thereof he/d fhis� day of /'/,s �C A. D. 1958. 7 ✓/ /" 7ZIP i Chairman ThIdi was approved end accep/ed by the V1//aw�ee Council of hoe (1il/ye of Cdina , Minneso/a ale refv/ar meefirr�- {hereof held A15 ion day of 4. D. 1958 V14 LA(E-COUIVC 1L OF THE LAGEOFED/NA, MINNESOTA r Mena r r