HomeMy WebLinkAboutParkwood Knolls 2nd AdditionPAIZ14WOOD KNOLLS 2"- LDINA. MINNL-JOTA Sea/e: I = /00' •n• /POn Monument h /roll /moon Monument3 a /Yor=ii 1117-- of 14145i01,41,4141dl Section 3; 7-//71 R Z/ /wn Monument 5 69000 3y1'B� e36•;; ; - I .291.8 5 "L-asrmenf 6 D/�r7ow a/y /nen by 117--5-- oresenls fhaf Car/ 144 /�ansen and 1,1e/e/7til , /-,/arisen, his W116 , owners 9/2d D ®I oroprietorS o the f yylhkl described ro ert situate in the Sfafe o r�nesofa and Count oj' /benne ire fowif; /�// fhaf part fhe /1/01-1,17e`a51Quarter (N,C~%) of /he NordhweSl - Quarter (NW'4) and of fhe Norlhwesf- Quarter (NW%) of' Me Norfheast� uarfer (NG~%J, in Section 3I, Township I/7, QanQ•e 21, described as fol/ows: 3e, it /7�r of fhe rnosf Wester/y orner of fho du/y rscordsdpfaf of lOar,&wood /Cnoifs; thence Norfheasferfy 60l of `67/0y fhe Northerly boundary /ine f said .0ar,�wood/lno//s to fhe most mester/y corner of'Lol 7 Q/oc% 3in said �ar/cwood C�no//s; thence Norther/ / o17 a curve cox7vex to fhe Wml, havinV a radius of447, �6 f ef. fhe fayenf oJ'sa/o' curve f rrr�in� a r��ht ani/e wrih fhe asf described course, a distance of 140, 57 feel; (hence Northwester/y o/� a far�,�er�tia/ curve fo fhe /elf, having a d its of 25.94 f et, a disfarrce of 27, 74 feet; thence South 69 ° OO' 11'1/--5/ 351, 87feet; fherrce South 2 ` 23' Cast 13 feef; fhent�e South 14= 21'Wesf 128, /feet; fhence South 28 =04'West /90.3( e/; thence South 03' .Cast 8,2. / f ef; fhe/Ve South 50' 95',Cast /945 f of ; ther/ce South 36 � 20'Z•ast 139, 45(ef; lhence South /B' 23' Wesf 93•�el; f enc-- North 67=41'West 9B 63f et; fhei�ce North /7� 26'Wesf /30f of ; fher/ce /1/orfh •4'16 "West 130 feet; fher7ce So fh 52' 40'Wesf 2.¢7.9fet; thence South 6' S6'I'i/est 90,75feel; the/7ce South 31= 21'West 19.42 feel; fhence SOufhe /y o/7 a fan✓pex7 li 'l curve fo fhe /elf, having a radius of 689.14 f el a 71is1,gr/ce o,4-'977 07leel to a point in the South /iWe of fhe /Northeast- Quarfer`(NL-%) of fhe Nal-lhwest ~Qyar'%r�iVlY/J ofsaid Section, 960 feel Wesf f the Southwest corner- of said 0arkwood /ho%/s; thence L-as7` 110,- said South fire 960 l et to the Sauth est corner of Said Dar/ woodhof/S; thPrrce ire aier/er-a/ Northerly directior> alor/�r fhe Wester/y he ofsa�o 0ar,/cwood /Cr/o//S /40 fhe ooii7l of be /171711 r: /'-0/- the,ourooses of fhi5 des- criotio/7 the oath 1ir/e of Me Northeast-Qc/arfer(N�/) olfhe Norfhwest Quar-te�-(iVly/� of�sect%or/ 31, Township 17, Pang-- 21 /' assumed to be a due ,Cast and !/!lest Ai w, /-lave caused tl�e 5a177e lobe curveo/ted a, 0wle- o/,doyaael e to the pc/.b/i for oa blic use fore ver the fJarks, /loads, ,C ane ar O/ rl% e% as 917awi7 017 the 91/WeXed L Gl4ly' Ln✓p/i7eers f Surveyors a N v\ O Monument o {der po I � cu Q x t 20 I c<? -o /moon Monument3 a /Yor=ii 1117-- of 14145i01,41,4141dl Section 3; 7-//71 R Z/ /wn Monument 5 69000 3y1'B� e36•;; ; - I .291.8 5 "L-asrmenf 6 D/�r7ow a/y /nen by 117--5-- oresenls fhaf Car/ 144 /�ansen and 1,1e/e/7til , /-,/arisen, his W116 , owners 9/2d D ®I oroprietorS o the f yylhkl described ro ert situate in the Sfafe o r�nesofa and Count oj' /benne ire fowif; /�// fhaf part fhe /1/01-1,17e`a51Quarter (N,C~%) of /he NordhweSl - Quarter (NW'4) and of fhe Norlhwesf- Quarter (NW%) of' Me Norfheast� uarfer (NG~%J, in Section 3I, Township I/7, QanQ•e 21, described as fol/ows: 3e, it /7�r of fhe rnosf Wester/y orner of fho du/y rscordsdpfaf of lOar,&wood /Cnoifs; thence Norfheasferfy 60l of `67/0y fhe Northerly boundary /ine f said .0ar,�wood/lno//s to fhe most mester/y corner of'Lol 7 Q/oc% 3in said �ar/cwood C�no//s; thence Norther/ / o17 a curve cox7vex to fhe Wml, havinV a radius of447, �6 f ef. fhe fayenf oJ'sa/o' curve f rrr�in� a r��ht ani/e wrih fhe asf described course, a distance of 140, 57 feel; (hence Northwester/y o/� a far�,�er�tia/ curve fo fhe /elf, having a d its of 25.94 f et, a disfarrce of 27, 74 feet; thence South 69 ° OO' 11'1/--5/ 351, 87feet; fherrce South 2 ` 23' Cast 13 feef; fhent�e South 14= 21'Wesf 128, /feet; fhence South 28 =04'West /90.3( e/; thence South 03' .Cast 8,2. / f ef; fhe/Ve South 50' 95',Cast /945 f of ; ther/ce South 36 � 20'Z•ast 139, 45(ef; lhence South /B' 23' Wesf 93•�el; f enc-- North 67=41'West 9B 63f et; fhei�ce North /7� 26'Wesf /30f of ; fher/ce /1/orfh •4'16 "West 130 feet; fher7ce So fh 52' 40'Wesf 2.¢7.9fet; thence South 6' S6'I'i/est 90,75feel; the/7ce South 31= 21'West 19.42 feel; fhence SOufhe /y o/7 a fan✓pex7 li 'l curve fo fhe /elf, having a radius of 689.14 f el a 71is1,gr/ce o,4-'977 07leel to a point in the South /iWe of fhe /Northeast- Quarfer`(NL-%) of fhe Nal-lhwest ~Qyar'%r�iVlY/J ofsaid Section, 960 feel Wesf f the Southwest corner- of said 0arkwood /ho%/s; thence L-as7` 110,- said South fire 960 l et to the Sauth est corner of Said Dar/ woodhof/S; thPrrce ire aier/er-a/ Northerly directior> alor/�r fhe Wester/y he ofsa�o 0ar,/cwood /Cr/o//S /40 fhe ooii7l of be /171711 r: /'-0/- the,ourooses of fhi5 des- criotio/7 the oath 1ir/e of Me Northeast-Qc/arfer(N�/) olfhe Norfhwest Quar-te�-(iVly/� of�sect%or/ 31, Township 17, Pang-- 21 /' assumed to be a due ,Cast and !/!lest Ai w, /-lave caused tl�e 5a177e lobe curveo/ted a, 0wle- o/,doyaael e to the pc/.b/i for oa blic use fore ver the fJarks, /loads, ,C ane ar O/ rl% e% as 917awi7 017 the 91/WeXed L Gl4ly' Ln✓p/i7eers f Surveyors a N v\ Monument o {der po p N¢ Corner of Sec//on 3/, 7-//7 2 Z/ �65 010GI4r'0 ��ov /• of o^ 7g,o4 \ J A / _ 1111 \00� 0� 3 0 C_CYt / o � ' - 375' a � tV 4. Vol �,0 numeirf \� i9sz _.240 Z \ ' \AD \ 9 1.31 c 1IPV\ o•u7°ZZ' 60 / �c /7.278/.3783,73 rOti 4�\1 H�y- 6 3 36 / ' 192• 46 � 2" `�'�s .•. / '. i k'°477.46 - • I l t �, b � b �iB RoAp W o ... R G� ti ti Z n-' : h a 0 2 0 � J 0 � 200 ' /go,1465 Eas>< --- 960 - •- J Saufli 11178 Of NES of NlY¢ of Section �; 71172 Z/J LX, PfJ/ZKWODO KNOLLS STAUDER CIRCLE p/af. '71-7 wl;/,7199 whereof we have 17ereu.710 sel aur 9r701 sea/s fhi5�4� dayof�/i0.1951, 67 • '4 _(SG/•7L) State ofNlinn ofa Cou/7fy of/�er7 eoir7 S'� 017 fh�s day of�/�D. 19S/, betre rne, a r7otary ou6Gc. wifhii7 ar7dfr said County and 51191e, oersonr7a//y appeared Car/ til ai7ser7 ar�d fie% /�I, yansPr7, his wife , fo me krroW to be the /oersorzs desc bed in and who execaled fhefor�roi `� inslr41177enl and They ack.,-low/eYeed fhaf they executed the Same aS heir own free act and deed, / Notary ,dub/ic, /-lcnnepin Cour7fy, Minnesot�-�'" MY C0/77/7715Sio/7 L~xpires SF P r E 44 8 F State of /Llir7r7 sofa1 S.S. county of Henn din J / do hereby certify fhaf lhave surveyed a17d10/al161d fhe,orooerly described on 11715 plat as `:0�2 wood /KNOLLS 2nd /-�o�i7•ion/'; that this,o/at is a correct reoreser�latior7 of saio'Survey; fhaf a// dicta ccs are correct/y shaoln o17 thelofal /i7 eof ar7dCeding/s of'afoof; fhaf 1h /77o15'ume1719 for �uidance of afar-- surreys hate been correct/y ,o/aced in fhe Qrour7d as showy 0/7 fh6'101W fhaf fhe oulside bourn ry /tries are correctly on the o/af, (hal fhe to ora/oh y of the far701 is correctly Shown on the fat andfhaf(here are no wet /ands 0/- 1041b110 140 be desiq.7ateo'0/7 said,ofal other thah s 5howr� l/�ereor�, �`, o (.ice -O � %''�•-r� Surveyor -1W717 Pei N' 929 /above cerfif "ate subscribed and 16 01W tobefore rr7e, a notary /0u6/rc, this 2� day of<1-_/�?D. p % iJU� /�2beCCe'T �`G.'o.varTZ j�a� Notary dub/c, A,1e1717e,0117 C0u/71y, Minnesota M y Corn/nission L -noires -� � f' �6 t�, l ys4 This ,o/a>< wa aooroveo/ and acceoledby fhe 1/ix/ale Counci% of Cdi7a, /1�Iii7n�sota, al a re�u/arineej`,;r thereof he/ this day of /�,`D, /951, V/LLAGG- ,E UNC/4 O/- 'L'/4. MINNC--9074 � ! Aly