HomeMy WebLinkAboutProspect Hills 2nd Addition.•1 4 A N p 9�0 o ' N O W z z ° 393 P1?Ot5PECT HILLs 2ATA HENNEP/N COUNTY, MINNESOTA Jv/y 194,8 DITION /(now Q//rrrerr by the ¢ pr¢s¢rifs ><hal /'le/v/rr P. Johrsor�4r�dBorrbcrra Lee Tohrisonhis wi.,�e, owa¢r c✓r/dProoriefors o•{fhe•�o/%✓i�9 descri,6ed�roiv¢r/y si/irafdcJ /r7' /h¢ °SA71C 1^1717esot`cr orrru' Covrrz1y of H¢ri.�¢,oirr to�✓if A///liar` Par/ of/he /1/or11141¢51- varl¢r r1VW%%of JecIla 17 8 To1w7shipll6if! Fluriye 21W. described os.•1o/ ws; The Sovih % af'�. O11eosa` �JuQrr`¢r�.SE.% )of Northwest !,?varier N.Gt/%4) of Nol-lht.✓esf quorter�N.Gt/%¢%, A/so th¢iYorfh e4st (�udrz`'¢r �iY. �: f¢J a Sovthlsi¢sz` Qvcrrter (S. G✓. %J ohil/or><hti/¢st Qurar�er -- - i Q. •- -- (N.Gr//%, A/so cr//thAi`pof the /10,e Zh Ao 0,/ oe 74cas� gvorrz�¢r S.E.%) i of/1/orl`hav¢st gvArz` A/ .5 B¢yr�air�4 az`fheNorth- fh /ine of S %Zo1S.E./4ofN.W%4: of N.W.% ofSec.8,T.116-R.2! - I , N West Corner OfSa%d /YO a`fi %Z of �Sovz°/re4s QUdrter�J'E./v� o.1rNa-z`h4k1IfstPoo1ier(w.%) .s�_o z5o.o 2272¢ kti e Ther�ce East a/oriy Zh¢ orifi /ih¢ thereof l"Yo of T7e, ce foufr`i aQrol/¢/wilh 1 2 I - M r`3g: / r -16g5hq'� q� of ; all ��j>•� . -.-f `� . � r • : it , � , t � /f A 1o o W 6 she Gi/¢sz'/ride o{.saio' t/ rl`hf/2'of fovfheas� Qvarfer(�S E%)of Norfhr✓esf �var/er Y, h rIVAIR) /90.9,fe¢t; Ther/ e Zo the /ef/ 9/degrees, 121771,W110.5 n disz`crr�c¢ of co 17657eef, Thel7ce <5 1h Para//e/A,rith `he �esf/ire ofsAid /1/orz�h %z of 3 N �' Soaz�he4sf Qvarter�S %J of /Yor1`hwesf Qom, r71 `er(IVA!*) /fO.Ofeez` z`7 arPoini o o Cvrv¢; Th¢v�c2 Sou/h r/y o%ray a curve o the,ri9hz, wrr`h q D¢/z�cr /lry/¢ 2133 a N of /2 a'¢9r¢¢. aro' Z �ihvz`¢s tiir�h-ca lZAdivs of67�7/faef odisc¢ o� m o, 124'.3�feet; Zherrc¢ �Sov er/y n/oriy a/ire¢ fo�yaw/ o /a- o'¢scrib¢d curve 93.1f¢eI` r`o a point` of vrv¢; Thence5 o vfher/y o%h9 A curve % fhc /e fry 4 ofl degrees oadOrr�ii�U�`�s �✓ia'h A llddivs of //8. /Of¢¢z� c� Q c/isfcanc¢ of Q2.¢,3fe¢z; h¢ncQ <Sovzh¢r/y aAO/7r a/ii7e 14744 70172 fo /ast described W d 5 Cury2 5/• 8f¢¢z` ago a,o inx`ii7 z<h¢ �5ovr�h fii7¢ ofsoid/yo/'fh%2 of Sov>`fiea°s� ofWo 1hw¢st Quarz`¢ I—('IV !%4) disfarr�f /ZS.Of¢tf �osl`¢r/y W iq6 i t: SronMon. .L. o , 9°0.150.0 0�• 0 3 \ from: the. <S'ovth�est corr�¢r of sgia' North %2 of Sovz�h�dst fJvarter �S E %¢J -� a°' F of Norr�hwest Qvar ¢r (rt/. WA4) 467adih¢rasvredcr/oni i'he Jovl4h Aw fhereg ; Th¢r/ce A/esz` n%r7g Io ¢ Joellh /i17e ofse;i4'/1/orthl�2 of Sovr`heasf worf¢r o'N rr10r (/!/!�/%� 125. D to the ,SovEhwest corr/er thereof, Therice \ H a d `� Norther/y.a/or�g the est /ri7¢ .ofsaicJit/o-A-h//2 0-74Q) ofil/orthwo r14vart¢ rN. lit .. %4) 7406¢9inriir�y, '!/ove caused the scrrr�e rho b¢ v ?; i .R N SvrvrZyecr'dirdP/nit¢ qs"PROSf�ECTfi/lS2Aooirio�c,'Ahddohereby o'ano7`¢�rn4' ?n;�s• _�;,' � _-137.97 -- �f � 0� c%dicofe fo the�ub/�G' orz`h¢Pv6/ic vs'eforeYer the sr�reez`s c✓rrdAverrves os shown or! the e cc 4f Iri✓hel-oof w¢ hove herear7.a`o .sei oe,,I- s o - D : % C ;� L` t��. A/71�5¢a/S thi y of .� D.194B. y CO r21$ 0 0 h� S¢ Ce,of� ,f 313, 3 a S/af of A. P 19-A8, before rne, a Notary County off�dririe�oi� Oh this y - ' Pub/ic, wiffiia Arrd{or, s io' Covr�ty P¢rsoria//y c��Pegrcd /9e/yir� P.Johnsor� cited 71)d Barbara Le¢�%hr sort, h s wife, 7o me Awowr7 /o be r<h¢ �drsorrs described /i7ord who et'¢cu/¢d fh¢ fore o/icy /i�s>`rvm¢ar` orrd fhQy ackaow/edged fhof hhey � 3? o.Z`I ' • ` �c� � v � ¢x¢c�t¢d the sQrrie ns ffi¢ir oryri free ocr� orr� deeo! 4I O Sat? ie IV r T ` Y W N( H. RIPPBS, -HEi tq L NdaxY P�.blF n .. <'our.4Y, Minn. : tale of My comm,....on% vo ,3030 N L,4V `y of f/c�/iriaP%r1 S. Ido hereby, cerz`i Cyz`hAf Ihave serve ed4rrdp/crtx�¢d 0 33-7Z fh¢Prow¢riy Q'¢scri6¢a' o z`/risP/of 4s P,QoS bT f//LL S 2 ' A00/T o/Y; "z`hor°r`his - 793. 2 - - --125 ° j�/of rs a correct rept criiz`ar�io� o saio'svrv¢y; fhc�f a//d�sz`uaces ore cor'eel V ovth lin¢ of P(.E.%4 of S.W. l4 of A1.W.14 o}5¢c.BT.l16-R.21 G s/70wir O/lLjre�O/4�//7fe'¢ arrdc%cirnd/s ofcrfoof; ffiaiz'`fieinoi7u�e��`s,foryoi�Arce o��a/ar2 sUryeys hav 6¢¢ri correct/y,ofaced/:� th¢9roardAs sfiot11 oa 1110jAA0t; that /he ovfsii/260vac,� ry/�i�essre coi-iecf/y des9r�r><eo'orrtheP/�rr< /fiai`ffie r`o�a9ra/o/y h f w'/h f r`fiere re ho of/ands or 0 the /a17od1.> correct -> fiowa ori ¢�/A Aa - er c✓ PVb/ c hi9/iways 7 4 heo'e i9rrc✓z`ed ons o'er/cif other fhAo as .7h&w,,7 fh¢,r'¢orr This P1472 was orppraved curd occePt�o' by`fievlla,OC Covhci/o 2`'t/1;07a, R� isf¢r¢dLorro'Svrv¢ or- /lirirx.Qe /f/o Miriaesoz`a at cf re9v/nr m2¢z`iri9 i`h¢r¢of'hold fh%s�draayo ,_Noven6Py A.0.19�8. 9 Y 9 96v� c�icie sv6 abd orrdsworrto be or¢me Phis dog o Covri�%/ ofEdA.D19Vo r,ir _-� Nofar, Pv6/rc`He/raa irr Covr7f Minaeaot�r BY _ President y . P Y ay C/er /c /�lyCorrrrnissionEx�ires 9�0 cn 0 W z o d � O 03 ��j>•� . -.-f `� . � r • : it , � , t � /f A 1o o W 6 she Gi/¢sz'/ride o{.saio' t/ rl`hf/2'of fovfheas� Qvarfer(�S E%)of Norfhr✓esf �var/er Y, h rIVAIR) /90.9,fe¢t; Ther/ e Zo the /ef/ 9/degrees, 121771,W110.5 n disz`crr�c¢ of co 17657eef, Thel7ce <5 1h Para//e/A,rith `he �esf/ire ofsAid /1/orz�h %z of 3 N �' Soaz�he4sf Qvarter�S %J of /Yor1`hwesf Qom, r71 `er(IVA!*) /fO.Ofeez` z`7 arPoini o o Cvrv¢; Th¢v�c2 Sou/h r/y o%ray a curve o the,ri9hz, wrr`h q D¢/z�cr /lry/¢ 2133 a N of /2 a'¢9r¢¢. aro' Z �ihvz`¢s tiir�h-ca lZAdivs of67�7/faef odisc¢ o� m o, 124'.3�feet; Zherrc¢ �Sov er/y n/oriy a/ire¢ fo�yaw/ o /a- o'¢scrib¢d curve 93.1f¢eI` r`o a point` of vrv¢; Thence5 o vfher/y o%h9 A curve % fhc /e fry 4 ofl degrees oadOrr�ii�U�`�s �✓ia'h A llddivs of //8. /Of¢¢z� c� Q c/isfcanc¢ of Q2.¢,3fe¢z; h¢ncQ <Sovzh¢r/y aAO/7r a/ii7e 14744 70172 fo /ast described W d 5 Cury2 5/• 8f¢¢z` ago a,o inx`ii7 z<h¢ �5ovr�h fii7¢ ofsoid/yo/'fh%2 of Sov>`fiea°s� ofWo 1hw¢st Quarz`¢ I—('IV !%4) disfarr�f /ZS.Of¢tf �osl`¢r/y W iq6 i t: SronMon. .L. o , 9°0.150.0 0�• 0 3 \ from: the. <S'ovth�est corr�¢r of sgia' North %2 of Sovz�h�dst fJvarter �S E %¢J -� a°' F of Norr�hwest Qvar ¢r (rt/. WA4) 467adih¢rasvredcr/oni i'he Jovl4h Aw fhereg ; Th¢r/ce A/esz` n%r7g Io ¢ Joellh /i17e ofse;i4'/1/orthl�2 of Sovr`heasf worf¢r o'N rr10r (/!/!�/%� 125. D to the ,SovEhwest corr/er thereof, Therice \ H a d `� Norther/y.a/or�g the est /ri7¢ .ofsaicJit/o-A-h//2 0-74Q) ofil/orthwo r14vart¢ rN. lit .. %4) 7406¢9inriir�y, '!/ove caused the scrrr�e rho b¢ v ?; i .R N SvrvrZyecr'dirdP/nit¢ qs"PROSf�ECTfi/lS2Aooirio�c,'Ahddohereby o'ano7`¢�rn4' ?n;�s• _�;,' � _-137.97 -- �f � 0� c%dicofe fo the�ub/�G' orz`h¢Pv6/ic vs'eforeYer the sr�reez`s c✓rrdAverrves os shown or! the e cc 4f Iri✓hel-oof w¢ hove herear7.a`o .sei oe,,I- s o - D : % C ;� L` t��. A/71�5¢a/S thi y of .� D.194B. y CO r21$ 0 0 h� S¢ Ce,of� ,f 313, 3 a S/af of A. P 19-A8, before rne, a Notary County off�dririe�oi� Oh this y - ' Pub/ic, wiffiia Arrd{or, s io' Covr�ty P¢rsoria//y c��Pegrcd /9e/yir� P.Johnsor� cited 71)d Barbara Le¢�%hr sort, h s wife, 7o me Awowr7 /o be r<h¢ �drsorrs described /i7ord who et'¢cu/¢d fh¢ fore o/icy /i�s>`rvm¢ar` orrd fhQy ackaow/edged fhof hhey � 3? o.Z`I ' • ` �c� � v � ¢x¢c�t¢d the sQrrie ns ffi¢ir oryri free ocr� orr� deeo! 4I O Sat? ie IV r T ` Y W N( H. RIPPBS, -HEi tq L NdaxY P�.blF n .. <'our.4Y, Minn. : tale of My comm,....on% vo ,3030 N L,4V `y of f/c�/iriaP%r1 S. Ido hereby, cerz`i Cyz`hAf Ihave serve ed4rrdp/crtx�¢d 0 33-7Z fh¢Prow¢riy Q'¢scri6¢a' o z`/risP/of 4s P,QoS bT f//LL S 2 ' A00/T o/Y; "z`hor°r`his - 793. 2 - - --125 ° j�/of rs a correct rept criiz`ar�io� o saio'svrv¢y; fhc�f a//d�sz`uaces ore cor'eel V ovth lin¢ of P(.E.%4 of S.W. l4 of A1.W.14 o}5¢c.BT.l16-R.21 G s/70wir O/lLjre�O/4�//7fe'¢ arrdc%cirnd/s ofcrfoof; ffiaiz'`fieinoi7u�e��`s,foryoi�Arce o��a/ar2 sUryeys hav 6¢¢ri correct/y,ofaced/:� th¢9roardAs sfiot11 oa 1110jAA0t; that /he ovfsii/260vac,� ry/�i�essre coi-iecf/y des9r�r><eo'orrtheP/�rr< /fiai`ffie r`o�a9ra/o/y h f w'/h f r`fiere re ho of/ands or 0 the /a17od1.> correct -> fiowa ori ¢�/A Aa - er c✓ PVb/ c hi9/iways 7 4 heo'e i9rrc✓z`ed ons o'er/cif other fhAo as .7h&w,,7 fh¢,r'¢orr This P1472 was orppraved curd occePt�o' by`fievlla,OC Covhci/o 2`'t/1;07a, R� isf¢r¢dLorro'Svrv¢ or- /lirirx.Qe /f/o Miriaesoz`a at cf re9v/nr m2¢z`iri9 i`h¢r¢of'hold fh%s�draayo ,_Noven6Py A.0.19�8. 9 Y 9 96v� c�icie sv6 abd orrdsworrto be or¢me Phis dog o Covri�%/ ofEdA.D19Vo r,ir _-� Nofar, Pv6/rc`He/raa irr Covr7f Minaeaot�r BY _ President y . P Y ay C/er /c /�lyCorrrrnissionEx�ires