HomeMy WebLinkAboutRe-Plat of Block 1 Emma Abbot ParkRE -PLAT of BLOCKA, EMMA ABBOT PARK. N. line u10'eI0 C /, zm- m,? 4hholl Park. 347 -- ----- --- S. /irle Bock 1, Firma Abbott perk Sco% L--/00' KNOW ALL MEN BY TNES fee of the fo//owing 41escr Back One (/,� excelaf EIWX,,9 ABBOTT PARK 1:14re eacrsecl /he 4ZOV known ars "RF -PLAT of � use ,forever all sh Witness our h PRESENTS; Th , we, Frank G. Larnck A4zl- Iv4rie Lanlch, /Yus64lls/ongl Wfe, owners In ed Proper7�'/j 7l4 -W/Y, "' �r��dir� Cou12�lty re 5ouelh One hur>q'req' CIOa) feet c/ the lYorl/r Three-hatxgre<l C300 feet firer<eo,; /nrerrllSes /a 6 e /qid out Info L ofs qs shown ori this sh eel a17d /he same A0 6e OGf� 1, =MHj l ABBOTT PA;e f" aoa we hereby g'edlcgfe to r`he Pub!!c for lnub/ic vn on >`he P/al hereon. and segl fhir 1911iq'7 /953. I W/faesf for A"17/t Lgntck W71ness for N-7we 4171ck 51.-11e 01"/Y/11lrreso/9 5.5. Co"n ly of 11el9nep11 o//Yenneplrl, Xlllne-5V1q Iv /fn0WI-7 fo be rhe person gpperared Acrd each gek76 5falre o/ leinnesofq1 S.S. Court K of lve-Imepin J I hereby the sp?e Info / afs As sh progressive lyeoemhers, Mal � of 4 foo, lh4,71 the morlulrl p/art hereon, ffiol lfie /opO9?l p/af lhol there are no we; 5t,bscrl q'a f! of�L 7 lfils__1s4'aY of e�vc �' /953, ,6e1ore me a �Ilofarr rub/ic, err and for �11e cau�T`� 4ort4/� ap/aeQr e4' Fr4r!/c lT. 1-4rl1c k alV4' ATaNie�4nlc�; f{us b4/;c� prp4'fe 491741/o 777e q'escrl,bec� Irl Ia!?4' who execalegl the forepoin9 1175frusne`7l aria' who before me/oersan4ly /e99eq' .Such fo be fhefr ow`t free act arrq' q'eed. /Yal4rJ/ Publlc, //enneairr county Aflaneso}a G ��t%5 91'de 7 v cerflfy Mal I ha✓e Surveyed the /ct1144'escrlbed !n /he q' c4fio7 /hrs sheefan4' c�'ivided uaz 6 /he p/Qf lleneon, which correct/y shows such d,vislon, fha/ s4/o'/ofs are mambereq�ln �e 1,Wes7slo175 of /ofs av,,q' the W11111z ofcq/l S�I`eeI`s Are Showov /rr Y`ee/ a�q' 9'eci`rra/s ifs dor /he 9r�14'Qnce of fu/ure surYeys hQYe .heen sfron�rl ort the Phy !s correc,�fy showy, I`%iQf the oalslgle bom,7071ies of the ccer•ec f y shown orr, sole' 1479's or,aub/Ic hiphuiays fo be glesl9n4legl orr sQ�- other tflo/r !s fLlereor? shown. keep. CooQ svrveyor /rinir'C/?Si) 9'4'17V' Sworn belbre me A /Yo74ary,au6/rc, !!r aaq' for /he co* aw; f-offi'ellae/v�i, A11a1j4es01q ol /953, /Vo>`9� Pub/rc, /fennepm Coua�Y. /Ylia�eso f _ /y/�Conmiss/oa esoires l�y.e1, 7f'� /9S4 SaEGEN Sntuy P'ablla, Minn �t;-.ummix�ep C.xpirr Aa,ch 7. 1954 This ,v/a1Approvec/ ,6f- 11ze v!/lel7 e count./ rad the vi!/ape 0/ 4irlq �lliarleso/Q a¢ rerulvy, weel/np hel4' fh e el4y o)'-/953. V1//a fe of Eemf br //s Recor quer '( Sea( f!