HomeMy WebLinkAboutReplat of Lots 3 4 5 Block 1 Idylwood Fourth AdditionREPL A T of Lo TS 3, 4 &5, B1-ocK Z .1DYLWooD Fou1?rH ADD1 T1ON T7E/ViyEP/N Coulvr Y, MINNESOTA SCALE - .I /N. ` 4DFT. I .South / I /iie ofLo fZ8/oat/ // Z R C lo, t LOf 1 R ae36 NN / v �• P ri 017 oft V hhN 1 Q, w ^� r 'J --- r ? of Lo i:r y 5� e'`• �t�1 I �a /rm ,� �� /S�z� r• .s i lYr/h /i/L- ofLo/G B/ack/, %ronMon "Y• Ids•/wooca/Four/h f'r/c/iflo/� � I I r I � J, o, 42 I I L---- �-Q i The boundaries of this /o/a/ and the hauno'arles of,fhe b/OcAF (herein have 6een mathemaflcally chechecl crldaporavea! No deterrnir79IV17 has heen made 7'O ascertaln tha>fhe /eyd/descrJPtion o'grees with snide1417' Dated fhe day of 41) lfa4 ey //award w. Perkias j7'ennepio C«�ntySurveyof`• x Know oi/ Inco 3y (hes preseols lhal ,012/7 E. ,5/06177her9-117c. , d Minnesota Lorporalion , owner and praprielar of the 7'o//awing atescrihee19roperfy sifuaie io /he SJate o1'R1;717eso1a al7d Cozl,,?/X 01'ennepin Loli 3, 4 and.— 81och l I4'y/wood Fourth Hdc,/ifionl according To >he p/al lhereol on e 117 the off1ce of fhe &y/strar of Tlf/es, has eaased fhPsa/ne to 6e ,fa"rveyed awa" p/afyec/ as fen AT f Lorr 34A,5, 9LOe1C1, IoY�Woo/o ,suhjecffo ufi/ify easelneI715 asshowI7 on the annexed phrl' IJP witness whereof ,7ahn E. 8/oomher9 Inc. h., eausec/ (hese presents to 6e si9/7ecl by /1s resider/ and viee,ore ldenf and IIS corporate sec!/ 7'o be hereunto aff;red fhiS i71t4 day, of_7'10./964 Signed John E dloomf✓ery Inc ay President V/�-e Presider!? ,ffafe of .M/nnesota County of /fenne/O/n OJT fhls � da y of�J��..� A,Q 1964 be fore me, a Notary Pub/ic Within crud for laic/ County and pe .SfGfe rsona//y appeared John E. B/aomberg eindCa//e /k'1, B/oomher9, fome,oersona//y X-nown, who heihy by me O'aly sworn, did say fhaf They are respective /y President 917CtW1 C President of.%O%In E. /,3/oamhCry, Inc., fhe Carp 0rafior? rramec//i? fhe 10rego/i7f insfrurnent• fhelfthe sea/ affixed to J&&' /i7sfrulnent is the coloarate sea/of said corporation; J`h4/sale/inrtrumenv' wassigned and .,rea/ed in behalf of �rGii/ corporation by authority of%7'5- BoaJc/oflJirecfors and {hcrf.loho E. B/oo/nhery ar7d Ca//ie M. 8/ooln jery acfnow/ed9ed said 1i7sfrumen % /oe the free qct and ejeed of ,said corporafr®n.: °" " ..`./• 'Amn. /Yolary Publiel &&Wept unty, N/innesofa Jl%y comrnirs%41/7expires - / / / hereby cert//y fhafIhave,surveyed ar7dplaffed fheproperty describedinfhisp1411 as/PeoLRT ,c, Lo rs •3 4 & 5, &LOCK 1.7DYL wood F01IR7-,Y,400lrtohr; that fhisp/atis a true trod correct represen fation 'saic/,s'urvey; fhaf all of&i(ances erre correctly shown an fhe p/af in feet and decimals ofafoof,- al fhe Jnanun-r eats for fhe jaidance of future sur ve ys have /been correctly placed//'? fhP c�raund shown on Me plat; that fhe outside boundaries erre Zorrecf/y c1rsi917a1ec1on fhep/af anctr Sat fhere are r!o wet /ands orpuh/ie highways 7'o he designated on the plat afher than as hown 7'hereon. Sfafe O1 N1;7aeSOfG County ofh'ennepii//�'s"f' flhove certificate subscr/bed rind swoJJl to before Rey%stered La/rdSurveyor h'o /�8, In 7%s- -. A5 dc/yof,EB• f//]/q6g 7 n�ke� , - lyaAmry Pubic /7eonepin County, /Ynnesota N/ycomm%o — 413— G p/at Was aporoveal by fhe /0/gnnmy Comm fission of the V!l/age o/E�iTa, lWwesota Phis �_ clay of MAech 40. lma4. PLfJNN/N6 CO/Y/M/SS/O/Y M//YN ay rman p/at was a/oproved ane! cycce�fed 6y Me t/!%/aye Cour7ci/ of Ee/ii�cr, Minnesota of cr /ar 177ee>`ii7y !`hereof `his 1�� GJ'ay of �_ /4./J 1964. V/l.L,q&e COUNelL O E JNA /Y///YN SOT.9 ,gy � President By %%/dqe Ma ger'