HomeMy WebLinkAboutReplat of Part of Block 1 Golf Terrace HeightsREPLAY of pAKT °F DLUIL/k gennepin Gounfy, Minnesota EGAN. FIELD and NOWAX-o Ensineers 2nd Surve yons �- Denotes /ron /i/Ionurr>en� Sca/e 20Seplem6er, /954 Pomf /ein�i /BD foe( ,�w>h �'� .YK'coine/'o%G�3 - 2oo — 1'acafed Portion C%fQRy LAME Al • W gfa,-eon HTS f pmml iel y /to/ A&A �'' �� e�lhe ,vE cainrraf Lof ¢ sa n �iyy c+%nr>n /.x o°fk es {Coif CS'✓N✓tE /,Ge/%Tema Hoifh✓s / 2� 0 _7. z4 97 L O "1'+ 1 / ha h yh sQ / V� ,N yyv r �a b t� I y w ti 1:z I N, P A N c KSOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : ihal W C. Schneider Company, Inc., a lt9innesota )rporalion, owners and proprietors Jihe {ol%wins described properly si�uale in (fie 61816 of finnesola and County of h/ennepin fowit = - Lois / and 2, 8/ock 1, Go/f Terrace f qe hls and all 'al part of L013, Block /, Goff Terrace He�hls and of Cherry Lane, vacaleo, /ymj rues/ o/ 66 >ufher/y exf6nsion of fhe east line of Lo/ 4, block /, Goll Terrace He�hls and /y7ee/ south of a 7a drawn eas/ froma poin/ on the rues/ line o/ said Lot' 3, which poen/ is /OM south aloe Rid mesh Gne from the Norfhwesl corner of said Lot 3 to a point on a southerly exlension o ?e east /7e of lol 4, said ,Block and Addition , which polhl is do /l south alone¢ said /ine (tended from IN Norfheasl corner of said Lol 4, have caused the same k he surveyed and tatted as REPLAT OF PART OF BLOCK 1, GOLF TERRACE HE/C7HTS. /n wifne5S whereof aid w C. Schneider Company, Inc. has caused (hese press s fo be s�ned 6t' its ?roperoff eels Id its corporate sea/ k be hereunlo of fixed Phis day of A-91954 In Presence of- W C.SCHNE/D ; COMPANY, INC. ifs President t .- As to N!LSthneider 6t' ifs lurelar �i���-�- and G.A. Schneider by � � j' state of Minnesota ss. d� fd ® A.D. /954, before me, a Notary ,ounly o/hennepin On chis ayo/ public, person a//y, appeared N. C. Schneider and G. %5chneider, fo me ioersonall y known who beim¢ 6y me duly sworn did say that diet' are Presiden and Secretary, respective/l , of N. C. Schneider 'ompany, Inc. the corporation named In hhe Are�¢omn¢ In51rdmenl, that the sea/ affixed lV said instrument is a corporate .sea/ of said corporation and *81 said lnsfrunenl was s�Ioed and sealed in betial f of solo/corpora/ion ht' aulhorily of it's ,Board of ,0 r6cfors and said NC. Schneider and G. A. Schneider acknowlei eod said instrument to he the fee act and deed of said corporation. Notary Publics Nennep o ft' Minnesota flrN Lrk r+ariv�v Notary pub '7 C. Henwn County, minfri. MrCommission Expires My Gmmm"Sinn F<n r s A;+rri R 1Q55, Side of kfinnesola s S. Counlyof Hennepin / hereby certify that / have surveyed and ?/ailed the properly described on Phis plai as REPLAT OF PART OF BLOCK /, GOLF TERRACE HE/GHTS ; thal Phis p/al is a correct representation of said survey; Thal a// distances are correclly shown on the plai in feet and decimals of a fool; ihal the monvinents forkiidanee of IUIMr surveys have been ?Paced In the round as shown on the p/a/; thal fide outside boundary Gees are correa/ly deli na/ed on the io/a/; that the fopo��raphy of (fie land /s correctly shown on the 1 d fha there are no wet /ands or u�jc hi hwa s l0 6e deli naleod on said?lal other p a/, an P Y � Than as shown (hereon. Above cerci/icale subscribed and A.A 1954 lion N° 2264 sworn /o before ane on this Io day=— if���U Notary Public, Hennepin Counly, Annesola My Commission Expires