HomeMy WebLinkAboutReplat of Southerly half of Block 7 - Brookview Heights 1st AdditionREPEAT OF SOUTHERLY 112 OF BLOCK 7mBROOKVIEW HEIGHTS i 5T ADDITION 44 X83 051t i4.7 �9.86� of o 3 C /o So c BS I Trig' y s s bl� ¢Air ,16 I . Q. \ a9 as :• T�o s y yr ARLEIGH C. SMITH ,PEG. ENC7.e 9 LANG SURVEYOR WAYZATA, NIIiVN.�A000ST 1/954 5CALE.' 9"=I00' • DENOTES /ZON MON. / I Ch¢ckedono' approv¢dfiiis 6t�doy o�� AD.1954. G'ou4ty Surreyor Cow a// men by thase presents that Axe/ E. Car/son and d&147 e Cor/son, his ,yif¢j Harry A. Moffsor7 and 5¢/rrt,o V Moftson, his w/f¢, Edward C. 5/ow and Evo Slow, figs wife, Olson �SonS G'oncI-¢fe Praducfs Co., a Co porfiaeer- sh, consisfiny of 5fon/ey �9 O/son and /3¢1717/e O. O/son, as Co�orf4erS owners ono'/Oroori¢fors 4nd,fhe Min e000//s Savings 0170" Loon Association, o M11717eS0/61 Corporo>`ion, N/orlgog¢e, of the to/%wvi� d¢scri bed pro erfy fituoted» Me Slale o-"Mhv7eso/a and Counly of Hennepin tow/t; .The 5oufh¢r/y 04¢-ho/1(%) of Fsloek Soren (7) ljrookvi¢w Heighf5 firs f (>sr,) Addi fi on. hove caused fh¢ 5ome fobesarv¢yadondo%ttedos .FEPL,4T Or5OUTHE?LY 2 OF SLOCe 7-f3,P00KVIEW HE/6•H75 1ST DDIT/ON and do hereby donate andd¢dicate to the public Aorlouhlie ase forever a// the rood6 and Lands C.5 Shown on the 0177x¢0",0/0f, /n witness, whereof; sa/d Th¢ Minn¢aoo/is Sa`Wi7gS and Loon Associolien hos eous�o' hhes¢ pr¢sanls fo b¢ sign d by ifsf7roper officers and ifs eorworote seal hereunto t7lev red this } day of a, A, D. 1954 0170" 501�11Axe/ E. Cor/son 0170" Jv/io E.Cor/son, hiswifi, Harry A. Maffson and Selma k Mattson, his wit¢, Edward C' Stow 4 it 5to�, his wife, Sfan/¢y A Olson 0170"/3¢^,¢ O. 0/son, Co 10artn¢rs in Olson t Sons Concr¢f¢ Produefs Cov have hara- unt sef fleiiiioodsondseols Phis �'. � day of �"� `'-� A. D. 1954. /n Presence of Signed t ', As fo r�e � i7e000/is 5gvings 4170" Loon ffssociotion W Greenwood b ' ��':���� �� lfs President y—• bye u.G its Executi re 5¢crelary O/son / 5046 Concrete Products Coy o co Porfn¢rsh�p consisting of5lan/cyA. Olson 1 f�cnnie O.0/san os c0;oarfner6. As l0 n Stanley A O/son `�'y � Co �oarfnar Bennie O.O/son bye. Sto�i of Minnesota � ' Co fy of Hennepin 5.5.On fh/r Z r' day of . k •- ;9 D.1954, before me, o Notary Public, personalty appeared H. W Gr anwood 0170" F. L. Ends/¢y who heiny hyme; each du/ysworn, d�dsoy lhol thay are the Prasidanf and &eeufive 5¢c}r¢ tory, r¢sp¢cfi v¢!y, of Th¢ Minn¢opo%s 5avinys and Loan Association, fh¢ corporalian 1-o177edii7 the larcyoiny insrumen7; fhotsoidinsfrumenl was siynedondseo%d>r� h0" ha%yor'So�e/eorporolian by au/pori/y of ifs i3o�rd of Direclar,,; Thal the sea/aft'i red fo sa/o'ins, r -el went is the eoroorot¢ sea/ n; and th tsoid H W. 6reenwoad onci F. L. Endsley ocknow/edg¢dSonsfrument os fha t°r¢e ocf and deed of Soio' GO�iaOr'Alio4. '` r Notary Puhlie, Hann¢pin County, Minnesofo. Stat¢ of Minnesota j s s ti/y Corr�mias/an Expires CO%nly of flann¢p/n f On fh/s =w' day of X,0. 19.4, before ma, o Notary Pub/ie, wiYN17 and far said' C01171y and State, persona//y o�opearedAx¢1 E. Carlson 0nde/vlia E. Carlson, his w/te,'lorry A. MaftsorJ arnd5e/m4 V Maffson, his wile, Edward C. Stow and Evo Sfow, his wife, Stanley A. Olson and /dennie O. O/scn, Co ;oorfn¢rs in 1 O/son Sons Concrete Products Co. la me known 7`o b¢ r4hepersor7s descr�bsd in and who executed the fore- yo�ny 1nstrum¢nl ano' ack4owldd, yyoo :.each to /o¢ fhdi� on n �r¢e aef o17o'de¢o'.j (( Notary Puh/ie, t/ennepir! County, Minnesofo. 5t�it¢ of'Minnesolo SS tilt' Cornmiss�on Exf✓ires: County ot'Henn¢pin� / do here y e¢rfiAy lhol / hovasurvayed andp/atfed the f?reaer/y descrih6dc� phis p�pt 4s iPEPLAT OF SOUTHEe-Y OF ,BLOCK 7-ijW400,< 15W HE/6HT5 1S7ADDI7'/0N' lhot this/>Iof is a correcl represQn, a>�ion of0soid survey; that al/distances are correctlpy lin k¢.71 a7d olech"o/s 0100 ;0,0of; fhaf , `he m017v1na17157G1W41Ao017e¢ of A1/Vra 8urvays have haen correctly?/orad in the proved as Shown on the plot; that the ov s10"e bovndQry /Ines or¢ correct/y designofedon fh¢�v/af; that lhd foaayro�ahy a) -'the /ondis em- eclly sfi wn oh Thep/ole and fhol there are 4o w¢f /ands orpuh/ic hlyhwoys fo be o'esiynofea'a/ a,- 7thar� as showr� t/�¢reon. Land Surveyo r M nn¢so a /ze9. No.1 BI T%e above cerfif/cafe subscribed o4dswor4 fo bet°ore me this dayo,� y: A.O.1954. Notary Pv/h/ic, Henn¢p>n County, Mirk �csafq.,.a My Nolacy Public. Hennepin Conn. y. Pre a,. commission Expires: ..� F r h - Ti e �oreyoing plot of /2EPL,4T OFS007*95 C'LYZ OF BLOCK 7-I3ROOKV/EW //E/61 -17S 1S''A0,0/T/ON was oopro ved ane/ ateepte ,5t' the Planning Coml,77,45420 of the V///oyd of EC11i7a, /li/ihn¢soto, of a ragalar 177a¢ting Ah¢rdoi�' held f%is day ot° Qc reh 2 A. /� 1554. PLANK/NG COMM1551 ill 0 r#z V/LLASE OF EDINA, MINN. ,y its Chairman TileforeyoingPlatof/2EPZATOF50UTNE,2LY2OFl3LOCK7-13RO0KV/EWf/E/GH TS STA00/TIONwas aoProveal ond oocept¢dby the ye Cosine// of Edina, Minn solo, of o re yular me¢fi�7g ,fhareot° ha/o'this /3'-" day ot? tg c'r l�7C3F_ k. A. L? 1954. VILLAGE COUNCIL as ED/NA, MINNESOTA. is by -���ls Clerk F, L. Endsley i f V� As fo U /lorry A Maffson � S¢/mo V Mattson 1 , AS to Edword c Slow i �• } Eva VOW y—• bye u.G its Executi re 5¢crelary O/son / 5046 Concrete Products Coy o co Porfn¢rsh�p consisting of5lan/cyA. Olson 1 f�cnnie O.0/san os c0;oarfner6. As l0 n Stanley A O/son `�'y � Co �oarfnar Bennie O.O/son bye. Sto�i of Minnesota � ' Co fy of Hennepin 5.5.On fh/r Z r' day of . k •- ;9 D.1954, before me, o Notary Public, personalty appeared H. W Gr anwood 0170" F. L. Ends/¢y who heiny hyme; each du/ysworn, d�dsoy lhol thay are the Prasidanf and &eeufive 5¢c}r¢ tory, r¢sp¢cfi v¢!y, of Th¢ Minn¢opo%s 5avinys and Loan Association, fh¢ corporalian 1-o177edii7 the larcyoiny insrumen7; fhotsoidinsfrumenl was siynedondseo%d>r� h0" ha%yor'So�e/eorporolian by au/pori/y of ifs i3o�rd of Direclar,,; Thal the sea/aft'i red fo sa/o'ins, r -el went is the eoroorot¢ sea/ n; and th tsoid H W. 6reenwoad onci F. L. Endsley ocknow/edg¢dSonsfrument os fha t°r¢e ocf and deed of Soio' GO�iaOr'Alio4. '` r Notary Puhlie, Hann¢pin County, Minnesofo. Stat¢ of Minnesota j s s ti/y Corr�mias/an Expires CO%nly of flann¢p/n f On fh/s =w' day of X,0. 19.4, before ma, o Notary Pub/ie, wiYN17 and far said' C01171y and State, persona//y o�opearedAx¢1 E. Carlson 0nde/vlia E. Carlson, his w/te,'lorry A. MaftsorJ arnd5e/m4 V Maffson, his wile, Edward C. Stow and Evo Sfow, his wife, Stanley A. Olson and /dennie O. O/scn, Co ;oorfn¢rs in 1 O/son Sons Concrete Products Co. la me known 7`o b¢ r4hepersor7s descr�bsd in and who executed the fore- yo�ny 1nstrum¢nl ano' ack4owldd, yyoo :.each to /o¢ fhdi� on n �r¢e aef o17o'de¢o'.j (( Notary Puh/ie, t/ennepir! County, Minnesofo. 5t�it¢ of'Minnesolo SS tilt' Cornmiss�on Exf✓ires: County ot'Henn¢pin� / do here y e¢rfiAy lhol / hovasurvayed andp/atfed the f?reaer/y descrih6dc� phis p�pt 4s iPEPLAT OF SOUTHEe-Y OF ,BLOCK 7-ijW400,< 15W HE/6HT5 1S7ADDI7'/0N' lhot this/>Iof is a correcl represQn, a>�ion of0soid survey; that al/distances are correctlpy lin k¢.71 a7d olech"o/s 0100 ;0,0of; fhaf , `he m017v1na17157G1W41Ao017e¢ of A1/Vra 8urvays have haen correctly?/orad in the proved as Shown on the plot; that the ov s10"e bovndQry /Ines or¢ correct/y designofedon fh¢�v/af; that lhd foaayro�ahy a) -'the /ondis em- eclly sfi wn oh Thep/ole and fhol there are 4o w¢f /ands orpuh/ic hlyhwoys fo be o'esiynofea'a/ a,- 7thar� as showr� t/�¢reon. Land Surveyo r M nn¢so a /ze9. No.1 BI T%e above cerfif/cafe subscribed o4dswor4 fo bet°ore me this dayo,� y: A.O.1954. Notary Pv/h/ic, Henn¢p>n County, Mirk �csafq.,.a My Nolacy Public. Hennepin Conn. y. Pre a,. commission Expires: ..� F r h - Ti e �oreyoing plot of /2EPL,4T OFS007*95 C'LYZ OF BLOCK 7-I3ROOKV/EW //E/61 -17S 1S''A0,0/T/ON was oopro ved ane/ ateepte ,5t' the Planning Coml,77,45420 of the V///oyd of EC11i7a, /li/ihn¢soto, of a ragalar 177a¢ting Ah¢rdoi�' held f%is day ot° Qc reh 2 A. /� 1554. PLANK/NG COMM1551 ill 0 r#z V/LLASE OF EDINA, MINN. ,y its Chairman TileforeyoingPlatof/2EPZATOF50UTNE,2LY2OFl3LOCK7-13RO0KV/EWf/E/GH TS STA00/TIONwas aoProveal ond oocept¢dby the ye Cosine// of Edina, Minn solo, of o re yular me¢fi�7g ,fhareot° ha/o'this /3'-" day ot? tg c'r l�7C3F_ k. A. L? 1954. VILLAGE COUNCIL as ED/NA, MINNESOTA. is by -���ls Clerk