HomeMy WebLinkAboutRosendahl's 2nd Addition to Edina Highlandsn ROSENDAHL'S SCALE: I INCH = 100 FEET o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED NNE coy o{ Ro5el7dah/'s Edina ///ah/arf line of SWd of SE -41' sec. Z9, 7//7, R Z/ 396.33.. • NB9 Sf'JYN. E. Con ofSW4 o{ J.L.iN' &f. ,Sect9, 7717,.?Zl ;5---32768--------�'. NX Z P S' Ufi/ity and Onainage Easements `^ • 1717 .._� ROSENDAHL'S SCALE: I INCH = 100 FEET o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED NNE coy o{ Ro5el7dah/'s Edina ///ah/arf line of SWd of SE -41' sec. Z9, 7//7, R Z/ 396.33.. • NB9 Sf'JYN. E. Con ofSW4 o{ J.L.iN' &f. ,Sect9, 7717,.?Zl ;5---32768--------�'. NX P S' Ufi/ity and Onainage Easements `^ • 1717 D� � v 249.18 I o. 3„ _ ' o� b Z. 46 N 80° 47'41 E y ''' J y t—•d, � � o coo 6� � •• ?; 3 a ._r ��MM �a i �a ••., �-" /82.48 C H 89'So'E r g� CROYDEX LANE v S9 °SO'E a /98 9 a l• a asosoip 30EF F I Z Z ZA Z7 o `- �., v : o Fav . a '••: ; tb,, Q 23 �o y 0 �i `Vi P14.84 QvaM I 14. 4 � D c i tlofi0. �^;d\53: ;io6"4 Zo .l3 N86°36'40"E plll a"' M k9y 2 ka ti jO• �s / y rgoo 6 p' R, 43.29 en .00F 0.9 a y %Q T.I s XO / }�,. 1 i • tom•`: ' I 0 ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS HENNEFIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN 8Y TI -12 SE PRESENTS - that we, the Edina Deve!oprr7enl Corporal/or7, a Minnesota corporation, owners and proprietors o{ the {o/%rvinq de" /bed prooerfy, si uafed in the Count Ol Hennepin Sfafe o{ Minnesota to rvif. that part of the S.W.¢ off e S.E.¢ o{Section 29, 7ownshio //7 or/h, Range Z/'West o{the 5th Princiva/ Meridian described osfo/%fps: beginning at the Northeast come to{thy£ SW4°r�°{�hreSE¢ ,9fs�rid Section Z9, thence N89°55'lam a/onq the Nor{h /fine o{said S(ry.¢ of S.E. 4 a distance of 3 96.33 feet, , thence s Z8°s91 a Is a'r%e o{ /75.50 feet /o a 100//7/ of curve to the r/9hT, thence Cr/ said curve with a radius of 545.66 feel and centra/ anq/e o{39 34' a distance of 376.82 feel fo poin/ of beginning o{ a reverse curve fo /he Curve /hence a,/onq said reverse curve w th a radius o{/459.64 fee/ and centra/ 0179/e o{!5°/9' a dstance o{ 390.20 {eel fo ,00/17/ of la/7yency; thence 94 °44 E a distance of 30 . Z8 fee/ to the Nor/hwesler/y /ine o{ Ayrshire Bou/evard,- /hence N44 00'E' a/on /he Nor; hnlesler%y /ine of said Bou/evard a dis/a17ce o Z4 06 {eer ; o a point of curve To the right thence a/onq said curve with a radius 0{449.77 fee/ ad centra/ anq/e o{ 8 55' a dslancL� o{ 70.0 , ee/ to point of tangency; /`hence NSz 55'Z- a distance o{ 4542 feel to the r97osl sou/hryes,�er/y corner of /ot / bock 3 Edina 417/ands as o{record in office of Registrar of Ti//es Cour7ly o{ Her7nepin said corner o/ -%l /, beingq' in the Easl //r7e 07 01 S of the S.E - ' thence NO /0 E a/0179 said Easl /ine a distance of 973.4/ feel To /he point ofbeg/nn/ny'. For ,burposes o{ this descrip/ion, th North line of said S.W. of S.E.¢ /s assumed /o have a bear/nq o{ Ng9°.55'91 hereby dor7a/caused d a dicafe fo the o4l {oma ,v�b/tce� se o�eve��heHw y 1701 /0ADDITIONhe e� m�/rr sA{r pub//cANO es assdo own on the annexed p/af /17 w1/17ess whereof the fdinaeve,'opme� f Corpora/ion ,17as caused these ,oresen/s to be s/gnea` by ils proper officers ar�d ifs corporate sea/ to be hereonlo of{xed , ,�iis 'day of �� A. D. "/956. /j7 presence o{.' EDA �DEVELOPM£NT CORPORATION Pres/de17l Secretary / II STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 COUNTY OF HENNEPI N s s. Or { " his `= day o{ .D. 1956, before lne, a Nolary Pub//c w/th/n acrd {or sa/d County and Stale, 01/01 persona//y appec Char/es E. Sorin a Eleanor NL ✓ones, 10 me ,persona//y known, wfio each be/nq du/y sworn dd say that t ey are the Preside t and Secretary �{the Edina Deve%v�nelil Corooraf the corporation r7amed /n the foregoing /nstru/nen ;hal the sea/ a{fix d to said i�slrumenf is the corporate sea,/ 0,7, corpora/ion aid /ha/said insfrumenl was s1q/7ed and sea/ed' /n beha/f ofS(:7V co ,aora,�/on by authority of i/s Board of Direclor`s, a,�d Char/es. E. Spring and E/ear7or M. ✓or7es ackr7ow1edged the /17strurne17," to be /he free ac/ and deed of sa/d corporal/on No/pry Pub/&, Herine0/n County, M/nneso a My Cor77/77/ssio17 exp/res _ 4 Nota, , 7 -+6..176 r- County, Minn. • IVY :.c:.. ,i__.... _s;,. o� MeY :9, 3960. / hereby cer//f that / have Surveyed ar7d p/ailed 1'he properly descr/bed o17 this p/at as ROSE/VDANL'S Z "—'O ADD/T/0/V TO EDINA f t/GH ANDS; 11701 11M5 /al /s a correcl represen/a/ion o{ saigl survey , /hal a// dsfances are correct/y shown 0/ the plat in feel and dec%na/s of a fool', that the rnol7urrre17ls for qu/dance Ol future surveys have been Wel' correct/ p/aced ir7 the gr-o5;V-0411Vas shown on the p/a, , /hal /he o : s/de boundary ;fines have beet correct/y des1q,7afed as shown on the p/a/; a17 ihlaf there are rr0 /ands or pub//c h/ghways /o be de /gna/ed 017 so/dc/o/ olher 17017 as shown hereon. STAT£ OF MINNESOTA t ss COUNTY OF HENNEP/NI . Stale 017 f1715 1r day This p/a/ was checked and aporo This '0/al was recolnrr held /his -4k day o t The above cer//{ca/e was subscribe, and sworr7 /o be{ore me, a Notary Pub//c, w/117/rr and for sa/d C04117fy and 017 th/s /;r day o{ !ti arE` A.D /956 for ap ova/ b /he 1/917n/nq Commis/on of The Vi//aqe, of t F A. D. 1956. Th/s Vval vas a/o roved (71701 OCC th/sf day of 4. The Vi//aqe C04117ci/ o{the V //aqe of Edina, M11mez V `ILLAG, 'ACO Z r- r "17 o>`y afeular meet/17q /hereof C17a/rmar7 ld, al a requ/ar rrreebly /hereof held f. F THE VILLAGE OF ED/NA, M/NN. .- V///aqe M017ager /trio yor