HomeMy WebLinkAboutValley View Ridge 2nd AdditionVA JOHN E.CAROARELLE ,SURVEYOR. LLEY VIEW RIDGE 2-° ADDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. C MARCH 1954 v SCALE, T x`60' �a I e Y" /1/ %z.b , //4 of/fe /SX'/176'0/'7/ 11 o//hPN/-STREET. - I I --- --- ' 1' t2o /-F4 o.... #.87°43"30"E. N 86 °3830'E -/44-z6 - --- 'In 89"47L3o l 300.0.... T-19.7¢ d•.. 3/ c= 24':6., I 1a, I of 30' 30' -/2 o,G- /O 1.04' 33y :, - ��' 3 N�5 - ti1 -435 N 16 � u, I a� � � 1 m m N 16 { 1 P ; CD /39.69 I 0 ,0 1 N r a iz4.o8 I I 13/.65 p N m UJ �� I r o Cl V i N Z 142.2 I I N u� �I 2 m 1 N I " °p 15 I n Q I 3 I 15 1 2 I I 4c• W �: /34.95 1 1 /34.95 P 1 a 4• 7 2QD I� 127.90 { I /38.06 h rq M ' I! N U) b. I vl N .. c0 , P 13 7. 8 5 I N �s 14 ,� 3 60 :... • I 4.>5 "� o n 14 I 3 ^� 10 I I n�• 132.28 I I /35.39 �' k9 3 CA { I •A YI 8..`4,87034 Q \ s II I ^ M \ �'• uY n'. -� - h 13 i 4 �o T'1`49 ' r °'• 13 ^ 4 60' w 'COa' o �' C0 a I w •^ Mn 1 1``1 n' 1s /39.53 ' /34.53 "„', �; h MILLERS hl LANE n 4 �I /35.92 /35.92 I h h 0 a9• 1143.83 I C k I O O v O ry :ry R..1S' 12 0l 5 0�; IMa a 0 o g 12 N� 5 l l o Wi CD /34.81 3 /35.86 I 135.86 1 I a p /30.53 I o I,- 0 0; 610 0 11I 6 ^ �'� 11 �I 6 ^ 2 I /35.80 0 /35.09 I I /35.09 /35.80 tcc _ - ? • -.:.� 130.0 I I. 10 �I 7 N Qat ro 10 �i 7 ^o 00 0 3 r; o -- A/89W. 1 .1. 33/, y1'_--.-- -_�.._._� 135.74 1 1 /35.74 r.`f r .o -135.37 1 /35.87 Co 4 o I ' 30' 1 30' /3568 I 9 30 30' /3S•68 I /33 69 3 �J O I °J ---6L�FN_-_33137.-66 2, 7.5: .. 30 4 /30.0 ¢91.37-.. pl � I /(now all men by these presents,- That we, Leslie V Miller and /na S. Miller, his pvife, owners and proprietors of the following descr%bed pro,berty sitUQted in the County of //ennep/nState of Minna sot•a. , The South /32.0 feel of the West Ouarler, of the Northeast Quarter, of the Northwest Quarter, /n Section 3o, Township Ze Nor/h, Range 24 West of the 4'^ P. M- and .Pay A Peterson and /ngebory MI Peterson, his wife, owners and proprietors of the following described ,broperty situated /n so/,d County and State- Beginning at a point on the West line of sold Northeast Quarler of the /Vorrhwest Quarter, a d/stance of 25.0 feet south of theSouthwest corner of the /Vorth half of said Northeasf Quarter 0f the Northwest Ouorter, thence 3 4g9 047- ao E.,?and bora%!e/ with the South line of said North ho/f of fhe Northeast Quorfer of the Norfhwest Quarter, 0 distance of •300.0 feet /o a point /n /he center line of Ashcroft Avenue, thence A/ s4'-3s=so•• E. a disfance of 3z.2 feet, thence N e7' -49'-3o" E. , a d/stance of 144,0 feet, thence S. /0°-47 30" E. a disfance of so feet, thence N. e6°-38'-30" E., a di5 tont& Of 144.26 feet /O the West //fie of S1. ✓ohn /s Avenue thence S. 3° os' E. o d/stance of 34.0 feet to o point on a //i?e drawn ,boyo/lel with and 30.0 feet south of the south line of the sold North half of The Northeost Quarter, of the Northwest Quarter, thence S- 89'-47=30" E-, a/017,9 the //;-?C above described a distance of 207.05 feet to a ,boint /60.0 feet eas/ of the west /ine of the east half of the said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence south and Parallel with west fine of the said east half of the said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, o d/sfonce of 633.38 feet to the south fine of the soid Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence N. 89° --St' West a/017,9 the Said south fine as above described a d/stance of 49/37 feet to the east fine Of the West Quarrer of the soid Northeost Quorfer of 7'he Moi-I'bwes/ Quarter thence N. O°-02'-30" W along the east /ine of the said Nesf Quartet -of the Northeast Qe/orter offhe lvor/hwesl Quarter, a distance of 132.0 feet, thence 41(85 5-1'W. and parallel with /he south line of the said /Vortheast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 3344 tcet to rhe West fine of /he sold 1Vor11-)e051 Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence North o" -os' W along the west /1116' the a distance of 5.07.35 feet to the place of beginning. Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as Yal/ey View Ridge 2 "' Add/f/on " Nenne,bin County, MinnesOla, and do here by donafe and dedicate to /he ,bub//'c for ,bub/ic use forever a// roads, streets, avenues 0170, agsements for drgin7ge and the bub/ic utilities qs shown on the annexed plat, /n Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and off/xed our sea/5 117/5 i s� oay o f i o • '. A. D. /n Presence of ,State of Minn&5oto County of Hennepin ss On this 31' !4 Day of !`i' r� 1� A.D. /954 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, and State, personally appeared Leslie V M///c/-- and Ina S. Miller his wife , to me personally Known, who each being duly sworn, did say that they executed the foregoing 1i7slrument of dedication as their free act and deed. "RiVI K x s, i N , :c e npfr. Cos y mK rm: my State of Minnesota County of Hennepin If On this Ge�)Z Day of P^ o •�� A. D. 1954 before me a Notary Public within and for sold Co nty, and State personally opbegred Roy h Peterson and ingeborg M- Peterson , h/'s Wife , to me- personolly /(sown , who each 'be,"9 duly sworn, did say that they executed the foregoing /nstrurnenl of dedication as t/7eir free act (7170, deed. NA s�.rt J State of Minnesoto = / County of Hennep/n)ss l hereby certify lhgt ( have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as " Valley View Rid e 2 County M1�nesoto that this lot is 9 r0 Adot al Hennepin ib q ea -reef representation of sold survey , that a// distances are correctly shown on /he 0471' /n feet5nd decimals of a foot, that the monuments for fhe guidance of future surveys have been correctly place d in the ground as shown on the #/o1' and that there Ore no wet /ands or public 171gl7ways to be designated on 57/d ib/O1' Other - than as shown thereon. (' jut- veyor o ✓ohn E. Card'arelle Minn. Rey. No. 666 Above Certificate subscribed and sworn to` be fore me 1'h/s z; Ad7y of : r': r: r' A.D. /95¢. FI This plat was recommended for opprovol by the 0/01717/17"�sf Edna, Minnesota, a1 a regular meeting thereof held this g �Oay of ss/o r1 of the V/7/age of A. D. 1954. This plat was oifiproved and accepted by the Vi%/age Council of Edina, Minnesota ata regular meeting thereof held this Pay of A. D, 1954. V/1/age Council' of Edti7a, Minnesotq / Pre s IVC r7 iPe corder.