HomeMy WebLinkAboutVirginia Ave Additionlast line ol West Tep acres of fasl Twenty acres o/ .5Wy4 of SfY%a 0/ /9 1-w1o, 28 Qr%. A North 11;70 of fyesf Ten acres of fasf Tiycnly 1 7 resofSGY%4DI,Jw*o!'Set./9,TK/o2B, Q 24 W. G VIPGINIA AvE:. ADDITION Scale : I"- foo" �Wesf e of fasf Ten acres of Jima/ /W'0 26, Pie, 24 Norfh fine of fasf Ten acres of SW %a of S_W%4 of Sec. t9, Twp. 28, P e. 24 I 660. S2 " Sf o`, o. 75 r /1'r s'3.75 s' ; 13 �, � 4 ri 11 '/3.0 I ¢ /27.5 0 66 7 - -6o b eI ° 10 a - � \I 70.26 90 70 I S 1 70.26 90 70 G �( � AO---O 7.. es ..,. i 5 �t ry � �•' h � S� v J I n � o 2 h a '� 3 oh��o I N tr 2 3 0 , 0 5 � o N 0 5 Ufi/ily EdSC' cnf \ h �� S' 4t""wty "jc cot 90.26 _ ---- _ 90 -- 97.34 s L 1 Q 8/.5 s of L 90 90 s o. 75 r /1'r s'3.75 s' ; 13 �, � 4 ri 11 '/3.0 I ¢ /27.5 0 66 7 - -6o b eI ° 10 a - � \I _-1Y 160, 4 G a � h bl es ..,. i 5 �t I n VI V 5 � I �' aYB ai 9p' 09 a o. 75 r /1'r s'3.75 s' ; 13 �, � 4 ri 11 '/3.0 I ¢ /27.5 0 66 7 - -6o b eI ° 10 a - � \I 15 t"nli _-1Y a a h bl 15 t"nli G 4 ` 4 _-1Y a h bl es VI V 5 � I �' aYB ai 9p' 09 a G 4 ` 4 I a ;• 3 r' VI V 5 � p 1 ' 3 51.15 nl l \ - R9, , � 9S, � N I I v IB3 .- 65 I 185 ' ; ,M /26.7 s6' - f ..76 N /ZG. 22 �I , X601 �.'"//' f fa Tis, N CN 4 s• /37.43- � I 1 /37 42 s� N o N ,.s' 96.9 "' `f h 70 -----_ -_-_- -_ o r o _-_--_ -_--_- -_ _ 96.9 80 88 s' I x 0 11 0 10 0 9 5 0 o 130« $30' 77 45 85- p 80 -, 62 66 0. `JvuTh /ine of Nest Ten oFcres of fasf r, Soufh //ne of East Ten acres of SiY!¢ oft acres o/ 5N!4 of 5oy%4 of Sec. /9, Tivp '2 Q e24 5W'4 of Sec. 19, Twp. 28, eke. 24 VIL.L AGE OF E DINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. (ZARTWRIGHT 9) OLSON Reiistered Land Surveyors KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRZ_5INT ' : That wo, 1.1. Na/ntvcdl and fsther S. Nam/vcdl, his wife, and Un1100' Service R Pescarch Inc., a Delaware Corporation, owners and /oro/or/etors, and Path L. Nemec, former/y Qvfh Boyce, unmarried, mortgagee, of the follow/i7¢ deScr bed property s/tuate ir7 /he Coon/y of /ter7r7eiair7 and State of /Wwesofa lowit . The East Ten C/O) acres of the Soufh/vest (Juarter (S.W. %4) of the .Sovfhwest Quarter (S. W. %4) of Section 411neleeI7 09), Townsh%';q Twenty-ei¢ht C24F), Pane Twenty-four (24), and the Nest Ten C/O) acres of the East Twenty (20) acres of the Sov/hwesl Quarter (S.Y!!'/4) of the Southwest Quarter (S.W.. %4) of Section AIV2eteen (19), Townshi,o Twenty-ei{ohf C28), Z?1"' c Twenty-four (24); have cau5co' ff7e s401;'7e to be surveyed e120' p/acted as "W,PG/N/A AVf: AM/TION" and do hereby donate and dedicate /0 the pub//c for /he pubtrc 11,50 forever, ti/e Sfreets, Avenues, and ,00'701 as shown on the annexed o/at, a/so subject to ea semcnts for Uti/ily pvrooscs as Shown on the annexed o/at In. w/tncss, wherea ., we have sel oar hands and sea/s this day of A. D. h The Presence Of : _51�17ed : a, 4s to I. I. 47. 4s /a E.S.N As to .e..Z.Al UN/TTD SfQV/Cf efSfA2Cf/ INC. 4s toxzE./ v/cE O.PfS/OENr As to L.O.I ASS/STAN? .SECRETARY STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEP/NJ S.S. On Th/s day of A. D. before me, a Notary Public , w lh/n and for sale/ Coanly and State persooat/y ap/�eared !. I. Na/ntYedt and fsther S. Namtvedf, his Wife , and 041112 L. Nemec, to me parsonatly KaOwn /o be fhe persons describes ri7 9/7d who oxccv/ed the fo/-go/;rC 1i7511VM&171- and They affirm and 6'c1(-170w100y 0 that they exec41fed 1/7c same as /heir own *11'00 act anddecd. Notary Pub/ic, Hennepin COur7fy, MI%WC501,7 My Commission fxpiros STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF t/f/VNEP/N S. S. On this — day o/'A.D. be fora me, a No/ary Pub/ic , W1*112112 and for sato C041r7/y and State, person - a//y ap/✓eared 1'4. Jacobs and Lyle D. I//ff to me persona//y Known, who by me each du/y sworn, dip' say that ;hey arc respective/y Vice President and ASS/Stdnt Secretary of United .Service & &SCdreh, InC., fhe C01--R0ra11b17 named %i/ the foreC;o/i7fj 1;251r41rr7er71, that The sea/ affixed to said 1i7s11urnant is 1120 Coroorale Sca/ of said Corporation, and that Said in511--ur770121 yeas 510Cd and sea./ed /;7 .behalf of Salo"Gorporafion by authorify of its 15Oard of Directors; and Said F. f. <lacObS and fy/e O. I/iff aal?ow/ed¢e sarb' instrument /o be /he free OCI and deed of Salo Corporation. Notary P//611c , t/ennep%i7 County, Mii7ncsotd My Commission Expires I hereby certify That / have 541rveyed'9120,10/6c1ed the /and descr/boa /i7 the dedication on this sheaf e5 "!//,PG/NfA 4YZf AOD/T/01V" V/;/47¢e of fdii7a, /1e1"ep/17 Covnty, Minnesota ; t/7dt this p/at /s e correct repro septation of Said •Survey; /hat a// disfancas are corrccf/y shown on said p/at 112 fik541res denotii7�J feet and dee/ins/s 0,"a foo/; fhaf the %70174117 e%715 for the ¢uibancc of fafure surveys have hcer2 correct/y p/aced/i7 the ground as shown on sa/d 01'71; that fhe of the /.7120' /s correcf/y 5howr7 on Said 01eli fhaf the outsroe boundaries of fhe /and arc co/'rcct/y dcs/,l7natcd on said /7/at; and that there are no we/ /ands or Pub/ic //1�1.7^dys /o be designated on svio' 1_�/s1 011201 than arc shown /hereon. 2egisfered Land Surveyor M/i7rO No, 1983 STATE OF MINNESOTA COl/NTY OF //fiYNEP1Ais s Above certificate subscribed and sworn to, before me, a NO/ary Public, w/X/2127 and for ,5'770 Covnfy and Sfato, on 1151-5—day of A. D. — /✓olary Pub/ic, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission f rpiYcs Wo hereby certify fhaf the V%/aqe Counc//of the yl%/a$e of Edna, Hennep7i7 County, M/i7nesola, duty accepted and approved the annexed o/at of "ille6/N/A AI/E. ADD/71ON " at a regular 1.77ee11i7g thereof hel& this day of A. D. 1 Mayor Vi//ale of �dii7a, Hcnnco7i7 County, Mii7ncsota )y C1erK