HomeMy WebLinkAboutWyman's Southview 2nd AdditionJANUARY, I I I i I I I I I I I SCALE: I IN.= IOOFT.: I o INDICATES IRON MONUMENT I I I I MG foo /oo WYMAN9S S 89&0.5'10'Wi l onanc .... 1 587006'5o £ — - -"y/-j v . 4CZ.55 I i (-NW. Cor mC' T _1__ A SOUTHVIEW 2ND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Con fT�,aciq, NW Z39. � o,-ofTroct B ��No�{h/ineofsec5, 7//6,RZ/ o ti Soufh lineof Troct - A - y '• -'n' — w73o3p--__— .. Z39. Soufh lineof Troct - A - y '• -'n' — + — 4e, .:..t ;• I y — —I kq o 6 - COUNTY ROAD N0.39 :` ED/NA ROAD This p/al was checked and approved of J <<� A.D. 1956. w--/ County Surveyor, Hennepin County, Minneso a cY'iiere6 cert that /have surve ed and pIatled the pi- SOUTHVI?W 2 ° 'ADDITION, Tha this p/al is a correc correctly shown on the p/a/ in feet and decimals of a fool; have been correclly placed /n the ground as shown on the pl on the plat; and that there are no wel lands orpubhc 171gw perly described on lhis plat as WYMAN S representation of -sold survey; tha al/ distances are ial the monuments for guidance offulure surveys i; that the outside boundary /fines are correctly shown ys to,,be designgie¢- n said pial other /han as shown hereon. / �� .r�u �J% Surveyor John E. C arelle, inn otay5tale Registration No.566 S TATE OF MINNESO TA t COUNTY OF.HENNEPIN J SS The,..above ce fificale was subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, wilhin and for said County and Slate on this 'day of A. D. 1956. 11�;j oti 4 LL1.1 , 7C_. / I Notary Public, Hennepiqgn y,,,At!c�tnnesofa My Commission expires ���ou�;un`«>: JOHN E. CARDARELLE AND ASSOC. SURVEYORS 4 ENG'RS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Edwin 0. Wyman, and NlorionE.Wyman, his wife owners and proprietors, and the R. H. P Investment Company, a Minnesota Corporation, purchaser under contract of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State o{ Minnesota, to wit. That part of Tract A beginrfinq at the Northwest corner thereof, thence S E'35'50'£ a dlstance o{330. 0 feel, thence S85 5050"E a distance of 229.0 feet thence N 2 35'50"W a distance of 330.0 feet to the Northeast corner thereof, thence N85 °50'50"W a distance o f 22 i 0 feet to the place of beginning. And that part of Tract B lying West of W, man's Southview Addition described as follows: beginning at the Northwest corner o{said Tract B thence S2°35'50"E a distance of 330.0 feet thence 585°50'507E a distance of /0.0 feet to the West line of said Wyman's Southview Addition thence aloe said West line, N2°35'50"W a distance of 50.35 feel, " thence 585 5050E a distance of 9.79 feel, thence N23550 a distance of_280.21 feet; thence N 85°50'50"W a distance of 15179 feet to the place o{ beginning all in Registered Land Survey No. 424, files of the Registrar of Titles, County of Hennepin, State of Mfnnesofa. And 14ugh W. Smith and Jennie E. Smith, husband and wife, as owners and proprietors, and The R. HP Invesl/nenl Company, a Minnesota Corporation, purchaser under contract of the following described property silualed in said County and State, to wit: Beginning at a�oinl on the North line of Secfion Five (5, Townshf One Hundred Sixteen (116), Rangqe� Twen/ -one (21), West of the Fitch Principal Meridian said point being Four Hundred Four (404) feet West of the lVortheas corner thereof, thence South and parallel with the East line of said Section to the center line of Edina Road (Valley View Road - County Road No. 39); thence Westerly along the center line of said road Four Hundred Sixty - fwo and 7aj46Z5) feet more or less, to the Easterly right of way line of the Minneapolis, NorMfif ,Id and Southern Rai/road, t ence Nort�ieaslerly alonq the said Easterly right of way line Seven Hundred Sixty-one and ,Z' (761.3) {eel, more or less, to the North line of said Section; thence Easterly along the North line ofsaid Seclion Four' Hundred Four and ,—o (404.9) feet to place of beginning. /have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as WYMANS SOUTHVIEW 2—° ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the street, lane and roads as shown on the annexed plat and subject to the ul/lily and drainage easements os shown on the annexed plat In witness whereof we have hereunto sel our hands and affixed our seals, and the R.HP. Investment Company have caused these presents to be siqned by its proper officer and its coroorale seal to be hereunto a{{xed this -,'day of A.D. 1956. In 'presence of: Signed: y , and /,> i1 �J� .�: /.?4c --';G.5 to• and'�t/u Edwin O. Wyman ,Marion E. Wyman a(Ge J . t� and i -il..: i -44.( ✓� �9 vYr i Huh W. 5mrth �' Jennie E. smf�h ' THE R: H P iNVES,%A4ENT COMPANY r 411 ti<_•�/ and �." , ,. _ _ - �" as to ��-%% I, ��, rf'.� x ._� President S TA TE OF MINNES 0 TA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss On Phis%� day o{ ,` A.D. 1956 before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and;'State, did personally appear Edwin 0. Wyman, and Marion E. Wyman, his wife, to me personally known, w170(; �h being duly sworn, did say thal they executed the foregoing instrument of dedication as their free act and deed. -i STATE OF MINNESOTA l COUNTY OF HENNEPIN j ss On this %day o?rc said County andhusband and wife, to me personally known, who each instrument of dedication as their free act and deed. Notary Public, #i�nnepin Coun z lnnesola My Commission expires rYoTHORyq, n .ary pr'i ihl;c AA, Commission ay, n z_ �A.) 1956 before me, a Notary Public, within and for did personally appeared Hugh W Smith and Jennie E. Smittl, duly swo) did say that they executed the foregoing � tiP A Nti'ry Public; l�nnepin-Camey, Minnesola ta My Commission expires adotary Public, Fj....... Countv, Minn S TA TE OF MINNES 0 TA I ss. x comm;tsi°n ExP"es MW. 25, 1952. COUNT Y OF HENNEPIN )J On th/S r2 , qday of 5" -< , . 4 - A.D 1956 before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County, and S' ate, did poonally appear Roy H. Peterson To me persona//� known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the President of.lhe R H. P lnvestmenf Company, the Corporation named in the Foregoing instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrumeal is the corporate seal of said corporalion, and /hal said instrument was siqned and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority ofits Board of Directors, and Roy H. Peterson acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed ofsaid corporation. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission expires ii rat gtyAtir� xlannc;-a, CauYa49',� lS� ix? x t..tdnfis,a rDzcAfi �AFlS 99s�;, ; This plat was recommended for approval by the Planning This plat was approved and accepted by the V ilage Commission of the Vi/la e of£diMines na, ola, at a re nm ular Council of Edina, Mies la, at a regular eet/ng thereo meeting thereof, held �hisL�'ay of 61. A.Og1956. held lhis day of A.D.1956. VILLA 'COON -,YL OF THE LLAGE OFEDINA, MINN. U �' == ii. Chairman%`i%a''�� Village Manager