HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-08-18 Meeting PacketAgenda Transportation Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota Community Room Thursday, August 18, 2016 6:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 21, 2016 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," t he Board/Commission will invite resi dent s to share r elevant i ssues or concerns. Individuals must l i mi t t heir comments to three mi nutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same i ssue in t he int erest of time and topic. Gener al ly speaking, i tems that ar e elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed dur i ng Communit y Comment. Indi vi dual s should not expect the Chai r or Boar d/Commission Member s to respond to t heir comment s tonight. Instead, the Board/Commi ssion might refer the mat ter to st a% for consi derat i on at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.2017 Neighborhood a nd MSA Street Reconstruction Projects B.Passenger Rail Serv ice in Edina C.Community Circulator Study D.Additional Updates on 2016 Work Plan Initia tiv es E.Tra2c Safety Report of August 3, 2016 F.2017 Transportation Commission Work Plan VII.Correspondence And Petitions VIII.Chair And Member Comments A.Participation in 2016 Open Streets on 50th E v ent IX.Sta 7 Comments A.Sta7 Comments for August 2016 X.Calendar Of Events A.Schedule of Meeting a nd E v ent Dates as of August 18, 2016 XI.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli :c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allis on - Engineering Spec ialis t Item Activity: Subject:Ap p ro val o f Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 21, 2016 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the meeting minutes of the regular Edina Transportation Commission meeting of July 21, 2016. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes ETC, Jul 21, 2016 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 1 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Council Chamber July 21, 6:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair LaForce called the meeting to order. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Bass, Boettge, Brown, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Loeffelholz, Miranda, and Olson. Absent at roll call were members Ding and Ruehl. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by member Iyer and seconded by member Bass approving the meeting agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member Olson approving the edited June 16, 2016, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions And Presentations A. Southdale Area Transportation Study Mr. Chuck Rickart, traffic engineer with WSB & Associates, presented the final study. Mr. Rickart reviewed the purpose of the study which included updating the existing traffic model, updating the transportation planning model, transportation analysis of land use density scenarios, and review and analyze pedestrian/bicycle connections. He reviewed the study process, noting where changes were made since the April 21 presentation which included updating the existing Average Daily Traffic volumes, adding transit usage to the 2040 Forecasts, and adding the Pedestrian and Bicycle Network Analysis. Mr. Rickart said the Pedestrian and Bicycle Network Analysis present challenges because of a lack of dedicated facilities. He said the Bike, Comp and Sidewalk Plans have proposed facilities. Mr. Rickart said the study’s recommendations are: 1. Intersections improvements (signal timing, turn lane geometry, new traffic signal); 2. Enhance/expand the pedestrian/bike network in the Southdale area; 3. Balance roadway improvements with pedestrian/bike improvements; continue to work with developers to improve pedestrian/bike conditions; 4. Continue to work with Southdale and the Galleria to improve their pedestrian/bike facility. Discussion • Was any scenario planning done? Mr. Rickart said scenario planning was noted in the 2030 Comp Plan for commercial properties and it was increased for residential properties in the 2040 Forecast. • There is a draft Small Area Plan for the Southdale area that recommends making the block size smaller; should this be included in the study as anticipated change? Mr. Rickart said it was discussed and they decided not to include it because it is not an approved plan. Planner Nolan added they could find a way to include the principle of the plan. • How are pedestrians factored in with intersections Level of Service (LOS)? Mr. Rickart said they are already included so that pedestrians can cross in one traffic signal cycle and it is factored in as a percentage of traffic volume. Including this information in the study was suggested. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 2 • The Nine Mile Trail wasn’t included and it would be helpful to include it. Planner Nolan said the crossing will be at Gallagher Drive. • Was employment forecasting for the major employers in the area identified? This is related to concerns about potential redevelopment at W. 69th Street near the water tower. Mr. Rickart said not specifically. He said he worked with planner Teague on residential redevelopment forecasting and while this was their focus, they assumed increases in employment and traffic. He said the study considered development at W. 69th Street because a restaurant was proposed for that area. • Is the next step to seek Council approval? Not necessarily, said planner Nolan, but the study may be given to the Council informationally. He said the information will be used to update the Comp Plan, used for future planning, and is available to traffic engineers when evaluating sites for redevelopment. • Mr. Rickart was asked to explain intersections LOS which range from A-F. Mr. Rickart said similar to letter grades in school, each intersection gets a rating based on wait time at the intersection. He said in urban areas like Edina, a certain amount of wait time is acceptable. • The study conclusion states small, low cost improvements can make a difference, are these quantified in the model in terms of LOS improvements? No, said Mr. Rickart because the improvements are specific for each intersection. If the improvements are low cost, why not make the improvements now and improve the LOS? Planner Nolan said the LOS ratings are degradation that will happen over time and staff will plan for improvements by including them in the Capital Improvement Plan. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Discussion with Edina Police Department Representative Sgt. Dan Conboy explained that each month they pick a topic to focus on as part of their Focus In program that focuses more on educating the public rather than writing citations. He said they’ve changed the name to Directive Patrol Initiative with a goal of being more visible on foot and in squads. He said in January, they focused on bars, restaurants and hotels because more people are inside. April and August they focused on residential neighborhoods on foot, on bikes and in squads. Chair LaForce asked if there is anything that his department is working on related to the ETC. Sgt. Conboy said one main issue for them has been construction related traffic and being asked to assist in routing traffic per engineering detour plans. He said they haven’t figured out a way to make this work yet and the upcoming TH- 169 closure will probably be problematic the first few weeks. He said residents have already contacted them about several options that would be difficult to enforce, e.g. installing local traffic only signs and monitoring if drivers are local traffic. He said the police are considering speed bumps to slow drivers and they’ve also discussed directing traffic but this is an expensive option. Discussion • Whose responsibility was it to inform the public about the TH-169 project, and should this communication begin now? Can information be posted to the City’s website? Sgt. Conboy said he didn’t know the answers. • At the April 19, 2016, City Council meeting, MnDOT staff presented the TH-169 project including timeline, closures and detour routes. The meeting can be viewed online. • A certain percentage of drivers will follow the detour route; others will use software like Google Maps to find alternative routes. Is there a way to create a filter that would block alternative routes? Sgt. Conboy said he did not know if this could be done. • Can information on the upcoming closure be posted to the City’s homepage? • How are priorities made for enforcement, e.g. the complaint is that the police is always doing traffic enforcement on TH-100 but not in neighborhoods. Sgt. Conboy said enforcements are based on complaints. He said complaints are logged and officers must patrol those areas a minimum of five times daily. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 3 • Vehicles stop in the crosswalks on France Avenue, is this monitored and enforced? Sgt. Conboy said he was not aware that this was an issue so calling in to register complaints helps. • Do you have matrix or goals that you are tracking? Sgt. Conboy said he’s not aware they have goals but they are tracking what each officer is doing. • Is this information shared with staff or City Council? Sgt. Conboy said it is available. • Sgt. Conboy said there are four traffic officers and complaints can be called in to 952-826-1600. B. 2016 Work Plan Updates Member Bass said she reached out to Strong Towns and is waiting to hear back about organizing a speaker/ session. Member Miranda said he’s been researching Hennepin and Ramsey counties Bike and Pedestrian Plan and they both have something called Active Living which is new to him. Member Loeffelholz said for the Southdale Circulator, he researched Metro Transit bus routes and it looks like they could request minor changes from Metro Transit to provide coverage using existing routes, including a route to the SW Light Rail. Chair LaForce said at the work session, it seemed to him that the City Council wanted a circulator that would travel up and down France Avenue. Discussion • City of Northfield may be pursuing a route that would go towards St. Paul (away from Edina). • Pursue the circulator and light rail because they serve different needs. • How should we proceed with light rail planning based on what we heard from the City Council at the recent work session? • The City Council had two opinions on passenger rail: 1) get Edina connected to SW Light Rail; and 2) get Edina connected to the south. • The southern cities are planning for passenger rail that would go towards St. Paul and this will take longer, but it sounds like the City Council is interested in a shorter connection. • Frame up the issues and involve the public. • The City Council does not have control over regional rail planning. • The City Council does not seem to know what they want. • The City Council does not have control over regional planning but they could take leadership and advocate for light rail. • Seemed like the City Council was asking the ETC to see how the community feels about light rail to see if they should commit staff time and resources towards it. • Discuss what the public engagement should be at the next ETC meeting. • Public engagement requires a budget. • We first need to know the plan or method of engagement to see if a budget is needed. • Do we need a working group to focus on this? • Forming a working group requires certain conditions including representation from the public; a committee would just be members of the ETC. • For clarity, the ETC was not advocating for or against light rail at this time, but was to remain neutral. Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Bass to form a committee to formulate a public engagement process and present a recommendation at the next ETC meeting. The committee will be made up of members Janovy, Iyer, Bass and Loeffelholz. All voted aye. Motion passed. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 4 C. 2017 Neighborhood and MSA Street Reconstruction Projects Planner Nolan explained that staff is seeking general feedback at this time on the 2017 projects and next month, the ETC would receive project-specific information. Discussion • Are the sidewalks that are included part of the Sidewalk Plan? Planner Nolan said yes, and the idea is to plan street reconstruction according to approved Plans, including reducing street widths with sidewalks. • In reference to Chowen Park D, parking issues related to the restaurant at W. 58th Street & Xerxes Avenue was noted for improvement. Planner Nolan explained that the project area is W. 54th Street. • Is the Countryside B sidewalk a PACS sidewalk? Planner Nolan will check and follow up on this. D. Traffic Safety Report of July 6, 2016 A.1. It was not clear if the City’s forester or the resident would be trimming the shrubs. Planner Nolan explained that the practice is for the resident to do this. A.2. Why is Maloney Avenue posted no parking? Planner Nolan did not know why. B.3. Staff sent a survey to nine property owners. Moving this item to section C was suggested because was not a denial. Motion made by member Olson and seconded by member Bass to forward the July 6, 2016, TSC report to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion passed. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions None. IX. Chair and Member Comments Member Iyer noted the poor condition of the road surface and landscaping on York Avenue where Centerpoint Energy is working. He said it appears certain areas are treated differently than others, e.g. work on France Avenue in the Galleria area was done much better. He asked if the City set standards for contractors and planner Nolan said yes. Member Iyer asked if MnDOT was contacted to see if the Rosland Park Pedestrian Bridge was moved if it would be considered a scope change in the project. Planner Nolan said it would be a scope change. He said staff decided to submit the grant application as though the bridge would remain in the same location. Member Miranda said after the work session with City Council where the discussion was on light rail and the circulator, and the need to stay updated on transportation issues, he thought that having a liaison from the Planning Commission would be useful to help stay abreast or updated on transportation issues that comes with redevelopment. After brief discussion, the consensus was to add this to a future agenda for discussion. Member Boettge asked about painting stop bars at the intersections on France Avenue and planner Nolan reminded her that stop bars were not painted because Hennepin County was not in favor of stop bars. He said there wasn’t any research of their effectiveness; however, coincidentally, Joe Totten, traffic safety coordinator, will be doing research on this for his master’s thesis beginning this fall. Member Bass said in reference to the transportation study that was presented tonight, it was helpful to hear that the budget was one-third of that of the Grandview study. She said when transportation studies are done in Edina, they are to include all modes, and the study presented tonight was very status quo with a focus on LOS Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 5 for cars. She wondered if this reflected the values of the community or stated policy and if they should continue to accept it or pursue it. Chair LaForce said he signed up the ETC for the Open Streets event and next month, they will discuss this and seek volunteers. He said the concrete work on Benton Avenue by MnDOT is completed but the crosswalk is not aligned yet and he’s hoping this will be done soon. He said he was at the traffic light at Parklawn Avenue & France Avenue and he was surprised at how difficult it was to see pedestrains; he knew a pedestrian was present because he saw the flashing pedestrian light; he said this demonstrated to him the meaning of what the ETC does. X. Staff Comments • The 2016 projects are progressing on schedule. • 2016 sidewalk projects: Cornelia Drive and Vernon Avenue are under construction; Interlachen Blvd will begin after a tree is removed on July 28; Xerxes Avenue is scheduled to begin September. • Comp Plan Update – staff is seeking feedback to see if the ETC would like to form a committee, a working group, or have the entire ETC participate in this process. • The W. 77th Street Bridge over TH-100 will close until mid-August for repairs. • Construction on the western half of the Nine Mile Creek Trail will begin this fall; the trail will open spring, 2018. • Grant applications were submitted for the Rosland Park Pedestrian Bridge and for Valley View Road bike lane. • Traffic Safety Intake tool – planner Nolan asked for an update on this tool; it is still in progress. XI. Calendar of Events A. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of July 21, 2016 XII. Adjournment at 8:25 p.m. J F M A M J J A S O N D SM WS # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 NAME TERM (Date) 6/21 Bass, Katherine 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88% Boettge, Emily 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88% Brown, Andy 3/1/2019 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Iyer, Surya 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88% LaForce, Tom 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Loeffelholz, Ralf 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 75% Janovy, Jennifer 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Miranda, Lou 3/1/2019 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Olson, Larry 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Ding, Emily (student) 9/1/2016 1 1 2 25% Ruehl, Lindsey (student) 9/1/2016 1 1 1 1 4 50% TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2017 Neighborho o d and MSA Street Rec o nstruc tion Pro jec ts Dis cus s ion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. INTRODUCTION: T his item is a continuation of last month’s item of the same name. Staff continues to ask commissioners for their input on these projects, focusing on issues related to Living Streets, safety, multi-modal transportation, etc. T he project maps are again attached, along with P reliminary street and sidewalk layouts for the appropriate projects (note the dimensions on these layouts is from back-to-back of curb, as opposed to face-to-face). Also attached are the results of the multi-modal transportation surveys. Draft feasibility studies will be distributed to the ET C in September. ATTACHMENTS: Description Birchcres t A Preliminary Layout Countrys ide B Preliminary Layout Countrys ide G Preliminary Layout Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation: Birchcres t A/Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation: Countrys ide G Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? How satisfied are you with the volume of traffic or the number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? 5301 W 60th St Very Dissatisfied W 60th and Bernard High traffic volume and speed, drivers using w 60th as shortcut from Hansen to Benton Very Dissatisfied W 60th and Bernard High volume of traffic using residential street as main through way from High School to bridge at Benton/100 5317 W 60th St Neutral Neutral W 60th St Neutral Neutral 5204 W 60th St Very Satisfied Very Satisfied 5305 West 61st street Dissatisfied Since Tracy is closed cars are cutting through on Hansen and 61st at very high speeds Dissatisfied Since construction on Tracy there are many cars going very high speeds on Hansen and 61st There are many small children that play on the block and ride their bikes in the streets W 61st Stree Dissatisfied On Hansen where Birchcrest park has a turn and then another turn. People go too fast and there are no sidewalks for pedestrians. As a frequent walker, I do not feel safe because of the blind turn. It is especially unsafe during 4- 6 pm now with Tracy closed. People are treating Hansen like they do Tracy and go very fast. Dissatisfied Hansen Currently Tracy Ave is closed so we are seeing A LOT of traffic - including city buses and the like. Usually the traffic levels are not too bad. West 61st street Dissatisfied The cut through streets in birchcrest A lot of kids Neutral 5304 61st Dissatisfied W. 61st between Code and Hansen; Hansen road from Benton to Valleyview People drive too fast Satisfied 2317 W. 61st Street Very Satisfied Neutral 5200 W. 62nd Street Neutral Dissatisfied corner of W. 62nd and Code Avenue speed of vehicles rounding the corner has caused some spinouts 5220 West 62nd Street Very Satisfied Very Satisfied 5308 West 62nd Street Satisfied Satisfied 5233 W. 62nd Street Dissatisfied Corner of W. 62nd and Wyman Ave. The roads come to a "T" there, and there is no stop sign.Dissatisfied Hansen Road, Maddox Lane, and Wyman Ave. Since Tracy closed, drivers have been taking these streets as alternate routes 5921 Bernard Place Neutral Neutral 6920 Berne Cir Neutral Neutral 5225 Birchcrest Drive Dissatisfied Corner of Mildred Ave/Valley View. Birchcrest Drive b/w Code & Hansen. Corner of Hansen/Forslin Dr. Drivers move very quickly in these locations Dissatisfied Corner of Mildred/Valley View. Corner of Hansen/Forslin Very busy corners and drivers move too quickly, which makes them very dangerous for walking Birchcrest Drive Satisfied Very Satisfied 5201 Birchcrest Drive Dissatisfied Corner of Birchcrest and Code People drive pretty fast and blow through the stop signs.Satisfied 5221 Birchcrest Dr Very Satisfied Very Satisfied 5312 Birchcrest Neutral Satisfied Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? How satisfied are you with the volume of traffic or the number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? 5212 Birchcrest Dr Satisfied Satisfied 5205 Birchcrest Dr Dissatisfied Code and Birchcrest There is a 2 way stop sign that most drivers ignore. In fact I've witnessed school buses quickly rolling through the stop. The problem with ignoring the signs is that drivers pick up quite a bit of speed since Code is fairly straight. We have a lot of kids and families that walk this stretch and I'm concerned that it's a matter of time before there's a serious accident. Additionally, vehicles traveling on Birchcrest don't stop at this intersection so if someone blows the Code stop sign the liklihood of a vehicular crash is higher. Satisfied Birchcrest Very Dissatisfied Maddox North to 60th St, West to Hanson, East to Birchcrest and all streets in between There are NO sidewalks and cars are going WAY too fast. Dangerous when walking with children, dogs, etc. Very Dissatisfied Maddox North to 60th St, West to Hanson, East to Birchcrest and all streets in between No sidewalks for people to walk on, cars going too fast -- dangerous! 5329 Birchcrest Dr Satisfied Satisfied 6149 Code Neutral South end of code ave. Cars sip around corner from 62nd onto Code without slowing to check for traffic going straight, assuming all traffic is turning. Satisfied 6113 Code Ave Dissatisfied 6113 Code Ave Speeding Neutral 6009 Code Ave Very Dissatisfied Code Ave between 60th and Porter People speed after going downhill and it is very unsafe for all.Satisfied Code ave Very Dissatisfied Code ave, between 60th and Porter The section of code lies in a valley between two hills. Drivers come speeding down both from north and south directions. There isn't a stop sign on code at either intersection. Dissatisfied On code between 60th and porter During peak drive times/school time it seems to be a thorough fare 6145 Code Ave. Neutral 62nd Code Neutral 6109 Code Very Dissatisfied Code Ave, near 61st St There are hills coming from either direction and traffic generally speeds up. There are children playing all along the street and there have been MANY close calls. We put out safety signs and it doesn't matter. People may be going 25- 35 mph, but it's just too fast for the situation. Proof of the high speeds can be seen at Porter and Code where they are scrapes from cars constantly bottoming out. We need sidewalks or a 4-way stop sign at Code and Porter. It is terrifying to watch our kids playing outside. Very Dissatisfied Code Ave, near 61st High traffic street, people traveling way too fast through the neighborhood. 6105 Code Ave Very Dissatisfied 6000-6100 blocks of Code Ave Cars driving too fast.Since it is a long straight street with only one stop sign cars speed through with no regard. Neutral 6012 Code Very Dissatisfied Code Ave Go way toooo fast Neutral 6000 Code Avenue Dissatisfied 60th and Code Ave. Cars travel way too fast down and up the hill on Code Ave. It is a two way stop on 60th but nothing on Code Ave. to deter cars from speeding. Neutral 6117 Code Ave Dissatisfied Downhill slope in front of house.Speeding Neutral 6012 Code Ave Very Dissatisfied Code ave. from Benton to 62nd Speed down hill going south on code ave thru porter lane. We have lived here for 36 years and I gave up complaining because nothing was ever done. Police use to sit and ticket but those days are long gone. A lot of kids and families cross code on porter to go to the pond. I just listen to cars bottom out on 60 th or porter cuz three are going way to fast Neutral 6309 Colonial Court Very Dissatisfied Valley View and colonial court Vehicles are speeding - it is accident waiting to happen Neutral colonial court Very Dissatisfied Valley View at intersection of Colonial Court and Westridge Safety - it is an issue crossing on foot or bike and pulling out driving a vehicle Neutral Valleyview at Westridge and Colonial Court intersection This spring summer has been very heavy with Tracey closed for construction Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? How satisfied are you with the volume of traffic or the number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? 6301 Colonial Court Dissatisfied Valley View - off Colonial Court Cul-du-sac A lot of traffic and going fast. There are bends in the road making it hard to see when traffic is approaching from either side. Dissatisfied Valley View Road - Off Tracy Exit Too much traffic; currently as a result of N Tracy being closed. 6303 Colinial Court Very Dissatisfied Valley View & Colonial Court Drivers speed both north and south past out culdesac making safely exiting the culdesac difficult, if not dangerous. In addition, looking to the south side of the culdesac for purposes of taking left hand turns is especially difficult due to the high rate of speed many drivers are traveling at. while going northbound on Valley View past our culdesac. Satisfied 6241 Darcy Ln Satisfied Satisfied 6209 Hansen Dissatisfied 6209 Hansen rd too much traffic with the closing of tracy, also the seed around the corner of Hansen/Maddox Very Dissatisfied 6209 Hansen rd too much with closure to tracy 6225 Hansen Rd Neutral Very Dissatisfied 6225 Hansen Rd Heavy traffic since construction started. 6024 Hansen Road Very Dissatisfied Hansen Road bordering Birchcrest park There is too much speed and traffic at the ninety degree turn in the road and I have seen cars go into my neighbor's driveway by accident and have seen cars screeching to a halt when kids are going to the park. Dissatisfied Hansen Road I believe this problem is temporary and will change with the reopening of Tracy Ave northbound. 6028 Hansen Road Dissatisfied Hansen Road Frequent speeding Dissatisfied Hansen Road Heavy traffic, especially with detours of other road construction 6012 Hansen Road Very Dissatisfied Hansen and Forslin 30mph zone and 2 ridiculous 90 degree turns; cars end up on my driveway and lawn Very Dissatisfied Hansen Seen as a secondary thoroughfare with limited to no stop signs with Tracy two blocks over 6208 Hansen Rd Dissatisfied Hansen Rd & Maddox Ln safety: traffic too fast; vehicles rarely stop at intersection Neutral We recognize we are currently part of a detour 6229 Hansen Road Neutral Neutral 6008 Hansen Rd Dissatisfied Hansen rd due to the traffic diverted from Tracy because of construction and distracted drivers. Because young children walk this street going to and from Birchcrest Park.Dissatisfied Same problem. I wonder why detours couldn't be shifted after a month or so away from the park and kids. Hansen road Dissatisfied Hansen road since Tracy is closed the traffic has increased and people speed down the hill Neutral 6201 Hansen Dissatisfied Hansen Road Vehicles travel at excessive speed after turning from ValleyView Neutral 6124 Hansen Road Dissatisfied Cars often go down or up Hansen Road at excessive spped - particaulr problem at end of school day Dangerous for kids, pedestrians, and pets. Excessive noise Very Dissatisfied Hanssen Road Typically neutral, but as the detour for Tracy Avenue way too much traffic 6012 Hansen Road Very Dissatisfied Hansen & Forslin Speed, amount of traffic Very Dissatisfied Hansen & Forslin Everything pushed from Tracey 6212 Mildred AVE Satisfied Neutral 6201 Mildred Avenue Satisfied Satisfied 6213 Mildred Avenue Dissatisfied Mildred Avenue and Valley View Road Drivers go too fast around the corner both ways -- many of them are teens probably going between the high school and ECC/Kuhlman field Dissatisfied Mildred Avenue and Valley View Road Many people use Valley View as a Hwy 62 frontage road 5216 Maddox Lane Neutral Satisfied 5325 Maddox Lane Dissatisfied Maddox Lane traffic goes entirely to fast with the amount of kids/daycare on the street Dissatisfied Maddox Lane increased with construction in the rest of the neighborhood 5324 Maddox Lane Satisfied Satisfied Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? How satisfied are you with the volume of traffic or the number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? Maddox Lane Dissatisfied Maddox Lane Vehicles speed by, way too fast Dissatisfied Maddox Lane Too many vehicles, all day long 6013 Porter Lane Neutral Code and Porter Lane Would be wise to add a stop sign due to the number of walkers in the area.Satisfied Porter Lane Dissatisfied Hansen Rd/60th St Excessive speed Neutral 6324 Valley View Rd Very Dissatisfied 6324 Valley View Rd It's like freeway in front of my house. People think it is 50mph speed limit. We need to slow them down. I think stop signs at westridge/VV intersection and hillside/VV intersection would really help. It's unsafe...my kids have had many near misses that would have been fatal. Thanks for listening. Dissatisfied 6324 Valley View Rd With Tracy ave closed its been terrible but hopefully will get better after it reopens 6338 Valley View Rd Very Dissatisfied Intersection of Valley View Rd, Hwy 62 on/off ramp, and Tracy Ave (north side of Hwy 62) It is very difficult to to cross or turn on to Tracy from Valley View Rd and ramp due to heavy traffic on Tracy Ave. We have seen multiple accidents occur within the five years of living right by this intersection. Traffic moves very fast on Valley View Rd. This is especially bad with Tracy Ave. under contruction, Very Dissatisfied Valley View Rd This concern will decrease when construction on Tracy Ave. is done. 6217 Wyman Ave.Dissatisfied Wyman Ave Speed to great over the bridge. Only three driveways and five homes on the block. Neutral Dissatisfied West 60th Street - cars often exceed speed limit when kids, walkers, dogs are in plain sight Safety Very Dissatisfied detour around Tracey Ave. on Hanson and Valley View Rd near Code, 62nd, and Normandale Church Safety, lack of comfortable neighborhood feel, noise Dissatisfied Very Satisfied Neutral Neutral Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Examples of poor motorist behavior include speeding, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively.) If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: Do you feel that any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? If yes, which intersection? 5301 W 60th St Neutral Walking, jogging or running Yes Hansen & W 60th, Forslin and Hansen 5317 W 60th St Neutral No W 60th St Neutral cars driving W 60th St sometimes exceed speed limit Normandale/Valley View @ Benton 5204 W 60th St Very Satisfied No 5305 West 61st street Dissatisfied Many cars are speeding on Hansen and 61st Many small kids in the area and many are riding their bikes and scooter in the streets Walking, jogging or running Yes 61st and Hansen W 61st Stree Dissatisfied Hansen - as you approach Birchcrest park and as you make your way to Garden park. My kids should be able to walk/bike to Garden Park for their sports, but with no sidewalk and the speed in which people go I would not feel safe sending them alone. Walking, jogging or running Yes Hansen and Forslin Drive, Hansen and West 60th West 61st street Dissatisfied Walking, jogging or running Yes Any intersection with Hansen. 5304 61st Dissatisfied Hansen, W 61st, Code speeding Walking, jogging or running No 2317 W. 61st Street Neutral Walking, jogging or running No 5200 W. 62nd Street Dissatisfied all over, all the time why is safety an issue Walking, jogging or running Yes see previous question 5220 West 62nd Street Very Satisfied Yes 66th st and Wilryan Ave 5308 West 62nd Street Satisfied No 5233 W. 62nd Street Dissatisfied Wyman Ave. and W. 62nd Street Children are playing and drivers turn quickly where there is no stop sign Walking, jogging or running Yes W. 62nd and Wyman Ave. 5921 Bernard Place Neutral Bicycling No 6920 Berne Cir Neutral Olingher road Cars coming off Vernon are often times faster and closer to the curb. Especially for walkers Walking, jogging or running No 5225 Birchcrest Drive Very Dissatisfied Code/Birchcrest. Mildred/Valley View. Hansen/Forslin. Code/Birchcrest: Drivers roll through stop sign. All others driving quickly Walking, jogging or running Yes Mildred/Valley View, Code/Birchcrest, Hansen/Forslin Birchcrest Drive Neutral No 5201 Birchcrest Drive Dissatisfied Birchcrest and Code Speed, blowing through stop signs Walking, jogging or running Yes Hansen and Forslin by Birchcrest Park 5221 Birchcrest Dr Very Satisfied Yes Code and Birchcrest 5312 Birchcrest Dissatisfied Corner of Code and Birchcrest Too fast going west (uphill) on Birchcrest Driving No Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Examples of poor motorist behavior include speeding, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively.) If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: Do you feel that any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? If yes, which intersection? 5212 Birchcrest Dr Satisfied Driving No 5205 Birchcrest Dr Very Dissatisfied Code and Birchcrest please see response to first question Walking, jogging or running Yes Code and Birchcrest Birchcrest Very Dissatisfied Maddox North to 60th St, West to Hanson, East to Birchcrest and all streets in between Dangerous for pedestrians Walking, jogging or running Yes Code/Birchcrest 5329 Birchcrest Dr Neutral No 6149 Code Dissatisfied Code and 62nd Cars zip around corner from 62nd onto Code without stopping to check for traffic going straight, assuming all traffic is turning. Driving Yes Code and 62nd 6113 Code Ave Neutral Walking, jogging or running No 6009 Code Ave Very Dissatisfied Code Ave between 60th and Porter speeding and youthful agressive driving Walking, jogging or running Yes 60th and Code,60th and Porter, Also Benton and Hwy 100 Code ave Very Dissatisfied Code between 60th and porter There is a stop sign on the north side of 60th onto code and many do not stop or they just roll through Bicycling Yes Code and 60th; code and Porter 6145 Code Ave. Dissatisfied Code Ave. 62nd to Birchcrest Ignoring cars and often the stop sign Walking, jogging or running No 6109 Code Very Dissatisfied Code, near 61st St Drivers are not seeing all the kids playing along Code. It's awful for walking and riding bike. Walking, jogging or running Yes Code and Porter 6105 Code Ave Very Dissatisfied 6000-6100 blocks of Code Ave. aggressive driving, speeding, no slowing down Walking, jogging or running Yes Intersection of Porter and Code 6012 Code Very Dissatisfied Code ave Go way too fast down hill and thru porter lane intersection Driving Yes 60 th and Code and Porter lane and Code 6000 Code Avenue Dissatisfied 60th and Code Ave. Again, living on the corner we see many people roll through or miss the stop sign on 60th. Maybe cars would be more apt to stop/slow down if there was a crosswalk. Walking, jogging or running Yes 60th and Code and the top of Code Ave. and Benton Ave. 6117 Code Ave Dissatisfied Downhill slope. Speeding. Walking, jogging or running No 6012 Code Ave Dissatisfied Code ave Get running start at Benton and drive down hill and code too fast Driving Yes Code and porter 6309 Colonial Court Very Dissatisfied Valley View and Colonial Court Excessive speeding - Accident waiting to happen Driving Yes Valley View and Colonial Court colonial court Dissatisfied Valleyview at colonial court and westridge intersection Cars drive too fast to/from Tracy on Valley view north of 62 Walking, jogging or running Yes Valleyview at colonial court and westridge intersection Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Examples of poor motorist behavior include speeding, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively.) If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: Do you feel that any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? If yes, which intersection? 6301 Colonial Court Dissatisfied Valley View, Off Tracy exit of 62 Too fast Driving Yes Valley View and Colonial Court 6303 Colinial Court Dissatisfied Valley View and Colonial Court Too many drivers speed past the culdesac both northbound and sounthbound on Valley View makeing exiting the culdesac difficult, if not dangerous. Other example of poor driving throughout Edina include ongoing issues with drivers rolling through stop signs and failing to abide by yield signs. Driving Yes The intersection of Tracy and Valley View. It should be a four way stop rather than only having stopsigns placed oon Valley View. Stop signs should also be located on Tracy. Left turns from Valley View onto Tracy can be very difficult depending on the time of day, and especially in the morning or evening rush hours. 6241 Darcy Ln Satisfied No 6209 Hansen Dissatisfied hansen/maddox volume/speed of traffic Walking, jogging or running Yes maddox/hansen 6225 Hansen Rd Neutral No 6024 Hansen Road Very Dissatisfied Hansen Road, we are at 6024. It is unsafe for the children and people who have no sidewalk and are walking in the street to have cars speeding by them. Walking, jogging or running Yes The two corners in front of Birchcrest park 6028 Hansen Road Dissatisfied Hansen Road Speeding, rolling through stop signs on roads that intersect Hansen Road Driving No 6012 Hansen Road Very Dissatisfied Hansen/Forslin Speed to point where people are going off road, borderline blindspot, cars hopping around corner Walking, jogging or running Yes Hansen/Forslin; Hansen/61st; Hansen Birchcrest 6208 Hansen Rd Dissatisfied Hansen Rd & Maddox Ln speeding, failure to stop at stop sign Walking, jogging or running Yes Hansen & Maddox 6229 Hansen Road Satisfied Walking, jogging or running No 6008 Hansen Rd Dissatisfied Distracted driving is a problem during rush hour with traffic diverted from Tracy. Kids and park Walking, jogging or running Yes The corners near Birchcrest Park especially now with heavy traffic and parked cars. 6201 Hansen Dissatisfied Hansen Vehicles speed up after making the lefthand turn from velleyview and hit the gas till 61st Street then brake hard before the park Walking, jogging or running No 6124 Hansen Road Dissatisfied Hansen Road Speeding - such a long straightaway people go way too fast, particularly downhill Walking, jogging or running Yes Code and Birchcrest; Josephine and Benton 6012 Hansen Road Very Dissatisfied Hansen & Forslin Aggressive driving, speed, not looking for kids, rolling stop signs Walking, jogging or running Yes Hansen and Forslin 6212 Mildred AVE Neutral No 6201 Mildred Avenue Satisfied Bicycling No 6213 Mildred Avenue Dissatisfied Valley View Road Too many tailgaters and speeders, no sidewalks on a busy street Driving Yes Maddox Lane and Mildred Avenue 5216 Maddox Lane Neutral Driving No 5325 Maddox Lane Dissatisfied Maddox Lane speeding Walking, jogging or running No 5324 Maddox Lane Satisfied No Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How satisfied are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Examples of poor motorist behavior include speeding, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively.) If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue of concern? In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: Do you feel that any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? If yes, which intersection? Dissatisfied Intersection of Maddox and Wyman Too much traffic through that intersection, and they all roll through the stop sign... Walking, jogging or running 6013 Porter Lane Dissatisfied Code/Porter Lane Motorist pick up speed when they down the hill. Walking, jogging or running Yes Code/Porter Lane Porter Lane Dissatisfied Walking, jogging or running No 6324 Valley View Rd Very Dissatisfied 6324 Valley View Rd Speeding and driving aggressively Walking, jogging or running Yes Hillside/valley view and westridge/valley view 6338 Valley View Rd Very Dissatisfied Valley View Rd Cars travel very fast, even when children are playing in the front yard. Walking, jogging or running Yes Valley View Rd, Tracy Ave, and Hwy 62 on/off ramp (north side of Hwy 62) 6217 Wyman Ave.Dissatisfied Wyman Ave Speeding over the bridge Driving No Neutral Walking, jogging or running Yes Bernard Place and Benton; Code Ave. and Porter Ln. Eastview and Benton; Josephine and Benton Neutral Driving Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Street(s) too wide Insufficient Lighting Other (please specify) 5301 W 60th St Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 5317 W 60th St W 60th St Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Driving 5204 W 60th St Issues with sight lines or clear view Driving 5305 West 61st street Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Speeding no crosswalk to cross Hansen to go to the park Bicycling W 61st Stree Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running West 61st street Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Insufficient Lighting Walking, jogging, running 5304 61st 2317 W. 61st Street 5200 W. 62nd Street Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers turning corner too fast Bicycling 5220 West 62nd Street Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to stop on west bound 66th St and poor sight lines when approaching intersection from south bound Wilryan result in the main concerns at this intersection Driving 5308 West 62nd Street 5233 W. 62nd Street Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 5921 Bernard Place 6920 Berne Cir Walking, jogging, running 5225 Birchcrest Drive Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Hansen/Forslin is very dangerous because the high volume of traffic and it does not allow for space for walkers Walking, jogging, running Birchcrest Drive 5201 Birchcrest Drive Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 5221 Birchcrest Dr Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield The way that the hills come together makes for a very small area for reactions from drivers and bicyclists. Drivers coming north/south on Code don't have the best sight lines to see bicyclists coming on the east/west hills on both sides from Birchcrest. I really don't know what would be the best thing to do -- the intersection just naturally has a pretty poor setup. Maybe would need to cut off one of the roads -- put a dead end for Code heading south? drivers heading north on Code would have to slow down / stop for the 90-degree turn. Bicycling 5312 Birchcrest Address Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: 5212 Birchcrest Dr Driving 5205 Birchcrest Dr Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Walking, jogging, running Birchcrest Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Walking, jogging, running 5329 Birchcrest Dr 6149 Code Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers turning corner too fast Driving 6113 Code Ave 6009 Code Ave Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Driving Code ave Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Bicycling 6145 Code Ave. 6109 Code Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) We need a sidewalk on Code Walking, jogging, running 6105 Code Ave Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers turning corner too fast Cars speed through the intersection Bicycling 6012 Code Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Lack of marked crosswalk Insufficient Lighting Walking, jogging, running 6000 Code Avenue Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Walking, jogging, running 6117 Code Ave 6012 Code Ave Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to yield Lack of marked crosswalk Walking, jogging, running 6309 Colonial Court Issues with sight lines or clear view Driving colonial court Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Lack of marked crosswalk Walking, jogging, running Address Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: 6301 Colonial Court Issues with sight lines or clear view Driving 6303 Colinial Court Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Poor driving habits.Driving 6241 Darcy Ln Walking, jogging, running 6209 Hansen Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 6225 Hansen Rd 6024 Hansen Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk There are two ninety degree turns within a hundred yards right next to a park with children arriving and leaving and drivers are not slowing down. Walking, jogging, running 6028 Hansen Road Driving 6012 Hansen Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Street(s) too wide Walking, jogging, running 6208 Hansen Rd Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 6229 Hansen Road Walking, jogging, running 6008 Hansen Rd Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Walking, jogging, running 6201 Hansen Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running #####Hansen Road Issues with sight lines or clear view People on Code think that people on Birchcrest have a stop sign and they don't; Bushes on southwest corner of Josephone make it imposible to see cars coming east on Benton unless you are out in the intersection Driving 6012 Hansen Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 6212 Mildred AVE 6201 Mildred Avenue 6213 Mildred Avenue Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers turning corner too fast Driving 5216 Maddox Lane 5325 Maddox Lane 5324 Maddox Lane Address Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Because of Wyman Ave. bridge, too much north/south traffic 6013 Porter Lane Drivers failing to yield Walking, jogging, running Porter Lane 6324 Valley View Rd Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Walking, jogging, running 6338 Valley View Rd Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Driving 6217 Wyman Ave. Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Lack of marked crosswalk Drivers going too fast - particularly on Benton Walking, jogging, running Address Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood? If you don't walk, jog or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work Access transit Can't drive or don't own car Other (please specify) 5301 W 60th St Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 5317 W 60th St Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) W 60th St Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 5204 W 60th St Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 5305 West 61st street Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Sidewalks W 61st Stree Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) West 61st street Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Need sidewalks! 5304 61st Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Too many garbage trucks on Thursdays. 2317 W. 61st Street Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 5200 W. 62nd Street Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 5220 West 62nd Street Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise 5308 West 62nd Street Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 5233 W. 62nd Street Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) No sidewalks! I don't like walking or running in the streets. 5921 Bernard Place Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6920 Berne Cir Very frequently (daily or near daily) Exercise dog(s) 5225 Birchcrest Drive Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Safety. Lack of sidewalks. Weather Birchcrest Drive Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5201 Birchcrest Drive Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Car safety on Hansen- cars drive way to fast. 5221 Birchcrest Dr Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Encouraging my kids to walk as much as possible to get where they need to go I'm looking forward to the sidewalks on Hanson, but it would be great to have sidewalks on all of the streets! Walking around in the road and walking with cars coming directly at you would be great not to have to do. 5312 Birchcrest Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Address If you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood? If you don't walk, jog or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. 5212 Birchcrest Dr Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Sidewalks on major roads is a must (when practical). Not only does it make for safer walking/jogging, it's makes streets feel more like neighborhoods. 5205 Birchcrest Dr Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Birchcrest Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 5329 Birchcrest Dr Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 6149 Code Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 6113 Code Ave Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 6009 Code Ave Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Code ave Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6145 Code Ave. Never Old Age 6109 Code Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) We cannot allow our grade school-age children to ride bikes on our street because of the unsafe traffic. It's dangerous and there continues to be close calls. Kids shouldn't have to be on the same roadway as cars going 35 mph a few feet away from them. 6105 Code Ave Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6012 Code Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6000 Code Avenue Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 6117 Code Ave Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 6012 Code Ave Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6309 Colonial Court Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) colonial court Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) lack of sidewalks, lighting during dark months Address If you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood? If you don't walk, jog or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. 6301 Colonial Court Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Lack of sidewalk for safety away from cars. 6303 Colinial Court Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 6241 Darcy Ln Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6209 Hansen Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 6225 Hansen Rd Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6024 Hansen Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) We would love more sidewalks and bike lanes all over our city of Edina! It is the best way to make our city more livable, safe and bike/pedestrian friendly. 6028 Hansen Road Never 6012 Hansen Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6208 Hansen Rd Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise 6229 Hansen Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6008 Hansen Rd Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 6201 Hansen Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) #####Hansen Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 6012 Hansen Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6212 Mildred AVE Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise 6201 Mildred Avenue Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6213 Mildred Avenue Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) No sidewalks on busy street (Valley View Road), no access to walking trails, too much traffic 5216 Maddox Lane Rarely (less than once per month) Visit a neighbor Health 5325 Maddox Lane Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 5324 Maddox Lane Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Address If you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood? If you don't walk, jog or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. Rarely (less than once per month) We don't walk, jog or run in the neighborhood We are old 6013 Porter Lane Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Porter Lane Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6324 Valley View Rd Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) We need a sidewalk which is approved for our reconstruction on our street so very happy about that 6338 Valley View Rd Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6217 Wyman Ave. Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Address If you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work Access transit Can't drive or don't own car Other (please specify) 5301 W 60th St Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5317 W 60th St Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise W 60th St Never 5204 W 60th St Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 5305 West 61st street Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Doesn't seem safe foe kids with cars speeding through W 61st Stree Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work Access transit West 61st street Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work The condition of the streets damage my bike. Also heavy traffic. 5304 61st Never Don't feel safe on Valley View or Benton to bike to Bredesen 2317 W. 61st Street Never Health/exercise 5200 W. 62nd Street Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 5220 West 62nd Street Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise 5308 West 62nd Street Never 5233 W. 62nd Street Never 5921 Bernard Place Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6920 Berne Cir Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5225 Birchcrest Drive Never lack of sidewalks Birchcrest Drive Never 5201 Birchcrest Drive Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 5221 Birchcrest Dr Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Encouraging my kids to use their bicycles as much as possible 5312 Birchcrest Rarely (less than once per month) If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply)Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. 5212 Birchcrest Dr Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Drivers have become more aware of bicyclist in the past few years which has helped. Major roads could have a small shoulder to provide a few feet for road bikers (I'd hope there would be sidewalks on major road for walkers and kids). The increase in dedicated bike paths linking to major bike lines will be great, more of those will be awesome. 5205 Birchcrest Dr Very frequently (daily or near daily) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) My daughter used to ride her bike to school (Normandale ) daily Birchcrest Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 5329 Birchcrest Dr Never 6149 Code Never Don't have a bike. 6113 Code Ave Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise 6009 Code Ave Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work Code ave Very frequently (daily or near daily) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Children playing 6145 Code Ave. Frequently (2-3 times per week)Old age 6109 Code Very frequently (daily or near daily) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Same concerns as walking. Too many cars traveling too fast. It's unsafe. 6105 Code Ave Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) leisure 6012 Code Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6000 Code Avenue Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise heading out to bike on the trails 6117 Code Ave Never Do not ride. 6012 Code Ave Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise 6309 Colonial Court Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise colonial court Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) weather, full time work, not near to retail If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply)Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. 6301 Colonial Court Never 6303 Colinial Court Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise 6241 Darcy Ln Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise Lack of time 6209 Hansen Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 6225 Hansen Rd Rarely (less than once per month) 6024 Hansen Road Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) No bike lane or sidewalk and it feels unsafe 6028 Hansen Road Never 6012 Hansen Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 6208 Hansen Rd Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise pleasure occasionally, roads are too busy for my child to feel safe biking 6229 Hansen Road Never 6008 Hansen Rd Never 6201 Hansen Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Commute to/from work #####Hansen Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Poor road conditions - particularly concrete roads that have large gaps that can catch a bicycle tire and turn in 6012 Hansen Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 6212 Mildred AVE Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 6201 Mildred Avenue Rarely (less than once per month) 6213 Mildred Avenue Never 5216 Maddox Lane Never Health 5325 Maddox Lane Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 5324 Maddox Lane Rarely (less than once per month) Address If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. Never we don't own bikes we are old 6013 Porter Lane Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Porter Lane Rarely (less than once per month) 6324 Valley View Rd Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) The speeding and reckless driving on valley view Rd. Once we get to hillside or westridge roads it gets better 6338 Valley View Rd Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6217 Wyman Ave. Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Family Activity Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Traffic Address If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? How satisfied are you with the availability of on- street parking in your neighborhood? Any additional comments about parking? Residential streetlights are funded by special assessment. Is the existing streetlight system meeting the needs in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights with either a different style light or more lights? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Access to email for City Extra 5301 W 60th St Frequently (2-3 times per week) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Very satisfied No Yes Yes More energy efficient LED Yes 5317 W 60th St Frequently (2-3 times per week) Very frequently (daily or near daily) Satisfied Yes No No Yes W 60th St Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 5204 W 60th St Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied Yes No No NO Streetlights Yes 5305 West 61st street Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied No Yes Yes Yes W 61st Stree Never Frequently (2-3 times per week)Very satisfied Yes No No A sidewalk on Hansen, especially from West 60th to Garden Park would be so helpful. This would help kids bike/walk to Countryside school/park and Garden Park. Yes West 61st street Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very satisfied No Yes Yes Yes 5304 61st Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No Hansen Road between 60th and 61st has standing water after rains and is very cracked. Makes it harder to walk dog with lots of vehicle traffic on the streets. Yes 2317 W. 61st Street Rarely (less than once per month) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 5200 W. 62nd Street Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral Yes No No Yes 5220 West 62nd Street Very frequently (daily or near daily) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 5308 West 62nd Street Never Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 5233 W. 62nd Street Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 5921 Bernard Place Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral No No No Yes 6920 Berne Cir Never Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied Yes No No Water pools in the rolled curb between 602 4 and 6020. Especially a problem in the fall and winter Yes 5225 Birchcrest Drive Never Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral No No No Yes Birchcrest Drive Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 5201 Birchcrest Drive Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Dissatisfied Can't park on the street overnight Yes Yes Yes Yes 5221 Birchcrest Dr Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Lots of lights in yards / fronts of houses, which is great, so we really don't need any additional streetlights. Very well- lighted part of the neighborhood. Yes 5312 Birchcrest Very frequently (daily or near daily) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied We would like to be able to park overnight in winter unless plows will be out. Yes No No Yes Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? How satisfied are you with the availability of on- street parking in your neighborhood? Any additional comments about parking? Residential streetlights are funded by special assessment. Is the existing streetlight system meeting the needs in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights with either a different style light or more lights? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Access to email for City Extra 5212 Birchcrest Dr Frequently (2-3 times per week) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Very satisfied Yes Yes Yes Some more attractive street lights would be great. I'm not concerned about safety in my neighborhood, but I think lighting is a great way to prevent crime. Yes 5205 Birchcrest Dr Never Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Other than the intersection I have no issues with street conditions in my neighborhood. Yes Birchcrest Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Dissatisfied No Yes Yes Yes 5329 Birchcrest Dr Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 6149 Code Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 6113 Code Ave Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied Yes Yes Yes Yes 6009 Code Ave Rarely (less than once per month) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied Yes No No If they do get improved, please get something less ugly. They are hideous. Yes Code ave Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No Yes Yes 6145 Code Ave. Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 6109 Code Frequently (2-3 times per week) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Very satisfied Yes Yes No Please consider making Code around 61st and Porter more safe for our children!!!!! Yes 6105 Code Ave Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Neutral No Yes Yes It would feel safer to have sidewalks to feel safer with children biking and walking in the neighborhood. If not that, then a or a stop sign to slow the traffic down. Yes 6012 Code Never Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral No Yes Yes Brighter lighting at intersections Yes 6000 Code Avenue Never Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes Yes Yes It would be nice to have sidewalks - at least on one side of the street. Yes 6117 Code Ave Never Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 6012 Code Ave Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral No Yes Yes Yes 6309 Colonial Court Never Never Neutral Yes No No Yes colonial court Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Dissatisfied We are in cul de sac so there isn't a lot of parking available I am not sure if the street lights are adequate Yes Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? How satisfied are you with the availability of on- street parking in your neighborhood? Any additional comments about parking? Residential streetlights are funded by special assessment. Is the existing streetlight system meeting the needs in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights with either a different style light or more lights? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Access to email for City Extra 6301 Colonial Court Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral Cul-de-sac so limited parking Yes No No Yes 6303 Colinial Court Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very satisfied We live in a culdesac without much traffic other than the homeowners, visitors, or people turning around to go another direction. Yes Yes Yes Yes 6241 Darcy Ln Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral We are in a culdesac No No No Lighting is ok on our street Yes 6209 Hansen Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral Yes No No Yes 6225 Hansen Rd Never Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 6024 Hansen Road Rarely (less than once per month) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Very satisfied Yes No No Car and pedestrian safety is at risk at the intersections next to Birchcrest park on our street. We are hoping for a stop sign or pedestrian crosswalk to be put in as well as sidewalks and bike lanes for added safety and livability. Thank you! Yes 6028 Hansen Road Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied Yes No No No 6012 Hansen Road Never Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied No No No Hansen/Forslin is a huge safety concern and the speed on Hansen. Eliminating the two 90 degree turns, reducing speed limit and adding crosswalks/stop signs is a start Yes 6208 Hansen Rd Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied Yes Yes Yes lights that are more energy efficient/less light pollution. # lights is acceptable Yes 6229 Hansen Road Never Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied I do not think there should be any long term parking on any streets. We have huge driveways to park cars. Yes No No Yes 6008 Hansen Rd Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 6201 Hansen Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral No No No Yes #####Hansen Road Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 6012 Hansen Road Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No Use one on Tracy exit No 6212 Mildred AVE Never Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral Yes No No Yes 6201 Mildred Avenue Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very frequently (daily or near daily) Dissatisfied Can't park at night in the winter No Yes Yes No 6213 Mildred Avenue Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Dissatisfied We live in an odd spot (Mildred Avenue and Valley View Road) where there's no safe place for visitors to park on the street, unless they go 2 houses down. It's worse for people who live on Valley View Road. Yes No No Please put in some sidewalks on Valley View Road! I've long thought it would be great to have a speed bump on Valley View Road or a stop sign at Maddox Lane and Mildred Avenue. Yes 5216 Maddox Lane Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Yes No No I have lived in neighborhood for 30+ years. More cars travel at 20mph or less than 30mph or faster. Yes 5325 Maddox Lane Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 5324 Maddox Lane Never Rarely (less than once per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? How satisfied are you with the availability of on- street parking in your neighborhood? Any additional comments about parking? Residential streetlights are funded by special assessment. Is the existing streetlight system meeting the needs in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights with either a different style light or more lights? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Access to email for City Extra Never Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral Day care center across the street causes on-street parking congestion, because their driveway is always full Yes No No Yes 6013 Porter Lane Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes Porter Lane Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 6324 Valley View Rd Never Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral Yes No Yes My wife and I really like the streetlight across the street from us. Please keep that one there. Thanks Yes 6338 Valley View Rd Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Dissatisfied Yes No No Water collects near driveway (6338 Valley View Rd) on both sides of the road Yes 6217 Wyman Ave. Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very frequently (daily or near daily) Very satisfied Yes No No Yes Address Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation Name Street No. Street name Age Gender No. of people in household No. age 65 and over. No. age 18 and under Number of members in household with a physical disability impacting their ability to walk, ride a bicycle or drive. John Aune 5301 W 60th St 36-45 Male 6 0 4 0 Katie Froemming 5317 W 60th St Under 18 Female 5 0 1 0 W 60th St Wade Kram 5204 W 60th St 46-55 Male 5 0 3 0 Paula Heller 5305 West 61st street 46-55 Female 2 0 1 0 W 61st Stree 26-35 Female 3 1 0 West 61st street 6 4 Esther Cook 5304 61st 56-65 Female 2 0 0 0 Andrea Hilgren 2317 W. 61st Street 36-45 Female 1 0 0 0 Paulson 5200 W. 62nd Street 56-65 2 1 Bob Adolphson 5220 West 62nd Street 56-65 Male 2 0 0 0 Mary Beth Hamann 5308 West 62nd Street Over 65 Female 2 1 1 1 Kristen Scoll 5233 W. 62nd Street 36-45 Female 4 2 Ronald Ratliff 5921 Bernard Place Over 65 Male 5 1 0 0 Mike Samuels 6920 Berne Cir Over 65 Male 2 2 0 0 Chelsea Charlton 5225 Birchcrest Drive 26-35 Female 3 0 1 0 Birchcrest Drive Annie Tropple 5201 Birchcrest Drive 36-45 Female 4 0 2 Rick Lackner 5221 Birchcrest Dr 36-45 Male 4 0 2 0 Deb Pekarek 5312 Birchcrest 46-55 Female 4 0 2 0 Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation Name Street No. Street name Age Gender No. of people in household No. age 65 and over. No. age 18 and under Number of members in household with a physical disability impacting their ability to walk, ride a bicycle or drive. Kevin Meehan 5212 Birchcrest Dr 26-35 Male 4 0 2 0 Melissa Schmidt 5205 Birchcrest Dr 46-55 Female 4 0 2 0 Birchcrest 26-35 Male 3 0 1 0 Paul Stafford 5329 Birchcrest Dr Over 65 2 2 0 1 Bender 6149 Code 4 2 Gene Krupa 6113 Code Ave 46-55 Male 2 0 0 0 JD & Kelly Rickard 6009 Code Ave 46-55 Male 5 0 3 0 Code ave 36-45 Female 4 2 Jean Knowles 6145 Code Ave. Over 65 Female 2 2 0 1 Renae Goter 6109 Code 36-45 Female 5 3 0 Teresa Weiby 6105 Code Ave 36-45 Female 4 0 2 0 Sue Martyn 6012 Code 56-65 Female 2 0 0 0 Allison Sundquist 6000 Code Avenue 46-55 Female 3 0 1 0 Elaine A. Weller 6117 Code Ave Over 65 Female 2 1 0 0 Susan Martyn 6012 Code Ave 56-65 Female 2 1 0 0 Ramesh Shanmugavel 6309 Colonial Court 46-55 Male 4 0 1 0 colonial court Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation Name Street No. Street name Age Gender No. of people in household No. age 65 and over. No. age 18 and under Number of members in household with a physical disability impacting their ability to walk, ride a bicycle or drive. 6301 Colonial Court 26-35 Female 4 0 2 0 Roman M. Kozak 6303 Colinial Court 56-65 Male 4 0 0 0 Mahoney 6241 Darcy Ln 56-65 Female 3 Jeff Collier 6209 Hansen 46-55 Male 4 0 2 0 Jay Cerise 6225 Hansen Rd 46-55 Male 4 0 2 0 Genevieve Schaffer 6024 Hansen Road 36-45 Female 5 0 3 0 Mariann Hacker 6028 Hansen Road Over 65 Female 1 1 0 0 Jenifer Hagness 6012 Hansen Road 26-35 Female 5 0 3 0 Nancy Polomis 6208 Hansen Rd 46-55 Female 3 0 1 0 Sally Krusell 6229 Hansen Road Over 65 Female 1 1 0 0 Tom Sutliff 6008 Hansen Rd 56-65 Male 2 1 0 0 Mike Schellin 6201 Hansen 36-45 Male 6 0 2 0 Deb Neuger and Bill McCabe #####Hansen Road 56-65 300% 100% 0% 0% Lucas Hagness 6012 Hansen Road 36-45 Male 5 0 3 0 Laura Lucas 6212 Mildred AVE 56-65 Female 2 0 0 0 Steven Rakes 6201 Mildred Avenue 56-65 Male 3 0 0 0 Kate Frederick 6213 Mildred Avenue 46-55 Female 4 0 2 0 Jan Laukkonen 5216 Maddox Lane 56-65 Female 1 1 Dustin Carda 5325 Maddox Lane 36-45 Male 4 0 2 0 Joe Lambrecht 5324 Maddox Lane 56-65 Male 3 0 1 1 Birchcrest A and Countryside B Multi-Modal Survey Tabulation Name Street No. Street name Age Gender No. of people in household No. age 65 and over. No. age 18 and under Number of members in household with a physical disability impacting their ability to walk, ride a bicycle or drive. Stephanie McCoy 6013 Porter Lane 36-45 Female 4 0 2 0 Porter Lane Joshua Wahl 6324 Valley View Rd 36-45 Male 4 0 2 0 Chris Wrecza 6338 Valley View Rd 36-45 Male 5 0 3 0 Mark Wilkening 6217 Wyman Ave.46-55 Male 6 0 4 0 COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How satisfied are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue or concern? How satisfied are you with the volume of traffic or the number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue or concern? 5924 amy dr Satisfied Satisfied 6028 Berne Dissatisfied Vernon and Olinger Road rush hour, Wish there was a stop light or bumps to make it more user-friendly for children, walkers, rush hour is terrible Dissatisfied vernon and olinger road rush hour--difficult to answer this question. Berne Circle is fine (our street) but neighborhood would include Vernon 5813 Olinger Road Neutral Satisfied Olinger Road 5902 Olinger Rd Neutral Dissatisfied olinger road lots of trucks - through street 5801 Olinger Road Dissatisfied City of Edina dump trucks hauling snow to dump in Bredesen Park speed up and down the Olinger Road hill. Fear for our lives as we drive into or out of our driveway. Satisfied 5917 Olinger Road Neutral Neutral 5910 Olinger Rd Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Olinger Rd There's been heavy traffic since the Tracy Ln and Olinger Blvd detours 5806 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Olinger Road and Vernon Avenue speed too fast going down hill on Olinger Road. Vernon Ave. - no reason speed should increase to 40 mph for a short segment of road with many intersections, driveways and pedestrian traffic. Very Dissatisfied Olinger Road and Vernon Avenue Olinger Road is used as an unnecessary cut through. Has been TERRIBLE this Summer with the road construction. Vernon Avenue is much worse though with people cutting through to avoid traffic on 62. 40 mph speed limit (people have natural tendancy to go faster) in a residential neighborhood 5804 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Olinger Road, from Vernon to the Blvd. There are numerous people walking with dogs down to the park and the cars speed by, there has already been one dog hit and killed by a motorist the dog was on a leash. Thats is just one I know about. The street should absolutely have sidewalks because of it's access to the park and the traffic of bikes, people and dog going down there. Dissatisfied Olinger Road Only dissatisfied because the width and safety (need sidewalks) of the street isn't in line with the foot traffic and bikes going down to the park. 5725 Olinger Rd Neutral Dissatisfied Olinger Rd There has been a large increase in traffic due to the construction on Tracy Avenue which is frustrating as it is not clear why Tracy construction has been completed yet. Address COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How satisfied are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue or concern? How satisfied are you with the volume of traffic or the number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue or concern?Address 5725 Olinger Rd Dissatisfied Olinger Rd from Vernon Avenue to Olinger Blvd My family and I walk on the street to Bredesen Park and traffic can be unsafe, especially with Tracey Avenue being closed at Highway 62 Dissatisfied Olinger Rd from Vernon Ave to Olinger Blvd My family and I walk on the street to get to Bredesen Park and I'm concerned about our safety, I wish there were sidewalks 5906 Olinger Road Satisfied Neutral Olinger Road Too many garbage trucks. Too many city trucks hauling snow, etc causing damage the residents have to pay for, they could use Olinger Blvd which I don't thing the home owners who live on it get assessed for repairs 5824 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Intersection of Olinger Road and Amy Drive Drivers exceeding the speed limit northbound and southbound on Olinger Road Dissatisfied Intersection of Olinger Road and Amy Drive Commuters cutting through the neighborhood vs traveling to the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Olinger Boulevard 5808 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Northbound and southbound traffic on Olinger Road is a problem, cars exceed the speed limit. Safety for children crossing the street to board bus on Grove Street and bicyclists on street. Very Dissatisfied Olinger Road has high traffic. General safety of children and bicyclists. 5816 Olinger Road Neutral Dissatisfied Olinger Road City trucks hauling especially in winter with parking on both sides of the street. 5801 Olinger Road Dissatisfied Olinger Rd from Vernon to Olinger Blvd. City of Edina dump trucks speed going down the road and going up the road when hauling snow to be dumped in the Bredesen Park parking lot. All other traffic seems to obey the motor vehicle laws. Satisfied 6132 Sherman Circle Very Satisfied Very Satisfied 6125 Sherman Circle Very Satisfied Neutral 6128 Sherman Circle Neutral Satisfied 6120 Sherman Circle Very Satisfied Very Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How satisfied are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Examples of poor motorist behavior include speeding, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively.) If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue or concern? In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: Do you feel that any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? If yes, which intersection? 5924 amy dr Satisfied No 6028 Berne Satisfied Yes Vernon and Olinger Road 5813 Olinger Road Satisfied Olinger Road Sidewalks are not necessary and could be dangerous because of the slope. No 5902 Olinger Rd Satisfied Walking, jogging or running No 5801 Olinger Road Dissatisfied Speeding City of Edina dump trucks; other traffic is OK. Driving Yes Vernon & Olinger Rd. as well as Olinger Rd. & Olinger Blvd. 5917 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Speeding on both Olinger Road and Blvd. Lots of pedestrians and dog walkers Walking, jogging or running No 5910 Olinger Rd Satisfied No 5806 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Olinger Road and Vernon intersection (biggest concern). Olinger Road and Olinger Blvd (less of a concern) Turning onto Vernon from Olinger Road (and Highwood Drive in turn) can be nearly impossible during multiple times during the day. High speeds on Vernon (40 mph or over many traveling over the speed limit) passing when we are turning, tailgating when turning, being tailgated when I follow the speed limit which is MUCH too fast for a residential neighborhood. This 40 mph speed limit is unacceptable, especially when it's folks using it as a cut-through to avoid traffic on 62 and DO NOT need to use the road to access their home, school or business. Olinger Road - traffic goes much too fast down the hill. Olinger Road is a majorly used road for Walking, jogging or running Yes Olinger Road and Vernon - speed on Vernon and # cars make it dangerous. There is also an issue at Olinger Blvd (to a lesser extent) with the pedestrian traffic crossing Olinger Blvd to Bredesen trails. And third intersection of concern is Olinger Road and Grove. Folks also use this path as a "shortcut" to Countryside. I've watched many cars pass our bus when the bus' stop sign is out. 5804 Olinger Road Dissatisfied Olinger Road The cars can't see pedestrians at the top of the road because of the hill and are going too fast to be able to stop, NEED SIDEWALKS!!! A dog on leash was killed by a car a few weeks ago. Walking, jogging or running Yes Olinger Road and the Blvd when turning at the bottom of the road onto to the blvd going left, you can't see cars because of obstructions, trees, the curve in the road and you have to pullout and really lean forward to see. 5725 Olinger Rd Neutral Walking, jogging or running No Address COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How satisfied are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Examples of poor motorist behavior include speeding, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively.) If dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, please enter the location(s) and describe why you feel that way. Why is it an issue or concern? In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: Do you feel that any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? If yes, which intersection?Address 5725 Olinger Rd Neutral Walking, jogging or running Yes Vernon Avenue and Olinger Rd 5906 Olinger Road Satisfied No 5824 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied Intersection of Olinger Road and Amy Drive Safety compromised by speeding through neighborhood Walking, jogging or running Yes Olinger Road and Amy Drive 5808 Olinger Road Very Dissatisfied All of Olinger Road. Safety Bicycling Yes Grove Street and Olinger Blvd. 5816 Olinger Road Dissatisfied All intersecting streets along Olinger Road. Loud noise from car speakers Stops signs ignored. Disturbing the peace.Walking, jogging or running Yes Grove Street and Olinger Road. Amy Drive and Olinger Road 5801 Olinger Road Satisfied Yes Olinger Rd. at Olinger Blvd. 6132 Sherman Circle Very Satisfied No 6125 Sherman Circle Neutral Walking, jogging or running No 6128 Sherman Circle Neutral Bicycling No 6120 Sherman Circle Very Satisfied No Neutral Walking, jogging or running COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Street(s) too wide Insufficient Lighting Other (please specify) 5924 amy dr 6028 Berne Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Lack of marked crosswalk Walking, jogging, running 5813 Olinger Road Sidewalks are not necessary and could be dangerous because of the slope. 5902 Olinger Rd 5801 Olinger Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Street(s) too wide Walking, jogging, running 5917 Olinger Road 5910 Olinger Rd 5806 Olinger Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Drivers turning corner too fast Unnecessarily fast speed limit on Vernon for a very short distance - this area is just as residentially dense as other areas of city where speed limit is 25 or 30. Driving 5804 Olinger Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Lack of marked crosswalk Insufficient Lighting There should maybe be a four way stop there Driving 5725 Olinger Rd Bicycling Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply)Address COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply)Address 5725 Olinger Rd Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Insufficient Lighting There are potholes that fill with water at the corners when it rains Driving 5906 Olinger Road 5824 Olinger Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers turning corner too fast General motorist disregard for speed laws Walking, jogging, running 5808 Olinger Road Drivers turning corner too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Bicycling 5816 Olinger Road Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers turning corner too fast Walking, jogging, running 5801 Olinger Road Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign) Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Lack of marked crosswalk Major entry into Bredesen Park with poor sight lines and an uncontrolled intersection. This should be a four-way stop intersection. Walking, jogging, running 6132 Sherman Circle 6125 Sherman Circle Issues with sight lines or clear view Driving 6128 Sherman Circle 6120 Sherman Circle COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How frequently do you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood? If you don't walk, jog or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work Access transit Can't drive or don't own car Other (please specify) 5924 amy dr Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise 6028 Berne Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 5813 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Sidewalks are not necessary and could be dangerous because of the slope. I have lived on Olinger Road for 25 years. Sidewalks are not necessary and could be dangerous because of the slope. there has not been any accidents and a run and bike here every day. 5902 Olinger Rd Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 5801 Olinger Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5917 Olinger Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise most cross Olinger Rd to get mail 5910 Olinger Rd Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5806 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) no sidewalks in addition to all other things mentioned previously. 5804 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 5725 Olinger Rd Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) If you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply)Address COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How frequently do you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood? If you don't walk, jog or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that If you walk, jog or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply)Address 5725 Olinger Rd Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Enjoy nature at Bredesen Park 5906 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise 5824 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 5808 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Exercise dog(s) 5816 Olinger Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5801 Olinger Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6132 Sherman Circle Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6125 Sherman Circle Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise 6128 Sherman Circle Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) 6120 Sherman Circle Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Commute to/from work Access transit Can't drive or don't own car 5924 amy dr Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 6028 Berne Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Children use for travel bc don't drive 5813 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise A bike lane would be OK but I have lived on Olinger Road for 25 years. Sidewalks are not necessary and could be dangerous because of the slope. there has not been any accidents and a run and bike here every day. 5902 Olinger Rd Rarely (less than once per month)Health/exercise 5801 Olinger Road Never 5917 Olinger Road Never Do not bike 5910 Olinger Rd Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5806 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise Accompany child(ren) to destination (such as school or park) Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) many kids and folks entering Bredesen park walking, jogging, bicycling Amount of traffic. 5804 Olinger Road Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Bike lanes aren't obeyed well, don't really trust the motorists because the streets aren't wide enough, especially Olinger Road 5725 Olinger Rd Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise The number of potholes on Olinger Rd and Tracy sometimes impact how often I might go bike riding Address If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what factors contribute to that? Please list all that you can think of. Address If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) 5725 Olinger Rd Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise I think a bike lane on Olinger Rd to connect to the new bike lanes on Olinger Blvd and Vernon Ave would be helpful 5906 Olinger Road Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 5824 Olinger Road Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) 5808 Olinger Road Very frequently (daily or near daily)Health/exercise 5816 Olinger Road Never Too old. 5801 Olinger Road Never Don't own bicycles 6132 Sherman Circle Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise 6125 Sherman Circle Never 6128 Sherman Circle Frequently (2-3 times per week)Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop) Motorist behavior towards bicycles 6120 Sherman Circle Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Health/exercise COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY Street No.Street name How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? How satisfied are you with the availability of on-street parking in your neighborhood? Any additional comments about parking? Residential streetlights are funded by special assessment. Is the existing streetlight system meeting the needs in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights with either a different style light or more lights? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Email access to City Extra? 5924 amy dr Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No No While busy traffic is satisfactory few if any accidents or injuries have occurred Yes 6028 Berne Frequently (2-3 times per week) Frequently (2-3 times per week)Neutral Yes No No Yes 5813 Olinger Road Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No I have lived on Olinger Road for 25 years. Sidewalks are not necessary and could be dangerous because of the slope. there has not been any accidents and a run and bike here every day. Yes 5902 Olinger Rd Never Frequently (2-3 times per week)Satisfied Yes No No Yes 5801 Olinger Road Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Adding a sidewalk to Olinger Rd. is a very unwise proposal. The North end of Olinger Rd. basically dead-ends at Vernon Ave., a County Road with a 40 mph speed limit that is often exceeded. This intersection has stop signs on both Olinger and Highwood Drive but no marked crossing on Vernon; the only safe places to cross Vernon are at Tracy Ave. which is 1/4 mile to the East and Blake Rd. 1/8 mile to the West; these two intersections have marked crosswalks and semiphores with Walk/Don't Walk indicators. Both already have sidewalks and both connect to Bredesen Park. Why in the world would one put their or their family's lives at risk just so you could walk on this proposed sidewalk. By the way, the Highwood and Parkwood neighborhoods to the North do NOT have sidewalks, with the exception of Blake Rd. Yes 5917 Olinger Road Never Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No Yes 5910 Olinger Rd Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Neutral Yes No No We like that our street is relatively DARK at night, and don't want special assessments to brighten the road. Yes 5806 Olinger Road Never Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No Yes Too much traffic in general which I don't know if it's possible to fix. We need some traffic calming though. Vernon speed limit must remain consistent throughout Edina - 30 MPH - just stupid to increase the speed limit for a short distance. I cannot think of any other two lane roads in Edina that are in purely residential neighborhoods that are 40 MPH. Speed bumps or something similar for folks coming down the Olinger Road Hill....not only does people speed increase coming down the hill, but there are many blind spots coming down the hill. We will not encourage people to drive less if we do not make pedestrian areas safe and neighborhoods surrounding Bredesen Park are very pedestrian oriented. Many young people, active people, old people, pets with too many cars traveling too fast on Vernon. Yes 5804 Olinger Road Never Never Dissatisfied We have a long driveway so it isn't necessary for us but a few times in our living there, 15 years, for extremely large parties, but our neighbors can't really park on Olinger Road safely, it's too narrow, no sidewalk for the pedestrians then which are a major issue as it is a thoroughfare to get down to the park. No No Yes Olinger Road is a major thoroughfare foe people walking and walking their dogs down to Bredesen Park, there has been one dog killed that was on a leash, that could have been a person. That road needs a sidewalk for the safety of people and pets. Yes 5725 Olinger Rd Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied No Yes I would love to have a sidewalk on Olinger Rd which can connect Vernon to Olinger Blvd, at least on one side of the street to make it easier to move up and down the street with small children. Yes COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY Street No.Street name How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? How satisfied are you with the availability of on-street parking in your neighborhood? Any additional comments about parking? Residential streetlights are funded by special assessment. Is the existing streetlight system meeting the needs in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights in your neighborhood? Do you favor improving the streetlights with either a different style light or more lights? Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Email access to City Extra? 5725 Olinger Rd Never Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied No Yes Yes The street that I live on (Olinger Rd) has many potholes that are frustrating for biking, walking and driving. I would like to have sidewalks and a bike path on my residential street and additional street lights. Yes 5906 Olinger Road Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 5824 Olinger Road Olinger Road Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral Yes No No Yes 5808 Olinger Road Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Satisfied Yes No No DO NOT PUT A SIDEWALK IN AS PART OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UNLESS THE CITY WILL HANDLE SNOW REMOVAL!!!! SLOPE OF STREET WILL CREATE AN UNSAFE BOBSLED RUN IN THE WINTER!!!!!! Yes 5816 Olinger Road Never Rarely (less than once per month)Neutral Street is too narrow to have parking on both sides, especially in the winter. Yes No No Yes 5801 Olinger Road Rarely (less than once per month)Never Very satisfied We do not want a sidewalk on Olinger Rd. It is a waste of taxpayer money to onstruct Yes No No We do not want a sidewalk on Olinger Rd. It would be a waste of taxpayer money to build and maintain it. People already cross a busy County Road (Vernon Ave.) at Olinger Rd. and Vernon Ave. at this uncontrolled intersection while there is a controlled intersection just two blocks away at Blake and Vernon that already has sidewalks. The City of Edina should not be encouraging people to cross Vernon at Olinger Rd. because of the traffic at tbis unco trolled intersection. Yes 6132 Sherman Circle Rarely (less than once per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 6125 Sherman Circle Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes Yes Yes Yes 6128 Sherman Circle Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes 6120 Sherman Circle Rarely (less than once per month) Occasionally (1-4 times per month)Very satisfied Yes No No Yes COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY Name Street No.Street name Age Gender Number of people in household Number age 65 and over. Number age 18 and under Number of members in household with a physical disability impacting their ability to walk, ride a bicycle or kirk swenson 5924 amy dr 46-55 Male 4 0 2 0 Amelia 6028 Berne 46-55 Female 4 0 2 0 Richard Jahnke 5813 Olinger Road 56-65 Male 4 0 0 0 Laurie Eckberg 5902 Olinger Rd 46-55 Female 3 0 1 0 Ken & Twyla Rush 5801 Olinger Road Over 65 Male 2 2 0 0 Karen Ostman 5917 Olinger Road Over 65 Female 3 2 0 0 Alan Benson 5910 Olinger Rd 26-35 Male 2 0 0 0 Suzanne & Guy Logan 5806 Olinger Road 46-55 Female 5 0 3 0 Carla Young 5804 Olinger Road 56-65 Female 2 0 0 0 David Simons 5725 Olinger Rd 26-35 Male 2 0 0 0 COUNTRYSIDE G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY MULTI-MODAL SURVEY Name Street No.Street name Age Gender Number of people in household Number age 65 and over. Number age 18 and under Number of members in household with a physical disability impacting their ability to walk, ride a bicycle or Amanda Simons 5725 Olinger Rd 26-35 Female 2 0 0 0 jim sletten 5906 Olinger Road 56-65 Male 2 0 0 0 Tim Balfany 5824 Olinger Road Olinger Road 46-55 Male 4 0 1 0 Steve Jensen 5808 Olinger Road 56-65 Male 3 0 0 0 Virginia and Tonu Lang 5816 Olinger Road Over 65 Female 2 2 0 0 Ken & Twyla Rush 5801 Olinger Road Ray and Barbara Drew 6132 Sherman Circle Over 65 Male 2 2 0 0 Yina Ha 6125 Sherman Circle 56-65 Female 2 1 0 0 Patrick Morton 6128 Sherman Circle 46-55 Male 4 0 2 0 Steve Gilfix 6120 Sherman Circle 46-55 Male 3 0 0 0 Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Pas s enger Rail S ervic e in Ed ina Dis cus s ion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: T he 2016 ET C work plan has the following initiative: "Review and Recommend: P assenger Rail Service - ET C will provide report answering the following questions: Should the City of Edina support further study of the possibility of passenger rail service in Edina? Should the City of Edina formally request the elimination of the so called “gag rule” concerning the Dan P atch line? Should the City of Edina dedicate staff and fiscal resources to developing a plan to encourage the development of a passenger rail service in Edina? At the ET C's July meeting, a committee was formed to begin to formulate ideas regarding community outreach around this initiative. T his and other items related to this P assenger Rail initiative will be discussed. ATTACHMENTS: Description Rail Public Engagement Approach Rail Public Engagement August 18, 2016 As a reminder, the ETC has been asked to answer three questions: • Should the City of Edina support further study of the possibility of passenger rail service in Edina? • Should the City of Edina formally request the elimination of the so called "gag rule" concerning the Dan Patch line? • Should the City of Edina dedicate staff and fiscal resources to developing a plan to encourage the development of a passenger rail service in Edina? ETC members (Bass, Iyer, Loeffelholz) met to discuss an approach. Below are point from our discussion: • Holding a community meeting or two seems insufficient. Low turnout, which typically represents the far ends of the spectrum (very supportive/very opposed) • A community conversation that creates an “arc” of engagement, which might roll out in a stepwise fashion, using multiple methods, may allow more people to participate and lift up more perspectives. • Important to share facts, set the context Goal: Develop a recommendation for council on further study of passenger rail service. Strategy: Conduct a public engagement process that is 1) informative and 2) broad and inclusive of multiple perspectives Stakeholder group 1) Residents Stakeholder group 2) Business community Method (Tactic) Purpose Preparation Channels Resource needs Letter to the Editor from ETC (chair) Announce our charge; provide context and facts; define “study” Identify author; draft letter Sun Current, city communication vehicles, Edina FB groups, Nextdoor, Chamber/rotary list serve None Email survey* Provide context and facts; gather input on risks and opportunities; ask Develop instrument CityExtra affinity groups; Nextdoor; city communications vehicles; Chamber/rotary list serves Data analysis how people would like to be further engaged; inform agenda for next step Public meeting* (2 possible) Provide context and facts; share survey results; gather input on risks and opportunities ID locations, promotion 1 meeting in Grandview area; 1 meeting in Southdale area Facilitator; data analysis, child care, food Recommendation draft Ask for community comment on the ETC’s recommendation Sun Current, city communication vehicles, Edina FB groups, Nextdoor, Chamber/rotary list serve *Efforts should be made along the way to share what the full range of what we have heard. Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Co mmunity Circulator Study Dis cus s ion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: T he 2016 ET C work plan includes an initiative to study and report on a Community Circulator. Commissioner Loeffelholz will lead a discussion regarding this item. Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Ad d itional Up d ates o n 2016 Work Plan Initiatives Dis cus s ion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. INTRODUCTION: ET C members will give brief updates on active 2016 Work P lan initiatives not on the current agenda. For reference, the following are the 2016 Work P lan initiatives: 1. Study and report Community Circulator. 2. Organize and host a transportation-themed event with speaker(s). 3. P repare and comment on Comprehensive P edestrian and Bicycle P lan for inclusion in 2018 Comprehensive P lan. 4. Review Edina To Go app and provide recommendations to staff regarding organization/categories for reporting concerns related to streets/transportation. 5. Review data from City’s Quality of Life Survey (2011, 2013, 2015) and conduct 2 public meetings to identify gaps around the City’s transportation systems. 6. Make recommendations to staff for evaluation of the Living Streets and Streets Smarts outreach campaigns. 7. P rovide input to staff on the creation of a walking map of the City indicating routes and areas of interest. 8. Review and Recommend whether the City of Edina should assume a position in favor of the addition of passenger rail to the community. Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: R ep o rt and Rec o mmendation From:Jo s ep h Totten, Traffic Safety Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Report of August 3, 2016 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and recommend the Traffic Safety Report of Wednesday August 3, 2016 be forwarded to City Council for approval. INTRODUCTION: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the meeting regarding the report's recommendations. An overview of the comments from the Edina Transportation Commission will be included in the staff report provided to Council for their September 20, 2016 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of Augus t 3, 2016 August 18, 2016 Edina Transportation Commission Joe Totten, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of August 03, 2016 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on August 03. The City Engineer, Assistant City Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Police Lieutenant, Communications Coordinator, and Transportation Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Public Works Director and Sign Coordinator were informed of the decisions and did not object to the recommendations. For these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the August 18 Edina Transportation Commission and the September 20 City Council meeting agendas. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action: A1. Request for signing 50th and France area sidewalks, to prevent bicyclists from riding on them • City of Edina ordinance allows bicyclists to ride on city sidewalks, but prohibits riding where building accesses are directly off of the sidewalk. o This means that bicycling on sidewalks in the 50th and France area is illegal. o The full ordinance can be seen in Appendix F. • Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota have signage and pavement markings for sidewalks to discourage use of bicycles and inform the bicyclists to walk their bikes in these areas. o Placement of these pavement would be difficult in this location due to the brick Photo : One issue with placing sidewalk markings in the 50th and France district are the brick paver sidewalks seen here Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 2 sidewalks, as there are no concrete pads for the easy addition of the these markings. • A video study from 10:00 AM-10:00 PM on a Saturday was performed, and found that 78 bicyclists rode on 50th Street, west of France Avenue. Of these 78, 54 were on the sidewalk. • 11 persons were seen walking their bicycles in this area After review, staff recommends placing signs at ingresses to the district, instructing bicyclists to walk their bikes. The signage should help to inform bicyclists that they cannot ride on the sidewalk in this location. Further, the police department will work on education efforts in the district, to ensure that the ordinance is being followed. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request for stop controls at the intersection of Branson Street and Oakdale Avenue • Count Data • This is a T-intersection, with Oakdale Avenue having one approach, and Branson Street having two, the southern leg of this intersection is a dead end. • Oakdale Avenue connects to Grimes Avenue, and is one block long • Branson Street connects to Morningside Road and is 2 blocks long, with a dead-end extending south of Oakdale Avenue. • When making the request, the requestors noted that most of the residents of Branson Street and Oakdale Avenue were slowing, or even stopping at the intersection already; that this request is partially to maintain signage that reflects the use of the road, and inform drivers from outside the neighborhood of the intersection. o A video of the intersection supported the assertion that drivers were often slowing significantly as they approached the intersection • No crashes have been reported in this location in the past 5 years. • Sightlines at this intersection were measured, Photo : Sidewalk markings as seen in the Uptown area of Minneapolis. Photo : Walk Your Bike signage, as seen on the Universtity of Minnesota, East Bank campus. Photo : Branson Street and Oakdale Avenue, looking west, down Branson Street towards the intersection. Map : Branson Street and Oakdale Avenue, Oakdale Avenue intersects Morningside Road, and Bransen Street, Grimes Avenue. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 3 and deemed appropriate for the intersection. o There is little, to no infringement of the corner clearview ordinance, partially due to very wide corner radii which makes the intersection of the curblines far into the intersection After review, staff determined that this intersection is being used by drivers as uncontrolled intersections are intended to be used. Drivers are slowing as they approach the intersection and taking preventative actions to avoid conflicts. With no crash history, and not meeting any other warrants, staff did not find reason to control the intersection. B2. Request for improvement of the Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road intersection • This request concerns the triangular intersection of Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road. • The requestor noted that this is a confusing intersection and that many drivers are unclear on how to proceed through the intersection. • There have been five crashes in the past five years of available data, reported at this intersection o One of these crashes was a ‘C-injury’, also referred to as a ‘Possible Injury’ crash. • A roundabout at this intersection has been a part of past CIP requests, but did not receive funding. • Is there any wayfinding, or other signage that would guide motorists through the intersection without causing undue distraction? After review, staff determined that this intersection may be confusing and difficult to navigate, but there were no markings or signage that would communicate a correct course for its navigation. A future reconstruction of this intersection is possible, but would also be costly. B3. Request for all-way stop control at the intersection of Lincoln Drive and the Edina West Condominiums’ private access road • This request concerns the intersection of Lincoln Drive, and the private access road to the Edina West Condominiums. • Lincoln Drive has an ADT of 3650 vehicles per day, and an 85th-percentile speed of 39.4 mph. • The Edina West Condominiums’ access road has an ADT of 590 vehicles per day. • Currently, the access road is the stem of a T- intersection with Lincoln Drive, and is stop controlled, while Lincoln Drive is uncontrolled. Aerial Photo : The intersection of Cahill Road (vertical) and Dewey Hill Road (horizontal). Photo : Lincoln Drive, looking southeast towards the Edina West Condominiums’ private access road. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 4 • The Edina West Condominium Association asked the City of Edina to consider adding all-way stop controls to the intersection of Lincoln Drive and their access road in order to facilitate turns out of their access road. • Sightlines in this location have been improved for 40 mph traffic on Lincoln Drive, and a speed report has been sent to the police department for their enforcement purposes. • While a formal delay study was not performed, observations during the peak hour indicate that queuing is negligible and will not warrant all-way stop control. • No crashes were reported in the past 5 years at this intersection. After review, staff found that warrants were not met for this intersection to be made into all- way stop control. With no crash history, and not meeting any other warrants, staff did not find reason to further control the intersection. The police department has been provided with a speed report on Lincoln Drive for enforcement efforts. B4. Request for a crosswalk across Vernon Avenue at Schaefer Road • This request concerns crossings from the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood to Bredesen Park. • The requestor noted that many crossings occurred at Schaefer Road, crossing Vernon Avenue. • A camera study was performed and found that the peak number of crossings in a two- hour period was 21, during the hours of 8:45-10:45 AM on a Saturday. • Vernon Avenue in this location has a 40 mph speed limit. • Vernon Avenue has an ADT of approximately 10,400 vehicles per day in this location. • There is a bituminous path on the south side of Vernon Avenue, which continues to Gleason Road. o Currently a sidewalk is under construction on the north side of the road, connecting View Lane and Schaeffer Road to Blake Road and a controlled intersection. After review, this crosswalk was determined to be warranted, but not justified. New construction is adding a sidewalk on the north side of Vernon Avenue, connecting Schaefer Road to Blake Road and the accompanying traffic signal, one block over. Further, City of Edina warrants would require signalization of this intersection to add a crosswalk, and adding signals this close to the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Blake Road was seen as detrimental to both safety and traffic flow on Vernon Avenue. Map : Edina West Condominiums private access road and Lincoln Drive. Photo : Schaeffer Road, at its intersection with Vernon Avenue, looking north. Map : Schaeffer Road and Vernon Avenue is at the left end of the arrow, Blake Road and Vernon Avenue is at the right end. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 5 B5. Request to lessen the misuse of roundabouts in Edina • This request has come from various requestors, who noted that roundabouts are still a new traffic control device, and proper utilization of them is difficult for drivers, particularly the elderly, who may not have had any instruction on properly driving through them. • The requestors have noted various driving classes for upper-middle aged and older persons, to hone their skills and ensure they are able to understand and drive appropriately through newer traffic control devices like roundabouts. • Classes from AARP are provided approximately monthly at the Edina Senior Center, as well as various other classes provided in communities nearby. o All classes found by the Traffic Safety Coordinator cost around twenty dollars, with some discounts for membership in an organization. • An issue noted with roundabouts by a requestor is that drivers on Edina’s streets and roads are not all from Edina, as the Southdale area draws shoppers from other nearby cities, and workers from across the metropolitan area. • Requestors have asked what, if anything, the City of Edina can do to increase knowledge of how to use roundabouts. After review, staff did not find additional opportunities to add roundabout safety to city programs. Additional concerns were that roundabouts in Edina are on major thoroughfares, which carry traffic from the entire region, and educating all the regions drivers is not practical for Edina alone to undertake. B6. Request to change the culture of Edina driving, such that drivers respect crosswalks more • This request has been received from multiple requestors, asking that drivers simply respect pedestrians in a crosswalk more, and follow state statute 169.21 subdivision 2, as seen in Appendix E. • Saint Paul has recently been doing a public safety campaign on this issue, called “Stop For Me” and has been receiving press coverage highlighting the law and educating drivers about the law’s requirements. • A camera was set up for a weekend at 70th Street and Wooddale Avenue, investigating if drivers would yield right-of-way to pedestrians. o 14 Crossings were observed where drivers and pedestrians would be in conflict. o Three (3) of these crossings involved drivers not yielding to pedestrians who had entered the roadway, two (2) of which instances had the pedestrian lights activated and the pedestrian in the roadway. o Drivers were considered able to stop if they were more than 193-feet from the intersection, this is the distance used by Saint Paul in its “Stop For Me” campaign. Photo : MnDOT webpage devoted to teaching drivers how to navigate roundabouts. Photo : W. 70th Street looking west towards Wooddale, the site studied for the yielding study. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 6 After review, city staff noted that there are already Public Service Announcements and the Street Smarts campaign attempting to address these issues. The police department also already conducts enforcement and education on this issue as well. No further actions were seen as practical or reasonable. Staff will continue our efforts to elevate these safety concerns, but no further actions are recommended. B7. Request for a crosswalk across Gus Young Lane, either at Arcadia Avenue or between developments’ driveways • This request notes how the Grandview Area is very busy with both vehicles and pedestrians, with specific concern given to Gus Young Lane between Arcadia and the railroad. • A camera was placed to observe two crossing locations; o The first location was the west side of the intersection of Arcadia and Gus Young o The second location was between the driveways of the developments north and south of Gus Young Lane • Twice during the count, did the number of crossings for between the driveways and at the intersection combined reach 18 pedestrians in a two-hour period. o The first time was from 10:15-12:15 o The second time was from 12:30-14:30 • Most crossings took place between the driveways of the developments, with 86 of the 101 total crossings during the study taking place between the driveways. After review, staff recommends no action at this time. This crossing is very close to meeting warrants for a crosswalk, and it is anticipated that as the Grandview District redevelops and densifies that this crossing may be warranted in the future. However, placement at this time is not warranted and not recommended. B8. Request to lessen the number of drivers running the stop signs at the intersection of Schaefer Road with Knoll Drive • Schaefer Road and Knoll Drive, in the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood, is a 5-way intersection. • The road is controlled with all-way stop controls. • The concern at this intersection is that drivers are rolling and running the stop signs, which is dangerous. Photo : Gus Young Lane and Arcadia Avenue, looking west, down Gus Young Lane. Map : The crossings of Gus Young Lane studied for crossings. Map : Knoll Drive has three approaches to its intersection with Schaeffer Road, shown here. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 7 • A camera study was able to approximate space-mean-speed of westbound vehicles, and found that currently, the median speed is approximately 7 mph, and the 85th-percentile speed is approximately 11 mph as drivers enter the intersection. o More on this study can be found in Appendix D. o This is not the minimum speed of drivers as they entered the intersection; the study was unable to determine minimum speeds. • In a review of the intersection, the stop signs were visible and had required sight distances. No proven improvements were observed as not being implemented in this location. After review, some small obstructions of the stop signs were removed as braches were trimmed slightly. However, no further action is recommended, as these signs are conspicuous, and the intersection would not meet volume or delay warrants for all-way stop control. Section C: Items which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends for further study C1. Request for crossing treatments on Xerxes Avenue near 68th Street • This request borders the City of Richfield • There currently exists a paved path from Xerxes Avenue to the parking lot and property of 6775 York Avenue. Currently occupied by Cub Foods; this path intersects Xerxes Avenue between 68th Street and 67th Street. • There currently exists an unpaved, ‘goat path’ between the property at 6775 York Avenue and Xerxes Avenue, and this path intersects Xerxes Avenue at its intersection with 68th Street. • Concerns for pedestrian safety, and the unexpected nature of this unmarked path led to this request. • A camera study was completed at this location, and found that Xerxes Avenue currently serves as a type of auxiliary parking lot for the 6775 York Avenue property. • The crossings both at the intersection of 68th Street and Xerxes Avenue, and at the paved path, meet the volume warrant in the City of Edina’s crosswalk warrants, shown in Appendix A. • The crossings to and from the paved path include many shopping carts. • The current paved path accesses the side of the 6775 York Avenue building, whereas the goat path aligns with the front of the structure. • Currently the goat path would need earthwork and other construction to make it accessible. • During the eight-hour video study, pedestrians crossed at the paved path approximately twice as often as at the goat path. Photo : The ‘goat path’ between Xerxes Avenue and 6775 York Avenue’s parking lot. This is at the intersection of Xerxes Avenue and W. 68th Street. Photo : The paved path between Xerxes Avenue and 6775 York Avenue’s parking lot. This is north of the intersection of Xerxes Avenue and W. 68th Street. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 8 After review, staff recommended working with Cub Foods (SuperValu), the property owner, and Richfield to construct a new paved path in the goat path’s location. This will make pedestrian movements more visible and expected, as they will be at an intersection. A crosswalk should also be placed in this location. C2. Request for a crosswalk across Vernon Avenue at Olinger Road • This request concerns crossings from the Highlands neighborhood to Bredesen Park, and Countryside School. • The requestor noted that crossing at the controlled intersections of Blake Road or Tracy Avenue are not the most direct path, and therefore inconvenient, but it felt unsafe to cross at Olinger Road’s intersection with Vernon Avenue, which is a straighter path. • A camera study was performed and found that the crossing meets the volume warrant of 20 pedestrians in a two-hour period. • Vernon Avenue in this location has a 40 mph speed limit. • Vernon Avenue has an ADT of approximately 10,100 vehicles per day in this location. • There is a bituminous path on either side of Vernon Avenue in this location, connecting this intersection to the controlled intersections of Tracy Avenue and Blake Road with Vernon Avenue. After review, staff recommended that further discussions be held with Hennepin County about this crossing. This crossing was warranted by the City of Edina’s warrants, already has a sidewalk on the north side of Vernon Avenue, and is further from Blake Road or Tracy Avenue than the crossing at Schaefer Road, considered in Section B. Further discussions with the County will have to be held, as by City of Edina warrants, a crosswalk should not be installed on a road with a speed limit above 30 mph except in conjunction with signalization. The type of signal, and Hennepin County’s willingness for its placement will have to be discussed. Section D: Other items handled by Traffic Safety D1. There was a request to lessen the numbers of drivers running the stop signs at Benton Avenue and Tingdale Avenue. Reviewing the signage of the area, the signs are visible and stand out properly. The police department has already been enforcing this signage as it has been identified by residents calling in. D2. A resident requested the dynamic speed sign trailer be placed on Saxony Road, as well as elsewhere on the Blake Road detour, to address high speeds of detouring traffic. This was forwarded to the Edina Police Department for placement and directed patrols. D3. A request for an additional no parking sign in front of 7275 Bush Lake Road was investigated, and this signage seemed to not be replaced when it was removed during the industrial park lighting project. This was forwarded to the sign shop for a new sign to be placed. D4. A requestor asked for traffic counts to be taken in the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood so that we can address any increase in traffic when US 169 is shut down next year. This had been previously completed, and results were discussed with the requestor. Map : Olinger Road is in the center of the two double sided Arrows, Blake Road is on the far left, and Tracy Avenue on the far right. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 9 D5. A requestor asked for trucks servicing the Tracy Avenue reconstruction project drive well below the speed limit, as trucks traveling close to the speed limit made the requestor feel uncomfortable as they came down the street. D6. A requestor asked that something be done to prevent drivers from confusing Brookview Avenue with the entrance to Pamela Park’s parking areas. This was addressed through the use of signing the entrance with brown recreational attraction direction signage. D7. A requestor noted that there was limited sight distance for a yield sign at 61st Street and Oaklawn Avenue. The branches of the tree which were partially obscuring the sign were trimmed. D8. A requestor asked for Field Way and Londonderry Road to have improved sightlines. This was referred to the police department, under the clearview ordinance and the obstructions have since been cleared. D9. A requestor asked if something other than repainting the Interlachen Boulevard bicycle lanes, on eastbound Interlachen Boulevard at Brookside Avenue could be done, as drivers often cut the corner and have rubbed off the paint. This is concerning to the requestor, as it indicates drivers are driving in the bicycle lane. A discussion with staff determined that there was no barrier or further marking which was appropriate and achievable at this time, and this item was then forwarded to public works to repaint the lane. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 10 Appendix A: Crosswalk Warrants A. Marked crosswalks are placed at locations that are unusually hazardous or at locations not readily apparent as having pedestrian movement. B. Marked crosswalks will only be placed in an area that has 20 or more pedestrian crossings in a two- hour period. C. Marking for crosswalks will be established by measuring the “Vehicle Gap Time”. This is the total number of gaps between vehicular traffic recorded during the average five minute period in the peak hour. Criteria for markings are: 1) More than five gaps – pavement marking and signage only. 2) Less than five gaps – add actuated pedestrian signals. D. Crosswalks will not be placed on arterial roads or roads with a speed limit greater than 30 mph unless in conjunction with signalization. E. Other conditions that warrant crosswalks: 1) Routes to schools 2) Locations adjacent to libraries, community centers, and other high use public facilities. 3) Locations adjacent to public parks. 4) Locations where significant numbers of handicapped persons cross a street. 5) Locations where significant numbers of senior citizens cross a street. F. Crosswalks will only be placed at intersections. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 11 Appendix B: Stop Sign Warrants When it is determined that a full stop is always required on an approach to an intersection a STOP (R1-1) sign shall be used. At intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times, consideration should first be given to using less restrictive measures such as YIELD signs. The use of STOP signs on the minor-street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: A. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6,000 vehicles per day; B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway. C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction with the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12-month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Such crashes include right-angle collisions involving road users from the minor street failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or highway. Additional warrants which do not specify the type of control are as follows; A. An intersection of a less important road with a main road where application of the normal right-of way rule would not be expected to provide reasonable compliance with the law; B. A street entering a designated through highway or street; and/or C. An un-signalized intersection in a signalized area. In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more the 2,000 units per day; B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or C. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Additional warrants from the city of Edina list that: 1. If an intersection experiences five (5) or more right angle accidents in a three (3) year period, stop signs should be considered. 2. If the presence of a sight obstruction is contributing to accidents at an intersection, removal of the sight obstruction should be sought before considering a stop sign. 3. If the 85th percentile speed on any leg of an intersection is more than five (5) MPH over the posted speed limit, a stop sign should be considered for the intersecting street. 4. If traffic volumes exceed 1,000 vehicles per day on each of the intersecting streets, stop signs should be considered. 5. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. 6. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 12 Appendix C: All-Way Stop Warrants Multi-way stop control can be useful as a safety measure at intersections if certain traffic conditions exist. Safety concerns associated with multi-way stops include pedestrians, bicyclists, and all road users expecting other road users to stop. Multi-way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. The restrictions on the use of STOP signs described in Section 2B.4 also apply to multi-way stop applications. The decision to install multi-way stop control should be based on an engineering study. The following criteria should be considered in the engineering study for a multi-way STOP sign installation: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. B. Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi- way stop installation. Such crashes include right-turn and left turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. C. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day; and 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour; but 3. If the 85th-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the values provided in Items 1 and 2. D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded from this condition. Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left-turn conflicts; B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes; C. Locations where a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to negotiate the intersection unless conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop; and D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multi-way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 13 Appendix D: Method Used to Determine Knoll Drive Speeds To determine speeds as drivers approached the stop sign at Knoll Drive and Schaefer Road, cameras and a stopwatch were used. The video camera was set up to record if there were any events which called out specifically for more control, and were further analyzed by recording the vehicle classes that entered the intersection, and the amount of time it took for the entire vehicle to pass over a visible seam in the pavement that lined up directly with the stop sign. The average length of the vehicle class was recorded and the average speed drivers entered the intersection could be found. This process is not without downfalls however, as a driver who may have stopped prior to the stop sign would not be stopping over the seam in the pavement, and thus would not be counting any time stopped towards their time spent “entering” the intersection, and thus were recorded at higher speeds than can be found using the technology available. For reference, a vehicle which was found to have come to a full and complete stop still was found to have entered the intersection at an average rate of 3-4 mph. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 14 Appendix E: State Statute 169.21, Subdivision 2 Subd. 2. Rights in absence of signal. (a) Where traffic-control signals are not in place or in operation, the driver of a vehicle shall stop to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk. The driver must remain stopped until the pedestrian has passed the lane in which the vehicle is stopped. No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. This provision shall not apply under the conditions as otherwise provided in this subdivision. (b) When any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle. (c) It is unlawful for any person to drive a motor vehicle through a column of school children crossing a street or highway or past a member of a school safety patrol or adult crossing guard, while the member of the school safety patrol or adult crossing guard is directing the movement of children across a street or highway and while the school safety patrol member or adult crossing guard is holding an official signal in the stop position. A peace officer may arrest the driver of a motor vehicle if the peace officer has probable cause to believe that the driver has operated the vehicle in violation of this paragraph within the past four hours. (d) A person who violates this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who violates this subdivision a second or subsequent time within one year of a previous conviction under this subdivision is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Traffic Safety Report of Aug 03, 2016 Page 15 Appendix F: City of Edina Ordinance Section 26-283 – Rules for operating bicycles on public sidewalks. A person may operate a bicycle on a public sidewalk, including in a business district, subject to the following requirements in addition to those found in state statute. A bicyclist shall: (1) Ride at a speed no greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances, and in no event at a speed greater than ten miles per hour. (2) Slow to a walking pace when pedestrians are present. (3) Slow to a walking pace upon approach to and when crossing a driveway or intersection; enter driveway or intersection only when clear of traffic. (4) Not ride on sidewalks where the entrance or exit of a building abuts the sidewalk. (5) Not ride on sidewalks where posted. Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.F. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2017 Trans p o rtatio n Commission Wo rk Plan Dis cus s ion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: 2017 Board and Commission Work P lans are due by Sep. 23, 2015 for review by City Council at their Board/Commission Annual Work P lan Meeting on Oct. 5. Staff is requesting that the ET C start developing its 2017 Work P lan, and to continue this discussion and recommend a Work P lan at its Sep. 15 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2016 ETC Work Plan Augus t Progres s Report Board/Commission Work Plan Schedule and Proces s 2017 Work Plan Propos al Template Ap p r o v e d  by  Ci t y  Council  on  December  15, 2015   In i t i a t i v e  #8  ad d e d  by  City  Council  April  19, 2016    Bo a r d / C o m m i s s i o n : T r a n sp o r t a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n 20 1 6 A n n u a l W o r k P l a n D R A F T     In i t i a t i v e  1   ☐ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☒ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   St u d y  an d  Re p o r t  Co m m u n i t y    Ci r c u l a t o r    De c e m b e r  20 1 6   $1 0 , 0 0 0   Ye s  – 12  ho u r s     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  Cu r r e n t l y  wo r k i n g  to  be t t e r  de f i n e  th e  sc o p e  of  wh a t  th e  ci r c u l a t o r  mi g h t  be .  We  di s c u s s e d  most  feasible  option   wo u l d  li k e l y  be  on ‐de m a n d  se r v i c e .  Pl a n  to  re c o n n e c t  wi t h  SW  Tr a n s i t  to  le a r n  mo r e  ab o u t  fe a s i b i l i t y .    In i t i a t i v e  2   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Or g a n i z e  an d  ho s t  a  tr a n s p o r t a t i o n ‐th e m e d  ev e n t   wi t h  sp e a k e r ( s ) .   Ap r i l  20 1 6   $5 0 0   Ye s  – 4  ho u r s   CT S     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  We  ha v e  lo o k e d  in t o  on e  sp e a k e r  so  fa r .  If  it  ha p p e n s ,  it  wi l l  li k e l y  be  la t e r  in  th e  ye a r .  We  also  discussed  the   im p o r t a n c e  of  he a v y  pr o m o t i o n  an d  po s s i b l y  pa r t n e r i n g  wi t h  ot h e r  gr o u p s .  We  ma y  co m b i n e  th i s  wi t h  In i t i a t i v e  5.   In i t i a t i v e  3   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Pr e p a r e  an d  Co m m e n t  on  Co m p r e h e n s i v e   Pe d e s t r i a n  an d  Bi c y c l e  Pl a n  fo r  in c l u s i o n  in  20 1 8   Co m p r e h e n s i v e  Pl a n .    Oc t o b e r  20 1 6   No  – us i n g  PA C S   fu n d   No  – st a f f  ti m e  wo u l d  be   in c l u d e d  in  de p a r t m e n t ‐ le v e l  wo r k  pl a n     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  We  ha v e n ’ t  ta k e n  up  th i s  it e m  ye t .    In i t i a t i v e  4   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Re v i e w  Ed i n a  To  Go  ap p  an d  pr o v i d e   re c o m m e n d a t i o n s  to  st a f f  re g a r d i n g   or g a n i z a t i o n / c a t e g o r i e s  fo r  re p o r t i n g  co n c e r n s   re l a t e d  to  st r e e t s / t r a n s p o r t a t i o n .    De c e m b e r  20 1 6   No   Ye s  – 2  ho u r s     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  Th i s  it e m  is  co m p l e t e .   Ap p r o v e d  by  Ci t y  Council  on  December  15, 2015   In i t i a t i v e  #8  ad d e d  by  City  Council  April  19, 2016    In i t i a t i v e  5   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Re v i e w  da t a  fr o m  Ci t y ’ s  QL S  (2 0 1 1 ,  20 1 3 ,  20 1 5 )  an d   co n d u c t  2  pu b l i c  me e t i n g s  to  id e n t i f y  ga p s  ar o u n d   th e  Ci t y ’ s  tr a n s p o r t a t i o n  sy s t e m s .    Oc t o b e r  20 1 6   No   Ye s  – 2  ho u r s     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  We  ha v e n ’ t  ta k e n  up  th i s  it e m  ye t .     In i t i a t i v e  6   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Ma k e  re c o m m e n d a t i o n s  to  st a f f  fo r  ev a l u a t i o n  of   th e  Li v i n g  St r e e t s  an d  St r e e t s  Sm a r t s  ou t r e a c h   ca m p a i g n s .    Oc t o b e r  20 1 6   No   Ye s  – 2  ho u r s     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  Th i s  it e m  is  co m p l e t e .  Th e  co m m u n i c a t i o n s  st a f f  is  mo v i n g  fo r w a r d  wi t h  th e  pr o g r a m .    In i t i a t i v e  7   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Pr o v i d e  in p u t  to  st a f f  on  th e  cr e a t i o n  of  a   wa l k i n g  ma p  of  th e  Ci t y  in d i c a t i n g  ro u t e s  an d   ar e a s  of  in t e r e s t .    Oc t o b e r  20 1 6   No   Ye s  – 2  ho u r s     Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  We ’ v e  lo o k e d  at  a  ma p  th a t  mi g h t  se r v e  as  a  mo d e l .  We ’ v e  al s o  di s c u s s e d  th e  va l u e  in  cr e a t i n g  a  pa g e  on  the  City’s  website   th a t  co n s o l i d a t e s  al l  ex i s t i n g  on l i n e  re s o u r c e s .  We  ha v e n ’ t  gi v e n  th i s  it e m  fu l l  at t e n t i o n  ye t .    In i t i a t i v e  8   ☒ Ne w  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ Co n t i n u e d  In i t i a t i v e   ☐ On ‐Go i n g  In i t i a t i v e   Ta r g e t  Co m p l e t i o n   Da t e   Bu d g e t   Re q u i r e d   St a f f  Su p p o r t  Re q u i r e d     Liaison  Comments   Re v i e w  an d  Re c o m m e n d :  Pa s s e n g e r  Ra i l  Se r v i c e   ET C  wi l l  pr o v i d e  re p o r t  an s w e r i n g  th e  fo l l o w i n g   qu e s t i o n s :    Sh o u l d  th e  Ci t y  of  Ed i n a  su p p o r t  fu r t h e r  st u d y   of  th e  po s s i b i l i t y  of  pa s s e n g e r  ra i l  se r v i c e  in   Ed i n a ?    Sh o u l d  th e  Ci t y  of  Ed i n a  fo r m a l l y  re q u e s t  th e   el i m i n a t i o n  of  th e  so  ca l l e d  “g a g  ru l e ”    De c e m b e r  20 1 6   No   Ye s     Ap p r o v e d  by  Ci t y  Council  on  December  15, 2015   In i t i a t i v e  #8  ad d e d  by  City  Council  April  19, 2016     co n c e r n i n g  th e  Da n  Pa t c h  li n e ?         Sh o u l d  th e  Ci t y  of  Ed i n a  de d i c a t e  st a f f  an d   fi s c a l  re s o u r c e s  to  de v e l o p i n g  a  pl a n  to   en c o u r a g e  th e  de v e l o p m e n t  of  a  pa s s e n g e r   ra i l  se r v i c e  in  Ed i n a ? Pr o g r e s s  Re p o r t :  We  ar e  go i n g  to  fo c u s  on  fa c i l i t a t i n g  a  ro b u s t  pu b l i c  en g a g e m e n t  pr o c e s s  to  bu i l d  ou r  re c o m m e n d a t i o n s .  We  asked  a  sub ‐ co m m i t t e e  to  co m e  to  Au g u s t  me e t i n g  pr e p a r e d  to  of f e r  re c o m m e n d a t i o n s  ab o u t  ho w  be s t  to  go  ab o u t  th i s .     On g o i n g  Re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s     Li v i n g  St r e e t s  Po l i c y / P l a n :    Ac t i v e  Ro u t e s  to  Sc h o o l  Co m p r e h e n s i v e  Pl a n  – co n t i n u e  to  lo o k  at  op p o r t u n i t i e s  fo r  fu n d i n g .   Si d e w a l k  Pl a n  – pr i o r i t i z e  si d e w a l k  (P A C S  Fu n d )  pr o j e c t s  an n u a l l y   Wa y ‐fi n d i n g  Si g n a g e  fo r  bi k e w a y s  an d  pe d e s t r i a n s   Re v i e w / r e v i s e  Ci t y  Co d e  fo r  Pl a n  im p l e m e n t a t i o n   Ma k e  cl e a r  vi e w  re c o m m e n d a t i o n s  fo r  bi c y c l e s  an d  pe d e s t r i a n s  (b y  Ma y  20 1 6 )    Me e t  wi t h  Po l i c e  De p a r t m e n t  an d  Pu b l i c  Wo r k s  an n u a l l y  to  di s c u s s  sh a r e d  in t e r e s t s .   Ed u c a t i o n  an d  ou t r e a c h  ac t i v i t i e s  ar o u n d  pe d e s t r i a n ,  bi c y c l i s t  an d  mo t o r i s t  sa f e t y   Re v i e w  tr a n s p o r t a t i o n  pr o j e c t s  in  th e  pr o p o s e d  Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pr o g r a m ,  in c l u d i n g  an n u a l  ne i g h b o r h o o d  st r e e t  re c o n s t r u c t i o n  projects   Re v i e w  mo n t h l y  tr a f f i c  sa f e t y  co m m i t t e e  re p o r t s   Re v i e w  Pu b l i c  Wo r k s  st r e e t  mi l l  an d  ov e r l a y s  an d  se a l  co a t  pr o j e c t s  as  to  op p o r t u n i t i e s  fo r  re m a r k i n g  fo r  bi c y c l e  fa c i l i t i e s   Re v i e w  tr a n s p o r t a t i o n  it e m s  in  th e  Co m p r e h e n s i v e  Pl a n  an d  ma k e  re c o m m e n d a t i o n s  fo r  st u d y / i m p l e m e n t a t i o n    Ot h e r  Wo r k  Pl a n  Id e a s  Co n s i d e r e d  fo r  Cu r r e n t  Ye a r  or  Fu t u r e  Ye a r s      Pr o p o s e d  Mo n t h  fo r  Jo i n t  Wo r k  Se s s i o n :   Ju n e    Co u n c i l  Co m m e n t s :   Wo r k  pl a n s  pr o p o s e d  by  th e  Bo a r d s  an d  Co m m i s s i o n s  we r e  re v i e w e d  at  the  December  1   wo r k  se s s i o n .  Th e  fo l l o w i n g  ch a n g e s / c o m m e n t s  we r e  ma d e  an d  ar e  reflected  on  this  work   pl a n :    In i t i a t i v e  1  – ch a n g e  la n g u a g e  to  “S t u d y  an d  Re p o r t ”  as  re c o m m e n d e d  by  City  Manager.   In i t i a t i v e  3  – ch a n g e  la n g u a g e  to  “P r e p a r e  an d  Co m m e n t ”  as  re c o m m e n d e d  by  City   Ma n a g e r .    In i t i a t i v e  4  – br o k e n  up  in t o  4  in i t i a t i v e s  (4 ,  5,  6,  7) .  Ch a n g e d  la n g u a g e  as  recommend  by   th e  Ci t y  Ma n a g e r .   Page | 1 WORKPLANS Purpose. Annual work plans ensure that the priorities of the City Council and Boards and Commissions are aligned and that the City has the appropriate financial and staff resources to support Board and Commission work. Annual Cycle. Board and commissions should focus on drafting their work plans during the summer months for the following year. The Council meets with Board and Commission Chairs during the month of September to review the proposed work plans. The Council gives final approval for the work plans in November. Work plans go into effect January 1 for the remainder of the calendar year. Format. The work plan has three main sections. Each Board or Commission’s work plan may be found on Edinet in the Board and Commission Toolbox. Annual Work Plan Calendar January: Annual Work Plan Begins June-August: Proposed work plan created by BC. Sept/Oct: Work Plan proposals presented by BC chair to City Council at Work Session. Nov/Dec: Council review and approve Board & Commission Work Plans for upcoming year. Page | 2 Some boards and commission have few ongoing responsibilities and most of their work will fall into the initiatives category. Other Boards and Commissions have significant ongoing responsibilities and may only be able to tackle only one or two new initiatives each year. Council Review and Approval. The Council schedules a meeting in September to meet with Board and Commission Chair regarding their proposed work plan. The purpose of the meeting is to review the Board or Commission proposed new initiatives and ongoing responsibilities for the upcoming year. The Council also reviews any ideas discussed by the Board or Commission but not placed on the work plan. In late September and October, the Council has additional discussions about city-wide priorities, the budget and the allotment of staff time. It is possible that the Council will add, delete or re- prioritize items on board or commission work plans based on these discussions. The Council approves and returns work plans to boards and commissions during the month of November. Mid-Year Modifications. Work plans may be modified, to add or delete items, in one of three ways: • Work plans can be modified by mutual agreement during a joint work session. • If immediate approval is important, the Board or Commission can work with their Staff Liaison to present a modified work plan for Council approval at a Council meeting. • The City Council can direct a change to the work plan. •Outline any new initiatives the Board or Commission would like to pursue during the upcoming year. 1. New initiatives •Document the Board or Commission’s ongoing responsibilities. Ongoing responsibilities include items that are repeated on a regular or annual basis, or regulatory functions that are delegated to the Board or Commission. 2. Ongoing Responsibilities •“Parking lot” for ideas that were considered during the work planning process. Ideas that the Board and Commission wants to hold for consideration for future years should also be included in this section. 3. Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Board/Commission: Choose an item. 2017 Annual Work Plan Proposal *Complete each section with a white background *Liaisons need to fill out budget and staff support required *Return to MJ Lamon by September 23, 2016 Definitions: New Initiative – not on previous work plan Continued Initiative – carried over from a previous work plan with a revised target completion date Ongoing Responsibility – annually on the work plan and may or may not have a target completion date Initiative Council Charge ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Liaison Comments: Click here to enter text. City Manager Comments: Click here to enter text. Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative Council Charge ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Liaison Comments: Click here to enter text. City Manager Comments: Click here to enter text. Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative Council Charge ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Liaison Comments: Click here to enter text. City Manager Comments: Click here to enter text. Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative Council Charge ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Liaison Comments: Click here to enter text. City Manager Comments: Click here to enter text. Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative Council Charge ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Liaison Comments: Click here to enter text. City Manager Comments: Click here to enter text. Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): Council Comments: Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Staff Comments fo r Augus t 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: In addition to other items of interest to the ET C, staff will update the Commission on the following topics: 2016 Neighborhood and State Aid Reconstruction P rojects 2016 Sidewalk P rojects Date: Augus t 18, 2016 Agenda Item #: X.A. To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Sc hed ule o f Meeting and Event Dates as of August 18, 2016 Info rmatio n CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Upcoming Meetings /Dates /Events TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF MEETING AND EVENT DATES AS OF JULY 21, 2016 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday Aug 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Sep 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Oct 27 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday Nov 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Dec 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Jan 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday Feb 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Mar 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Apr 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS