HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 5 NINE MILE CREEK NORTH Barr Engineering Company 5-1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 5.0 Nine Mile Creek- North 5.1 General Description of Drainage Area Figure 5.1 depicts the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin. The Nine Mile Creek- North drainage area is located in the northwest portion of Edina. The drainage basin encompasses approximately 2,053 acres that ultimately drain to the stretch of Nine Mile Creek between the intersection of the North Fork of the Creek with T.H. 169 and the intersection of the North Fork of the Creek with T.H. 62. 5.1.1 Drainage Patterns The stormwater system within this drainage area is comprised of storm sewers, ponding basins, wetlands, drainage ditches, and overland flow paths. The Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin has been divided into several major watersheds based on the drainage patterns. These major watersheds are depicted in Figure 5.2. Each major watershed has been further delineated into numerous subwatersheds. The naming convention for each subwatershed is based on the major watershed it is located within. Table 5.1 lists each major watershed and the associated subwatershed naming convention. Table 5.1 Major Watersheds within the Nine Mile Creek—North Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Naming Convention # of Subwatersheds Drainage Area (acres) Mirror Lake ML_## 38 287 Highlands Lake HI_## 22 273 Hawkes Lake HL_## 48 339 Mud Lake MD_## 50 431 Nine Mile North NMN_## 90 723 Mirror Lake The Mirror Lake watershed is located in the northwest portion of Edina. The 287-acre watershed contains six ponding basins of varying sizes that drain to Mirror Lake via storm sewer. There are also three landlocked ponds within the watershed. The Mirror Lake watershed is almost entirely residential area, with exception to a few subwatersheds that drain the Interlachen Country Club golf course. Mirror Lake spans approximately 26.5 acres. The normal water level of the lake is controlled at an elevation of approximately 904 MSL by a pumped outlet (4 cfs) on the southwest side of the lake. The pumped outlet flows in a southwest direction and eventually connects to the storm sewer system along Blake Road. Barr Engineering Company 5-2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Highlands Lake The Highlands Lake watershed is located east of Mirror Lake and north of Vernon Avenue. This 273-acre watershed is bordered on the north by Interlachen Boulevard and portions of the Interlachen Country Club golf course. The Highlands Lake watershed has been delineated into 22 subwatersheds, with land use characterized by residential areas, part of the Interlachen golf course, several ponding basins that ultimately drain to Highlands Lake, a wetland area directly east of Lake, Highlands Park directly south of the Lake and a portion of the drainage from Highlands Elementary School. Highlands Lake spans approximately 10.6 acres. The normal water level of Highlands Lake is controlled at elevation 888.5 MSL by a pumped outlet (approximately 1 cfs). The lift station was installed in 1994 and is located in the southwest corner of Highlands Park, near the intersection of Ayrshire Boulevard and Glengarry Parkway. Water from the pumped outlet flows south, connecting with the storm sewer system along Vernon Avenue, which discharges into Hawkes Lake. Hawkes Lake The Hawkes Lake watershed is located south of the Highlands Lake watershed. The 339-acre watershed is comprised of 48 subwatersheds. Land use within the watershed includes residential (low and high density), institutional, open space/parks, and a small commercial area. Portions of Highland Elementary and Countryside Elementary drain to Hawkes Lake. Garden Park is also located within this watershed. There are several ponding basins within the watershed that drain to Hawkes Lake via drainage ditches and storm sewer systems. Hawkes Lake spans approximately 8.7 acres. A pumped outlet at elevation 888 MSL prevents flooding conditions in Hawkes Lake. However, the average water level for this lake between the period of 1963 to 2001 is 885.5 MSL (DNR Lake Finder webpage http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/index.html). The pumped outlet, located on the western side of the lake near the intersection of Wycliffe Road and Merold Drive, discharges southwest into the Mud Lake watershed. Mud Lake (Bredesen Park) The Mud Lake watershed spans an area of approximately 43 acres and is comprised of 50 subwatersheds. The land use within the Mud Lake watershed is predominantly residential (ranging from very low density to medium density). The watershed has a complex drainage system characterized by numerous ponding basins connected by storm sewer and a unique diversion structure that routes stormwater from the northwest portion of the watershed to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek or Mud Lake, depending upon the amount of precipitation and the water level of the pond near the structure. The diversion structure is located within a manhole on Blake Road, between Saxony Road and Jeffrey Lane. The diversion structure receives water from the upstream Blake Road storm sewer system and Mirror Lake outlet. The structure controls the amount of incoming water that flows southward toward Mud Lake or into the pond directly west of Blake Road and encircled by Knoll Drive (Knoll Pond). A small orifice in the structure directs flows from small precipitation events southward to Mud Lake. A weir structure within the manhole directs larger stormwater flows into the adjacent Knoll Pond. During large rain events, stormwater will continue to Barr Engineering Company 5-3 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx flow into the Knoll Pond until the water level within the pond has equalized with the weir elevation, in which case the remainder of the water will drain south towards Mud Lake. In the event that inflow to Knoll Pond from upstream watersheds surpasses the capacity of the normal outlet to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek, the diversion structure will act as a second overflow from the pond, directing water to Mud Lake. Mud Lake is a meandered lake located just east of the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek, between T.H. 62 and Vernon Avenue. The lake and surrounding wetlands serve as a recreational area for the City of Edina, Bredesen Park. The park spans an area of approximately 126 acres and is a mix of open water, wet marsh, and floating bog. Mud Lake outlets to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek just north of T.H. 62 through a culvert at elevation 849 MSL. Nine Mile North The Nine Mile North watershed encompasses the area in northwest Edina that drains directly to the floodplain of the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. The floodplain within this area is relatively flat and is characterized by wetland conditions. The Nine Mile North watershed is bounded by T.H. 169 on the west and Schaeffer Road on the east, extending north to Malibu Drive and south to T.H. 62. The 723-acre watershed consists of 90 subwatersheds that drain to the Creek through a series of storm sewer systems and stormwater detention ponds. A wide range of land uses exist within the watershed, including residential (very low density, low density, and medium density), industrial, commercial, highway, wetlands, and natural/park area. 5.2 Stormwater System Analysis and Results 5.2.1 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Results The 10-year and 100-year frequency flood analyses were performed for the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin. The 10-year analysis was based on a ½-hour storm of 1.65 inches of rain. The 100-year analysis was based on a 24-hour storm event of 6 inches of rain. Table 5.2 presents the watershed information and the results for the 10-year and 100-year frequency hydrologic analyses for the Nine Mile Creek- North basin. The results of the 10-year and 100-year frequency hydraulic analysis for the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin are summarized in Table 5.3 and Table 5.4. The column headings in Table 5.3 are defined as follows: Node/Subwatershed ID—XP-SWMM node identification label—Each XP-SWMM node represents a manhole, catch basin, pond, or other junction within the stormwater system. Downstream Conduit—References the pipe downstream of the node in the storm sewer system. Flood Elevation—The maximum water elevation reached in the given pond/manhole for each referenced storm event (mean sea level). In some cases, an additional flood elevation has been Barr Engineering Company 5-4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx given in parenthesis. This flood elevation reflects the 100-year flood elevation of Nine Mile Creek, per the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Management Plan, May 1996. Peak Outflow Rate—The peak discharge rate (cfs) from a given ponding basin for each referenced storm event. The peak outflow rates reflect the combined discharge from the pond through the outlet structure and any overflow. NWL—The normal water level in the ponding basin (mean sea level). The normal water levels for the ponding basins were assumed to be at the outlet pipe invert or at the downstream control elevation. Flood Bounce—The fluctuation of the water level within a given pond for each referenced storm event. Volume Stored—The maximum volume (acre-ft) of water that was stored in the ponding basin during the storm event. The volume represents the live storage volume only. Table 5.4 summarizes the conveyance system data used in the model and the model results for the storm sewer system within the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin. The peak flow through each conveyance system for the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm event is listed in the table. The values presented represent the peak flow rate through each pipe system only and does not reflect the combined total flow from an upstream node to the downstream node when overflow from a manhole/pond occurs. Figure 5.3 graphically represents the results of the 10-year and 100-year frequency hydraulic analyses. The figure depicts the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin boundary, subwatershed boundaries, the modeled storm sewer network, surcharge conditions for the XP-SWMM nodes (typically manholes), and the flood prone areas identified in the modeling analyses. One of the objectives of the hydraulic analyses was to evaluate the level of service provided by the current storm sewer system. The level of service of the system was examined by determining the surcharge conditions of the manholes and catch basins within the storm sewer system during the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. An XP-SWMM node was considered surcharged if the hydraulic grade line at that node breached the ground surface (rim elevation). Surcharging is typically the result of limited downstream capacity and tailwater impacts. The XP-SWMM nodes depicted on Figure 5.3 were color coded based on the resulting surcharge conditions. The green nodes signify no surcharging occurred during the 100-year or 10-year frequency storm event, the yellow nodes indicate surcharging during the 100-year frequency event, and the red nodes identify that surcharging is likely to occur during both a 100-year and 10-year frequency storm event. Figure 5.3 illustrates that several XP-SWMM nodes within the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin are predicted to experience surcharged conditions during both the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. This indicates a probability greater than 10 percent in any year that the system will be overburdened and unable to meet the desired level of service at these locations. These manholes and catch basins are more likely to experience inundation during the smaller, more frequent storm events of various durations. Barr Engineering Company 5-5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Another objective of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the level of protection offered by the current stormwater system. Level of protection is defined as the capacity provided by a municipal drainage system (in terms of pipe capacity and overland overflow capacity) to prevent property damage and assure a reasonable degree of public safety following a rainstorm. A 100-year frequency event is recommended as a standard for design of stormwater management basins. To evaluate the level of protection of the stormwater system within the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage area, the 100-year frequency flood elevations for the ponding basins and depressed areas were compared to the low elevations of structures surrounding each basin. The low elevations were initially determined using 2-foot topographic information and aerial imagery in ArcView. Where 100-year flood levels of the ponding areas appeared to potentially threaten structures, detailed low house elevations were obtained through field surveys. The areas that were predicted to flood and threaten structures during the 100-year frequency storm event are highlighted in Figure 5.3. Discussion and recommended implementation considerations for these areas are included in Section 5.3. 5.2.2 Water Quality Modeling Results The effectiveness of the stormwater system in removing stormwater pollutants such as phosphorus was analyzed using the P8 water quality model. The P8 model simulates the hydrology and phosphorus loads introduced from the watershed of each pond and the transport of phosphorus throughout the stormwater system. Since site-specific data on pollutant wash-off rates and sediment characteristics were not available, it was necessary to make assumptions based on national average values. Due to such assumptions and lack of in-lake water quality data for model calibration, the modeling results were analyzed based on the percent of phosphorus removal that occurred and not based on actual phosphorus concentrations. Figure 5.4 depicts the results of the water quality modeling for the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin. The figure shows the fraction of total phosphorus removal for each water body as well as the cumulative total phosphorus removal in the watershed. The individual water bodies are colored various shades of blue, indicating the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed (through settling). It is important to note that the percent of phosphorus removal is based on total phosphorus, including phosphorus in the soluble form. Therefore, the removal rates in downstream ponds will likely decrease due to the large soluble fraction of incoming phosphorus that was unsettleable in upstream ponds. The watersheds are depicted in various shades of gray, indicating the cumulative total phosphorus removal achieved. The cumulative percent removal represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Ponds that had an average annual total phosphorus removal rate of 60 percent or greater, under average climatic conditions, were considered to be performing well. For those ponds with total phosphorus removal below 60 percent, the permanent pool storage volume was analyzed to determine if additional capacity is necessary. Based on recommendations from the MPCA publication Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, March 2000, the permanent pool for detention ponds should be equal to or greater than the runoff from a 2.0-inch rainfall, in addition to the sediment Barr Engineering Company 5-6 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx storage for at least 25 years of sediment accumulation. For ponds with less than 60 percent total phosphorus removal, the recommended storage volume was calculated for each pond within the drainage basin and compared to the existing permanent pool storage volume. 5.3 Implementation Considerations The XP-SWMM hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analyses and P8 water quality analysis helped to identify locations throughout the watershed where improvements to the City’s stormwater management system may be warranted. The following sections discuss potential mitigation alternatives that were identified as part of the 2003 modeling analyses. As opportunities to address the identified flooding issues and water quality improvements arise, such as street reconstruction projects or public facilities improvements, the City will use a comprehensive approach to stormwater management. The comprehensive approach will include consideration of infiltration or volume retention practices to address flooding and/or water quality improvements, reduction of impervious surfaces, increased storm sewer capacity where necessary to alleviate flooding, construction and/or expansion of water quality basins, and implementation of other stormwater BMPs to reduce pollutant loading to downstream waterbodies. 5.3.1 Flood Protection Projects The 2003 hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis identified several locations within the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage basin where the 100-year level of protection is not provided by the current stormwater system. The problem areas identified in 2003 are discussed below. As part of the 2003 modeling analysis, potential corrective measures were identified for the problem areas for purposes of developing planning-level cost estimates. These preliminary corrective measures are also discussed below. As the City evaluates the flooding issues and potential system modifications in these areas, consideration will be given to other potential system modifications, including implementation of stormwater infiltration or volume retention practices, where soils are conducive. Hawkes Drive (HL_2) Hawkes Drive is a cul-de-sac on the east side of Hawkes Lake. A low area exists along this street, south of the intersection with Hawkes Terrace. Two catch basins are located in this low area, which connect to the 12-inch storm sewer system that discharges into Hawkes Lake. During the 100-year frequency storm event, the 12-inch storm sewer does not provide enough capacity and street flooding occurs in the low area along Hawkes Drive to an elevation of 902.3 MSL. Based on the 2-foot topographic information, flood waters from the street will flow west via overland flow toward the Lake at an elevation above 902 MSL. To ensure that the flooding does not encroach upon the homes at 5713 and 5717 Hawkes Drive, a positive overland flow swale should be constructed between the homes. Barr Engineering Company 5-7 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 5711 & 5717 Grove Street (HL_18) A depression area exists in the backyards of 5711 and 5717 Grove Street. Stormwater from a 3-acre subwatershed (HL_18) drains to this depression area. A 21-inch storm sewer system runs through the backyard area and flows northward to Grove Street. A beehive structure is located at the low point in the backyard area to collect the stormwater. During the 100-year frequency storm event, the 21-inch system does not provide sufficient capacity, and water pools in the backyard depression area. The predicted 100-year frequency flood elevation is 904.4 MSL. This flood elevation is slightly higher than the low house elevations for 5711 and 5717 Grove Street, which were surveyed at 903.6 MSL and 903.5 MSL, respectively. To decrease the 100-year frequency flood elevation in the backyard depression area and provide a 100-year level of protection, it is recommended that the 21-inch pipe system spanning from the backyard depression area to Grove Street be upgraded to 24-inch pipes. This change would decrease the calculated 100-year flood elevation to 903.5 MSL without causing negative effects upstream or downstream. 5516 & 5520 Dundee Road (HL_25) West of 5516 and 5520 Dundee Road, a depression area is located that collects stormwater during precipitation events. Due to past flooding problems, a lift station was installed in this backyard area to pump stormwater east to Dundee Road, where the stormwater flows southward down Dundee Road until it reaches the gravity storm sewer system. The current lift station has a pumping capacity of approximately 150 gpm. For the XP-SWMM analysis, the available storage volume in the backyard depression area and the elevation at which the pump turns on/off were based on the 2-foot topographic data. Based on this information, the calculated 100-year frequency flood elevation is 897.2 MSL. This elevation is higher than the surveyed low house elevations for 5516 and 5520 Dundee Road, 894.26 MSL and 895.67 MSL, respectively. Comparison of the field survey data with the 2-foot topographic data leads to uncertainty of the accuracy of the topographic information in this area. It is recommended that a detailed field survey be performed to determine the accuracy of the topographic data and storage assumptions in this area. If it is determined that the topographic data used was accurate, it is recommended that additional pump capacity be added to the lift station to prevent the structures at 5516 and 5520 Dundee Road from incurring flood damage. Another option to alleviate flooding in the backyard depression area is to create a positive overland flow swale toward the pond that is located approximately 400 feet north of the 5516 Dundee Road property. Based on the 2-foot topographic data, the overland flow swale would begin near the property line between 5516 and 5512 Dundee Road. 505, 509, & 513 Tyler Court (ML_19) An inundation area is located east of the homes along Tyler Court, south of Maloney Avenue and west of Arthur Street. Stormwater runoff from a drainage area of approximately 29 acres discharges into this dry basin. A 24-inch storm sewer system drains this area. The 24-inch system flows south and west to Arthur Street, then south to the intersection of Arthur Street and Waterman Avenue. At this intersection, the pipe flowing east toward Mirror Lakes is reduced to an 18-inch pipe. Due to the restricted pipe capacity at Arthur Street and Waterman Avenue, flow in the system draining the dry Barr Engineering Company 5-8 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx basin reverses during intense rainfall events such as the 100-year frequency event, and the basin is inundated. During the 100-year frequency storm event, the dry basin reaches a flood elevation of 936.6 MSL. This flood elevation is considerably higher than the low house elevations at 505, 509, and 513 Tyler Court, surveyed at 932.9 MSL, 933.1 MSL, and 934.07 MSL, respectively. To alleviate a portion of the flooding problem, it is recommended that the 18-inch pipe flowing east from the Arthur Street and Waterman Avenue intersection be upgraded to a larger pipe. By upgrading to a 24-inch pipe, runoff from Waterman Avenue and Arthur Street will not back up into the dry pond and the 100-year frequency flood elevation of the pond would decrease to 934.7 MSL. To further alleviate the flooding problem, it will be necessary to perform a more detailed analysis on the system that drains the backyard inundation area. 6009 Leslie Lane (MD_22) A backyard depression area exists between the properties on the south side of Leslie Lane and north side of Kaymar Drive. The depression area collects stormwater from a drainage area of approximately 6.4 acres. A 15-inch storm sewer system extends southward into the backyard depression area from Leslie Lane, collecting stormwater from the low area, and continues to the west toward Jeffrey Lane. This system eventually connects with the Blake Road system at the intersection of Blake Road and Kaymar Drive. During the 100-year frequency storm event, flow is restricted in the 15-inch system and water pools in the backyard depression area behind 6009 Leslie Lane. The predicted 100-year frequency flood elevation in this area is 916.7 MSL. Based on the 2-foot topographic data, it appears that this flood elevation will impact the structure at 6009 Leslie Lane. To alleviate the backyard flooding and prevent property damage at 6009 Leslie Lane, it is recommended that the 15-inch pipe draining the backyard depression and the downstream 18-inch pipe be upgraded to 24-inch diameter pipes. This would result in a predicted 100-year frequency flood elevation of 915.8 in the backyard depression area. 5316 Schaeffer Road (MD_28) A small, 0.5-acre stormwater detention pond is located just northwest of the intersection of Schaeffer Road and Parkwood Road. The outlet to the pond is a 12-inch system that drains south to Parkwood Road and then east toward Blake Road. During the peak of the 100-year frequency storm, the flow in the 12-inch system is reversed and all the stormwater from subwatershed MD_28 and MD_48 flows into the pond. As the water elevation of the pond increases to an elevation of approximately 938 MSL during storm events, water will overtop Schaeffer Road and flow east through a drainage swale that leads to another stormwater detention basin. However, before the flood water from the pond overtops the road, the pond will extend well into the yard of 5316 Schaeffer Road, encroaching upon the structure. The 100-year frequency flood level of the pond is 939.0 MSL. Although based on the 2-foot topographic data it appears that the structure at 5316 Schaeffer Road will not be affected by a 100-year rainfall event, it is recommended that an overflow across the road be maintained or slightly lowered during any future road improvement projects in this area. Barr Engineering Company 5-9 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Fountain Woods Apartments (NMN_90 & NMN_23) The NMN_90 subwatershed encompasses an area of approximately 3 acres. The subwatershed includes the townhomes on Wellesley Place north of Vernon Avenue and a portion of the Fountain Woods apartment complex. The low spot in the watershed is located in the southwest corner of the Fountain Woods parking lot, near the parking entrance/exit for buildings 6650 and 6710. During the 100-year frequency storm event, stormwater pools in this area, reaching a flood elevation of 876.6 MSL. Field survey data indicates that this flood elevation will impact the two garage entrances for buildings 6650 and 6710, both recorded at 872.1 MSL. The Fountain Woods Apartments drainage system is a privately maintained drainage system. It is recommended that the owners of the apartment complex be notified of this potential problem and recommend that they may wish to make modifications to their system to alleviate potential flooding problems. 5.3.2 Construction/Upgrade of Water Quality Basins The 2003 P8 modeling analysis indicated that the annual removal of total phosphorus from several ponds in the Nine Mile Creek- North drainage area was predicted to be below the desired 60 percent removal rate, under average year conditions. For those ponds with total phosphorus removal below 60 percent, the permanent pool storage volume was analyzed to determine if additional capacity is necessary. The ponds that exhibited deficiencies in total phosphorus removal and permanent pool volume are listed below, along with recommended pond upgrades. Construction of new or expansion of existing water quality basins is one method to increase the pollutant removal achieved prior to stormwater reaching downstream waterbodies. Many additional techniques are available to reduce pollutant loading, including impervious surface reduction or disconnection, implementation of infiltration or volume retention BMPs, installation of underground stormwater treatment structures and sump manholes and other good housekeeping practices such as street sweeping. As opportunities arise, the City will consider all of these options to reduce the volume and improve the quality of stormwater runoff. MD_15 Pond MD_15 is located just north of the 5904, 5908, and 5912 Sun Road properties, south of Amy Drive. The pond receives runoff from an area of approximately 25 acres. Pond MD_15 outlets to the storm sewer system along Sun Road via a 18-inch RCP pipe. The pond is a Type 5 wetland and was assumed to have an average depth of 4 feet. Based on this depth assumption and the pond area from the 2-foot topographic information, the current permanent pool storage was calculated to be 1.1 acre- feet. Based on the MPCA recommended storage volume for detention basins, Pond MD_15 is deficient in permanent pool storage volume. It is recommended that an additional 0.3 acre-feet of dead storage volume be provided to meet the MPCA design criteria for detention basins. Barr Engineering Company 5-10 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx NMN_27 Pond NMN_27 is located northeast of the T.H. 62 and T.H. 169 intersection. The pond is south of Langford Court, directly east of Lincoln Road and northwest of Waterford Court. The pond receives runoff from an area of approximately 37 acres, including drainage from T.H. 169 and Lincoln Drive. The pond is a Type 5 wetland and was assumed to have an average depth of 4 feet. Based on this depth assumption and the pond area from the 2-foot topographic information, the current permanent pool storage volume was calculated at 1.7 acre-feet. In comparison with the calculated MPCA recommended storage volume for Pond NMN_27, there is not an adequate amount of permanent pool storage in this basin. It is recommended that an additional 1.4 acre-feet of dead storage volume be provided to meet the MPCA design criteria for detention basins. NMN_24 Pond NMN_24 is located between Waterford Court and Habitat Court, downstream and to the southeast of Pond NMN_27. The pond receives runoff from a 5-acre watershed. The pond is a Type 4 wetland and was assumed to have an average depth of 2 feet. Based on this depth assumption and the pond area from the 2-foot topographic information, the current permanent pool storage volume was calculated to be 1.7 acre-feet. This permanent pool storage volume is greater than the MPCA recommended storage volume for detention ponds. However, because the water quality modeling results indicate that the total phosphorus removal in Pond NMN_24 is below desired removal levels, it is recommended that the depth of the pond be increased to 4 feet to improve removal efficiency. NMN_49 Pond NMN_49 is a sedimentation basin located directly west of the 5521 Malibu Drive property. The sedimentation basin receives runoff from a watershed of approximately 6 acres, in addition to incoming flows from the upstream sedimentation basin (NMN_48). Pond NMN_49 discharges into the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. Based on storm sewer information from the City, a 2-foot average depth was assumed. Based on this depth assumption and the pond area from the 2-foot topographic data, the current permanent pool storage volume was calculated to be 0.14 acre-feet. In comparison with the calculated MPCA recommended storage volume for Pond NMN_49, there is not an adequate amount of permanent pool storage in this basin. It is recommended that an additional 0.2 acre-feet of dead storage volume be provided to meet the MPCA design criteria for detention basins. MD_3 Pond MD_3 is located in Bredesen Park, directly east of the parking area off of Olinger Boulevard. Pond MD_3 receives runoff from a 48-acre watershed, in addition to discharges from ponds MD_15 and MD_13. The pond is a Type 5 wetland and was assumed to have an average depth of 4 feet. Based on this depth assumption and the pond area from the 2-foot topographic information, the current permanent pool storage volume was calculated at 4.7 acre-feet. This permanent pool storage volume is greater than the MPCA recommended storage volume for detention ponds. However, Barr Engineering Company 5-11 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx because the water quality modeling results indicate that the total phosphorus removal in Pond MD_3 is below desired removal levels, it is recommended that the pond be excavated to remove accumulated sediment and increase the pond depth to improve the removal efficiency of total phosphorus. 1 Table 5.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) HI_1 38.6 40 195.8 18.8 90.5 3.69 HI_10 40.6 19 190.6 14.5 68.5 2.28 HI_11 3.5 20 19.7 1.2 10.3 0.23 HI_12 15.7 20 84.3 8.2 39.9 1.56 HI_13 26.7 24 140.3 10.5 61.7 1.91 HI_14 4.6 20 25.8 1.6 12.7 0.30 HI_15 10.4 20 54.7 3.7 22.3 0.63 HI_16 9.5 20 39.7 3.3 13.6 0.48 HI_17 6.2 14 30.0 2.6 10.6 0.46 HI_18 21.3 11 91.8 10.0 29.2 1.73 HI_19 4.5 10 21.6 1.8 6.7 0.31 HI_2 4.2 18 24.1 1.6 14.2 0.32 HI_20 18.4 11 80.0 9.4 26.4 1.68 HI_21 2.7 13 15.7 1.4 9.8 0.27 HI_22 2.2 25 12.8 1.1 10.5 0.23 HI_3 8.4 20 44.9 3.2 19.2 0.58 HI_4 11.0 18 55.8 3.9 20.6 0.62 HI_5 8.0 30 45.8 4.2 28.8 0.83 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results HI_6 9.5 20 52.9 5.0 27.3 0.96 HI_7 8.5 20 42.1 3.0 15.7 0.48 HI_8 10.9 20 56.8 3.9 22.6 0.64 HI_9 7.9 20 32.8 2.7 11.2 0.39 HL_1 25.5 40 142.3 11.3 79.8 2.29 HL_10 2.7 18 15.0 1.0 6.6 0.19 HL_11 30.5 16 105.4 10.4 33.3 1.35 HL_12 12.6 20 65.5 4.7 26.2 0.81 HL_13 2.2 34 12.4 0.9 9.5 0.18 HL_14 4.4 20 25.3 1.6 13.8 0.30 HL_15 0.8 20 4.3 0.3 3.2 0.06 HL_16 4.8 20 26.8 1.7 12.4 0.31 HL_17 1.3 20 7.7 0.5 5.2 0.10 HL_18 3.1 20 16.7 1.1 7.3 0.19 HL_19 1.1 20 6.5 0.4 3.6 0.08 HL_2 6.2 17 33.9 2.2 14.0 0.38 HL_20 4.5 20 23.1 1.6 9.1 0.26 HL_21 11.7 13 56.6 3.9 17.5 0.58 HL_23 4.4 20 24.4 1.6 10.9 0.28 HL_25 2.2 13 11.8 0.7 4.3 0.12 HL_26 9.0 20 46.3 3.4 19.0 0.61 HL_27 1.2 20 6.9 0.5 3.7 0.10 HL_28 5.6 37 31.7 2.5 18.7 0.52 HL_29 22.0 11 108.7 9.1 36.6 1.63 HL_3 6.8 20 28.7 2.4 9.9 0.35 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 5-12 2 Table 5.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results HL_30 2.6 20 14.6 0.9 6.9 0.17 HL_31 6.9 16 35.9 2.4 13.1 0.39 HL_32 1.0 11 5.7 0.3 3.5 0.07 HL_33 4.3 24 24.5 1.6 13.8 0.31 HL_34 1.7 20 9.4 0.6 5.2 0.11 HL_35 5.0 21 28.6 1.9 15.7 0.36 HL_36 12.8 24 63.5 4.7 25.3 0.77 HL_37 4.6 17 25.8 1.6 11.8 0.30 HL_38 0.7 33 4.3 0.3 4.1 0.07 HL_39 16.0 23 84.8 5.9 36.6 1.02 HL_4 5.0 20 27.2 1.8 11.8 0.32 HL_40 18.6 21 100.2 6.9 43.6 1.25 HL_41 1.7 20 9.9 0.6 6.3 0.12 HL_42 11.1 20 62.3 4.0 29.3 0.72 HL_43 5.4 40 31.2 2.5 19.7 0.51 HL_44 2.4 44 14.0 1.2 11.4 0.25 HL_45 6.8 20 37.2 2.4 16.4 0.43 HL_46 4.3 20 24.4 1.6 11.8 0.29_ HL_47 15.7 32 87.7 6.3 47.2 1.21 HL_48 4.6 48 26.8 2.0 20.0 0.42 HL_49 4.4 20 24.7 1.6 11.4 0.29 HL_5 1.8 17 10.3 0.6 5.2 0.12 HL_50 11.2 32 59.2 4.5 27.4 0.83 HL_6 3.3 20 18.5 1.2 8.9 0.23 HL_7 3.8 20 20.5 1.3 8.9 0.23 HL_8 14.0 23 66.3 5.1 25.3 0.80 HL_9 6.6 30 36.9 2.7 19.4 0.51 MD_1 33.3 67 117.5 14.7 53.8 3.74 MD_10 1.0 15 4.6 0.3 2.9 0.07 MD_11 6.9 2 24.5 1.8 7.5 0.34 MD_12 14.0 20 59.0 3.9 30.2 0.87 MD_13 12.3 31 66.8 5.0 33.0 0.95 MD_14 8.6 19 36.8 2.4 19.0 0.54 MD_15 6.7 28 34.1 2.7 14.8 0.48 MD_16 5.1 20 29.0 2.2 15.1 0.43 MD_17 6.6 20 26.7 1.9 13.2 0.43 MD_18 2.3 19 12.5 0.8 5.0 0.14 MD_19 5.2 24 28.8 1.9 13.4 0.34 MD_2 12.5 40 58.0 4.7 44.1 1.21 MD_20 13.4 20 65.3 4.8 24.4 0.77 MD_21 9.1 39 49.8 3.7 25.8 0.71 MD_22 6.4 20 36.0 2.5 18.4 0.48 MD_23 2.2 20 12.1 0.8 5.8 0.14 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 5-13 3 Table 5.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results MD_24 2.7 20 15.1 1.0 7.0 0.19 MD_25 7.9 49 45.0 3.5 28.4 0.71 MD_26 2.8 18 15.4 1.0 6.6 0.17 MD_27 20.1 20 104.6 7.1 41.3 1.19 MD_28 5.8 20 24.6 2.0 8.6 0.29 MD_29 11.5 16 53.5 3.9 18.0 0.58 MD_3 6.6 18 27.2 2.4 14.2 0.58 MD_30 1.9 20 10.7 0.7 6.0 0.13 MD_31 4.0 20 22.3 1.4 10.1 0.26 MD_32 4.5 20 18.0 1.6 6.1 0.22 MD_33 2.7 20 15.5 1.0 9.5 0.19 MD_34 3.0 20 12.0 1.0 4.0 0.15 MD_35 4.8 16 26.9 1.7 11.7 0.30 MD_36 7.0 15 39.5 2.5 18.9 0.48 MD_37 2.8 16 13.2 0.8 8.9 0.19 MD_38 6.1 20 26.6 1.7 14.2 0.40 MD_39 5.7 12 30.8 1.9 10.8 0.31 MD_4 13.7 51 77.7 6.7 47.2 1.40_ MD_40 11.1 20 52.1 4.2 19.2 0.69 MD_41 8.4 20 47.2 3.3 23.9 0.64 MD_42 10.1 20 52.9 3.6 21.3 0.61 MD_43 8.8 20 42.6 3.1 15.8 0.49 MD_44 1.1 20 6.1 0.4 3.2 0.07 MD_45 7.8 20 37.0 2.7 13.5 0.42 MD_46 6.9 19 35.8 2.4 14.0 0.41 MD_47 5.2 28 29.2 2.0 15.0 0.37 MD_48 23.4 17 106.4 8.1 35.8 1.22 MD_49 5.1 18 22.7 1.6 12.7 0.39 MD_5 1.4 15 8.4 0.7 5.8 0.15 MD_50 53.3 63 174.4 22.8 77.5 5.63 MD_6 6.1 19 31.8 2.4 13.1 0.44 MD_7 7.9 27 40.3 3.0 17.2 0.51 MD_8 10.5 24 43.5 3.8 15.3 0.57 MD_9 4.6 20 24.7 1.9 11.1 0.36 ML_1 53.9 50 306.9 24.8 193.9 5.15 ML_10 6.7 20 36.4 2.4 15.8 0.42 ML_11 1.8 11 10.5 0.6 5.1 0.11 ML_12 4.2 18 20.5 1.5 7.2 0.23 ML_13 11.5 15 50.9 3.9 16.3 0.57 ML_14 0.9 20 5.0 0.3 3.5 0.06 ML_15 11.1 35 60.1 4.5 30.2 0.83 ML_16 8.1 52 45.1 3.7 25.8 0.76 ML_17 5.8 15 31.5 2.0 12.2 0.34 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 5-14 4 Table 5.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results ML_18 14.1 15 77.9 4.8 31.1 0.84 ML_19 5.3 18 29.8 2.0 14.6 0.38 ML_2 13.1 32 73.3 5.2 39.4 0.99 ML_20 5.2 20 27.2 1.9 10.8 0.31 ML_21 16.6 14 75.1 5.6 23.7 0.83 ML_22 3.1 20 17.2 1.1 7.9 0.20 ML_23 0.9 20 5.3 0.3 3.5 0.07 ML_24 2.1 16 12.1 0.7 6.0 0.14 ML_25 4.3 20 24.2 1.5 11.8 0.28 ML_26 8.3 25 43.0 3.1 18.8 0.54 ML_27 2.9 12 15.7 1.0 5.3 0.16 ML_28 13.0 31 69.4 5.0 33.4 0.91 ML_29 4.3 19 23.9 1.5 11.2 0.28 ML_3 1.2 10 6.2 0.4 2.1 0.06 ML_30 10.7 18 56.3 3.7 21.9 0.62 ML_31 14.7 8 74.9 4.7 20.9 0.71 ML_32 3.8 61 22.4 1.9 21.8 0.42 ML_33 0.7 12 3.7 0.2 2.4 0.04_ ML_34 7.4 26 40.0 2.9 19.3 0.54 ML_35 7.0 12 35.7 2.4 11.4 0.38 ML_38 8.0 10 39.1 3.6 13.1 0.64 ML_4 1.7 19 9.7 0.6 5.0 0.11 ML_40 13.7 13 68.0 6.3 25.1 1.16 ML_5 3.8 12 20.8 1.3 7.4 0.21 ML_6 3.5 21 18.9 1.2 8.4 0.22 ML_7 2.2 18 12.6 0.8 6.3 0.15 ML_8 8.7 17 46.7 3.0 18.3 0.51 ML_9 2.9 18 15.3 1.0 5.9 0.17 NMN_10 3.1 20 16.9 1.1 7.2 0.19 NMN_11 1.5 18 8.4 0.6 4.5 0.11 NMN_13 5.3 18 26.2 1.8 9.5 0.29 NMN_14 4.0 20 20.8 1.4 8.4 0.25 NMN_15 4.3 20 23.7 1.5 10.7 0.28 NMN_16 3.0 20 17.3 1.1 9.4 0.21 NMN_17 3.3 19 18.3 1.2 8.7 0.21 NMN_18 4.7 20 25.1 1.7 10.3 0.30 NMN_19 18.1 20 96.6 6.4 39.8 1.09 NMN_20 10.3 10 54.8 3.4 17.7 0.55 NMN_21 0.6 20 3.2 0.2 2.3 0.04 NMN_22 0.6 20 3.7 0.2 2.1 0.04 NMN_23 3.9 29 21.5 1.5 11.1 0.28 NMN_24 4.1 45 24.2 2.0 19.0 0.42 NMN_25 0.7 20 3.7 0.2 2.1 0.04 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 5-15 5 Table 5.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results NMN_26 6.2 20 34.3 2.2 16.1 0.40 NMN_27 2.6 40 14.8 1.1 12.2 0.22 NMN_28 6.7 30 34.6 2.6 15.2 0.45 NMN_29 0.6 21 3.3 0.2 2.6 0.05 NMN_3 1.4 19 8.3 0.5 6.5 0.11 NMN_31 4.0 30 21.5 1.6 10.2 0.29 NMN_32 25.6 68 138.9 12.9 67.3 2.68 NMN_33 7.4 32 38.8 2.9 17.3 0.52 NMN_34 2.9 30 16.5 1.1 12.6 0.23 NMN_35 5.4 18 30.8 2.2 16.8 0.45 NMN_36 9.0 20 49.4 3.2 21.5 0.56 NMN_37 13.3 20 71.9 4.7 30.2 0.82 NMN_38 36.1 19 142.0 12.5 47.1 1.74 NMN_39 8.1 18 44.2 2.8 18.2 0.49 NMN_40 3.9 78 22.6 2.0 18.9 0.44 NMN_41 9.3 72 52.9 4.8 30.9 1.03 NMN_42 11.0 79 55.3 5.8 23.1 1.23 NMN_43 12.8 20 70.1 4.6 30.4 0.80_ NMN_44 6.1 20 28.8 2.1 10.5 0.33 NMN_45 2.9 19 16.1 1.1 7.3 0.19 NMN_46 2.5 17 14.2 1.0 7.0 0.18 NMN_47 3.6 20 19.9 1.4 8.9 0.25 NMN_48 0.4 0 2.5 0.2 2.0 0.04 NMN_49 0.9 14 5.2 0.4 2.5 0.08 NMN_50 17.8 27 94.7 6.7 43.8 1.19 NMN_51 0.8 20 4.8 0.4 3.5 0.08 NMN_52 0.3 44 2.0 0.2 2.5 0.03 NMN_53 0.6 58 3.7 0.3 3.9 0.07 NMN_54 2.4 49 14.2 1.1 12.6 0.23 NMN_55 4.7 32 26.6 1.9 14.7 0.35 NMN_56 8.0 15 43.2 2.9 16.6 0.50 NMN_57 2.9 17 16.2 1.1 8.1 0.22 NMN_58 4.8 20 25.1 1.7 9.9 0.28 NMN_59 3.5 50 20.4 1.6 17.2 0.33 NMN_61 8.3 20 45.8 3.0 20.4 0.53 NMN_62a 1.3 20 5.2 0.4 2.5 0.07 NMN_62b 9.0 20 30.2 2.4 13.9 0.47 NMN_62c 4.2 17 18.7 1.2 9.8 0.28 NMN_62d 1.6 4 7.1 0.4 3.4 0.10 NMN_62e 4.6 33 20.9 1.5 14.7 0.39 NMN_63a 2.9 20 12.2 0.8 6.1 0.17 NMN_63b 4.0 23 18.3 1.1 12.2 0.28 NMN_63c 2.7 30 12.6 0.8 9.2 0.20 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 5-16 6 Table 5.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results NMN_64 15.4 32 86.3 6.0 47.6 1.14 NMN_65 4.6 18 26.1 1.6 13.0 0.34 NMN_66 7.9 18 34.4 2.2 17.5 0.49 NMN_67 10.5 20 58.0 3.8 25.8 0.67 NMN_68 2.3 12 12.5 0.9 5.3 0.16 NMN_69 1.8 20 9.1 0.6 3.6 0.10 NMN_7 11.6 20 62.4 4.1 26.3 0.71 NMN_70 4.0 20 22.5 1.4 11.0 0.26 NMN_71 6.1 19 33.8 2.2 15.2 0.39 NMN_72 7.0 20 38.6 2.5 17.2 0.44 NMN_73 10.0 28 50.0 3.8 20.7 0.64 NMN_74 3.4 80 20.1 1.8 19.3 0.40 NMN_75 14.7 26 66.3 5.4 26.0 0.86 NMN_76 10.4 33 56.3 4.1 27.9 0.76 NMN_77 7.0 33 31.7 2.3 21.9 0.57 NMN_78 6.4 20 27.5 1.8 14.3 0.40 NMN_8 6.1 20 31.5 2.2 12.3 0.36 NMN_80 8.2 12 43.0 2.8 14.5 0.46_ NMN_81 1.9 29 10.9 0.8 8.1 0.16 NMN_82 8.9 20 36.3 2.5 17.9 0.52 NMN_83 3.0 20 16.2 1.1 7.2 0.19 NMN_84 8.1 18 37.1 2.9 12.9 0.45 NMN_85 7.8 20 34.2 2.3 18.4 0.53 NMN_9 9.6 20 41.1 3.7 14.5 0.59 NMN_90 3.0 28 17.3 1.2 10.6 0.23 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 5-17 1 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) 124 1091 919.3 914.5 126 23 911.9 908.3 128 25 910.8 907.5 129 1477p 906.6 902.6 134 1720 910.7 910.5 137 34 906.8 905.4 138 35 907.1 905.1 139 36 908.2 904.2 140 37 908.4 904.7 141 38 908.5 street 904.7 143 41 905.1 902.0 145 42 899.7 899.5 150 45 908.2 906.4 152 47 910.1 905.2 153 48 907.6 905.6 157 52 899.5 898.3 166 62 901.7 901.0 167 63 900.2 900.6 169 pump 891.7 878.0 172 68 892.1 886.5 174 70 905.6 900.9 175 2058 897.0 896.6 178 1721 922.5 921.2 183 1423 907.2 905.5 185 79 905.0 904.7 186 81 900.4 900.2 187 82 892.0 888.5 188 83 907.9 ditch/byd 905.2 2.7 0.00 909.0 905.2 3.8 0.00 189 84 908.1 909.1 190 85 908.8 909.1 193 89 906 1 905 0 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 193 89 906.1 905.0 194 90 903.4 902.9 195 91 895.3 895.0 197 93 870.7 870.4 198 94 865.7 865.3 202 98 864.7 862.5 203 99 864.7 862.5 204 100 862.5 859.8 209 104 879.4 878.6 210 2070 880.6 street 878.6 211 108 880.5 879.8 212 106 880.6 879.2 214 110 878.7 878.6 215 111 874.3 874.4 224 ditch to MD_4 860.8 860.5 226 ditch to MD_4 860.6 860.7 228 120_p 863.5 863.3 229 121_p 859.8 859.5 230 ditch to MD_1 858.8 858.7 234 outfall 859.2 859.0 236 outfall 861.4 861.2 238 outfall 861.2 861.1 240 outfall 862.0 861.3 242 ditch to MD_1 863.1 863.0 245 130 938.5 938.6 246 131 936.8 935.4 247 132 936.5 933.5 250 1832 921.2 917.1 252 137p 918.3 914.3 255 139p 913.7 byd 911.2 2.5 0.04 911.2 911.2 0.0 0.00 258 143p 909.0 902.7 260 145p 899.2 890.6 261 146 897.5 888.1 262 147 890.8 882.7 264 1717 869.7 866.7 267 151 890.3 889.7 268 152_p 885.5 885.3 269 153p 878.0 875.5 270 154p 878.0 874.0 275 ditch to MD_4 861.9 862.0 278 161 944.1 942.5 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-18 2 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 279 162 944.0 941.9 280 163 943.7 941.1 281 164 943.8 940.6 285 168 942.9 939.3 286 169p 941.7 938.9 287 170 937.5 937.4 289 172p 918.4 916.6 292 175p 912.1 911.7 293 176 910.4 910.2 294 177 909.9 909.9 295 178p 909.6 909.5 296 179 909.2 908.8 297 180 909.1 908.4 298 96 944.0 940.5 584 421 937.7 935.4 585 422 936.8 935.3 587 424 933.8 932.3 591 428 918.6 918.2 592 429 918.6 918.1 596 432 911.4 910.1 597 433 910.6 909.8 598 434 908.8 908.7 599 435 895.1 894.2 600 436 892.7 892.6 601 437 877.2 876.8 603 439 865.4 865.4 604 outfall 865.2 864.6 606 outfall 865.2 863.6 608 outfall 868.9 868.9 609 442 872.7 872.1 611 444 870 5 869 8611444870.5 869.8 613 outfall 865.7 864.2 617 outfall 865.2 862.0 619 outfall 866.1 865.8 622 outfall 865.2 862.2 626 outfall 865.2 862.1 627 454 862.2 861.1 628 outfall 861.5 858.8 629 455 878.8 878.4 631 457 893.2 893.1 639 464 889.9 880.5 640 outfall 878.2 878.2 641 465 876.5 874.1 642 outfall 872.0 871.8 646 outfall 870.7 870.2 651 473 874.9 872.2 652 474 875.5 872.4 654 476 876.6 872.5 655 477 876.8 872.5 656 478 878.5 873.2 658 480 884.5 884.4 663 484 892.2 890.1 667 ditch to NMN_24 890.1 890.1 674 490 908.2 908.2 675 491 912.2 912.3 676 492 913.8 913.9 1098 1830 914.8 911.5 1100 138p 914.7 907.5 1113 879 969.0 968.3 1114 880 968.7 968.2 1115 ditch to ML_1 956.9 956.9 1119 884 930.9 927.8 1121 886 916.0 916.0 1122 889 914.8 914.7 1124 888 922.3 922.0 1127 891 925.1 925.1 1130 893 920.7 918.8 1131 894 918.5 914.5 1141 900 939.7 932.8 1144 903 915.9 914.7 1154 908 893.3 891.9 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-19 3 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 1168 1941 894.8 894.5 1386 1092 919.3 913.5 1387 1093 919.0 913.3 1449 outfall 876.5 875.4 1451 outfall 876.5 875.0 1454 1150 925.8 925.7 1455 ditch to NMN_84 921.7 921.7 1467 1158 975.2 974.3 1468 1159 973.1 971.2 1469 1160 972.7 970.0 1475 1165 952.3 951.4 1477 1167p 952.4 951.0 1478 1168p 952.4 950.6 1480 1170 949.3 948.7 1481 1171 947.5 947.3 1482 1172 940.5 940.0 1484 1174 938.3 934.3 1485 ditch to NMN_63 930.6 930.5 1607 3266_p 899.3 899.3 1622 1288 910.4 908.9 1625 1290 923.0 919.8 1626 1291 923.3 922.1 1627 1292 928.9 928.8 1628 1293 936.7 936.6 1629 1294 939.2 938.6 1630 1295 940.3 939.1 1631 1296 941.2 939.6 1632 1297 941.9 939.9 1633 1298 941.9 940.0 1634 1299 941.9 940.0 1636 1301 942 5 940 816361301942.5 940.8 1743 2040 922.3 918.9 1745 ditch to MD_3 860.3 depression 856.5 3.9 0.32 860.2 856.5 3.7 0.28 1747 outfall 865.2 858.9 1750 1434 866.7 863.7 1752 1435 866.8 865.5 1755 outfall 865.2 859.2 1761 outfall 869.7 869.5 1762 1443 879.3 879.2 1765 outfall 873.4 871.8 1767 outfall 876.5 870.3 1769 outfall 876.5 872.7 1774 1450 876.5 873.3 1778 outfall 876.5 870.0 1785 1455p 913.9 913.9 1794 1456 930.2 930.2 1795 pump 941.6 940.7 1797 1459 941.6 940.7 1798 1461 939.9 939.1 1810 1469p 888.3 883.2 1812 outfall 880.8 879.3 1813 ditch to 2516 899.6 899.6 1815 1473 892.6 892.5 1817 1474 912.1 911.1 1818 1475p 914.3 914.0 1950 ditch to HL_29 912.9 912.9 2156 outfall 860.6 860.3 2158 ditch to MD_4 864.2 863.2 2162 75 918.5 913.3 2164 outfall 865.7 863.8 2168 outfall 863.5 856.8 2174 pump 902.2 903.0 2274 1821_p 906.5 900.9 2290 1831 914.8 911.3 2292 1833 919.2 914.9 2394 1936 903.7 903.5 2395 1937 908.7 908.6 2396 1938 911.0 910.8 2411 1953 925.5 925.2 2412 1954 925.7 925.6 2416 1957 936.2 934.3 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-20 4 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 2417 1958 935.6 934.4 2504 2052 885.1 884.8 2505 2053 890.5 890.3 2506 2043 904.2 903.9 2507 2044 920.9 920.7 2508 2045 894.9 893.9 2509 2050 909.9 906.8 2512 2038 921.2 921.2 2515 2035 936.5 932.3 2516 2031 894.2 street 887.2 2517 2054 894.1 887.6 2520 2057 937.9 935.6 2521 2062 947.9 947.5 2522 2060 949.7 947.8 2527 2065 920.3 919.8 2528 ditch to NMN_77 919.0 918.5 2531 2067 901.9 898.9 2532 2068 911.5 906.3 2534 2071 866.1 ditch 860.9 5.2 0.33 863.5 860.9 2.6 0.00 2538 2074 928.4 925.2 2539 ditch to HL_29 910.5 910.1 2540 899 929.7 929.5 2541 2075 922.2 922.0 2549 2078 931.3 929.7 2550 2079 932.2 929.9 2551 2080 934.5 byd 929.2 5.3 0.08 930.5 929.2 1.3 0.01 2552 2081 968.9 968.4 2553 2082 973.7 973.4 2699 2153p 909.3 908.2 2701 2152p 906.6 hwy ditch 896.8 9.8 0.10 903.9 896.8 7.1 0.07 2702 dit h t NMN 27 896 5 896 42702ditch to NMN_27 896.5 896.4 2706 2165p 902.5 900.5 2709 2167p 902.5 900.4 2710 2170p 902.5 900.5 2712 2169p 902.5 900.5 2718 2161p 916.2 915.6 2719 2160p 906.6 904.6 2726 ditch to HI_1 899.9 899.8 2822 3151_p 894.0 889.9 2824 3152_p 897.2 894.5 2847 3175_p 880.3 879.8 2848 3174_p 880.3 879.7 2849 3173_p 880.2 878.8 2850 3172_p 879.0 877.3 2851 3171_p 878.3 876.9 2853 3181_p 894.2 894.1 2854 3179_p 896.5 895.0 2855 3182_p 898.3 897.1 2856 3180_p 905.5 903.3 2857 3177_p 907.3 904.4 2908 3246_p 868.5 868.2 2915 3264_p 892.0 891.2 2916 3263_p 892.0 890.6 2956 3297_p 856.3 854.2 2961 weir 856.1 852.5 2965 outfall 856.1 849.5 2969 3302_p 904.3 901.9 HI_1 916 893.3 pond 888.4 5.0 4.37 889.5 888.4 1.2 29.12 HI_2 907 893.4 889.9 HI_3 2173p 903.6 pond 899.6 4.0 1.31 902.0 899.6 2.4 0.35 HI_4 915 893.3 892.6 HI_5 2063 893.4 pond 888.3 5.1 -0.92 890.0 888.3 1.7 2.11 HI_6 906 903.3 ditch 893.9 9.4 1.76 901.2 893.9 7.3 0.46 HI_7 1939 911.7 911.5 HI_8 1935 902.0 901.7 HI_9 1943 908.1 907.9 HI_10 1285 893.3 890.0 3.4 0.72 892.6 890.0 2.6 0.00 HI_11 1095 925.3 925.0 HI_12 1940 903.3 903.0 HI_13 no outlet 889.0 wetland 885.3 3.6 3.60 886.4 885.3 1.1 2.62 HI_14 910 900.9 893.7 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-21 5 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event HI_15 1472 907.3 903.5 HI_16 1942 906.3 906.0 HI_17 2164p 903.4 pond 901.0 2.4 1.08 902.1 901.0 1.1 0.42 HI_18 2166p 902.6 pond 899.6 3.0 -2.03 900.1 899.6 0.5 1.35 HI_19 2171p 914.5 depression 910.0 4.5 0.06 911.1 910.0 1.1 0.01 HI_20 ditch to HI_21 902.8 pond 899.6 3.2 -4.40 900.6 899.6 1.0 1.41 HI_21 2174p 902.8 pond 899.3 3.5 2.72 900.0 899.3 0.7 0.35 HI_22 2172p 903.4 pond 901.0 2.4 0.75 901.8 901.0 0.8 0.17 HL_1 87 892.0 pond 885.5 6.5 0.82 886.5 885.5 1.0 68.08 HL_2 66 902.3 street 901.8 HL_3 40 909.8 byd 902.9 6.9 0.79 907.7 902.9 4.8 0.07 HL_4 65_p 899.5 898.3 HL_5 2069 917.4 910.9 HL_6 2019 911.4 911.1 HL_7 2039 937.6 929.9 HL_8 50 907.3 pond 901.9 5.4 4.64 903.2 901.9 1.3 1.20 HL_9 44 908.1 pond 905.4 2.7 1.66 906.2 905.4 0.8 0.37 HL_10 46 908.7 street 906.6 HL_11 67 894.5 887.2 HL_12 39 911.4 904.6 HL_13 no outlet 907.5 wetland 904.0 3.4 1.27 905.5 904.0 1.5 0.50 HL_14 1422 909.2 909.1 HL_15 78 907.2 905.5 HL_16 49 907.3 street 905.8 HL_17 3265_p 898.3 897.3 HL_18 61_p 904.4 byd 899.0 5.4 0.47 901.9 899.0 2.9 0.03 HL_19 59 913.7 street 913.2 HL_20 51 904.4 902.9 HL_21 ditch to HL_25 897.2 pond 892.0 5.2 3.58 894.4 892.0 2.4 0.45 HL_23 58 912.0 street 910.2 HL 25 897 2 bd 894 2 30 042 895 4 894 2 12 008HL_25 pump 897.2 byd 894.2 3.0 0.42 895.4 894.2 1.2 0.08 HL_26 3150_p 900.1 street 897.3 HL_27 1955 927.6 927.5 HL_28 1822_p 906.5 pond 898.2 8.3 -3.91 900.9 898.2 2.7 3.97 HL_29 no outlet 909.7 pond 904.7 5.0 -0.68 906.9 904.7 2.2 1.46 HL_30 1570 918.8 918.7 HL_31 28 931.2 street 0.04 924.1 0.00 HL_32 1478p 906.6 901.9 HL_33 29 913.6 913.4 HL_34 1476 915.0 914.9 HL_35 1094 913.3 depression 906.9 6.4 3.31 908.8 906.9 2.0 0.81 HL_36 1090 925.4 919.3 HL_37 1571 909.3 907.9 HL_38 24 911.4 908.0 HL_39 no outlet 906.8 pond 902.2 4.6 -2.96 903.1 902.2 0.9 1.21 HL_40 2037 906.5 wetland 899.7 6.8 -0.16 901.6 899.7 1.9 1.51 HL_41 2041 922.2 919.9 HL_42 2034 925.5 925.1 HL_43 3245p 912.7 street 908.9 HL_44 overflow to HL_10 907.0 wetland 904.6 2.4 1.47 905.2 904.6 0.6 0.18 HL_45 2042 908.7 904.0 HL_46 2059 894.0 887.1 HL_47 ditch to HL_43 916.6 pond 907.6 9.0 3.45 911.8 907.6 4.2 1.04 HL_48 2036 929.1 926.2 HL_49 2055 893.7 byd 890.8 2.9 1.15 891.8 890.8 1.0 0.20 HL_50 no outlet 932.3 pond 927.8 4.5 -4.53 928.9 927.8 1.1 0.99 MD_1 3294_p 856.1 pond 851.5 4.6 -1.96 852.3 851.5 0.8 42.33 MD_2 3296_p 856.1 pond 854.0 2.1 1.34 854.3 854.0 0.3 1.44 MD_3 weir 857.0 pond 854.0 3.0 -3.78 855.2 854.0 1.2 2.54 MD_4 ditch to MD_1 860.6 pond 857.4 3.2 2.98 860.4 857.4 3.0 2.10 MD_5 127 868.6 868.0 MD_6 118 863.7 863.4 MD_7 115 861.6 pond 859.0 2.6 1.71 859.7 859.0 0.7 0.37 MD_8 117 865.5 865.1 MD_9 1429_p 862.2 859.2 MD_10 116 863.0 street 862.7 MD_11 weir 856.1 pond 853.0 3.1 4.08 854.1 853.0 1.1 3.85 MD_12 1961 864.3 864.1 MD_13 103 878.4 pond 876.0 2.4 4.68 876.5 876.0 0.5 0.85 MD_14 1431_p 861.2 street 860.8 MD_15 97 864.3 pond 859.8 4.5 3.82 862.8 859.8 3.0 1.37 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-22 6 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event MD_16 112 871.7 871.6 MD_17 1430_p 861.7 861.5 MD_18 1960 878.0 874.0 MD_19 148 889.1 879.4 MD_20 144 905.5 898.8 MD_21 1096 890.9 pond 889.8 1.1 4.26 889.2 888.9 0.3 0.61 MD_22 174p 916.7 byd 910.5 6.3 1.34 915.4 910.5 5.0 0.31 MD_23 171 918.7 byd 912.7 6.0 0.31 917.0 912.7 4.3 0.05 MD_24 142p 914.0 906.9 MD_25 431 913.5 pond 909.0 4.5 0.21 910.7 910.0 0.7 16.28 MD_26 133 936.6 932.1 MD_27 weir manhole 915.1 912.5 MD_28 128p 939.0 pond 935.0 4.0 3.50 936.4 934.7 1.8 1.08 MD_29 420 937.9 pond 935.0 2.9 1.76 935.9 935.0 0.9 0.36 MD_30 165p 941.4 byd 939.0 2.4 0.51 940.4 939.0 1.4 0.06 MD_31 430 918.6 918.1 MD_32 427 920.9 920.7 MD_33 426 927.9 927.8 MD_34 425 932.1 931.3 MD_35 423 936.6 street 935.3 MD_36 2077 861.3 858.3 MD_37 ditch to MD_1 863.2 863.1 MD_38 119_p 864.9 byd 863.4 1.5 0.56 864.2 863.4 0.8 0.22 MD_39 ditch to MD_29 938.7 pond 935.5 3.2 1.40 936.7 935.5 1.2 0.27 MD_40 109 880.6 880.4 MD_41 1727 865.4 864.9 MD_42 92 888.7 879.1 MD_43 167p 944.0 940.5 MD_44 173 918.4 916.4 MD_45 134p 923.2 918.7 MD 46 158 874 3 867 6MD_46 158 874.3 867.6 MD_47 2051 885.3 874.2 MD_48 129p 939.0 938.6 MD_49 ditch to MD_50 858.1 858.0 MD_50 3298_p 856.1 wetland 849.0 7.1 -3.95 850.0 849.0 1.0 8.51 ML_1 pump 906.5 pond 904.0 2.5 -0.43 904.3 904.0 0.3 39.63 ML_2 3267_p 912.2 pond 908.4 3.9 3.89 909.9 908.4 1.5 15.34 ML_3 1302 943.2 pond 941.2 2.0 0.20 941.9 941.2 0.7 0.07 ML_4 892 944.9 941.1 3.9 0.01 941.7 941.1 0.6 0.00 ML_5 1289 923.0 918.1 ML_6 1300 942.0 pond 939.7 2.3 1.92 940.2 939.7 0.5 0.17 ML_7 890 931.8 byd 926.9 4.9 0.43 930.5 926.9 3.6 0.09 ML_8 895 917.8 910.6 ML_9 878 969.5 depression 966.5 3.1 0.39 968.5 966.5 2.1 0.05 ML_10 887 929.5 929.2 ML_11 885 931.0 street 926.3 ML_12 881 936.8 930.7 ML_13 883 931.0 park 920.9 10.1 1.07 929.6 920.9 8.7 0.09 ML_14 897 940.5 939.8 ML_15 896 940.5 pond 939.5 1.0 3.14 939.7 939.5 0.2 0.71 ML_16 1461 (inlet/outlet) 939.9 pond 936.8 3.1 0.67 937.2 936.8 0.4 2.13 ML_17 1460 941.9 street 940.7 ML_18 1723 913.9 913.7 ML_19 3303_p 936.6 byd 929.6 7.0 -3.80 932.5 929.6 2.9 0.86 ML_20 898 937.3 937.1 ML_21 2056 941.4 940.6 ML_22 901 942.5 933.4 ML_23 904 932.8 931.7 ML_24 1464 912.9 909.5 ML_25 1462 913.6 909.6 ML_26 no outlet 941.0 pond 939.1 1.9 2.91 939.4 939.1 0.3 0.46 ML_27 ditch to ML_28 952.5 pond 948.1 4.4 0.83 949.3 948.1 1.2 0.14 ML_28 no outlet 936.8 pond 935.1 1.7 4.27 935.4 935.1 0.3 0.78 ML_29 1959 934.8 934.6 ML_30 902_p 942.7 street 933.9 ML_31 3286_p 909.3 depression 907.3 2.0 2.95 908.0 907.3 0.7 0.45 ML_32 1462 (inlet/outlet) 912.1 pond 908.4 3.7 -2.52 909.0 908.4 0.7 3.99 ML_33 1303 943.8 942.2 ML_34 overflow to ML_16 943.2 pond 940.7 2.5 1.59 942.5 940.7 1.8 0.65 ML_35 2083 941.4 street 939.4 ML_38 2162p 918.8 pond 916.1 2.7 2.29 916.9 916.1 0.8 0.46 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-23 7 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event ML_40 2163p 918.5 pond 916.1 2.4 4.10 916.7 916.1 0.6 1.01 NMN_3 1726 863.7 861.7 NMN_7 458 893.4 893.2 NMN_8 450 868.0 867.7 NMN_9 453 866.5 866.2 NMN_10 447 866.7 866.4 NMN_11 123 862.1 861.3 NMN_13 126p 869.0 863.1 NMN_14 1436 868.7 868.1 NMN_15 1433 866.7 street 862.0 NMN_16 1437 868.8 868.5 NMN_17 1715 861.6 860.8 NMN_18 124p 864.0 863.0 NMN_19 438 876.2 875.9 NMN_20 463 889.5 pond 879.2 10.2 3.14 883.3 879.2 4.1 0.56 NMN_21 487 888.8 888.3 NMN_22 479 882.4 882.1 NMN_23 475 876.6 872.5 NMN_24 481 888.8 pond 885.0 3.8 -4.53 887.2 885.0 2.2 2.38 NMN_25 485 890.9 889.3 NMN_26 1722 866.9 866.8 NMN_27 483 896.2 pond 891.0 5.2 2.66 894.8 891.0 3.8 1.61 NMN_28 468 874.8 872.0 NMN_29 486 896.3 891.6 NMN_31 466 879.7 street 875.7 NMN_32 2151p 909.4 hwy ditch 902.4 7.0 0.45 908.7 902.4 6.3 0.18 NMN_33 467 882.5 880.2 NMN_34 489 905.1 905.2 NMN_35 445 869.6 866.2 NMN_36 443 872.0 871.4 NMN 37 440 872 0 871 4NMN_37 440 872.0 871.4 NMN_38 449 877.4 875.9 NMN_39 441 882.7 882.6 NMN_40 1444 893.3 890.4 NMN_41 1445 879.3 street 876.6 NMN_42 1446 878.7 878.2 NMN_43 1447 882.0 881.8 NMN_44 1448 880.4 880.0 NMN_45 1449p 883.2 882.3 NMN_46 1147 883.1 882.1 NMN_47 1148 879.6 879.3 NMN_48 2066 876.5 pond 871.5 5.0 1.03 872.8 871.5 1.3 0.17 NMN_49 1451p 876.5 pond 872.0 4.5 0.84 874.1 872.0 2.1 0.22 NMN_50 no outlet 897.1 pond 894.8 2.3 -1.95 895.2 894.8 0.4 1.42 NMN_51 448 869.7 867.9 NMN_52 1442 871.5 871.3 NMN_53 493 917.1 917.4 NMN_54 1452_p 900.6 hwy ditch 898.5 2.1 0.00 899.2 898.5 0.7 0.00 NMN_55 overflow to NMN_76 909.5 pond 909.0 0.5 0.57 909.3 909.0 0.3 0.26 NMN_56 125 866.4 863.5 NMN_57 1725 863.7 861.8 NMN_58 456 893.2 893.0 NMN_59 2150p 908.9 906.7 NMN_61 1470 888.1 882.8 NMN_62a L-508 910.5 904.7 NMN_62b L-507 923.3 915.6 NMN_62c L-520 890.6 pond 889.2 NMN_62d L-524 890.7 pond 890.5 NMN_62e 1468p 889.5 pond 886.5 NMN_63a L-527 930.2 929.3 NMN_63b L-518 922.0 pond 920.7 NMN_63c L-520 907.9 pond 906.6 NMN_64 3176_p 884.4 street 883.0 NMN_65 1149 891.6 886.4 NMN_66 1173 939.3 937.0 NMN_67 3178_p 895.2 894.9 NMN_68 2061 950.9 byd 949.5 1.4 0.22 950.3 949.5 0.8 0.08 NMN_69 1164p 951.8 951.6 NMN_70 1166 952.4 street 951.4 NMN_71 1162 961.5 961.3 NMN_72 1169 952.4 950.2 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-24 8 Table 5.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac- ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Volume Stored (ac-ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour EventSubwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event NMN_73 no outlet 877.1 pond 873.4 3.8 0.91 876.9 873.4 3.5 0.79 NMN_74 no outlet 906.1 pond 892.3 13.8 2.14 898.9 892.3 6.6 0.47 NMN_75 no outlet 915.3 pond 912.7 2.6 -3.48 913.1 912.7 0.4 1.03 NMN_76 weir 907.3 pond 905.3 2.0 -4.26 905.7 905.3 0.4 1.04 NMN_77 no outlet 918.7 pond 916.4 2.3 3.56 917.0 916.4 0.6 0.67 NMN_78 1155 971.6 964.6 NMN_80 1151 936.1 932.0 NMN_81 1156 977.0 977.0 NMN_82 1161 972.7 969.5 NMN_83 1157 978.7 977.1 NMN_84 2064 920.5 pond 917.6 2.9 0.99 919.8 917.6 2.2 0.74 NMN_85 ditch to NMN_77 945.8 945.0 NMN_90 3304 876.6 street 872.2 N-10 L-500 891.4 889.2 N-13 L-511 965.5 965.4 N-14 L-512 962.7 957.1 N-15 L-513 957.9 954.1 N-16 L-514 956.6 street 951.4 N-17 L-515 953.7 949.6 N-18 L-516 951.3 948.3 N-19 L-517 947.8 946.4 N-2 L-501 966.6 960.9 N-21 L-519 911.8 910.7 N-24 L-521 895.8 894.6 N-27 L-523 890.0 888.6 N-3 L-502 965.8 959.5 N-30 L-525 889.6 886.5 N-34 L-528 928.5 928.0 N-35 L-529 924.4 924.0 N-38 L-531 917.5 916.7 N39 L 532 915 6 915 2N-39 L-532 915.6 915.2 N-4 L-503 953.8 952.5 N-40 L-533 891.6 889.2 N-6 L-505 933.8 925.3 N-7 L-506 924.8 919.0 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression area 5-25 1 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 23 126 HL_38 Circular 2.5 0.013 906.23 905.02 150.5 0.80 20.8 17.5 24 HL_38 128 Circular 2.5 0.013 905.02 904.33 37 1.87 24.2 23.5 25 128 129 Circular 2 0.013 904.33 899.67 470 0.99 24.2 21.6 28 HL_31 HL_33 Circular 1.25 0.013 923.25 908.00 156 9.78 19.4 13.1 29 HL_33 134 Circular 1.25 0.013 908.00 907.82 17 1.06 16.8 15.4 34 137 138 Circular 1 0.013 905.40 905.11 82 0.35 -2.1 0.0 35 138 139 Circular 1 0.013 905.11 903.81 260 0.50 -2.5 0.0 36 139 140 Circular 1.25 0.013 903.61 902.15 292 0.50 -5.0 1.4 37 140 141 Circular 1.5 0.013 901.26 901.00 238 0.11 -7.6 -6.1 38 141 HL_12 Circular 1.5 0.013 900.95 899.50 214.5 0.68 -12.2 -7.3 39 HL_12 143 Circular 2.5 0.013 898.20 896.34 200 0.93 58.1 40.9 40 HL_3 143 Circular 1 0.013 902.90 902.00 180 0.50 6.5 5.1 41 143 145 Circular 2.5 0.013 896.34 894.75 159 1.00 63.0 44.5 44 HL_9 150 Circular 1.25 0.013 905.40 904.60 120 0.67 6.2 3.4 45 150 HL_10 Circular 1.25 0.013 904.60 903.50 180 0.61 6.2 3.5 46 HL_10 152 Circular 1.75 0.013 903.50 901.86 284 0.58 10.1 10.0 47 152 HL_12 Circular 2 0.013 899.60 898.20 327 0.43 13.0 13.4 48 153 152 Circular 1 0.013 901.43 900.40 344 0.30 4.0 2.8 49 HL_16 153 Circular 1 0.013 901.90 901.43 153.5 0.31 3.9 3.6 62 166 167 Circular 1.75 0.013 897.00 896.67 81 0.41 19.5 14.2 63 167 HL_17 Circular 1.75 0.013 896.67 896.43 61 0.39 19.5 14.2 67 HL_11 172 Circular 2.75 0.013 885.05 883.95 138 0.80 70.6 33.4 68 172 HL_1 Circular 3 0.013 883.75 882.76 115 0.86 70.6 33.3 78 HL_15 183 Circular 1.75 0.013 904.35 904.17 96 0.19 -8.0 3.0 79 185 HL_15 Circular 1.75 0.013 905.12 904.59 42 1.26 -4.8 -0.7 80 185 186 Circular 1.75 0.013 904.57 900.00 65 7.03 4.0 0.7 81 186 187 Circular 1.75 0.013 900.00 893.04 115 6.05 3.9 0.7 82 187 HL_1 Circular 1.75 0.013 888.33 884.00 101 4.29 3.9 0.7 83 188 189 Circular 1.75 0.013 905.20 905.30 134.5 -0.07 -10.2 -5.2 84 189 190 Circular 1.75 0.013 905.59 902.34 125.5 2.59 -10.3 -5.1 85 190 HL_14 Circular 1.75 0.013 905.59 905.50 27 0.33 -10.3 -5.1 87 HL_1 169 Circular 1 0.013 888.00 880.00 50 16.00 2.2 0.0 89 193 194 Circular 1 0.013 905.00 903.04 330 0.59 2.6 0.0 90 194 195 Circular 1 0.013 902.94 896.00 320 2.17 2.0 0.0 91 195 MD_42 Circular 1 0.013 895.00 873.00 145 15.17 2.0 0.0 97 MD_15 202 Circular 1.5 0.013 859.82 859.32 170 0.29 9.7 9.4 103 MD_13 209 Circular 1 0.013 876.00 874.07 225 0.86 3.6 -1.6 104 209 210 Circular 1 0.013 874.07 872.78 150 0.86 3.6 -4.2 106 212 211 Circular 1.25 0.013 872.31 871.47 140 0.60 5.7 -6.1 108 211 MD_40 Circular 1.25 0.013 871.47 870.66 123 0.66 5.7 -6.6 109 MD_40 214 Circular 1.25 0.013 870.66 870.48 30 0.60 10.6 10.4 110 214 215 Circular 1.25 0.013 870.48 869.61 145 0.60 10.6 10.0 115 MD_7 MD_2 Circular 1.25 0.013 859.00 856.60 240 1.00 7.3 1.7 117 MD_8 224 Circular 2 0.013 860.27 860.00 90 0.30 25.1 14.7 118 MD_6 226 Circular 1 0.013 860.45 860.41 15 0.27 3.7 6.2 123 NMN_11 234 Circular 1 0.024 858.31 858.16 15 1.00 6.5 4.5 125 NMN_56 238 Circular 1.5 0.013 860.28 859.72 27 2.07 25.0 16.5 127 MD_5 242 Circular 1.25 0.024 862.85 862.70 15 1.00 10.6 5.8 130 245 246 Circular 1 0.01 933.95 932.26 688 0.25 3.6 3.7 132 247 MD_26 Circular 1.5 0.01 931.20 931.20 157 0.00 10.5 8.2 133 MD_26 MD_45 Circular 2 0.013 930.92 916.34 371 3.93 42.2 29.6 151 267 268 Circular 1 0.013 889.70 888.24 96 1.52 2.4 0.0 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-26 2 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 158 MD_46 275 Circular 2.5 0.013 861.64 861.64 41 0.00 30.3 19.2 161 278 279 Circular 1.5 0.01 941.48 940.53 111 0.86 5.0 5.7 162 279 280 Circular 1.5 0.015 940.53 940.27 159.5 0.16 4.6 4.3 163 280 281 Circular 1.5 0.01 940.27 937.97 542 0.42 -6.5 4.2 164 281 298 Circular 2 0.013 937.97 937.32 145.5 0.45 -6.5 5.2 168 285 286 Circular 2 0.013 936.02 935.75 24 1.13 30.9 16.4 171 MD_23 289 Circular 1.25 0.013 912.67 912.50 145 0.12 4.0 3.4 173 MD_44 MD_22 Circular 1.25 0.013 910.73 910.45 140 0.20 7.0 5.5 176 293 294 Circular 2 0.013 909.40 908.62 129 0.61 7.3 6.5 177 294 295 Circular 2 0.013 908.62 908.33 145 0.20 7.3 6.5 179 296 297 Circular 2 0.013 908.07 907.03 105 0.99 7.6 6.5 180 297 258 Circular 2 0.013 907.03 906.87 10 1.60 8.8 6.5 420 MD_29 584 Circular 1.25 0.013 935.00 934.25 38 1.97 5.2 2.5 421 584 585 Circular 1.25 0.013 934.25 932.43 185 0.98 5.2 2.8 425 MD_34 MD_33 Circular 1 0.013 925.34 921.15 177 2.37 6.1 6.1 426 MD_33 MD_32 Circular 1 0.013 921.15 914.86 190 3.31 7.1 7.1 427 MD_32 591 Circular 1 0.013 914.86 913.80 158 0.67 4.8 4.8 429 592 MD_31 Circular 1.25 0.013 913.50 913.41 28 0.32 4.8 5.5 430 MD_31 MD_25 Circular 1.25 0.013 912.01 910.32 275 0.62 9.8 9.5 431 MD_25 596 Circular 1.25 0.013 908.99 908.83 195 0.08 6.4 3.6 432 596 597 Circular 1.25 0.013 908.83 908.70 28 0.46 6.4 3.6 433 597 598 Circular 1.25 0.013 908.70 908.42 62 0.45 6.4 3.6 434 598 599 Circular 1.25 0.013 908.24 892.54 381.5 4.12 6.4 3.6 435 599 600 Circular 1.5 0.013 892.54 892.56 355 -0.01 6.4 3.6 436 600 601 Circular 1.5 0.013 892.24 876.30 240 6.64 6.4 3.7 437 601 NMN 19 Circular 1.5 0.013 876.30 870.62 226 2.51 7.2 4.4437601NMN_19 Circular 1.5 0.013 876.30 870.62 226 2.51 7.2 4.4 438 NMN_19 603 Circular 1.5 0.013 870.43 863.56 184 3.73 22.9 22.6 439 603 604 Circular 1.5 0.013 863.56 863.53 21 0.14 8.7 8.1 440 NMN_37 606 Circular 1.5 0.013 865.25 862.05 160 2.00 20.6 19.7 441 NMN_39 608 Circular 1 0.013 876.90 867.90 150 6.00 9.8 9.7 445 NMN_35 613 Circular 4 0.013 861.94 861.50 112 0.39 149.1 80.0 447 NMN_10 617 Circular 1 0.013 861.70 861.00 70 1.00 7.5 7.2 448 NMN_51 619 Circular 1 0.013 865.71 865.00 177 0.40 4.8 3.5 450 NMN_8 622 Circular 1.25 0.013 863.56 861.00 160 1.60 10.7 10.7 453 NMN_9 626 Circular 1.5 0.024 861.58 861.00 146 0.40 9.1 8.5 454 627 628 Circular 2 0.024 857.98 857.50 120 0.40 12.9 12.7 455 629 627 Circular 1.25 0.013 872.01 857.98 417.5 3.36 12.8 12.7 456 NMN_58 629 Circular 1.25 0.013 884.10 872.01 387.5 3.12 12.9 14.2 458 NMN_7 631 Circular 2 0.013 885.58 885.00 230.8 0.25 10.4 14.4 464 639 640 Circular 1 0.013 877.84 877.24 30 2.00 15.3 6.5 465 641 642 Circular 2 0.013 870.78 870.00 59 1.32 39.0 27.5 466 NMN_31 641 Circular 2 0.013 871.62 870.78 70 1.20 39.0 27.5 468 NMN_28 646 Circular 2.5 0.024 868.85 868.56 92.3 0.31 39.1 22.3 473 651 NMN_28 Circular 2.5 0.024 869.48 868.85 197 0.32 22.4 9.5 475 NMN_23 652 Circular 2.5 0.024 870.27 869.96 97 0.32 22.4 8.9 476 654 NMN_23 Circular 2.5 0.013 870.38 870.27 35 0.31 14.3 7.3 479 NMN_22 656 Circular 1.25 0.013 881.60 872.51 203.6 4.47 9.0 4.9 480 658 NMN_22 Circular 1 0.013 883.04 881.60 59.6 2.42 5.9 4.9 481 NMN_24 658 Circular 1 0.013 885.00 883.04 140 1.40 5.9 4.9 483 NMN_27 663 Circular 1.75 0.013 891.00 888.00 150 2.00 24.2 22.0 484 663 NMN_25 Circular 2 0.013 888.00 886.72 80 1.60 24.2 22.0 485 NMN_25 NMN_24 Circular 2 0.013 886.72 885.00 110 1.56 27.2 22.0 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-27 3 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 486 NMN_29 667 Circular 1.5 0.013 890.67 890.00 16 4.19 3.1 2.6 487 NMN_21 NMN_24 Circular 1 0.013 885.28 885.00 70 0.40 3.2 2.4 489 NMN_34 NMN_27 Circular 2 0.013 904.40 893.75 40 26.63 20.2 15.8 490 674 NMN_34 Circular 1.5 0.013 907.60 904.40 200 1.60 3.7 3.9 491 675 674 Circular 1.25 0.013 911.60 907.60 250 1.60 3.8 4.0 492 676 675 Circular 1.25 0.013 912.85 911.60 250 0.50 3.7 3.8 493 NMN_53 676 Circular 1 0.013 914.35 912.85 300 0.50 3.7 3.9 878 ML_9 1113 Circular 1 0.01 966.46 965.05 145 0.97 2.6 4.0 879 1113 1114 Circular 1 0.01 965.05 961.97 77 4.00 2.6 3.3 880 1114 1115 Circular 1 0.01 961.97 956.89 28 18.14 2.6 1.8 881 ML_12 ML_13 Circular 1.5 0.013 927.63 924.50 198 1.58 17.8 8.5 883 ML_13 1119 Circular 2 0.013 922.90 922.05 123.3 0.69 22.9 21.8 884 1119 ML_11 Circular 1.75 0.013 922.05 921.90 16 0.94 22.8 21.8 885 ML_11 1121 Circular 1.75 0.013 921.60 908.90 444.3 2.86 28.7 23.6 890 ML_7 1127 Circular 0.5 0.01 926.85 926.02 298 0.28 1.0 0.9 891 1127 ML_8 Circular 0.833 0.01 924.82 915.13 308 3.15 1.1 0.9 892 ML_4 1130 Circular 1 0.013 941.06 925.00 220 7.30 9.2 5.0 893 1130 1131 Circular 1.25 0.013 917.78 915.50 26 8.77 9.7 5.0 894 1131 ML_8 Circular 1.5 0.013 913.50 912.00 27 5.56 10.5 4.9 895 ML_8 ML_1 Circular 2 0.024 907.00 906.80 20 1.00 56.6 24.0 896 ML_15 ML_14 Circular 1 0.013 939.50 938.22 191 0.67 2.1 0.4 897 ML_14 ML_16 Circular 1 0.013 938.22 937.70 125 0.42 4.0 3.1 899 2540 2541 Circular 1 0.013 924.67 923.01 58.5 2.84 8.5 7.9 900 1141 ML_22 Circular 2 0.013 926.90 926.52 148 0.26 -25.7 15.7 901 ML_22 ML_30 Circular 2 0.013 926.52 926.20 147 0.22 20.2 16.5 903 1144 ML 2 Circular 2 0.024 911.98 909.37 57 4.58 28.9 24.39031144ML_2 Circular 2 0.024 911.98 909.37 57 4.58 28.9 24.3 904 ML_23 ML_2 Circular 1.25 0.013 931.37 910.31 158 13.33 5.3 3.5 906 HI_6 HI_5 Circular 1 0.024 893.89 890.57 80.5 4.12 7.2 6.4 907 HI_2 HI_1 Circular 2 0.013 888.30 888.00 92 0.33 14.6 9.6 910 HI_14 HI_1 Circular 1.5 0.013 892.55 887.75 135 3.56 24.9 12.7 915 HI_4 HI_1 Circular 1.5 0.013 887.50 886.65 132 0.64 13.8 15.5 1093 1387 HL_35 Circular 1.75 0.013 907.15 906.86 52 0.56 37.4 29.6 1094 HL_35 126 Circular 1.75 0.013 906.86 906.23 89 0.71 18.3 12.5 1095 HI_11 HI_13 Circular 2 0.024 924.50 890.60 102 33.24 19.7 10.3 1096 MD_21 267 Circular 1 0.013 889.76 889.70 86 0.07 2.4 0.0 1147 NMN_46 1449 Circular 1 0.024 876.78 874.54 140 1.60 4.5 4.3 1149 NMN_65 NMN_62 Circular 2.5 0.013 883.60 882.70 158 0.57 25.5 12.4 1151 NMN_80 1454 Circular 1.5 0.013 931.25 922.96 138.2 6.00 26.9 14.5 1155 NMN_78 NMN_85 Circular 2 0.013 963.03 958.74 230 1.87 29.1 17.8 1156 NMN_81 NMN_83 Circular 1.5 0.013 975.12 975.12 113 0.00 -9.8 3.6 1157 NMN_83 1467 Circular 1.25 0.013 975.12 973.04 346 0.60 7.0 6.0 1158 1467 1468 Circular 1.25 0.013 973.04 970.58 220 1.12 6.9 5.7 1159 1468 1469 Circular 1.25 0.013 970.58 969.00 43 3.67 6.7 5.6 1160 1469 NMN_82 Circular 1.5 0.013 968.65 968.24 41 1.00 14.3 5.7 1161 NMN_82 NMN_85 Circular 2 0.013 968.24 961.61 172 3.86 40.1 24.0 1165 1475 NMN_70 Circular 2 0.013 945.06 944.72 89.5 0.38 8.8 11.4 1166 NMN_70 1477 Circular 2 0.013 944.72 944.07 162.5 0.40 14.6 19.2 1169 NMN_72 1480 Circular 2.25 0.013 942.04 940.30 176.5 0.99 37.1 27.2 124p NMN_18 236 Circular 1.5 0.024 860.16 860.01 15 1.00 15.6 10.3 126p NMN_13 240 Circular 1.5 0.013 861.72 860.51 49 2.47 26.2 9.5 1288 1622 ML_1 Circular 2 0.013 907.60 907.36 18 1.33 23.8 7.8 1289 ML_5 1622 Circular 1.5 0.013 916.73 915.26 58 2.54 23.8 7.8 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-28 4 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1290 1625 ML_5 Circular 1.5 0.013 919.53 916.73 32 8.75 4.7 2.1 1291 1626 1625 Circular 1.25 0.013 921.62 919.53 42 4.98 4.3 2.1 1292 1627 1626 Circular 1 0.013 928.48 921.62 106 6.47 3.5 2.1 1293 1628 1627 Circular 1 0.013 936.26 928.48 120 6.48 3.5 2.1 1294 1629 1628 Circular 1 0.013 937.82 936.26 175 0.89 3.5 2.1 1295 1630 1629 Circular 1 0.013 938.43 937.82 89 0.69 3.5 2.1 1296 1631 1630 Circular 1 0.013 938.81 938.43 85 0.45 3.5 2.1 1297 1632 1631 Circular 1 0.013 938.88 938.81 62 0.11 3.5 2.1 1298 1633 1632 Circular 1 0.013 939.28 938.88 103.5 0.39 2.4 0.8 1299 1634 1633 Circular 1 0.013 939.56 939.28 66 0.42 2.4 0.8 129p MD_48 245 Circular 1 0.01 934.25 933.95 135 0.22 3.7 5.8 1300 ML_6 1634 Circular 1 0.013 939.70 939.56 73 0.19 2.4 0.8 1301 1636 1632 Circular 1 0.013 940.49 939.08 51 2.77 4.2 1.5 1302 ML_3 1636 Circular 1 0.013 941.17 940.49 24 2.83 4.2 1.5 1303 ML_33 ML_3 Circular 1 0.013 941.18 940.99 27.5 0.69 3.7 2.5 138p 1100 MD_24 Circular 3.5 0.013 905.17 904.88 45 0.64 106.2 56.9 139p 255 MD_24 Circular 1 0.013 911.20 910.25 163 0.58 -2.4 0.0 1422 HL_14 HL_13 Circular 1.75 0.013 905.50 903.89 139.5 1.15 15.1 14.5 1423 183 HL_13 Circular 1.75 0.013 904.17 904.15 18 0.11 -8.0 3.0 142p MD_24 258 Circular 3.5 0.013 904.88 900.19 512 0.92 107.7 62.4 1433 NMN_15 1747 Circular 2.25 0.013 859.14 857.56 70 2.26 49.8 31.4 1437 NMN_16 1755 Circular 1.25 0.024 863.93 858.09 200 2.92 6.6 7.6 143p 258 MD_20 Circular 3.5 0.013 900.19 897.16 290.8 1.04 115.2 68.4 1442 NMN_52 1761 Circular 2.5 0.024 868.80 867.99 41 1.98 24.6 20.7 1443 1762 NMN_52 Circular 1.5 0.013 874.11 873.65 29 1.59 19.1 18.6 1444 NMN 40 1762 Circular 1.5 0.013 889.30 874.20 260 5.81 22.6 18.91444NMN_40 1762 Circular 1.5 0.013 889.30 874.20 260 5.81 22.6 18.9 1445 NMN_41 1765 Circular 1.75 0.013 870.51 870.00 50 1.02 36.6 30.8 1446 NMN_42 1767 Circular 1.5 0.013 872.52 869.20 48 6.92 21.9 25.3 1447 NMN_43 1769 Circular 1 0.013 876.15 872.00 28 14.82 13.1 11.8 1448 NMN_44 NMN_49 Circular 1.25 0.024 874.52 870.00 85 5.32 8.8 10.3 1450 1774 NMN_48 Circular 2 0.024 868.56 868.00 8 7.00 7.0 7.2 1456 1794 1785 Circular 0.5 0.01 930.00 911.23 832 2.26 0.3 0.3 1459 1797 ML_17 Circular 1.5 0.013 937.24 937.14 31 0.32 -4.4 -3.5 1460 ML_17 1798 Circular 1.5 0.013 937.14 936.66 177 0.27 12.5 9.1 1461 1798 ML_16 Circular 1.75 0.013 936.66 936.52 24 0.58 12.5 9.1 1462 ML_25 ML_32 Circular 1.5 0.024 908.36 906.80 20 7.80 16.5 8.5 1464 ML_24 ML_1 Circular 1.5 0.024 907.80 906.80 20 5.00 19.7 9.3 1470 NMN_61 1812 Circular 3.5 0.024 881.05 877.63 162 2.11 110.2 35.6 1474 1817 HL_38 Circular 1 0.013 909.66 909.26 42 0.95 3.8 3.8 1476 HL_34 1818 Circular 1 0.013 911.43 910.82 70 0.87 3.8 4.2 153p 269 270 Circular 1 0.013 875.47 873.61 19 9.79 3.5 0.0 1570 HL_30 1950 Circular 0.83 0.01 916.82 912.85 110 3.61 3.0 2.2 1571 HL_37 HL_28 Circular 2 0.013 906.00 905.93 18 0.39 25.8 11.8 165p MD_30 298 Circular 1 0.013 939.00 937.32 300 0.56 3.5 3.0 167p MD_43 285 Circular 2 0.013 936.49 936.02 170 0.28 24.3 16.4 169p 286 287 Circular 1.75 0.013 935.75 931.56 125.5 3.34 27.4 16.4 1715 NMN_17 2156 Circular 2 0.013 859.35 859.20 15 1.00 18.3 8.7 1717 264 2158 Circular 5 0.013 862.20 862.20 100 0.00 172.1 118.2 1720 134 HL_28 Circular 1.25 0.013 907.82 899.50 94 8.85 16.8 14.5 1722 NMN_26 2164 Circular 1.25 0.013 862.82 862.58 23 1.04 11.2 13.0 1725 NMN_57 2168 Circular 1.5 0.013 859.72 856.10 21 17.24 20.4 15.1 172p 289 MD_44 Circular 1.25 0.013 912.50 910.73 18 9.83 4.0 3.4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-29 5 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 174p MD_22 292 Circular 1.25 0.013 910.45 909.80 325 0.20 7.3 6.5 175p 292 293 Circular 1.5 0.013 909.68 909.14 280 0.19 7.3 6.5 178p 295 296 Circular 2 0.013 908.33 908.07 131 0.20 7.3 6.5 1830 1098 MD_25 Circular 2.25 0.013 905.17 903.50 56 2.98 44.1 27.2 1940 HI_12 2174 Circular 1.25 0.013 897.22 896.73 126.5 0.39 7.2 10.7 1941 1168 2174 Circular 1 0.013 886.97 885.26 605 0.28 -4.4 -5.5 1953 2411 HL_42 Circular 2 0.013 920.82 918.96 57.5 3.24 6.3 5.5 1955 HL_27 2412 Circular 1 0.013 921.65 921.93 286 -0.10 3.7 4.0 1957 2416 ML_12 Circular 1.25 0.013 933.57 933.01 318.5 0.18 -2.6 1.3 1958 2417 2416 Circular 1 0.013 929.98 929.39 102 0.58 -2.6 1.6 1959 ML_29 2417 Circular 1 0.013 933.02 929.98 120 2.53 -2.6 2.4 2031 2516 HL_11 Circular 2.5 0.013 886.26 885.25 168 0.60 -23.3 -2.4 2035 2515 1141 Circular 2 0.013 926.75 926.90 220 -0.07 -25.7 15.7 2036 HL_48 126 Circular 1.5 0.013 925.32 906.26 255 7.47 26.7 20.0 2037 HL_40 HL_32 Circular 1.25 0.013 899.89 899.78 35 0.31 8.0 -7.9 2038 2512 HL_37 Circular 1.25 0.013 921.16 908.11 251 5.20 0.0 0.0 2039 HL_7 HL_41 Circular 1.25 0.013 929.01 916.56 425 2.93 11.9 9.2 2040 1743 HL_41 Circular 1 0.013 918.42 917.59 42 1.98 -2.6 -2.2 2042 HL_45 2508 Circular 2 0.013 901.35 888.86 47 26.58 69.5 60.9 2043 2506 2505 Circular 1.25 0.013 903.66 893.74 200 4.96 4.1 0.9 2044 2507 2506 Circular 1.25 0.013 920.40 903.66 454 3.69 4.1 1.0 2051 MD_47 264 Circular 3 0.013 867.86 862.20 51.8 10.93 172.1 117.2 2052 2504 MD_47 Circular 2.25 0.013 884.59 880.27 112 3.86 4.1 0.9 2053 2505 2504 Circular 2.25 0.013 890.06 884.59 133 4.11 4.1 0.9 2055 HL_49 2517 Circular 1 0.013 891.00 887.20 123 3.09 4.4 1.7 2056 ML 21 2520 Circular 1.5 0.013 933.26 931.90 87 1.56 21.7 21.42056ML_21 2520 Circular 1.5 0.013 933.26 931.90 87 1.56 21.7 21.4 2057 2520 ML_19 Circular 2 0.024 931.90 931.11 50 1.58 21.7 21.4 2058 175 HL_46 Circular 2 0.013 895.50 888.41 61 11.62 22.8 12.7 2059 HL_46 HL_1 Circular 2 0.013 883.06 882.92 12 1.17 56.4 24.2 2060 2522 2521 Circular 1.25 0.013 943.13 942.85 28 1.00 10.1 4.6 2061 NMN_68 2522 Circular 1 0.013 949.50 943.13 85 7.49 3.9 3.0 2063 HI_5 HI_2 Circular 2 0.013 888.30 887.97 25 1.32 11.5 9.6 2064 NMN_84 2527 Circular 1.5 0.013 917.60 917.30 15 2.00 4.9 2.5 2065 2527 2528 Circular 1.5 0.013 919.10 918.35 15 5.00 4.9 2.5 2066 NMN_48 NMN_49 Circular 0.5 0.013 872.00 872.00 242 0.00 -0.3 -0.4 2067 2531 HL_4 Circular 1.25 0.013 896.32 892.03 67 6.40 10.9 6.1 2068 2532 2531 Circular 1.25 0.013 905.55 896.32 278 3.32 12.7 6.5 2069 HL_5 2532 Circular 1.25 0.013 909.98 905.55 295.4 1.50 11.3 5.3 2070 210 212 Circular 1 0.013 872.78 872.31 12 3.92 5.7 -5.4 2074 2538 2539 Circular 1 0.013 925.22 910.13 95 15.88 9.2 0.0 2075 2541 ML_2 Circular 1 0.013 921.46 910.55 80 13.64 8.5 7.9 2077 MD_36 MD_3 Circular 3 0.024 857.03 853.29 125 2.99 57.7 19.0 2078 2549 ML_13 Circular 2 0.013 923.40 923.10 145.1 0.21 12.4 7.4 2079 2550 2549 Circular 1.5 0.013 927.73 923.80 44.5 8.83 12.4 6.8 2081 2552 NMN_78 Circular 1.5 0.013 968.20 963.03 105 4.92 2.3 1.1 2082 2553 2552 Circular 1 0.013 973.10 968.20 177.4 2.76 1.1 1.1 42 145 HL_4 Circular 2.5 0.013 894.75 892.05 28 9.64 41.3 44.9 50 HL_8 HL_16 Circular 1 0.013 901.46 901.90 36 -1.22 -8.5 -8.0 51 HL_20 157 Circular 1.25 0.013 897.50 892.75 246.2 1.93 9.9 8.9 52 157 HL_4 Circular 1.5 0.013 892.31 891.83 80 0.60 13.1 9.0 58 HL_23 HL_18 Circular 1 0.013 904.41 899.85 260 1.75 6.7 6.2 59 HL_19 HL_18 Circular 1 0.013 908.75 899.00 205 4.76 6.5 3.5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-30 6 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 61_p HL_18 2969 Circular 1.75 0.013 899.00 898.12 73 1.21 19.5 14.2 66 HL_2 HL_1 Circular 1 0.013 893.80 884.10 170 5.71 10.0 10.1 70 174 175 Circular 1.5 0.013 899.85 895.50 187 2.33 22.0 12.8 75 2162 HL_45 Circular 2 0.013 911.29 901.35 339 2.93 41.0 35.3 92 MD_42 197 Circular 1.25 0.013 872.50 865.82 71 9.41 31.8 21.3 93 197 198 Circular 1.25 0.013 865.82 861.50 98 4.41 13.6 13.5 94 198 MD_41 Circular 1.5 0.013 861.50 860.38 108 1.04 8.4 8.3 96 298 MD_43 Circular 2 0.013 937.32 936.49 28 2.96 -9.9 8.0 98 202 203 Circular 1.5 0.013 859.32 859.17 34 0.44 9.7 9.4 99 203 204 Circular 2 0.013 859.17 857.70 329 0.45 20.8 20.6 100 204 MD_9 Arch 22x38 0.024 857.70 857.20 48 1.04 31.3 20.6 111 215 MD_16 Circular 1.5 0.013 869.61 861.71 300 2.63 10.6 10.2 112 MD_16 203 Circular 1.5 0.013 861.71 859.17 380 0.67 16.2 17.2 116 MD_10 MD_11 Circular 1.5 0.024 856.55 856.54 32 0.03 20.3 19.6 1164p NMN_69 1475 Circular 1.5 0.013 946.00 945.06 165 0.57 9.0 11.9 1167p 1477 1478 Circular 2 0.013 944.07 942.67 350 0.40 14.6 18.7 1168p 1478 NMN_72 Circular 2 0.013 942.67 942.04 112 0.56 14.6 14.8 119_p MD_38 228 Circular 1.5 0.01 863.41 862.91 100 0.50 12.0 4.2 120_p 228 229 Circular 1.5 0.01 862.91 858.80 60 6.85 12.0 4.2 131 246 247 Circular 1.5 0.01 932.26 931.20 517 0.21 9.6 8.3 144 MD_20 260 Circular 3 0.013 897.16 886.27 182 5.98 125.2 90.7 1449p NMN_45 1774 Circular 1 0.024 877.34 868.56 62 14.16 7.0 7.2 1451p NMN_49 1778 Circular 0.5 0.01 872.00 869.50 76 3.29 0.9 1.7 146 261 262 Circular 3 0.013 886.05 880.50 138 4.02 131.2 91.2 147 262 MD_19 Circular 3 0.013 880.50 877.43 60 5.12 132.0 91.6 1475p 1818 1817 Circular 1 0.013 910.82 909.66 216 0.54 3.8 3.81475p18181817Circular10.013 910.82 909.66 216 0.54 3.8 3.8 1478p HL_32 HL_28 Circular 3 0.013 899.78 898.55 126 0.98 56.6 30.3 148 MD_19 MD_47 Circular 3 0.013 877.43 867.86 122.5 7.81 150.3 103.2 152_p 268 269 Circular 1.5 0.013 885.25 876.37 93 9.55 2.4 0.0 170 287 MD_26 Circular 1 0.013 931.56 930.92 28 2.29 13.3 13.2 2150p NMN_59 2701 Circular 2 0.013 897.89 896.80 108 1.01 30.8 38.8 2151p NMN_32 2699 Circular 2 0.013 902.35 901.61 11 6.73 23.8 32.6 2152p 2701 2702 Circular 2 0.013 897.89 895.92 93.4 2.11 31.3 36.7 2153p 2699 NMN_59 Circular 2 0.013 901.61 897.89 113 3.29 23.8 32.6 2160p 2719 ML_1 Circular 1.25 0.01 902.76 902.60 36 0.44 4.4 -2.9 2161p 2718 2719 Circular 1.25 0.01 915.14 913.51 333 0.49 4.4 1.2 2162p ML_38 ML_40 Circular 1 0.01 916.10 916.10 178 0.00 1.6 1.0 2163p ML_40 2718 Circular 1 0.01 916.10 915.14 193 0.50 4.4 1.2 2164p HI_17 2706 Circular 1.5 0.01 901.00 896.00 350 1.43 9.7 3.9 2165p 2706 HI_5 Circular 1 0.01 896.00 889.00 249 2.81 8.9 8.5 2166p HI_18 2709 Circular 1.75 0.01 899.60 896.82 216 1.29 4.3 3.6 2167p 2709 2710 Circular 2 0.01 896.82 896.10 169 0.43 3.9 3.5 2168p HI_18 2712 Circular 1.75 0.01 899.60 896.82 216 1.29 4.3 3.7 2169p 2712 2706 Circular 2 0.01 896.82 896.00 169 0.49 4.2 3.7 2170p 2710 2706 Circular 2 0.01 896.10 896.00 20 0.50 3.6 3.8 2171p HI_19 HI_17 Circular 1.5 0.01 910.00 901.00 487 1.85 18.3 7.7 2172p HI_22 HI_6 Circular 1 0.024 901.00 900.00 225 0.44 1.7 1.1 2173p HI_3 2726 Circular 1.5 0.024 899.60 899.50 100 0.10 6.5 3.4 2174p HI_21 HI_18 Circular 1.5 0.024 899.30 899.30 100 0.00 3.8 -1.0 3245p HL_43 HL_40 Circular 1.5 0.013 908.00 900.00 173 4.62 19.3 15.1 422 585 MD_35 Circular 1 0.013 932.32 929.34 81 3.68 3.7 3.8 423 MD_35 587 Circular 1 0.013 929.34 928.25 163 0.67 4.8 5.2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-31 7 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 424 587 MD_34 Circular 1 0.013 928.25 925.34 31 9.39 6.1 4.8 428 591 592 Circular 1 0.013 913.80 913.50 73 0.41 4.8 5.5 442 609 NMN_36 Circular 2.5 0.013 866.20 865.36 62 1.36 50.5 44.9 443 NMN_36 611 Circular 2.75 0.013 865.36 863.41 129 1.51 60.6 60.2 444 611 NMN_35 Circular 2.75 0.013 863.41 862.15 151.5 0.83 64.6 64.2 449 NMN_38 609 Circular 2.5 0.013 870.81 866.20 259 1.78 52.6 47.1 457 631 NMN_58 Circular 1.25 0.013 885.00 884.10 26 3.46 10.4 9.7 463 NMN_20 639 Circular 1 0.013 879.24 877.84 70 2.00 9.2 6.5 467 NMN_33 NMN_31 Circular 1.5 0.013 876.02 872.12 130 3.00 19.4 17.3 474 652 651 Circular 2.5 0.024 869.96 869.48 150 0.32 22.4 9.1 477 655 654 Circular 2 0.024 870.67 870.38 15 1.93 19.2 4.9 478 656 655 Circular 2 0.024 872.51 870.67 65 2.83 20.2 4.9 886 1121 1122 Circular 1.75 0.013 908.90 907.35 65 2.39 19.0 17.3 887 ML_10 1124 Circular 1.25 0.013 923.03 915.63 134.9 5.49 18.0 14.2 888 1124 1122 Circular 1.25 0.013 915.63 908.34 185 3.94 12.0 12.0 889 1122 ML_1 Circular 1.75 0.024 907.35 903.66 120 3.08 22.5 22.7 898 ML_20 2540 Circular 1 0.013 929.69 926.27 155 2.21 7.4 7.2 902_p ML_30 1144 Circular 1.5 0.013 926.20 911.98 323 4.40 29.7 24.4 908 1154 HI_1 Circular 1 0.013 887.17 886.65 98 0.53 5.7 5.8 915 HI_4 HI_1 Circular 1.5 0.013 887.50 886.65 132 0.64 13.8 15.5 916 HI_1 1168 Circular 1 0.01 888.35 886.97 500 0.28 -4.4 -4.7 1090 HL_36 124 Circular 1.75 0.013 918.46 908.66 64 15.31 51.2 25.3 1091 124 1386 Circular 1.75 0.013 908.66 907.59 35 3.06 26.4 24.4 1092 1386 1387 Circular 1.75 0.013 907.59 907.15 105 0.42 15.8 13.9 1148 NMN_47 1451 Circular 1.25 0.024 875.21 874.05 145 0.80 6.0 5.7 1150 1454 1455 Circular 2 0.013 922.96 921.40 20 7.80 15.5 12.3115014541455Circular20.013 922.96 921.40 20 7.80 15.5 12.3 1162 NMN_71 NMN_69 Circular 1 0.013 956.80 946.00 102 10.59 10.8 10.9 1170 1480 1481 Circular 2.25 0.013 939.55 939.17 90 0.42 37.0 26.2 1171 1481 1482 Circular 2 0.013 939.17 932.41 532 1.27 25.4 25.7 1172 1482 NMN_66 Circular 2.25 0.013 932.41 931.36 83 1.27 30.3 25.3 1173 NMN_66 1484 Circular 2.25 0.013 931.36 930.79 46 1.24 29.1 26.6 1174 1484 1485 Circular 2.25 0.013 930.79 930.16 50 1.26 27.6 21.3 1285 HI_10 HI_1 Circular 1.25 0.01 889.96 888.50 163 0.90 9.8 9.5 128p MD_28 MD_48 Circular 1 0.01 934.65 935.00 30.6 -1.14 -7.7 -7.5 134p MD_45 250 Circular 3 0.013 916.34 914.64 160.4 1.06 62.5 46.7 137p 252 MD_27 Circular 3 0.013 910.89 905.86 249.7 2.01 82.4 52.7 1430_p MD_17 1745 Arch 18"eq 0.013 858.00 857.00 60 1.67 10.2 11.5 1434 1750 NMN_15 Circular 2 0.013 859.80 859.14 66 1.00 20.5 23.3 1435 1752 1750 Circular 1.5 0.013 860.32 859.80 102 0.51 13.8 16.7 1436 NMN_14 1752 Circular 1.5 0.013 862.94 860.32 350 0.75 11.1 11.9 1452_p NMN_54 NMN_27 Circular 2 0.013 898.50 892.00 162 4.01 14.2 12.7 1458 1797 1795 Circular 1.5 0.013 937.24 937.24 4 0.00 1.1 3.0 145p 260 261 Circular 3 0.013 886.27 886.05 68 0.32 127.2 90.8 1463 ML_25 ML_24 Circular 1.5 0.024 908.36 907.80 33 1.70 10.7 3.3 1472 HI_15 1815 Circular 1.25 0.013 902.68 885.69 59 28.80 29.8 22.3 1473 1815 HI_13 Circular 1.5 0.013 885.49 885.33 16 1.00 28.1 17.1 154p 270 MD_18 Circular 1 0.013 873.39 873.33 42 0.14 3.9 -0.3 1721 178 2162 Circular 2 0.013 915.81 911.29 363 1.25 35.3 31.1 1723 ML_18 ML_32 Circular 1 0.024 908.99 906.80 15 14.60 8.3 7.0 1726 NMN_3 NMN_57 Circular 1.5 0.013 860.79 859.72 36 2.97 7.5 6.5 1727 MD_41 MD_15 Circular 1.75 0.013 860.38 860.00 93 0.41 19.9 22.0 1821_p 2274 137 Circular 1 0.013 904.44 905.81 139 -0.99 -2.1 0.0 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-32 8 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1822_p HL_28 2274 Circular 1 0.013 898.20 898.20 65 0.00 -2.1 0.1 1831 2290 MD_25 Circular 1.5 0.024 911.32 910.00 18 7.33 16.9 0.0 1832 250 2292 Circular 3 0.013 914.64 912.56 264 0.79 64.2 46.8 1833 2292 252 Circular 3 0.013 911.50 911.13 63 0.59 78.0 51.8 1935 HI_8 HI_4 Circular 2 0.013 897.67 888.68 372.5 2.41 31.7 31.7 1936 2394 HI_8 Circular 1.25 0.013 898.91 897.67 60 2.07 15.9 13.4 1937 2395 2394 Circular 1 0.013 903.48 898.91 128.5 3.56 8.9 9.0 1938 2396 2395 Circular 1 0.013 906.42 903.48 142 2.07 7.1 7.2 1939 HI_7 2396 Circular 1 0.013 908.31 906.42 77 2.45 6.2 6.3 1942 HI_16 HI_12 Circular 1.25 0.013 902.57 897.22 408.5 1.31 5.5 5.5 1943 HI_9 HI_16 Circular 1 0.013 903.20 900.88 387.5 0.60 3.7 2.6 1954 2412 2411 Circular 1 0.013 921.93 920.82 67 1.66 5.5 5.1 1960 MD_18 MD_46 Circular 1.25 0.013 873.33 865.17 395 2.07 8.1 5.5 1961 MD_12 MD_10 Circular 1.25 0.013 858.70 856.55 200 1.08 9.3 9.2 2019 HL_6 HL_12 Circular 1 0.013 906.00 905.24 30 2.53 9.6 7.9 2034 HL_42 178 Circular 2 0.013 919.04 915.81 325 0.99 31.4 29.1 2041 HL_41 2509 Circular 1.25 0.013 914.51 905.83 323 2.69 14.0 12.7 2045 2508 HL_1 Circular 2 0.013 883.10 880.00 21 14.76 60.1 58.6 2050 2509 174 Circular 1.5 0.013 905.53 901.53 129 3.10 19.1 12.7 2054 2517 2516 Circular 1.25 0.013 887.20 886.26 20 4.70 4.4 1.7 2062 2521 1481 Circular 1.25 0.013 942.85 939.17 22 16.73 5.8 -4.9 2071 2534 NMN_56 Circular 1 0.013 860.89 860.28 40 1.53 7.6 -0.8 2073 2538 HL_31 Circular 1 0.013 925.22 923.25 20 9.85 -8.9 0.0 2080 2551 2550 Circular 1.5 0.024 929.19 928.78 40 1.03 11.8 6.8 2083 ML_35 ML_19 Circular 1 0.024 930.94 929.62 164 0.81 4.1 4.5 3150 p HL 26 2824 Circular 1 0.015 889.46 889.02 60 0.73 6.2 6.93150_p HL_26 2824 Circular 1 0.015 889.46 889.02 60 0.73 6.2 6.9 3151_p 2822 HL_1 Circular 1 0.013 883.48 882.85 107 0.59 6.1 6.9 3152_p 2824 2822 Circular 1 0.015 889.02 883.48 99.5 5.57 6.2 6.9 3171_p 2851 NMN_73 Circular 3 0.013 874.50 873.37 74 1.53 46.3 42.2 3172_p 2850 2851 Circular 2.5 0.013 874.83 874.50 82 0.40 35.7 42.2 3173_p 2849 2850 Circular 2.25 0.013 875.08 874.83 84 0.30 35.6 42.3 3176_p NMN_64 2847 Circular 2.25 0.013 876.28 875.09 151 0.79 46.4 45.6 3177_p 2857 2856 Circular 1 0.013 904.00 902.88 35.4 3.16 6.9 2.4 3178_p NMN_67 NMN_62 Circular 1.25 0.024 889.01 886.91 155 1.36 7.4 7.7 3179_p 2854 2853 Circular 1.25 0.013 894.60 889.81 160 2.99 6.9 2.8 3180_p 2856 2855 Circular 1 0.013 902.88 896.59 185 3.40 6.9 2.4 3181_p 2853 NMN_67 Circular 1.25 0.013 889.81 889.01 32 2.50 -10.1 -10.7 3182_p 2855 2854 Circular 1 0.013 896.59 894.60 32.5 6.12 6.9 2.9 3246_p 2908 NMN_14 Circular 1.25 0.013 864.20 862.94 21 6.00 -4.3 7.0 3264_p 2915 2916 Circular 1.75 0.013 886.00 885.00 250 0.40 14.2 16.0 3265_p HL_17 2915 Circular 1.75 0.013 896.43 886.00 247 4.22 26.1 17.8 3266_p 1607 HL_17 Circular 1 0.013 899.29 900.02 130 -0.56 0.0 0.0 3267_p ML_2 ML_32 Circular 3 0.013 910.00 910.00 40 0.00 13.6 0.0 3286_p ML_31 ML_1 Circular 1 0.01 907.30 904.60 265 1.02 5.0 3.9 3294_p MD_1 2961 Circular 1.5 0.024 849.00 849.00 70 0.00 5.8 5.7 3296_p MD_2 MD_1 Circular 1 0.024 854.00 854.00 120 0.00 1.9 0.1 3297_p 2956 MD_11 Arch 36x58 0.024 850.00 849.00 80 1.25 82.5 23.5 3298_p MD_50 EdCrk7 Circular 1.5 0.024 849.00 849.00 160 0.00 6.4 1.6 3302_p 2969 166 Circular 1.75 0.013 898.12 897.00 93 1.20 19.5 14.2 3303_p ML_19 2515 Circular 2 0.013 929.70 926.75 110 2.68 -25.7 15.7 65_p HL_4 2916 Circular 2.5 0.013 891.50 885.00 310 2.10 65.3 66.9 121_p 229 230 Circular 1.5 0.01 858.80 858.60 40 0.50 12.0 4.2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-33 9 Table 5.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- North Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2011). Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1455p 1785 ML_18 Circular 1 0.013 911.23 910.99 24 1.00 -0.9 -3.1 1468p NMN_62 1810 Circular 3.5 0.024 885.19 881.37 150 2.55 73.4 21.5 1469p 1810 NMN_61 Circular 3.5 0.024 881.37 881.05 41 0.78 89.3 21.5 1477p 129 HL_32 Circular 2 0.013 899.67 899.78 15 -0.73 24.2 21.6 1429_p MD_9 MD_3 Arch 22x38 0.024 857.20 857.03 17 1.00 48.5 28.9 1431_p MD_14 1745 Circular 1.5 0.013 856.45 856.45 32 0.00 10.3 19.2 3174_p 2848 2849 Circular 2.25 0.013 874.53 875.08 49 -1.12 30.7 42.3 3175_p 2847 2848 Circular 2.25 0.013 875.09 874.53 23 2.44 26.0 38.4 3263_p 2916 HL_1 Circular 3 0.013 885.00 882.40 30 8.67 77.3 82.3 L-501 N-2 N-3 Circular 2 0.013 958.58 957.84 102 0.73 35.1 22.4 L-502 N-3 N-4 Circular 2 0.013 957.79 955.55 196 1.14 42.8 22.4 L-503 N-4 NMN_85 Circular 2 0.013 951.51 940.39 198 5.62 42.8 22.4 L-504 NMN_85 N-6 Circular 2 0.013 940.29 928.12 164 7.43 65.0 63.2 L-505 N-6 N-7 Circular 2.5 0.013 923.53 917.13 166 3.86 89.1 63.2 L-506 N-7 NMN_62b Circular 2.5 0.013 917.04 913.67 88 3.85 84.6 63.3 L-507 NMN_62b NMN_62a Circular 2.5 0.013 913.67 903.01 119 8.98 110.4 76.9 L-508 NMN_62a N-10 Circular 2.5 0.013 902.94 892.09 146 7.45 123.9 79.4 L-509 N-10 NMN_62c Circular 5 0.013 884.17 884.20 40 -0.08 -123.9 -79.4 L-510 NMN_82 N-13 Circular 2 0.013 968.24 961.68 172 3.81 41.9 23.7 L-511 N-13 N-14 Circular 2 0.013 957.00 956.04 6 15.67 29.1 23.5 L-512 N-14 N-15 Circular 2 0.013 955.87 952.76 102 3.05 41.9 23.7 L-513 N-15 N-16 Circular 2 0.013 952.66 949.88 116 2.40 29.1 23.7 L-514 N-16 N-17 Circular 2 0.013 949.78 946.57 127 2.53 33.8 23.7 L-515 N-17 N-18 Circular 2 0.013 946.57 946.47 26 0.38 33.9 23.7 L-516 N-18 N-19 Circular 2 0.013 945.73 942.47 135 2.41 34.0 23.6 L-517 N-19 NMN 85 Circular 2 0 013 942 39 940 34 57 360 34 1 23 5L 517 N19 NMN_85 Circular 2 0.013 942.39 940.34 57 3.60 34.1 23.5 L-518 NMN_63b N-21 Circular 3 0.013 917.73 917.10 23 2.70 57.4 36.3 L-519 N-21 NMN_63c Circular 3 0.013 907.59 907.04 129 0.43 57.4 36.3 L-520 NMN_63c N-24 Circular 3 0.013 903.85 902.80 32 3.32 56.0 32.6 L-521 N-24 NMN_62d Circular 3 0.013 891.75 890.99 124 0.61 56.0 32.6 L-522 NMN_62c N-27 Circular 1.75 0.013 882.04 883.80 30 -5.87 -20.1 -14.6 L-523 OutletA_ NMN_62e Circular 1.75 0.013 884.30 883.99 15 2.07 20.0 14.5 L-524 NMN_62d N-30 Circular 2 0.013 888.93 886.11 10 28.20 13.4 11.7 L-525 N-30 NMN_62e Circular 3 0.013 884.26 883.73 33 1.61 13.6 11.7 L-526 1484 NMN_63a Circular 2.25 0.013 930.10 927.70 95 2.54 52.0 45.0 L-527 NMN_63a N-34 Circular 3 0.013 926.93 925.76 121 0.97 63.9 51.2 L-528 N-34 N-35 Circular 3 0.013 925.76 924.70 110 0.97 63.9 51.2 L-529 N-35 NMN_63b Circular 4 0.013 921.10 920.86 59 0.41 63.9 51.2 L-530 NMN_77 N-38 Circular 1.75 0.013 915.96 916.44 39 -1.22 -16.2 -2.1 L-531 N-38 N-39 Circular 1.75 0.013 916.34 914.93 29 4.95 16.2 2.1 L-532 N-39 N-40 Circular 1.75 0.013 914.93 898.62 144 11.33 16.2 2.1 L-533 N-40 NMN_62c Circular 1.75 0.013 884.27 884.57 67 -0.45 -16.2 -2.2 L-534 NMN_78 N-2 Circular 2 0.013 963.03 959.65 176 1.92 34.1 22.4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2011UPDATE NMN_ConduitResults UPDATE 5-34 Mirror Lake N i n e M ile C r e e k Highland Lake Hawkes Lake Mud Lake 62 NMN_5 ML_1 HI_1 MD_50 HI_10 NMN_4 MD_1 HL_1 HL_11 HI_13 NMN_38 NMN_60 HI_18 HL_29 MD_48 NMN_1 HI_20 NMN_32 MD_27 HL_40 HI_12 HL_8 ML_21 HL_39 HL_47 ML_2 NMN_6 MD_4 HI_4HI_8 ML_31 NMN_19 NMN_50 ML_18 MD_2 ML_40 MD_12 HL_36 HI_6 HL_12 ML_28 MD_20 NMN_64 HL_21 MD_8 MD_13 HI_7 HI_15 NMN_75 HL_50 HI_3 HL_42 ML_13 ML_15 HI_5 MD_29 HI_9 HI_16 ML_30 MD_40 NMN_37 NMN_7 ML_8 NMN_43 MD_42 HL_26 MD_7 NMN_9 NMN_42 MD_21 HL_3 MD_43NMN_76 ML_26 HL_9 NMN_20 MD_14 ML_16 ML_38 MD_41 NMN_73 HL_2 MD_25 MD_3 MD_45 NMN_41 ML_34 NMN_36 HL_31 ML_35 HL_45 HI_17 MD_6 MD_11 ML_10 MD_46 NMN_80 NMN_56 MD_15 MD_17 NMN_62b NMN_66 NMN_85 HL_4 MD_22 NMN_33 HL_28 ML_17 HL_43 NMN_72 MD_28 NMN_77 MD_39 NMN_28 ML_19 ML_20 HI_14 MD_9 HI_19 NMN_2 MD_19 HL_16 MD_16 MD_49 NMN_44 HL_48 HL_37 HL_7 HL_20 MD_35 HL_14 HL_23 ML_5 HL_46 HL_33 MD_32 NMN_35 NMN_13 ML_6 NMN_58 ML_32 NMN_55 ML_9 NMN_15 HL_18 ML_22 NMN_62c ML_27 NMN_47 HL_10 HL_44 NMN_67 NMN_82 MD_36 NMN_61 NMN_39 MD_38 HI_2NMN_84 NMN_8 HL_35 NMN_78 MD_47 NMN_26 NMN_71 HL_49 ML_25 ML_29 HL_25 ML_12 HL_6 HI_11 HO_9 NMN_12 MD_31 NMN_18 NMN_65 NMN_24 NMN_62e NMN_70 NMN_31 NMN_14 NMN_23 NMN_40 HI_21 MD_34 NMN_59 NMN_63b NMN_74 HL_30 MD_37 MD_26 ML_7 MD_24 MD_33 NMN_17 NMN_10 HI_22 NMN_16 NMN_90 NMN_83 NMN_45 NMN_57 NMN_34 HL_5 MD_18 HL_13 ML_24 NMN_63a MD_23 NMN_27 ML_4 NMN_46 NMN_54 NMN_63c ML_11 NMN_68 MD_30 HL_41 HL_34 MD_5 NMN_81 NMN_69 ML_3 HL_17 NMN_3 HL_27 NMN_11 HL_19 NMN_62d HL_32 MD_44 MD_10 ML_23 ML_14 HL_15 HL_38 NMN_49 ML_33 NMN_51 NMN_62a NMN_25 NMN_53 NMN_22 NMN_29 NMN_21 NMN_62a NMN_48 NMN_52 HopkinsHopkins MinnetonkaMinnetonka Eden PrairieEden Prairie !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 1 5 : 1 5 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 5 _ 1 _ N M C _ N o r t h _ D r a i n a g e _ B a s i n s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,200 0 1,200 Feet Figure 5.1 NINE MILE CREEK NORTH DRAINAGE BASIN Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 400 0 400 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - North Drainage Basin Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 £¤169 5-35 Mirror Lake N i n e M ile C r e e k Mirror LakeMirror Lake Highlands LakeHighlands Lake Hawkes LakeHawkes Lake Mud LakeMud Lake Nine Mile Creek - NorthNine Mile Creek - North Highland Lake Hawkes Lake Mud Lake Interlachen Blvd Bl a k e R d S 456720 Vernon A v e S 4567158 62 £¤169HopkinsHopkins MinnetonkaMinnetonka Eden PrairieEden Prairie St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 1 6 : 2 9 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 5 _ 2 _ N M C _ N o r t h _ M a j o r _ W a t e r s h e d s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,200 0 1,200 Feet Figure 5.2 NINE MILE CREEK NORTH MAJOR WATERSHEDS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 400 0 400 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - North Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 5-36 !.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. 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D U N D E E R D DU N D E E R D DOVRE D R T U C K E R L A S T A T E H W Y N O 1 6 9 CTWAT E R F O R D L I N C O L N D R WA S H I N G T O N A V E S LON D O N D E R R Y LONDONDERRY RD LANGFORD DR (PRIVATE) ( P R I V A T E R O A D ) ST A T E H W Y N O 1 6 9 LIN C O L N D R MALIBU DR DU N C A N DR LIN C O L N M A L I B U MALIB U D R MA L I B U ST A T E H W Y N O 1 6 9 LINCOLN C I R C L E MA L I B U D R DR MAL I B U D R OL I N G E R R D VIE W L N HAB I T A T CT WA L N U T VERN O N A V E LONDONDERRY DR DR LO N D O N D E R R Y PARKWOOD LA DR DR WA L N U T ASPEN RD 60TH ST W G L A C I E R P L WAY POLAR CIR ARCTIC ARCTIC ( H C S A H N O 1 5 8 ) GL E A S O N R D WAY VERN O N A V E ASPEN RD TA M A R A C A V E . TA M A R A C L N V I E W VERN O N A V E GL E A S O N R D KI L L A R N E Y L N SCHA E F E R R D V I E W L N KI L L A R N E Y L N VIE W L N S C H A E F E R R D CIR SCHAEFER ( HC S A H N O 1 5 9 ) SC H A E F E R R D L N S H E R M A N C I R 61ST ST W 12/95 OLINGER BLVD GROVE CIR SHE R M A N C I R GROVE ST OLIN G E R B L V D OL I N G E R R D AMY DR WESTWOOD CT WESTWOOD CT WILLOW WOOD RD PA R K W O O D PAR K W O O D LA PA R K W O O D FIELD DOVRE LA N E PA R K W O O D DR RD LO N D O N D E R R Y WAY R D CIR C L E S T A U D E R DR LO N D O N D E R R Y RD DR BISCAYNE BLVD RD CHALICE COURT TELEMARK TR L O N D O N D E R R Y KELS E Y T E R APPLE LA PAR K W O O D R D LA R A D A L A BISCAYNE BLVD PARKWO O D NE W P O R T D R DR CO N T I N E N T A L ST A U D E R RD BISCAYNE BLVD STAUDER CIR DR DR CA M E L B A C K D R SC H A E F E R R D DE V I L L E K N O L L CIR RID G E R D WILLOW WOOD RD LA R A D A L A GREEN FARMS RD GREEN FARMS CT SC H A E F E R R D KIN G S B E R R Y D R AK E R S L A TYL E R C T PARK T E R R A C E KE L S E Y T E R GR E E N F A R M S C T IN T E R L A C H E N C T INTERLACHEN BLVD KELSE Y C T GR E E N F A R M S R D MALONEY AVE HA R R I S O N A V E WATERMAN AVE B I S S E N C I R RID G E R D AR T H U R S T RID G E R D WA T E R M A N C I R MENDELSSOHN LA INTERLACHEN BLVD HAROLD WOODS LA PR E S C O T T C I R SC H A E F E R R D TY L E R A V E BL A K E R D HIG H W O O D D R SAXONY RD FOX MEADOW LN S O . K N O L L D R R D VIEW L N KNOLL LANE SC H A E F E R IDYLWOOD BL A K E R D BL A K E R D IDYLWOOD DR BL A K E R D JEFFREY LA DRIVE FOX MEA D O W L N EVANSWOOD LA ROAD PARKWO O D BL A K E R D PINE GROVE RD BL A K E R D HIG H W O O D D R W EDEN PRARIE RD BERNE CIR ID Y L W O O D P L VERNO N A V E ( C O R D 1 5 8 ) KAYMAR DR LESLEE LA HIGHWOOD DR HIG H W O O D D R HE A T H E R L N PINE GROVE RD HIGHWOOD DR W HIGHWOOD DR W INTE R L A C H E N B L V D WATERMAN AVE LA OA K B E N D BLA K E R D B L A K E R D S C R I V E R R D LA K E R I D G E R D INTERLACHEN BLVD AR B O U R A V E JEFF PL 61ST ST W ARB O U R L A SUN RD AR B O U R A V E OL I N G E R C I R OLINGER CIR GROVE ST BENTON AVE ST U A R T A V E GROVE ST WY C L I F F E R D GROVE ST JO H N S O N D R LYLE CIRCLE TR A C Y A V E BENTON AVE BENTON AVE GROVE ST GA R D E N A V E OA K L A SK Y L I N E SK Y L I N E D R A Y R S H I R E B L V D HAWKES DR GLE N G A R Y P K W Y MERO L D D R DUNDEE RD MIR R O R L A K E S D R HAWKES TERR CH A N T R E Y R D WARDEN AVE NORTHWOOD D R SOUTH DR AYRSHIRE BLVD MI R R O R L A K E S D R HIDDEN LA NORTHW O O D D R AYRSHIRE BLVD CH A N T R E Y R D GL E N G A R R Y P K W Y RIDGE PARK RD WARDEN AVE JO H N S O N D R GO Y A L A DO N C A S T E R W A Y TR A C Y A V E ME R R I T T C I R WAR D E N A V E G A T E P A R K R D VERNO N A V E ( C O R D 1 5 8 ) CROYDEN LA DO N C A S T E R W A Y LO C H L O Y D R AYRS H I R E LO C H L O Y D R B L V D DU N C R A I G R D B Y W O O D W E S T MIR R O R L A K E S D R INTERLACHEN BLVD INTERLACHEN CIR SKYLINE D R DR BL U F F IN T E R L A C H E N EDENMOOR ST NO R T H E R N S T A T E S P O W E R C O SOO L I N E R R C O 56T H S T W HA N S E N R D GARDEN PARK RICHWOOD DR SOO L I N E R R C O M P A N Y VER N O N A V E NO R T H E R N S T A T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y G L E N B R A E C I R RD SH E R W O O D DR SH E R W O O D R D PINEWOOD TR AV E VER N O N RICH W O O D S T EDE N M O O R BLOSS O M C T I V Y W A Y SUN R D KEL S E Y T E R RID G E C I R KEL S E Y T E R BLU F F C I R KE L S E Y C I R RI D G E T R ORIOLE LA CTSA N D P I P E R NineMileCreek Mud Lake Mirror Lake Highland Lake Hawkes Lake HopkinsHopkins Eden PrairieEden Prairie St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park MinnetonkaMinnetonka NMN_5 ML_1 HI_1 MD_50 HI_10 NMN_4 MD_1 HL_1 HL_11 HI_13 NMN_38 NMN_60 HI_18 HL_29 MD_48 NMN_1 HI_20 NMN_32 MD_27 HL_40 HI_12 HL_8 ML_21 HL_39 HL_47 ML_2 NMN_6 MD_4 HI_4HI_8 ML_31 NMN_19 MD_2 ML_18 NMN_50 ML_40 MD_12 HL_36 HI_6 HL_12 ML_28 MD_20 NMN_64 HL_21 MD_8 HI_7 MD_13 HI_15 NMN_75 HI_3 HL_50 HL_42 ML_13 ML_15 HI_5 MD_29 HI_9 HI_16 ML_30 MD_40 NMN_37 NMN_7 ML_8 NMN_43 MD_42 HL_26 MD_7 NMN_9 NMN_42 MD_21 HL_3 MD_43NMN_67 NMN_76 ML_26 HL_9 NMN_20 MD_14 ML_16 ML_38 MD_41 NMN_73 HL_2 MD_25 MD_3 MD_45 NMN_41 ML_34 NMN_36 HL_31 NMN_82 ML_35 HL_45 HI_17 MD_6 MD_11 ML_10 MD_36 NMN_61 MD_46 NMN_80 NMN_39 MD_15 NMN_56 MD_17 NMN_62b NMN_66 NMN_85 HL_4 MD_22 NMN_33 HL_28 MD_38 HI_2 ML_17 HL_43 NMN_84 NMN_72 NMN_8 MD_28 NMN_77 MD_39 NMN_28 ML_19 ML_20 HL_35 HI_14 MD_9 HI_19 NMN_78 NMN_2 MD_19 MD_47 HL_16 MD_16 MD_49 NMN_26 NMN_71 NMN_44 HL_48 HL_37 HL_7 HL_20 MD_35 ML_5 HL_49 HL_14 HL_23 HL_46 HL_33 MD_32 ML_25 NMN_35 ML_29 HL_25 ML_12 NMN_13 ML_6 HL_6 HI_11 HO_9 NMN_12 MD_31 NMN_58 ML_32 NMN_55 NMN_18 NMN_65 ML_9 NMN_15 NMN_24 NMN_62e NMN_70 NMN_31 HL_18 NMN_14 ML_22 NMN_23 NMN_40 HI_21 NMN_62c ML_27 NMN_47 MD_34 HL_10 NMN_63b NMN_74 HL_30 MD_37 MD_26 ML_7 MD_24 MD_33 NMN_17 HL_44 NMN_10 HI_22 NMN_16 NMN_90 NMN_83 NMN_45 NMN_57NMN_34 HL_5 MD_18 HL_13 ML_24 NMN_63a MD_23 ML_4 NMN_27 NMN_46 NMN_54 NMN_63c ML_11 NMN_68 MD_30 HL_41 HL_34 MD_5 NMN_81 NMN_69 ML_3 HL_17 HL_27 NMN_11 HL_19 NMN_62d HL_32 MD_44 MD_10 ML_23 ML_14 HL_15 NMN_49 NMN_22 NMN_59 NMN_3 HL_38 ML_33 NMN_51 NMN_62a NMN_25 NMN_53 NMN_29 NMN_21 NMN_62a NMN_48 NMN_52 N-4 230229228 676 675 674 673 669 667 665 663 662 661 660 659 658 655 651 646642641 640 638 637 629 628 627 626622 619 617 613 608 606 604 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 584583 297 296 295 294 293 292 289 286 281 279 278 277 276 275 269 268 267 266 264 258 247 245 243 242 240 238 236 234 226 224 222 220 219 215 214 202 201 195 194 193 192190 187 186 185 183 175172 169 167166 155 153 152 150 149 144 143 139 138 137 134 129 128 126 N-41 N-40 N-39 N-38 N-36 N-35 N-34 N-31 N-30 N-28N-27 N-25 N-24 N-22 N-21 N-18N-17 N-14 N-11 N-10 1484 2969 2965 MD_1 2961 MD_1 MD_2 2956 MD_3 2940 29182917 2907 2858 2856 285528542853 2852 2851 2850 2824 2823 2822 2726 27252724 2722 2720 2719 2718 2717 2716 2715 2714 2712 2708 2709 2708 2707 2705 2702 2555 2553 2552 2550 2549 2548 2544 2542 2541 2539 2538 2537 2534 2532 2531 2530 2529 25282527 2526 2525 HI_2 2523 2518 2513 2512 2507 2506 2505 2504 2417 2416 22912289 2275 2274 2174 2170 2168 2165 2164 2158 2156 1957 1955 1950 1823 1821 1818 1817 1816 1814 1812 1810 1809 17991798 1794 17911787 1782 1779 1778 1773 1771 1769 1767 1765 1761 1755 17481747 1746 1745 1744 1743 1738 1737 16391637 1636 ML_6 1634 1633 1632 16311630 1629 1628 1627 16261625 ML_5 1623 1622 1619 1607 1606 1605 16041603 1602 1601 1478 1477 1469 1468 1467 1455 1453 1451 1449 1447 1446 14451444 1389 1167 11661164 1159 1155 1153 1151 1150 1149 1145 1144 1141 1135 1133 1132 1131 1130 ML_4 ML_8 1127 1126 1125 1115 MD_9 HL_2 MD_50 MD_50 MD_11 MD_11MD_38 HI_22 HI_21 HI_19 MD_36 ML_23 HL_48 HL_37 HL_32 ML_25 ML_24 HI_11 HI_14 ML_22 ML_14 ML_12 MD_44 MD_23 MD_24 MD_26 HL_14 HL_15 HL_11 HL_17 HL_19 HL_12 HL_38 HL_35 HL_36 NMN_66 NMN_82 NMN_90 NMN_67 NMN_61 NMN_40 NMN_52 NMN_72 NMN_83 NMN_80 NMN_65 NMN_53 NMN_34 NMN_21 NMN_25 NMN_28 NMN_31 NMN_51 NMN_13 NMN_17 NMN_63a NMN_62d NMN_62c NMN_63b N-7 N-6 N-3 N-2 656 654 652 639 636 592 587 298 280 270 262 261 260 255 252 250 204 203 178 174 141 140 N-19 N-16 N-15 2857 2849 2701 2551 HL_5 25172516 2515 HL_72509 2508 2411 2292 2290 2162 1750 1480 1168 HL_8 HL_46 HL_41 MD_47 NMN_3 HI_15 ML_30 ML_11 MD_43 MD_46 MD_18 MD_19 MD_20 MD_45 MD_42 HL_45 HL_20 HL_16 HL_10 HL_31 NMN_85 NMN_78 NMN_59 NMN_57 NMN_45 NMN_14 NMN_15 NMN_29 NMN_23 NMN_33 NMN_38 NMN_10 NMN_35 NMN_56 NMN_18 NMN_11 NMN_62b 631 611 609 603 591 585 287 246 212 211 210 209 198 197 189 188 157 145 124 2916 2915 2908 2848 2847 2710 2706 2699 25222521 2520 HL_6 2412 HI_7 2396 2395 2394 HI_8 1815 1813 17971795 1785 1762 1752 HI_9 1482 1481 1475 1454 1386 HI_4 1154 1124 11221121 1119 11141113 ML_9 MD_5 MD_6 MD_8 HL_4 ML_19 ML_31 HL_26 ML_35 MD_12 ML_29 HL_27 HI_12 ML_20 HL_34 ML_17 HI_16 HI_10 ML_21 ML_10 ML_13 NMN_7 NMN_9NMN_8 MD_31 MD_32 MD_33 MD_34 MD_35 MD_22 MD_30 MD_48 MD_10 MD_14 MD_17 MD_16 MD_40 MD_41 HL_18 HL_23 HL_30 HL_33 NMN_64 NMN_32 NMN_26 NMN_44 NMN_43 NMN_42 NMN_41 NMN_16 NMN_70 NMN_69 NMN_71 NMN_81 NMN_47 NMN_46 NMN_58 NMN_36 NMN_39 NMN_37 NMN_19 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 2 9 : 2 8 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 5 _ 3 _ N M C _ N o r t h _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 400 0 400 Feet Figure 5.3 NINE MILE CREEK NORTH HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 120 0 120 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - North Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event 5-37 Mirror Lake N ineMileCreek Mud Lake Hawkes Lake Highland Lake HopkinsHopkins MinnetonkaMinnetonka Eden PrairieEden Prairie ML_1 MD_50 MD_1 HI_1 HL_1 MD_4 ML_16 MD_25 HI_13 MD_1 MD_50 ML_28 HL_44 ML_15 NMN_50 MD_2 ML_2 HI_18 HL_28 MD_21 NMN_75 ML_32 NMN_76 HI_5 MD_13 HI_20 ML_40 MD_2 MD_4 ML_26 MD_3MD_2 NMN_77 NMN_62 MD_11 HL_9 HL_50 HL_39 NMN_24 MD_7 HL_40 ML_38 MD_15 NMN_55 HL_24 ML_19 MD_28 HL_13 NMN_27 MD_2 NMN_84 MD_29 HI_17 NMN_20 NMN_63 HL_25 NMN_73 MD_39 ML_6 HI_21 HI_22 NMN_74 ML_3 ML_27 NMN_49 NMN_48 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 1 9 : 0 2 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 5 _ 4 _ N M C _ N o r t h _ W a t e r _ Q u a l i t y . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,200 0 1,200 Feet Figure 5.4 NINE MILE CREEK NORTH WATER QUALITY MODELING RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 400 0 400 Meters Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) Percent TP Removal in Water Body* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed. Cumulative TP Removal in Watershed* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed and upstream watersheds that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Area Draining Directly to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek Flow Direction *Data based on results of P8 modeling. 0 - 25% (Poor/No Removal) 5-38 !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!.!.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!. !.!.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. D U N D E E R D DU N D E E R D DOVRE D R T U C K E R L A S T A T E H W Y N O 1 6 9 CTWAT E R F O R D L I N C O L N D R WA S H I N G T O N A V E S LON D O N D E R R Y LONDONDERRY RD LANGFORD DR (PRIVATE) ( P R I V A T E R O A D ) ST A T E H W Y N O 1 6 9 LIN C O L N D R MALIBU DR DU N C A N D R LIN C O L N M A L I B U MALI B U D R MA L I B U ST A T E H W Y N O 1 6 9 LINCOLN C I R C L E MA L I B U D R DR MA L I B U D R OL I N G E R R D VI E W L N HA B I T A T CT W A L N U T VERN O N A V E LONDONDERRY DR DR LO N D O N D E R R Y PARKWOOD LA DR DR WA L N U T ASPEN RD 60TH ST W G L A C I E R P L WAY POLAR CIR ARCTIC ARCTIC ( H C S A H N O 1 5 8 ) GL E A S O N R D WAY VER N O N A V E ASPEN RD TA M A R A C A V E . TA M A R A C L N V I E W VER N O N A V E GL E A S O N R D KI L L A R N E Y L N SCH A E F E R R D V I E W L N KI L L A R N E Y L N VI E W L N S C H A E F E R R D CIR SCHAEFER ( HC S A H N O 1 5 9 ) SC H A E F E R R D L N S H E R M A N C I R 61ST ST W 12/95 OLINGER BLVD GROVE CIR SHE R M A N C I R GROVE ST OLIN G E R B L V D OL I N G E R R D AMY DR WESTWOOD CT WESTWOOD CT WILLOW WOOD RD PA R K W O O D PAR K W O O D LA PA R K W O O D FIELD DOVRE LA N E PA R K W O O D DR RD LO N D O N D E R R Y WAY R D CI R C L E S T A U D E R DR LO N D O N D E R R Y RD DR BISCAYNE BLVD RD CHALICE COURT TELEMARK TR L O N D O N D E R R Y KEL S E Y T E R APPLE LA PA R K W O O D R D L A R A D A L A BISCAYNE BLVD PARKWO O D NE W P O R T D R DR CO N T I N E N T A L ST A U D E R RD BISCAYNE BLVD STAUDER CIR DR DR CA M E L B A C K D R SC H A E F E R R D DE V I L L E K N O L L CIR RID G E R D WILLOW WOOD RD LA R A D A L A GREEN FARMS RD GREEN FARMS CT SC H A E F E R R D KI N G S B E R R Y D R AK E R S L A TY L E R C T PARK T E R R A C E KE L S E Y T E R GR E E N F A R M S C T IN T E R L A C H E N C T INTERLACHEN BLVD KELSE Y C T GR E E N F A R M S R D MALONEY AVE HA R R I S O N A V E WATERMAN AVE B I S S E N C I R RI D G E R D AR T H U R S T RI D G E R D WA T E R M A N C I R MENDELSSOHN LA INTERLACHEN BLVD HAROLD WOODS LA PR E S C O T T C I R SC H A E F E R R D TY L E R A V E BL A K E R D HIG H W O O D D R SAXONY RD FOX MEADOW LN S O . K N O L L D R R D VIE W L N KNOLL LANE S C H A E F E R IDYLWOO D BL A K E R D BL A K E R D IDYLWOOD DR BL A K E R D JEFFREY LA DRIVE FOX MEA D O W L N EVANSWOOD LA ROAD PARKW O O D BL A K E R D PINE GROVE RD BL A K E R D H I G H W O O D D R W EDEN PRARIE RD BERNE CIR ID Y L W O O D P L VERN O N A V E ( C O R D 1 5 8 ) KAYMAR DR LESLEE LA HIGHWOOD DR HI G H W O O D D R HE A T H E R L N PINE GROVE RD HIGHWOOD DR W HIGHWOOD DR W INTE R L A C H E N B L V D WATERMAN AVE LA OA K B E N D BLA K E R D B L A K E R D S C R I V E R R D LA K E R I D G E R D INTERLACHEN BLVD AR B O U R A V E JEFF PL 61ST ST W AR B O U R L A SUN RD AR B O U R A V E OL I N G E R C I R OLINGER CIR GROVE ST BENTON AVE ST U A R T A V E GROVE ST WY C L I F F E R D GROVE ST JO H N S O N D R LYLE CIRCLE TR A C Y A V E BENTON AVE BENTON AVE GROVE ST GA R D E N A V E OA K L A S K Y L I N E SK Y L I N E D R A Y R S H I R E B L V D HAWKES DR GL E N G A R Y P K W Y MER O L D D R DUNDEE RD MIR R O R L A K E S D R HAWKES TERR CH A N T R E Y R D WARDEN AVE NORTHWOOD D R SOUTH DR AYRSHIRE BLVD MI R R O R L A K E S D R HIDDEN LA NORTH W O O D D R AYRSHIRE BLVD CH A N T R E Y R D G L E N G A R R Y P K W Y RIDGE PARK RD WARDEN AVE JO H N S O N D R GO Y A L A D O N C A S T E R W A Y TR A C Y A V E ME R R I T T C I R WA R D E N A V E G A T E P A R K R D VERNO N A V E ( C O R D 1 5 8 ) CROYDEN LA DO N C A S T E R W A Y LO C H L O Y D R AYR S H I R E LO C H L O Y D R B L V D DU N C R A I G R D B Y W O O D W E S T M I R R O R L A K E S D R INTERLACHEN BLVD INTERLACHEN CIR SKYLINE D R D R BL U F F IN T E R L A C H E N EDENMOOR ST NO R T H E R N S T A T E S P O W E R C O SO O L I N E R R C O 56T H S T W HA N S E N R D GARDEN PARK RICHWOOD DR SOO L I N E R R C O M P A N Y VER N O N A V E NO R T H E R N S T A T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y G L E N B R A E C I R RD SH E R W O O D DR SH E R W O O D R D PINEWOOD TR AV E VER N O N RICH W O O D ST EDE N M O O R BLOS S O M C T I V Y W A Y SU N R D KEL S E Y T E R RID G E C I R KE L S E Y T E R BLU F F C I R KE L S E Y C I R R I D G E T R ORIOLE LA CT SA N D P I P E R Nine Mile Creek Mud Lake Mirror Lake Highland Lake Hawkes Lake HopkinsHopkins Eden PrairieEden Prairie St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park MinnetonkaMinnetonka NMN_5 ML_1 HI_1 MD_50 HI_10 NMN_4 MD_1 HL_1 HL_11 HI_13 NMN_38 NMN_60 HI_18 HL_29 MD_48 NMN_1 HI_20 NMN_32 MD_27 HL_40 HI_12 HL_8 ML_21 HL_39 HL_47 ML_2 NMN_6 MD_4 HI_4HI_8 ML_31 NMN_19 MD_2 ML_18 NMN_50 ML_40 MD_12 HL_36 HI_6 HL_12 ML_28 MD_20 NMN_64 HL_21 MD_8 HI_7 MD_13 HI_15 NMN_75 HI_3 HL_50 HL_42 ML_13 ML_15 HI_5 MD_29 HI_9 HI_16 ML_30 MD_40 NMN_37 NMN_7 ML_8 NMN_43 MD_42 HL_26 MD_7 NMN_9 NMN_42 MD_21 HL_3 MD_43NMN_67 NMN_76 ML_26 HL_9 NMN_20 MD_14 ML_16 ML_38 MD_41 NMN_73 HL_2 MD_25 MD_3 MD_45 NMN_41 ML_34 NMN_36 HL_31 NMN_82 ML_35 HL_45 HI_17 MD_6 MD_11 ML_10 MD_36 NMN_61 MD_46 NMN_80 NMN_39 MD_15 NMN_56 MD_17 NMN_62b NMN_66 NMN_85 HL_4 MD_22 NMN_33 HL_28 MD_38 HI_2 ML_17 HL_43 NMN_84 NMN_72 NMN_8 MD_28 NMN_77 MD_39 NMN_28 ML_19 ML_20 HL_35 HI_14 MD_9 HI_19 NMN_78 NMN_2 MD_19 MD_47 HL_16 MD_16 MD_49 NMN_26 NMN_71 NMN_44 HL_48 HL_37 HL_7 HL_20 MD_35 ML_5 HL_49 HL_14 HL_23 HL_46 HL_33 MD_32 ML_25 NMN_35 ML_29 HL_25 ML_12 NMN_13 ML_6 HL_6 HI_11 HO_9 NMN_12 MD_31 NMN_58 ML_32 NMN_55 NMN_18 NMN_65 ML_9 NMN_15 NMN_24 NMN_62e NMN_70 NMN_31 HL_18 NMN_14 ML_22 NMN_23 NMN_40 HI_21 NMN_62c ML_27 NMN_47 MD_34 HL_10 NMN_63b NMN_74 HL_30 MD_37 MD_26 ML_7 MD_24 MD_33 NMN_17 HL_44 NMN_10 HI_22 NMN_16 NMN_90 NMN_83 NMN_45 NMN_57NMN_34 HL_5 MD_18 HL_13 ML_24 NMN_63a MD_23 ML_4 NMN_27 NMN_46 NMN_54 NMN_63c ML_11 NMN_68 MD_30 HL_41 HL_34 MD_5 NMN_81 NMN_69 ML_3 HL_17 HL_27 NMN_11 HL_19 NMN_62d HL_32 MD_44 MD_10 ML_23 ML_14 HL_15 NMN_49 NMN_22 NMN_59 NMN_3 HL_38 ML_33 NMN_51 NMN_62a NMN_25 NMN_53 NMN_29 NMN_21 NMN_62a NMN_48 NMN_52 N-4 230229228 676 675 674 673 669 667 665 663 662 661 660 659 658 655 651 646642641 640 638 637 629 628 627 626622 619 617 613 608 606 604 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 584583 297 296 295 294 293 292 289 286 281 279 278 277 276 275 269 268 267 266 264 258 247 245 243 242 240 238 236 234 226 224 222 220 219 215 214 202 201 195 194 193 192 190 187 186 185183 175172 169 167166 155 153 152 150 149 144 143 139 138 137 134 129 128 126 N-41 N-40 N-39 N-38 N-36 N-35 N-34 N-31 N-30 N-28N-27 N-25 N-24 N-22 N-21 N-18N-17 N-14 N-11 N-10 1484 2969 2965 MD_1 2961 MD_1 MD_2 2956 MD_3 2940 29182917 2907 2858 2856 285528542853 2852 2851 2850 2824 2823 2822 2726 27252724 2722 2720 2719 2718 2717 2716 2715 2714 2712 2708 2709 2708 2707 2705 2702 2555 2553 2552 2550 2549 2548 2544 2542 2541 2539 2538 2537 2534 2532 2531 2530 2529 25282527 2526 2525 HI_2 2523 2518 2513 2512 2507 2506 2505 2504 2417 2416 22912289 2275 2274 2174 2170 2168 2165 2164 2158 2156 1957 1955 1950 1823 1821 1818 1817 1816 1814 1812 1810 1809 17991798 1794 17911787 1782 1779 1778 1773 1771 1769 1767 1765 1761 1755 17481747 1746 1745 1744 1743 17381737 16391637 1636 ML_6 1634 1633 1632 16311630 1629 1628 1627 16261625 ML_5 1623 1622 1619 1607 1606 1605 16041603 1602 1601 1478 1477 1469 1468 1467 1455 1453 1451 1449 1447 1446 14451444 1389 1167 11661164 1159 1155 1153 1151 1150 1149 1145 1144 1141 1135 1133 1132 1131 1130 ML_4 ML_8 1127 1126 1125 1115 MD_9 HL_2 MD_50 MD_50 MD_11 MD_11MD_38 HI_22 HI_21 HI_19 MD_36 ML_23 HL_48 HL_37 HL_32 ML_25 ML_24 HI_11 HI_14 ML_22 ML_14 ML_12 MD_44 MD_23 MD_24 MD_26 HL_14 HL_15 HL_11 HL_17 HL_19 HL_12 HL_38 HL_35 HL_36 NMN_66 NMN_82 NMN_90 NMN_67 NMN_61 NMN_40 NMN_52 NMN_72 NMN_83 NMN_80 NMN_65 NMN_53 NMN_34 NMN_21 NMN_25 NMN_28 NMN_31 NMN_51 NMN_13 NMN_17 NMN_63a NMN_62d NMN_62c NMN_63b N-7 N-6 N-3 N-2 656 654 652 639 636 592 587 298 280 270 262 261 260 255 252 250 204 203 178 174 141 140 N-19 N-16 N-15 2857 2849 2701 2551 HL_5 25172516 2515 HL_72509 2508 2411 2292 2290 2162 1750 1480 1168 HL_8 HL_46 HL_41 MD_47 NMN_3 HI_15 ML_30 ML_11 MD_43 MD_46 MD_18 MD_19 MD_20 MD_45 MD_42 HL_45 HL_20 HL_16 HL_10 HL_31 NMN_85 NMN_78 NMN_59 NMN_57 NMN_45 NMN_14 NMN_15 NMN_29 NMN_23 NMN_33 NMN_38 NMN_10 NMN_35 NMN_56 NMN_18 NMN_11 NMN_62b 631 611 609 603 591 585 287 246 212 211 210 209 198 197 189 188 157 145 124 2916 2915 2908 2848 2847 2710 2706 2699 25222521 2520 HL_6 2412 HI_7 2396 2395 2394 HI_8 1815 1813 17971795 1785 1762 1752 HI_9 1482 1481 1475 1454 1386 HI_4 1154 1124 11221121 1119 11141113 ML_9 MD_5 MD_6 MD_8 HL_4 ML_19 ML_31 HL_26 ML_35 MD_12 ML_29 HL_27 HI_12 ML_20 HL_34 ML_17 HI_16 HI_10 ML_21 ML_10 ML_13 NMN_7 NMN_9NMN_8 MD_31 MD_32 MD_33 MD_34 MD_35 MD_22 MD_30 MD_48 MD_10 MD_14 MD_17 MD_16 MD_40 MD_41 HL_18 HL_23 HL_30 HL_33 NMN_64 NMN_32 NMN_26 NMN_44 NMN_43 NMN_42 NMN_41 NMN_16 NMN_70 NMN_69 NMN_71 NMN_81 NMN_47 NMN_46 NMN_58 NMN_36 NMN_39 NMN_37 NMN_19 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 2 9 : 2 8 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a f t \ F i g _ 5 _ 3 _ N M C _ N o r t h _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 400 0 400 Feet Figure 5.3 NINE MILE CREEK NORTH HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 120 0 120 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - North Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event