HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION_12 NORTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK Barr Engineering Company 12-1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 12.0 Northeast Minnehaha Creek 12.1 General Description of Drainage Area Figure 12.1 depicts the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage area and the individual subwatersheds within this area. The Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin is located in the northeast corner of Edina. This watershed contains only a limited number of ponds and no lakes. 12.1.1 Drainage Patterns The stormwater system within this drainage area is comprised of storm sewers, ponding basins, wetlands, drainage ditches, and overland flow paths. The Northeast Minnehaha Creek basin has been divided into several major watersheds based on the drainage patterns. These major watersheds are depicted in Figure 12.2. Each major watershed has been further delineated into numerous subwatersheds. The naming convention for each subwatershed is based on the major watershed it is located within. Table 12.1 lists each major watershed and the associated subwatershed naming convention. Table 12.1 Major Watersheds within the Northeast Minnehaha Creek Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Naming Convention # of Subwatersheds Drainage Area (acres) Morningside MS_## 58 228 Minnehaha Creek North MHN_## 89 450 Edina Country Club ECC_## 15 117 Morningside The Morningside watershed is located in the northeast corner of Edina, primarily north of West 44th Street. This watershed is primarily single family residential and includes Weber Park. The Edina trunk storm sewer system through this area connects to the incoming St. Louis Park system just southeast of the Susan Lindgren Elementary School (Natchez Avenue and 41st Street). From this junction the system runs easterly to the east side of Weber Park, where an inlet/outlet to the Weber Park pond allows stormwater to be discharged into the basin until the water level in the pond reaches an elevation at which the head differential between the pond and the trunk storm sewer system results in a discharge from the Pond. From the Weber Park Pond, the system drains north to St. Louis Park and then east to connect with the Minneapolis system, where it eventually drains to Lake Calhoun. Minnehaha Creek North The Minnehaha Creek North watershed lies primarily east of Minnehaha Creek, west of France Avenue, north of West 54th Avenue and south of West 44th Avenue. There are only two wetlands within this watershed and no ponds, all other areas discharge directly to Minnehaha Creek. The land use is single family residential for the majority of the watershed, with some commercial land use Barr Engineering Company 12-2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx adjacent to France Avenue. There is very little open space in this watershed except for areas directly adjacent to Minnehaha Creek. Edina Country Club The Edina Country Club watershed is a small, 117-acre watershed that encompasses the Edina Country Club golf course and areas east of the Country Club to Minnehaha Creek. The watershed area outside of the golf course is low density residential, contains no ponds or wetlands, and all areas discharge directly to Minnehaha Creek. There are no known pipes connecting the ponds of the Edina Country Club to the adjacent storm sewer network along Wooddale Avenue. 12.2 Stormwater System Analysis and Results 12.2.1 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Results The 5-year, 10-year, and 100-year event frequency flood analyses were performed for the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. For the Minnehaha Creek North and the Edina Country Club drainage areas, the storm sewers were evaluated using a 10-year and a 100-year storm event. The 10-year analysis was based on a ½-hour storm of 1.65 inches of rain and the 100-year analysis was based on a 24-hour storm event of 6 inches of rain. The storm sewers in the Morningside drainage basin were evaluated using the ½-hour, 5-year storm of 1.5 inches and the 100-year, 24-hour storm of 6 inches. Table 12.2 presents the watershed information and the results for the 5-year, 10-year, and 100-year hydrologic analyses for the Northeast Minnehaha Creek basin. The results of the 5-year, 10-year, and the 100-year hydraulic analysis for the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin are summarized in Table 12.3 and Table 12.4. The column headings in Table 12.3 are defined as follows: Node/Subwatershed ID —XP-SWMM node identification label. Each XP-SWMM node represents a manhole, catchbasin, pond, or other junction within the stormwater system. Downstream Conduit—References the pipe downstream of the node in the storm sewer system. Flood Elevation—The maximum water elevation reached in the given pond/manhole for each referenced storm event (mean sea level). In some cases, an additional flood elevation has been given in parenthesis. This flood elevation reflects the 100-year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, as shown in the National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina, May 1979. Peak Outflow Rate—The peak discharge rate (cfs) from a given ponding basin for each referenced storm event. The peak outflow rates reflect the combined discharge from the pond through the outlet structure and any overflow. Barr Engineering Company 12-3 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx NWL—The normal water level in the ponding basin (mean sea level). The normal water levels for the ponding basins were assumed to be at the outlet pipe invert or at the downstream control elevation. Flood Bounce—The fluctuation of the water level within a given pond for each referenced storm event. Volume Stored—The maximum volume (acre-ft) of water that was stored in the ponding basin during the storm event. The volume represents the live storage volume only. Table 12.4 summarizes the conveyance system data used in the model and the model results for the storm sewer system within the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The peak flow through each conveyance system for the 5-year (Morningside only), 10-year, and the 100-year storm event is listed in the table. The values presented represent the peak flow rate through each pipe system only and does not reflect the combined total flow from an upstream node to the downstream node when overflow from a manhole/pond occurs. Figure 12.3 graphically represents the results of the 5-year, 10-year, and the 100-year frequency hydraulic analyses. The figure depicts the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin boundary, subwatershed boundaries, the modeled storm sewer network, surcharge conditions for the XP- SWMM nodes (typically manholes), and the flood prone areas identified in the modeling analyses. One of the objectives of the hydraulic analyses was to evaluate the level of service provided by the current storm sewer system. The level of service of the system was examined by determining the surcharge conditions of the manholes and catch basins within the storm sewer system during the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm events. An XP-SWMM node was considered surcharged if the hydraulic grade line at that node breached the ground surface (rim elevation). Surcharging is typically the result of limited downstream capacity and tailwater impacts. The XP-SWMM nodes depicted on Figure 12.3 were color coded based on the resulting surcharge conditions. The green nodes signify no surcharging occurred during the 100-year, 10-year, or 5-year frequency storm event, the yellow nodes indicate surcharging during the 100-year event, the red nodes identify that surcharging is likely to occur during both a 100-year and 10-year frequency storm event, and the blue nodes indicate surcharging during the 100-year and the 5-year frequency storm event (Morningside only). Figure 12.3 illustrates that several XP-SWMM nodes within the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin are predicted to experience surcharged conditions during the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. This indicates a probability greater than 5-10 percent in any year that the system will be overburdened and unable to meet the desired level of service at these locations. These manholes and catch basins are more likely to experience inundation during the smaller, more frequent storm events of various durations. Another objective of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the level of protection offered by the current stormwater system. Level of protection is defined as the capacity provided by a municipal drainage system (in terms of pipe capacity and overland overflow capacity) to prevent property Barr Engineering Company 12-4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx damage and assure a reasonable degree of public safety following a rainstorm. A 100-year frequency event is recommended as a standard for design of stormwater management basins. To evaluate the level of protection of the stormwater system within the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage area, the 100-year frequency flood elevations for the ponding basins and depressed areas were compared to the low elevations of structures surrounding each basin. The low elevations were initially determined using 2-foot topographic information and aerial imagery in ArcView. Where 100-year frequency flood levels of the ponding areas appeared to potentially threaten structures, detailed low house elevations were obtained through field surveys. The areas that were predicted to flood and threaten structures during the 100-year storm event are highlighted in Figure 12.3. Discussion and recommended implementation considerations for these areas are included in Section 12.3. 12.2.2 Water Quality Modeling Results The effectiveness of the stormwater system in removing stormwater pollutants such as phosphorus was analyzed using the P8 water quality model. The P8 model simulates the hydrology and phosphorus loads introduced from the watershed of each pond and the transport of phosphorus throughout the stormwater system. Since site-specific data on pollutant wash-off rates and sediment characteristics were not available, it was necessary to make assumptions based on national average values. Due to such assumptions and lack of in-lake water quality data for model calibration, the modeling results were analyzed based on the percent of phosphorus removal that occurred and not based on actual phosphorus concentrations. Figure 12.4 depicts the results of the water quality modeling for the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The figure shows the fraction of total phosphorus removal for each water body as well as the cumulative total phosphorus removal in the watershed. The individual water bodies are colored various shades of blue, indicating the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed (through settling). It is important to note that the percent of phosphorus removal is based on total phosphorus, including phosphorus in the soluble form. Therefore, the removal rates in downstream ponds will likely decrease due to the large soluble fraction of incoming phosphorus that was unsettleable in upstream ponds. The watersheds are depicted in various shades of gray, indicating the cumulative total phosphorus removal achieved. The cumulative percent removal represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Ponds that had an average annual total phosphorus removal rate of 60 percent or greater, under average climatic conditions, were considered to be performing well. For those ponds with total phosphorus removal below 60 percent, the permanent pool storage volume was analyzed to determine if additional capacity is necessary. Based on recommendations from the MPCA publication Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, March 2000, the permanent pool for detention ponds should be equal to or greater than the runoff from a 2.0-inch rainfall, in addition to the sediment storage for at least 25 years of sediment accumulation. For ponds with less than 60 percent total phosphorus removal, the recommended storage volume was calculated for each pond within the drainage basin and compared to the existing permanent pool storage volume. Barr Engineering Company 12-5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 12.3 Implementation Considerations The XP-SWMM hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analyses and P8 water quality analysis helped to identify locations throughout the watershed where improvements to the City’s stormwater management system may be warranted. The following sections discuss potential mitigation alternatives that were identified as part of the 2003 modeling analyses. As opportunities to address the identified flooding issues and water quality improvements arise, such as street reconstruction projects or public facilities improvements, the City will use a comprehensive approach to stormwater management. The comprehensive approach will include consideration of infiltration or volume retention practices to address flooding and/or water quality improvements, reduction of impervious surfaces, increased storm sewer capacity where necessary to alleviate flooding, construction and/or expansion of water quality basins, and implementation of other stormwater BMPs to reduce pollutant loading to downstream waterbodies. 12.3.1 Flood Protection Projects The 2003 hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis identified several locations within the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin where the 100-year level of protection is not provided by the current stormwater system. The problem areas identified in 2003 are discussed below. As part of the 2003 modeling analysis, potential corrective measures were identified for the problem areas for purposes of developing planning-level cost estimates. These preliminary corrective measures are also discussed below. As the City evaluates the flooding issues and potential system modifications in these areas, consideration will be given to other potential system modifications, including implementation of stormwater infiltration or volume retention practices, where soils are conducive. 4000 West 42 nd Street and 4100, 4104, and 4108 France Avenue (MS_40) A large portion of the Morningside watershed discharges to a pond located on the east side of Weber Park (Weber Park Pond). This pond was designed to provide protection for a 50-year storm. The City’s 2004 Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan identified the potential for flooding of properties adjacent to the pond, which was confirmed during a significant rainfall event that occurred in 2005. In 2006, the City completed a Feasibility Analysis to assess the flooding problem and evaluate options to minimize the flooding potential. Results of the 2006 analysis indicate that the predicted high water elevations in the Weber Park Pond for a 50-year and 100-year frequency flood event, based on existing conditions, are 868.6 ft MSL and 869.0 ft MSL, respectively. A field survey completed at the time indicates that the low entry elevations of four homes adjacent to the pond are at or below the predicted 100-year high water elevation, including 4000 West 42nd Street, 4100 France Avenue, 4104 France Avenue, and 4108 France Avenue. Based on the feasibility study completed, it was determined that the options to alleviate the flooding potential for the homes adjacent to the Weber Park pond are limited due to constraints in the downstream storm sewer system. Adding additional storage volume to the Weber Park pond would Barr Engineering Company 12-6 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx reduce the 100-year flood elevation of the pond to approximately 868.5 ft MSL. However, this flood elevation is still at or above the low entry elevation of three of the homes adjacent to the pond. An additional downstream capacity of 80 cfs would be required to alleviate the flooding at all adjacent properties under existing pond conditions, which is an expensive option. Should the City of Minneapolis update their storm sewer system in this area in the future, Edina will consider working with the City of Minneapolis to incorporate upgrades sufficient to provide additional capacity for the Morningside area drainage. The most cost effective option to upgrade to a 100-year level of protection for the homes currently below the 100-year flood level (4100, 4104, and 4108 France Avenue) would be to floodproof the affected homes and installation of a pumping station to drain stormwater runoff from the backyard area of the affected properties during significant storm events. 4308 France Avenue (MS_17) The low area in the backyard of 4308 France Avenue is inundated to an elevation of 902.5 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm. The results of a field survey indicate that this water level will potentially impact the house located at 4308 France Avenue. To protect the structure at 4308 France Avenue, it is recommended that in this depression area a catch basin be located and connected to the storm sewer system at the intersection of Scott Terrace and West 42nd Street. 4300, 4214, and 4212 Branson Street (MS_3) A depression in the backyard of 4300, 4214, and 4212 Branson Street is inundated to an elevation of 900.6 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm event. At this elevation structures will be affected at 4300, 4214 and 4212 Branson Street. A 15-inch storm sewer originating at Branson Street flows north and connects to the pipe system on Morningside Street. It is recommended that a catch basin be placed in the backyard depression area and pipe 955 upgraded to 24-inch diameter. This will reduce the 100-year frequency storm elevation to 899.5 MSL and protect the structures at 4300, 4214, and 4212 Branson Street. 4140 and 4150 West 44 th Street (MS_7) A depression in the backyard of 4140 and 4150 West 44th Street is inundated to 900.6 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm as a result of runoff from its tributary watershed area. In addition, the storm sewer system on West 44th Street surcharges during the 100-year frequency storm and as a result, water flows from West 44th Street and into the backyard depression area. The addition of a catch basin to the backyard of 4140 and 4150 West 44th Street with a connection to the pipe system on West 44th Street was evaluated, but this alternative would require that the entire pipe system along West 44th Street and Morningside Avenue be upgraded. It is recommended that the storage capacity of this backyard area be increased by 1.4 acre-feet to an elevation of 899.3 MSL to protect the structure at 4140 and 4150 West 44th Street. This additional storage capacity can be achieved by lowering the depth of the backyard depression area by approximately 2 feet. Barr Engineering Company 12-7 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Arden Avenue (MHN_14) Storm sewer improvements made in 2000 on Bridge Street, Sunny Side Road, and Arden Avenue were designed to reduce the potential for flooding at the low area on Arden Avenue just south of Bridge Street. The high water elevation of the 100-year frequency storm was 884.6 MSL, indicating that during a 100-year storm event the storm sewer improvements would protect the houses on Arden Avenue with the exception of the low house at 4611 Arden Avenue. 12.3.2 Construction/Upgrade of Water Quality Basins The 2003 P8 modeling analysis indicated that the predicted annual removals of total phosphorus from the ponds and wetlands in the Northeast Minnehaha Creek drainage area are greater than the 60 percent removal rate, under average year conditions. As a result, no specific recommendations are given for the construction or upgrade of water quality basins in this watershed. Many techniques are available to reduce pollutant loading from stormwater runoff, including impervious surface reduction or disconnection, implementation of infiltration or volume retention BMPs, installation of underground stormwater treatment structures and sump manholes and other good housekeeping practices such as street sweeping. As opportunities arise, the City will consider all of these options to reduce the volume and further improve the quality of stormwater runoff from this drainage area. Table 12.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) MS_1 0.5 17 2.3 0.22 1.2 0.04 - - MS_10 3.2 44 15.0 1.08 12.3 0.24 - - MS_11 0.2 80 1.0 0.10 3.1 0.02 - - MS_13 4.2 20 9.1 1.08 3.3 0.14 - - MS_14 1.4 10 6.0 0.34 3.1 0.07 - - MS_15 1.2 20 5.5 0.34 2.8 0.07 - - MS_16 3.6 20 11.1 0.97 4.3 0.14 - - MS_17 2.2 20 9.7 0.61 4.1 0.12 - - MS_18 3.0 17 11.0 0.80 4.2 0.13 - - MS_19 3.2 20 12.0 0.88 4.8 0.14 - - MS_2 10.0 20 32.8 2.70 12.7 0.41 - - MS_20 5.4 17 23.2 1.48 9.5 0.26 - - MS_21 5.0 20 16.1 1.38 6.3 0.21 - - MS_22 4.8 20 19.9 1.33 8.4 0.23 - - MS_23 1.4 10 4.8 0.56 1.7 0.10 - - MS_24 2.0 20 9.6 0.84 6.5 0.18 - - MS_25 1.0 17 4.1 0.40 1.9 0.08 - - MS_26 4.3 24 19.8 1.82 12.0 0.39 - - MS_27 4.0 20 15.6 1.11 6.4 0.19 - - MS_28 1.7 20 7.9 0.51 5.5 0.12 - - MS 29 4.0 20 14.2 1.23 5.8 0.22 - - Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event Watershed Information 5-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results _ MS_3 3.3 20 12.9 1.02 5.5 0.19 - - MS_30 5.9 17 16.9 1.51 7.5 0.19 - - MS_31 6.0 5 19.2 2.30 5.5 0.37 - - MS_32 3.6 20 12.9 1.28 5.3 0.23 - - MS_33 5.4 20 20.3 1.58 8.3 0.28 - - MS_34 3.4 20 11.4 0.93 4.4 0.14 - - MS_35 3.8 20 6.9 0.95 2.4 0.11 - - MS_36 1.8 20 3.3 0.45 1.2 0.05 - - MS_37 2.2 20 9.2 0.60 4.0 0.11 - - MS_38 1.5 14 6.4 0.47 2.9 0.10 - - MS_39 14.2 0 46.4 4.84 9.9 0.78 - - MS_4 3.7 20 17.3 1.32 10.3 0.29 - - MS_40 12.0 32 42.7 3.62 18.5 0.62 - - MS_41 0.9 16 3.5 0.36 1.5 0.07 - - MS_42 4.4 20 15.0 1.20 5.9 0.19 - - MS_43 5.2 20 21.6 1.44 9.2 0.25 - - MS_44 1.1 18 5.2 0.45 3.2 0.10 - - MS_45 2.1 20 9.8 0.62 5.9 0.14 - - MS_46 35.7 23 97.8 9.89 8.4 1.63 - - MS_47 4.3 20 10.1 1.12 3.7 0.15 - - MS_48 10.2 20 23.2 2.64 8.4 0.34 - - MS_49 5.2 17 22.6 1.45 9.5 0.26 - - MS_5 3.3 20 13.5 0.90 6.8 0.15 - - MS_50 3.3 20 13.7 0.93 5.7 0.16 - - MS_51 7.6 20 22.8 2.04 8.7 0.30 - - MS_52 4.5 20 19.1 1.25 8.3 0.22 - - MS_53 1.0 20 4.7 0.29 2.3 0.06 - - MS_54 10.1 0 21.5 2.57 13.3 0.54 - - 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 12-8 Table 12.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event Watershed Information 5-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results MS_55 6.7 10 8.9 1.99 3.9 0.26 - - MS-56 0.8 20 3.4 0.24 1.0 0.03 - - MS_57 1.8 20 8.2 0.50 2.8 0.07 - - MS_58 2.8 20 12.8 0.81 3.5 0.10 - - MS_59 1.8 20 7.6 0.51 3.2 0.09 - - MS_6 4.2 18 12.0 1.09 4.5 0.15 - - MS_7 4.8 20 18.0 1.33 8.8 0.21 - - MS_8 3.8 20 15.8 1.06 6.7 0.18 - - MS_9 2.5 20 11.6 0.71 5.8 0.14 - - MHN_1 10.6 27 43.6 3.25 - - 27.5 0.75 MHN_10 1.3 20 5.0 0.35 - - 2.6 0.07 MHN_11 6.7 18 26.6 2.09 - - 14.4 0.47 MHN_12 2.2 20 9.5 0.75 - - 6.5 0.18 MHN_13 7.3 20 20.7 1.92 - - 9.9 0.32 MHN_14 5.5 20 18.4 1.47 - - 9.4 0.27 MHN_15 6.1 20 21.1 1.65 - - 9.9 0.32 MHN_16 8.3 20 21.3 2.15 - - 19.4 0.51 MHN_17 9.9 20 27.5 2.84 - - 13.1 0.47 MHN_18 2.6 0 6.3 1.00 - - 3.8 0.15 MHN_19 7.1 20 29.5 2.14 - - 17.5 0.51 MHN 2 1.4 20 5.9 0.41 --3.3 0.09MHN_2 1.4 20 5.9 0.41 3.3 0.09 MHN_20 8.8 20 23.9 2.88 - - 11.0 0.43 MHN_21 5.4 20 22.5 1.80 - - 8.7 0.32 MHN_22 5.7 20 20.7 2.35 - - 11.0 0.41 MHN_23 9.9 20 40.9 3.65 - - 15.2 0.59 MHN_24 5.6 20 20.4 1.85 - - 10.7 0.37 MHN_25 1.8 20 7.6 0.49 - - 4.5 0.11 MHN_26 2.3 20 10.3 0.65 - - 7.9 0.16 MHN_27 0.6 20 2.4 0.23 - - 1.7 0.05 MHN_28 0.5 2 1.9 0.20 - - 0.9 0.04 MHN_29 7.4 20 31.7 2.03 - - 19.7 0.48 MHN_3 3.6 23 14.8 0.99 - - 8.9 0.22 MHN_30 4.7 20 14.2 1.24 - - 6.9 0.22 MHN_31 7.8 20 30.7 2.13 - - 16.4 0.45 MHN_32 9.6 20 37.6 2.88 - - 20.4 0.63 MHN_33 5.2 20 21.8 1.42 - - 12.8 0.33 MHN_34 4.4 20 18.3 1.21 - - 10.5 0.27 MHN_35 1.3 20 5.7 0.36 - - 3.8 0.09 MHN_36 3.5 23 13.2 0.96 - - 7.3 0.20 MHN_37 0.6 34 2.7 0.19 - - 3.3 0.05 MHN_38 2.0 48 8.5 0.68 - - 6.5 0.17 MHN_39 5.3 51 21.2 1.84 - - 13.0 0.41 MHN_4 3.4 20 7.8 0.86 - - 3.6 0.13 MHN_40 14.8 18 40.8 3.79 - - 18.9 0.61 MHN_41 2.4 20 10.3 0.65 - - 7.1 0.16 MHN_42 6.1 20 17.0 1.59 - - 8.1 0.26 MHN_43 6.0 20 17.7 1.59 - - 8.5 0.27 MHN_44 10.7 20 21.8 2.68 - - 9.8 0.36 MHN_46 3.0 20 13.5 0.91 - - 11.4 0.25 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 12-9 Table 12.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event Watershed Information 5-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results MHN_47 1.1 20 4.6 0.30 - - 2.7 0.07 MHN_48 1.4 21 6.1 0.40 - - 3.8 0.09 MHN_49 1.4 20 5.9 0.37 - - 4.9 0.10 MHN_5 7.7 20 30.2 2.08 - - 16.2 0.45 MHN_50 8.4 20 22.2 2.18 - - 10.5 0.35 MHN_51 2.4 20 10.4 0.66 - - 5.8 0.15 MHN_52 1.8 20 8.0 0.59 - - 6.6 0.16 MHN_53 3.7 20 11.7 0.98 - - 5.7 0.18 MHN_54 1.3 20 4.5 0.33 - - 2.2 0.06 MHN_55 2.7 20 9.1 0.73 - - 4.5 0.14 MHN_56 2.1 37 9.3 0.66 - - 9.3 0.17 MHN_57 1.5 79 6.7 0.64 - - 4.9 0.15 MHN_58 5.3 74 23.5 2.13 - - 20.0 0.51 MHN_59 1.3 80 5.9 0.56 - - 5.7 0.14 MHN_6 3.9 20 12.9 1.05 - - 6.3 0.19 MHN_60 2.2 20 5.4 0.67 - - 2.5 0.10 MHN_61 3.9 45 16.8 1.33 - - 12.3 0.32 MHN_62 6.7 55 30.2 2.51 - - 18.3 0.58 MHN_63 2.8 80 12.4 1.21 - - 9.8 0.29 MHN_64 4.6 20 13.1 1.20 - - 6.2 0.20 MHN 65 14.0 4 50.4 3.56 --17.8 0.68MHN_65 14.0 4 50.4 3.56 17.8 0.68 MHN_66 12.7 26 50.9 4.06 - - 31.0 0.92 MHN_67 2.1 2 4.8 0.45 - - 1.1 0.05 MHN_68 0.8 20 3.7 0.23 - - 2.7 0.06 MHN_69 21.9 20 86.2 6.11 - - 46.4 1.33 MHN_70 3.7 20 11.5 0.99 - - 5.5 0.17 MHN_71 6.5 21 11.2 1.71 - - 14.2 0.41 MHN_72 8.8 29 30.2 2.38 - - 16.0 0.43 MHN_73 2.1 75 8.8 0.85 - - 5.7 0.19 MHN_74 15.8 20 47.0 4.43 - - 20.5 0.72 MHN_75 2.1 29 8.9 0.61 - - 6.6 0.15 MHN_76 2.1 80 9.2 0.87 - - 8.0 0.21 MHN_77 2.3 80 8.9 0.97 - - 4.5 0.18 MHN_78 10.1 26 39.7 2.90 - - 23.3 0.63 MHN_79 3.3 23 14.7 0.95 - - 11.3 0.24 MHN_8 2.3 19 10.3 0.64 - - 9.5 0.17 MHN_80 8.9 24 33.4 2.50 - - 14.4 0.45 MHN_81 2.0 48 8.4 0.68 - - 6.4 0.16 MHN_82 3.3 58 14.0 1.15 - - 9.9 0.26 MHN_83 5.2 2 13.0 1.12 - - 3.2 0.14 MHN_84 4.6 58 19.7 1.66 - - 13.4 0.37 MHN_85 2.0 21 8.5 0.54 - - 6.2 0.14 MHN_86 1.7 20 6.7 0.46 - - 3.5 0.10 MHN_87 4.2 20 18.2 1.17 - - 11.6 0.28 MHN_88 3.5 20 14.9 0.96 - - 8.9 0.22 MHN_89 7.7 21 26.8 2.08 - - 13.5 0.40 MHN_9 15.0 12 54.8 4.66 - - 24.2 0.92 MHN_90 2.5 25 9.7 0.72 - - 5.6 0.15 MHN_91 0.8 20 3.3 0.22 - - 2.0 0.05 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 12-10 Table 12.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac- ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event Watershed Information 5-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results ECC_1 5.3 7 20.9 1.28 - - 7.7 0.25 ECC_10 2.8 9 12.2 0.76 - - 3.0 0.12 ECC_11 3.8 13 15.5 0.96 - - 3.5 0.12 ECC_12 1.7 20 7.6 0.50 - - 5.5 0.13 ECC_13 1.8 20 8.2 0.74 - - 7.0 0.18 ECC_14 3.4 10 14.8 0.85 - - 2.9 0.10 ECC_15 4.7 2 15.0 1.05 - - 4.2 0.16 ECC_2 4.0 19 13.6 1.06 - - 6.6 0.20 ECC_3 8.4 11 30.2 2.08 - - 11.5 0.39 ECC_4 8.7 9 29.7 2.33 - - 10.8 0.43 ECC_5 17.8 3 29.4 3.71 - - 7.4 0.34 EC6_6 8.1 7 29.3 1.91 - - 9.8 0.35 ECC_7 31.5 2 73.2 7.92 - - 19.5 0.95 ECC_8 4.6 2 17.1 1.03 - - 5.5 0.19 ECC_9 10.1 5 35.5 2.53 - - 11.7 0.46 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 12-11 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1608 935 871.2 866.8 - 1610 916 906.7 901.8 - 1611 920 902.3 900.3 - 1612 928 899.4 898.9 - 1617 929 896.2 895.6 - 1618 930 872.4 867.2 - 1619 931 870.9 867.1 - 1620 932 870.8 867.0 - 1621 933 870.4 866.6 - 1624 936 870.7 866.6 - 1626 939 869.0 864.9 - 1628 941 869.0 864.6 - 1629 970 869.0 864.6 - 1633 944 869.1 866.0 - 1634 945 869.0 865.8 - 1636 947 879.7 879.6 - 1637 948 876.7 876.0 - 1638 949 874.8 874.8 - 1640 962 874.6 871.3 - 1642 954 901.2 899.9 - 1645 956 899 0 895 6 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results 1645 956 899.0 895.6 - 1648 1975 894.9 892.2 - 1649 959 878.4 874.6 - 1651 961 874.9 872.7 - 1653 966 870.6 866.3 - 1654 964 872.8 868.2 - 1656 1889 870.9 866.4 - 1659 969 872.1 869.7 - 1661 outfall 868.3 864.3 - 1663 973 868.7 865.7 - 1669 978 889.0 - 884.3 1671 980 886.6 - 881.0 1681 987 884.9 - 880.4 1682 988 884.1 - 879.6 1684 990 882.6 - 878.2 1685 991 881.5 - 877.3 1687 1001 877.7 - 874.9 1689 1002 877.7 - 875.7 1691 995 878.4 - 877.8 1692 996 877.0 - 876.8 1693 997 876.8 - 876.7 1694 998 877.3 - 876.4 1695 999 877.8 - 876.3 1697 1003 877.7 - 875.3 1702 1098 876.9 - 875.7 1704 1100 876.0 - 873.9 1705 1899 875.5 - 872.7 1714 1109 868.6 (867) - 867.5 1715 outfall 864.6 - 864.3 12-12 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results 1718 1112 878.9 - 880.7 1721 1114 883.9 - 882.7 1722 1116 886.1 - 884.7 1728 1123 893.1 ST - 888.0 1729 1125 893.0 - 887.5 1731 1126 892.4 ST - 887.1 1732 1128 891.9 - 886.8 1736 1131 887.3 (889)- 884.3 1737 outfall 855.1 - 887.6 1739 outfall 887.7 - 887.9 1741 1135 894.4 ST - 892.6 1745 outfall 884.5 - 884.3 1747 outfall 883.3 - 882.7 1749 outfall 883.7 - 883.7 1870 1246 893.3 - 887.3 1872 1248 884.8 - 884.6 1900 outfall 883.8 - 883.7 2144 outfall 886.5 - 886.4 2146 outfall 885.8 - 885.8 2148 outfall 885.9 - 885.8 2151 1707 900 (890) - 895.8 2152 1710 891.5 - 891.3 2154 1709 898.0 - 895.1 2235 1774 875.8 - 871.8 2237 1777 866.9 - 866.9 2239 outfall 864.4 - 864.4 2246 outfall 883.5 - 883.4 2251 outfall 869.4 - 869.4 2253 outfall 867.0 - 866.8 2255 outfall 863.6 - 863.5 2285 outfall 869.4 (878) - 869.4 2287 outfall 870.2 - 870.0 2289 outfall 871.3 - 871.3 2293 1813 885.4 - 884.9 2295 outfall 884.1 - 883.9 2298 outfall 870.8 (878) - 870.5 2300 outfall 870.4 - 870.3 2312 outfall 886.2 - 886.1 2330 outfall 870.4 - 870.4 2378 1886 906.0 905.0 - 2380 1888 898.2 898.0 - 2384 1892 869.0 864.6 - 2385 1895 873.7 - 874.2 2386 outfall 868.7 - 868.8 12-13 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results 2387 1897 870.7 (872) - 870.8 2389 1905 875.5 ST - 872.2 2390 1900a 875.1 - 871.9 2394 1902 874.9 - 871.7 2397 1908 879.0 - 876.3 2398 1909 877.7 - 875.6 2400 1911 884.4 - 883.5 2401 1912 883.2 - 882.1 2402 1913 881.4 - 880.0 2403 1914 880.8 - 879.6 2404 1915 880.1 - 879.1 2406 1917 886.8 - 886.6 2408 outfall 883.5 - 883.5 2412 1922 877.0 - 875.9 2413 outfall 883.7 - 883.6 2430 1936 898.2 - 898.1 2431 1937 894.9 - 894.8 2432 1938 893.9 - 893.8 2459 1976 894.0 886.1 - ECC_1 landlocked 899.0 BYD 896.2 2.8 - 897.8 896.2 1.6 ECC_10 1249 879.4 - 879.1 ECC_11 1247 886.8 - 885.5 ECC_12 1789 870.9 (868) - 870.8 ECC_13 1787 870.8 (872) - 870.5 ECC_14 1245 935.1 - 890.6 ECC_15 1816 876.8 - 876.7 ECC_2 landlocked 901.4 P 899.5 1.9 - 900.2 899.5 0.7 ECC_3 landlocked 900.9 P 898.8 2.1 - 899.3 898.8 0.5 ECC_4 landlocked 904.4 P 899.9 4.5 - 900.8 899.9 0.9 ECC_5 landlocked 890.8 P 887.0 3.8 - 889.5 887.0 2.5 ECC_6 landlocked 912.8 P 910.4 2.4 - 911.1 910.4 0.7 ECC_7 landlocked 884.8 BYD 881.7 3.1 - 883.0 881.7 1.3 ECC_8 landlocked 887.6 BYD 884.6 3.0 - 885.9 884.6 1.3 ECC_9 landlocked 906.6 P 904.1 2.5 - 906.3 904.1 2.2 MS_1 1829 871.8 867.1 - MS_10 outfall 897.8 DDP 885.7 12.1 892.0 - 885.7 6.3 MS_11 976 897.5 892.0 - MS_13 965 871.3 866.9 - MS_14 landlocked 903.3 BYD 900.9 2.4 902.0 - 900.9 1.1 MS_15 landlocked 871.9 BYD 867.5 4.4 869.2 - 867.5 1.7 MS_16 937 869.0 865.5 - MS_17 landlocked 902.5 BYD 899.8 2.7 900.9 - 899.8 1.1 MS_18 967 869.3 865.1 - MS_19 946 880.6 880.5 - MS_2 960 876.0 ST 873.5 - MS_20 landlocked 875.8 BYD 871.5 4.3 873.4 - 871.5 1.9 MS_21 950 875.1 874.9 - 12-14 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results MS_22 landlocked 872.3 BYD 869.8 2.5 870.9 - 869.8 1.1 MS_23 landlocked 870.6 ST 870.2 - MS_24 landlocked 871.8 BYD 867.5 4.3 869.4 - 867.5 1.9 MS_25 1830 871.8 866.3 5.5 867.3 - 866.3 1.0 MS_26 outfall 871.8 P 865.0 6.8 867.1 - 865.0 2.1 MS_27 1827 872.8 867.3 - MS_28 1925 870.7 BYD 863.5 7.2 867.1 - 863.5 3.6 MS_29 934 869.8 866.3 - MS_3 landlocked 900.6 BYD 897.7 2.9 899.0 - 897.7 1.3 MS_30 1785 872.3 ST 869.6 - MS_31 -869.0 ST 867.2 - MS_32 1786 871.9 BYD 862.4 9.5 868.8 - 862.4 6.4 MS_33 972 869.0 866.5 - MS_34 927 901.8 899.7 - MS_35 924 903.2 901.4 - MS_36 926 906.9 902.1 - MS_37 912 906.8 903.3 - MS_38 1839 869.0 860.0 9.0 864.6 - 860.0 4.6 MS_39 -869.0 BYD 864.5 4.5 864.7 - 864.5 0.2 MS_4 1887 906.4 904.6 - MS_40 outfall 869.0 P 861.5 7.5 864.6 - 861.5 3.1 MS_41 1828 871.8 864.9 6.9 867.1 - 864.9 2.2 MS_42 L163 871.8 868.2 - MS_43 951 904.4 903.5 - MS_44 1831 871.8 865.6 6.2 867.4 - 865.6 1.8 MS_45 963 872.6 869.0 - MS_46 909 873.6 BYD 863.5 10.1 870.9 - 863.5 7.4 MS_47 957 898.3 895.0 - MS_48 955 900.5 ST 898.3 - MS_49 1940 869.0 864.6 - MS_5 953 905.0 903.5 - MS_50 938 869.4 BYD 860.9 8.5 866.3 - 860.9 5.3 MS_51 968 875.7 872.1 - MS_52 943 869.2 BYD 863.0 6.2 866.5 - 863.0 3.5 MS_53 1942 871.5 BYD 866.6 4.8 867.3 - 866.6 0.7 MS_54 landlocked 869.0 BYD 864.1 4.9 864.9 - 864.1 0.8 MS_55 1890 869.0 864.6 - MS_56 landlocked 903.6 BYD 900.5 3.1 901.9 - 900.5 1.4 MS_57 landlocked 903.6 BYD 900.9 2.7 902.1 - 900.9 1.2 MS_58 landlocked 872.0 BYD 869.5 2.5 871.0 - 869.5 1.5 MS_59 landlocked 910.9 BYD 909.6 1.3 910.0 - 909.6 0.4 MS_6 1885 905.1 905.0 - MS_7 landlocked 900.6 BYD 897.7 2.9 898.8 - 897.7 1.1 MS_8 952 901.9 ST 900.0 - MS_9 1943 874.5 BYD 868.9 5.6 869.7 - 868.9 0.8 MHN_1 outfall 873.4 P 867.0 6.4 - 869.1 867.0 2.1 MHN_10 1896 873.3 (872) - 873.6 MHN_11 landlocked 871.7 P 870.2 1.5 - 870.6 870.2 0.3 MHN_12 landlocked 880.5 BYD 878.6 1.9 - 880.1 878.6 1.5 12-15 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results MHN_13 1117 885.9 - 885.7 MHN_14 1115 884.6 ST - 883.2 MHN_15 1113 888.9 ST - 882.1 MHN_16 1894 887.4 ST - 880.0 MHN_17 11111 889.6 ST - 887.6 MHN_18 landlocked 898.3 BYD 897.3 1.0 - 898.3 897.3 1.0 MHN_19 1129 890.5 - 886.4 MHN_2 1099 876.9 ST - 875.7 MHN_20 1124 895.5 - 893.2 MHN_21 1127 894.9 - 893.8 MHN_22 1134 894.5 ST - 893.1 MHN_23 1133 894.4 - 893.5 MHN_24 1136 893.8 ST - 891.5 MHN_25 1782 895.3 (889) - 894.0 MHN_26 1132 899.4 (889) - 899.3 MHN_27 1809 872.3 (872) - 872.2 872.4 MHN_28 1808 (878) - 872.3 MHN_29 outfall to ditch 906.3 - 906.2 MHN_3 1903 877.0 - 873.8 MHN_30 1916 888.4 ST - 887.3 MHN_31 1918 886.4 (889) - 886.3 MHN_32 1781 898.0 - 897.9 MHN_33 1138 893.6 (889) - 888.5 MHN_34 1139 891.4 (889)ST - 891.3 MHN_35 1702p 891.1 ST - 889.9 MHN_36 1824 889.3 - 889.2 MHN_38 1939 888.7 (891) - 888.6 MHN_39 1935 901.7 - 901.6 MHN_4 1962 880.2 ST - 874.5 MHN_40 977 891.1 - 886.1 MHN_41 landlocked 892.1 BYD 889.4 2.7 - 890.8 889.4 1.4 MHN_42 1776 866.8 (867) - 866.7 MHN_43 1121 893.0 - 889.6 MHN_44 1122 893.2 - 889.0 MHN_46 1825 (2)894.9 - 894.8 MHN_47 1705p 904.6 - 900.2 MHN_48 1706 899.9 - 898.6 MHN_49 landlocked 885.2 BYD 882.5 2.7 - 883.7 882.5 1.2 MHN_5 1775 872.7 - 871.2 MHN_50 1118 889.5 - 886.3 12-16 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results MHN_51 1137 891.3 (889) - 888.6 MHN_52 1130 888.4 - 885.8 MHN_53 1919 884.3 - 883.5 MHN_54 1920 884.3 - 882.9 MHN_55 1901 878.7 - 878.6 MHN_56 1907 879.6 - 876.7 MHN_57 989 883.4 - 879.0 MHN_58 985 886.4 - 882.0 MHN_59 1910 885.9 - 885.4 MHN_6 1106 883.5 - 882.1 MHN_60 1814 885.4 (889) - 884.9 MHN_61 landlocked 887.9 BYD 876.1 11.8 - 877.5 876.1 1.4 MHN_62 1097 876.9 ST - 876.0 MHN_63 1898 876.2 - 872.7 MHN_64 979 889.1 - 883.0 MHN_65 landlocked 875.4 BYD 868.8 6.6 - 871.8 868.8 3.0 MHN_66 outfall 873.3 P 869.4 3.9 - 870.3 869.4 0.9 MHN_67 outfall to ditch 889.2 - 889.1 MHN_68 981 874.1 - 872.7 MHN_69 1923 889.3 (889)ST - 887.6 MHN_7 1105 884.3 ST - 882.9 MHN_71 1924 875.0 - 876.8 MHN_72 1104 885.7 - 883.2 MHN_73 986 885.8 - 881.3 MHN_74 983 879.1 - 879.0 MHN_75 1704p 890.4 - 890.1 MHN_76 993 877.8 - 876.2 MHN_77 994 879.9 - 878.9 MHN_78 1780 895.2 ST - 892.8 MHN_79 1934 890.5 BYD 887.7 2.8 - 889.6 887.7 1.9 MHN_8 outfall to ditch 889.3 - 889.2 MHN_80 1823 891.5 (890) - 889.6 MHN_81 1708 899.7 - 896.4 MHN_82 992 880.5 - 876.6 MHN_83 outfall to ditch 896.2 - 896.1 MHN_84 1772 877.8 ST - 875.2 MHN_85 1271 886.6 (889) - 885.9 MHN_86 1788 880.7 (889) - 871.1 MHN_87 landlocked 878.0 BYD 874.2 3.8 - 876.0 874.2 1.8 MHN_88 landlocked 874.2 BYD 871.7 2.5 - 874.1 871.7 2.4 MHN_89 1904 877.1 - 871.9 MHN_9 1810 880.8 - 880.4 MHN_90 1921 877.2 ST - 876.3 MHN_91 landlocked 884.6 BYD 882.4 2.2 - 882.7 882.4 0.3 12-17 Table 12.3 Flood Elevation (ft)3,4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 5-Year Flood Elevation (ft) 10-Year Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Area (Revised 12/2006) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 5 and 10-Year Storm Results N134 911 871.8 867.6 - N135 L176 871.6 867.0 - 1 Conduit modeled as an orifice for the 100-Year Storm Event 2 Conduit modeled as an orifice fo the 100-Year and the 10-Year Storm Event 5 ST=Street, BYD=Back Yard Depression, P=Pond 3 Flood elevations in parenthesis indicate a 100-year flood elevation based on the 100-year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina 4 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 12-18 Table 12.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the North East Minnehaha Creek Drainage Areas (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 5Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 909 MS_46 MS_30 Circular 4.5 0.013 863.52 863.00 347 0.15 148.2 111.5 - 911 N134 N135 Circular 4 0.013 861.95 861.57 253 0.15 56.2 63.9 - 912 MS_37 1610 Circular 1.25 0.013 902.00 901.01 327 0.30 6.7 3.8 - 916 1610 1611 Circular 1.5 0.013 900.80 899.48 337 0.39 11.9 4.9 - 920 1611 1612 Circular 2 0.013 899.11 898.09 324 0.32 18.7 7.2 - 924 MS_35 1611 Circular 1.25 0.013 900.50 900.40 30 0.33 6.9 2.4 - 926 MS_36 1610 Circular 1.25 0.013 901.50 901.40 21 0.48 3.7 1.2 - 927 MS_34 1612 Circular 1.25 0.013 898.29 898.29 30 0.00 11.4 4.5 - 928 1612 1617 Circular 2 0.013 898.09 894.98 74 4.20 30.1 11.3 - 929 1617 1618 Circular 1.5 0.013 894.98 869.50 280 9.10 30.1 11.3 - 930 1618 1619 Circular 2.25 0.013 863.96 863.19 134 0.58 30.1 11.6 - 931 1619 1620 Circular 2.25 0.013 863.19 862.87 35 0.91 19.7 11.9 - 932 1620 1621 Circular 2.25 0.013 863.02 862.43 280 0.21 20.2 12.1 - 933 1621 MS_29 Circular 2.25 0.013 862.43 861.63 108 0.74 22.9 12.1 - 934 MS_29 N147 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.00 860.74 186 0.14 58.4 52.9 - 935 1608 1624 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.50 861.31 128 0.15 54.7 47.1 - 936 1624 MS_29 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.31 861.00 199 0.16 54.8 49.2 - 937 MS_16 1626 Circular 1.75 0.013 862.72 862.62 104 0.10 8.1 11.1 - 938 MS_50 1626 Circular 1.25 0.013 860.92 860.43 175 0.28 5.6 5.4 - 939 1626 1628 Circular 2 0.013 860.43 860.28 175 0.09 13.5 16.0 - 940 N147 2384 Circular 3.5 0.013 860.74 860.03 471 0.15 58.9 56.0 - 941 1628 MS_49 Circular 4 0.013 860.28 859.66 126 0.49 80.5 66.4 - 943 MS_52 1633 Circular 1.75 0.013 863.00 862.87 134 0.10 6.0 9.2 - 944 1633 1634 Circular 1.75 0.013 862.87 862.76 108 0.10 6.0 9.2 - 945 1634 MS_16 Circular 1.75 0.013 862.76 862.72 108 0.04 5.9 9.3 - 946 MS_19 1636 Circular 1 0.013 877.10 876.10 43 2.33 4.4 4.4 - 947 1636 1637 Circular 1 0.013 876.10 874.14 307 0.64 4.4 4.2 - 948 1637 1638 Circular 1 0.013 874.14 872.52 273 0.59 3.0 2.6 - 949 1638 MS_21 Circular 1 0.013 871.30 871.00 41 0.74 2.5 3.0 - 950 MS_21 1640 Circular 1 0.013 869.94 861.40 455 1.88 4.7 5.6 - 951 MS_43 MS_5 Circular 3.5 0.013 901.53 898.75 622 0.45 10.2 9.0 - 952 MS_8 1642 Circular 2.25 0.013 898.10 898.09 368 0.00 13.2 5.9 - 953 MS_5 1642 Circular 1 0.013 898.75 898.09 48 1.38 9.9 8.6 - 954 1642 1645 Circular 2.25 0.013 898.09 897.35 342 0.22 21.2 13.1 - 955 MS_48 1645 Circular 1.25 0.015 894.90 892.66 401 0.56 6.9 5.3 - 956 1645 MS_47 Circular 2.25 0.013 892.35 892.42 59 -0.12 24.1 17.5 - 957 MS_47 1648 Circular 2.25 0.013 892.42 891.45 235 0.41 33.2 20.9 - 959 1649 MS_2 Circular 2.5 0.013 871.90 869.40 416 0.60 32.7 21.4 - 960 MS_2 1651 Circular 3 0.013 869.25 868.14 347 0.32 36.1 32.3 - 961 1651 1640 Circular 2.25 0.013 868.14 861.60 49 13.35 25.9 30.2 - 962 1640 MS_45 Circular 2.5 0.013 861.26 861.02 225 0.11 37.0 37.3 - 963 MS_45 1653 Circular 2.5 0.013 861.02 860.78 215 0.11 40.3 40.6 - 964 1654 MS_13 Circular 1.25 0.013 867.38 866.00 106.5 1.30 8.7 5.8 - 965 MS_13 1656 Circular 2.5 0.013 866.00 864.30 167 1.02 18.9 11.1 - 966 1653 MS_18 Circular 3.5 0.013 860.78 860.60 440 0.04 56.8 49.1 - 967 MS_18 1628 Circular 3.5 0.013 860.60 860.28 438 0.07 67.4 52.2 - 968 MS_51 1659 Circular 1.25 0.013 871.30 869.50 48 3.75 17.7 8.8 - 969 1659 MS_52 Circular 1.25 0.013 864.89 863.00 185 1.02 10.7 8.7 - 970 1629 MS_40 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.50 858.50 190.5 1.58 52.8 50.6 - 972 MS_33 1663 Circular 2.08 0.024 862.88 861.48 250 0.56 9.4 8.5 - 973 1663 1661 Circular 2 0.024 861.48 860.00 364 0.41 9.3 8.1 - 976 MS_11 MS_10 Circular 1.25 0.013 891.00 886.00 285 1.75 -2.2 2.3 - 977 MHN_40 1669 Circular 2 0.013 885.20 882.85 58 4.09 40.8 - 18.9 978 1669 MHN_64 Circular 2 0.013 882.65 881.56 35 3.16 32.6 - 18.9 979 MHN_64 1671 Circular 2 0.013 881.56 880.11 29 5.00 48.8 - 25.1 980 1671 MHN_68 Circular 2 0.013 880.11 868.98 180 6.20 48.8 - 25.8 981 MHN_68 MHN_1 Circular 2 0.013 868.98 868.69 48 0.60 35.2 - 27.7 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_UPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 12-19 Table 12.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the North East Minnehaha Creek Drainage Areas (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 5Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 983 MHN_74 MHN_71 Circular 1 0.013 874.64 871.78 309 0.93 5.0 - 5.0 985 MHN_58 MHN_73 Circular 2.25 0.013 878.70 875.40 158 2.10 21.2 - 19.6 986 MHN_73 1681 Circular 2.25 0.013 875.40 875.45 16 -0.32 28.2 - 25.2 987 1681 1682 Circular 2.5 0.013 875.45 874.70 159.9 0.47 28.1 - 25.1 988 1682 MHN_57 Circular 2.5 0.013 874.70 874.10 134 0.45 28.1 - 25.2 989 MHN_57 1684 Circular 2.5 0.013 874.10 873.78 97 0.33 33.8 - 30.1 990 1684 1685 Circular 2.5 0.013 873.78 873.18 148 0.40 33.7 - 30.1 991 1685 MHN_82 Circular 2.5 0.013 873.18 872.74 124 0.36 33.7 - 30.1 992 MHN_82 1687 Circular 2.5 0.013 872.74 872.08 165 0.40 46.3 - 39.8 993 MHN_76 1689 Circular 2 0.013 869.49 869.01 57 0.84 16.4 - 17.0 994 MHN_77 1691 Circular 1.5 0.013 873.85 872.27 87 1.82 10.8 - 9.6 995 1691 1692 Circular 1.5 0.013 872.27 871.21 127 0.84 10.8 - 9.4 996 1692 1693 Circular 2 0.013 871.21 870.87 40 0.85 10.8 - 9.2 997 1693 1694 Circular 2 0.013 870.87 870.39 57 0.84 13.1 - 9.7 998 1694 1695 Circular 2 0.013 870.39 869.70 107 0.64 13.1 - 10.4 999 1695 MHN_76 Circular 2 0.013 869.70 869.49 107 0.20 14.3 - 12.0 1001 1687 MHN_3 Circular 4 0.013 866.14 866.14 433 0.00 66.5 - 72.1 1002 1689 1697 Circular 2 0.013 869.01 868.93 8 1.00 16.6 - 17.1 1003 1697 MHN_84 Circular 3.5 0.013 866.85 866.79 32 0.19 21.6 - 21.6 1097 MHN_62 1702 Circular 1.5 0.013 872.02 871.90 230 0.05 6.4 - 4.2 1098 1702 MHN_2 Circular 1.5 0.013 871.90 871.85 22 0.91 6.7 - 4.5 1099 MHN_2 1704 Circular 1.5 0.013 871.85 871.01 280 0.30 9.5 - 5.3 1100 1704 1705 Circular 1.5 0.013 871.01 870.30 237 0.30 9.5 - 5.3 1104 MHN_72 MHN_7 Circular 2 0.013 875.82 875.13 69 1.01 30.2 - 15.9 1105 MHN_7 MHN_6 Circular 2 0.013 875.13 874.58 56 0.98 24.8 - 20.5 1106 MHN_6 MHN_10 Circular 2 0.013 874.58 870.39 500 0.84 29.8 - 28.0 1109 1714 1715 Circular 4.5 0.024 862.48 861.48 200 0.50 113.3 - 92.8 11111 MHN_17 1718 Circular1 1.25 0.013 880.20 872.60 460 1.65 3.2 - 9.0 1112 1718 N235 Circular 2.5 0.015 872.48 871.45 225 0.46 27.3 - 26.6 1113 MHN_15 1718 Circular 2.25 0.015 873.84 872.58 338 0.37 24.1 - 23.1 1114 1721 N245 Circular 2.25 0.015 875.88 873.80 398 0.52 20.9 - 21.1 1115 MHN_14 1721 Circular 2.25 0.013 876.08 875.88 128 0.16 21.0 - 21.1 1116 1722 MHN_14 Circular 1.75 0.013 879.15 876.08 231 1.33 7.8 - 17.1 1117 MHN_13 1722 Circular 1 0.013 881.72 880.40 60 2.20 3.1 - 9.0 1118 MHN_50 1722 Circular 1.75 0.013 882.96 881.72 311 0.40 5.0 - 10.5 1121 MHN_43 MHN_44 Circular 2 0.013 888.07 887.69 304 0.13 12.7 - 8.5 1122 MHN_44 1728 Circular 3 0.013 887.69 886.83 147 0.59 28.2 - 18.2 1123 1728 1729 Circular 3 0.013 886.83 885.45 186 0.74 28.3 - 18.2 1124 MHN_20 1729 Circular 1.25 0.013 889.70 889.49 43 0.49 15.3 - 11.0 1125 1729 1731 Circular 3.5 0.013 885.45 884.80 176 0.37 51.3 - 28.7 1126 1731 1732 Circular 3.5 0.013 884.80 884.12 165 0.41 51.5 - 28.4 1127 MHN_21 1732 Circular 1.25 0.013 891.38 891.27 35 0.31 11.4 - 8.7 1128 1732 MHN_19 Circular 3.5 0.013 884.12 882.18 342 0.57 62.6 - 36.7 1129 MHN_19 MHN_52 Circular 4 0.013 882.18 882.10 356 0.02 97.9 - 51.1 1130 MHN_52 1736 Circular 4 0.013 882.10 882.04 133 0.05 105.9 - 56.0 1131 1736 1737 Circular 4 0.013 882.04 882.00 95 0.04 105.9 - 56.0 1132 MHN_26 1739 Circular 1.25 0.015 898.50 886.92 190 6.09 10.3 - 7.9 1133 MHN_23 1741 Circular 1.5 0.013 888.82 887.31 253 0.60 13.1 - 15.1 1134 MHN_22 1741 Circular 1.25 0.015 888.60 887.31 280 0.46 6.9 - 9.6 1135 1741 MHN_24 Circular 1.75 0.015 887.31 885.62 343 0.49 12.4 - 10.9 1136 MHN_24 MHN_51 Circular 1.75 0.015 885.62 883.48 342 0.63 15.7 - 13.1 1137 MHN_51 1745 Circular 2 0.024 883.48 882.86 190 0.33 21.7 - 16.0 1138 MHN_33 1747 Circular 1.5 0.015 887.40 881.80 142 3.94 21.8 - 12.8 1139 MHN_34 1749 Circular 1.25 0.02 885.75 882.60 195 1.62 8.3 - 8.2 1245 ECC_14 1870 Circular 1 0.013 887.94 886.40 334 0.46 14.7 - 3.1 1246 1870 ECC_11 Circular 1 0.013 886.40 880.20 323 1.92 5.2 - 2.9 1247 ECC_11 1872 Circular 1 0.013 880.20 876.61 289 1.24 4.9 - 6.1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_UPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 12-20 Table 12.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the North East Minnehaha Creek Drainage Areas (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 5Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1248 1872 ECC_10 Circular 1 0.013 876.61 873.10 289 1.21 5.0 - 5.0 1249 ECC_10 ECC_15 Circular 1 0.013 873.10 871.00 122 1.72 6.9 - 6.0 1271 MHN_85 1900 Circular 1.25 0.013 884.95 882.95 86 2.33 8.5 - 6.2 1706 MHN_48 2151 Circular 1 0.013 895.80 895.10 67 1.04 7.1 - 6.4 1707 2151 2152 Circular 1 0.013 894.90 890.11 123 3.89 8.8 - 6.4 1708 MHN_81 2154 Circular 1 0.013 894.70 894.30 20 2.00 8.4 - 6.4 1709 2154 2152 Circular 1 0.013 894.20 890.11 80 5.11 8.4 - 6.4 1710 2152 MHN_75 Circular 3 0.013 890.11 889.14 215 0.45 17.2 - 12.9 1772 MHN_84 1687 Circular 3.5 0.013 866.79 866.14 320 0.20 41.5 - 33.5 1774 2235 MHN_5 Circular 2 0.013 869.10 865.21 283 1.37 23.9 - 11.4 1775 MHN_5 2237 Circular 2 0.013 865.21 862.89 363 0.64 28.0 - 24.0 1776 MHN_42 2237 Circular 1 0.01 863.37 862.48 84 1.06 4.8 - 4.7 1777 2237 2239 Circular 2 0.013 862.48 862.76 145 -0.19 22.0 - 21.7 1780 MHN_78 MHN_79 Circular 1.5 0.01 891.48 888.00 228.71 1.52 18.3 - 14.5 1781 MHN_32 MHN_25 Circular 1.5 0.013 891.99 888.94 374 0.82 13.1 - 13.1 1782 MHN_25 2246 Circular 1.5 0.013 890.04 882.47 75 10.09 26.2 - 23.6 1785 MS_30 MS_32 Circular 4.5 0.013 863.00 862.42 194 0.30 112.2 109.6 1786 MS_32 MS_42 Circular 4.5 0.013 862.42 862.00 136 0.31 106.8 114.0 1787 ECC_13 2251 Circular 1.25 0.013 868.66 868.32 34 1.00 8.2 - 7.0 1788 MHN_86 2253 Circular 1 0.024 867.18 866.00 118 1.00 6.6 - 3.5 1789 ECC_12 2255 Circular 1.25 0.01 870.17 863.00 220 3.26 7.6 - 5.5 1808 MHN_28 2285 Circular 1 0.024 872.03 869.01 26 11.62 1.9 - 0.9 1809 MHN_27 2287 Circular 1 0.024 871.79 869.70 26 8.04 2.4 - 1.7 1810 MHN_9 2289 Circular 1.25 0.013 871.88 870.00 242 0.78 13.1 - 12.8 1813 2293 MHN_60 Circular 1 0.013 884.85 884.29 42 1.33 0.1 - 0.0 1814 MHN_60 2295 Circular 1.25 0.013 884.29 883.48 36 2.25 5.4 - 2.5 1816 ECC_15 2298 Circular 1.25 0.013 871.00 869.50 38 3.95 17.0 - 10.3 1823 MHN_80 2312 Circular 1.6 0.024 886.04 884.64 41 3.41 20.4 - 16.8 1824 MHN_36 2146 Circular 1 0.024 886.55 884.83 12 14.33 5.9 - 5.8 1827 MS_27 1608 Circular 1.25 0.013 866.50 861.50 13 38.46 15.0 7.4 - 1828 MS_41 MS_26 Circular 1 0.024 864.90 864.50 30 1.33 4.8 1.5 - 1829 MS_1 MS_26 Circular 1 0.024 865.97 865.27 70 1.00 2.3 1.2 - 1830 MS_25 MS_26 Circular 1 0.024 866.30 865.60 70 1.00 3.4 1.9 - 1831 MS_44 MS_26 Circular 1.5 0.024 865.59 865.50 22 0.41 9.1 6.6 - 1839 MS_38 1661 Circular 2.5 0.013 859.99 859.67 617 0.05 17.9 17.9 - 1885 MS_6 2378 Circular 1.25 0.013 901.50 900.30 405 0.30 5.1 3.9 - 1886 2378 MS_4 Circular 1.5 0.013 900.12 898.92 427 0.28 5.2 4.0 - 1887 MS_4 2380 Circular 1.5 0.013 898.92 897.49 377 0.38 14.2 12.2 - 1888 2380 MS_10 Circular 1.5 0.013 897.49 885.72 50 23.54 14.2 14.0 - 1889 1656 1653 Circular 2.5 0.013 864.30 864.00 32 0.94 18.9 11.5 - 1890 MS_55 MS_40 Circular 2 0.013 858.50 858.00 200 0.25 11.5 - 11.5 1892 2384 MS_38 Circular 3.5 0.013 860.03 859.99 27 0.15 37.4 25.8 - 1893 2384 1629 Circular 3.5 0.014 860.03 861.50 36 -4.08 52.8 50.7 - 1894 MHN_16 2385 Circular 2.5 0.015 871.50 868.94 468 0.53 31.9 - 36.3 1895 2385 MHN_10 Circular 2.5 0.015 868.94 868.94 15 0.00 32.4 - 36.3 1896 MHN_10 2387 Circular 3 0.013 868.81 866.78 176 1.15 63.5 - 65.5 1897 2387 2386 Circular 3 0.013 866.78 866.40 37 1.03 63.5 - 65.5 1898 MHN_63 2389 Circular 2.25 0.013 868.50 866.90 377 0.42 12.4 - 10.6 1899 1705 2390 Circular 1.5 0.013 870.30 869.78 173 0.30 9.6 - 5.4 1901 MHN_55 2394 Circular 1.5 0.014 869.57 865.77 8.5 44.71 13.1 - 9.5 1902 2394 1714 Circular 4 0.013 865.77 862.48 823 0.40 113.3 - 92.8 1903 MHN_3 2389 Circular 4 0.013 866.14 866.10 424 0.01 76.1 - 79.5 1904 MHN_89 2235 Circular 2 0.013 870.25 869.10 245 0.00 16.4 - 8.9 1905 2389 2394 Circular 4 0.013 866.10 865.77 23 1.43 93.1 - 84.6 1906 MHN_89 2394 Circular 1.5 0.013 870.25 865.77 13 34.46 16.4 - 12.2 1907 MHN_56 2397 Circular 1.5 0.013 874.43 872.94 100 1.49 9.1 - 9.2 1908 2397 2398 Circular 1.5 0.013 872.94 870.64 230 1.00 9.2 - 10.4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_UPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 12-21 Table 12.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the North East Minnehaha Creek Drainage Areas (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 5Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1909 2398 1697 Circular 1.5 0.013 870.64 866.85 84 4.51 8.0 - 8.6 1910 MHN_59 2400 Circular 1 0.013 880.60 878.97 94 1.73 5.1 - 5.7 1911 2400 2401 Circular 1 0.013 878.77 878.58 71 0.27 5.0 - 5.6 1912 2401 2402 Circular 1 0.013 877.38 876.90 87 0.55 5.0 - 5.6 1913 2402 2403 Circular 1.25 0.01 876.90 874.05 108 2.64 5.9 - 5.6 1914 2403 2404 Circular 1.25 0.01 874.05 875.74 90 -1.88 5.2 - 5.6 1915 2404 MHN_77 Circular 1.5 0.013 875.74 873.85 71 2.66 5.2 - 5.6 1916 MHN_30 2406 Circular 1.25 0.01 884.22 883.74 102 0.47 10.3 - 6.9 1917 2406 MHN_31 Circular 1.25 0.01 883.74 883.55 29 0.66 8.4 - 6.9 1918 MHN_31 2408 Circular 1.5 0.01 883.55 882.67 13 7.04 14.1 - 13.9 1919 MHN_53 MHN_6 Circular 1 0.013 876.79 876.05 37 2.00 6.5 - 5.7 1920 MHN_54 MHN_7 Circular 1 0.013 876.25 875.51 37 2.00 7.3 - 5.6 1921 MHN_90 2412 Circular 1.5 0.013 873.12 872.40 240 0.30 5.6 - 4.4 1922 2412 1702 Circular 1.5 0.013 872.40 871.90 90 0.56 5.5 - 4.3 1923 MHN_69 2413 Circular 2 0.015 882.41 881.77 180 0.36 34.3 - 29.0 1924 MHN_71 MHN_66 Circular 1.25 0.013 870.60 869.40 78 1.54 15.2 - 13.3 1925 MS_28 1624 Circular 1 0.013 863.50 863.10 100 0.40 2.9 4.2 1934 MHN_79 2428 Circular 1.75 0.013 887.71 886.68 57.9 1.43 28.4 - 22.4 1935 MHN_39 2430 Circular 1.25 0.013 894.37 893.65 150 0.48 9.4 - 9.4 1936 2430 2431 Circular 1.25 0.013 892.95 891.98 122 0.80 9.2 - 9.3 1937 2431 2432 Circular 1.25 0.013 891.98 891.87 40 0.28 9.0 - 9.0 1938 2432 MHN_38 Circular 1.25 0.013 891.87 884.65 222 3.25 9.0 - 9.0 1939 MHN_38 2330 Circular 1.25 0.013 884.65 883.95 120 0.58 9.5 - 9.5 1940 MS_49 MS_40 Circular 4 0.013 859.66 858.63 127 0.81 103.1 74.2 - 1942 MS_53 MS_13 Circular 1.25 0.013 866.61 866.00 134.5 0.45 4.5 2.3 - 1943 MS_9 1654 Circular 1.25 0.013 868.86 867.38 113.8 1.30 8.8 5.8 - 1962 MHN_4 2235 Circular 1 0.01 874.02 869.10 175 2.81 7.7 - 4.3 1975 1648 2459 Circular 2.25 0.013 891.45 885.14 81 7.79 33.0 20.9 - 1976 2459 1649 Circular 1.5 0.013 885.14 871.90 170 7.79 32.7 22.0 - 1702p MHN_35 2144 Circular 1 0.023 887.00 885.70 159 0.82 3.2 - 2.7 1704p MHN_75 2148 Circular 3 0.013 889.14 885.03 88 4.67 26.0 - 19.1 1705p MHN_47 MHN_48 Circular 1 0.013 898.40 895.80 289 0.90 4.6 - 2.7 1900a 2390 MHN_55 Circular 1.5 0.014 869.78 869.57 19.5 1.08 10.2 - 5.9 L163 MS_42 N134 Circular 4.5 0.013 862.00 861.95 40.6 0.12 115.7 118.4 - L164 N135 1608 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.57 861.50 40 0.18 54.4 41.7 - L175 N134 N146 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.95 860.25 40 4.25 62.7 54.5 - L176 N135 N145 Circular 3.5 0.013 861.57 860.25 30 4.40 54.8 41.1 - 1 Conduit modeled as an orifice for the 100-year storm event P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_UPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 12-22 100 MinneapolisMinneapolis St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park ECC_7 Minnehaha Creek MHN_69 ECC_5 Minnehaha Creek MHN_9 MHN_74 MHN_40 MS_40 MS_2 MHN_65 MS_54 MHN_66 MS_39 MHN_1 ECC_9 MS_48 MHN_44 ECC_4 MS_7 ECC_3 MHN_78 MHN_23 MHN_17 ECC_6 MHN_32 MHN_80 MHN_20 MHN_72 MHN_5 MHN_50 MHN_16 MS_51 MHN_31 MHN_89 MHN_29 MS_31 MHN_13 MHN_19 MHN_11 MS_46 MHN_62 MS_20 MS_33 MHN_71 MS_6 ECC_1 MS_21 MS_43 MHN_42 MHN_14 MS_13 MS_22 MHN_22 MS_8 MHN_24 MHN_15 ECC_8 MS_52 MHN_21 MS_4 MS_42 MS_47 MHN_58 MS_26 MHN_83 MHN_33 ECC_15 MS_29 MS_27 ECC_2 MS_3 MS_5 MS_35 MHN_30 MHN_84 MHN_64 MHN_6 MHN_34 MS_34 MHN_3 MS_50 ECC_11 MHN_61 MS_10 MS_9 MHN_53 MS_18 MS_58 MHN_36 MHN_82 ECC_10 MS_17 MS_37 MHN_41 MHN_73 ECC_13 MS_55 MS_30 MS_49 MHN_43 MHN_39 MS_16 MS_32 MHN_7 MHN_87 MS_19 MHN_4 ECC_14 MHN_88 MHN_79 MHN_46 MHN_63 MHN_55 MHN_8 MHN_18 MS_45 MHN_90 MS_24 MHN_51 MHN_26 MHN_77 MHN_60 MS_36 MHN_12 MS_57 MHN_56 MHN_67 MHN_76 MS_28 MHN_81 MHN_38 MHN_85 MHN_25 MHN_52 MS_38 ECC_12 MS_23 MHN_86 MHN_2 MS_14 MHN_57 MS_15 MHN_48 MHN_49 MS_44 MHN_59 MHN_10 MHN_35 MS_53 MHN_54 MS_25 MHN_47 MS_41 MS_56 MHN_68 MHN_91 MS_1 MHN_37 MHN_27MHN_28 MS_11 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 4 2 : 5 8 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 2 _ 1 _ M C _ N o r t h e a s t _ D r a i n a g e _ B a s i n s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 12.1 NORTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Lake/Wetland Creek/Stream Minnehaha Creek - Northeast Drainage Basin Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 12-23 M i n n e h a h a C r e e k Minnehaha NorthMinnehaha North Edina Country ClubEdina Country Club W 50th St Fr a n c e A v e MorningsideMorningside 100 W 44th St MinneapolisMinneapolis St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 5 7 : 2 2 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 2 _ 2 _ M C _ N o r t h e a s t _ M a j o r _ W a t e r s h e d s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 12.2 NORTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK MAJOR WATERSHEDS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Northeast Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 12-24 !. !.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. MOORE AVE CASCADE LN WE S T B R O O K L N L A ED I N B R O O K SO O L I N E MILLPOND PL 48TH ST W RA I L R O A D C O BR O O K S I D E A V E 44TH ST W TH I E L E N A V E NO R T H A V E BR O O K S I D E T E R R SO O L I N E BR O O K S I D E T E R MOTOR ST WO O D D A L E A V E EDINA COUNTRY CLUB SUN N Y S L O P E WOODHILL SU N N Y S L O P E R D W ST A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 HILLTOP LA SU N N Y S L O P E R D E P L WAY DA L E D R R I D G E DAL E D R SUNNYSID E R D (S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) VE R N O N LA U R A A V E AV E W 44TH ST W RD ED I N A B L V D WO O D D A L E A V E B R O W N D A L E A V E MO O R L A N D A V E P L E D G E B R O O K BRO W N D A L E A V E SU N N Y S L O P E R D E CLUB RD WO O D D A L E A V E COU N T R Y 44TH S T W BRIDGE ST SUNNYS I D E R D HA L I F A X A V E S BL V D WOODDALE W.52nd ST. GLE N AR D E N MIN N E H A H A JU A N I T A A V E B R U C E P L 52ND ST W IN D I A N O L A A V E AV E HA L I F A X AV E FR A N C E GO R G A S A V E BRIDGE LA BR U C E A V E AR D E N A V E CA S C O A V E DR E X E L L A V E W 50TH ST BRUCE AVE LA COUNTRY CLUB RD C T ED I N A WOODDALE JA Y P L A C E 51ST ST AV E MA P L E R D BR U C E AV E BRIDGE ST GR I M E S A V E RD 44TH S T W 45TH ST W SUNNYSIDE 49 1/2 ST W W TO W N E S R D HA L I F A X A V E 50TH ST W 49TH ST W IN D I A N O L A A V E ST W 5 1 S T S T CIT Y O F E D I N A TOWNES CIR C U R V E A V E SUNN Y S I D E R D M E A D O W R D RD OA K S WH I T E 48TH ST W T O W N E S R D T O W N E S R D R D M E A D O W 47TH ST W O A K D A L E A V E 42ND ST W LY N N A V E BRANSON ST OA K D A L E A V E LITTLE ST GR I M E S A V E GR I M E S A V E S CR O C K E R A V E MORNINGSIDE RD 40TH ST W 41ST ST W MO N T E R E Y A V E S LY N N A V E S GR I M E S A V E S KI P L I N G A V E S 42ND ST W SC O T T T E R ET O N P L AL D E N D R FR A N C E A V E S IN G L E W O O D A V E S EDINBROOK LA ECC_7 Minnehaha Creek MHN_69 ECC_5 Minnehaha Creek MHN_9 MHN_74 MHN_40 MS_40 MS_2 MHN_65 MS_54 MHN_66 MS_39 MHN_1 ECC_9 MS_48 MHN_44 ECC_4 MS_7 ECC_3 MHN_78 MHN_23 MHN_17 ECC_6 MHN_32 MHN_80 MHN_20 MHN_72 MHN_5 MHN_50 MHN_16 MS_55 MS_51 MHN_31 MHN_89 MHN_29 MS_31 MHN_13 MS_30 MHN_19 MHN_11 MS_46 MHN_62 MS_20 MS_33 MHN_71 MS_49 MS_6 ECC_1 MS_21 MS_43 MHN_42 MHN_43 MHN_14 MS_13 MS_22 MHN_22 MS_8 MHN_24 MHN_15 ECC_8 MS_52 MHN_21 MS_4 MS_42 MS_47 MHN_58 MHN_39 MS_26 MHN_83 MHN_33 ECC_15 MS_29 MS_27 ECC_2 MS_3 MS_5 MS_35 MHN_30 MHN_84 MHN_64 MHN_6 MS_16 MHN_34 MS_32 MHN_7 MHN_87 MS_34 MHN_3 MS_50 ECC_11 MHN_61 MS_19 MS_10 MHN_4 MS_9 MHN_53 MS_18 ECC_14 MHN_88 MS_58 MHN_36 MHN_82 MHN_79 MHN_46 ECC_10 MHN_63 MHN_55 MHN_8 MS_17 MS_37 MHN_18 MS_45 MHN_90 MS_24 MHN_51 MHN_41 MHN_26 MHN_77 MHN_60 MS_36 MHN_12 MS_57 MHN_56 MHN_67 MHN_73 MHN_76 MS_28 MHN_81 MHN_38 MHN_85 ECC_13 MHN_25 MHN_52 MS_38 ECC_12 MS_23 MHN_86 MHN_2 MS_14 MHN_57 MS_15 MHN_48 MHN_49 MS_44 MHN_59 MHN_10 MHN_35 MS_53 MHN_54 MS_25 MHN_47 MS_41 MS_56 MHN_68 MHN_91 MS_1 MHN_37 MHN_27MHN_28 MS_11 2459 2384 2289 CB-2461CB-2460 FE-2450 CB-2448 FE-2330 CB-2432CB-2431 MH-2430 MH-2428 MH-2415 FE-2414 FE-2413 MH-2412 FE-2408 MH-2404 MH-2402 MH-2401 MH-2397 CB-2388 MH-2387 FE-2386 MH-2385 MH-2382 FE-2381MH-2379 MH-2378 CB-2331 FE-2324 FE-2322FE-2320 CB-2319 FE-2318 CB-2317 CB-2313 FE-2300 FE-2298 FE-2295 CB-2294 CB-2293 FE-2287CB-2286 FE-2255 CB-2254 FE-2253 FE-2251CB-2250 FE-2246 FE-2243CB-2242 FE-2239 MH-2235 CB-2154 MH-2153 MH-2152 CB-2149 FE-2148 MH-2147 FE-2146 FE-2144 FE-1900 CB-1899 MH-1882 CB-1869 FE-1749 FE-1747 CB-1746 FE-1745 CB-1744 FE-1739 CB-1738 FE-1737 MH-1736 MH-1735 MH-1734 MH-1732 MH-1731 MH-1729 MH-1728 MH-1727 MH-1718 FE-1715 MH-1714 MH-1712 MH-1705 MH-1704 MH-1702 MH-1696 MH-1694 MH-1692 CB-1691 MH-1687 MH-1685 MH-1684 MH-1683 MH-1682 MH-1681 MH-1680 FE-1673 MH-1671 CB-1668 FE-1667 MH-1663 FE-1660 MH-1657 MH-1656 CB-1655 CB-1654 MH-1653MH-1652 MH-1648 MH-1647 CB-1645 MH-1644 MH-1642 MH-1641 MH-1639 CB-1638 MH-1637 MH-1636 CB-1634MH-1633 FE-1631 CB-1630 MH-1629 MH-1628 MH-1626 CB-1625 MH-1624 MH-1622 MH-1618 MH-1617 CB-1616CB-1613 MH-1612MH-1611 MH-1608 MH-1607 MH-1606 MH-2441 CB-2438 CB-2437 MH-2406MH-2405 MH-2403 MH-2400 MH-2399 MH-2398 MH-2396 MH-2395 MH-2394MH-2390 MH-2389 CB-2323 CB-2316 FE-2312 CB-2311 CB-2299 CB-2252 MH-2249 MH-2245 MH-2236 CB-2151 CB-2150 CB-1871 CB-1870 CB-1743 MH-1741 MH-1733 CB-1730 MH-1726 MH-1724 MH-1722 MH-1720 CB-1719 MH-1716 CB-1697 CB-1693 MH-1690 MH-1689 MH-1688 MH-1686 MH-1679 CB-1672 CB-1670 CB-1669 CB-1666 CB-1662 MH-1661 MH-1659 MH-1651 MH-1646 MH-1643 CB-1640 CB-1623 MH-1621 MH-1620 MH-1619 CB-1615 MH-1610MH-1609 CB-2434 MH-2429 CB-2427 MH-2411 CB-2410MH-2409 MH-2407 MH-2393 MH-2377 CB-2321 MH-2288 MH-2244 CB-2238 MH-2237 CB-2145 CB-2143 CB-1874 CB-1873 CB-1872 CB-1748 CB-1742 MH-1740 CB-1723 MH-1721 CB-1717 CB-1711 CB-1709 MH-1703 CB-1701 CB-1698 CB-1677CB-1676 MH-1650 MH-1649 CB-1635 CB-1632 CB-1627 CB-1605 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 5 6 : 4 8 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft\ F i g _ 1 2 _ 3 _ M C _ N o r t h e a s t _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 300 0 300 Feet Figure 12.3 NORTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 100 0 100 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Northeast Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event 12-25 M i n n e h ah a C r e e k MinneapolisMinneapolis St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park JP_40 MHN_66 MHN_11 MHN_1 JP_26 ECC_3 ECC_2 ECC_4 JP_10 ECC_6 ECC_9 ECC_5 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 0 1 : 0 2 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 2 _ 4 _ M C _ N o r t h e a s t _ W a t e r _ Q u a l i t y . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 12.4 NORTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK WATER QUALITY MODELING RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) Percent TP Removal in Water Body* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed. Cumulative TP Removal in Watershed* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed and upstream watersheds that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Flow Direction *Data based on results of P8 modeling. Area Draining Directly to Minnehaha Creek 0 - 25% (Poor/No Removal) 12-26 !. !.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. MOORE AVE CASCADE LN WE S T B R O O K L N L A ED I N B R O O K SO O L I N E MILLPOND PL 48TH ST W RA I L R O A D C O BR O O K S I D E A V E 44TH ST W TH I E L E N A V E NO R T H A V E BR O O K S I D E T E R R SO O L I N E B R O O K S I D E T E R MOTOR ST WO O D D A L E A V E EDINA COUNTRY CLUB SUN N Y S L O P E WOODHILL SU N N Y S L O P E R D W ST A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 HILLTOP LA SU N N Y S L O P E R D E P L WAY DA L E D R R I D G E DAL E D R SUNNYSID E R D (S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) VE R N O N LA U R A A V E AV E W 44TH ST W RD ED I N A B L V D WO O D D A L E A V E B R O W N D A L E A V E MO O R L A N D A V E P L E D G E B R O O K BRO W N D A L E A V E S U N N Y S L O P E R D E CLUB RD WO O D D A L E A V E COU N T R Y 44TH S T W BRIDGE ST SUNNYS I D E R D HA L I F A X A V E S B L V D WOODDALE W.52nd ST. 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Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event