HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION_13 SOUTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK Barr Engineering Company 13-1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 13.0 Southeast Minnehaha Creek 13.1 General Description of Drainage Area Figure 13.1 depicts the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage area and the individual subwatersheds within this area. The Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin is located in east-central Edina and contains several ponds, Lake Harvey, Lake Pamela, and Melody Lake. 13.1.1 Drainage Patterns The stormwater system within this drainage area is comprised of storm sewers, ponding basins, wetlands, drainage ditches, and overland flow paths. The Southeast Minnehaha Creek basin has been divided into several major watersheds based on the drainage patterns. These major watersheds are depicted in Figure 13.2. Each major watershed has been further delineated into numerous subwatersheds. The naming convention for each subwatershed is based on the major watershed it is located within. Table 13.1 lists each major watershed and the associated subwatershed naming convention. Table 13.1 Major Watersheds within the Southeast Minnehaha Creek Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Naming Convention # of Subwatersheds Drainage Area (acres) Lake Pamela LP_## 28 274 Minnehaha Creek South MHS_## 86 508 Melody Lake ML_## 15 178 Lake Pamela The Lake Pamela watershed is located in the east central portion of Edina. The entire 272-acre watershed drains to Lake Pamela and then north to Minnehaha Creek. The land use of this watershed is primarily low density residential with Pamela Park surrounding Lake Pamela. Four stormwater management basins in this watershed, two on the south end of Lake Pamela and two on the north end of the lake recently have been constructed for water quality treatment of stormwater. The two ponds on the north end of the lake also receive runoff from about half of the Southeast Minnehaha Creek watershed (described below). This runoff is routed through the ponds, over a weir and then to the north bay of Lake Pamela, and finally, to Minnehaha Creek. These ponds were designed to treat runoff from the Minnehaha Creek South watershed before discharge to Minnehaha Creek. Lake Pamela has been excavated to increase the dead storage volume within the lake for water quality treatment. Minnehaha Creek South The Minnehaha Creek South watershed extends from areas just south of the Edina Country Club at Lake Harvey, west to T.H. 100 and south to West 54th Street. The land use is predominantly low Barr Engineering Company 13-2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx density residential with some scattered areas of institutional land use. There are no ponds east of Minnehaha Creek and only a few wet and dry detention ponds on the western half of this watershed. However, most of the western half of the watershed is routed through ponds and through the northern bay of Lake Pamela before discharge to Minnehaha Creek. Areas directly east and west of Minnehaha Creek are drained by short storm sewer systems or directly by overland flow. There is a stormwater control weir in a manhole that is located just east of the intersection of West 58th Street and Concord Avenue. This weir is designed to prevent flooding of the backyard area of the house at 5801 Concord Avenue. Also part of this system is a flap gate on a pipe leading from the backyard area of 5801 Concord Avenue. This pipe connects into the downstream end of the weir- manhole and the flap gate stops water from backing into this pipe. The weir, located at node 1849, forces water to back into a pipe that discharges into a ball field located along Concord Avenue. This entire system is designed to store water in the ball park and slowly release it back into the storm sewer system over time so that the house at 5801 Concord Avenue is not flooded during the 100-year frequency storm event. Melody Lake This 178-acre watershed contains low density residential, institutional, and T.H. 100. The outlet from Melody Lake is a pumped outlet to the T.H.100 drainage system. This system flows north and ultimately discharges to Minnehaha Creek. The T.H. 100 storm sewer system was not modeled as part of this study. 13.2 Stormwater System Analysis and Results 13.2.1 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Results The 10-year and 100-year frequency flood analyses were performed for the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The 10-year analysis was based on a ½-hour storm of 1.65 inches of rain and the 100-year analysis was based on a 24-hour storm event of 6 inches of rain. Table 13.2 presents the watershed information and the results for the 10-year and 100-year hydrologic analyses for the Southeast Minnehaha Creek basin. The results of the 10-year and the 100-year hydraulic analysis for the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin are summarized in Table 13.3 and Table 13.4. The column headings in Table 13.3 are defined as follows: Node/Subwatershed ID—XP-SWMM node identification label. Each XP-SWMM node represents a manhole, catchbasin, pond, or other junction within the stormwater system. Downstream Conduit—References the pipe downstream of the node in the storm sewer system. Flood Elevation—The maximum water elevation reached in the given pond/manhole for each referenced storm event (mean sea level). In some cases, an additional flood elevation has been Barr Engineering Company 13-3 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx given in parenthesis. This flood elevation reflects the 100-year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, as shown in the National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina, May 1979. Peak Outflow Rate—The peak discharge rate (cfs) from a given ponding basin for each referenced storm event. The peak outflow rates reflect the combined discharge from the pond through the outlet structure and any overflow. NWL—The normal water level in the ponding basin (mean sea level). The normal water levels for the ponding basins were assumed to be at the outlet pipe invert or at the downstream control elevation. Flood Bounce—The fluctuation of the water level within a given pond for each referenced storm event. Volume Stored—The maximum volume (acre-ft) of water that was stored in the ponding basin during the storm event. The volume represents the live storage volume only. Table 13.4 summarizes the conveyance system data used in the model and the model results for the storm sewer system within the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The peak flow through each conveyance system for the 10-year and the 100-year frequency storm event is listed in the table. The values presented represent the peak flow rate through each pipe system only and does not reflect the combined total flow from an upstream node to the downstream node when overflow from a manhole/pond occurs. Figure 13.3 graphically represents the results of the 10-year and the 100-year frequency hydraulic analyses. The figure depicts the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin boundary, subwatershed boundaries, the modeled storm sewer network, surcharge conditions for the XP-SWMM nodes (typically manholes), and the flood prone areas identified in the modeling analyses. One of the objectives of the hydraulic analyses was to evaluate the level of service provided by the current storm sewer system. The level of service of the system was examined by determining the surcharge conditions of the manholes and catch basins within the storm sewer system during the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. An XP-SWMM node was considered surcharged if the hydraulic grade line at that node breached the ground surface (rim elevation). Surcharging is typically the result of limited downstream capacity and tailwater impacts. The XP-SWMM nodes depicted on Figure 13.3 were color coded based on the resulting surcharge conditions. The green nodes signify no surcharging occurred during the 100-year or 10-year storm event, the yellow nodes indicate surcharging during the 100-year frequency event, the red nodes identify that surcharging is likely to occur during both a 100-year and 10-year frequency storm event. Figure 13.3 illustrates that several XP-SWMM nodes within the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin are predicted to experience surcharged conditions during both the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. This indicates a probability greater than 10 percent in any year that the system will be overburdened and Barr Engineering Company 13-4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx unable to meet the desired level of service at these locations. These manholes and catch basins are more likely to experience inundation during the smaller, more frequent storm events of various durations. Another objective of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the level of protection offered by the current stormwater system. Level of protection is defined as the capacity provided by a municipal drainage system (in terms of pipe capacity and overland overflow capacity) to prevent property damage and assure a reasonable degree of public safety following a rainstorm. A 100-year frequency event is recommended as a standard for design of stormwater management basins. To evaluate the level of protection of the stormwater system within the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage area, the 100-year frequency flood elevations for the ponding basins and depressed areas were compared to the low elevations of structures surrounding each basin. The low elevations were initially determined using 2-foot topographic information and aerial imagery in ArcView. Where 100-year flood levels of the ponding areas appeared to potentially threaten structures, detailed low house elevations were obtained through field surveys. The areas that were predicted to flood and threaten structures during the 100-year frequency storm event are highlighted in Figure 13.3. Discussion and recommended implementation considerations for these areas are included in Section 13.3. 13.2.2 Water Quality Modeling Results The effectiveness of the stormwater system in removing stormwater pollutants such as phosphorus was analyzed using the P8 water quality model. The P8 model simulates the hydrology and phosphorus loads introduced from the watershed of each pond and the transport of phosphorus throughout the stormwater system. Since site-specific data on pollutant wash-off rates and sediment characteristics were not available, it was necessary to make assumptions based on national average values. Due to such assumptions and lack of in-lake water quality data for model calibration, the modeling results were analyzed based on the percent of phosphorus removal that occurred and not based on actual phosphorus concentrations. Figure 13.4 depicts the results of the water quality modeling for the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The figure shows the fraction of total phosphorus removal for each water body as well as the cumulative total phosphorus removal in the watershed. The individual water bodies are colored various shades of blue, indicating the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed (through settling). It is important to note that the percent of phosphorus removal is based on total phosphorus, including phosphorus in the soluble form. Therefore, the removal rates in downstream ponds will likely decrease due to the large soluble fraction of incoming phosphorus that was unsettleable in upstream ponds. The watersheds are depicted in various shades of gray, indicating the cumulative total phosphorus removal achieved. The cumulative percent removal represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Ponds that had an average annual total phosphorus removal rate of 60 percent or greater, under average climatic conditions, were considered to be performing well. For those ponds with total Barr Engineering Company 13-5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx phosphorus removal below 60 percent, the permanent pool storage volume was analyzed to determine if additional capacity is necessary. Based on recommendations from the MPCA publication Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, March 2000, the permanent pool for detention ponds should be equal to or greater than the runoff from a 2.0-inch rainfall, in addition to the sediment storage for at least 25 years of sediment accumulation. For ponds with less than 60 percent total phosphorus removal, the recommended storage volume was calculated for each pond within the drainage basin and compared to the existing permanent pool storage volume. 13.3 Implementation Considerations The XP-SWMM hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analyses and P8 water quality analysis helped to identify locations throughout the watershed where improvements to the City’s stormwater management system may be warranted. The following sections discuss potential mitigation alternatives that were identified as part of the 2003 modeling analyses. As opportunities to address the identified flooding issues and water quality improvements arise, such as street reconstruction projects or public facilities improvements, the City will use a comprehensive approach to stormwater management. The comprehensive approach will include consideration of infiltration or volume retention practices to address flooding and/or water quality improvements, reduction of impervious surfaces, increased storm sewer capacity where necessary to alleviate flooding, construction and/or expansion of water quality basins, and implementation of other stormwater BMPs to reduce pollutant loading to downstream waterbodies. 13.3.1 Flood Protection Projects The 2003 hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis identified several locations within the Southeast Minnehaha Creek drainage basin where the 100-year level of protection is not provided by the current stormwater system. The problem areas identified in 2003 are discussed below. As part of the 2003 modeling analysis, potential corrective measures were identified for the problem areas for purposes of developing planning-level cost estimates. These preliminary corrective measures are also discussed below. As the City evaluates the flooding issues and potential system modifications in these areas, consideration will be given to other potential system modifications, including implementation of stormwater infiltration or volume retention practices, where soils are conducive. 6213 Ewing Avenue (LP_15) A depression area on the street adjacent to 6213 Ewing Avenue collects water from a 3.8-acre watershed. The 100-year frequency flood elevation of 884.3 MSL will potentially impact the structure at 6213 Ewing Avenue. It is recommended that the diameters of pipes 1696 and 1695 be increased to 18-inches to provide a 100-year level of protection. Barr Engineering Company 13-6 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 3600 West Fuller Street (MHS_4) The 100-year frequency flood elevation for the backyard depression area directly behind 3600 West Fuller Street is 875.4 MSL. A field survey indicates this elevation is above the low entry (872.6 MSL) at 3600 West Fuller Street. It is recommended that a catch basin be placed in the backyard depression and connected to a new storm sewer system installed east along Fuller Street and south along Beard Avenue to Minnehaha Creek. An existing bituminous drainage channel between Beard Avenue and Minnehaha Creek at this location appears to be a potential access point to Minnehaha Creek for the new pipe. The addition of a pipe system and catch basins extending from Fuller Street to Beard Avenue and then to Minnehaha Creek would provide the additional benefit of handling the significant street flows that occur on Fuller Street and Beard Avenue. 5605, 5609, 5613, 5617, 5621, 5625, and 5629 South Beard Avenue (MHS_79) Water in the alley between Abbott and Beard Avenue and south of West 56th Street rises to an elevation of 880.1 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm and affects the garages in this alley. This is the result of water flowing from West 56th Street to the alley and the limited flow in the pipe leading from the alley to the storm sewer system located on Beard Avenue. Currently the storm sewer system on Beard Avenue does not provide a 10-year level of service and is significantly undersized for the 100-year storm. At the intersection of Beard and West 56th Street, street flow on Beard Avenue reaches a peak of 97 cfs during the 100-year storm while the pipe carries only a peak flow of only 4.7 cfs. The street flow then flows on Beard Avenue to Minnehaha Creek. The following pipe sizes are recommended to protect the structures in the alley during a 100-year storm: Pipe 1851p ...................... 12 to 24-inch Pipe 1852p ...................... 12 to 24-inch Pipe 1156 ........................ 12 to 24-inch Pipe 1159 ........................ 27 to 36-inch Pipe 1158 ........................ 27 to 36-inch Pipe 1152 ........................ 33 to 36-inch Pipe 1153 ........................ 15 to 36-inch An additional catch basin is also required at the low point in the alley. To collect runoff along West 56th Street before it enters the alley, an additional catch basin is recommended on the south side of West 56th Street, east of the alley entrance. These recommendations are not designed to reduce the large street flows that are present on Beard Avenue during the 100-year storm. Further pipe size increases of the entire system and the addition of catch basins would be required to significantly reduce the flow of water along Beard Avenue. Barr Engineering Company 13-7 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 5837, 5833, 5829, 5825 South Chowen Avenue (LP_24) A backyard depression area directly behind 5829 South Chowen Avenue is inundated to an elevation of 884.6 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm and affects the structures at 5837 5833, 5829, and 5825 South Chowen Avenue. It is recommended that a catch basin be placed in the backyard depression area and connected with a 12-inch RCP to the storm sewer node LP_27 located at the intersection of South Chowen Avenue and West 60th Street. Chowen Avenue and West 60th Street (LP_27) A 100-year frequency flood elevation of 883.9 MSL has been calculated at the intersection of Chowen Avenue and West 60th Street. Although the model shows that there is the potential for significant flooding in this intersection, a thorough survey of the storm sewers and structures in this area needs to be completed to verify their size, invert elevations, and low point of entry. 5912, 5916, 5920, 5924, 5928 Ashcroft Avenue and 5925 Concord Avenue (MHS_51) Water in the backyard depression area of subwatershed MHS_51 will rise to 882.9 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm event. This flood elevation will inundate several of the houses adjacent to the depression. Water frequently ponds in this backyard depression area and either a pumped or gravity outlet from this area with a 3 cfs capacity is required to provide a level of protection. 5840 and 5836 Ashcroft Avenue (MHS_89) The houses at 5840 and 5836 Ashcroft Avenue are located in a shallow depression area that fills with water from a small 0.7-- directly adjacent watershed. The calculated 100-year frequency flood elevation of 884 MSL will inundate the structures at 5840 and 5836 Ashcroft Avenue. It is recommended that a catch basin be placed at this depression and connected to the adjacent storm sewer system on Concord Avenue (node MHS_58). This outflow capacity will reduce the flood elevation to 883 MSL and provide the required level of protection for these structures. 5609 and 5605 Dalrymple Road (MHS_24) and 5610 and 5612 St. Andrews Avenue (MHS_66) The calculated 100-year frequency flood elevation for the depression on Dalrymple Road is 895.3 MSL. This flood elevation is above the lowest entry way for both 5609 (low entry at 893.4 MSL) and 5605 (low entry at 893.25) Dalrymple Road. A field survey of the area indicates that a surface outflow existed between Dalrymple Road and the backyard area of subwatershed MHS_66 but has been filled. It is recommended that either this outflow be reestablished or pipes 1784 and 1240 be upgraded to 24-inch diameter pipes. The backyard depression area of MHS_66 is inundated to 894.8 MSL during the 100-year frequency flood. This elevation is above the elevation (894.46 MSL) of a back yard entry to 5610 Andrews Avenue, the basement windowsill (891.44 MSL) at 5612 Andrews Avenue, and the basement windowsill (893.53 MSL) at 5608 Andrews Avenue. It is recommended that a surface outflow be established between the backyard depression area and St. Andrews Avenue or pipes 1784 and 1240 be upgraded to 24-inch diameter pipes. Barr Engineering Company 13-8 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 5701 Dale Avenue (ML_12) A depression on Dale Avenue, directly adjacent to 5701 Dale Avenue, is inundated to an elevation of 935.8 MSL during the 100-year frequency storm event. According to a field survey, the low entry way at 5701 Dale Avenue is at an elevation of 935.5 MSL, indicating that the storm sewer system on Dale Avenue does not provide a level of protection for the structure at 5701 Dale Avenue during the 100-year frequency storm event. It is recommended that the diameter of pipes 1 and 1826 be increased to 24 inches to protect the structure at 5701 Dale Avenue from flooding. 5213 and 5217 Richwood Drive (ML_7) A wetland area behind 5213 and 5217 Richwood Drive receives runoff from a 3-acre watershed. This wetland receives water from backyard areas, rooftops, and a small section of Windsor Avenue. During the 100-year frequency storm event the water level in this wetland rises to 928.6 MSL. This water level is above the elevation of the low entry for 5213 and 5217 Richwood Drive. It is recommended that the storage capacity of this wetland area be surveyed and the flooding potential be further evaluated. 13.3.2 Construction/Upgrade of Water Quality Basins When considered individually, the ponds MHS_13, LP_5, and LP_13, and the two bays of Lake Pamela, LP_14 and LP_26 are removing less that 60 percent of the total phosphorus in storm water inflows. Because water from a watershed greater than 500 acres in size is routed through the ponds and the two bays of Lake Pamela before being discharged to Minnehaha Creek, the cumulative phosphorus removal by the ponds should be considered. In addition, ponds MHS_13, LP 5, and LP_13 were recently constructed and were designed to function as a treatment train and not individually. On a cumulative basis, the ponds and Lake Pamela are removing 63 percent of the total phosphorus load from this entire watershed and it is not necessary to upgrade these ponds. Because over 60 percent of the total phosphorus in storm water runoff is being removed by all other ponds and wetlands in the Southeast Minnehaha Creek watershed, no recommendations are given for the construction or upgrade of water quality basins in this watershed. Many techniques are available to reduce pollutant loading from stormwater runoff, including impervious surface reduction or disconnection, implementation of infiltration or volume retention BMPs, installation of underground stormwater treatment structures and sump manholes and other good housekeeping practices such as street sweeping. As opportunities arise, the City will consider all of these options to reduce the volume and further improve the quality of stormwater runoff from this drainage area. 13.3.3 Stream Improvement Projects Minnehaha Creek Reach 14 Stream Restoration The MCWD Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan identified a potential capital improvement project in Edina to implement a stream restoration project on Reach 14 of Minnehaha Creek. This reach extends from France Avenue to 54th Avenue West. This project would include streambank stabilization, in-stream habitat enhancement, and buffer enhancement. Table 13.2 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Area Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) LP_1 6.5 10 16.0 1.52 6.0 0.24 LP_2 7.1 8 29.7 1.80 14.6 0.42 LP_3 3.2 20 13.8 0.89 8.4 0.21 LP_4 2.2 21 9.4 0.60 6.1 0.15 LP_5 2.8 10 11.3 0.70 4.9 0.15 LP_6 26.9 27 73.3 7.51 35.9 1.44 LP_7 5.8 20 20.9 1.56 10.5 0.32 LP_8 9.4 20 36.9 2.55 19.7 0.55 LP_9 6.7 20 25.6 1.82 13.5 0.39 LP_10 5.8 20 21.2 1.57 10.8 0.32 LP_11 10.0 20 31.3 2.65 15.2 0.51 LP_12 3.6 10 15.8 1.41 11.1 0.34 LP_13 10.5 10 34.6 2.55 9.4 0.38 LP_14 26.6 26 100.5 9.84 56.7 2.34 LP_15 3.8 20 15.8 1.06 6.3 0.21 LP_16 6.3 20 24.1 1.71 8.6 0.31 LP_17 16.3 13 55.6 4.09 23.5 0.78 LP 18 39 20 16 3 107 93 024 Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results LP_18 3.9 20 16.3 1.07 9.3 0.24 LP_19 13.7 20 49.8 3.70 21.8 0.71 LP_20 13.8 20 50.4 3.73 16.0 0.62 LP_21 3.7 20 14.1 1.01 7.3 0.21 LP_22 9.6 10 34.9 2.39 13.4 0.47 LP_23 6.0 20 21.0 1.85 10.7 0.42 LP_24 3.0 0 12.4 0.89 8.7 0.26 LP_25 4.0 5 16.4 1.24 8.0 0.30 LP_26 41.3 24 136.0 14.94 70.0 3.40 LP_27 19.7 20 56.0 6.00 26.5 1.24 LP_28 1.6 20 5.0 0.43 2.4 0.08 MHS_1 2.5 20 5.6 0.78 2.5 0.15 MHS_2 1.6 20 5.2 0.42 5.9 0.11 MHS_3 1.5 19 6.4 0.43 4.1 0.11 MHS_4 1.5 20 6.0 0.42 3.3 0.09 MHS_5 6.5 24 27.5 1.84 11.0 0.36 MHS_6 2.5 22 10.2 0.68 4.2 0.13 MHS_7 6.5 20 17.5 1.70 16.2 0.41 MHS_8 5.5 20 24.6 1.74 19.9 0.46 MHS_9 3.7 20 14.7 1.17 8.3 0.28 MHS_10 3.7 20 16.5 1.49 12.5 0.37 MHS_11 8.3 20 34.8 2.27 20.5 0.52 MHS_12 8.4 20 28.3 2.39 14.1 0.51 MHS_13 8.1 20 26.0 2.16 12.7 0.42 MHS_14 2.2 20 9.0 0.59 4.0 0.12 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 13-9 Table 13.2 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Area Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results MHS_15 4.7 20 20.8 1.31 10.6 0.29 MHS_16 1.9 20 8.1 0.51 5.5 0.13 MHS_17 11.0 20 33.7 2.91 17.3 0.57 MHS_18 1.9 5 6.9 0.58 4.1 0.15 MHS_19 3.2 31 13.6 0.95 10.3 0.23 MHS_20 10.9 20 31.8 2.88 15.3 0.53 MHS_21 6.7 20 12.5 1.64 5.5 0.26 MHS_22 22.3 40 77.9 7.56 40.1 1.76 MHS_23 4.7 40 20.6 1.53 17.7 0.39 MHS_24 7.0 20 23.5 1.89 11.7 0.38 MHS_25 6.1 20 19.1 1.63 9.3 0.31 MHS_26 10.7 20 29.8 3.42 13.9 0.72 MHS_27 5.1 20 15.9 1.35 7.7 0.26 MHS_28 3.5 20 12.9 0.95 6.5 0.20 MHS_29 1.6 20 6.0 0.44 3.1 0.09 MHS_30 1.4 20 5.7 0.39 3.1 0.09 MHS_31 3.6 20 14.3 0.97 7.8 0.22 MHS 32 13 4 18 42 3 360 20 2 071MHS_32 13.4 18 42.3 3.60 20.2 0.71 MHS_33 2.8 20 7.7 0.74 3.7 0.13 MHS_34 4.9 20 18.2 1.32 9.3 0.28 MHS_35 8.2 5 27.6 1.87 8.5 0.33 MHS_36 1.9 20 7.2 0.57 3.8 0.13 MHS_37 0.8 7 2.2 0.21 0.7 0.04 MHS_38 3.12 20 13.0 0.94 7.6 0.23 MHS_39 7.86 20 30.2 2.33 16.2 0.54 MHS_40 3.8 20 17.1 1.58 15.7 0.39 MHS_41 3.2 46 14.8 1.42 18.4 0.37 MHS_42 1.7 5 5.7 0.51 3.3 0.13 MHS_43 4.3 20 13.6 1.16 12.7 0.26 MHS_44 2.2 20 7.9 0.60 4.0 0.13 MHS_45 37.3 20 68.8 9.17 30.3 1.45 MHS_46 5.6 20 10.2 1.36 3.1 0.26 MHS_47 10.4 20 32.1 2.76 13.5 0.55 MHS_48 20.2 20 40.9 5.11 13.5 0.98 MHS_49 1.3 19 5.7 0.36 4.4 0.09 MHS_50 21.5 20 61.8 5.76 29.8 1.08 MHS_51 2.2 0 9.7 0.64 7.7 0.19 MHS_52 13.4 20 28.6 3.39 13.0 0.56 MHS_53 13.9 17 33.2 3.56 13.5 0.58 MHS_55 1.4 20 5.4 0.39 2.8 0.08 MHS_56 6.0 20 17.4 1.61 8.4 0.31 MHS_57 23.1 20 48.2 5.89 21.9 0.98 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 13-10 Table 13.2 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Area Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results MHS_58 3.3 20 11.6 0.97 5.9 0.21 MHS_59 11.3 20 32.9 3.21 15.8 0.65 MHS_60 3.8 20 16.7 1.06 8.4 0.23 MHS_61 9.4 20 20.4 2.42 9.2 0.41 MHS_62 10.0 20 19.5 2.48 8.7 0.40 MHS_63 12.3 26 33.4 3.43 18.7 0.69 MHS_64 6.7 19 26.0 1.84 10.4 0.35 MHS_65 7.4 20 28.5 2.01 10.0 0.36 MHS_66 2.5 0 8.2 0.60 4.5 0.16 MHS_67 4.6 20 18.8 1.28 10.6 0.29 MHS_68 3.9 20 7.4 0.96 8.5 0.23 MHS_69 1.1 20 4.9 0.31 1.9 0.06 MHS_70 3.4 20 13.1 0.92 4.4 0.16 MHS_71 3.5 19 8.2 0.91 6.7 0.21 MHS_72 3.6 13 14.6 0.95 3.8 0.16 MHS_73 2.4 7 9.8 0.61 4.1 0.13 MHS_74 1.4 20 6.4 0.48 6.3 0.13 MHS 75 20 0 62 043 37 011MHS_75 2.0 0 6.2 0.43 3.7 0.11 MHS_76 2.5 20 10.5 0.69 6.0 0.16 MHS_77 3.1 20 9.5 0.81 6.6 0.13 MHS_79 2.1 20 8.5 0.68 4.7 0.17 MHS_80 3.5 20 14.4 0.96 8.0 0.21 MHS_81 5.0 13 16.4 0.87 7.5 0.25 MHS_82 2.0 20 6.9 0.56 3.4 0.11 MHS_83 4.3 20 16.6 1.19 11.6 0.40 MHS_84 2.4 20 7.3 0.67 4.2 0.14 MHS_86 2.1 20 8.1 0.70 3.9 0.14 MHS_87 2.6 20 10.1 0.71 5.6 0.16 MHS_88 1.8 10 7.9 0.47 4.6 0.11 MHS_89 0.7 20 3.1 0.14 2.1 0.05 ML_1 6.1 19 21.5 1.68 10.4 0.34 ML_10 4.0 21 17.9 1.13 12.2 0.28 ML_11 4.9 20 16.3 1.33 7.8 0.26 ML_12 9.5 20 30.1 2.54 14.4 0.49 ML_13 42.5 36 87.0 12.42 35.6 2.41 ML_14 5.0 22 14.6 1.35 2.3 0.12 ML_15 2.0 20 8.4 0.55 4.7 0.12 ML_2 7.2 20 30.8 1.97 17.9 0.46 ML_3 26.5 20 86.2 7.11 41.4 1.37 ML_4 19.4 18 56.7 5.07 26.2 0.92 ML_5 5.8 20 22.7 1.58 11.7 0.34 ML_6 4.5 20 17.4 1.22 8.9 0.26 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 13-11 Table 13.2 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Area Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results ML_7 3.0 17 11.6 0.81 5.6 0.17 ML_8 27.7 42 124.5 9.39 55.0 1.60 ML_9 9.5 19 33.8 2.53 16.2 0.51 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 13-12 Table 13.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Are Flood Elevation (ft)3, 4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Node Name Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1602 outfall 856.9 1602 856.9 1754 1846P 864.9 1754 864.8 1758 outfall 858.7 1758 858.7 1760 outfall 858.7 1760 858.3 1762 outfall 864.9 1762 864.8 1764 outfall 851.0 1764 850.7 1766 1151 863.0 1766 862.8 1767 1805 851.1 1767 850.7 1769 1153 875.3 1769 875.1 1770 outfall 854.3 1770 854.4 1771 outfall 870.7 1771 871.1 1775 1157 881.0 1775 880.7 1776 1158 878.6 1776 878.1 1778 outfall 853.9 1778 853.6 1780 1163 882.3 1780 881.9 1784 1168 870.4 1784 870.3 1786 1170 870.2 1786 870.0 1788 outfall 856.3 1788 856.3 1791 outfall 862 8 1791 862 6 1/2-Hour Event Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1791 outfall 862.8 1791 862.6 1793 1174 863.9 1793 863.7 1794 1175 862.4 1794 862.0 1796 1177 859.7 1796 859.1 1798 outfall 856.0 1798 855.8 1802 1181 (861)ST 1802 861.3 1806 outfall 857.4 1806 857.3 1804 outfall 857.3 1804 857.2 1808 1185 894.1 1808 893.9 1809 1186 894.0 1809 893.9 1810 1187 893.7 1810 893.5 1811 1188 892.6 1811 892.5 1812 1189 891.8 1812 891.7 1813 1190 891.3 1813 891.1 1814 1191 889.6 1814 889.5 1815 1192 888.8 1815 888.6 1820 1196 890.3 1820 889.6 1822 1198 886.4 ST 1822 886.1 1823 1954 886.4 1823 885.8 1824 1845P 885.4 ST 1824 884.2 1826 1201 887.7 1826 886.8 1828 1203 886.7 1828 886.7 1830 1206 881.1 1830 876.5 1833 1209 877.4 1833 873.9 1834 1217 876.6 1834 871.6 1835 1211 880.2 1835 875.6 1836 1212 877.4 1836 872.6 1838 1213 865.2 1838 863.9 E:\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-13 Table 13.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Are Flood Elevation (ft)3, 4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Node Name Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1839 outfall/weir 858.2 1839 857.4 1840 1214 870.3 1840 867.4 1844 1220 878.9 1844 873.5 1845 1221 879.1 1845 873.6 1846 1222 879.3 1846 873.7 1848 1224 879.6 1848 873.9 1849 1225 879.9 1849 878.8 1854 1231 882.8 1854 882.6 1856 1232 883.1 1856 882.0 1858 1234 882.2 1858 880.9 1859 1235 881.9 1859 879.7 1860 1236 883.5 1860 880.1 1861 1237 885.5 1861 882.0 1863 1239 891.4 ST 1863 880.3 1865 1241 891.6 1865 880.6 1868 1244 893.0 1868 882.9 1904 outfall 843.5 1904 843.5 1993 1803 858.6 1993 857.7 2000 tf ll 860 5 2000 860 52000outfall860.5 2000 860.5 2003 1590 866.2 2003 862.7 2005 1592 866.4 2005 863.5 2007 1595 876.4 2007 876.4 2008 1596 878.6 2008 878.0 2009 1597 880.8 2009 879.7 2011 1599 885.0 2011 882.3 2012 1600 885.3 2012 882.8 2111 1673 866.7 2111 866.6 2112 1675 863.8 2112 863.6 2114 1677 862.7 2114 862.0 2116 1678 862.0 2116 861.3 2118 1679 860.9 2118 860.3 2119 1681 859.1 2119 858.9 2123 1804 859.0 2123 857.4 2125 1684 860.1 2125 858.5 2127 1686 860.4 2127 858.9 2130 1689 865.5 2130 862.9 2131 1690 865.7 2131 863.2 2132 1691 869.7 2132 869.7 2134 1693 868.9 2134 865.5 2136 1695 879.3 2136 875.8 2240 1779 (863) 2240 860.6 2241 outfall 859.1 2241 859.1 2247 outfall 869.6 2247 869.5 2257 outfall 864.4 2257 864.4 2259 outfall 881.0 2259 881.0 2261 outfall 878.3 2261 878.1 E:\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-14 Table 13.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Are Flood Elevation (ft)3, 4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Node Name Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 2263 outfall 867.6 2263 866.9 2265 outfall 869.9 2265 869.9 2281 outfall 850.7 2281 850.3 2335 outfall 872.1 2335 872.1 2336 1778P 864.3 2336 864.2 2338 1848P 879.9 2338 876.4 2340 1850 880.8 ST 2340 878.3 2342 1852P 880.1 2342 878.8 2425 1933 890.6 2425 890.1 LP_1 1674 882.2 LP_1 881.3 LP_2 1682 859.9 ST LP_2 858.9 LP_3 1680 860.9 LP_3 860.2 LP_4 1676 865.6 LP_4 864.1 LP_5 1582 880.7 LP_5 877.9 LP_6 1672 869.4 LP_6 869.3 LP_7 1685 864.9 ST LP_7 863.3 LP_8 1692 881.4 ST LP_8 878.5 LP_9 1688 865.0 ST LP_9 862.1 LP 10 1687 863 4 LP 10 860 6LP_10 1687 863.4 LP_10 860.6 LP_11 1593 875.0 ST LP_11 874.8 LP_12 1931 861.0 ST LP_12 860.9 LP_13 1601 885.3 ST LP_13 884.1 LP_14 1841 (861)P 855.0 3.2 LP_14 857.3 856.4 0.9 LP_15 1696 884.3 ST LP_15 879.0 LP_16 1694 879.2 LP_16 875.6 LP_17 1588 862.5 LP_17 862.2 LP_18 1591 866.5 LP_18 864.5 LP_19 1589 865.0 LP_19 861.2 LP_20 1617 892.3 LP_20 892.1 LP_21 landlocked 862.6 BYD 858.6 4.0 LP_21 860.5 858.6 1.9 LP_22 1584 863.3 LP_22 858.5 LP_23 1598 883.1 LP_23 881.4 LP_24 landlocked 884.6 BYD 882.8 1.8 LP_24 883.9 882.8 1.1 LP_25 outfall/weir 858.2 P 856.5 1.7 LP_25 857.4 856.5 0.9 LP_26 between bays (861)P 855.0 LP_26 857.6 856.5 1.1 LP_27 1602 883.9 ST LP_27 882.2 LP_28 landlocked 885.5 BYD 884.0 1.5 LP_28 885.3 884.0 1.3 MHS_1 1172 (859) MHS_1 866.1 MHS_2 1840P 870.6 MHS_2 870.6 MHS_3 1148 (854) MHS_3 868.4 MHS_4 landlocked 875.4 BYD 872.4 3.0 MHS_4 873.7 872.4 1.3 MHS_5 1147 882.5 MHS_5 881.1 MHS_6 1833P 891.4 ST MHS_6 889.8 MHS_7 1146 (863)ST MHS_7 867.5 MHS_8 907 858.4 MHS_8 858.1 MHS_9 1178 859.2 MHS_9 858.6 E:\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-15 Table 13.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Are Flood Elevation (ft)3, 4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Node Name Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1804 outfall 857.3 1804 857.2 MHS_10 1183 862.1 MHS_10 860.1 MHS_11 1176 862.3 MHS_11 861.2 MHS_12 1179 863.2 MHS_12 862.4 MHS_13 1215 871.3 MHS_13 871.0 MHS_14 landlocked 882.9 BYD 880.7 2.2 MHS_14 882.0 880.7 1.3 MHS_15 1216 876.1 MHS_15 871.2 MHS_16 landlocked 879.7 BYD 877.1 2.6 MHS_16 878.7 877.1 1.6 MHS_17 1219 882.3 ST MHS_17 873.4 MHS_18 1195 891.1 BYD 888.5 2.6 MHS_18 891.2 888.5 2.7 MHS_19 1200 886.9 P 885.0 1.9 MHS_19 885.7 885.0 0.7 MHS_20 1242 892.8 MHS_20 881.0 MHS_21 1184 897.1 MHS_21 895.8 MHS_22 1243 894.3 P 893.5 0.8 MHS_22 893.8 893.5 0.3 MHS_23 1143 894.9 MHS_23 894.9 MHS_24 1784P 895.3 ST MHS_24 894.3 MHS_25 ditch 896.9 MHS_25 896.9 MHS_26 1226 880.1 MHS_26 878.9 MHS 27 ldlkd 898 2 BYD 896 4 18 MHS 27 898 1 896 4 17MHS_27 landlocked 898.2 BYD 896.4 1.8 MHS_27 898.1 896.4 1.7 MHS_28 overland path 904.2 MHS_28 904.1 MHS_29 landlocked 897.0 BYD 895.0 2.0 MHS_29 896.1 895.0 1.1 MHS_30 1229 891.0 MHS_30 883.0 MHS_31 1150 (854.5) MHS_31 875.6 MHS_32 1162 881.6 MHS_32 881.4 MHS_33 1161 (857) MHS_33 873.1 MHS_34 overland path 888.1 MHS_34 888.1 MHS_35 landlocked 898.8 BYD 895.1 3.7 MHS_35 896.2 895.1 1.1 MHS_36 1169 (861) MHS_36 864.9 MHS_37 1783P (859) MHS_37 872.0 MHS_38 creek NA MHS_38 NA MHS_39 creek NA MHS_39 NA MHS_40 1182 (861) MHS_40 861.6 MHS_41 1180 859.9 P 857.0 2.9 MHS_41 857.9 857.0 0.9 MHS_42 1870 876.7 BYD 874.7 2.0 MHS_42 875.0 874.7 0.3 MHS_43 1194 895.1 MHS_43 895.0 MHS_44 1193 885.2 MHS_44 884.0 MHS_45 1173 872.7 MHS_45 872.5 MHS_46 1208 879.0 MHS_46 875.0 MHS_47 1953P 882.0 MHS_47 879.6 MHS_48 1238 889.6 MHS_48 879.9 MHS_49 1790 (869) MHS_49 875.3 MHS_50 1164 884.7 MHS_50 884.4 MHS_51 landlocked 882.9 BYD 880.2 2.7 MHS_51 882.0 880.2 1.8 MHS_52 1167 876.2 MHS_52 876.0 MHS_53 1223 882.2 ST MHS_53 873.9 MHS_55 2 1152 (856) MHS_55 879.1 E:\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-16 Table 13.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Are Flood Elevation (ft)3, 4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Node Name Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results MHS_56 1 1159 880.6 MHS_56 880.2 MHS_57 1230 884.5 MHS_57 883.8 MHS_58 1233 882.9 MHS_58 881.6 MHS_59 1228 880.1 BYD 867.7 12.5 MHS_59 879.0 867.7 11.3 MHS_60 1273 (854.5) MHS_60 862.5 MHS_61 1205 885.0 MHS_61 881.6 MHS_62 1165 884.9 ST MHS_62 879.8 MHS_63 ditch 862.5 MHS_63 862.4 MHS_64 1149 863.8 MHS_64 854.1 MHS_65 1218 883.9 MHS_65 872.7 MHS_66 1240 894.8 BYD 886.1 8.7 MHS_66 893.1 886.1 7.0 MHS_67 1794P (867) MHS_67 877.2 MHS_68 overland path 896.6 ST MHS_68 896.6 MHS_69 1793P (867) MHS_69 873.3 MHS_70 1792 (867) MHS_70 887.9 MHS_71 1791P (867) MHS_71 886.9 MHS_72 1815P 877.0 MHS_72 876.8 MHS_73 1844P 879.2 MHS_73 876.8 MHS 74 1166 872 3 BYD 867 3 51 MHS 74 872 0 867 3 48MHS_74 1166 872.3 BYD 867.3 5.1 MHS_74 872.0 867.3 4.8 MHS_75 1849 881.6 BYD 877.4 4.2 MHS_75 880.0 877.4 2.7 MHS_76 1847P 880.5 BYD 874.9 5.6 MHS_76 877.4 874.9 2.5 MHS_77 overland path 882.5 ST MHS_77 882.4 MHS_79 1851P 880.1 ST MHS_79 879.1 MHS_80 1932 895.6 ST MHS_80 892.1 MHS_81 1944 (861)P 856.0 2.2 MHS_81 857.4 856.0 1.4 MHS_82 1197 890.2 ST MHS_82 889.4 MHS_83 1955 886.3 ST MHS_83 885.4 MHS_84 1202 888.2 MHS_84 887.2 MHS_86 1204 881.9 MHS_86 878.2 MHS_87 1207 880.3 ST MHS_87 875.9 MHS_88 1961 895.6 BYD 891.4 4.2 MHS_88 895.1 891.4 3.7 MHS_89 landlocked 884.0 BYD 881.6 2.4 MHS_89 883.3 881.6 1.7 102 2 919.9 102 915.7 103 3 913.1 103 910.0 104 1949 909.7 104 908.4 109 8 897.4 109 897.4 110 9 895.1 110 895.1 112 11 900.5 112 898.2 113 12 895.8 113 889.7 118 17 903.0 118 900.0 119 outfall 885.0 119 885.0 2374 1882 911.6 2374 911.6 2375 1883 910.3 2375 910.3 2376 1884 907.1 2376 907.0 2444 1950 908.1 2444 907.6 ML_1 6 896.3 ML_1 896.1 E:\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-17 Table 13.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Are Flood Elevation (ft)3, 4 Type of Storage5 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Node Name Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1/2-Hour Event Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results ML_10 1965 916.0 BYD 912.6 3.3 ML_10 915.0 912.6 2.4 ML_11 1 935.9 ML_11 934.4 ML_12 1826 935.8 ST ML_12 934.7 ML_13 908 897.8 ST ML_13 897.8 ML_14 1820 912.8 ST ML_14 910.6 ML_15 1821 912.9 ST ML_15 912.5 ML_2 5 907.0 ML_2 906.9 ML_3 15 902.5 ST ML_3 897.2 ML_4 10 916.5 ML_4 912.1 ML_5 7 907.7 ML_5 907.0 ML_6 16 916.2 ST ML_6 912.4 ML_7 landlocked 928.6 BYD 924.3 4.3 ML_7 926.5 924.3 2.2 ML_8 1966 (force main) 891.8 P 887.4 4.4 ML_8 888.4 887.4 1.0 ML_9 1881 913.7 ML_9 913.6 1 Catch basin inflows limited to 24 cfs 2 Catch basin inflows limited to 15 cfs 3 Flood elevations in parenthesis indicate a 100-year flood elevation based on the 100-year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, according to the 5 ST=Street, BYD=Back Yard Depression, P=Pond Flood elevations in parenthesis indicate a 100 year flood elevation based on the 100 year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina 4 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. E:\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-18 Table 13.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 907 MHS_8 1602 Circular 1.25 0.013 856.3 856 150 0.20 5.3 4.6 1143 MHS_23 1754 Circular 1.25 0.024 887.1 863.6 340 6.91 10.5 10.5 1146 MHS_7 1758 Circular 1.25 0.013 860.5 857.5 390 0.77 9.9 9.6 1147 MHS_5 1760 Circular 1 0.010 880.67 857.8 261 8.76 14.7 5.8 1148 MHS_3 1762 Circular 1.5 0.024 867.87 864.29 39 9.18 6.4 4.1 1149 MHS_64 1764 Circular 1.5 0.013 851 849.49 285 0.53 20.9 10.4 1150 MHS_31 1766 Circular 1.5 0.013 874.75 872.15 30 8.67 14.3 7.8 1151 1766 1767 Circular 1.5 0.013 862.3 854.76 49 15.39 14.3 7.8 1152 MHS_55 (2) 1769 Circular 2.75 0.013 871.43 869.74 98 1.73 34.0 32.9 1153 1769 1770 Circular 1.25 0.013 864.19 853.14 75 14.73 26.8 26.7 1154 1769 1771 Circular 1 0.013 864.19 870.23 26 -23.23 8.9 8.7 1157 1775 MHS_56 Circular 1 0.013 874.68 873.55 303 0.37 4.7 4.7 1158 1776 MHS_55 (2) Circular 2.25 0.013 872.66 871.43 168 0.73 26.3 26.2 1159(1)MHS_56 1776 Circular 2.25 0.013 873.55 872.66 101 0.88 26.6 26.6 1160 MHS_56 MHS_33 Circular 1.25 0.013 876 874.32 145 1.16 12.1 12.0 1161 MHS_33 1778 Circular 1.25 0.013 871.87 852.65 280 6.86 16.6 15.1 1162 MHS_32 1775 Circular 1 0.013 875.4 874.68 327 0.22 3.5 4.3 1163 1780 MHS_32 Circular 2 0.013 876.6 875.4 323 0.37 9.9 10.1 1164 MHS_50 1780 Circular 2 0.013 877.6 876.6 325 0.31 18.6 18.8 1165 MHS_62 MHS_74 Circular 1 0.013 878.92 867.25 152 7.68 10.6 8.5 1166 MHS_74 1784 Circular 1 0.013 867.25 866 150 0.83 4.3 4.8 1167 MHS_52 1784 Circular 1.25 0.013 869.2 866 302 1.06 8.9 8.9 1168 1784 1786 Circular 1.25 0.013 866 865.3 218 0.32 6.6 6.7 1169 MHS_36 1788 Circular 1 0.013 863.8 855.43 175 4.78 8.4 8.4 1170 1786 MHS_1 Circular 1.25 0.013 865.3 863.5 235 0.77 7.3 8.3 1172 MHS_1 1791 Circular 1.25 0.013 863.5 861.8 42 4.05 12.8 10.3 1173 MHS_45 1793 Circular 1.5 0.013 866.32 858.3 272 2.95 21.4 21.2 1174 1793 1794 Circular 1.5 0.013 858.3 856.12 47 4.64 26.7 24.5 1175 1794 MHS_11 Circular 2.75 0.013 856.12 856 16 0.75 38.8 31.3 1176 MHS_11 1796 Circular 2.75 0.013 856 853.9 234 0.90 53.2 46.2 1177 1796 MHS_9 Circular 3 0.013 853.9 853.6 62 0.48 46.4 43.9 1178 MHS_9 1798 Circular 3.5 0.024 853.6 853.6 169 0.00 57.8 50.5 1179 MHS_12 MHS_41 Circular 1.5 0.024 857.34 851.5 134 4.36 10.0 10.6 1180 MHS_41 1802 Circular 1.25 0.024 857 856.86 142 0.10 -6.0 -4.5 1181 1802 MHS_40 Circular 1.25 0.013 856.86 856.72 36 0.39 8.1 -5.9 1182 MHS_40 MH1804 Circular 1.5 0.024 856.72 856.02 125 0.56 11.4 9.7 1183 MHS_10 1806 Circular 1.5 0.013 856.6 856 145 0.41 16.5 12.5 1184 MHS_21 1808 Circular 1.25 0.013 891.85 888.7 271 1.16 7.0 5.5 1185 1808 1809 Circular 1.25 0.013 888.7 888.4 22 1.36 5.3 4.4 1186 1809 1810 Circular 1.25 0.013 888.4 888.2 39 0.51 8.1 9.2 1187 1810 1811 Circular 1.25 0.013 888.2 886.9 162 0.80 8.0 9.0 1188 1811 1812 Circular 1.25 0.013 886.9 886.05 94 0.90 8.2 9.1 1189 1812 1813 Circular 1.25 0.013 886.05 885.45 62 0.97 8.2 9.2 1190 1813 1814 Circular 1.25 0.013 885.45 884 123 1.18 8.4 9.5 1191 1814 1815 Circular 1.25 0.013 884 883.05 57 1.67 8.7 10.0 1192 1815 MHS_61 Circular 1.25 0.013 883.05 878.4 303 1.53 8.7 10.4 1193 MHS_44 MHS_61 Circular 2 0.013 878.8 877 315 0.57 13.3 7.7 1193 MHS_44 MHS_61 Circular 2 0.013 878.8 877 315 0.57 13.2 7.7 1194 MHS_43 1809 Circular 1 0.010 890.63 888.4 407 0.55 4.7 5.4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-19 Table 13.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 1195 MHS_18 1820 Circular 0.75 0.020 888.5 887.4 130 0.85 1.9 2.4 1196 1820 MHS_82 Circular 1 0.024 887.4 887.1 29 1.03 1.9 2.4 1196 1820 MHS_82 Circular 1 0.024 887.4 887.1 29 1.03 3.1 2.4 1197 MHS_82 1822 Circular 1.25 0.024 884.2 882.5 167 1.02 5.3 5.0 1198 1822 1823 Circular 1.25 0.013 882.5 882.2 34 0.88 5.1 4.9 1200 MHS_19 1826 Circular 0.75 0.010 884.54 882.97 142 1.11 -2.4 -1.9 1201 1826 MHS_84 Circular 1 0.024 882.97 882.34 28 2.29 -2.4 -2.0 1202 MHS_84 1828 Circular 1 0.013 882.34 880.95 128 1.09 3.8 2.9 1203 1828 MHS_44 Circular 1 0.024 880.95 880.7 350 0.07 2.1 1.7 1204 MHS_86 1830 Circular 2 0.013 873.35 871.54 206 0.88 19.5 18.9 1205 MHS_61 1830 Circular 2 0.013 877 875.24 327 0.54 28.7 25.0 1206 1830 MHS_87 Circular 2 0.013 875.3 874.6 140 0.50 20.4 8.7 1207 MHS_87 MHS_46 Circular 2 0.013 874.6 873.3 248 0.52 17.3 12.5 1208 MHS_46 1833 Circular 2 0.013 873.3 872.3 116 0.86 29.0 19.1 1209 1833 1834 Circular 2.5 0.013 872.3 870.86 131 1.10 28.7 19.0 1210 1830 1835 Circular 2.5 0.013 871.5 870.8 71 1.04 40.3 40.5 1211 1835 1836 Circular 2.5 0.013 870.8 867.1 467 0.80 39.1 38.8 1212 1836 MHS_15 Circular 2.5 0.013 867.1 865.9 131 0.88 39.0 38.9 1213 1838 1839 Circular 4 0.013 860 857.1 298 0.97 127.9 107.3 1214 1840 1838 Circular 4 0.013 861.45 860 547 0.27 127.9 107.8 1215 MHS_13 1840 Circular 1 0.013 867.2 867.05 50 0.30 6.8 6.9 1216 MHS_15 1840 Circular 4 0.013 862.6 861.45 605 0.19 124.1 101.1 1217 1834 MHS_15 Circular 4 0.013 862.91 862.79 28 0.43 83.9 62.7 1218 MHS_65 1834 Circular 3.5 0.013 864.25 862.91 333 0.40 68.0 46.5 1219 MHS_17 MHS_65 Circular 3.5 0.013 864.9 864.25 328 0.20 67.6 42.5 1220 1844 MHS_17 Circular 3.5 0.013 864.45 864.9 108 -0.42 58.5 34.8 1221 1845 1844 Circular 3.5 0.013 865.5 864.45 220 0.48 58.5 34.7 1222 1846 1845 Circular 3.5 0.013 865.7 865.5 172 0.12 58.5 33.8 1223 MHS_53 1846 Circular 3.5 0.013 865.8 865.7 162 0.06 58.5 33.0 1224 1848 MHS_53 Circular 3.5 0.013 865.5 865.8 160 -0.19 50.5 28.1 1225 1849 1848 Circular 3.5 0.013 865.4 865.5 16 -0.63 48.7 27.9 1226 MHS_26 1849 Circular 3.5 0.013 866.25 865.4 153 0.56 48.6 24.7 1228 MHS_59 MHS_26 Circular 3.5 0.013 867.65 867.45 27 0.74 -79.6 -32.9 1229 MHS_30 1854 Circular 1.25 0.013 881.75 879 288 0.95 4.0 3.9 1230 MHS_57 1856 Circular 1.25 0.013 879.23 878.46 230 0.34 6.1 6.7 1231 1854 MHS_58 Circular 1.25 0.013 879 878.1 225 0.40 2.9 4.5 1232 1856 MHS_58 Circular 1.25 0.013 878.46 877.87 147 0.40 5.8 6.1 1233 MHS_58 1858 Circular 1.25 0.013 877.87 877.1 188 0.41 6.2 6.9 1234 1858 1859 Circular 1.25 0.013 877.1 875.82 211 0.61 6.4 6.6 1235 1859 MHS_59 Circular 1.25 0.013 875.82 873 219 1.29 8.3 6.2 1236 1860 MHS_26 Circular 3 0.013 867.8 866.25 340 0.46 65.9 29.5 1237 1861 1860 Circular 3 0.013 871.25 867.8 120 2.88 76.8 29.2 1238 MHS_48 1861 Circular 3 0.013 874.3 871.25 279 1.09 76.9 29.3 1239 1863 MHS_48 Circular 3 0.013 875.6 874.3 362 0.36 51.0 18.9 1240 MHS_66 1865 Circular 1 0.013 886.07 884.4 164 1.02 8.0 7.1 1241 1865 1863 Circular 3 0.013 878 875.6 394 0.61 38.3 25.1 1242 MHS_20 1865 Circular 3 0.013 879.8 878 360 0.50 38.1 15.2 1243 MHS_22 1868 Circular 2 0.013 893.5 888.4 220 2.32 12.8 1.3 1244 1868 MHS_20 Circular 2 0.013 882.5 882.1 50 0.80 18.9 1.3 1273 MHS_60 1904 Circular 1 0.024 859.34 842.65 97 17.24 8.4 8.4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-20 Table 13.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 1582 LP_5 LP_12 Circular 1 0.013 877.6 855.8 245 8.90 10.1 4.9 1584 LP_22 1993 Circular 2 0.013 855.71 855.42 288 0.10 27.3 13.4 1588 LP_17 2000 Circular 1.5 0.013 859.03 857.64 68 2.04 16.2 15.4 1589 LP_19 LP_26 Circular 3.5 0.013 858.7 857.33 185 0.74 121.9 77.4 1589 LP_19 LP_26 Circular 3.5 0.013 858.7 857.33 185 0.74 150.2 75.8 1590 2003 LP_19 Circular 1.5 0.013 860.0 858.7 62 2.05 20.1 21.6 1591 LP_18 2003 Circular 1.5 0.013 860.87 859.97 179 0.50 13.6 21.6 1592 2005 LP_19 Circular 3.5 0.013 862.2 858.7 285 1.23 55.9 34.9 1593 LP_11 2005 Circular 2 0.013 866.39 862.2 333 1.65 37.1 32.7 1595 2007 LP_11 Circular 2 0.013 866.5 866.39 175 0.06 25.4 23.6 1596 2008 2007 Circular 2 0.013 866.83 866.5 165 0.20 25.4 22.8 1597 2009 2008 Circular 2 0.013 867.15 866.83 162 0.20 25.4 22.8 1598 LP_23 2009 Circular 2 0.013 867.72 867.15 173 0.33 25.4 22.8 1599 2011 LP_23 Circular 1.5 0.013 871.76 870.9 165 0.52 10.3 6.8 1600 2012 2011 Circular 1.5 0.013 872.59 871.76 110 0.75 9.4 6.8 1601 LP_13 2012 Circular 1.5 0.013 874.14 872.59 290 0.53 7.9 8.0 1602 LP_27 LP_23 Circular 2 0.013 869.64 867.72 427 0.45 22.2 20.3 1617 LP_20 LP_27 Circular 1.5 0.013 880.0 875.0 660 0.75 14.0 13.3 1672 LP_6 2111 Circular 2 0.013 863.03 861.64 267 0.52 23.2 24.6 1673 2111 2112 Circular 2 0.013 861.6 859.6 250 0.80 23.2 23.3 1674 LP_1 2112 Circular 1 0.013 880.9 859.6 145 14.65 11.9 6.3 1675 2112 2114 Circular 2 0.013 859.64 857.35 248 0.92 22.4 22.4 1676 LP_4 2114 Circular 1 0.013 860.4 857.4 72 4.28 7.8 6.1 1677 2114 2116 Circular 2.5 0.013 857.9 856.7 215 0.52 25.8 23.7 1678 2116 LP_3 Circular 2.5 0.013 856.7 855.6 220 0.53 25.8 23.7 1679 2118 LP_3 Circular 1 0.013 858.0 855.6 60 4.07 -0.2 -1.5 1680 LP_3 2119 Circular 2.5 0.013 857.52 856.55 174 0.56 36.9 32.1 1681 2119 LP_25 Circular 2.5 0.013 856.55 856.1 120 0.38 36.8 32.6 1682 LP_2 LP_25 Circular 1.5 0.013 855.98 855.2 194 0.40 11.2 11.6 1684 2125 2123 Circular 1.5 0.010 856.9 855.9 170 0.58 11.3 10.4 1685 LP_7 2125 Circular 1.25 0.013 859 856.88 165 1.28 11.4 10.5 1686 2127 2123 Circular 2.5 0.010 856.4 855.9 100 0.50 40.4 30.7 1687 LP_10 2127 Circular 2.25 0.013 857.6 856.4 148 0.80 40.4 30.7 1688 LP_9 LP_10 Circular 2 0.013 858.0 857.6 102 0.42 25.8 20.1 1689 2130 LP_9 Circular 1.5 0.013 861.3 858.0 158 2.08 9.2 6.8 1690 2131 2130 Circular 1.5 0.013 862.0 861.3 29 2.31 7.1 6.7 1691 2132 2131 Circular 1 0.013 865.0 862.0 195 1.55 6.5 6.5 1692 LP_8 2132 Circular 1 0.013 875.1 865.0 138 7.32 10.3 8.8 1693 2134 LP_18 Circular 1.25 0.013 863.11 860.87 243 0.92 9.2 13.6 1694 LP_16 2134 Circular 1.25 0.013 874.74 863.11 293 3.97 12.2 13.9 1695 2136 LP_16 Circular 1.25 0.013 874.88 874.74 43 0.33 7.9 5.3 1696 LP_15 2136 Circular 1.25 0.013 878.2 874.9 401 0.84 7.9 5.3 1778P 2336 2240 Circular 2.5 0.013 863.6 859.3 140 3.07 11.7 10.5 1779 2240 2241 Circular 2.5 0.013 859.3 858 327 0.40 11.6 10.5 1783P MHS_37 2247 Circular 1.5 0.013 871.8 869.3 44 5.68 2.2 0.7 1784P MHS_24 MHS_66 Circular 1 0.013 887 886.07 162 0.58 5.7 5.3 1790 MHS_49 2257 Circular 1 0.013 865.7 863.4 234 1.00 9.6 7.4 1791P MHS_71 2259 Circular 1.25 0.013 886.24 880.46 57 10.14 8.2 6.7 1792 MHS_70 2261 Circular 1 0.024 887.2 877.5 93 10.48 6.3 4.7 1793P MHS_69 2263 Circular 1 0.013 872.97 866.61 92 6.95 10.3 1.9 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-21 Table 13.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 1794P MHS_67 2265 Circular 1 0.013 872.02 868.86 86 3.67 10.7 10.5 1803 1993 LP_26 Circular 2.5 0.013 855.42 854.9 50 1.04 27.3 13.4 1804 2123 LP_14 Circular 3 0.013 854.4 853.4 80 1.21 50.9 41.1 1805 1767 2281 Circular 2.5 0.024 849.8 849.4 16 2.31 14.3 7.8 1815P MHS_72 MHS_73 Circular 1 0.013 874.27 873.24 321 0.32 -3.0 2.1 1833P MHS_6 MHS_23 Circular 1.25 0.013 888.3 887.1 169 0.71 -9.4 -8.7 1840P MHS_2 1786 Circular 1.25 0.013 869.1 865.3 25 15.20 5.2 5.9 1841 LP_14 2334 Circular 2.5 0.013 855.0 853.5 150 1.00 53.8 44.9 1844P MHS_73 2335 Circular 1 0.013 873.24 871.19 329 0.62 5.4 4.4 1845P 1824 MHS_44 Circular 1.25 0.013 879.2 878.8 24 1.67 9.9 6.0 1846P 1754 2336 Circular 2.5 0.013 863.6 863.6 36 0.00 11.7 10.5 1847P MHS_76 2338 Circular 1.25 0.010 874.92 874.6 200 0.16 7.1 5.9 1848P 2338 MHS_46 Circular 1.25 0.013 874.6 873.9 181 0.39 7.1 5.9 1849 MHS_75 2340 Circular 1 0.010 877.35 875.85 181 0.83 4.2 5.9 1850 2340 MHS_86 Circular 1.25 0.013 874.25 873.85 27 1.48 13.2 6.4 1851P MHS_79 2342 Circular 1 0.013 876.15 875 215 0.53 4.0 3.5 1852P 2342 MHS_56 Circular 1 0.013 875 873.39 151 1.07 4.0 3.5 1870 MHS_42 1848 Circular 1.25 0.013 874.7 874.2 62 0.81 6.4 8.6 1931 LP_12 LP_26 Circular 1 0.010 855.1 855.0 350 0.00 4.1 5.8 1932 MHS_80 2425 Circular 1 0.015 889.2 888.0 309 0.39 4.0 3.8 1933 2425 MHS_49 Circular 1 0.015 888 886 231 0.87 4.0 3.7 1944 MHS_81 LP_25 Circular 5 0.013 852.62 852.23 167 0.23 59.9 54.8 1953P MHS_47 MHS_86 Circular 2 0.013 875 873.37 430 0.38 18.3 14.0 1954 1823 MHS_83 Circular 1.25 0.013 882.2 881.1 106 1.04 5.1 4.9 1955 MHS_83 1824 Circular 1.25 0.013 881.1 879.2 182 1.04 9.5 6.1 1961 MHS_88 MHS_43 Circular 1 0.010 891.4 890.4 145 0.69 3.3 4.1 1 ML_11 102 Circular 1.250 0.013 929.1 914.95 329.00 4.3 14 7.7 10 ML_4 112 Circular 1.500 0.013 910 892.84 220.00 7.8 28 26.0 11 112 113 Circular 1.500 0.013 892.84 887 75.00 7.8 28 26.0 12 113 ML_8 Circular 2.000 0.013 887 885.9 55.00 2.0 48 26.0 15 ML_3 ML_8 Circular 2.000 0.013 896 885 131.00 8.4 57 41.3 16 ML_6 118 Circular 1.000 0.013 895.7 895 220.00 0.3 10 9.6 17 118 ML_8 Circular 1.000 0.024 895 885 55.00 18.2 9 8.5 1966 (force main) ML_8 119 Circular 1.000 0.02 907.59 911.36 NA NA 4 4.0 1820 ML_14 ML_13 Circular 1.250 0.013 910 909.24 86.00 0.9 9 2.3 1821 ML_15 ML_13 Circular 1.000 0.013 908.44 907.76 332.00 0.7 4 3.7 1826 ML_12 ML_11 Circular 1.250 0.013 929.5 927.83 328.00 0.5 8 6.2 1881 ML_9 2374 Circular 1.250 0.013 907.48 905.08 80.00 3.0 9 9.4 1882 2374 2375 Circular 1.250 0.013 905.08 903.86 76.00 1.6 7 8.2 1883 2375 2376 Circular 1.250 0.013 903.86 900.42 215.00 1.6 7 7.4 1884 2376 ML_5 Circular 1.250 0.013 900.42 899.67 27.00 2.8 8 8.2 1949 104 2444 Circular 1.250 0.013 905 901.6 60.00 5.7 12 8.9 1950 2444 ML_2 Circular 1.250 0.013 901.6 900.2 42.00 3.3 12 9.1 1965 ML_10 ML_13 Circular 1.000 0.013 912.64 911.59 101.00 1.0 6 5.0 2 102 103 Circular 1.250 0.013 914.95 907.62 235.00 3.1 12 8.0 3 103 104 Circular 1.250 0.013 907.62 905 90.00 2.9 12 8.5 5 ML_2 ML_1 Circular 1.250 0.013 900.2 890 170.00 6.0 16 16.6 6 ML_1 ML_8 Circular 1.500 0.013 888 887.2 80.00 1.0 25 24.0 7 ML_5 109 Circular 1.250 0.013 899.67 889.71 293.00 3.4 12 11.9 8 109 110 Circular 1.250 0.013 889.71 888.86 85.00 1.0 9 9.5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-22 Table 13.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek South East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 9 110 ML_1 Circular 1.250 0.013 888.86 888 86.00 1.0 -6 7.5 908 ML_13 ML_8 Circular 3.500 0.013 886.56 886 48.00 1.2 105 46.5 1 Catch basin inflows at node MHS_56 limited to 24 cfs 2 Catch basin inflows at node MHS_55 limited to 15 cfs P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\SEMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 13-23 Melody Lake Harvey Lake Lake Pamela 62 100 MinneapolisMinneapolis RichfieldRichfield LP_26 ML_13 LP_6 ML_8 ML_3 MHS_45 LP_14 ML_4 LP_27 Minnehaha Creek MHS_57 MHS_22 MHS_50 LP_17 Minnehaha Creek MHS_48 LP_20 LP_19 LP_8 ML_9 MHS_53 LP_13 LP_11 MHS_32 MHS_52 LP_22 MHS_63 ML_12 MHS_59 MHS_17 MHS_20 ML_2 MHS_26 LP_9 LP_1 MHS_47 LP_2 MHS_62 MHS_61 LP_7 ML_1 ML_5 MHS_11 MHS_12 LP_16 MHS_35 MHS_13 LP_23 LP_10 MHS_7 MHS_5 MHS_39 MHS_24 MHS_65 ML_6 MHS_64 MHS_21 MHS_8 ML_11 ML_14 MHS_25 MHS_56 MHS_46 LP_25 LP_3 LP_18 MHS_27 ML_10 LP_15 LP_21 MHS_34 MHS_15 LP_12 MHS_67 ML_7 LP_5 MHS_43 MHS_83 MHS_68 MHS_9 MHS_60 MHS_31 MHS_80 MHS_71 LP_4 MHS_70 MHS_58 MHS_19 MHS_10 MHS_81 MHS_76 ML_15 MHS_84 MHS_44 MHS_86 MHS_4 MHS_75 MHS_18 MHS_88 MHS_55 MHS_23 LP_24 MHS_72 MHS_28 MHS_77 MHS_6 MHS_33 MHS_41 MHS_87 MHS_66 MHS_73 MHS_51 MHS_14 MHS_79 MHS_82 MHS_16 MHS_2 MHS_3 MHS_42 MHS_29 MHS_40 MHS_74 MHS_30 LP_28 MHS_49 MHS_1 MHS_69 MHS_37 MHS_89 MHS_38 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 0 8 : 1 7 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 3 _ 1 _ M C _ S o u t h e a s t _ D r a i n a g e _ B a s i n s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 13.1 SOUTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Lake/Wetland Creek/Stream Minnehaha Creek - Southeast Drainage Basin Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 M in nehaha C r e e k DRAFT 13-24 M i n n e h a h a C r e e k Minnehaha Creek SouthMinnehaha Creek South Lake PamelaLake Pamela Melody Lake Harvey Lake Lake Pamela W 58th St Fr a n c e A v e Melody LakeMelody Lake 100 62 W 54th St MinneapolisMinneapolis RichfieldRichfield !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 0 6 : 3 5 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 3 _ 2 _ M C _ S o u t h e a s t _ M a j o r _ W a t e r s h e d s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,00001,000 Feet Figure 13.2 SOUTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK MAJOR WATERSHEDS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Southeast Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 13-25 !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!. !.!.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. EW I N G A V E S O NORMAN CT GROVE ST 58TH ST W L A E A S T V I E W D R BE N T O N AVE DA L E A V E WINDSOR AVE BE R N A R D P L 57TH ST W CO D E A V E R I C H M O N D L A D R L A K E CO D E A V E MEL O D Y AVE PL WA R W I C K RICHMOND WINDSOR 56TH ST W M E L O D Y YVONNE TERR KENT AVE WINDSOR AVE N O R M A N D A L E C T RICHMOND CIR NO R M A N D A L E B L V D (S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) NO R M A N D A L E B L V D 59TH ST W SCHOOL NO R M A N D A L E B L V D ( S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) RD RU T H D R 60TH ST W CO N C O R D A V E CONCORD TERRACE 58TH AS H C R O F T 59TH AV E A V E W AV E A V E J O H N ' S ST . AV E ST OA K L A W N A V E KE L L O G G A V E ST61ST WO O D D A L E A V E BR O O K V I E W A V E 62ND ST W W PHILBROOK LA AV E AV E KE L L O G G OA K L A W N 60TH ST W 59TH ST W ST58TH WO O D D A L E AV E AV E BR O O K V I E W PL PA R K W ST62ND W FR A N C E A V E S FR A N C E A V E S HA L I F A X A V E S AVE 58TH H A L I F A X AV E HAL I F A X WST FR A N C E A V E S (C O R D N O 1 7 ) FR A N C E A V E GR I M E S A V E GRIMES L A 60TH ST W (S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) TE R D R L A K E V I E W GOLF WIND RD SH E R W O O D A V E LAK E V I E W DA L R Y M P L E R D DR LAKEVIEW ST . A N D R E W S A V E SOUTH VIEW LA WEST WOODLAND AV E CO N C O R D LEXINGTON AV E LAKEVIEW OAK 56TH TOWER DR CO N C O R D ST ST W DR DR RD AV E ST . J O H N ' S AV E ST . J O H N S ST FA I R F A X GOLF TERRACE RD KELLOGG PL AV E OA K L A W N AV E KE L L O G G 56TH 55TH AV E WO O D D A L E WOODLAND RD BR O O K V I E W A V E AV E BR O O K V I E W W PL PA R K W PL PA R K WO O D L A N D ST ST KE L L O G G AV E 54TH ST W ST OA K L A W N 53RD AV E BR O O K V I E W W. 54TH ST. W WOODLAND 56TH S T W WO O D L A N D L A WO O D L A N D D R DE V E R D R DR WO O D C R E S T WOODCREST FR A N C E A V E S O EW I N G C I R ( C O R D N O 1 7 ) FR A N C E A V E CIR LA HA L I F A X CIR WOO D E N D D R 54TH ST W DR E W A V E S O BE A R D A V E S O CH O W E N A V E S O 59TH ST W 61ST S T W 62ND ST W EW I N G A V S AB B O T T A V E S 58TH ST W DR E W A V E S CH O W E N A V E S EW I N G A V E S BE A R D A V E S AB B O T T A V E S 60TH ST W ZE N I T H A V E S AB B O T T P L 57TH ST W FULLER ST W 55TH ST W BE A R D A V E S CT BE A R D 55TH ST W CHO W E N A V E S W 54TH ST 55TH ST W YO R K A V E S ZE N I T H A V E S 56TH ST W DR E W A V E S O LEXINGTON AV E M innehahaCreek Harvey Lake Melody Lake Pamela Lake LP_26 ML_13 LP_6 ML_8 ML_3 MHS_45 LP_14 ML_4 LP_27 Minnehaha Creek MHS_57 MHS_22 MHS_50 LP_17 Minnehaha Creek MHS_48 LP_20 LP_19 LP_8 ML_9 MHS_53 LP_13 LP_11 MHS_32 MHS_52 LP_22 MHS_63 ML_12 MHS_59 MHS_17 MHS_20 ML_2 MHS_26 LP_9 LP_1 MHS_47 LP_2 MHS_62 MHS_61 LP_7 ML_1 ML_5 MHS_11 MHS_12 LP_16 MHS_35 MHS_13 LP_23 LP_10 MHS_7 MHS_5 MHS_39 MHS_24 MHS_65 ML_6 MHS_64 MHS_21 MHS_8 ML_11 ML_14 MHS_25 MHS_56 MHS_46 LP_25LP_3 LP_18 MHS_27 ML_10 LP_15LP_21 MHS_34 MHS_15 MHS_23 LP_12 MHS_67 ML_7 LP_5 MHS_43 MHS_83 LP_24 MHS_68 MHS_9 MHS_60 MHS_72 MHS_31 MHS_28 MHS_80 MHS_71 LP_4 MHS_70 MHS_58 MHS_19 MHS_77 MHS_10 MHS_6 MHS_33 MHS_41 MHS_81 MHS_87 MHS_76 MHS_66 ML_15 MHS_73 MHS_84 MHS_51 MHS_14 MHS_44 MHS_79MHS_86 MHS_4 MHS_82 MHS_75 MHS_18 MHS_16 MHS_88 MHS_2 MHS_3 MHS_42 MHS_29 MHS_40 MHS_55 MHS_74 MHS_30 LP_28 MHS_49 MHS_89 MHS_1 MHS_69 MHS_37 MHS_38 119 2240 1791 1754 MH-119 MH-118 MH-113 MH-107 MH-104 MH-103 MH-101 MH-2452 CB-2451 CB-2449 CB-2447 FE-2440 FE-2439 MH-2425 FE-2423 MH-2375 MH-2342 MH-2336 FE-2335 FE-2334 CB-2332 MH-2012 MH-2308 MH-2306 CB-2296 FE-2281 FE-2280 FE-2279 FE-2265 FE-2263 FE-2261 MH-2259CB-2258 OT-2247 FE-2241 FE-1904 CB-1868 FE-1867 CB-1865 MH-1862 MH-1860 MH-1853 MH-1850CB-1849 MH-1848 MH-1847 MH-1846 MH-1845 MH-1844 CB-1841 FE-1839MH-1838 MH-1836 MH-1835 CB-1834 MH-1831 MH-1830 OT-1825 FE-1806 FE-1804 OT-1801 FE-1800 FE-1798 MH-1794 FE-1788 CB-1787 CB-1786 FE-1778 MH-1777 MH-1776 CB-1772 FE-1771 FE-1770 MH-1769 MH-1767 MH-1766 MH-1763 FE-1762 FE-1760 FE-1758 FE-1604 MH-1603 FE-1602 MH-1599 MH-1598 MH-1597 CB-2136 CB-2130 CB-2129OT-2127 FE-2122MH-2118 MH-2116 MH-2114 MH-2010 MH-2008 CB-2003 FE-2002 FE-2000 CB-1992 CB-1995 MH-116 MH-112 MH-111 MH-108 MH-102 CB-2424 CB-2360 MH-2338 CB-2337 OT-2333 CB-2327 MH-2011 CB-2305 MH-2297 CB-2262 CB-2256 CB-1903 MH-1866 MH-1863 MH-1861 MH-1854 MH-1843 MH-1842 MH-1840MH-1837 MH-1833 CB-1832 CB-1829 CB-1827CB-1826 CB-1823 MH-1816 CB-1807 CB-1805 CB-1797 CB-1795 CB-1789 CB-1784 CB-1782 MH-1781 MH-1773 MH-1768 CB-1765 CB-1761 CB-1759 CB-1601 CB-2137 CB-2135 CB-2134 CB-2133 CB-2131 CB-2128 MH-2123 FE-2120 MH-2119MH-2117 MH-2115 MH-2113 MH-2111 MH-2110 MH-2009 MH-2005 MH-2001 MH-1993 MH-117 MH-110 MH-109 MH-2446 MH-2376 MH-2374 CB-2373 CB-2341 CB-2340 CB-2339 MH-2315 MH-2013 CB-2307 CB-2264 CB-2260 CB-2248 CB-1864 MH-1859 MH-1858 MH-1857 MH-1856 CB-1855 MH-1852 CB-1828 CB-1824 CB-1822 CB-1821CB-1820 OT-1819 CB-1818 CB-1817 CB-1815 CB-1814 CB-1813 CB-1812 CB-1811 CB-1810 CB-1809 CB-1803 CB-1802 MH-1799 CB-1796CB-1793 CB-1792 CB-1785 MH-1780 MH-1779 MH-1775 CB-1774 CB-1757 MH-1753 MH-2132 MH-2126 OT-2125 CB-2121 MH-2112 MH-2015MH-2014 MH-2007MH-2006 CB-2004 CB-1999 CB-1990 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 0 0 : 5 6 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft\ F i g _ 1 3 _ 3 _ M C _ S o u t h e a s t _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 Figure 13.3 SOUTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota !;N 400 0 400 Feet 120 0 120 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Southeast Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event 13-26 Melody Lake Harvey Lake Lake Pamela M i n n e h a h a C r eek MinneapolisMinneapolis RichfieldRichfield LP_26 MHS_22 LP_14 ML_8 MHS_13 MHS_13 MHS_41 LP_5 MHS_19 MHS_35 LP_13 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 3 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 3 _ 4 _ M C _ S o u t h e a s t _ W a t e r _ Q u a l i t y . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 13.4 SOUTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK WATER QUALITY MODELING RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) Percent TP Removal in Water Body* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed. Cumulative TP Removal in Watershed* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed and upstream watersheds that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Flow Direction *Data based on results of P8 modeling. Area Draining Directly to Minnehaha Creek 0 - 25% (Poor/No Removal) 13-27 !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. EW I N G A V E S O NORMAN CT GROVE ST 58TH ST W L A E A S T V I E W D R B E N T O N AVE DA L E A V E WINDSOR AVE BE R N A R D P L 57TH ST W CO D E A V E R I C H M O N D L A D R L A K E CO D E A V E MEL O D Y AVE PL WA R W I C K RICHMOND WINDSOR 56TH ST W M E L O D Y YVONNE TERR KENT AVE WINDSOR AVE N O R M A N D A L E C T RICHMOND CIR NO R M A N D A L E B L V D (S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) NO R M A N D A L E B L V D 59TH ST W SCHOOL NO R M A N D A L E B L V D ( S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) RD RU T H D R 60TH ST W CO N C O R D A V E CONCORD TERRACE 58TH AS H C R O F T 59TH AV E A V E W AV E A V E J O H N ' S S T . AV E ST OA K L A W N A V E KE L L O G G A V E ST61ST WO O D D A L E A V E BR O O K V I E W A V E 62ND ST W W PHILBROOK LA AV E AV E KE L L O G G OA K L A W N 60TH ST W 59TH ST W ST58TH WO O D D A L E AV E AV E BR O O K V I E W PL PA R K W ST62ND W FR A N C E A V E S FR A N C E A V E S HA L I F A X A V E S AVE 58TH H A L I F A X AV E HAL I F A X WST FR A N C E A V E S (C O R D N O 1 7 ) FR A N C E A V E GR I M E S A V E GRIMES L A 60TH ST W (S T A T E H W Y N O 1 0 0 ) TE R D R L A K E V I E W GOLF WIND RD SH E R W O O D A V E LAK E V I E W DA L R Y M P L E R D DR LAKEVIEW ST . A N D R E W S A V E SOUTH VIEW LA WEST WOODLAND A V E CO N C O R D LEXINGTON AV E LAKEVIEW OAK 56TH TOWER D R CO N C O R D ST ST W DR DR RD AV E ST . J O H N ' S AV E S T . J O H N S ST FA I R F A X GOLF TERRACE RD KELLOGG PL AV E OA K L A W N AV E KE L L O G G 56TH 55TH AV E WO O D D A L E WOODLAND RD BR O O K V I E W A V E AV E BR O O K V I E W W PL P A R K W PL PA R K WO O D L A N D ST ST KE L L O G G AV E 54TH ST W ST OA K L A W N 53RD AV E BR O O K V I E W W. 54TH ST. W WOODLAND 56TH S T W WO O D L A N D L A WO O D L A N D D R DE V E R D R DR WO O D C R E S T WOODCREST FR A N C E A V E S O EW I N G C I R ( C O R D N O 1 7 ) FR A N C E A V E CIR LA H A L I F A X CIR WOO D E N D D R 54TH ST W DR E W A V E S O BE A R D A V E S O CH O W E N A V E S O 59TH ST W 61ST S T W 62ND ST W EW I N G A V S AB B O T T A V E S 58TH ST W DR E W A V E S CH O W E N A V E S EW I N G A V E S BE A R D A V E S AB B O T T A V E S 60TH ST W ZE N I T H A V E S AB B O T T P L 57TH ST W FULLER ST W 55TH ST W BE A R D A V E S CT BE A R D 55TH ST W CHO W E N A V E S W 54TH ST 55TH ST W YO R K A V E S ZE N I T H A V E S 56TH ST W DR E W A V E S O LEXINGTON AV E M innehaha Creek HarveyLake MelodyLake PamelaLake LP_26 ML_13 LP_6 ML_8 ML_3 MHS_45 LP_14 ML_4 LP_27 Minnehaha Creek MHS_57 MHS_22 MHS_50 LP_17 Minnehaha Creek MHS_48 LP_20 LP_19 LP_8 ML_9 MHS_53 LP_13 LP_11 MHS_32 MHS_52 LP_22 MHS_63 ML_12 MHS_59 MHS_17 MHS_20 ML_2 MHS_26 LP_9 LP_1 MHS_47 LP_2 MHS_62 MHS_61 LP_7 ML_1 ML_5 MHS_11 MHS_12 LP_16 MHS_35 MHS_13 LP_23 LP_10 MHS_7 MHS_5 MHS_39 MHS_24 MHS_65 ML_6 MHS_64 MHS_21 MHS_8 ML_11 ML_14 MHS_25 MHS_56 MHS_46 LP_25LP_3 LP_18 MHS_27 ML_10 LP_15LP_21 MHS_34 MHS_15 MHS_23 LP_12 MHS_67 ML_7 LP_5 MHS_43 MHS_83 LP_24 MHS_68 MHS_9 MHS_60 MHS_72 MHS_31 MHS_28 MHS_80 MHS_71 LP_4 MHS_70 MHS_58 MHS_19 MHS_77 MHS_10 MHS_6 MHS_33 MHS_41 MHS_81 MHS_87 MHS_76 MHS_66 ML_15 MHS_73 MHS_84 MHS_51 MHS_14 MHS_44 MHS_79MHS_86 MHS_4 MHS_82 MHS_75 MHS_18 MHS_16 MHS_88 MHS_2 MHS_3 MHS_42 MHS_29 MHS_40 MHS_55 MHS_74 MHS_30 LP_28 MHS_49 MHS_89 MHS_1 MHS_69 MHS_37 MHS_38 119 2240 1791 1754 MH-119 MH-118 MH-113 MH-107 MH-104 MH-103 MH-101 MH-2452 CB-2451 CB-2449 CB-2447 FE-2440 FE-2439 MH-2425 FE-2423 MH-2375 MH-2342 MH-2336 FE-2335 FE-2334 CB-2332 MH-2012 MH-2308 MH-2306 CB-2296 FE-2281 FE-2280 FE-2279 FE-2265 FE-2263 FE-2261 MH-2259CB-2258 OT-2247 FE-2241 FE-1904 CB-1868 FE-1867 CB-1865 MH-1862 MH-1860 MH-1853 MH-1850 CB-1849 MH-1848 MH-1847 MH-1846 MH-1845 MH-1844 CB-1841 FE-1839MH-1838 MH-1836 MH-1835 CB-1834 MH-1831 MH-1830 OT-1825 FE-1806 FE-1804 OT-1801 FE-1800 FE-1798 MH-1794 FE-1788 CB-1787 CB-1786 FE-1778 MH-1777 MH-1776 CB-1772 FE-1771 FE-1770 MH-1769 MH-1767 MH-1766 MH-1763 FE-1762 FE-1760 FE-1758 FE-1604 MH-1603 FE-1602 MH-1599 MH-1598 MH-1597 CB-2136 CB-2130 CB-2129OT-2127 FE-2122MH-2118 MH-2116 MH-2114 MH-2010 MH-2008 CB-2003 FE-2002 FE-2000 CB-1992 CB-1995 MH-116 MH-112 MH-111 MH-108 MH-102 CB-2424 CB-2360 MH-2338 CB-2337 OT-2333 CB-2327 MH-2011 CB-2305 MH-2297 CB-2262 CB-2256 CB-1903 MH-1866 MH-1863 MH-1861 MH-1854 MH-1843 MH-1842 MH-1840MH-1837 MH-1833 CB-1832 CB-1829 CB-1827CB-1826 CB-1823 MH-1816 CB-1807 CB-1805 CB-1797 CB-1795 CB-1789 CB-1784 CB-1782 MH-1781 MH-1773 MH-1768 CB-1765 CB-1761 CB-1759 CB-1601 CB-2137 CB-2135 CB-2134 CB-2133 CB-2131 CB-2128 MH-2123 FE-2120 MH-2119MH-2117 MH-2115 MH-2113 MH-2111 MH-2110 MH-2009 MH-2005 MH-2001 MH-1993 MH-117 MH-110 MH-109 MH-2446 MH-2376 MH-2374 CB-2373 CB-2341 CB-2340 CB-2339 MH-2315 MH-2013 CB-2307 CB-2264 CB-2260 CB-2248 CB-1864 MH-1859 MH-1858 MH-1857 MH-1856 CB-1855 MH-1852 CB-1828 CB-1824 CB-1822 CB-1821CB-1820 OT-1819 CB-1818 CB-1817 CB-1815 CB-1814 CB-1813 CB-1812 CB-1811 CB-1810 CB-1809 CB-1803 CB-1802 MH-1799 CB-1796CB-1793 CB-1792 CB-1785 MH-1780 MH-1779 MH-1775 CB-1774 CB-1757 MH-1753 MH-2132 MH-2126 OT-2125 CB-2121 MH-2112 MH-2015MH-2014 MH-2007MH-2006 CB-2004 CB-1999 CB-1990 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 0 0 : 5 6 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a f t \ F i g _ 1 3 _ 3 _ M C _ S o u t h e a s t _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 Figure 13.3 SOUTHEAST MINNEHAHA CREEK HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota !;N 400 0 400 Feet 120 0 120 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Southeast Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event