HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION_14 NORTHWEST MINNEHAHA CREEK Barr Engineering Company 14-1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 14.0 Northwest Minnehaha Creek 14.1 General Description of Drainage Area Figure 14.1 depicts the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin and the individual subwatersheds within this area. The Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin is located in the far northwest corner of Edina, east of the T.H. 169 North drainage area. This watershed is the smallest of the Minnehaha Creek watersheds and extends from T.H. 100 to areas west of the Interlachen Golf Course. 14.1.1 Drainage Patterns The stormwater system within this drainage area is comprised of storm sewers, ponding basins, wetlands, drainage ditches, and overland flow paths. The Northwest Minnehaha Creek basin has been divided into several major watersheds based on the drainage patterns. These major watersheds are depicted in Figure 14.2. Each major watershed has been further delineated into numerous subwatersheds. The naming convention for each subwatershed is based on the major watershed it is located within. Table 14.1 lists each major watershed and the associated subwatershed naming convention. Table 14.1 Major Watersheds within the Northwest Minnehaha Creek Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Naming Convention # of Subwatersheds Drainage Area (acres) T.H. 100 H100_## 15 104 Hopkins HO_## 22 94 Interlachen EI_## 37 345 T.H. 100 The land use of this watershed is primarily commercial and most of the runoff drains to a trunk stormsewer system along T.H. 100 that flows north to Minnehaha Creek. The storm sewer system analyzed in this watershed runs along Vernon Avenue, goes east to Eden Avenue and then to the T.H. 100 storm sewer system. The T.H. 100 storm sewer system was not analyzed as part of this study. The pipe system and ponds within the Grandview Square development were also incorporated in the hydraulic and water quality models. Hopkins The Hopkins watershed is located just south of the City of Hopkins and west of the Interlachen Country Club. This is a small watershed and consists of 94 acres of total land area. All of the water in this watershed is routed north by a lift station to a Hopkins storm sewer system. The land use is primarily low density residential with several ponds and wetlands. Barr Engineering Company 14-2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Interlachen The Interlachen watershed consists of the Interlachen Country Club and residential areas adjacent to the golf course. There are several ponds and wetlands that provide storage and treatment for runoff in this watershed. There are few storm sewer pipes and water conveyed by the storm sewer system drains north to Minnehaha Creek. Modeling of the storm sewer system includes proposed pipes connecting the ponds within the Interlachen Country Club. These pipes are shown on Figure 14.3. 14.2 Stormwater System Analysis and Results 14.2.1 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Results The 10-year and 100-year frequency event flood analyses were performed for the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. For the Northwest Minnehaha Creek watersheds, the storm sewers were evaluated using a 10-year and a 100-year frequency storm event. The 10-year analysis was based on a ½-hour storm of 1.65 inches of rain and the 100-year analysis was based on a 24-hour storm event of 6 inches of rain. The storm sewers in Table 14.2 present the watershed information and the results for the 10-year and 100-year hydrologic analyses for the Northwest Minnehaha Creek basin. The results of the 10-year and the 100-year hydraulic analysis for the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin are summarized in Table 14.3 and Table 14.4. The column headings in Table 14.3 are defined as follows: Node/Subwatershed ID—XP-SWMM node identification label. Each XP-SWMM node represents a manhole, catchbasin, pond, or other junction within the stormwater system. Downstream Conduit—References the pipe downstream of the node in the storm sewer system. Flood Elevation—The maximum water elevation reached in the given pond/manhole for each referenced storm event (mean sea level). In some cases, an additional flood elevation has been given in parenthesis. This flood elevation reflects the 100-year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, as shown in the National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina, May 1979. Peak Outflow Rate—The peak discharge rate (cfs) from a given ponding basin for each referenced storm event. The peak outflow rates reflect the combined discharge from the pond through the outlet structure and any overflow. NWL—The normal water level in the ponding basin (mean sea level). The normal water levels for the ponding basins were assumed to be at the outlet pipe invert or at the downstream control elevation. Barr Engineering Company 14-3 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Flood Bounce—The fluctuation of the water level within a given pond for each referenced storm event. Volume Stored—The maximum volume (acre-ft) of water that was stored in the ponding basin during the storm event. The volume represents the live storage volume only. Table 14.4 summarizes the conveyance system data used in the model and the model results for the storm sewer system within the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The peak flow through each conveyance system for the 10-year, and the 100-year frequency storm event is listed in the table. The values presented represent the peak flow rate through each pipe system only and does not reflect the combined total flow from an upstream node to the downstream node when overflow from a manhole/pond occurs. Figure 14.3 graphically represents the results of the 10-year and the 100-year frequency hydraulic analyses. The figure depicts the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin boundary, subwatershed boundaries, the modeled storm sewer network, surcharge conditions for the XP-SWMM nodes (typically manholes), and the flood prone areas identified in the modeling analyses. One of the objectives of the hydraulic analyses was to evaluate the level of service provided by the current storm sewer system. The level of service of the system was examined by determining the surcharge conditions of the manholes and catch basins within the storm sewer system during the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. An XP-SWMM node was considered surcharged if the hydraulic grade line at that node breached the ground surface (rim elevation). Surcharging is typically the result of limited downstream capacity and tailwater impacts. The XP-SWMM nodes depicted on Figure 14.3 were color coded based on the resulting surcharge conditions. The green nodes signify no surcharging occurred during the 100-year or 10-year frequency storm event, the yellow nodes indicate surcharging during the 100-year frequency event, and the red nodes identify that surcharging is likely to occur during both a 100-year and 10-year frequency storm event. Figure 14.3 illustrates that several XP-SWMM nodes within the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin are predicted to experience surcharged conditions during both the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. This indicates a probability greater than 10 percent in any year that the system will be overburdened and unable to meet the desired level of service at these locations. These manholes and catch basins are more likely to experience inundation during the smaller, more frequent storm events of various durations. Another objective of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the level of protection offered by the current stormwater system. Level of protection is defined as the capacity provided by a municipal drainage system (in terms of pipe capacity and overland overflow capacity) to prevent property damage and assure a reasonable degree of public safety following a rainstorm. A 100-year event is recommended as a standard for design of stormwater management basins. To evaluate the level of protection of the stormwater system within the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage area, the 100-year frequency flood elevations for the ponding basins and depressed areas were compared to the low elevations of structures surrounding each basin. The low elevations were initially determined Barr Engineering Company 14-4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx using 2-foot topographic information and aerial imagery in ArcView. Where 100-year frequency flood levels of the ponding areas appeared to potentially threaten structures, detailed low house elevations were obtained through field surveys. 14.2.2 Water Quality Modeling Results The effectiveness of the stormwater system in removing stormwater pollutants such as phosphorus was analyzed using the P8 water quality model. The P8 model simulates the hydrology and phosphorus loads introduced from the watershed of each pond and the transport of phosphorus throughout the stormwater system. Since site-specific data on pollutant wash-off rates and sediment characteristics were not available, it was necessary to make assumptions based on national average values. Due to such assumptions and lack of in-lake water quality data for model calibration, the modeling results were analyzed based on the percent of phosphorus removal that occurred and not based on actual phosphorus concentrations. Figure 14.4 depicts the results of the water quality modeling for the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin. The figure shows the fraction of total phosphorus removal for each water body as well as the cumulative total phosphorus removal in the watershed. The individual water bodies are colored various shades of blue, indicating the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed (through settling). It is important to note that the percent of phosphorus removal is based on total phosphorus, including phosphorus in the soluble form. Therefore, the removal rates in downstream ponds will likely decrease due to the large soluble fraction of incoming phosphorus that was unsettleable in upstream ponds. The watersheds are depicted in various shades of gray, indicating the cumulative total phosphorus removal achieved. The cumulative percent removal represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. 14.3 Implementation Considerations The XP-SWMM hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analyses and P8 water quality analysis helped to identify locations throughout the watershed where improvements to the City’s stormwater management system may be warranted. The following sections discuss potential mitigation alternatives that were identified as part of the 2003 modeling analyses. As opportunities to address the identified flooding issues and water quality improvements arise, such as street reconstruction projects or public facilities improvements, the City will use a comprehensive approach to stormwater management. The comprehensive approach will include consideration of infiltration or volume retention practices to address flooding and/or water quality improvements, reduction of impervious surfaces, increased storm sewer capacity where necessary to alleviate flooding, construction and/or expansion of water quality basins, and implementation of other stormwater BMPs to reduce pollutant loading to downstream waterbodies. Barr Engineering Company 14-5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 14.3.1 Flood Protection Projects The 2003 hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis identified several locations within the Northwest Minnehaha Creek drainage basin where the 100-year level of protection is not provided by the current stormwater system. The problem areas identified in 2003 are discussed below. As part of the 2003 modeling analysis, potential corrective measures were identified for the problem areas for purposes of developing planning-level cost estimates. These preliminary corrective measures are also discussed below. As the City evaluates the flooding issues and potential system modifications in these areas, consideration will be given to other potential system modifications, including implementation of stormwater infiltration or volume retention practices, where soils are conducive. Interlachen Landlocked Area The MCWD Plan identified a landlocked area located west of T.H. 100 and north of Vernon Avenue. This area, which encompasses subwatersheds EI_11, EI_12, EI_24, EI_13, and EI_19, currently drains to a wetland complex (EI_19) just south of Meadowbrook Golf Course. Two-foot topographic information for the area indicates that the natural overflow elevation between the landlocked wetland complex and the Meadowbrook Golf Course is approximately 885 feet M.S.L. Based on the FEMA Flood Insurance Study for Hennepin County (FEMA, 2004), the 100-year flood level of Minnehaha Creek as it flows through the golf course is 892 feet M.S.L. The maximum flood elevation that the City will allow in the wetland area (EI_19) is 888 feet M.S.L. To prevent the backflow of water from the Meadowbrook Golf Course to the wetland complex (EI_19), it is recommended that an embankment be constructed/raised between the wetland and the golf course to an elevation of at least 892 feet M.S.L. Upon raising the embankment, a pumped outlet will be required to keep the flood elevation below 888 feet M.S.L. The City should establish a management plan to address necessary pumping scenarios. Previous analyses for the area indicate a 1 cfs pumped outlet would be sufficient. 14.3.2 Construction/Upgrade of Water Quality Basins Several ponds in this watershed are removing less than 60 percent of the average annual phosphorus load from storm water inflows. The light blue ponds in Figure 14.4 are achieving less than 60 percent total phosphorus removal. However, the cumulative phosphorus removal was greater than 60 percent for all the subwatersheds. Additional analysis was performed to identify those ponds that were functioning properly and those ponds that were functioning poorly. In the P8 model, phosphorus particles are grouped into several fractions. The unsettleable, or dissolved fraction, is called P0. From the mass balance output of the P8 model, the percent total phosphorus removal for the other settleable phosphorus fractions was evaluated for the apparently non-performing ponds to determine if the ponds were removing greater than 60 percent of the settleable phosphorus fractions. From this analysis it was determined that these ponds were removing greater than 60 percent of the Barr Engineering Company 14-6 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx settleable phosphorus and that they were performing adequately. As a result, in this watershed no ponds were identified that require upgrades. Many techniques are available to reduce pollutant loading from stormwater runoff, including impervious surface reduction or disconnection, implementation of infiltration or volume retention BMPs, installation of underground stormwater treatment structures and sump manholes and other good housekeeping practices such as street sweeping. As opportunities arise, the City will consider all of these options to reduce the volume and further improve the quality of stormwater runoff from this drainage area. Table 14.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) EI_1 10.2 41 45.8 3.66 37.8 0.97 EI_10 12.7 41 55.1 4.21 39.4 1.04 EI_11 1.5 20 5.7 0.41 2.9 0.09 EI_12 5.2 30 23.1 1.58 17.3 0.39 EI_13 8.1 28 36.2 2.42 27.1 0.60 EI_14 11.5 19 36.9 3.05 17.4 0.58 EI_15 13.4 31 57.7 4.08 39.5 0.97 EI_16 16.1 21 47.7 4.30 22.8 0.80 EI_17 3.0 23 12.8 0.84 8.1 0.20 EI_18 10.5 19 41.2 2.86 21.0 0.61 EI_19 16.2 52 72.0 6.26 54.9 1.62 EI_2 17.0 20 72.4 5.97 43.8 1.47 EI_20 23.5 20 82.5 6.63 40.8 1.39 EI_21 4.3 30 19.2 1.47 11.7 0.35 EI_22 2.3 20 9.5 0.65 5.0 0.14 EI_23 3.7 19 14.2 1.00 7.1 0.21 EI_24 22.5 26 93.4 6.73 56.4 1.57 EI 25 10 6 13 31 3 358 13 2 070 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek Northwest Drainage Area Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results EI_25 10.6 13 31.3 3.58 13.2 0.70 EI_26 5.2 3 20.0 1.34 7.4 0.29 EI_27 2.7 5 10.6 0.96 5.0 0.23 EI_28 5.9 32 19.0 1.33 15.6 0.42 EI_29 9.8 2 38.6 3.93 17.1 0.85 EI_3 20.6 20 49.4 7.11 21.4 1.22 EI_30 3.6 5 15.8 1.47 9.0 0.34 EI_31 6.0 22 26.9 2.53 19.9 0.62 EI_32 11.9 19 39.5 4.27 19.4 0.91 EI_33 9.0 2 29.5 2.86 9.9 0.58 EI_34 13.4 8 36.3 4.88 13.0 0.86 EI_35 5.9 20 19.5 1.94 9.7 0.42 EI_36 2.9 20 12.2 0.79 7.0 0.18 EI_37 1.5 20 6.7 0.30 4.8 0.10 EI_4 14.6 20 59.4 4.14 31.9 0.93 EI_5 7.4 20 32.3 2.04 19.7 0.48 EI_6 1.9 20 8.0 0.52 4.8 0.12 EI_7 7.8 20 27.8 2.10 13.7 0.42 EI_8 18.5 20 65.6 5.02 32.2 1.01 EI_9 3.8 20 17.2 1.07 21.5 0.30 HO_1 5.1 20 19.5 1.39 9.4 0.30 HO_10 1.6 20 5.8 0.42 2.9 0.09 HO_11 1.8 20 7.8 0.50 4.6 0.12 HO_12 2.0 20 8.2 0.56 4.4 0.12 HO_13 1.2 20 5.3 0.33 3.4 0.08 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 14-7 Table 14.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek Northwest Drainage Area Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results HO_14 2.2 20 8.8 0.60 4.6 0.13 HO_15 3.4 20 13.5 0.93 8.0 0.21 HO_16 2.7 44 12.2 0.92 12.2 0.24 HO_17 15.4 20 50.3 4.14 24.2 0.80 HO_18 2.0 20 7.5 0.55 3.7 0.11 HO_19 13.1 22 51.4 3.65 27.8 0.80 HO_2 1.1 16 4.7 0.28 2.9 0.07 HO_20 1.3 20 4.0 0.35 1.9 0.07 HO_21 0.7 20 3.1 0.19 2.6 0.05 HO_22 3.7 5 14.3 0.87 8.2 0.22 HO_3 6.5 20 16.7 1.70 7.7 0.30 HO_4 2.6 5 10.4 0.60 6.2 0.16 HO_5 8.3 20 30.0 2.26 14.7 0.46 HO_6 3.9 20 16.3 1.08 9.4 0.24 HO_7 1.5 21 6.4 0.42 3.6 0.09 HO_8 9.9 30 40.1 2.97 24.1 0.68 HO_9 3.5 20 9.5 0.92 4.4 0.16 H100 1 92 20 30 5 248 14 7 048H100_1 9.2 20 30.5 2.48 14.7 0.48 H100_10 5.48 25 18.7 1.54 9.6 0.31 H100_11 0.66 21 2.7 0.18 1.5 0.04 H100_12 2.42 20 9.1 0.66 4.5 0.14 H100_13 3.93 35 10.8 1.25 5.0 0.26 H100_14 4.49 50 20.4 1.65 17.6 0.43 H100_15 6.56 68 29.6 2.67 23.1 0.71 H100_2 3.64 30 13.1 1.08 7.1 0.23 H100_3 12.8 41 44.4 4.14 22.3 0.92 H100_4 9.93 46 42.3 3.40 28.1 0.82 H100_5 13.53 68 52.5 5.44 27.3 1.39 H100_6 4.22 20 17.2 1.16 9.1 0.25 H100_7 21.8 23 77.4 7.18 40.1 1.65 H100_8 0.71 20 3.2 0.20 2.2 0.05 H100_9 4.66 21 16.0 1.26 7.9 0.25 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrographs. 14-8 Table 14.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek Northwest Drainage Area Flood Elevation (ft)2,3 Type of Storage4 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 1906 1275 924.2 924.0 1907 1276 917.4 917.2 1908 1277 905.4 905.2 1911 1279 906.9 905.3 1912 1281 897.5 896.1 1913 1282 894.1 893.0 2138 1700 892.6 889.0 2141 1701 889.7 887.8 2142 outfall 886.8 886.1 2155 1711 920.5 920.3 2156 1952 900.5 900.2 2159 1714 929.7 929.5 2160 1715 930.2 930.0 2161 1716 931.0 930.9 2162 1717 931.2 931.0 2163 1718 943.0 943.0 2173 1725 918.4 918.0 2174 1726 917.8 917.2 2175 1728 916 5 914 7 Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event 2175 1728 916.5 914.7 2177 1854 891.9 890.4 2183 1733 920.5 917.1 2186 1736 916.7 914.9 2187 1737 916.5 914.5 2188 1738 916.3 914.3 2189 1741 915.8 913.5 2191 1742 915.7 913.3 2198 1748 914.6 912.9 2200 outfall 919.0 918.2 2203 1750 924.1 919.9 2204 1751 924.1 919.7 2210 1754 924.1 921.0 2214 1758 931.2 928.0 2215 1759 928.7 926.3 2217 1761 924.8 922.8 2218 1762 924.8 921.4 2226 1768 888.7 888.7 2227 outfall 887.4 887.4 2229 outfall 886.3 886.3 2344 1855 891.9 890.3 2346 1857 891.3 889.6 2347 1858 891.2 888.9 2348 1859 888.9 888.0 2349 1860 888.6 887.9 2350 1861 888.3 887.7 2351 1862 887.7 886.9 2352 1863 887.2 886.6 2353 1864 885.4 884.7 14-9 Table 14.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek Northwest Drainage Area Flood Elevation (ft)2,3 Type of Storage4 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event 2354 outfall 883.8 883.4 2356 1866 892.5 (892) 891.1 2357 1867 893.0 (892) 891.9 2358 1868 893.0 892.1 2421 PP6 900.5 898.6 2442 1947 922.6 918.4 2443 1948 921.7 917.8 2445 outfall 890.5 889.5 2456 PP8 897.1 894.7 2457 PP9 894.0 890.6 EI_1 1869 891.6 P 887.0 4.6 888.3 887.0 1.3 EI_10 landlocked 890.5 P 887.9 2.6 888.5 887.9 0.6 EI_11 1771 917.6 918.4 EI_12 outfall 914.8 P 912.1 2.7 912.8 912.1 0.7 EI_13 landlocked 899.3 P 888.0 11.3 896.1 888.0 8.1 EI 14 1699 893.0 (892)ST 891 2EI_14 1699 (892)ST 891.2 EI_15 1278 909.9 ST 909.7 904.5 5.2 EI_16 1280 903.4 899.3 EI_17 1274 928.4 927.9 EI_18 1697 893.9 892.2 EI_19 landlocked 882.6 P 879.0 3.6 880.6 879.0 1.6 EI_2 1720 895.8 895.6 EI_20 1769 888.5 (892) 888.4 EI_21 landlocked 888.3 P 884.6 3.7 886.3 884.6 1.7 EI_22 drains to ditch 888.4 (892) 888.3 EI_23 1698 892.8 (892) 890.7 EI_24 landlocked 885.4 P 883.5 1.9 884.9 883.5 1.4 EI_25 1865 892.7 (892)889.0 3.7 889.8 889.0 0.8 EI_26 overland flow 910.0 P 905.8 4.2 908.0 905.8 2.2 EI_27 landlocked 905.3 P 901.8 3.5 903.8 901.8 2.0 EI_28 overland flow 896.6 BYD 894.4 2.2 895.9 894.4 1.5 EI_29 PP5 902.7 898.1 4.6 899.4 898.1 1.3 EI_3 1727 893.1 (892)886.6 6.5 892.3 886.6 5.7 EI_30 PP2 906.0 902.8 3.2 904.5 902.8 1.7 EI_31 PP7 899.3 896.3 3.0 897.0 896.3 0.7 EI_32 PP3 907.5 906.6 0.9 906.9 906.6 0.3 EI_33 pump 905.3 BYD 901.5 3.8 902.5 901.5 1.0 EI_34 landlocked 892.7 P 887.1 5.5 889.8 887.1 2.7 EI_35 landlocked 898.4 BYD 897.3 1.1 897.9 897.3 0.6 14-10 Table 14.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek Northwest Drainage Area Flood Elevation (ft)2,3 Type of Storage4 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event EI_36 landlocked 953.0 BYD 949.2 3.8 951.7 949.2 2.5 EI_37 landlocked 946.1 BYD 944.0 2.1 945.3 944.0 1.3 EI_4 1766 893.1 892.9 EI_5 1856 891.9 890.3 EI_6 1767 893.1 893.0 EI_7 1719 946.5 946.4 EI_8 1713 929.5 929.2 EI_9 1712 923.7 923.6 HO_1 1722 918.8 P 913.2 5.6 917.6 913.2 4.4 HO_10 1946 924.1 919.2 HO_11 1753 924.1 920.5 HO_12 1740 922.7 916.7 HO_13 Hopkins system 919.0 918.2 HO_14 1763 930.7 BYD 925.9 4.8 930.6 925.9 4.7 HO_15 1724 919.5 ST 919.3 HO_16 1729 924.1 P 917.5 6.6 919.7 917.5 2.2 HO_17 1755 924.5 921.7 HO_18 1752 924.2 919.7 HO 19 1747 (force main)913 2 P 908 8 44 909 5 908 8 07HO_19 1747 (force main)913.2 P 908.8 4.4 909.5 908.8 0.7 HO_2 1744 917.0 915.0 HO_20 1760 928.0 ST 924.5 HO_21 landlocked 946.1 BYD 945.0 1.1 946.0 945.0 1.0 HO_22 landlocked 932.7 BYD 930.1 2.6 932.6 930.1 2.5 HO_3 1739 916.2 914.1 HO_4 1843 916.9 BYD 912.9 4.0 915.2 912.9 2.3 HO_5 1743 915.6 915.6 HO_6 1723 922.2 922.0 HO_7 1853 924.3 ST 922.1 HO_8 1745 915.6 P 912.0 3.6 913.2 912.0 1.2 HO_9 1757 933.9 929.3 1885 1258 914.3 913.8 1886 1259 913.8 913.3 1889 1262 951.1 949.0 1891 1263 951.1 948.4 1892 1264 950.7 947.5 1893 1265 950.4 947.3 1894 1266 949.9 947.0 1895 1267 949.7 946.8 1896 1268 949.4 946.6 1897 1269 948.6 946.1 1898 1270 947.4 945.1 2268 outfall 906.8 906.6 2271 outfall 914.4 911.2 2274 outfall 916.0 914.1 2276 outfall 919.0 918.8 2278 outfall 911.9 911.8 2362 1872 931.7 P 928.6 3.1 930.1 928.6 1.5 14-11 Table 14.3 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in Minnehaha Creek Northwest Drainage Area Flood Elevation (ft)2,3 Type of Storage4 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event 2364 1873 928.0 927.7 2365 1874 924.8 924.4 2366 1875 921.9 921.3 2367 1876 921.1 920.7 2368 1877 920.0 919.4 2370 1879 919.5 P 916.0 3.5 918.1 916.0 2.1 2372 1880 918.6 917.8 2455 outfall 902.8 901.7 H100_1 1261 951.2 950.8 H100_10 (1)911.4 909.7 H100_11 (1)919.2 918.9 H100_12 (1)916.3 914.2 H100_13 (1)908.2 906.0 H100_14 1878 919.9 918.6 H100_15 outfall 908.0 907.9 H100_2 1260 951.3 949.0 H100_3 1256 939.8 939.6 H100_4 1871 932.7 930.7 H100 5 1257 916 7 916 2H100_5 1257 916.7 916.2 H100_6 private sewer system 919.4 ST 916.5 H100_7 (1)907.2 ST 904.9 H100_8 (1)915.9 915.9 H100_9 (1) 914.9 911.2 1 Downstream conduit modeled as an orifice 4 ST=Street, BYD=Back Yard Depression, P=Pond 3 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 Flood elevations in parenthesis indicate a 100-year flood elevation based on the 100-year flood elevation of Minnehaha Creek, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina 14-12 Table 14.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1274 EI_17 1906 Circular 1.5 0.013 927 923.75 130 2.50 12.8 8.0 1275 1906 1907 Circular 2 0.013 923.25 919.25 200 2.00 12.8 8.0 1276 1907 1908 Circular 2 0.013 916.65 907.65 180 5.00 12.8 8.0 1277 1908 EI_16 Circular 2 0.013 904.65 896.65 200 4.00 12.8 8.0 1278 EI_15 1911 Circular 1.5 0.013 904.45 903.66 79 1.00 24.2 24.2 1279 1911 EI_16 Circular 2 0.013 903.66 897 402 1.66 24.4 24.3 1280 EI_16 1912 Circular 3 0.013 896.65 892 310 1.50 83.8 62.4 1281 1912 1913 Circular 3 0.013 892 888.22 252 1.50 68.8 62.6 1282 1913 EI_18 Circular 3 0.013 887.33 886.51 42 1.95 64.5 62.6 1697 EI_18 2138 Circular 3.5 0.013 886.51 884.9 322 0.50 84.8 80.6 1698 EI_23 2138 Circular 1 0.013 885.34 884.9 44 1.00 9.1 7.0 1699 EI_14 2138 Circular 2 0.013 886.5 885.1 330 0.42 23.2 17.3 1700 2138 2141 Circular 4.5 0.013 884.9 884.01 355 0.25 163.1 103.0 1701 2141 2142 Circular 4.5 0.013 884.01 883.1 385 0.24 157.0 102.9 1711 2155 2156 Circular 1.5 0.024 913.6 894.58 95 20.02 30.1 28.6 1712 EI_9 2155 Circular 1.75 0.024 916.32 913.9 30 8.43 29.3 29.4 1713 EI_8 EI_9 Circular 1.75 0.013 923.13 916.43 217 3.09 25.7 25.5 1714 2159 EI_8 Circular 1.5 0.013 925.64 923.33 43 5.44 9.9 11.1 1715 2160 2159 Circular 1.25 0.013 925.34 924.85 16 3.06 9.8 10.8 1716 2161 2160 Circular 1.25 0.013 925.78 925.72 36 0.17 9.8 10.6 1717 2162 2161 Circular 1.25 0.013 926.02 925.78 20 1.20 9.8 9.8 1718 2163 2162 Circular 1 0.013 937.77 926.52 264 4.26 7.7 7.7 1719 EI_7 2163 Circular 1 0.013 942.7 938.77 211 1.86 6.1 6.1 1720 EI_2 EI_1 Circular 1.25 0.013 889.33 887 237 0.98 11.0 10.5 1722 HO_1 HO_19 Circular 1 0.013 913.2 911.2 500 0.40 4.1 3.7 1723 HO_6 HO_15 Circular 1.5 0.013 917.98 916.66 441 0.30 8.4 8.7 1724 HO_15 2173 Circular 1.5 0.013 915.87 915.11 53 1.43 11.1 13.3 1725 2173 2174 Circular 1.5 0.013 915.11 914.24 60 1.45 10.8 12.0 1726 2174 2175 Circular 1.5 0.013 914.24 911.4 175 1.62 10.8 11.4 1727 EI_3 2177 Circular 1 0.013 887.83 887.52 285 0.11 4.4 4.2 1728 2175 HO_3 Circular 1.75 0.013 911.4 911.39 81 0.01 10.8 11.5 1729 HO_16 HO_10 Circular 2 0.013 917.07 917.54 24 -1.96 4.7 3.4 1733 2183 HO_4 Circular 1 0.013 916.02 912.91 191 1.63 4.7 3.7 1736 2186 2187 Circular 1.75 0.013 912.52 912.14 237 0.16 6.3 6.7 1737 2187 2188 Circular 2 0.013 912.14 911.75 245 0.16 6.0 6.6 1738 2188 HO_3 Circular 2 0.013 911.75 911.39 250 0.14 6.0 6.6 1739 HO_3 2189 Circular 3 0.013 911.39 910.72 393 0.17 26.9 24.1 1740 HO_12 2189 Circular 1 0.013 915.51 910.72 225 2.13 6.6 4.3 1741 2189 2191 Circular 3 0.013 910.72 910.58 99 0.14 34.4 27.9 1742 2191 HO_8 Circular 3 0.013 910.58 910.5 36 0.22 34.4 27.9 1743 HO_5 HO_8 Circular 1 0.013 912.12 912 30 0.40 7.4 7.3 1744 HO_2 HO_8 Circular 1 0.013 914.4 912 129 1.86 4.7 2.9 1745 HO_8 2198 Circular 1.5 0.013 912 911.75 128 0.20 7.4 3.8 1747 (force main) HO_19 2200 Circular 0.66 NA 911 916.67 NA NA 1.1 1.1 1748 2198 HO_19 Circular 1.5 0.013 911.75 911 371 0.20 7.3 3.8 1750 2203 2204 Circular 1.75 0.013 919.01 918.13 408 0.22 4.4 3.3 1751 2204 HO_16 Circular 1.75 0.013 917.63 917.5 59 0.22 4.4 3.2 1752 HO_18 HO_16 Circular 1 0.013 918.95 914.5 32 13.91 8.9 3.7 1753 HO_11 HO_16 Circular 3 0.013 917.85 917.4 15.6 2.88 69.3 38.1 1754 2210 HO_11 Circular 2.25 0.013 918.46 917.85 32 1.91 33.9 24.1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NWMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 14-13 Table 14.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1755 HO_17 2210 Circular 2.25 0.013 918.86 918.46 96 0.42 33.9 24.1 1757 HO_9 2214 Circular 1.5 0.013 928.32 927.01 329 0.40 9.5 4.6 1758 2214 2215 Circular 1.5 0.013 926.8 925.8 278 0.36 9.4 4.4 1759 2215 HO_20 Circular 1.5 0.013 925.8 923.75 60 3.42 9.4 4.4 1760 HO_20 2217 Circular 1.5 0.013 923.75 920.2 175 2.03 12.7 6.2 1761 2217 2218 Circular 1.5 0.013 920.2 918.46 100 1.74 11.7 10.4 1762 2218 HO_11 Circular 1.5 0.010 918.46 917.85 100 0.61 14.6 10.4 1763 HO_14 2217 Circular 0.5 0.015 925.9 921.3 239 1.92 1.0 1.0 1766 EI_4 EI_1 Circular 1 0.013 887.62 887 176 0.35 5.7 5.5 1767 EI_6 2226 Circular 1 0.024 889.1 887.7 138 1.01 3.5 3.5 1768 2226 2227 Circular 1 0.013 887.4 886.6 85 0.94 3.5 3.5 1769 EI_20 2229 Circular 1 0.013 885.5 885.34 31 0.52 6.6 6.4 1771 EI_11 EI_12 Circular 1 0.013 916.52 912.1 138 3.20 5.6 3.4 1843 HO_4 2186 Circular 1.75 0.013 912.91 912.52 110 0.35 6.7 7.3 1853 HO_7 2203 Circular 1 0.013 919.66 919.34 158 0.20 5.1 3.6 1854 2177 2344 Circular 2 0.010 886.29 885.99 193 0.16 8.1 5.2 1855 2344 EI_5 Circular 2 0.013 885.99 885.87 152 0.08 8.1 5.2 1856 EI_5 2346 Circular 2 0.013 885.87 885.87 100 0.00 21.2 17.5 1857 2346 2347 Circular 2 0.013 885.87 885.79 91 0.09 20.1 17.8 1858 2347 2348 Circular 2 0.013 885.79 885.76 112 0.03 29.1 17.7 1859 2348 2349 Circular 3 0.013 885.76 885.74 98 0.02 29.1 17.2 1860 2349 2350 Circular 3 0.013 885.74 885.79 91 -0.05 29.1 17.2 1861 2350 2351 Circular 3 0.013 885.79 886 131 -0.16 29.1 17.1 1862 2351 2352 Circular 3 0.013 885 884.77 123 0.19 29.1 17.1 1863 2352 2353 Circular 3 0.013 884.77 884.77 73 0.00 29.1 17.1 1864 2353 2354 Circular 3 0.013 883 882.07 281 0.33 29.1 17.1 1865 EI_25 2356 Circular 1.5 0.010 889 886.2 39 7.18 -18.0 -11.2 1866 2356 2357 Circular 2 0.010 884.4 883.91 163 0.30 -18.0 -11.2 1867 2357 2358 Circular 2 0.010 883.91 883.6 225 0.14 -12.6 -11.2 1868 2358 EI_3 Circular 2 0.010 887 886.62 225 0.17 -14.2 -12.2 1869 EI_1 2177 Circular 1 0.013 887 886.29 247 0.29 -4.1 -2.2 1946 HO_10 2442 Circular 1 0.013 917.54 917.4 94 0.15 4.7 3.4 1947 2442 2443 Circular 1 0.013 917.4 917.12 54 0.52 4.7 3.4 1948 2443 2183 Circular 1 0.013 917.12 916.02 71 1.55 4.7 3.5 1952 2156 2445 Circular 2 0.013 894.58 888.52 174 3.48 52.9 42.1 PP2 EI_30 2421 Circular 1 0.013 902.8 902.5 411 0.07 2.7 1.7 PP3 EI_32 EI_29 Circular 1.25 0.013 906.6 898.1 264 3.22 8.5 1.7 PP5 EI_29 2421 Circular 1.25 0.013 898.1 898 150 0.07 6.0 2.5 PP6 2421 EI_31 Circular 1.25 0.013 898 896.3 50 3.40 8.5 4.0 PP7 EI_31 2456 Circular 1.25 0.013 896.3 894 230 1.00 6.4 3.5 PP8 2456 2457 Circular 1.25 0.013 894 890 350 1.14 6.1 3.5 PP9 2457 EI_1 Circular 1.25 0.013 890 887 250 1.20 6.1 3.5 1256 H100_3 H100_5 Circular 1.75 0.013 934 911.6 440 5.09 35.7 35.7 1257 H100_5 1885 Circular 2.5 0.013 909.35 908.74 130 0.47 57.4 57.0 1258 1885 1886 Circular 3.58 0.013 908.74 908.43 77 0.40 64.8 61.2 1259 1886 H100_15 Circular 3 0.013 908.3 906.9 285 0.49 64.8 61.2 1260 H100_2 1889 Circular 2 0.013 945.38 944.6 146 0.53 13.1 7.1 1261 H100_1 1889 Circular 1.25 0.013 946.18 944.6 78 2.03 11.1 11.5 1262 1889 1891 Circular 2 0.013 944.6 944.39 112 0.29 16.8 16.9 1263 1891 1892 Circular 2 0.013 944.39 944.11 99 0.28 23.0 20.7 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NWMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 14-14 Table 14.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Minnehaha Creek North East Drainage Areas Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow Through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1264 1892 1893 Circular 2.5 0.013 944.11 943.81 48 0.63 25.4 20.7 1265 1893 1894 Circular 2.5 0.013 943.81 943.69 124 0.10 22.7 20.6 1266 1894 1895 Circular 2.5 0.013 943.69 943.6 46 0.20 22.6 20.5 1267 1895 1896 Circular 2.5 0.013 943.6 943.31 81 0.36 22.5 20.3 1268 1896 1897 Circular 2.5 0.013 943.31 943.08 135 0.17 22.6 20.0 1269 1897 1898 Circular 2 0.013 943.08 942.5 32 1.81 22.5 19.5 1270 1898 H100_3 Circular 1.75 0.013 942.5 934 365 2.33 22.5 19.1 1871 H100_4 2362 Circular 3 0.013 928.8 927.5 186 0.70 42.3 28.3 1872 2362 2364 Circular 2 0.013 929 927.3 186 0.91 18.7 7.9 1873 2364 2365 Circular 2 0.013 927.3 923.8 24 14.58 18.7 7.9 1874 2365 2366 Circular 1.75 0.013 923.8 920.5 92 3.59 18.7 7.9 1875 2366 2367 Circular 2.5 0.013 920.5 920 55 0.92 18.7 7.9 1876 2367 2368 Circular 2.5 0.013 920 918.7 88 1.48 18.7 7.9 1877 2368 H100_14 Circular 2.5 0.013 918.7 917.4 80 1.63 18.7 7.9 1878 H100_14 2370 Circular 2.5 0.013 917.4 917 19 2.16 38.3 17.6 1879 2370 2372 Circular 2 0.013 916 917.1 25 -4.49 -27.5 -10.5 1880 2372 H100_5 Circular 2 0.013 917.1 911.2 35 16.86 27.5 13.4 NA-Not Applicable P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NWMHC_SWMM_hydraulic_output_noUPDATE_NWL_verification.xls 14-15 Ver n o n A v e HopkinsHopkins St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park EI_3 EI_20 EI_8 EI_24EI_2 EI_4 H100_7 EI_19 EI_16 EI_34 EI_15 HO_17 EI_10 EI_1 EI_32 EI_14 HO_19 EI_25 EI_18 H100_5 HO_8 EI_29 H100_3 EI_7 EI_5 EI_33 HO_5 EI_13 H100_4 H100_1 HO_3 EI_31 EI_35 EI_28 EI_12 EI_26 EI_9 HO_1 H100_15 HO_6 EI_21 EI_23 H100_10 EI_30 H100_9 H100_6 HO_22 EI_17 EI_36 HO_15 EI_27 HO_4 EI_6 HO_16 HO_14 HO_12 H100_12 EI_11 HO_7 EI_37 HO_9 H100_14 H100_2 H100_13 EI_22 HO_18 HO_11 HO_10 HO_20 HO_2 HO_13 HO_21 H100_8 H100_11 EI_29 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 5 8 : 2 5 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 4 _ 1 _ M C _ N o r t h w e s t _ D r a i n a g e _ B a s i n s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 14.1 NORTHWEST MINNEHAHA CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Lake/Wetland Creek/Stream Minnehaha Creek - Northwest Drainage Basin Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 14-16 M i n n e h a h a C r e e k InterlachenInterlachen T.H. 100T.H. 100 Interlachen Blvd HopkinsHopkins HopkinsHopkins St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 5 6 : 5 7 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 4 _ 2 _ M C _ N o r t h w e s t _ M a j o r _ W a t e r s h e d s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 14.2 NORTHWEST MINNEHAHA CREEK MAJOR WATERSHEDS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Northwest Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 14-17 !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!.!.!.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. AR T H U R S T AR T H U R S T MALONEY AVE GR I F F I T S T BL A K E R D BELMORE LA JO H N S T MALONEY AVE SPRUCE RD KR E S S E C I R JO H N S T GR O V E P L JO H N S T BELMORE LA M E R I L A N E CRESCE N T T E R R O L L I N G G R E E N P K W Y MAIT LA ANNAWAY DR AN N A W A Y D R MERILANE ME R I L A N E RD PA D D O C K CO O P E R A V E ORCHARD LA COOPER CIR CIR C L E EA S T CIR C L E WE S T AR C A D I A A V E SO O L I N E R R BR O O K S I D E A V E 52ND ST W 53RD ST W GR A N D V I E W L N EDEN A V E SO O L I N E R R C O M P A N Y LI N K R D DR DIVISION ST LA 51ST OX F O R D A V E HO L L Y W O O D OX F O R D AV E ST WIL L I A M A V E W BLVD PA R K S I D E VA N D E R V O R K HOLLYWOOD RD INTERLACHEN BE D F O R D A V E CIRCLE EAST AV E SP U R R D VA N D E R V O R K A V E BLV D RU T L E D G E IN T E R L A C H E N 48TH ST W AVE R U T L E D G E BR O O K S I D E AV E HA N K E R S O N A V E S VE R N O N A V E PU K W A N A L N SO O L I N E R R C O 49TH ST W RU T L E D G E A V E AV E NO R M A N D A L E R D GR A N D V I E W S Q U A R E EI_3 EI_20 EI_8 EI_24EI_2 EI_4 H100_7 EI_19 EI_16 EI_34 EI_15 HO_17 EI_10 EI_1 EI_32 EI_14 HO_19 EI_25 EI_18 H100_5 HO_8 EI_29 H100_3 EI_7 EI_5 EI_33 HO_5 EI_13 H100_4 H100_1 HO_3 EI_31 EI_35 EI_28 EI_12 EI_26 EI_9 HO_1 H100_15 HO_6 EI_21 EI_23 H100_10 EI_30 H100_9 HO_9 H100_6 HO_22 H100_14 EI_17 EI_36 HO_15 H100_2 EI_27 H100_13 HO_4 EI_22 EI_6 HO_16 HO_14 HO_12HO_18 H100_12 HO_11 EI_11 HO_7 EI_37 HO_10 HO_20 HO_2 HO_13 HO_21 H100_8 H100_11 EI_29 2200 CB-2458 MH-2457 MH-2456 CB-2455CB-2454CB-2453 FE-2445 MH-2443MH-2442 MH-2422 CB-2420 MH-2419 MH-2417 MH-2416 FE-2371 FE-2370CB-2369 MH-2368 MH-2367 MH-2366 MH-2365 MH-2364FE-2363 CB-2361 FE-2359 FE-2355 FE-2354 MH-2353MH-2352MH-2351MH-2350 MH-2349 MH-2348 MH-2344 MH-2278CB-2277 MH-2276CB-2275 MH-2274CB-2273 MH-2271 CB-2270 MH-2268 FE-2233 CB-2232 FE-2231 FE-2229 FE-2227 MH-2226 FE-2224 MH-2216 MH-2215 MH-2214 MH-2213 FE-2209FE-2207 FE-2205 MH-2203 FE-2201 FE-2199 FE-2197 FE-2196 CB-2195 FE-2194MH-2192 MH-2191MH-2189 MH-2188 MH-2187 MH-2186 MH-2183 CB-2180 OT-2179 MH-2178 MH-2177 MH-2175 MH-2173 FE-2170 MH-2160MH-2159 FE-2142 MH-1911 MH-1908 MH-1907 MH-1906 MH-1905 MH-1898 MH-1897 MH-1896 MH-1895 MH-1894 MH-1888 MH-1887 MH-1886 MH-1883 MH-2372 FE-2362 MH-2357 MH-2347 MH-2346 MH-2345 CB-2343 CB-2267 CB-2218 MH-2217 MH-2211 CB-2210CB-2206 MH-2204 MH-2198 MH-2190 MH-2184 MH-2174 MH-2141 MH-2140 CB-2139MH-2138 MH-1914 MH-1913 MH-1912 MH-1909 MH-1893 MH-1892 CB-1891 MH-1889 MH-2358 MH-2356 CB-2230 CB-2228 CB-2225 CB-2223 CB-2219 CB-2193 MH-2176 MH-2172 MH-2171 CB-2169 FE-2166 CB-2165 CB-2164 CB-2163CB-2162CB-2161 CB-2158 CB-2157 MH-2156 MH-1910 CB-1890 MH-1885 MH-1884 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 0 4 : 1 5 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 4 _ 3 _ M C _ N o r t h w e s t _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 400 0 400 Feet Figure 14.3 NORTHWEST MINNEHAHA CREEK HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 150 0 150 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Northwest Drainage Basin Subwatershed Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event 14-18 100 M i n n e h a h a C reek HopkinsHopkins St. Louis ParkSt. Louis Park EI_19 EI_10 EI_1 EI_32 HO_19 EI_24 HO_8 EI_31 EI_29 HO_16 EI_12 EI_25 EI_6 EI_21 EI_13 H100_14 EI_20 H100_4 EI_25EI_26 EI_30 EI_27 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 5 5 : 2 5 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 1 4 _ 4 _ M C _ N o r t h w e s t _ W a t e r _ Q u a l i t y . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 14.4 NORTHWEST MINNEHAHA CREEK WATER QUALITY MODELING RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) Percent TP Removal in Water Body* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed. Cumulative TP Removal in Watershed* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed and upstream watersheds that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Flow Direction *Data based on results of P8 modeling. Area Draining Directly to Minnehaha Creek 0 - 25% (Poor/No Removal) 14-19 !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!.!.!.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!. !. !. !. AR T H U R S T AR T H U R S T MALONEY AVE GR I F F I T S T BL A K E R D BELMORE LA JO H N S T MALONEY AVE SPRUCE RD KR E S S E C I R JO H N S T GR O V E P L JO H N S T BELMORE LA M E R I L A N E CRESC E N T T E R R O L L I N G G R E E N P K W Y MAIT LA ANNAWAY DR AN N A W A Y D R MERILANE ME R I L A N E R D PA D D O C K CO O P E R A V E ORCHARD LA COOPER CIR CIR C L E EA S T CIR C L E WE S T AR C A D I A A V E SO O L I N E R R BR O O K S I D E A V E 52ND ST W 53RD ST W GR A N D V I E W L N EDEN A V E SO O L I N E R R C O M P A N Y LI N K R D DR DIVISION ST LA 51ST OX F O R D A V E HO L L Y W O O D OX F O R D AV E ST WI L L I A M A V E W BLVD PA R K S I D E VA N D E R V O R K HOLLYWOOD RD INTERLACHEN BE D F O R D A V E CIRCLE EAST AV E SP U R R D VA N D E R V O R K A V E BL V D RU T L E D G E I N T E R L A C H E N 48TH ST W AVE R U T L E D G E BR O O K S I D E AV E HA N K E R S O N A V E S VE R N O N A V E PU K W A N A L N SO O L I N E R R C O 49TH ST W RU T L E D G E A V E AV E NO R M A N D A L E R D GR A N D V I E W S Q U A R E EI_3 EI_20 EI_8 EI_24EI_2 EI_4 H100_7 EI_19 EI_16 EI_34 EI_15 HO_17 EI_10 EI_1 EI_32 EI_14 HO_19 EI_25 EI_18 H100_5 HO_8 EI_29 H100_3 EI_7 EI_5 EI_33 HO_5 EI_13 H100_4 H100_1 HO_3 EI_31 EI_35 EI_28 EI_12 EI_26 EI_9 HO_1 H100_15 HO_6 EI_21 EI_23 H100_10 EI_30 H100_9 HO_9 H100_6 HO_22 H100_14 EI_17 EI_36 HO_15 H100_2 EI_27 H100_13 HO_4 EI_22 EI_6 HO_16 HO_14 HO_12HO_18 H100_12 HO_11 EI_11 HO_7 EI_37 HO_10 HO_20 HO_2 HO_13 HO_21 H100_8 H100_11 EI_29 2200 CB-2458 MH-2457 MH-2456 CB-2455CB-2454CB-2453 FE-2445 MH-2443MH-2442 MH-2422 CB-2420 MH-2419 MH-2417 MH-2416 FE-2371 FE-2370CB-2369 MH-2368 MH-2367 MH-2366 MH-2365 MH-2364FE-2363 CB-2361 FE-2359 FE-2355 FE-2354 MH-2353MH-2352MH-2351MH-2350 MH-2349 MH-2348 MH-2344 MH-2278CB-2277 MH-2276CB-2275 MH-2274CB-2273 MH-2271CB-2270 MH-2268 FE-2233 CB-2232 FE-2231 FE-2229 FE-2227 MH-2226 FE-2224 MH-2216 MH-2215 MH-2214 MH-2213 FE-2209FE-2207 FE-2205 MH-2203 FE-2201 FE-2199 FE-2197 FE-2196 CB-2195 FE-2194MH-2192 MH-2191MH-2189 MH-2188 MH-2187 MH-2186 MH-2183 CB-2180 OT-2179 MH-2178 MH-2177 MH-2175 MH-2173 FE-2170 MH-2160MH-2159 FE-2142 MH-1911 MH-1908 MH-1907 MH-1906 MH-1905 MH-1898 MH-1897 MH-1896 MH-1895 MH-1894 MH-1888 MH-1887 MH-1886 MH-1883 MH-2372 FE-2362 MH-2357 MH-2347 MH-2346 MH-2345 CB-2343 CB-2267 CB-2218 MH-2217 MH-2211 CB-2210CB-2206 MH-2204 MH-2198 MH-2190 MH-2184 MH-2174 MH-2141 MH-2140 CB-2139MH-2138 MH-1914 MH-1913 MH-1912 MH-1909 MH-1893 MH-1892 CB-1891 MH-1889 MH-2358 MH-2356 CB-2230 CB-2228 CB-2225 CB-2223 CB-2219 CB-2193 MH-2176 MH-2172 MH-2171 CB-2169 FE-2166 CB-2165 CB-2164 CB-2163CB-2162CB-2161 CB-2158 CB-2157 MH-2156 MH-1910 CB-1890 MH-1885 MH-1884 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 2 : 0 4 : 1 5 P M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i na \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a f t \ F i g _ 1 4 _ 3 _ M C _ N o r t h w e s t _ H y d r a u l i c _M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 400 0 400 Feet Figure 14.3 NORTHWEST MINNEHAHA CREEK HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 150 0 150 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Minnehaha Creek - Northwest Drainage Basin Subwatershed Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event