HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPENDIX A Appendix A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program for the Management of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems within the City of Edina wq-strm4-52 3/06 1 I. MS4 Information A. Application Type New applicant (this MS4 has no previous application for MS4 coverage on file at MPCA) Application for re-issuance of coverage (this MS4 applied in 2003) B. MS4 Owner General Contact (the community, municipality, agency or other party having ownership or operation control of the MS4) City of Edina Community, municipality, agency or other party having ownership or operational control of the MS4 4801 W. 50th St. Mailing Address Edina MN 55424-1394 City State Zip Code Hennepin County 41-600-5118 802-1794 Federal Tax ID State Tax ID C. General Contact (official, staff member, consultant or other) for all general correspondence about Permit compliance issues between the MPCA and your MS4 Houle, P.E. Wayne City Engineer/Public Works Director Last Name First Name Title 4801 W. 50th St. Mailing Address Edina MN 55424-1394 City State Zip Code 952-826-0443 whoule@ci.edina.mn.us Telephone (include area code) E-mail Address General Stormwater Permit (MN R 040000) Application for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North NO FEE St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 Application deadline: June 1, 2006 PLEASE READ: As you complete this form, read the instructions carefully. Use your keyboard’s “Tab” key to move through the fields of this form. Select check-boxes and enter text as indicated. Save, and print. wq-strm4-52 3/06 2 II. Certification of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) A. Have you developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program for your MS4? Municipalities must demonstrate how their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program will be implemented and enforced over the term of the five-year Permit. SWPPPs must incorporate appropriate educational components, all required BMPs and the measurable goals associated with each. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Programs must address the specific requirements contained in Part V. G. of the Permit. SWPPPs must outline how the six minimum control measures will be addressed, the contact person, department in charge, timeline and measures that will be implemented to meet the schedules required by the Permit. Attach a BMP Summary Sheet to this application for each BMP in your SWPPP. Yes B. Does your SWPPP address all of the six Minimum Control Measures as outlined in the Permit? The General Permit requires that you incorporate all six of the defined Minimum Control Measures in your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program. You are required to implement mandatory BMPs which are directly associated to each of the Six Minimum Control Measures. Yes C. Have you attached the included BMP Summary Sheets, one for each of the Best Management Practices required by the Permit? There are 34 required BMPs all of which require that the provided BMP Summary Sheet be filled out completely and included with your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. If any of these required sheets are missing, your application will not be considered complete and will be returned to you. Yes III. Reporting and Recordkeeping A. I have read and understand Part VI Evaluating, Recordkeeping, and Reporting of the MS4 General Permit and certify that we intend to comply with the applicable requirements of those sections as well as the Permit as a whole. Yes B. Where will your SWPPP be available to the public for review? Edina City Hall www.ci.edina.mn.us/Pages//L4-18b_StormWaterPollution Name of Location If your SWPPP is available electronically, indicate location 4801 W. 50th St. Street Address Edina MN 55424-1394 City State ZIP Code Wayne Houle, P.E. 952-826-0443 Contact Name Contact Phone Number Monday-Friday, 8am to 4:30pm Hours of Availability IV. Limitations of Coverage A. Part II Limitations on Coverage and Appendix C I have read and understand Part II Coverage Under This Permit and Appendix C Limitations on Coverage of the MS4 General Permit and certify that we intend to comply with the applicable requirements of those sections as well as the Permit as a whole. Yes B. Outstanding Resource Value Waters (ORVWs) Please refer to the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to complete this section. An interactive map is available on the MPCA Web site that identifies Special Waters: http://pca-gis04.pca.state.mn.us wq-strm4-52 3/06 3 1. Prohibited Waters Does the MS4 discharge into Prohibited Waters as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp. 3, 4, and 5? See Attachment Four of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No 2. Restricted Discharge Does the MS4 discharge into waters with a Restricted Discharge as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp. 6, 6a, and 6b? If yes, please list below and comply with Part IX, Appendix C, Item B. See Attachment Four of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No 3. Prohibited or Restricted Waters If you answered “yes” to either Question 1 or 2, have you included a map that outlines, at a minimum, the DNR minor sub-watersheds in your jurisdiction with ANY discharges to Prohibited or Restricted Waters? You are required by the Permit to provide this map along with your application. [IX.B.2.b] Yes No Identify all discharges to Outstanding Resource Value Waters (ORVWs) from your MS4: Name of Water Body Type (lake, stream, river) 4. If you answered “yes” to either Question 1 or 2, who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Position: Phone: C. Special Waters 1. Trout Waters Does the MS4 discharge into Trout Waters as defined in Minn. R. 6264.0050 subp. 2 & 4? If yes, please list below and comply with Part IX, Appendix C, Item C. See Attachments Two and Three of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No 2. Wetlands Does the MS4 discharge into Wetlands as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0130, subp. F? See Attachment Four of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No 3. Environmental Review Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to evaluate discharges that require applicable Environmental Review as required by State or federal laws? See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Wayne Houle, P.E. Position: City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 4. Endangered or Threatened Species Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to evaluate discharges whose direct, indirect, interrelated, interconnected, or independent impacts may jeopardize a listed Endangered or Threatened Species or adversely modify a designated critical habitat? See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No wq-strm4-52 3/06 4 Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Wayne Houle, P.E. Position: City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 5. Historic Places and Archeological Sites Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to evaluate discharges which may adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or affecting known or discovered archeological sites? See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. Yes No Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Wayne Houle, P.E. Position: City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 6. Drinking Water Sources Does the MS4 have any discharges that may affect Source Water Protection as defined in part IX.H of the General Permit? Yes No If “yes,” does the MS4 have BMPs incorporated into the SWPPP to protect drinking water sources that the MS4 discharge may affect? Yes No wq-strm4-52 3/06 5 V. Owner or Operator Certification The person with overall, MS4 legal responsibility must sign the application. This person shall be duly authorized to sign the application and may be either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. (see Minn. R. 7001.0060). I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons, who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete (Minn. R. 7001.0070). I also certify under penalty of law that I have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Storm Water Permit for MS4s that authorizes storm water discharges identified in this application form. I understand that as a Permittee, I am legally accountable under the Clean Water Act to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the NPDES General Storm Water Permit for MS4s. I also understand that MPCA enforcement actions (pursuant to Minn. Stat. §115.07, 116.072, and Section 309 of the Clean Water Act) may be taken against me or the MS4 if the terms and conditions of the NPDES General Storm Water Permit for MS4s are not met. C. General Contact (official, staff member, consultant or other) for all general correspondence about Permit compliance issues between the MPCA and your MS4 X Authorized Signature Date Houle, P.E. Wayne City Engineer/Public Works Director Last Name First Name Title 4801 W. 50th St. Mailing Address Edina MN 55424 City State ZIP Code 952-826-0443 whoule@ci.edina.mn.us Telephone (include area code) E-mail Address CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATION _________________________________________________________________ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ___________________________________________________ Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Date: May 15, 2006 Lic.No.15998 CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Table of Contents Cover Letter Title Page I. Introduction II. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Evaluation IV. Best Management Practices Implementation Plan V. Annual Report List of Figures 1. Location Map 2. DNR Public Waters Map 3. National Wetland Inventory Map List of Tables 1. BMP Implementation Plan CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 1 I. INTRODUCTION This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) has been prepared in conformance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Phase II Rules and is in compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, (33 U.S.C. 1251ET SEQ; hereafter, the “Act”), 40 CFR 122, 123, and 124, as amended, ET SEQ; Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 116, as amended and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7001. The urbanized area covered by this SWPPP is shown in Figure 1. The goal of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of waters of the state through management and treatment of urban storm water runoff. The Department of Natural Resources Wetland and Waters, and the wetlands identified in the National Wetland Inventory located within the project area are shown in Figure 2 & 3. This program requires that this be accomplished through the management of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) through the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). The SWPPP identifies the goals and the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be undertaken to meet the requirements of the NPDES Phase II rules. Measurable goals have been established for each of the BMPs included in the SWPPP along with an implementation plan and the persons responsible for implementing the BMPs. This SWPPP has been prepared to manage and reduce the discharge of pollutants from MS4s to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). This will be accomplished through the implementation of the BMPs outlined within this SWPPP. These BMPs could be a combination of education, maintenance, control techniques, system design and engineering methods, and other such provisions that are appropriate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Phase II permit. BMPs have been prepared to address each of the six minimum control measures as outlined in the rules. These six minimum control measures are: 1. Public education and outreach on storm water impacts. 2. Public participation/involvement. 3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination. 4. Construction site stormwater runoff control. 5. Post construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment. 6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations. For each of these six minimum control measures, appropriate BMPs have been identified along with measurable goals, an implementation schedule, and the persons responsible to complete each measure. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 2 Figure 1 Location Map CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 3 Figure 2 DNR Public Waters Map CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 4 Figure 3 National Wetlands Inventory Map CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 5 II. MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION An evaluation of the storm sewer system was completed to determine the factors affecting the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) standards set forth within the NPDES Phase II Rule. Factors which were used in developing the BMPs outlined in this SWPPP were as follows: 1. Sources of pollutants 2. Potential polluting activities being conducted in the watershed 3. Sensitivity of receiving waters and wetlands within the system 4. Intended uses of receiving waters 5. Local concerns and storm water issues 6. The size of the MS4, the available staff, and the number of residents 7. BMP implementation schedules 8. Ability to finance storm water related programs 9. Hydraulics and hydrology of the watershed 10. Geology 11. Ability to finance and perform operation and maintenance of the MS4 12. Land uses 13. Development and redevelopment expectations 14. Watershed characteristics 15. Organizational structure of the municipal operator In conformance with the requirements for the preparation of the SWPPP, a number of non-storm water discharges were evaluated to determine if they are significant contributors of pollutants to the storm sewer system. Non-storm water discharges which were evaluated include: 1. Flushing of municipal waterlines 2. Residential, commercial and agricultural landscape irrigation 3. Stream flow diversions 4. Groundwater outputs and rising elevations 5. Uncontaminated pumped ground water 6. Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration 7. Filtration backwash from municipal water treatment facility 8. Discharge of foundation drains into the MS4 9. Potable water source discharges 10. Condensation from air conditioning units 11. Car washing by individual residents 12. Discharges from the chlorinated swimming pools 13. Wash water from street sweeping activities 14. Water discharged from firefighting activities These sources of non-storm water inputs into the municipal separate storm sewer system were determined not to be significant contributors of pollutants. Therefore, BMPs will not be prepared to address these storm water discharges. The City of Edina has developed this SWPPP, and the Best Management Practices within it, to reach the goal of reducing the discharge of pollutants to the “maximum extent practicable.” CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 6 This SWPPP incorporates new activities and existing practices to develop a program, designed to protect water quality as required by the Clean Water Act. The BMPs included within this SWPPP, are the results of the City carefully and thoughtfully evaluating the storm water discharges within their jurisdiction, and as a result believe implementation of these BMPs meet the prescribed “maximum extent practicable” standard. III. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) outlines the Best Management Practices (BMPs) which are appropriate for the City of Edina to control or reduce the pollutants in storm water runoff to the maximum extent practicable. This SWPPP was developed based on the factors previously discussed within the areas tributary to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. The City of Edina reserves the right to amend and/or delete the described BMPs based on the availability of funding for this program. Furthermore, the City may coordinate the responsibility of selected BMPs with other governing agencies such as community groups, non-profit organizations, soil and water conservation districts, watershed districts, watershed management organizations, school districts, University of Minnesota Extension, or county, regional, state, and federal government programs, which represent storm water within the City. Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been prepared for each of the six minimum control measures. A description of each BMP, an implementation schedule, measurable goals that determine the success or benefit, and the person responsible to complete each BMP is included in Section II. Please note that the City’s Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan (CWRMP) is referenced throughout the Best Management Practices (BMPs) of the SWPPP. The CWRMP is an engineering document with detailed technical information about Major watersheds, sub- watersheds, hydraulic design, hydrologic design, wetland inventories, surface water capital improvement projects, surface water management programs, FEMA floodplains, DNR public waters, water quality requirements, water quantity information, and City policy and funding mechanisms for storm water management. This plan is available to the public at Edina City Hall. A description of the six minimum control measures and the BMPs which have been developed to meet the requirements of each minimum control measure are outlined in the following pages: CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 7 MCM 1.0 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ON STORMWATER IMPACTS The public education program has been developed to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities. The BMPs identified will focus on the impact of storm water discharges on streams, rivers, and wetlands, and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. These activities have been prepared to individually address each of the six minimum control measures. For each minimum control measure, the education program identifies the audience or audiences involved, educational goals for each audience, activities used to reach educational goals for each audience, activity implementation plans, including responsible persons in charge, entities responsible for given activities, and schedules and performance measures that can be used to determine success in reaching educational goals. The public education and outreach BMPs that will be undertaken include: 1) Distribute information on illicit discharges, erosion, shoreline management, composting and pollution prevention and other applicable BMPs utilized in the SWPPP. This information may be distributed through City mailings, newsletters, bill stuffing, and on the City website. 2) Update existing storm water webpage with additional water resource related information. The web page will specifically describe the SWPPP, each minimum control measure, the goals and actions planned by the City, provide links to BMPs, articles on each control measure, and collect feedback from site visitors. 3) Provide training opportunities for City staff including erosion control, BMPs, good housekeeping, and pollution prevention. Training topics could include, but are not limited to: a) Mn/DOT Erosion Control Certification b) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program Workshops c) Best Management Practices Workshops d) Brochures and publications distributed to staff 4) Begin working collaboratively with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) in distributing educational materials and promoting/supporting outreach programs. Programs will consist of public presentations, website development, and storm water educational materials, etc. MCM 2.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT This minimum control measure requires that the City provide measures to receive public input and opinion on the adequacy of the SWPPP. This input can be received from public meetings, oral testimony, and written correspondence. To reach this goal, the City anticipates implementing the following BMPs: CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 8 1) Conduct an annual public meeting on the City’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program and solicit opinion on the plan and consider written and oral input on the adequacy of the SWPPP. 2) The City intends to incorporate public information on SWPPP issues into a separate page on the City’s website. The web page would specifically describe the SWPPP, each minimum control measure, the goals and actions planned by the City, provide links to BMPs, articles on each control measure, and collect feedback from site visitors. MCM 3.0 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION A number of BMPs have been developed to implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the municipal separate storm sewer system. These BMPs include: 1) Review existing city ordinances relating to illicit discharges, and develop/adopt an illicit discharge ordinance (if necessary). 2) Annually update all identified City-owned storm sewer conveyances (24” or greater) to reflect changes or additions to the storm sewer system. This will also identify all outfalls and discharge points leaving the City. 3) Expand the current program to detect and reduce all forms of non-storm water discharges. Continue to inspect for illicit discharges during the outfall and pond inspections. 4) Distribute educational materials to residents and provide illicit discharge educational activities to City staff a minimum of one time annually. MCM 4.0 CONSTRUCTION SITE STORM WATER RUNOFF CONTROL A number of BMPs have been developed and will be implemented and enforced to reduce pollutants and storm water runoff from construction activities with land disturbances equal to or greater than one acre. These BMPs include: 1) Review current permit stipulations/City codes relating to project specific erosion and sediment control (update as necessary). 2) Every applicant for a City permit to allow land disturbing activities must submit a project specific stormwater management plan (if applicable) and/or erosion control plan to the City. 3) Provide a phone number, website, and point of contact for the public to report storm water pollution issues. Staff procedures for stormwater non-compliance are defined in BMP summary sheet 4e-1. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 9 4) Construction site operators must conform to NPDES Phase II, watershed district, and City ordinances pertaining to erosion and sediment controls and waste controls. MCM 5.0 POST CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT A program of BMPs has been prepared to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb equal to or greater than one acre. This program insures that controls are in place that would prevent or minimize water quality impacts from development activities. These BMPs include: 1) Continue to use existing development review policies currently in place to address water quality, erosion control, and BMP’s. 1) Evaluating all structural and non-structural BMP’s during the plan review process for the potential of new and/or revised BMP’s. 2) Actively look for non-structural opportunities where prudent and feasible. 3) Implementing the requirements of the Comprehensive Water Resource Management plan and applicable City ordinances. 4) Inspecting post-construction BMP’s then evaluate inspection records for determining the corrective maintenance actions (if necessary) for the long-term operation of all storm water management facilities. MCM 6.0 POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS To meet the requirements of the pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations, a number of BMPs have been prepared. These BMPs include: 1) Annual inspection of 20% of the outfalls, sediment basis, and ponds within the city’s storm sewer system. The results of these inspections will be compiled in a report and include sediment levels, watershed information and record recommended maintenance and maintenance schedules. 2) Inspect and document all structural pollution control devices a minimum of once per year. 3) Evaluating, annually inspecting, and modifying (if necessary) current BMP’s in place on all exposed stockpiles, storage, and materials located within City owned property. 4) The City will annually evaluate landscaping and lawn-care practices, which may include the use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, lawn mowing, grass clipping collection, mulching and composting, and develop BMPs to reduce storm water pollution. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 10 5) The City will annually review practice and policies of road salt applications. The City will consider alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff training to reduce pollutants from road deicing activities. 6) The City will continue with the current street sweeping program, identify improvements, and implement changes to reduce storm water pollutants. 7) The City will construct backwash recycle tanks at water treatment plants #2, #3, and #4 by June 30, 2007. Quarterly Wastewater Treatment Discharge Monitoring Reports will be submitted beginning September 2007 through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. BMP SS 7.0 NON-DEGRADATION FOR SELECTED MS4’s 1) The City will prepare a Loading Assessment, Non-degradation Report, and comply with the public participation process as per Part X. Appendix D of the MS4 General Permit. BMP SS 8.0 IV.D- SECTION 303(d) IMPAIRED WATERS LISTINGS 1) The City will review all discharges from the City’s MS4 system to impaired waters, pursuant to section IV.D. IV. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A summary of BMPs are provided in Table 1. Detailed descriptions of each of the BMPs contained within the SWPPP are provided in Section II. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 11 Table 1 BMP IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM Best Management Practices Description of BMP & Goal Schedule MCM 1 Public Education and Outreach 1a-1 Distribute Educational Materials Brochures, Handouts, and Newsletters, SWPPP Web Page, Annual Public Meeting Distribute a minimum of 3 educational publications via City mailings, workshops, presentations, website postings, or newsletters. Begin working collaboratively with the NMCWD and MCWD in distributing educational materials and promoting/supporting outreach programs. Begin September 1, 2007. Implement activities in 2008. Review and revise educational activities schedule and funding January 1, 2009 through 2011. 1b-1 Implement an Education Program Implement educational activities and coordinate with the NMCWD and MCWD. Record attendances, web site visits, keep minutes, record statements/requests, and written comments. Begin September 1, 2007. Implement activities in 2008. Review and revise educational activities schedule and funding January 1, 2009 through 2011. 1c-l Education Program: Public Education and Outreach Program Update City webpage devoted to water resource related issues. Distribute 2 water resource related articles in the City newsletter per year. Begin September 1, 2007. Implement by January 1, 2008. 1c-2 Education Program: Public Participation Encourage public participation to public presentations, outreach programs, and the City’s website. Implement by January 1, 2008. 1c-3 Education Program: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Distribute a minimum of one illicit discharge related publication to residents per year. Provide illicit discharge education to City staff. Begin distributing educational material to residents in 2008 through May 31, 2011. Provide staff education in 2007 through May 31, 2011. 1c-4 Education Program: Construction Site Run-off Control Meet with contractors and residents prior to the start of construction to discuss implementing project specific BMP’s. Provide erosion control education to City staff. Continue the plan review process/pre- construction meetings. Provide staff education in 2007 through May 31, 2011. 1c-5 Education Program: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment Distribute a minimum of one post- construction stormwater management related publication to residents per year. Begin distributing educational material to residents in 2008 through May 31, 2011. 1c-6 Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Provide a minimum of one pollution prevention related training opportunity to City staff per year. Begin in 2007 through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. 1d-1 Coordination of Educational Programming Continue to coordinate educational components, programming, and schedule with outside organizations. Annually evaluate and update as needed 2006 – 2011 1e-1 Annual Public Meeting Hold an annual public meeting to distribute educational materials and present an overview of the MS4 program and City’s SWPPP Minimum of once/year, annually through May 31, 2011. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 12 Best Management Practices Description of BMP & Goal Schedule MCM 2 Public Participation and Involvement 2a-1 Comply with Public Notice Requirements Notice the annual public meeting in the official newspaper 30 days prior to the meeting date Annually through May 31, 2011 2b-1 Solicit Public Input and Opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP Hold an annual public meeting and host a web page to solicit public opinion on the SWPPP Minimum of once/year, annually through 2011. 2c-1 Consider Public Input Record attendance, keep minutes, record statements, and written comments and document changes made to the SWPPP Minimum of once/year, annually through 2011. MCM 3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 3a-1 Storm Sewer System Map Update storm sewer system map, as needed. Annually 2006 – May 31, 2011 3b-1 Regulatory Control Program Review existing ordinances; develop a specific city ordinance related to illicit and non-stormwater discharges (if needed). Develop ordinance in 2007. Implement ordinance in 2008. 3c-1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan Expand the current program to detect and reduce all forms of non-storm water discharges. Continue to inspect for illicit discharges during the outfall and pond inspections. Continue to implement through, May 31, 2011. Expand program by 2009. 3d-1 Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program Distribute educational materials to residents and provide illicit discharge educational activities to City staff a minimum of one time annually. Begin January 1, 2008. Review annually through May 31, 20011. 3e-1 Identification of Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows The City has identified and evaluated all non- storm water discharges (as defined in Part V.G.3.e) to be insignificant pollutant contributors. Completed MCM 4 Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control 4a-1 Ordinance or other Regulatory Mechanism Review current permit stipulations/City codes relating to project specific erosion and sediment control (update as necessary). Review and add additional requirements (if applicable). Enforce new permit requirements in through May 31, 2011. 4b-1, 4c-1 Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMP’s: Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators Construction site operators must conform to NPDES Phase II, watershed district, and City ordinances pertaining to erosion and sediment controls and waste controls. Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. Add new NPDES requirements (if necessary) through May 31, 2011. 4d-1 Procedure for Site Plan Review No City permit to allow land disturbing activities shall be issued until approval of storm water management plan (if applicable) and/or erosion control plan or waiver has been obtained. Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 13 Best Management Practices Description of BMP & Goal Schedule 4e-1 Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Stormwater Noncompliance Provide a phone number, website, and point of contact for the public to report storm water pollution issues. Staff procedures for stormwater non-compliance are defined in BMP summary sheet 4e-1. Completed. 4f-1 Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspections and Enforcement Continue to enforce the City’s erosion control and waste disposal standards. Add additional procedures or requirements as necessary. Please refer to BMP Summary sheets 4a-1 through 4e-1. MCM 5 Post Construction Storm Water Management Measures 5a-1 Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non-Structural BMP’s The City will evaluate all structural and non- structural BMP’s during the plan review process for the potential of new and/or revised BMP’s. The City will also actively look for non-structural opportunities where prudent and feasible. Continue through May 31, 2011. 5b-1 Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New Development and Redevelopment The City will implement the requirements of the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan and applicable City ordinances. Continue through May 31, 2011 5c-1 Long-term Operation and Maintenance of BMP’s The City will continue to annually inspect a minimum of 20% of all its MS4 outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds, then evaluate and record the number of proposed maintenance projects and successful funding of each project (if applicable). Success of this BMP is defined as acheving the measurable goals of minimum control measure 6. Continue through May 31, 2011 MCM 6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Measures 6a-1 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program City staff will implement the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan; conform to all BMP’s within MCM #6. Implement in 2006; annually evaluate and update as needed 2007 – May 31, 2011. 6a-2 Street Sweeping Program Street sweep once annually. Record the annual number of times streets are brush swept as well as document any additional activities that were undertaken regarding this program Sweep once per year; record annually 2006- May 31, 2011. 6b-2 Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices Inspect and document all structural pollution control devices a minimum of once per year. Minimum of once/year, annually through May 31, 2011. 6b-3 Inspection of a Minimum of 20% of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each Year on a Rotating Basis. The City will inspect all mapped outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds a minimum of 20% each year (on a rotating schedule during permit coverage) and record the number inspected, and rate the condition of each outfall. Continue inspecting a minimum of 20% per year through May 31, 2011 or until 100% complete prior to May 31, 2011. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 14 Best Management Practices Description of BMP & Goal Schedule 6b-4 Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage, and Material Handling Areas. Locate and inspect all exposed stockpile, storage and material handling areas located on City-owned properties, record inspections, correct and document all remedial actions a minimum of once per year. Begin in 2007 through May 31, 2011. 6b-5 Inspection Follow-up, Including the Determination of Whether Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the Implementation of the Corrective Measures. Determinations of repair, replacement, or maintenance measures will be directed by the City Engineer. All corrective maintenance, repair, and/or replacement measures will be recorded in the City’s SWPPP. Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. 6b-6 Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Responses to the Inspections The City will record the number of inspection record requests and distributed materials. Minimum of one/year, annually through May 31, 2011. 6b-7 Evaluation of Inspection Frequency Record all stormsewer and pond inspections completed annually. Evaluate inspection records every 2 years. Minimum of one/year, annually through May 31, 2011. 6b-8 Landscaping & Lawn Care Practices Review Continue to evaluate current practices of fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide application, mowing operations, grass clipping collection, mulching, and composting. Minimum of one/year, annually through May 31, 2011. 6b-9 Road Salt Application Review Continue to evaluate current practices of road salt applications, alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff training. Minimum of one/year, annually through May 31, 2011. 6b-10 Backwash Recycle Tanks The City will construct backwash recycle tanks at water treatment plants #2, #3, and #4 by June 30, 2007. Quarterly Wastewater Treatment Discharge Monitoring Reports will be submitted beginning September 2007 through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011 Additional BMP’s 7 Nondegradation for Selected MS4s The City will prepare a Loading Assessment, Nondegradation Report, and comply to the public participation process as per Part X. Appendix D of the MS4 General Permit. Submit by January 1, 2008 8 VI.D- Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Listings The City will review all discharges from the City’s MS4 system to impaired waters, pursuant to section IV.D. Submit to MPCA prior to June 30, 2008. Continue annually through May 31, 2011. CITY OF EDINA MS4 SWPPP City of Edina Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 15 V. ANNUAL REPORT An annual report will be prepared and submitted to the MPCA prior to June 30 of each year from 2006 through 2011. This annual report will summarize the following: A. Status of Compliance With Permit Conditions The annual report will contain an assessment of the appropriateness of the BMPs and progress toward achieving the identified measurable goals for each of the minimum control measures. This assessment will be based on results collected and analyzed, inspection findings, and public input received during the reporting period. B. Work Plan The annual report will contain a list of storm water activities that are planning to be undertaken in the next reporting cycle. C. Modifications to the SWPPP The annual report will identify changes to BMPs or measurable goals for any of the minimum control measures. D. Notice of Coordinated Activities A notice will be included in the annual report for any portions of the permit for which a government entity or organization outside of the MS4 is being utilized to fulfill any BMP contained in the SWPPP. St. Paul HugoBlaine Eagan Minneapolis Afton Grant Lakeville East Bethel Andover May Twp. Corcoran Orono Plymouth Medina Ramsey Ham Lake Woodbury Dayton Lino Lakes Oak Grove Columbus Twp. Bloomington Burns Twp. Rosemount Forest Lake Eden Prairie Eureka Twp. Shakopee Helena Twp. Maple Grove Burnsville Linwood Twp. Douglas Twp. Cottage Grove Edina Camden Twp. Dahlgren Twp. Independence Marshan Twp. MinnetonkaHollywood Twp. Lake Elmo New Scandia Twp. Cedar Lake Twp. St. Francis Denmark Twp. Savage Greenfield Laketown Twp. Blakeley Twp. Sand Creek Twp. Brooklyn Park Greenvale Twp. Chaska Coon Rapids Chanhassen Maplewood Inver Grove Heights Fridley Prior Lake Roseville Credit River Twp. Apple Valley Hastings Oakdale Hancock Twp. Sciota Twp. Nininger Twp. Shoreview Stillwater Twp. Victoria Farmington Anoka Louisville Twp. Champlin Arden Hills Stillwater St. Lawrence Twp. Richfield St. Louis Park Golden Valley North Oaks Shorewood Rogers Baytown Twp. West Lakeland Twp. Mendota Heights White Bear Twp. Carver Jackson Twp. Brooklyn Center New Brighton Wayzata White Bear Lake Hopkins Newport South St. Paul Waconia Belle Plaine West St. Paul Little Canada Deephaven Mounds View Dellwood Hanover Robbinsdale St. Paul Park Chaska Twp. North St. Paul Bayport Columbia Heights St. Anthony Miesville Oak Park Heights Coates Watertown Bethel New Prague Mayer Grey Cloud Island Twp. Hampton Sunfish Lake Spring Lake Park Cologne Osseo Vermillion ExcelsiorSt. Bonifacius Pine Springs Lexington Norwood Young America Spring Park New Germany Mendota Hamburg Northfield 0 7 143.5 Miles Location Map City Of EdinaMS4/SWPPP wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 1-PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1a-1 *BMP Title: Distribute Educational Materials *BMP Description: The City or its designee will develop and distribute articles and information on the City’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including information on the stormwater issues, non-point source pollution, NPDES regulation and guidance, the annual public meeting, illicit discharges, erosion control, shoreline management, local agency contacts, stormwater website links, composting and pollution prevention and other applicable best management practices. This publication will be distributed through City mailings, workshops, presentations, website postings, and articles in the City newsletter. The City will work collaboratively with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) in distributing educational materials and promoting/supporting outreach programs. Programs may consist of City Newsletters (minimum of two per year), and general conservation information and presentations (NMCWD and MCWD). Education Goal: These programs are designed to educate and inform the public on pertinent water resource management issues and increase the public’s participation in water management activities. Audience: This activity will be directed to all City residents, property owners, and business owners within the urbanized area. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 1: BMP ID No. 1a-1 Distribute Educational Materials – Record of Activities Completed. Please note that educational samples may be included in each annual report. *Measurable Goals: The City will distribute a minimum of three educational publications via City mailings, workshops, presentations, website postings, or newsletters per calendar year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: Implementation of this BMP will coincide with BMP summary sheets 1b-1 and 1c-1. Specific Components and Notes: Please note that educational samples may be included in each annual report at the discretion of the City Engineer. Information may be added or modified to the website as necessary. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Department: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1a-1 Distribute Educational Materials Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Title: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1b-1 *BMP Title: Implement an Education Program *BMP Description: The City or its designee will develop and distribute educational material and present an overview of the MS4 program and 6 minimum control measures used within the City’s SWPPP at each annual public meeting, via City mailings or newsletters, and on the City’s storm water web page. Educational material will include storm water issues, potentially consisting of (but not limited to) non-point source pollution, erosion and sediment control, NPDES regulation and guidance, illicit discharge, storm water pollution prevention goals of the City, local agency contact information, and additional storm water website links. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 1: BMP ID No. 1b-1 Implement an Education Program – Record of Activities Completed. Please note that educational samples may be included in each annual report. *Measurable Goals: The City will provide stormwater education and outreach programs for residents within the City. This goal will be met if the City develops an educational program in 2007 and implements this program in 2008. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: 1. Coordinate educational efforts with the NMCWD and MCWD to prepare an educational activities schedule and determine the amount of funding needed annually for educational outreach/training, beginning September 1, 2007. 2. Implement specific educational activities by January 1, 2008 3. Review and revise educational activities schedule and funding, annually from January 1, 2009 – 2011 Specific Components and Notes: The City will review the effectiveness of each activity in determining the following year’s educational activities. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Department: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1b-1 Implement an Education Program Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Title: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1c-1 *BMP Title: Education Program: Public Education and Outreach Program *Audience(s) Involved: All City residents, property owners, and business owners. *Educational Goals for Each Audience: The City or its designee will raise awareness to the audiences involved by providing information on stormwater pollution prevention, effects of illicit discharge, best management practices, components of the City SWPPP, and outside entity resources available to City residents and business owners. *Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals: 1. City Website: The City will update its existing storm water webpage with additional water resource related issues. Topics may include, SWPPP information, best management practices, illicit discharge prevention and detection information, information on non-point source pollution, and local contact information for residents to request further information on specific stormwater topics or to report a stormwater related infraction. 2. City Newsletter: The City will develop then distribute water resource related articles in the City newsletter. Article topics may include best management practices, illicit discharge information, and non-point source pollution, etc. 3. Collaborate with the NMCWD and MCWD: City staff will coordinate with the NMCWD and MCWD to distribute educational materials and promote outreach programs. Please refer to BMP summary sheet 1a-1 for information on specific educational materials and outreach programs. *Activity Implementation Plan: 1. City Website: The City will update its existing storm water webpage with additional water resource related information beginning September 1, 2007. 2. City Newsletter: City staff will develop then distribute stormwater related articles in the City newsletter. This goal will be met by distributing a minimum of two stormwater related articles in the City newsletter each year, beginning January 1, 2008. 3. Collaborate with the NMCWD and MCWD: City staff will coordinate with the NMCWD and MCWD to distribute educational materials and promote outreach programs. This goal will be met by promoting and advertising a minimum of 2 educational workshops or presentations per year, beginning January 1, 2008. Refer to BMP sheets 1a-1 and 1b-1. *Performance Measures: The City or its designee will document the number of attendees at each scheduled activity (public meeting, workshop, presentation, etc.) and requests for printed brochures, as a way to measure the effectiveness of each activity used. The City will then review the effectiveness of each activity used in determining the following year’s educational activities. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Department: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1c-1 Education Program: Public Education and Outreach Program Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Title: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1c-2 *BMP Title: Education Program: Public Participation *Audience(s) Involved: City of Edina residents, property owners, and business owners. *Educational Goals for Each Audience: The educational goal of this program is to increase awareness and understanding of water quality issues and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program to the audiences involved, and to provide resources to allow the audiences to participate in reducing or preventing stormwater pollution. *Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals: 1. Public Presentations: On stormwater quality issues, workshops and/or hands-on demonstrations of non- point pollution sources, BMPs, and behavior changes audience members can implement to reduce or prevent stormwater pollution. Specific activities will be scheduled by City staff in conjunction with the NMCWD and MCWD. Program information and objectives will vary year to year. 2. City Website: The City will update its existing storm water webpage with additional water resource related topics. Topics may include SWPPP information, best management practices, illicit discharge prevention and detection information, information on non-point source pollution, and local contact information for residents to request further information on specific stormwater topics or to report a stormwater related infraction. Public participation will be measured by the number of website hits annually from 2008 to May 31, 2011. 3. Outreach Programs: Please refer to BMP summary sheet 1a-1 for information on specific educational materials and outreach programs. *Activity Implementation Plan: These activities will continue through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. *Performance Measures: The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the City monitoring and annually recording the number of participants and volunteer hours. Success of this BMP will be defined by increasing awareness of the program, benefits to local residents, and documenting the annual number of participants. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Department: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1c-2 Education Program: Public Participation Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Jennifer Bennerotte Title: Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-833-9520 E-mail: jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1c-3 *BMP Title: Education Program: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination *Audience(s) Involved: City of Edina residents, City staff, and the general public. *Educational Goals for Each Audience: The City or its designee will increase the public’s awareness of the potential sources and negative effects of illicit non-stormwater discharges, as well as alternative uses for unwanted materials by providing information on recycling options, services, and programs within the City, such as drop-off sites for household hazardous waste. The City will also review the current educational activities undertaken by its staff to identify, prevent and correct illicit discharges from daily public works activities and other general City operations. *Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals: 1. Distribute Educational Material: The City will distribute illicit discharge, household hazardous waste, and recycling program literature to residents a minimum of one time annually through City newsletters. The City will also post this information on the City’s website. 2. Staff Education: The City will also review the current educational activities undertaken by its staff to identify, prevent and correct illicit discharges from daily public works activities and other general City operations. These educational activities may include, but are not limited to, videos, training, and workshops. The City will train staff, implement procedures, and incorporate best management practices in the handling of hazardous materials used by all City staff. *Activity Implementation Plan: 1. Distribute illicit discharge educational material: To the public a minimum of one time annually, and post this information on the City’s webpage, starting January 1, 2008 through May 31, 2011. 2. Staff Education: Provide educational activities to City staff a minimum of one time annually in 2007 through May 31, 2011 *Performance Measures: The City will continue to annually review the educational content of printed literature for adequacy and update as necessary. Educational material, presentations, and requests for additional information will be distributed and recorded through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 1c-3 Education Program: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1c-4 *BMP Title: Education Program: Construction Site Run-off Control *Audience(s) Involved: City staff, contractors, and property owners performing work within the City of Edina *Educational Goals for Each Audience: 1. Contractors and Property Owners: Increased awareness of construction site runoff and review of project specific erosion control BMPs and City ordinances. 2. City Staff: Introduce new ideas relating to construction site pollution prevention, develop an understanding of the SWPPP, and increase the knowledge of specific NPDES construction permit requirements. Review of erosion control plans and project specific SWPPP for construction projects requiring a City land alteration or building permit. *Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals: 1. Staff Training: Provide training on how to prevent soil erosion on a construction site, proper erosion control and inspection, and review the components of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). 2. Plan Review/On-site Pre-Construction Meetings with Contractors and/or Property Owners: City staff will meet with contractors and residents (as deemed necessary) prior to the start of construction projects to discuss implementing project specific BMP’s, requirements of the NPDES construction permit/project SWPPP, and City standards for erosion control monitoring, site inspections, and violation enforcement procedures/outcomes. *Activity Implementation Plan: 1. Staff Training: The City will continue to document all staff training through May 31, 2011. 2. Plan Review/On-site Pre-Construction Meetings with Contractors and/or Property Owners: The City will continue to undertake the plan review process and conduct pre-construction meetings for projects requiring City approval. *Performance Measures: Document the number of educational materials distributed/requested, preconstruction meetings, and presentations/workshops/field training attended by City staff. Pre-construction meetings may be required by City staff as a pre-requisite to the issuance of any City grading or building permits. Success of this BMP will be measured by training all applicable City staff within three years of the individual’s hire date and conducting a pre-construction meeting with applicants for a City grading or building permit (as deemed necessary by City staff). *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1c-4 Education Program: Construction Site Runoff Control Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1c-5 *BMP Title: Education Program: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment *Audience(s) Involved: City of Edina residents and business owners. *Educational Goals for Each Audience: The City’s goal for this BMP includes educating residents and business owners on storm water management within their neighborhood and increasing their understanding of maintenance procedures for existing storm water management systems within the City. *Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals: Annual public meeting Stormwater web page Printed educational materials Staff training and presentations Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan *Activity Implementation Plan: The City will distribute Post-Construction Stormwater Management related educational information to residents annually and post it continuously on the City’s stormwater website. The City will also present an overview of the post-construction stormwater management ordinances to the public during the annual public meeting beginning in 2008 and continuing through May 31, 2011.. *Performance Measures: The City will annually document the number of attendees at the annual public meeting, distributed educational materials, and requests for additional information. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1c-5 Education Program: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1c-6 *BMP Title: Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations *Audience(s) Involved: City staff involved in public works projects, construction projects *Educational Goals for Each Audience: The goal of this program is to introduce BMPs and develop an understanding of the SWPPP among City staff. *Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals: The City will provide training opportunities for City staff in erosion control, best management practices, good housekeeping, and pollution prevention. These may include but are not limited to: Mn/DOT erosion control certification, SWPPP workshops, and BMP workshops. *Activity Implementation Plan: This activity will begin in 2006 and continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. the City will provide a minimum of one training opportunity and document the number of training sessions and the number of participants in attendance. *Performance Measures: The City will document the number of training sessions and the number of participants attending. The success of this BMP will be achieved through training and/or certifying all applicable City staff within three years of the individual’s hire date. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1c-6 Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for City Operations Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1d-1 *BMP Title: Coordination of Education Program *BMP Description: The City will continue to coordinate the educational program with City departments, cities, local organizations, state agencies, and other outside organizations to develop, present, and distribute the most up- to-date stormwater pollution prevention information available. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 1: BMP ID No. 1a-1, 1b-1, 1c-1, 1c-2, 1c-3, 1c-4, 1c-5, 1c-6. Public Education & Outreach *Measurable Goals: The effectiveness of this BMP will be evaluated a minimum of once annually. Success of this BMP will be in achieving and/or identifying modifications to the educational program, as defined in 1a-1, 1b-1, 1c-1, 1c-2, 1c-3, 1c-4, 1c-5, 1c-6. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will begin in 2006 and continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011, or as specified in 1a-1, 1b-1, 1c-1, 1c-2, 1c-3, 1c-4, 1c-5, 1c-6. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Jennifer Bennerotte Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Communications Coordinator Phone: 952-826-0443 952-832-6063 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 1d-1 Coordination of Education Program Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Jennifer Bennerotte Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Communications & Marketing Director Phone: 952-826-0443 952-833-9520 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Unique BMP Identification Number: 1e-1 *BMP Title: Annual Public Meeting *BMP Description: The City will host an annual public meeting to distribute educational materials and present an overview of the MS4 program and the City’s SWPPP. Oral and written statements will be received and considered for inclusion into the SWPPP by City staff. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 1: BMP ID No. 1e-1 Annual Public Meeting – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will host an annual public meeting and record the number of attendees at the public meeting, all comments received, and responses to each comment in the record of decision. The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of residents who attend the annual public meeting. The success of this BMP is defined by the public’s increased awareness about stormwater pollution and the MS4 program. This goal will be met by hosting one annual public meeting per calendar year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will continue in 2007 and annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Specific topics most requested and/or discussed will be expanded for discussion on the City’s stormwater website and/or at the next scheduled annual public meeting. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 1e-1 Annual Public Meeting Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 2-PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT Unique BMP Identification Number: 2a-1 *BMP Title: Comply with Public Notice Requirements *BMP Description: The City will submit a public meeting notice to the local newspaper for print a minimum of 30 days prior to annunal public meeting date. The public notice will include the dates, times, and locations of the meeting, contact person name and phone number, and a brief narrative highlighting the SWPPP. The City may also post additional public notice on the City’s website and at government offices within City. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 2: BMP ID No. 2a-1 Comply with Public Notice Requirements – Record of Activities Completed. *Measurable Goals: The City will submit a public meeting notice to the local newspaper. This goal will be met by publishing the public meeting notice at least 30 days in advance of the meeting date. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: A copy of the printed public notice may be retained by the City and submitted with the annual report to the MPCA annually. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 2a-1 Comply With Public Notice Requirements Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 2-PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT Unique BMP Identification Number: 2b-1 *BMP Title: Solicit Public Input and Opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP *BMP Description: The City will conduct a public meeting and host a website on the City’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program; solicit public opinion on the plan, and consider written and oral input into the SWPPP. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 2: BMP ID No. 2b-1 Solicit Public Input and opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will conduct a public meeting and host a website on the City’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program. The goal of this BMP will be met by hosting and recording all public comments received (if any) at the public meeting. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Document attendance and record minutes at the public meeting, record statements and written comments and document changes made to the SWPPP. The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of residents who attend the public meeting. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 BMP ID No. 2b-1 Solicit Public Input and Opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 2-PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT Unique BMP Identification Number: 2c-1 *BMP Title: Consider Public Input *BMP Description: The City will conduct a public meeting and host a stormwater website on the City’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program; solicit public opinion on the plan, and consider written and oral input into the SWPPP. Responses will be documented within the record of decision and submitted in conjunction with the annual report to the MPCA. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page: BMP ID No. 2c-1 Consider Public Input – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will conduct a public meeting and host a website on the City’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. City staff will respond to all public comments and statements received from the public meeting, and document any proposed changes to the SWPPP for final approval by City Engineer (if applicable). The goal of this BMP will be met by documenting all written and oral input into the record of decision and submitted in conjunction with the annual report to the MPCA. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 2c-1 Consider Public Input Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 3-ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION Unique BMP Identification Number: 3a-1 *BMP Title: Storm Sewer System Map *BMP Description: The City currently has a map identifying all ponds, lakes, streams, storm sewer pipes and conveyances (equal to or greater than 24") as well as outfalls and discharge points leaving the City. As part of the SWPPP, the City will annually update this map to include changes to the storm sewer system throughout the City, including but not limited to, new development, street improvements, water quality projects, wetland mitigation projects, and any changes to the storage or conveyance of stormwater within the City. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 3: BMP ID No. 3a-1 Storm Sewer System Map – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The goal of this BMP will be met by annually updating changes to the City’s storm sewer system map. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will review and update storm sewer map annually through May 31, 2011 Specific Components and Notes: Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 3a-1 Storm Sewer System Map Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 3-ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION Unique BMP Identification Number: 3b-1 *BMP Title: Regulatory Control Program *BMP Description: The City will review existing city ordinances and, if necessary, develop and implement a specific ordinance which will address the issue of non-stormwater discharges to surface/ground waters and the City's storm sewer system. Elements of this ordinance will include, but are not limited to defining allowable discharges, procedures for inspections, setting policy as it pertains to violations, penalties, and mitigation requirements. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 3: BMP ID No. 3b-1 Regulatory Control Program – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will review existing ordinances and, if necessary, develop a city ordinance related to illicit and non- stormwater discharges into the City’s storm sewer and surface/ground waters. The goal of this BMP will be met by reviewing existing city ordinances and implementing a specific ordinance related to illicit/non- stormwater discharges (if necessary). *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: 1. Review existing City ordinances related to illicit non-stormwater discharges and develop a specific ordinance related to illicit and non-stormwater discharges in 2007. 2. Secure City Council approval in early 2008. 3. Implement ordinance by January 1, 2009. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 3b-1 City Regulatory Control Program Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 3-ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION Unique BMP Identification Number: 3c-1 *BMP Title: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan *BMP Description: The City will develop and implement a program to detect and reduce non-stormwater discharges, including illegal dumping. Procedures for detection may consist of visual inspections for non-stormwater discharges on City owned land and private property (as requested). Inspection frequency may be conducted concurrent with the outfall inspections and implementation schedule of the public works activities described in BMP summary sheets 6a-2, 6b-2, 6b-3, and 6b-4. The City will notify the MPCA state duty officer of any hazardous material spills or discharges (within 24 hours of receipt, if applicable, per NPDES Phase II requirements). Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 3: BMP Id No. 3c-1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will develop and implement a program to detect and reduce non-stormwater discharges, including illegal dumping. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will continue to visually inspect for non-stormwater discharges when conducting its outlet inspections or as requested by the private landowners. In addition, City staff will expand the current program to detect and reduce all forms of non-storm water discharges by 2009. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer. Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 3c-1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 3-ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION Unique BMP Identification Number: 3d-1 *BMP Title: Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program *BMP Description: The City or its designee will discourage illegal dumping by educating the public (City residents, businesses, and staff) on its potential sources and effects as well as alternative uses for unwanted materials. This BMP includes providing information on recycling options, services, and programs within the City such as drop-off sites for household hazardous waste. The City will also review the current educational activities undertaken by its staff to identify, prevent, and reduce illicit discharges from daily public works activities and other general City operations. These activities may include, but are not limited to, educational videos, training, brochures, newsletters, and workshops. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 3: BMP ID No. 3d-1 Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City or its designee will discourage illicit non-stormwater discharges by educating the public and City staff. This goal will be met by distributing illicit discharge, household hazardous waste, and recycling program literature to residents and providing educational activities to City staff a minimum of one time annually. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will annually review the educational content of printed literature for adequacy and update as necessary, beginning January 1, 2008. Educational material, presentations, and requests for additional information will be distributed and documented annually, through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Refer to BMP Summary Sheet 1c-3 *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Jerry Hershey Wayne Houle Department: Recycling Coordinator Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0312 952-826-0443 E-mail: jhershey@ci.edina.mn.us whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Jerry Hershey Wayne Houle Title: Recycling Coordinator Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0312 952-826-0443 E-mail: jhershey@ci.edina.mn.us whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 3d-1 Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 3-ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION Unique BMP Identification Number: 3e-1 *BMP Title: Identification of Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows *BMP Description: The City has identified and evaluated the following categories of non-stormwater discharges (as defined in Part V.G.3.e): Water line flushing, landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, rising ground waters, uncontaminated ground water infiltration, uncontaminated pumped ground water, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, irrigation water, springs, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains, lawn watering, individual residential car washing, flows from riparian habitats and wetland, de-chlorinated swimming pool discharges, and street wash water, discharges or flows from fire fighting activities. The City has determined the above referenced sources of non-stormwater discharge to be insignificant pollutant contributors to the MS4 system. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 3: BMP ID No. 3e-1 Identification of Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: No measurable goal identified. All non-stormwater discharges (as defined in Part V.G.3.e) were determined to be insignificant sources of pollutants to the MS4, therefore no measurable goals were identified. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: No program or implementation plan is currently scheduled due to the insignificance of the above mentioned non-stormwater discharges. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 3e-1 Identification of Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 4-CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL Unique BMP Identification Number: 4a-1 *BMP Title: Ordinance or other Regulatory Mechanism *BMP Description: The City will review the current permit stipulations/city codes relating to project specific site erosion and sediment control as part of the conditions of the permit. Staff will review current ordinances and City codes and update as necessary. Target Audience: Construction site operators and City staff. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 4: BMP ID No. 4a-1 Ordinance or other Regulatory Mechanism – Record of Activities Completed. *Measurable Goals: The City will review and update (as necessary) the City’s erosion control ordinance (section 830). The goal of this BMP will be met by reviewing all applicable city codes and stipulations for approval of the City’s grading permit, and add additional requirements (if necessary). *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will review the current permit and add additional requirements if necessary in 2006. City staff will also review the current grading permit and add additional requirements if found non-conforming to any new requirements (if any) of the NPDES Construction permit in 2008. The enforcement of new permit requirements (if necessary) will begin in 2009, through May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Section 830 of the City code *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 4a-1 Ordinance or Other Regulatory Mechanism Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 4-CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL Unique BMP Identification Number: 4b-1 *BMP Title: Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs *BMP Description: Construction site operators must conform to NPDES Phase II permit requirements and local city requirements for construction site erosion control on sites 1 acre or larger. As part of the City’s permit approval standards, erosion control BMPs must be implemented in accordance with the NPDES permit requirements, grading permit stipulations, and applicable city codes. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 4: BMP ID No. 4b-1 Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs – Record of Activities Completed. *Measurable Goals: No City permit to allow land disturbing activities shall be issued until all applicable permits are secured or waiver of the approval requirement has been obtained. Success of this BMP will be determined by site inspections per NPDES Phase II requirements and City permit approvals. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This BMP will continue to be implemented through May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Success of this BMP will be determined by site inspections per NPDES Phase II, city code requirements, and City permit approvals. Specific City codes related to this BMP can be found in section 830 of the City’s code. *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 4b-1 Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 4-CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL Unique BMP Identification Number: 4c-1 *BMP Title: Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators *BMP Description: Construction site operators must confirm to NPDES Phase II permit requirements and the City’s requirements for proper waste and material disposal, as defined in City codes, section 830. All waste and unused building materials must be properly disposed of off-site and prevented from being carried by runoff into a receiving channel or storm sewer system. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 4: BMP ID No. 4c-1 Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: Construction site operators must conform to NPDES Phase II permit requirements and the City’s requirements on waste and material disposal. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This BMP will continue to be implemented through May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 4c-1 Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 4-CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL Unique BMP Identification Number: 4d-1 *BMP Title: Procedure for Site Plan Review *BMP Description: Every applicant for a city building permit, subdivision approval, or grading permit that disturbs one acre or more is required to submit a project specific stormwater management plan (if applicable) and/or erosion control plan to the City for review and approval. Construction permits are also required to meet MPCA NPDES Phase II guidelines for erosion and sediment control and all applicable City ordinances and codes. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 4: BMP ID No. 4d-1 Procedure for Site Plan Review – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will require every applicant for a building permit, subdivision approval, or grading permit that disturbs one acre or more to submit a project specific stormwater management plan (if applicable). This goal will be met by only issuing City permits to applicants that have submitted project specific stormwater management plans (if applicable). *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will continue to implement this BMP in 2007 through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011 Specific Components and Notes: • Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan • City Code, section 830 *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 4d-1 Procedure for Site Plan Review Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 4-CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL Unique BMP Identification Number: 4e-1 *BMP Title: Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Stormwater Noncompliance *BMP Description: The City will provide a phone line and website links for the public to report potential construction site erosion control and waste disposal infractions. Reported incidents will be inspected within 24 hours of receipt by the City or on the next scheduled City work day. Hazardous material spills or discharges will be reported to the MPCA State Duty Officer within 24 hours of receipt by the City or when identified by the construction site operator. Remedial actions against the violator will be taken at the discretion of the City Administrator and the City Council. The City will record the number of calls and emails related to SWPPP issues, number and type of illicit discharges and construction site complaints, and the number of clean-up activities or SWPPP changes resulting from calls or emails. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 4: BMP ID No. 4e-1 Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Stormwater Noncompliance – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will establish a phone line and website links for the public to report potential construction site erosion control and waste disposal infractions. The goal of this BMP will achieved by completing the timeline/implementation. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This BMP has been completed. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 4e-1 Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Stormwater Noncompliance Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 4-CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL Unique BMP Identification Number: 4f-1 *BMP Title: Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspections and Enforcement *BMP Description: The City will provide training to its staff on proper erosion control, identification of problem areas, and the expectations of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction site operations. City procedures for site inspections and enforcement actions will comply with NPDES Phase II construction permit guidelines and section 100 of the City code. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 4: BMP ID No. 4f-1 Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspections and Enforcement – Record of Activities Completed. *Measurable Goals: The City will inspect construction sites for conformance to NPDES construction permit standards and applicable City standards. This goal will be met by enforcing the City’s erosion control and waste disposal standards. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: Refer to BMP Summary Sheet 4a-1 through 4e-1. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Steve Kirchman Department: Chief Building Official Phone: 952-826-0450 E-mail: skirchman@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Steve Kirchman Title: Chief Building Official Phone: 952-826-0450 E-mail: skirchman@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 4f-1 Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspections and Enforcement Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 5-POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IN NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT Unique BMP Identification Number: 5a-1 *BMP Title: Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non-structural BMPs *BMP Description: Structural The City will review and revise (if necessary, during the plan review process) permanent BMP designs and criteria for post-construction stormwater management associated with new development and redevelopment projects of one acre or more. The City will also consider the implementation of low impact development practices if prudent and feasible. The City will annually review and revise (if necessary) the current policies, requirements, and Best Management Practices specific to structural BMP’s. Non-Structural The City may also improve the condition of parks, wetlands, and watersheds when the opportunity arises. Wetland restorations, native plantings, bank stabilization, detention ponds, and other best management construction projects will continue to be will continue to be actively pursued by the City when the opportunity arises. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 5: BMP No. 5a-1 Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non-structural BMPs – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will review and revise (if necessary, during the plan review process) permanent BMP designs and criteria for post-construction stormwater management associated with new development and redevelopment projects of one acre or more. The City will also actively look for non-structural opportunities where prudent and feasible. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City conducts plan reviews on new development and redevelopment projects of one acre or more. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will continue to evaluate all permanent BMP’s during plan review process, and implement new/or revised BMP’s if necessary. Specific Components and Notes: Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 5a-1 Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non-Structural BMPs Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 5-POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IN NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT Unique BMP Identification Number: 5b-1 *BMP Title: Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New Development and Redevelopment *BMP Description: The City will implement the requirements of the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan (CWRMP), along with applicable City ordinances to minimize the negative impacts stormwater runoff may have on water quality within the City. Post-construction inspection and maintenance (as defined in the Minimum Control Measure #6) will be undertaken by the City. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 5: BMP ID No. 5b-1 Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New Development and Redevelopment – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will inspect and maintain all stormwater management facilities as described within the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan (CWRMP), minimum control measure #6, and applicable City ordinances. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City completes the inspection and maintenance (if necessary) of its stormwater management facilities. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will continue to implement the CWRMP and all applicable City ordinances through May 31, 2011. The City also implement minimum control measure #6 in 2007 and update (if necessary) from 2008 through May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: • Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan • Minimum Control Measure #6 • Applicable City Codes *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 5b-1 Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New Development and Redevelopment Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 5-POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IN NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT Unique BMP Identification Number: 5c-1 *BMP Title: Long-term Operation and Maintenance of BMPs *BMP Description: City staff will inspect post-construction BMP’s then evaluate inspection records for determining the corrective maintenance actions (if necessary) for the long-term operation of all stormwater management facilities owned by the City. Corrective actions and routine maintenance of all stormwater management facilities will be guided by the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan, City of Edina’s standard specifications and design requirements, and City staff. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 5: BMP ID No. 5b-1 Long-term Operation and Maintenance of BMPs – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will annually inspect a minimum of 20% of all its MS4 outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds, then evaluate and record the number of proposed maintenance projects and successful funding of each project (if applicable). The goal of this BMP will be met by inspecting a minimum of 20% of all its MS4 outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds per year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will continue to implement the above mentioned measurable goals through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: • Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 5c-1 Long-Term Operation and Maintenance of BMPs Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6a-1 *BMP Title: Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program *BMP Description: The City will implement the Stormwater Management and Maintenance programs identified within the City’s Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan (CWRMP) and as specified in BMPs 1c-6, 3c-1, 6a-2, and 6b-2 through 6b-9 for City employees. The City will also provide training materials and workshops to City staff to help reduce stormwater pollution caused from park maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, outfall inspections, and storm sewer system maintenance. Target Audience: City staff Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6 *Measurable Goals: The goal of this BMP will be met if the City implements the stormwater management and maintenance programs of the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: 1. The City will continue to implement the CWRMP stormwater management and maintenance programs beginning through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. 2. The City will also review and revise (if necessary) plan components annually, in 2009 through May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle John Keprios Roger Glanzer Department: Public Works Director/City Eng. Dir. of Parks/Recreation Utility Superintendent Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0430 952-826-0390 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us jkeprios@ci.edina.mn.us rglanzer@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle John Keprios Roger Glanzer Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Dir. of Parks/Recreation Utility Superintendent Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0430 952-826-0390 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us jkeprios@ci.edina.mn.us rglanzer@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6a-1 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6a-2 *BMP Title: Street Sweeping** *BMP Description: The City will brush or vacuum sweep streets a minimum of twice annually in an effort to reduce the amount of sediment and trash from reaching the storm sewer system and Water Resources. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6a-2 Street Sweeping – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will continue recording the frequency and miles of streets that are swept, per sweeping occurrence. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City conducts two street sweeping occurrences per year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: Street sweeping will continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Steve Johnson Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Public Works Coordinator Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0301 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us sjohnson@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Steve Johnson Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Public Works Coordinator Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0301 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us sjohnson@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6a-2 Street Sweeping Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-2 *BMP Title: Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices *BMP Description: The City Public Works Department will inspect all identified structural pollution control devices on City property and right-of-ways , and prescribe a maintence schedule as necessary. Newly constructed and rebuild structural pollution control devices will be added to the storm sewer map (BMP summary sheet 3a-1) and inspected within one year of post construction. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-2 Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will document inspections, repairs, and maintenance projects of its structural pollution control devices. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City conducts and documents inspections of structural pollution control devices a minimum of once per year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-2 Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-3 *BMP Title: Inspection of a Minimum of 20 percent of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each Year on a Rotating Basis *BMP Description: The City will inspect all mapped outfalls, sediment basins and ponds within the City’s storm sewer system. The results of these inspections will be compiled in a report which will include sediment levels, watershed information and recommended maintenance and maintenance schedules. Please refer to BMP Summary Sheet 5c-1 for the long-term operation and maintenance of stormwater facilities in new development and redevelopment. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-3 Inspection of a Minimum of 20 percent of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each Year on a Rotating Basis – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will inspect all mapped outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds a minimum of 20% each year (on a rotating schedule during the permit coverage) and record the physical condition of each inspected outfall or pond. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City inspects 20% of all known MS4 outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds per year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will continue annually through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-3 Inspection of a Minimum of 20% of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each year on a Rotating Basis Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-4 *BMP Title: Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage and Material Handling Areas *BMP Description: City staff will annually locate and inspect all exposed stockpiles and storage/material handling areas located on City owned properties. All existing onsite BMP’s will be inspected for conformance to NPDES Phase II permit requirements. Any identified erosion control issues will be corrected and documented per NPDES Phase II standards. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-4 Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage and Material Handling Areas – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: City staff will locate and inspect all exposed stockpiles and storage/material handling areas on City owned properties. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City locates and inspects all exposed stockpiles and storage/material handling areas on City property a minimum of once each year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: Locate and inspect all exposed stockpile, storage and material handling areas located on City-owned properties, record inspections, correct and document all remedial actions a minimum of once per year. Beginning in 2007 and continue annually through May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-4 Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage and Material Handling Areas Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-5 *BMP Title: Inspection Follow-up Including the Determination of Whether Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the Implementation of the Corrective Measures *BMP Description: The City will determine whether repair, replacement, or maintenance measures are necessary from evaluating inspection reports and other pertinent information. All corrective maintenance, repair, and/or replacement measures will be documented and recorded by the City’s public works staff. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-5 Inspection Follow-up Including the Determination of Whether Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the Implementation of the Corrective Measures – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will determine whether repair, replacement, or maintenance measures are necessary from evaluating inspection reports and other pertinent information. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City evaluates inspections reports and other information a minimum of once per year. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity is currently implemented and will be updated annually through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-5 Inspection Follow-up Including the Determination of Whether Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the Implementation of the Corrective Measures Recorded Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-6 *BMP Title: Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Responses to the Inspections *BMP Description: The Public Works Director will retain all records of inspection, maintenance, and corrective actions of the City’s storm water system. Records will be available, by request, to the public upon approval by the Public Works Director. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-6 Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Responses to the Inspections – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will retain all records of inspection, maintenance, and corrective actions of the City’s stormwater system. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City retains these records for a period of three years past the expiration of this permit. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The activity was established in 2004 and will be updated annually throughout the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-6 Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Responses to the Inspections Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-7 *BMP Title: Evaluation of Inspection Frequency *BMP Description: The City will retain records of inspection results and any maintenance performed or recommended. After 2 years of inspections, if patterns of maintenance become apparent, the frequency of inspections may be adjusted at the discretion of the Public Works Director given the following conditions are fulfilled: 1. If maintenance or sediment removal is required as a result of each of the first two annual inspections, the frequency of inspection shall be increased to at least two (2) times annually or more frequently as needed to prevent carry-over or washout of pollutants from structures and maximize pollutant removal. 2. If maintenance or sediment removal is not required as a result of both of the first two (2) annual inspections, the frequency may be reduced to once every two (2) years. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-7 Evaluation of Inspection Frequency – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will retain the records of inspection results and any maintenance performed or recommended. The goal of this BMP will be met if the City evaluates the inspection records after two years of conducting inspections. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The activity will continue to be annually evaluated through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness. wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us. BMP ID No. 6b-7 Evaluation of Inspection Frequency Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 Additional BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-8 *BMP Title: Landscaping and Lawn Care Practices Review *BMP Description: The City will annually review and, if necessary, adjust its current practices in the use of fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide application, mowing and discharge operations, grass clipping collection, mulching and composting. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-8 Landscaping and Lawn Care Practices Review – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will annually document the results of the review and the number of staff who receive training. Success will be defined as adjusting current practices if necessary. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This BMP began in 2004 and will continue through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle John Keprios Roger Glanzer Department: Public Works Director/City Eng. Dir. of Parks/Recreation Utility Superintendent Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0430 952-826-0390 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us jkeprios@ci.edina.mn.us rglanzer@ci.edina.mn.us *Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due to incompleteness wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle John Keprios Roger Glanzer Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Dir. of Parks/Recreation Utility Superintendent Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0430 952-826-0390 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us jkeprios@ci.edina.mn.us rglanzer@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-8 Landscaping and Lawn Care Practices Review Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 Additional BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-9 *BMP Title: Road Salt Application Review *BMP Description: The City will review the practices and policies of road salt applications such as alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff training. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-9 Road Salt Application Review – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will record the annual activities of the salt distribution program. Success will be defined as adjusting current practices as necessary. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: This activity will be conducted annually beginning 2006 through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Steve Johnson Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Public Works Coordinator Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0301 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us sjohnson@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Steve Johnson Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Public Works Coordinator Phone: 952-826-0443 952-826-0301 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us sjohnson@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-9 Road Salt Application Review Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 Additional BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: 6-POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-10 *BMP Title: Backwash Recycle Tanks *BMP Description: The City will construct backwash recycle tanks at water treatment plants #2, #3, and #4. Backwash water recycle tanks will collect the backwash water, which now flows to the storm water system. The backwash water will stay in the tanks until the suspended solids settle out, then will be retreated and put into the potable water supply. The settled solids will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Each plant will have an emergency overflow point in the recycling tanks, which will enter the same storm sewer system to which each plant currently discharges. The overflow points will be locked controlled discharges. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: Index Page 6: BMP ID No. 6b-9 Backwash Recycle Tanks – Record of Activities Completed *Measurable Goals: The City will submit Quarterly Wastewater Treatment Discharge Monitoring Reports as a No Discharge. Any release to the storm water system will immediately be reported to the MN Department of Public Safety Duty Officer; and collect representative samples of the release. A follow-up report of the release will be submitted to the MPCA. Success of this BMP is defined as submitting the Quarterly Wastewater Treatment Discharge Monitoring Reports. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: The City will complete the construction all three backwash water tanks by June 3o, 2007. Quarterly Wastewater Treatment Discharge Monitoring Reports will be submitted beginning September 2007 through the life of this permit, May 31, 2011. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Roger Glanzer Department: Utility Superintendent Phone: 952-826-0311 E-mail: rglanzer@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Roger Glanzer Title: Utility Superintendent Phone: 952-826-0311 E-mail: rglanzer@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 6b-10 Backwash Recycle Tanks Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 Additional BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Minimum Control Measure: N/A Unique BMP Identification Number: 7 *BMP Title: Nondegradation for Selected MS4s *BMP Description: The City will prepare a Loading Assessment and Nondegradation Report as per Part X. Appendix D. Sections B & C of the MS4 General Permit. The City will follow the public participation process as per Part X. Appendix D. Section D of the MS4 General Permit. After consideration of the input received during the public participation process, the City will prepare and submit the materials required in Part X. Appendix D. Section E of the MS4 General Permit. During the MPCA review, notice, and preliminary determination processes, the City will work with the MPCA, if appropriate, to respond to comments and/or revise the submittal materials to prepare them for final approval. After final determination by the MPCA, the City will modify the SWPPP as per the approved submittal materials and as needed to meet the nondegradation requirements. Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: *Measurable Goals: 1. The City will prepare and submit materials to meet the requirements listed above. 2. The City will respond to and coordinate with the MPCA, as appropriate, during the MPCA review, notice, and preliminary determination processes. 3. Modify the SWPPP as per the approved modifications and as needed to meet the nondegradation requirements. *Timeline/Implementation Schedule: Listed numbers below correspond to the Measurable Goals listed above 1. The City will prepare and submit the required materials listed above by January 1, 2008. 2. The City will respond to and coordinate with the MPCA, as appropriate, during the MPCA review, notice, and preliminary determination processes. 3. After the submittal materials are approved by the MPCA, the City will modify the SWPPP, as per the approved modifications and as needed to meet the nondegradation requirements, in a timely manner. Specific Components and Notes: *Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 7 Non-Degradation for Selected MS4’s Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date wq-strm4-50 3/06 Additional BMP Summary Sheet MS4 Name: City of Edina Permit Condition: IV.D- Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Listings Unique BMP Identification Number: 8 BMP Title: Impaired Waters Review Process BMP Description: The City of Edina will review all discharges from our MS4 system to Nine Mile Creek and Minnehaha Creek, pursuant to section IV.D. of the MS4 General Permit, and as defined by the current USEPA approved 303(d) list. In this review, the City of Edina will: ƒ Identify the impaired waters that are likely to be impacted by the MS4’s stormwater discharge. ƒ Use a combination of storm sewer maps, historical inspection records, field surveys, the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan, Non-Degradation Report and any additional available information to identify all potential stormwater discharges to impaired waters ƒ Delineate the watershed area(s) that contribute to the above discharge(s) ƒ Evaluate the hydrology, land use and other characteristics of the watershed area(s) that may impact the impaired water as a result of a stormwater discharge from our MS4 Based on the review above, City staff will determine if any changes to the existing stormwater system or BMPs are needed to minimize the impact of discharges from our MS4 to the impaired water(s). If such modifications are deemed necessary, the City of Edina will modify our SWPPP and submit those modifications to the MPCA with the current year’s annual report. In our review, we will consider timing and long and short term costs. All assumptions, reasoning, and justification used to reach a conclusion on whether or not SWPPP revisions are necessary will be documented in the decision making process and records of this determination kept along with all records associated with the MS4 permit. A narrative summary of this review will then be prepared, and identify any associated SWPPP revisions that were made. Measurable Goals: ƒ Establish a baseline of information– determine what processes are in place and what has already been accomplished that will help meet these permit conditions ƒ Prepare a written inventory of all impaired waters within the jurisdictional boundaries of the MS4, as well as those outside these boundaries likely to have an impact as a result of receiving stormwater discharge from the MS4; compile as much detail about the stormwater discharges they receive from the MS4 as is available ƒ Prepare a map that includes all impaired waters that the MS4 discharge may impact, all MS4 discharge points that may impact these water(s), and delineated watershed(s) that may contribute to the impairment ƒ Complete for records a written overview of the conclusions reached through this review, including the decision making process used to determine what SWPPP revisions may be needed ƒ Prepare a projected schedule and timeline to incorporate any necessary changes into the SWPPP. Timeline/Implementation Schedule: 1. 2007-June 2008: Identify what steps, if any, have already been taken by the City of Edina to meet the requirements of section IV.D. of the MS4 General Permit. 2. 2007-June 2008: Identify impaired waters receiving likely impacts from stormwater discharges from the City of Edina and locate discharges. 3. 2007-June 2008: Delineate watersheds contributing runoff to impaired waters 4. 2007-June 2008: Develop a Map of discharges wq-strm4-50 3/06 5. 2007-June 2008: Complete an Evaluation of hydrology, land use, etc. 6. Prior to June 31, 2008: Include in Annual Report to MPCA the overview of the impaired waters review and any changes to the SWPPP that have been deemed necessary through this review process. 7. June 30, 2008- May 31, 2011: Annually replicate steps #2 through #7 for newly listed 303(d) impaired waters (if any). Specific Components and Notes: This process is to be reassessed annually over the course of the permit cycle. As new 303(d) lists with additional impaired waters listed are published in the future, the City of Edina will review changes to the list and conduct the necessary review of additional listed waters likely to be impacted by the MS4’s stormwater discharges. When an USEPA approved TMDL is finalized, the City of Edina intends to fully comply with all limits and requirements set forth in the TMDL in accordance with the schedule(s) outlined in the TMDL and the MS4 Permit. Responsible Party for this BMP: Name: Wayne Houle Department: City Engineer/Public Works Director Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us wq-strm4-50 3/06 BMP Summary Sheet Page 2 Responsible Person: Name: Wayne Houle Title: City Engineer/Public Works Director Phone: 952-826-0443 E-mail: whoule@ci.edina.mn.us BMP ID No. 8 IV.D- Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Listings - Record of Activities Completed: Outlined below is a description of the specific activities that were undertaken by the City over the past year that document the City has met the measurable goals associated with this BMP. Date Description Contact Person (if different than responsible person) I hereby certify that the above activities were completed. Signature of Responsible Official Title Date