HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2001-098 Authorizing Execution of Ground Lease/Police &City hallRESOLUTION NO. 2001-98 City of rdina RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TF E EXUCUTION OF OUND LEASE AND A LEASE AGR E ENT PROVIDING O THE RENOVATION AND REMODELING OF AjCITY HALLA 1J PUBLIC SAFETY FACILI AND THE L EASE THEREOF BY TH CITY, AND APPROVING THE FORM OF A RE OLUITION ANDA SI C FFICIAL STArENIENT WHEREAS, the City of Edina (the "City") desires to provid a�4 quate facilities for maintenance and public safety; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Sta tes, sections 465.71 an 471.64, the City is authorized to enter into leas s of real pror erty, with an option to purase, provided that the City retains the right to c ncel said lea e -p rchase contract at the e d of any fiscal year during its term; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to said statut ry authotity, the City prof ses to enter into a Lease Agreement, dated as of January 1, 20 2 (t he "Lease"), with the Ci of Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority'), as lessor, and the City, as lessee, pursuant to which the Authority will acquire, renovate, r model and furnish it C Hall and a Public Safety Facility (the "Facilities"), and the ity ill lease the Facilites o m the Authority; and, WHEREAS, the Authority (a) authorized the gale of its $12,410, 0.00 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 (City of Edina Annual Appropriation Le e Obligations) (the "Bonds"), to finance the cost of acquir' g, remodeling, renovating nd furnishing the Facilities pursuant to action of the Board o Co misgioners of the Auftrity on November 20, 2001 and (b) proposes t adopt a finai re olutim awarding the s e of the Bonds on December 18, 2001 (the "Bond Resolution); WHEREAS, a form of the Lease and the Bond' Resolution haNe been submitted to and reviewed by this Council, along with the form of a proposed Ground Lease to dated as of January 1, 2002 (the "Ground Lease"), etween the City, as lessor, and the Autho ty, s lessee, pursuant to which the City will ground lease to the Authori y the real state upon whic n th Facilities are located (as permitted by Minnesota Stat tes, Section 465.03.5). NOW, THEREFORE,E IT RESOLVED y the (City Council of the ity of Edina that the City hereby approves the form f the Lease an Gr and Luse and the M yor d City Manager are authorized and directed to exec te, attest and eliver the ease and Ground ase on behalf of the City. All of the provisions f the Lease a d ound Lease, when exec d and delivered as authorized herein, shall be dee ed to be a part of this resolution as fully arid t the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein aid shall be in ull 16rce aid effect from he ite of execution and delivery thereof. The Lease and Ground Lease sh 11 be substantially in 1he mi submitted to this Council with such necessary and appropriate variations, 'omissions and [rise ons as permitted or required, or as the Mayor, in hi discretion, shall determine, and the execution hereof by the Mayor shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby appro,7es the form of the Official Statement, relating to the Bonds (the fficial Statement"), a 1 drof which has been 11 City Hall 1 (952) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (952) 826-0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (952) 826-0379 • submitted to and received by thi' Council, and hereby ratifies and confirms its We and distribution to potential purchasers of the Bonds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City hereby approves the terms of the Bond Resolution and the sale of the Bonds pursuant thereto, and approves the terms of the Bonds as set forth in said Bond Resolution a the Indenture as fined in the Bond Resoluli n). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AS FO LO S: Continuing Disclosure: (a) Pu ose and Beneficiaries. To provide or the public availability c If certain information relating to the Bonds and the security therefor and to permit the Purchaser ar other participating underwriters in the primary offering of the B nds to comply with ame dm is to Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Excange Act of 1934 (1 C .R. § 240.15c2-12), relating to continuing disclosure (as in effect and int:rprete4 from time to time, I he Rule), which will enhance the marketability of he Bonds, the Citi hereby makes the 'olld Ing covenants and agreements for the benefit of the Owners (s h reins er defined) from me to time of the Outstanding Bonds. The City is the only obligaled pe son in respect Df fie Bonds within the meaning of the Rule for purposes of identifying the entitie, in respect of which ontinuing disclosure must be made. The City has omplied in all ma erial espects with any uertaking previously entered into by it under the Rule. If the City fails t comp y with any pro 'sio ' of this section, any person aggrieved thereby, including the Owners of a y Out tanding Bonds, ma ake whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary ora pro ate t enforce perfo a and observance of any agreement or covenant con ined in this se do inclu ing an action r a rit of mandamus or specific performance. Direct, indirect, consequ nti and punitive darnage3 sbq.l not be recoverable for any default hereunder to the extent permitted b law. Notwithstanding an hing to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall a default under th s sect' n constitute a defat t under the Bonds or under any other provision of this resolution. As used in th' s section, Owner or ondowner means, in respect of a Bond, the registered owner or owners tl ereof appeaning in the bo register maintained by the Registrar or any Beneficial Owner (as herein after c efined) thereof, if s h Beneficial Owner provides to the Registrar evidence of such be efic' 1 o iership in form and bstance reasonably satisfactory to the Registrar. A s used herein, Beneficial Dwner means, in r ect of a Bond, any person or entity which (i) has tie power, direct y or indire tly, to vote or ons t with respect to, or to dispose of ownership of, uch Bond (including persons or entities ho ing Bonds through nominees, depositories or other intermediaries), or ( ) is tr ated as the owner of the Bond for federal income tax purposes. (b) Information To Be Disclosed. The City will provide, in the manner set forth in subsection (c) hereof, either directly or indir ctly through an agent de&gnaled by the City, the following information at the following times: (1) on or before 36 5 days after the end f each fiscal year of the , commencing with the fiscal year ending December 31 2001 the following finap nal information and operating data in respect of the ity he Disclosure Information) (A) The audited financial statements o the City for s h fWal year, containing balance sheets as of the nd of suct fiscal year and a st ement of operations, changes in fund balances a d ca h flows for the fisf al year then ended, showing in comparative fo such figures for the prece t Ing fiscal year of the City, prepared in accordance with I generally accepted counting principles promulgated by the Fi anci il AcdOunting Standards I and as modified in accordance with the govern ental laccounting standard: promulgated by the Governmental Accounting S andar Is Board or as otht r wise provided under Minnesota law, as in effect lorn t me to time, or, if E I d to the extent such financial statements have iot been prepared i a ordance with such generallyaccepted acco nti g prir�ciples for reaso s and the reasonable control f the City, noting t discrepancies therefr m d the effect thereof, 2 and certil ied as to accur cy a nd cot npleteness in al m�tl -rial respects by the fiscal of cer of the City; and (B) To the e tent not includ d in the financial statement re rred to in paragraph (A) here f, the informati n fc r such fiscal year or fa th eriod most recently available of the type c ntai ed in the Official State ent under headings: Current roperty Valua ions Larger Taxpayers, ire Debt, Overlapping Debt, D bt Rations, Ta Levies a d Collections, et ax Capacity Rates, Populatin Trend and E plo en nemployment. Notwithstanding the forego g paragrap , if the audited financ al tements are not available by the date specifi d, the City s all rovi a on or befor s h date unaudited financial statements in the f rmat require for the a dited financial s ements as part of the Disclosure Information d, within 1 days of r the receipt th of, the City shall provide the audited financia statements. y r all f the Disclosure ormation may be incorporated by reference, it is updat a req ired hereby, o other documents, including official statemen , which hav b n s miffed to each f the repositories hereinafter referred to underi subsection (c or the SE.C. If the doc am t incorporated by reference is a final official s tement, it ust be available from the unicipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The City shall clear y i en ' in the Discl su Information each document so incorporated b reference. If any part of the Disclos are riformation can no longer be generated becausethe operatio o the ity have mat ria changed or been discontinued, such Disclosue Information need no longer be provide f the City includes in the Disclosure Informatin a stateme t to suck effect; provi e �', however, if such operations have been repla ed by other City operations in respect which data is not included in the Disclosure I ormation and th City determines th #t c i tain specified data regarding such replacement perations would be a Material Fact (s ed in paragraph (2) hereof), then, from and after such d to ina ' n, the Discl s Information shall include such additional sp cified data eg ding the replacement perations. If the Disclosure Information is hanged or is ectio is amended as permitted by this paragraph (b)(1) or subsec 'on (d), then the City shall include in e next Disclosure Information to be delivere hereunder, o e ex nt necessary, xplanation of the reasons for the amendment nd the effect fan cha ge in the type of ancial information or operating data provided. (2) In a timely man er, notice of th oc urren� of any of the llo ing events which is a Material Fact (a hereinafter de ned (A) Princip and interest p yme t deli quencies; (B) Non -pa ent related d faul ; (C) Unsche uled draws on ebt ervic reserves reflect ng ancial difficul ies; (D) Unsche uled draws on redi enhancements reflecting ancial difficulties; (E) Substit ion of credit or liqu dity p oviders, or theirfai e to perform; (F) Advers tax opinions o eve is aff cting the tax -ex status of the security; (G) Modific tions to rights f se urity I iolders; (H) Bond c lls; (1) Defeas ces; (J) Release substitution, o sal of prgperty securing r pa nent of the securities; and (K) Rating hanges. 3 As used herein, a Material F ct is a fact a; reasonably prudent investor would attach sell a Bond or, if not disclosed, would sig available to an investor fronk the Official information generally availa le to the pub Material Fact is also an event that would b( holding or sale of a Bond within the me interpreted at the time of discovery of the of (3) In a timely manner, notice of conditions: the Rule (the S1 (A) the failure of the City t( paragraph (b)(1) at the ti (B) the amendment or suppl together ith a copy of provided by the City and (C) the termination of the o subsection (d); (D) any chainge in the aco statemen s constituting a and if such information (E) any change in the fiscal, (c) Manner of Disclosu e. The City al subsection (b) to the following entities by tel appropriate: (1) the information described in pai recognized muni ipal securities state information depository thea contemplated by the Rule (the S1 (2) the information described in Municipal Securi ies Rulemakin; (3) the information described in suit rating of the Bon Is at the reques to any Bondow er who requi transmission under paragraphs (: if such information is transmitte information is to be released. (d) Term; Amendments; Interpretation. (1) The covenants o the City in thi are Outstanding. Notwithstandi of the City under this section A date on which the City delivers effect that, because of legislativ proceedings, the failure of the ( will not cause pa.icipating unde violation of the Rule or other ap of 1934, as amended, or any thereof (2) This section (an the form and amended or supplemented by th( to which a substantial nportance thereto in d( dficantly alter the total tat ment information ( c. Notw thstanding th( de med inaterial for pu ning of applicable fed( :ur ence of the event. he Dccurrence of any of of Disclosure thereunder; this section hent or supp i (d)(2); the City un ion ofIthe Disclosure i f the City. to make available the ovelnight delivery, (1) (b Ci org2) of wi a su 0 )f subsection (b , i repository unde or operated by th, )ry), if any; (2) and (3) o to the State De a to any rating a ie and, at the exp n .ing such info his subsection (), isequent time o ri sn ll remain in et receding sentence, nae and be withoi :eg strar an opinioi or final judicial or om ly with the re( in I he primary offe req irements of th( or laws successor -men#s of the Disclo from Itime to time, w )od exists that a to buy, hold or talion otherwise !d hereunder or Ding sentence, a of the purchase, :urities laws, as events or ion required under to subsection (d), d any explanation section pursuant to the financial are prepared; nation described in or other means, as h then nationally Rule and to any of Minnesota as ection (b), to the y, if any; and then maintaining a f such Bondowner, 1, at the time of he case may be, or, ;e, at the time such long as any Bonds ,er, the obligations .er effect as of any )nd Counsel to the istrative actions or ;nts of this section the Bonds to be in ities Exchange Act ;to or amendatory iformation) may be notice to (except as ' provided in para; resolution of thi accompanied by City and others effect that: (i) s change in circun the identity, nate City, or (b) is re( of the Rule; (ii) with the require offering of the B clause (i)(a) and amendment or si such amendmen Bondowners and If the iph (c)(3) her of) Council filed in n opinion of Bon id the opinion ma ;h amendment or ances that ari or status of ired by, or be its section as ents of parag ids, giving of suming that 1 plement was or supplemei the Rule. with the the onsent of the O e office of the recoi Counsel, who may r be subject to custom uppl ent (a) is ma m a change in law or ty or the type of ope mplics with, the prov ended or supplement b)(5) of the Rule at any change in circur e as in effect and int( �t ate time of the 1 s no materially im] is I so ai nended, the reasons for the mendment an t financial informa ion or operating d (3) This section is entered into to coinp Rule and should be construed so as the Rule. BE IT FINALLY RESO VED that this re after its passage and that a certifi d copy hereof e Passed and adopted this 18'h day of December, �2C ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF EDINA )SS I, the undersigned duly appoin d and acting City that the attached and foregoing Resolution was d Regular Meeting of December 18, 2001, and as rec WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5 ness of such amends effec , if any, of t i bein provided here with the continuing c satisf y the requirem ution hall be in full wided to the Authori r the City of ,ted by the E the Minutes c of any Bonds, by a officer of the City i certificates of the ualifications, to the connection with a ation or a change in is conducted by the of paragraph (b)(5) )uld have complied ime of the primary es applicable under A at the time of the y offering; and (iii) he interests of the ,Tees to provide, explanation of the ge in the type of re provisions of the paragraph (b)(5) of end effect from and do hereby certify ity Council at its Regular Meeting. ,20 City Clerk