HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-18 Meeting PacketDraft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 1 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Conference Room December 21, 2017, 6:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair LaForce called the meeting to order. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were commissioners Ahler, Iyer, Kane, LaForce, Ma, Olson, Richman, Ruthruff and Yeager. Absent: Commissioner Miranda III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by commissioner Kane and seconded by commissioner Ruthruff to amend the agenda to present item VI.C. before VI.B. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by commissioner Richman and seconded by commissioner Kane approving the amended November 16, 2017, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comments No Comment. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Comprehensive Plan Update: Policies and Goals Subcommittee member, commissioner Richman updated the ETC on their review and recommended edits to the Transportation Chapter. Susan Lee (comp plan liaison from the Planning Commission) was in attendance to offer assistance. The following feedback was offered: 1. Do not delete #4. 2. Consider rewording ‘bulleted’ item that was added to #10. 3. #11 and #13 may be policy and not goal. 4. Before eliminating ‘Roadway Functions’ have a discussion with the consultant because some might be relevant. Planner Nolan will follow up with the subcommittee. 5. Follow the same format where they showed deleted/moved/added. 6. ‘Policies and Goals’ may not be applicable in all cases for the Transportation Chapter – flag the ones that they consider to be principles. Planner Nolan will follow up with subcommittee. Moving forward, a work session of the ETC might be needed to provide feedback, or could include information in the packet and provide feedback at a regular meeting. B. Business and Council Input for Planning Projects Commissioner Kane said this came about during the Passenger Rail Engagement study where he felt there was a communication gap between Council and the ETC. He mapped the current process and found two gaps and suggested a mid-way connection with Council to make sure the ETC is on track with their expectation and is including everyone. Planner Nolan said the size of the project may matter because bigger projects (with bigger budgets) like the Grandview Transportation Study have a mid-way check-in. Suggestions were: • Council could check-in at any time and share their ideas (not practical for government setting); • Identify sampling size (relates to cost); Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 2 • Have a lead who check-in with Council; • Next opportunity is with the Circulator project. Planner Nolan said Council has a Work Plan item to set level of community engagement at the beginning of projects so this will be helpful. Commissioner Kane excused himself at 7:15 p.m. C. Edina Circulator Bus Pilot Commissioner Olson said the subcommittee met and discussed makeup and rules for the taskforce; sponsorship, loops, days, ridership, a stop outside of Edina, advertising and marketing, feedback after the program begins, ongoing role of the taskforce after the program begins, etc. Planner Nolan clarified the total budget for two years is $100,000 starting Jan. 2018. He said the questions that the subcommittee has can be answered by DARTS. The next step is for the subcommittee to meet with DARTS. D. Dockless Bike Share Options for Edina Planner Nolan said he was contacted by two vendors who are interested in working with the City on this very new initiative. He said Minneapolis is already on board but there may be a lawsuit related to how they picked their vendor. He asked for feedback from the ETC and said staff would be meeting with the city manager too. Overall, the ETC likes the idea but suggested checking with other cities who are already using the service to learn pros and cons and new regulations/ordinances that might be needed. E. Traffic Safety Report of December 5, 2017 A.2. Delete ‘all’ from “all of Edgebrook” because it does not relate to all of Edgebrook. Motion was made by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Olson to forward the amended TSC report of December 5, 2017, to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. VII. Correspondence and Petitions None. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Iyer said the team he’s working with on the Comp Plan is excellent! Commissioner Ahler said the flashing lights for the pedestrian crossing near city hall was not working and yesterday it worked but cars did not stop. Planner Nolan said City of Richfield did a study and found they had 88% compliance. She also reported attending a Grandview Lid meeting and said the project is moving along. She said some continue to believe the project is a bad idea. Commissioner Ma said regarding dockless bike share, Washington, DC, has legal and non-legal places for parking and employees move bikes from inconvenient locations. Chair LaForce said his walk is a lot better now that the Hansen Road sidewalk is completed. He asked who is responsible for shoveling snow from the sidewalk, if there was an ordinance and how residents are educated when they get a new sidewalk. He reported that the asphalt against the gutter pan at the corner of Valley View Road and Maddox Lane is already deteriorating. He also said having subcommittees work offline on projects was very helpful. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 3 IX. Staff Comments • An open house for the Pedestrian Master Plan is scheduled for Dec. 6; the draft plan will be in the next ETC packet for feedback; Mr. Rosell will present it to the Planning Commission on Jan. 24; and the City Council to hold a public hearing on Feb. 7. • A roundabout is being considered on W. 69th Street between Galleria and Southdale Center. Several years ago, engineering committed to a westbound left turn lane and this is in the CIP for 2018; however, a left turn lane would require removal of large trees. Funding would be a combination of state aid and PACS. Property owners are supportive of the roundabout. • Construction is expected to begin the week of Jan. 8 on the section of the Nine Mile Creek Trail in Walnut Creek Park; ribbon cutting/opening is tentatively scheduled for the first week in June. • As of the improving the Traffic Safety process, the ETC recommended the staff position become fulltime; this was approved and starting Jan. 2, Nick Bauler will be fulltime. X. Calendar of Events A. Schedule of Meeting and Event Dates as of December 21, 2017 For information purposes - no discussion. XI. Adjournment at 8:15 p.m. J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 83% Bass, Katherine 1 1 2 100% Boettge, Emily 1 1 2 100% Brown, Andy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 67% Iyer, Surya 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 75% LaForce, Tom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Janovy, Jennifer 1 1 2 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100% Miranda, Lou 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 92% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100% Jenny Ma (student)1 1 1 1 4 100% Tessa Yeager (student)1 1 2 83% Koester, David (student) 1 1 1 1 4 33% Olk, Megan (student) 1 1 1 3 25% TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE RESIGNED January 18, 2018 Edina Transportation Commission Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Recommended 2018-2019 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Projects Information / Background: As part of the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund budgeting and management process, staff tracks available funds from year to year, and projects these funds into future years. The utility franchise fees generate approximately $1.2 million per year for PACS Fund-eligible projects, and staff budgets for 95% of this amount each year. When PACS Funds go unused, at the end of the year those funds are rolled over into the next year’s PACS Fund budget. Based on this and the criteria below, attached are the PACS Fund projects that staff are proposing for 2018 and 2019. Projects on this list are subject to change and will most likely be revised based on the final recommendations of the current Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Planning effort. In recommending pedestrian and bicycle facility construction projects, staff considers a number of criteria. Several factors can affect if and how each criterion is applied and the relative weight given to each. Often, opportunities such as planned road construction projects and outside funding present themselves, and the sometimes fluid nature of these opportunities can affect if and when sidewalk projects are recommended and constructed. Recognizing that the Transportation Commission is considering the recommendation of more equity-based criteria for prioritizing PACS Fund projects, below are some of the key criteria staff considers, generally listed in descending order of relative weight. Part of neighborhood street reconstruction project (up to 60 percent cost savings) Part of state-aid reconstruction project (state-aid funds pay up to 80 percent of construction) Active Routes to School Sidewalk (recommended in the ARTS Plan) Included in the Comprehensive Plan (on the sidewalk facilities map) Estimated cost of project relative to remaining PACS Fund budget Geographic distribution of projects throughout city Additional funding/grant opportunities Surveys and/or design documents completed Petition for a sidewalk submitted by residents Recommended 2018 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Projects Project Type Street/Location Approximate Facility Length Notes Sidewalk West 60th Street 1,120’ (School Rd to Concord Ave) Concord G Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Sidewalk Valley View Road 935’ (Gleason Rd to Mark Terrace Dr - north) 1st phase (2nd phase in 2019 – complete to Mark Terrace Dr - south) Sidewalk France Avenue South 1,280’ (40th St to 42nd St) 25% County cost participation (with St. Louis Park) Sidewalk Vernon Avenue 160’ (Arcadia Ave to southbound TH 100 ramp) Tie into 2016 MnDOT ADA improvements Sidewalk West 74th Street 395’ (Bush Lake Rd to the east) Complete sidewalk on W 74th St Sidewalk Doncaster Way 1,235’ (Ayrshire Blvd to Highlands Lake) Along Highlands Park Multi-use trail Lincoln Drive 850’ (Londonderry Rd to Dovre Dr) Connect Dovre Dr sidewalk to Nine Mile Creek Regional Tr Multi-use trail West 70th Street 420’ (Cahill Rd to NMCRT) Connection of ped/bike facilities to NMCRT Multi-use trail West 62nd Street 1,855’ (Vernon Ave to Olinger Blvd) State-aid road reconstruction (PACS Fund pays 20%) Sidewalk West 62nd Street 250’ (Valley View Rd to Brookview Ave) State-aid road reconstruction (PACS Fund pays 20%) Bike Facility Brookview Ave 180’ (W 62nd St to Valley View Rd) State-aid road reconstruction (PACS Fund pays 20%) Ped Safety Vernon Avenue (various pedestrian crossing improvements) N/A Recommended by Grandview District Transportation Study, in CIP (with funding from Grandview 2 TIF) Consulting Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan N/A To be amended to 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update Recommended 2019 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Projects Project Type Street/Location Approximate Facility Length Notes Sidewalk Beard Avenue 1,235’ (W 58th St to W 60th St) Chowen Park B Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Sidewalk Valley View Road 1,970’ (Mark Terrace Dr – north to Mark Terrace Dr - south) 2nd phase (1st phase to be completed in 2018) Sidewalk Highway 169 Frontage Rd 2,750’ (Braemar Blvd to Valley View Rd) Collector road without sidewalks Sidewalk Brookview Avenue 1,515’ (W 52nd St to W 54th St) Recommendations of the Arden Park Restoration Plan Sidewalk Valley View Road 935’ (Gleason Rd to Mark Terrace Dr - north) 1st phase (2nd phase in 2019 – complete to Mark Terrace Dr - south) Various SB 100 Exit Ramp removal at Vernon, Arcadia Ave improvements N/A Recommended by Grandview District Transportation Study, in CIP (with funding from TIF & MnDOT) Map:Locationof Colonial Way(note:the redareas are where theparking restriction isrequested) January 18, 2018 Edina Transportation Commission Nick Bauler,Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of January 2, 2018 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on January 2. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, Police Lieutenant, Engineering Director, Public Works Director, Assistant City Planner and Transportation Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Traffic Safety Specialist was not able to attend and was informed of the decisions and did not object to the recommendations. For these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the January 18 Edina Transportation Commission and the February 21 City Council meeting agendas. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action: B1. Request to restrict parking along Colonial Way Requestor is concerned with the amount of on-street parking along Colonial Way and requesting parking to restricted Colonial Way is a local street between Countryside Park and Colonial Church of Edina Requestor is concerned with parked vehicles on Sundays Parked vehicles are making it difficult to see approaching pedestrians crossing There are two signs restricting parking on the west side of Colonial Way at the Church Colonial Way is a width of 29’ STAFF REPORT Page 2 Map:Locationof themarked crosswalkalongColonialWay Map:Location of crosswalk on W 69th St between Southdale Mall and theGalleria After review, staff recommends no action as the west side of Colonial Way has parking restrictions in place. Allowing on-street parking slows vehicle speed, which raises the overall safety along Colonial Way. B2. Request to increase pedestrian safety at W 69th St Requester is concerned with a lack of lighting at a Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon crossing between Southdale Mall and the Galleria The resident is requesting more overhead lighting to increase visibility for pedestrians W 69th St offers a pedestrian refuge between the eastbound and westbound approaches After review, staff recommends no action. Staff is comfortable with overhead and ambient lighting in this area. Staff may reconsider this request to add lighting when this portion of W 69th St is reconstructed (not currently programmed). Section C: Items on which staff recommends further study C1. Request to raise pedestrian awareness along Colonial Way Requestor is concerned with pedestrian safety crossing Colonial Way Colonial Way has a marked crosswalk connecting the parking lot to Countryside Park and the Colonial Church of Edina The requestor is concerned with vehicles failing to yield for pedestrians crossing Colonial Way, believing current crosswalk markings are not adequate There is no signage to signify a crosswalk or pedestrian crossing After review, staff recommends doing a weekday and a Sunday pedestrian crossing study. This will provide staff just how this section of Colonial Way functions as a whole to help give more information prior to any final recommendation. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Photo:Stop light at W 66th St and Valley ViewRd Map:Location of W66thSt and Valley View Rd C2. Request to add a flashing yellow left turn light for southbound vehicles at Valley View Rd and W 66th St. This request was raised by City staff to help improve the level of service of this intersection Flashing yellow left turn arrows allow vehicles to proceed thru the intersection with caution, as opposed to waiting a full cycle before being given a green left turn arrow This stop lights at this intersection are operated by the City After review, staff recommends further study. Staff would like to review past studies of this intersection, along with using references from other agencies including Hennepin County and Minnesota Department of Transportation. Section D: Other Traffic Safety Items Handled D1. A request was made to re-time a pedestrian crossing light at the intersection of W 77th St and Computer Ave. After analyzing this intersection, the pedestrian crossing was working adequately and yielding proper crossing timing. D2. A resident requested traffic calming on Tracy Avenue near Highland Road. The resident is concerned with vehicles traveling too fast and not yielding to pedestrians crossing in a crosswalk near Countryside Elementary School. This request was forwarded to EPD to increase enforcement near school ending times. The resident also requested an all-way stop at Tracy and Highland to slow traffic. This resident was informed stop signs are placed in areas to control intersection right-of-way, and are not engineered to slow traffic. D3. A request was sent to traffic safety regarding pedestrian safety along Benton Avenue over the HWY 100 bridge. The concern was the sidewalk at this location was full of ice and snow and the resident was requesting it to be cleared. This request was forwarded to Public Works. D4. A resident requested a traffic control change on Tracy Avenue at Crosstown HWY 62. The resident is concerned with the lack of gaps on Tracy Ave while exiting from HWY 62. This resident was informed Edina previously received this request and was reviewed as a C item in the April 2017 TSC report. STAFF REPORT Page 4 D5. A resident was concerned with vehicle speeds along Lincoln Dr, south of Malibu Rd. The resident was requesting increased police enforcement to assist in slowing down speeding vehicles. This request was forwarded to the EPD for increased enforcement. D6. A resident was concerned with the amount of vehicles parking along Braeburn Cir. Upon video surveillance of this cul-de-sac, no issues were found. This col-de-sac will continue to be monitored. TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF MEETING AND EVENT DATES AS OF DECEMBER 21, 2017 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday Jan 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Feb 15 ETC Annual Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Mar 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Mar 28 Planning Commission Work Session 5:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday Apr 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday May 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Tuesday Jun 5 Joint Work Session with City Council 5:30 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Jun 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Jul 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Aug 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Sep 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM Thursday Oct 25 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Nov 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM