HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-20 Meeting PacketAgenda Transportation Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Community Room Thursday, December 20, 2018 6:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 15, 2018 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Comprehensive Plan Update: Draft Transportation Chapter B.Approved 2019 Transportation Commission Work Plan C.Tra0c Safety Report of December 4, 2018 VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta3 Comments IX.Calendar Of Events A.Schedule of Meeting and Event Dates as of December 14, 2018 X.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: December 20, 2018 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Liz Moore, Engineering Specialist Item Activity: Subject:Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 15, 2018 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the meeting minutes of the regular Edina Transportation Commission of November 15, 2018. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Minutes: Edina Transportation Commission November 15, 2018 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Conference Room November 15, 2018 I. Call To Order Chair Richman called the meeting to order II. Roll Call Answering roll call were commissioners Ahler, Ayelomi, Johnson, Kane, McCarthy, Olson, Richman, Ruthruff, Veluvali Absent: Commissioner Zimbwa Late: Commissioner Scherer III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by commissioner Olson and seconded by commissioner Ruthruff to amend the agenda to present item VI.C before VI.A. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Veluvali approving the amended October 25, 2018 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comment Jill Dietering of 5729 Hawkes Drive stated crossing Tracy Avenue from Hawkes Drive of Hawkes Terrace has become dangerous and traffic does not stop. As she and her neighbor were trying to cross the street a car came to sudden stop and the driver rolled down the window and said they were sorry and it is very hard to see. She said that increasing police would help but it is not going to be sustainable. Cars are continuously traveling at speeds higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. She also stated that the hills are causing cars to drive too fast because there is no way to slow the cars down from Benton to Vernon Avenue. She is concerned about her children getting to school safely; right now they have busing but it will likely be lost since they are less than .7 miles from the school. She also said that her neighbor was struck in 2016 while trying to cross the street with his dog. He had 3 broken ribs and the dog did not survive. She thinks that adding a sidewalk to the west side of Tracy Avenue would increase safety and eliminate the need for residents to cross the street just to get to a sidewalk. Deborah Sandoval-Bushnell of 5600 Hawkes Drive also attended the meeting and stated that she agrees with Jill and Tracy Ave has become dangerous to cross. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Traffic Safety Report of November 6, 2018 Discussion regarding Tracy Avenue, item B2, recommended this item be moved to a C item and additional research to be done in regards to lighting and visibility in the area. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Commissioner Scherer arrived at 6:31 Motion was made by commissioner Olson and seconded by commissioner Kane to move item B2 to C for further study and approve the amended November 6, 2018 Traffic Safety Report. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. B. Advisory Communication: Chowen Park A/B Beard Avenue Sidewalk Commissioner Olson presented and advisory communication in support of the Beard Avenue Sidewalk Motion was made by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Kane to approve the advisory communication for Chowen Park A/B Beard Avenue Sidewalk. All voted Aye. Motion carried. C. Approve amended Edina Pedestrian Crossing Policy Planner Nolan presented an updated Edina Pedestrian Crossing Policy adding a section for controlled crossings. Motion was made commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Veluvali to approve the amended Edina Crossing Policy. All voted aye. Motion carried. VII. Chair And Member Comments • Commissioner Veluvali said that Met Council is looking for new members and someone from the ETC should apply. Also, Southwest Light Rail Transit is happening and is very exciting. • Commissioner Ahler has been keeping the conversation about planting trees in the boulevards open and asking how we might find funding to plant them during construction. She also stated she mentioned that during the Edina Urban Visioning Workshop. • Commissioner Kane also attended the Edina Urban Visioning Workshop. He also said that the ETC should reach out to Bethesda, MD’s transportation department to see how they address transportation during development. • Commissioner Ruthruff Asked when Interlachen/Blake is going to be reconstructed. • Commissioner Scherer apologized for being late and said he was stuck at work, working on SWLRT. • Commissioner Olson mentioned a need for a bus shelter by Cub Foods and the Edina liquor store on York Avenue. • Commissioner Richman thanked Mindy for taking the lead at the previous meeting. VIII. Staff Comments • Planner Nolan reviewed the Workplan changes. o 1. TDM is moving forward and ETC will be the lead commission with the help of Planning. o 2. Planning will take the lead on this one with ETC assisting as the cross commission. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: o 3. Removed because there is no funding, could potentially roll some pieces of this into the education piece and use Engineering’s budget for professional services. o 4. Recommended to move forward and the ETC does not need to go to council for approval on these. o 5. Split into 2 charge types: 4. Review and Decide and 3. Review and recommend significant changes. o 3 new initiatives Race and equity staff recommendations – review and comment on these. AARP City designation lead by community health with assistance from other commissions. Edina Grand Rounds – Parks will take the lead on this with assistance from ETC • Lime bike meeting is happening next week to see how 2018 went and develop a plan for 2019 • Edina Challenge Group would like to present to the ETC some options for youth transportation IX. Calendar of Events A. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of November 9, 2018 For information purposes - no discussion. X. Adjournment at 7:16 PM Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 82% Iyer, Surya 1 1 2 18% LaForce, Tom 1 1 2 18% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 100% McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 82% Miranda, Lou 1 1 2 18% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Scherer, Matthew 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 91% Veluvali, Shankar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 82% Emmanual Ayelomi (s) 1 1 1 3 100% Yeukai Zimbwa (s) 1 1 2 91% Jenny Ma (s) 1 1 1 1 1 5 45% Tessa Yeager (s) 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 55% Date: December 20, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Other From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Comprehensive Plan Update: Draft Transportation Chapter Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Attached is the draft transportation chapter for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan update. The ETC is asked to review and comment on the draft, focusing primarily on the major themes (goals, strategies, deficiencies, etc.). However, feedback on any of the content is welcome. Staff and the consultant will make revisions to the chapter based on ETC input, and will submit the revised draft to the Planning Commission, who will discuss it at their January 9 work session. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update: Draft Transportation Chapter Draft Transportation Chapter Figures Southdale District Plan Transportation Recommendations: Planning Commissioner Miranda TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER Introduction Overview Effective transportation planning is critically important for a community such as Edina. Residents, institutions, and businesses must be provided with transportation facilities and services that meet mobility needs in an efficient and safe manner. Transportation facilities, at the same time, need to be planned and constructed so as to limit negative social, environmental, and aesthetic impacts to the greatest degree feasible. In addition, residents who cannot or choose not to drive need to have transportation options to meet their daily needs. There is a fundamental link between transportation planning and land use planning. Successful land use planning cannot take place without taking transportation considerations into account. Conversely, transportation planning is driven by the need to support existing and future land uses. (Chapter 4 of this Comprehensive Plan identifies existing and planned future land uses, which are base-level inputs in transportation planning.) Edina Transportation Commission In 2003, the City formed the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC). It is made up of citizens appointed by the City Council. It advises the City Council on transportation issues facing the City, including traffic management, roadway improvement projects, non-motorized transportation, and traffic safety requests. This transportation chapter was prepared under the guidance of the ETC. Purpose There are three objectives of this Transportation chapter: • To provide a guidance document for City staff and elected officials regarding the planning and implementation of effective transportation facilities and systems over the planning horizon Edina’s Transportation Planning Mission: The mission for transportation planning in Edina is to provide access to and facilitate movement of people and goods efficiently, safely, cost effectively, and comfortably to any desired destination while, at the same time, seeking to improve community livability and the environment, and minimize associated negative impacts. Transportation planning is not an end in and of itself. Instead, transportation planning is performed to proactively identify the most suitable travel modes and pathways to help achieve a desirable and livable community and to accommodate safe and convenient travel to, within, and through the community’s nodes, parks, and City facilities. Toward this end, this chapter considers the roles of a range of transportation infrastructure (roadways, transitways, walkways, bikeways, railways and flyways), to support a variety of vehicles, each operating successfully and in a manner that minimizes conflicts with each other and surrounding land uses. Edina is a near fully developed community, and the existing roadway network is essentially complete. Today’s primary transportation planning focus is not on building new roads on new alignments but on: 1. Renewing, managing, and improving the existing transportation system (network); 2. Ensuring that the transportation system can accommodate travel demand imposed by new developments; 3. Improving the City’s non-motorized transportation system to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle movement and increase active transportation; 4. Supporting and encouraging transit use in the community; 5. Increasing safety; 6. Implementing the city’s Living Streets Plan to ensure that the transportation needs of all users will be considered and all modes will be appropriately accommodate; and 7. Ensuring that the City will manage the existing and future transportation systems in an efficient and responsible manner to achieve livability, sustainability, and a high level of environmental quality. -Page 2- • To give citizens and businesses background on transportation issues and allow them to be better informed regarding the City’s decision making on transportation issues. • To communicate to other government agencies Edina’s perspectives and intentions regarding transportation planning issues. The preparation of the document also has provided stakeholders with the opportunity to have input into the transportation planning process. Current Conditions Roadways Overview Located within the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the City of Edina is served by the regional roadway network, which is depicted on Figure X.1. As shown, Edina is a first-tier suburb within the I-494 beltway, and the important regional roadways that pass through or are adjacent to the City are: I-494, Trunk Highway (TH) 169, TH 100, and TH 62 (Crosstown). Cities that are adjacent to Edina are: Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, Bloomington, and Richfield. Figure X.2 provides an aerial photograph of Edina roadways and the land uses they support. Figure X.3 depicts the number of lanes on roadways in Edina, and Figure X.4 shows current traffic volumes. Roadway Functional Classification The roadway functional classification system describes how streets and highways comprising a network collect and distribute traffic from neighborhood streets to collector roadways to arterials and ultimately to the Metropolitan Highway System. Roads are placed into categories based on the degree to which they provide access to adjacent land versus provide higher-speed mobility for “through” traffic. Functional classification is a cornerstone of transportation planning. Within this approach, roads are located and designed to perform their designated function. It should be noted that while functional classification is an important factor to determine the engineering/technical design parameters for roadways, aesthetic considerations in Edina will be directed by the Living Streets Plan and transportation- related community design guidelines discussed in Chapter X of this Comprehensive Plan. The functional classification system used in the City of Edina, as described below and shown in Figures X.5 and X.6, conforms to the Metropolitan Council standards. The Metropolitan Council has published these criteria in the Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan. This guide separates roadways into five (5) street classifications, including principal arterials, minor arterials, collectors, and local streets. These classifications address the function of state, county and city streets from a standpoint of the safe and efficient movement of traffic through the City while providing satisfactory access to residents and businesses located within the City. Under the following headings, information is provided for each of the respective functional classes, as well the roadways that fall under those classes in Edina. The descriptions of the characteristics of the functional classes provided below are based on Metropolitan Council information. It should be noted that an additional sub-classification called Local Connector streets is included as part of Edina’s local roadway network and is described below. It should also be noted that these descriptions represent “ideal conditions” and that not all roadways within that functional class will fit the specific description due to unique local conditions, history of the roadway, or other factors. Principal Arterials Principal arterials include all Interstate freeways. Interstate freeways connect the region with other areas in the state and other states. They also connect the metro centers to regional business concentrations. The emphasis of principal arterials is on moving large volumes of traffic over long distances rather than providing direct access to land. They connect only with other Interstate freeways, other principal arterials, and select minor arterials and collectors. Principal arterials are not intended to serve pedestrian and bicycle travel directly and they often act as barriers to bicycle and pedestrian travel in the centers and neighborhoods through which they pass. The principal arterials through or adjacent to Edina are: • I-494 • TH 100 -Page 3- • TH 169 • TH 62 (Crosstown) Minor Arterials The primary function of minor arterials is mobility as opposed to access in the urban area; and only concentrations of commercial or industrial land uses should have direct access to them. Minor arterials should connect to principal arterials, other minor arterials, and collectors. Connection to some local streets is acceptable. Minor arterials are designed to carry higher volumes of general traffic than other local roads carry. Sometimes the design standards for high volume minor arterials create a barrier for bicycle and pedestrian travel. The Metropolitan Council has identified “A” minor arterials as streets that are of regional importance because they relieve, expand, or complement the principal arterial system. The “A” minor arterials in the Edina area are summarized in Table X.1, below. TABLE X.1 – “A” MINOR ARTERIAL ROADWAYS Roadway From To Type France Ave (CSAH 17) Southern City Limit Northern City Limit Reliever Arterial Valley View Rd TH 62 W 66th St Reliever Arterial W 66th St Valley View Rd Eastern City Limit Reliever Arterial Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) Interlachen Blvd TH 100 Augmenter Arterial W 50th St TH 100 France Ave S (CSAH 17)** Augmenter Arterial TH 169 E Frontage Rd/W 78th St/Edina Industrial Blvd/W 77th St/W 76th St Western City Limit Eastern City Limit Reliever Arterial ** County State Aid Highway (CSAH): A county road where funding support is provided to the county by the state, because the road functions to link metropolitan highways. All other minor arterials are considered “other” minor arterials, which have the same function as “A” minor arterials, but are not eligible for federal funds. As shown in Table X.2 below, CSAH 158 is functionally classified as an “other“ minor arterial. It is the only roadway in Edina that falls into this category. TABLE X.2 – OTHER ARTERIAL ROADWAYS Roadway From To Vernon Ave/Gleason Road (CSAH 158) TH 62 Interlachen Blvd Collector Roads The collector system provides connection between neighborhoods and from neighborhoods to minor business concentrations. It also provides supplementary interconnections of major traffic generators within the metro centers and regional business concentrations. Mobility and land access are equally important. Direct land access should predominately be to development concentrations. In order to preserve the amenities of neighborhoods while still providing direct access to business areas, these streets are usually spaced at one-half mile intervals in developed areas. Major collectors serve higher density residential areas, job and activity centers and freight terminals that are not on the arterial system, and they serve longer local trips, including local bus service. Major collectors are included in the Metropolitan Council’s regional network. Minor collectors serve shorter local trips and lower density land uses and play a key role in the City of Edina’s local roadway network. Major and minor collector roads can be good candidates for bicycle -Page 4- routes because they serve shorter trips that bicyclists make and generally have more compatible traffic speeds and volumes as compared to arterials. Major collector roadways in the Edina are summarized in Table X.3, below. TABLE X.3 MAJOR COLLECTOR ROADS Street From To Blake Rd./Interlachen Rd. Northern City Limit Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) Blake Rd. Interlachen Blvd Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) Gleason Rd TH 62 W 78th St Valley View Road/Tracy Ave. Gleason Rd Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) Cahill Rd. W 78th St Dewey Hill Rd Brookside Ave Interlachen Blvd Northern City Limit Dewey Hill Rd Gleason Rd Cahill Rd Antrim Rd Valley View Rd W 70th St W 70th St Antrim Rd. France Ave S (CSAH 17) York Ave S/Xerxes Ave S (CSAH 31) Northern City Limit Southern City Limit W 69th St York Ave S (CSAH 31) Eastern City Limit Local Connector Streets Local Connector Streets are a subset of Local Roads (below) and are not part of the Metropolitan Council TPP standards. Local Connectors are those with a Local Road functional classification as defined in the Comprehensive Plan, and meets at least one of the following two criteria: • Average daily traffic (ADT) of at least 1,000 vehicles. • Serves as a connection between neighborhoods, destinations and higher-level roadways. Local Connectors provide continuous walking and bicycling routes, and some may accommodate transit routes as well. While they are essential to the flow of people between neighborhoods and destinations, the needs of people passing through must be balanced with the needs of those who live and work along Local Connectors. Local connector streets in the City are depicted on Figure X.6. Local Roads Local roads provide the most access and the least mobility within the overall functional classification system. They allow access to individual homes, shops, and similar traffic destinations. Through traffic should be discouraged by using appropriate geometric designs and traffic control devices. Local roads serve local travel for pedestrians and bicyclists. Local roads in the City are depicted on Figure X.6. Jurisdictional Classification Roadways are classified on the basis of which level of government owns and has jurisdiction over the given facility. The three levels of government that have involvement are the State of Minnesota (MnDOT), Hennepin County, and the City of Edina. MnDOT owns/maintains the Principal Arterial and Trunk Highway (TH) systems, Hennepin County the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) and County Road (CR) system. The City owns/maintains the local (and local connector) streets, including Municipal State Aid (MSA) streets. Figure X.7 provides a graphic depicting the jurisdictional classification of the overall roadway network serving Edina and its residents, businesses, and institutions. -Page 5- Municipal State Aid Streets Cities in Minnesota with populations greater than 5,000 are eligible to receive Municipal State Aid (MSA) funding from the state Highway User Tax Distribution Fund. The basic purpose of this program is to help local governments construct and maintain collector and arterial roadways which have consistent design standards and which are well integrated into the overall network of collector and arterial roadways. The State Aid office of MnDOT has established clearly defined design requirements for MSA streets. These requirements ensure that capacity, operational, and safety goals are met in a uniform manner from community to community, and that street systems are well coordinated with each other. Based on State Statute, sections 169.80 and 169.87, MnDOT does not allow cities to restrict truck traffic on MSA streets. Edina’s current (2018) MSA network is identified on Figure X.8. These roadways are eligible to receive MSA funds for maintenance and/or improvement projects. The MSA network is reviewed every year and may be revised subject to MnDOT State Aid review and approval. Transit Existing Transit Routes and Dial-a-Ride Services Scheduled transit service for Edina residents is currently provided by Metro Transit (a division of the Metropolitan Council) and by Southwest Transit. Most of the City of Edina is within Metro Transit’s Market Area III, with eastern portions (including Southdale and northeast Edina) in Market Area II. The existing scheduled service to Edina residents is depicted on Figure X.9 and summarized on Table X.4, below. TABLE X.4 – SCHEDULED TRANSIT SERVICE IN EDINA (2018) Route Number Service Route/Area Service Description 6 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), Uptown, downtown Minneapolis, University of Minnesota High frequency local service, all day/evening, all week; 5-15 minute headways 46 Eden Prairie, Edina (includes 50th/France), south Minneapolis, St Paul Local service all day/evening, all week; 30- 60 minute headways 146 Edina (Vernon Ave.), southwest Minneapolis, downtown Minneapolis Limited stop service (I-35W) service during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays 515 Edina (Includes Southdale Transit Center), Richfield, South Minneapolis, Bloomington (includes Mall of America), Veterans Medical Center Local service, all day/evening, all week; 10- 30 minute headways 537 Bloomington (includes Normandale College), Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center) Local service, all day/evening, weekdays; 60 minute headways 538 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), Richfield, Bloomington (includes Mall of America) Local service, all day/evening, all week; 30- 60 minute headways 540 Edina, Richfield (includes Best Buy Headquarters), Bloomington (includes Mall of America) Local service, all day/evening, all week; 15- 30 minute headways during a.m./p.m. rush hours, otherwise 60-90 minute headways 578 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), downtown Minneapolis Express service (TH 62 and I-35W) during a.m. and p.m. rush hours 579 University of Minnesota, south Minneapolis, Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center) Express service (I-35W and TH 62) during p.m. rush hour, weekdays 587 Edina, downtown Minneapolis Express service (TH 100 and I-394) during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays 600 (Southwest Transit) Eden Prairie (includes Southwest Station), Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), downtown Minneapolis “Flex route” service during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays, 10-20 minute headways -Page 6- Note: all routes are Metro Transit with the exception of 600, which is Southwest Metro Transit. Metro Mobility Paratransit services are provided by Metro Transit’s Metro Mobility service. Door to door service is provided using a wheelchair lift-equipped van on a first come-first served basis. 2018 hours of operation are daily 4:15 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. CloverRide Circulator Service The City of Edina provides a circulator bus service in the Southdale area for Edina residents and visitors. This service, called CloverRide, is provided by DARTS and operates from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. CloverRide is a reliable, continuous shuttle service that provides accessibility from senior housing locations in the Southdale area to retail and other popular destinations. The one-hour “loop” runs clockwise along France and York Avenues between W 65th Street and Minnesota Drive. High-Frequency Transit Routes The only high-frequency transit route that currently serves Edina is the Route 6 (see Table 7.4 above). The Route 6 serves Edina’s industrial park area, the Southdale Transit Center, South Minneapolis (including the Uptown Transit Station), downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota. Transit Stations and Transit Centers Southdale Transit Center The key transit facility in Edina is the Southdale Transit Center, which is located in the eastern portion of Southdale Center shopping mall. It includes a covered shelter area with route/schedule information. The Southdale Transit Center is one of the busier transit centers in the Twin Cities, with seven transit lines that stop and link at this location, along with a park & ride (see below). Three lighted, covered waiting shelters are equipped with on-demand heat and real-time departure information. Park-and-rides and Express Bus Corridors Southdale Park & Ride There are 70 surface park & ride spaces at the Southdale Transit Center (see above), with available overflow parking for additional vehicles. Express Bus Corridors TH 62, TH 100, I-35W and I-394 serve as express bus corridors for Metro Transit routes that connect Edina commuters to downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota. Express routes 578 and 579 run along TH 62 and I-35W, while Route 587 runs along TH 100 and I-394. Transit Advantages Currently, Metro Transit operates on “bus-only shoulders” within Edina on northbound TH 100 (north of Benton Avenue) and both eastbound and westbound TH 62 (east of Gleason Road). Transit support facilities There are currently no transit support facilities in Edina. Walking and Bicycling Walking and Bicycling Facilities The existing network of sidewalks, pathways and bicycle facilities serving the City of Edina is depicted on Figures X.10 and X.11. In 2018 the City prepared a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan; the Master Plan’s pedestrian and bicycle findings and recommendations are summarized in Section 7.3. The full plan is attached as an appendix. Regional Bicycle Transportation Network The goal of the Metropolitan Council’s Regional Bicycle Transportation Network (RBTN) is to establish an integrated seamless network of on-street bikeways and off-road trails to most effectively improve conditions for bicycle transportation at the regional level and to encourage planning and implementation of future bikeways. The network is divided into two -Page 7- tiers each for RBTN corridors and alignments. Figure X.12 depicts the Tier 1 and Tier 2 RBTN corridors and alignments in Edina. Tier 1 RBTN corridors have been identified by the Metropolitan Council as the highest priority for regional transportation planning and investment. There are no Tier 1 RBTN corridors in Edina. Tier 2 RBTN corridors are the remaining corridors in the overall regional network and are assigned the second tier priority. The following three Tier 2 RBTN corridors (which have no defined alignments) in Edina are centered on: • Blake Road/Interlachen Boulevard • Vernon Avenue/W. 50th Street • Canadian Pacific Railroad north of W. 66th Street Tier 1 and Tier 2 RBTN Alignments are similar to RBTN corridors, but have specific route alignments defined through discussions with City and County staff. These alignments either already exist, or are defined in City planning documents. The Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail, opened in 2018 by Three Rivers Park District, is the only Tier 1 alignment in Edina. W. 66th Street is the only Tier 2 RBTN alignment in Edina. Aviation There currently are no airports within the City of Edina. The closest airport is the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP), which is approximately three and one half miles east of the City. Edina is within the influence area of MSP as determined by Metropolitan Council Guidance (Transportation Policy Plan, Appendix K). Policies and Ordinances Any person or organization who intends to sponsor the construction or alteration of a structure affecting navigable airspace as defined in Federal Regulation Title 14, Part 77 needs to inform the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) of the project. This notification is accomplished through the completion and submittal to FAA of Form 7460. In the case of Edina, this requirement applies to the following circumstances: • any construction or alteration exceeding 200 feet above ground level • any construction or alteration of greater height than an imaginary surface extending outward and upward at a slope of 100 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 20,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway (Runway 17/35 at MSP) Facilities Edina has no permitted seaplane surface waters, tall towers, radio beacons or other air navigation aids located within the city. There is currently one heliport in the City of Edina, which is located at the Fairview Southdale Hospital. Heliports are regulated through City ordinance. Freight A safe, efficient, high-capacity freight transportation system is essential to the economic well-being of Edina, the region, and the state. However, freight movement (by rail and truck) is often regarded as incompatible with other land uses and other modes of transportation. The following is a summary of existing facilities, nodes and issues relating to freight movement in Edina. Facilities While Edina has no intermodal freight terminals within the city, the Canadian Pacific Railway (CP Rail) railroad runs north- south over four miles through the entire city, just west of Highway 100 (see Figure X.13). Currently, freight trains on this portion of the CP Rail line are operated by the Twin Cities and Western (TC&W) Railroad. Approximately two trains run through Edina on CP Rail per day – one in the morning and one the evening. The existing freight rail traffic in the corridor remains about the same as it did in 2001 (about 1-2 trains per day). Some freight improvements/track improvements have been made recently which may lead to increased freight traffic, though specific railroad plans are not known. -Page 8- Other Nodes The Cahill industrial area, located in south-central Edina, consists of two distinct areas. The northwestern corner of this area comprises some residential uses on the north side of W 70th Street and a concentration of commercial (office and retail) and light industrial uses on the south side of W 70th Street. This area is bordered by W 70th Street to the north, the Canadian Pacific Railroad to the east, generally the FilmTech industrial use to the south, and Cahill Road to the west. A small area plan for the northwest corner of this area was approved by the Planning Commission in December 2018 and adopted by Council in January 2019. The remaining area is bordered by W 70th Street to the north, TH 100 to the east, the southern city limits to the south, and the Canadian Pacific Railroad to the west. The land uses within these borders can best be described as light industrial and business park. With the Great Recession of 2008 and the economic downturn, retail uses and other non-business uses began to appear in this area. At this time it is known that existing land uses in the Cahill industrial area tend to generate multi-axle truck traffic, future plans are somewhat unknown as the City considers preparing a small area or district plan for the area. Another concentration of uses associated with truck traffic is the Southdale commercial district, in southeastern Edina. This area has a large number of commercial and retail land uses that must be served by trucks for deliveries, in addition to the general purpose traffic associated with the district. Volumes of Multi-Axle Trucks Figure X.14 depicts the current volumes of multi-axle (or heavy commercial traffic) on principle arterials in and adjacent to the City. Trends and Challenges Roadways 2040 Traffic Forecasts Year 2040 traffic forecasts were prepared using the Metropolitan Council travel demand model. The model was refined for application specifically for the City of Edina. The 2040 roadway network assumed for this analysis is the same as the current roadway network, as the City and County Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs) do not include any projects that add significant capacity to the roadway network. While the travel demand model is a valuable tool for identifying future traffic based on the proposed land use impacts, it is not meant for use in detailed traffic operations studies. For a more accurate representation of the transportation impacts from specific developments, detailed traffic studies should be conducted to determine the operational impacts on adjacent roadways and intersections. A central concept of travel demand forecasting is the use of Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs). Each forecast study area, in this case the City of Edina, is divided into a series of TAZs. Each TAZ has land use data which indicates trip generation and trip attraction including population, household, and employment data. Figure X.15 displays Metropolitan Council TAZs within the City of Edina. Table X.5 provides the initial population, household, and employment allocations by TAZ assumed in the Metropolitan Council model. Table X.6 provides the population, household, and employment allocations by TAZ based on the City of Edina’s Land Use Plan adjustments as detailed in Chapter X. Table X.7 shows the change in TAZ between the base condition to the adjusted condition. The results of the City of Edina modeling process are summarized in Figure X.16 showing the 2040 Traffic Forecast (Met Council Base) and Figure X.17 showing the 2040 Traffic Forecast with Edina Land Use adjustments. -Page 9- TABLE X.5 –2040 TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS ZONE (TAZ) FORECASTS – METROPOLITAN COUNCIL BASE TAZ 2020 2030 2040 Households Population Employment Households Population Employment Households Population Employmen 1022 0 0 0 3 7 0 10 22 0 1395 569 1504 109 577 1472 108 563 1381 110 1396 699 1894 1024 768 1949 1059 804 1919 1091 1397 309 850 35 313 824 38 302 762 40 1398 23 61 1 22 57 1 20 49 0 1403 686 1453 40 698 1440 40 684 1380 40 1404 95 205 193 94 199 197 91 187 200 1408 351 871 6 352 869 8 342 836 10 1409 690 1713 375 701 1732 413 684 1675 450 1410 1288 2735 430 1301 2690 446 1267 2564 460 1411 1241 2498 8998 1263 2466 9092 1237 2375 9106 1412 663 1848 41 670 1860 41 654 1807 40 1413 34 79 570 39 83 577 40 81 580 1414 726 1446 361 734 1416 644 714 1352 951 1415 0 0 219 0 0 237 0 0 250 1416 0 0 868 0 0 930 0 0 1011 1417 61 89 10533 62 91 10884 60 89 11198 1418 757 1505 24 765 1471 48 744 1403 80 1419 356 964 34 361 971 36 352 942 40 1420 342 928 11 348 937 10 342 915 10 1421 452 1225 12 455 1223 11 442 1184 10 1422 158 412 295 162 417 348 161 408 400 1423 671 1604 177 680 1567 183 664 1485 190 1424 602 1640 48 609 1628 49 593 1553 50 1425 358 947 61 362 952 70 352 920 80 1426 322 853 345 328 864 393 322 843 440 1427 834 1911 1163 915 1955 1204 955 1919 1241 1428 353 926 761 358 904 787 352 859 811 1429 475 1248 926 490 1237 955 483 1179 981 1430 480 1261 41 484 1225 41 473 1156 40 1431 459 1236 102 464 1245 116 453 1210 130 1432 326 865 13 330 875 11 322 852 10 1435 708 1879 29 719 1907 29 704 1869 30 1436 123 295 21 142 324 20 151 327 20 1585 1290 2268 5044 1651 2936 5212 1911 3433 5364 1586 290 689 146 302 669 155 302 634 170 1587 531 1244 1593 554 1210 1687 553 1148 1841 -Page 10- 1588 243 475 3818 333 667 3947 402 813 4063 1593 2182 3723 3266 2400 4229 3375 2504 4547 3472 1594 1981 4411 871 2422 5319 1229 2715 5889 1601 1595 507 1026 5667 591 1208 5724 644 1324 5754 1596 662 1116 2941 880 1508 2993 1036 1811 3032 1637 0 0 450 0 0 508 0 0 560 1640 0 0 140 0 0 140 0 0 140 Totals 22897 51897 51802 24702 54603 53996 25404 55102 56097 TABLE X.6 –2040 TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS ZONE (TAZ) FORECASTS – ADJUSTED TAZ 2020 2030 2040 Households Population Employment Households Population Employment Households Population Employmen 1022 0 0 0 3 7 0 10 22 0 1395 569 1504 109 577 1472 108 563 1381 110 1396 699 1894 1024 900 2100 1059 1000 2270 1091 1397 309 850 35 313 824 38 302 762 40 1398 23 61 1 22 57 1 20 49 0 1403 686 1453 40 698 1440 40 684 1380 40 1404 95 205 193 94 199 197 91 187 200 1408 351 871 6 352 869 8 342 836 10 1409 690 1713 375 701 1732 413 684 1675 450 1410 1288 2735 430 1301 2690 446 1267 2564 460 1411 1241 2498 8998 1263 2466 9092 1237 2375 9106 1412 663 1848 41 670 1860 41 654 1807 40 1413 34 79 570 39 83 577 40 81 580 1414 726 1446 361 734 1416 644 714 1352 951 1415 0 0 219 0 0 237 0 0 250 1416 0 0 868 0 0 930 0 0 1011 1417 120 168 10533 200 300 10884 200 300 11198 1418 757 1505 24 765 1471 48 744 1403 80 1419 356 964 34 361 971 36 352 942 40 1420 342 928 11 348 937 10 342 915 10 1421 452 1225 12 455 1223 11 442 1184 10 1422 158 412 295 162 417 348 161 408 400 1423 671 1604 177 680 1567 183 664 1485 190 1424 602 1640 48 609 1628 49 593 1553 50 1425 358 947 61 362 952 70 352 920 80 1426 322 853 345 328 864 393 322 843 440 1427 834 1911 1163 1050 2100 1204 1100 2200 1241 1428 353 926 761 358 904 787 352 859 811 -Page 11- 1429 475 1248 926 490 1237 955 483 1179 981 1430 480 1261 41 484 1225 41 473 1156 40 1431 459 1236 102 464 1245 116 453 1210 130 1432 326 865 13 330 875 11 322 852 10 1435 708 1879 29 719 1907 29 704 1869 30 1436 123 295 21 142 324 20 151 327 20 1585 1290 2268 5044 1800 3060 5212 2100 3570 5364 1586 290 689 146 302 669 155 302 634 170 1587 531 1244 1593 554 1210 1687 553 1148 1841 1588 450 977 3818 1000 2000 3947 1300 2600 4063 1593 2300 3919 3266 3300 5610 3375 3600 6120 3472 1594 1981 4411 871 2800 5600 1229 3100 6110 1601 1595 726 1452 5667 1000 2000 5724 1500 2850 5754 1596 662 1116 2941 880 1508 2993 1036 1811 3032 1637 0 0 450 0 0 508 0 0 560 1640 0 0 140 0 0 140 0 0 140 Totals 23500 53100 51802 27610 59019 53996 29309 61189 56097 TABLE X.7 –2040 TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS ZONE (TAZ) FORECASTS – TAZ CHANGES TAZ 2020 2030 2040 Households Population Households Population Households Population 1396 0 0 132 151 196 351 1417 59 79 138 209 140 211 1427 0 0 135 145 145 281 1585 0 0 149 124 189 137 1588 207 502 667 1333 898 1787 1593 118 196 900 1381 1096 1573 1594 0 0 378 281 385 221 1595 219 426 409 792 856 1526 Totals 603 1203 2908 4416 3905 6087 2040 Roadway Deficiency Analysis Congestion on the roadway system is judged to exist when the ratio of traffic volume (number of daily vehicles on a given roadway) to roadway capacity (maximum number of daily vehicles a given roadway can reasonably accommodate) approaches or exceeds 1.0. The ratio of volume to capacity (v/c ratio) provides a measure of congestion along a stretch of roadway and can help determine where roadway improvements, access management, transit services, or demand management strategies need to be implemented. It does not, however, provide a basis for determining the need for specific intersection improvements or other detailed mitigation. Table X.8 provides a method to evaluate roadway capacity for non-freeway and non-regional highway roadways. For each facility type, the typical planning level average daily traffic (ADT) capacity ranges and maximum ADT volume ranges are listed. These volume ranges are based upon guidance from the Highway Capacity Manual, discussions with the Metropolitan Council and professional engineering judgment. A range is used since the maximum capacity of any roadway -Page 12- design (v/c = 1) is a theoretical measure that can be affected by its functional classification, traffic peaking, access spacing, speed, and other roadway characteristics. Further, to define a facility’s “daily capacity”, the top of each facility type’s volume range should be used. This allows for capacity improvements that can be achieved by roadway performance enhancements. Another useful capacity analysis index is the level of traffic that a facility can accommodate before it is defined as approaching its capacity limit. A segment of road is noted as “approaching capacity” when observed daily volume equals or exceeds 85% of daily capacity (v/c > 0.85). This level of traffic volume is also presented in Table X.8 by facility type. TABLE X.8. PLANNING-LEVEL ROADWAY CAPACITIES BY FACILITY TYPE Facility Type Planning Level Daily Capacity Ranges (ADT) Daily Capacity (ADT) Approaching Capacity (85% of ADT) Two-lane undivided urban 8,000-10,000 10,000 8,500 Two-lane undivided rural 14,000-15,000 15,000 12,750 Two-lane divided (three-lane) 14,000-17,000 17,000 14,450 Four-lane undivided urban 18,000-22,000 22,000 18,700 Four-lane divided (five-lane) 28,000-32,000 32,000 27,200 Four-lane divided rural 35,000-38,000 38,000 32,300 Note: The terms urban and rural describe typical section design (e.g., curb and gutter for urban and ditch drainage for rural). They do not imply geographic areas. Using the methodology described above, capacity deficiencies were identified by comparing existing ADT volumes to the thresholds noted in Table X.8. The existing traffic volumes (Figure X.4) and the existing number of lanes (Figure X.3) were used to develop the 2040 capacity deficiencies. Figure X.18 shows the 2040 Traffic Forecast (Met Council Base) and Figure X.19 shows the 2040 Traffic Forecast with Edina Land Use adjustments. As noted in the figures “congested” roadway segments are defined as those with a volume-to-capacity ratio at or above 1.0, which signifies that a segment of road has observed volumes that exceed its design capacity. In addition, the figure also identifies those segments of roadways that are approaching capacity (volume-to-capacity ratio of 0.85 to 1.0). Based on the 2040 traffic some of the major roadways in the City are expected to operate at levels approaching capacity or over capacity. The following summarizes the road segments anticipated to exceed their design capacity or are expected to approach capacity by 2040: 2040 Met Council Base Forecast Deficiencies: Approaching Capacity: • Interlachen Parkway – Maloney Avenue to W 50th Street • Interlachen Road – TH 169 to Lincoln Drive • Vernon Avenue – Hansen Road to Eden Avenue • Tracy Avenue – Valley View Road to Valley Lane • W 70th Street – Cahill Road to Metro Boulevard • Edina Industrial Boulevard – Bush Lake Road to Metro Boulevard • W 50th Street – Halifax Avenue to France Avenue -Page 13- • France Avenue – North City Limit to W 58th Street • Xerxes Avenue – W 54th Street to W 60th Street • W 70th Street – France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue S • France Avenue – W 70th Street to South City Limit • York Avenue S – W 66th Street to 70th Street • York Avenue S – W 76th Street to South City Limit Over Capacity: • Vernon Avenue – Gleason Road to Hansen Road • Gleason Road – TH 62 to Vernon Avenue • France Avenue – W 58th Street to TH 62 • Xerxes Avenue S – W 60th Street to TH 62 • W 70th Street – TH 100 to France Avenue 2040 Revised Forecast Deficiencies with City Land Use Adjustment: Approaching Capacity: • Interlachen Parkway – Maloney Avenue to W 50th Street • Interlachen Road – TH 169 to Lincoln Drive • Vernon Avenue – Lincoln Drive to Gleason Road • Vernon Avenue – Hansen Road to Eden Avenue • Tracy Avenue – Valley View Road to Valley Lane • W 70th Street – Cahill Road to Metro Boulevard • Edina Industrial Boulevard – Bush Lake Road to Metro Boulevard • W 50th Street – Halifax Avenue to France Avenue • France Avenue – North City Limit to W 58th Street • Xerxes Avenue S – W 54th Street to W 60th Street • France Avenue – W 70th Street to South City Limit • York Avenue – W 66th Street to W 70th Street • York Avenue – W 76th Street to South City Limit Over Capacity: • Vernon Avenue – Gleason Road to Hansen Road • Gleason Road – TH 62 to Vernon Avenue • France Avenue – W 58th Street to TH 62 • Xerxes Avenue S – W 60th Street to TH 62 • W 70th Street – TH 100 to York Avenue S Deficiencies and Improvement Needs The City of Edina is considered fully developed and therefore it is not expected to see substantial traffic increases over the planning horizon in many locations. However, with the anticipated redevelopment of land use in some locations (for example, areas covered by the Small Area Plans), combined with regional traffic trends and considerations, there will be some areas of significant traffic growth. Most (but not all) of the areas identified above as approaching or over capacity in 2040 are two-lane, state-aid roadways, which will require working with other agencies to improve or otherwise mitigate. Taking into account projected future traffic conditions, together with current issues, the following areas have been identified for recommended improvements and/or monitoring and further evaluation: -Page 14- • Gateway area redevelopment • France Avenue (W 70th St to I-494) • France Avenue (north of TH 62, especially south of W 58th St) • W. 70th Street • Vernon Avenue/Gleason Road (north of TH 62) • Other trunk highway and interchange area These areas and others will be addressed under the following headings. The final heading will address a summary of implementation considerations and requirements. Within the context of this planning level information, individual projects will be identified to be included in the City’s Capital Improvement Programs over the next ten years (until the next Comprehensive Plan Update is required). Potential Problem Locations The primary current problem locations are identified below. Trunk Highway system congestion Peak period congestion occurs on nearly all of the trunk highway segments passing through or adjacent to the City. This includes I-494, TH 169, TH 100, and TH 62 (Crosstown Highway). In addition to the mainline congestion, queuing from ramp meters provides a source of localized congestion on the City street system as discussed under the following heading. Freeway interchange queues Peak period queuing occurs at most freeway ramps. In particular, the older freeway interchanges with TH 62 at Xerxes Avenue S and France Avenue (see above) have inadequate bridge width and storage capacity to accommodate vehicles waiting at the queue. Similar problems exist along TH 100 at West 70th Street and West 77th Street. Through traffic on local streets Various residential areas experience, or perceive that they experience, large amounts of through traffic. France Avenue/West 50th Street Intersection This intersection, in the middle of a popular older commercial area, is affected by high pedestrian traffic levels as well as high vehicular traffic volumes. It is a destination for local as well as many non-local visitors. Refer to the 50th & France Small Area Plan for further details. France Avenue north of TH 62 The concentration of recent and future increased redevelopment in the greater Southdale area, along with the congested interchange at TH 62, has the potential to result in congestion on France Avenue north of TH 62. France Avenue transitions from a four-lane to a two-lane roadway at the interchange. Gateway Redevelopment Area Improvements An Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) was prepared by the City in 2007 (with updates in 2013 and 2018) for an area generally bounded by TH 100 to the west, Fred Richards Golf Course/76th Street to the north, France Avenue to the east, and Minnesota Drive to the south (see Figure 7.13). The impetus for the AUAR was purchase by a private developer of a group of parcels within the Study Area and subsequent discussions with the City regarding their redevelopment. The City decided to review the potential for further redevelopment within the commercial and industrial area along West 77th Street adjacent to these recently acquired parcels. The AUAR reviewed five different scenarios: 1 – Comprehensive Plan (1998), 2 – Master Plan (proposed by developer), 3 – Maximum Commercial, 4 – Maximum Residential, and 4.1 – Modified Scenario 4. Each of these scenarios required its own set of roadway improvements to accommodate the development envisioned for the given scenario. Perhaps the most notable observation is that Scenario 3 (Maximum Commercial) would require reconstruction of the W. 77th Street Bridge over TH 100 to provide additional through and turning lanes. Funding requirements may preclude the implementation of this scenario in the foreseeable future. -Page 15- The AUAR identifies improvements that will be required for various types and intensities of development outcomes. The specific improvements which will be required, and the schedule of those improvements, will be dictated by the development projects which are actually proposed and occur over time. It is recommended that the City clarify to developers early in the plan review procedures for this overall area that they must address transportation improvement needs in a proactive manner. The City will coordinate with developers regarding the planning and funding of the improvements, but developers will be required to perform their “fair share” such that needed improvements are identified and implemented in advance of the added traffic volumes. A conceptual east-west connector corridor north of I-494 has been identified for further evaluation and potential long-term implementation. This corridor, identified on Figure 7.14 and using W 78th Street, W 77th Street, and W 76th Street with enhanced continuity, will be further discussed under a separate heading, below. The improvements addressed in the Gateway Area AUAR are considered short to mid-range improvements, with the east-west connector corridor being a long- range concept. France Avenue (TH 62 to I-494) France Avenue between TH 62 and I-494 carries high volumes of traffic. The design of the roadway, 4-lane divided with turn lanes, has a high level of capacity, and roadway actually operates better than what perhaps is the common perception. For example, motorists must wait more than one signal cycle to proceed through an intersection only infrequently even at peak travel times. However, as traffic levels increase into the future as projected on Figure X.19, congestion on the main portion of this stretch of roadway will become more of a concern. Refer to the Southdale District Area Plan for greater detail. TH 62 and central areas The primary issue at TH 62 is that there is currently not enough bridge width to provide storage for vehicles waiting in queues on France Avenue at the interchange. To address this issue, in 2019 MnDOT (in cooperation with Hennepin County) is planning to redeck the France Avenue bridge over TH 62 to include a second northbound left-turn lane, with the intent to shorten queuing for vehicles waiting to head westbound on TH 62. Additionally, the sidewalks on both sides of the bridge will be significantly widened to improve pedestrian comfort and safety. An additional means to improve this situation is through traffic management, attempting to spread the traffic more equally between the interchanges at Valley View Road, France Avenue, and Xerxes Avenue. Both the Valley View Road and Xerxes Avenue interchanges currently do serve to relieve the France Avenue interchange, but efforts can be made to increase this affect. Options which could be further explored include employee training for businesses in the area to promote use of the alternate interchanges as much as possible, and improved signage indicating the option of using alternate interchanges. However, it is not known how effective such measures could be, short of significant operational or infrastructure projects. There currently do not appear to be any physical/infrastructure projects which could readily be implemented and would have clear benefits in terms of redirecting traffic from France Avenue to York/Xerxes Avenue. However, as redevelopment continues to take place in the Greater Southdale area, the City should promote access and street design that helps make Xerxes/York Avenue a viable alternative to France Avenue. An important limitation of Xerxes/York Avenue in terms of serving as an alternate route for France Avenue is that it does not have an interchange at I-494. As will be discussed under a separate heading, the City should investigate an enhanced east-west connector corridor north of I-494. This would tie into Richfield’s W. 76th /77th Street corridor. A conceptual alignment is provided on Figure 7.14. One of the benefits of such a connector route is that it could make the use of Xerxes/York Avenue as an alternate to France Avenue more viable. East-west traffic flow would be enhanced in the southern portion of the City with connections to both France Avenue and York Avenue. I-494 Area The primary operational difficulty on France Avenue at the south end at I-494 relates to the single southbound right turn lane to accommodate both motorists using the ramp to westbound I-494 and those using the loop to eastbound I-494. This causes excessive southbound queuing in the right lane. The proximities of Minnesota Drive and W. 78th Street to the interchange exacerbate this problem. Hennepin County has identified a roadway re-striping plan which would help address this problem. This plan separates the traffic turning onto the westbound I-494 ramp from the traffic turning onto the -Page 16- eastbound loop. The City will work with the County and the City of Bloomington to ensure that this improvement takes place. W. 70th Street The section of W. 70 Street between TH 100 and France Avenue (reconstructed in 2011) is problematic because it experiences relatively high traffic levels for a roadway passing through a residential setting. The traffic levels are due in large part to the basic location and context of the segment. At one end of the segment is an interchange with major highway (TH 100), and at the other end is an important “A” minor arterial roadway (France Avenue) and a major commercial center (greater Southdale area). Traffic levels are currently at the high end of the capacity for a 2-lane roadway with turn lanes, and are forecasted to be over capacity by 2040. East-West Connector Corridor A significant transportation difficulty facing the City is that there is not a continuous east-west reliever roadway on the north side of I-494. Motorists making east-west trips north of the freeway must proceed through a series of roadway segments which are currently not well coordinated or tied into a larger roadway network. Coordinating with adjacent communities, a conceptual corridor has been identified which is depicted on Figure X.20. This improvement area would align along existing W 78th St west of E Bush Lake Rd, W 77th St between E Bush Lake Rd and Parklawn Ave, and W 76th St east of Parklawn Ave. An alternative (and longer-term) alignment between E Bush Lake Rd and Parklawn Ave would involve a new bridge crossing of TH 100, which would relieve traffic levels on the W 77th Street/Edina Industrial Boulevard bridge over TH 100 (see “Alternative Alignment” on Figure X.20). The rationale behind this concept is to provide a roadway which would serve a similar function to American Boulevard in Bloomington and the W 76th/77th Street corridor in Richfield. It would tie directly into the Richfield corridor. As stated above, it could ultimately relieve congestion through the TH 100/W 77th Street/Edina Industrial Boulevard interchange. It would generally allow more efficient east-west movements and tie into the larger Edina network more effectively. For example, it would make Xerxes/York Avenue easier and more logical to use as an alternative to France Avenue to relieve traffic levels on France. It would likely make this portion of Edina a more attractive location for business and office development because of improved mobility and access. The Gateway Redevelopment discussed under an earlier heading may provide the opportunity to begin roadway reconstruction efforts associated with implementation of the overall East- West Connector concept. Because this roadway would support and improve operations on trunk highways (TH 100 and I-494), MnDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) would be supportive of such a project. The City should explore the availability of state and federal funding to help advance this concept if it is deemed viable. It should be emphasized that this long-term corridor improvement plan is only conceptual at this point. However, it is recommended that the City continue to explore the concept and discuss it with adjacent communities, MnDOT, and Hennepin County. The City can also coordinate roadway reconfiguration and reconstruction with the redevelopment of the Gateway area as appropriate. The potential benefits of such a corridor could be quite significant, just as American Boulevard has benefited Bloomington, and the W 76th/77th corridor has benefited Richfield. Summary of Key Implementation Considerations and Requirements Gateway Redevelopment Area Improvements The City should require, early in the plan review procedures for redevelopment projects proposed in this area, that transportation improvements be clearly identified and addressed. The City will expect developers to plan, coordinate and finance their fair share of the required improvements in a proactive manner. Any roadway reconfiguration associated with the Gateway redevelopment will need to be consistent with the long term vision of the East-West Connector roadway summarized below. East – West Connector Roadway The City should continue to coordinate with neighboring communities, Hennepin County, and MnDOT to advance the planning and evaluation of the general corridor identified on Figure X.20. It is likely a long-term concept, but as -Page 17- redevelopment is proposed and implemented in the southern portion of Edina, consideration should be given to this potential corridor in terms of long term right-of-way issues and access design. Roadway Jurisdictional Issues In general, it is good policy that Hennepin County and MnDOT assume responsibility for and jurisdiction over the arterial network, and cities assume responsibility for the collector and local street systems. This is, to a large extent, the situation in Edina. The existing roadway jurisdictional classification system is depicted on Figure X.7. At present, there are no roadways in the City under State (MnDOT) jurisdiction that are being considered for turnback to Hennepin County or the City of Edina. However, Hennepin County, in its Transportation System Plan, identifies two roadway segments that are candidates for turnback to the City of Edina (see Figure X.21): • CSAH 31 (York/Xerxes Avenue) from 50th Street to south City limit (see Figure X.21) • CSAH 158 (Vernon Avenue/Gleason Road) from TH 100 to TH 62 (see Figure X.21) Regarding these segments, the City of Edina does not support either turnback option. These segments should remain under County jurisdiction for the following reasons: • CSAH 31 - This roadway serves an inter-community function, connecting Bloomington, Edina and Minneapolis. It also links with TH 62. It carries a significant percentage of traffic not originating or terminating in Edina. • CSAH 158 - This roadway is an arterial roadway serving an intercommunity function and is therefore appropriate for Hennepin County jurisdiction. It carries a substantial percentage of traffic not originating or terminating in Edina. In the event the City is ultimately required to accept one or both of the transfers identified above, it should ensure that the roads are brought up to the appropriate design and maintenance standards prior to accepting transfer. Access Management Access management refers to balancing the need for access to local land uses with the need for mobility and safety on the roadway system. Arterials generally have limited access, collectors allow a greater degree of access given their combined mobility/access function, and local streets allow the most access of the roadway functional categories. Appropriate access control preserves the capacity on arterial streets and improves safety by reducing the need for traffic to divert to local streets. It separates local turning movements from higher speed “through” traffic, concentrating traffic linkages at intersections controlled with traffic signals, roundabouts, or other measures. MnDOT and County roadways serving Edina are identified on Figure X.7. For MnDOT roadways, MnDOT’s access management guidelines apply. These guidelines are included in Appendix X-X. For County roadways, Hennepin County access management guidelines apply. These guidelines were established in the Hennepin County Transportation System Plan, and are included in Appendix T-4. In instances of local site redevelopment, the City will continue to work with these guidelines in the site plan review and approval process. The City’s existing ordinance on curb cut placement limits the placement and number of accesses to local and collector roadways under City jurisdiction. General guidelines include the following: • No driveway on a local street is to be within 50 feet of a street intersection • When properties adjoin two streets, the access should be to the lower volume street Community/Aesthetic Design for Transportation Facilities Community design goals and treatments were discussed in Chapter X of this Comprehensive Plan, and in the Living Streets Plan. Roadways are an important component in community design because they represent a significant percentage of the overall land area of any community, they represent public space over which the City has jurisdiction (the municipal right-of- way area), and because they are obviously very visible to many travelers, local and non-local. -Page 18- Refer to chapter three of the Living Streets Plan for detailed descriptions of the type, function and location of Living Streets in Edina, and chapter six for roadway design guidelines. These design guidelines discuss the following design elements (both functional and aesthetic): • Vehicular Facilities (driving and parking lanes, pavement markings and signage) • Pedestrian Facilities (sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, street furniture and public art) • Bicycle Facilities (type and placement, signage and wayfinding and intersections • Traffic Calming (road design, curb extensions, boulevard trees, pavement color/texture) • Stormwater Management and Sustainable Infrastructure (impervious surface reduction; soil, turf and trees; rain gardens; filtration/infiltration; ponds and wetlands) Another important component of the Community Design Guidelines which pertains to transportation and roadways is the guideline for gateways. Gateways define areas with character and a sense of place, and can include such features as street or other lighting, signage, street furniture and public art, and other streetscape improvements. Many of these elements are in place in various districts throughout the City, but other locations could be identified and improved. Further detail on this topic is provided in Chapter 4 of this Comprehensive Plan. Travel Demand Management The primary emphasis of Travel Demand Management (TDM) is to reduce the number of vehicular trips on congested roadways during peak travel times. Since the many or most of these trips are commuter (work) trips, TDM strategies primarily involve places of employment and associated travel behavior. The primary methods or strategies are identified below: • transit • car/van-pooling • telecommuting • flex-time • non-motorized commuting In general, the policies or incentives to promote TDM activities are provided through employers. For example, employers can provide monthly discounts or passes to employees to use transit. They can provide coordination services to match up individuals for car/van pooling activities. They can allow or promote telecommuting, particularly in various industries for which face-to-face contact is not important for task performance. Similarly, employers can allow or promote flex time, which enables employees to travel to/from work at non-peak travel times. Regarding non-motorized commuting, the provision of shower and changing facilities is often helpful to promote bicycle commuting. There are a number of reasons for employers to promote TDM activities. In some cases, vehicle parking is at a premium and anything they can do to reduce parking requirements is beneficial. Another example may be a large employer or group of employers accessed by congested road systems. If these employers can reduce rush hour trips into their facilities and associated congestion, it benefits their workers and makes their places of business more attractive places to work. Some employers wish to reduce vehicle trips to their facilities simply because it is “the right thing to do” for environmental reasons. Cities can increase TDM activities through promotional activities and by coordinating with key employers to identify and implement TDM plans. Cities may require TDM plans for new developments if they are large enough to have significant traffic impacts. Cities can also form or coordinate the formation of Transportation Management Organizations (TMOs). These organizations pool resources and strategies to get the biggest “bang for the buck” for reducing traffic levels in a given area. The City of Edina is an active member of the 494 Corridor Commission, which is a TMO striving to limit single occupancy vehicle trips on I- 494. It is difficult to project the quantitative benefits of Travel Demand Management activities with confidence. However, as fuel prices increase and congestion on major roadways in the metro region increase into the future, the demand for and potential of this approach will increase accordingly. -Page 19- The City of Edina currently requires developers proposing projects with the potential for significant traffic impacts to submit TDM plans as part of the plan review and approval process. The thresholds which are currently in place requiring these plans to be generated are projects that would: • generate 1,000 or more vehicle trips per day, or • generate 100 or more trips during any one-hour period, or • increase the traffic levels on an adjacent roadway by 50 percent or more The City’s requirements in terms of commitment to TDM activities and programs within the TDM plans are currently not rigorous. For example, these plans often simply identify existing transit service within the vicinity of the proposed project to suggest future TDM activities. It is recommended that the City evaluate the option of adding “teeth” to TDM requirements for developers, perhaps using the City of Minneapolis and Bloomington programs as a guide. Transit Scheduled Service The City of Edina, as an inner ring suburb, has good transit service relative to much of the overall metro region. The existing service and facilities are identified on Figure 7.9. The Southdale Transit Center is one of the busiest transit facilities in the region, and there is generally good commuter service to downtown Minneapolis. However, transit service in western portions of the City is quite limited, and the need has been identified to evaluate additional park and ride capacity to improve the usability of commuter service for Edina residents. This will be discussed further under the facilities heading below. As has been discussed in Chapter 3 of this Comprehensive Plan, the population of Edina is aging to a greater degree than many communities in the region. This trend will likely increase the demand for transit services in the coming years. The City should track this and other factors including increasing gasoline costs to assess on-going demand for enhanced scheduled transit service. The City should work with Metro Transit and Southwest Metro Transit to advance such service as demand is identified. Metro Transit provides the great majority of transit service in Edina, and it would make the determination if service revisions or enhancements would be viable for its service areas. The ability to plan and provide additional transit service is subject to state and regional funding that Metro Transit receives. Facilities Metro Transit’s Central-South (Sector 5) Plan (revised 2004) identified a future 300-500 car park and ride facility at TH 100 and Vernon Avenue. However, the Metropolitan Council’s 2030 Park-and-Ride Plan (adopted 2010) does not include a future park-and-ride facility in Edina. The Plan identifies an existing 1-150 car “transitway facility” at TH 100 and Vernon Avenue, which consists of “hide-and-ride” transit users who park in and around the City-owned parking structure in this location. Given the current limited transit service in the western portion of the City, future evaluation of the need for a more formal park-and-ride facility at this location may be necessary. Future Service Local Circulator Service As discussed above, there is very limited Metro Transit Service in the western portions of Edina. In the past the City has had discussions with Metro Transit regarding additional service to the western areas, perhaps as circulator service. This would involve smaller vehicles which would seat between 12 and 18 riders. At the time Metro Transit determined that there is not enough demand in this area for it to viably provide such service, given its funding limitations. Metro Transit staff cited the relatively high income levels and high rates of car ownership as factors limiting the demand for additional transit service in these areas. The City has evaluated, on a preliminary basis, the option of providing its own circulator service. This would provide service to the western portions of the City and would give those who cannot drive or choose not to an alternative travel mode to use. In summary, the capital costs (in 2008 dollars) for the lowest level of service (“baseline”) evaluated would be approximately $150,000 (three vans), and the annual operating costs would be over $250,000. The more extensive operational scenario evaluated resulted in costs substantially higher. -Page 20- The evaluation summarized above is intended to stimulate preliminary but systematic consideration of circulator service which could increase transit coverage in western Edina. To move this issue forward, a more detailed study will be required to address the following issues: • Clarify the City’s understanding of potential ridership; who will use the service and at what times? • Preferred service type (fixed route vs. flex or “on-demand”) and frequency • If fixed route, identify the optimal routes and stops • If a hybrid fixed route/flex service, identify optimal operating parameters • Hours of operations • Fare structure Greater Southdale Area Bus Circulator Service The 2008 Comprehensive Plan recommended that the City conduct a study to assess the viability of a Southdale District shuttle service. In 2018 the City initiated a pilot bus circulator service, called CloverRide and provided by DARTS, that provides service to residential and commercial areas in the greater Southdale area. This fixed-route service runs one day per week during the mid-day, and has a one-hour “loop” through the area, stopping at four (primarily senior) housing destinations and six commercial/retail destinations. While the service runs on a fixed schedule, riders are allowed to request “on demand” stops provided they are proximate to the regular route. City staff and the Edina Transportation Commission will evaluate this pilot program and make recommendations regarding its continued service. This could include changes to stop locations and times, as well as expanded service (e.g. more buses, more stops located in other areas of the city). Light Rail Transit In the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP), the Metropolitan Council has identified a series of transitway corridors for planning purposes. This network is included as Figure X.22. The METRO Blue Line (Hiawatha LRT Corridor), connecting downtown Minneapolis, the MSP International Airport, and the Mall of America, was completed in 2004. The METRO Green Line (Central LRT Corridor), connecting Downtown Minneapolis and Downtown St. Paul, was completed in 2014. The METRO Green Line Extension (Southwest LRT Corridor) is currently being designed. This LRT corridor will operate on a route from downtown Minneapolis through St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Eden Prairie, passing in close proximity to Edina. The line will include 16 new stations and will be part of an integrated system of transitways, including connections to the METRO Blue Line, the Northstar Commuter Rail line, many bus routes, and proposed future transitways. Six planned Green Line stations will be within one mile of the Edina city border; however, the accessibility of each station from Edina varies considerably. Heavy construction is scheduled to take place between 2018 and 2022, with passenger service as an extension of the METRO Green Line beginning in 2023. Passenger Rail MnDOT’s 2015 update to the Minnesota Comprehensive Statewide Rail Plan guides the future of both freight and passenger (intercity) rail systems and rail services in the state. While there is no specific mention of Edina, this report provides strong support for increased investment in passenger rail in general. The Rail Plan identifies a passenger rail line that extends from the Twin Cities to Northfield which would pass through the City of Edina by way of the Canadian Pacific Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway (CP MN&S) subdivision. This corridor is also known as the Dan Patch Corridor, and is identified as a Phase 1 project, which means they are desirable projects that are within a 0- to 20-year implementation horizon. In 2017 the City conducted the Passenger Rail Community Engagement Report to gauge public support for passenger rail in the Dan Patch corridor through Edina. The majority of public feedback was negative, particularly from residents who live along the route. Additionally, existing legislation prohibits state and regional agencies from spending any money to study, plan or design a commuter rail line in this corridor. The report concluded with a recommendation not to pursue passenger rail in the Dan Patch corridor at that time. -Page 21- Bus Rapid Transit Metro Transit is currently planning improvements to the Route 6 corridor with the E Line bus rapid transit (BRT) project. The E Line will substantially replace parts of Route 6 in the Hennepin Avenue corridor, serving uptown Minneapolis. Since this BRT line was identified in 2012, community members have expressed interest in a longer BRT corridor to serve more places along Route 6, including extending service along France and/or York Avenues in Edina. Metro Transit plans to study the corridor in 2018 to determine whether to extend the E Line south into Edina. Following this corridor study, E Line station planning will begin in 2019 with construction (pending full funding) beginning as soon as 2023. The City of Edina will be represented on the 2018 study’s Technical Advisory Team. Walking and Bicycling The following is a summary of Edina’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, the findings and recommendations of which serve to identify the trends, challenges and opportunities of walking and bicycling in Edina. The full Master Plan is attached as an appendix. See Figures X.23 and X.24 for proposed pedestrian and bicycle networks. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is a document to guide Edina’s continuing evolution toward becoming a more walkable, bikeable community that offers its residents a full range of healthy, active and sustainable transportation options for moving in and around the city, and for connecting to its numerous recreational, commercial and entertainment opportunities. Goals Goals for the plan are twofold: • To increase the number of Edina residents, workers and visitors who walk or bike for transportation, health, fitness, and recreation in the city, and, • To support city, resident and elected officials’ work and efforts to offer the highest quality of life and best experience of their city to Edina residents, businesses, workers and visitors. Community guidance The plan was developed with the active participation of the Edina community and guidance and consultation with city staff. A vigorous engagement process - using both in-person and innovative online approaches - brought the voice and ideas of well over a thousand Edina residents into the shaping of the plan’s vision and recommendations. The guidance was clear: residents recognize, enjoy and appreciate the many walk/bike assets the City has developed over the last ten years - but there are also many opportunities for improving current conditions and innovating, once again, to develop and offer residents the best, most productive approaches for growing walking and biking in the city. An All Ages and Abilities Network Guidance from Edina residents was very clear: connecting to schools, parks and neighborhoods with safe and comfortable facilities is a key priority. The plan proposes an All Ages and Abilities walk/bike system that is built around a new “Twin Loops” framework connecting key assets in the city through a high-comfort, high-amenity network of walking and biking routes and supporting facilities. The Inner and Outer Loops, working together with the new Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail, provide high quality connections tying all four city quadrants and serving Edina schools, community destinations and parks, regional destinations, and adjoining communities. A comprehensive approach The plan recognizes the importance of a comprehensive approach for achieving success: a full suite of recommendations - from on-the-ground routes and facilities to a robust set of education, encouragement and other programming initiatives are part of the plan’s “6Es” approach. -Page 22- Bikeshare, educational campaigns, and recommendations for supporting development of new “mobility hubs” in the city are included. Taking care of what we’ve got But the plan is not only about making new investments - it’s also about recognizing and taking care of the many walk/bike assets Edina has developed over the last few years. Recommendations for maintaining infrastructure, and offering a year- round walking and biking network are also a key part of the plan. Implementation - where we make it real Recommendations are great - but none of it counts if we don’t build it. The plan includes robust guidance for implementation approaches - from a “test it first” and quick/tactical approach to developing facilities and infrastructure to recommendations for implementing programs. Most important of all, it includes a preliminary evaluation on how to implement the Edina Twin Loops - by looking at opportunities, constraints, and potential phasing for developing the individual segments that will make up this premier, signature walking and biking framework for the City’s transportation network. Several potential funding sources are also identified. Safe Routes to School In 2014 the City of Edina approved its Active Routes to School (ARTS) Plan. The purpose of the ARTS Plan is to identify opportunities and priorities to increase walking and biking to schools, and develop an implementation plan for making improvements in these areas. The City worked together with the Edina School District to prepare the plan, and the City has been successful in implementing most of the sidewalk recommendations indicated in the ARTS Plan. Aviation According to Appendix L of the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan, Edina is not a “noise impacted community.” However, members of the community have expressed increased concern over the effects of aircraft noise on their property and quality of life. These issues can be shared with the MSP Noise Oversight Committee (NOC), which was established in 2002. The MAC Noise Program Office works closely with the NOC and is dedicated to collecting, analyzing and reporting aircraft operations data for the purpose of working with the communities surrounding the MAC's system of airports on aircraft noise issues. The MSP NOC membership is balanced with community and aviation industry representatives who work together to address aircraft noise issues associated with MSP. The City of Edina is represented through an “at-large” membership on the NOC. Freight Roadway and Bridge Restrictions The only weight-restricted bridge in the City of Edina is the W 50th Street bridge over Minnehaha Creek. Table X.X indicates bridges in Edina that have insufficient height clearances (less than 15’-6” clear): TABLE X.X –BRIDGES WITH INSUFFICIENT HEIGHT CLEARANCES Bridge Number Location Height Clearance 7296 Pedestrian bridge over Interlachen Blvd 14’-2” 27646 Canadian Pacific Rail bridge over Eden Ave 15’-0” 90641 Canadian Pacific Rail bridge over W 44th St 14’-3” 94176 Pedestrian bridge over Braemar Blvd 15’-0” -Page 23- Goals and Policies 1. Improve mobility for residents, visitors and businesses through the creation and maintenance of a balanced system of transportation alternatives for transit users, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. 1.1. Increase protected and separate bike facilities between nodes, parks, schools and City facilities as indicated in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. 1.2. Connectivity between nodes shall be enhanced to include three modes of transportation where at least one is non-motorized. 1.3. Create safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle connections between major traffic generators, with particular emphasis on continuity at roadway and other barrier crossings. 1.4. Connect to regional non-motorized transportation networks by reviewing and recommending pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout Edina cooperatively with the Three Rivers Park District and Hennepin County. 1.5. Support recommendations of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan for implementation. 2. Implement a fully multi-modal transportation system that supports the land use vision and future land use plan for managing and shaping future growth. 3. Minimize the impacts of the transportation system on Edina’s environment and neighborhood quality of life and emphasize methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 3.1. Strive for transportation infrastructure designs that have a neutral to positive impact on the natural environment. 3.2. Effectively balance access from and mobility on Edina’s roadways, prioritizing safe and efficient movement between the city’s primary nodes, parks, schools and community facilities. 4. Reduce the overall dependence on and use of single-occupant vehicles by promoting land use patterns that allow for shorter vehicular trips and the use of alternative travel options. 4.1. Take a comprehensive approach to reducing single-occupant vehicle trips by involving those who live, work and shop. 5. Ensure that all Edina’s residents, workers, and visitors, including those with transportation disadvantages, have viable travel options. 6. Promote a travel demand management (TDM) program through a coordinated program of regulations, marketing, and provision of alternative workplace and travel options. 6.1. Partner with Commuter Services to encourage all forms of travel demand management in order to reduce single occupancy vehicle travel, overall vehicle miles of travel, reduce petroleum consumption, and improve air quality. 6.2. Review and recommend policies necessitating a TDM Plan and/or a transit component with all types of development and redevelopment. Review and implement substantive requirements associated with these TDM Plans, potentially including TDM escrow accounts, transit passes, preferential parking for car-poolers, and other measures. 6.3. Review all major new developments in light of the potential for ridesharing including bus accessibility, preferential parking for carpools/vanpools, and mixed-use development. 6.4. Support preferential treatments for transit and high occupancy vehicles on streets and highways. 6.5. Include transit planning in the construction or upgrading of streets and highways. 7. Encourage and support attractive and reliable high-performance transit service and connections. -Page 24- 7.1. Increase transit options for Edina residents, focusing on connecting the underserved western segment of Edina with the eastern segment. 7.2. Provide transit service to connect nodes and commercial hubs. 8. Develop and manage parking provision to encourage joint and shared use of facilities, ride-sharing (car pools and van pools), and bicycle parking. 8.1. Encourage and develop preferred locations in surface and structured parking for electric vehicles (personal and shared) and car pool/van pool vehicles. 8.2. Provide or require covered and secure bicycle parking (including e-bicycles) in all parking structures. 8.3. Continuously evaluate the need for, and design of, parking facilities (e.g. effects of autonomous vehicles and future conversion of parking structures to inhabited buildings) and revise regulations as necessary. 9. Invest in infrastructure to support the continued growth in low- to zero-emission technology and support regional and statewide efforts to educate and adopt electric vehicles. 9.1. Continue to install chargers at City facilities where use can benefit residents, City fleet, and partners. 9.2. Ensure that the methodology to determine electric vehicle charging locations considers both public and private facilities with an inclusive and equitable lens. 9.3. Provide residents and businesses the opportunity to learn the benefits of zero emission vehicles through outreach, education and events. 9.4. Advocate for electric vehicle charging programs and incentives with the state, utilities, and car manufacturers. 10. Provide for efficient movement of goods within Edina, while minimizing the impacts of freight traffic on other trips and reducing negative impacts on land uses on freight corridors. 10.1. Through the use of technology, minimize congestion on neighborhood streets and ensure the safety while balancing delivery service requirements. 10.2. Serve major truck users and intermodal facilities with good minor arterial access to the metropolitan highway system. 10.3. Investigate and implement solutions to minimize the impact of delivery of goods by drone in residential areas. 11. Engage, seek input from and educate all segments of the community regarding transportation-related issues and projects impacting the City. 11.1. Develop and implement methodology for consistent education of motorist, pedestrian and cyclist safety as indicated in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. 11.2. Seek inclusive, equitable and meaningful public participation throughout the community in all transportation studies and projects conducted by the City. 12. Identify new and continuing sources for transportation infrastructure funding by seeking to partner where feasible with federal, state, county and adjacent community sources. 12.1. Pursue and support regional or multi-community funding sources for improvements that provide regional or multi-community benefit. 12.2. Support research efforts into more efficient and cost-effective management, maintenance and replacement of street surfaces. 12.3. Support governmental jurisdiction over roadways that reflect the role of the roadway in the overall transportation system. -Page 25- 12.4. Encourage the legislature to continue a dedicated source for funding for efficient mass transit. 12.5. Encourage the legislature to provide stable, long-term roadway funding for capital, operating/traffic management, and maintenance. 12.6. Develop and support legislation permitting a transportation utility. Roadway Policies Design 1. Design roadway facilities constructed in conjunction with redevelopment projects according to the intended function. 2. Upgrade existing roadways when warranted by demonstrated volume, safety or functional needs, taking into consideration environmental limitations. 3. Emphasize improvements to management, maintenance and utilization of the existing street and highway system. 4. Design/enhance residential street systems to discourage through traffic and to be compatible with lower speed bicycling and walking. This includes consideration of traffic calming measures on local streets and, in some cases, collector streets. 5. Design/enhance collector and arterial roadways to minimize through traffic on local streets in the functional classification system, and to be compatible with other transportation modes including transit, bicycle and pedestrian. 6. Use adequate transitions and buffers including, but not limited to, earth berms, walls, landscaping and distance to mitigate the undesirable impact of high volume roadways. 7. Consider the use of sound mitigating features for residential development adjacent to high volume roadways, and make property owners and land developers responsible for noise attenuation at new developments near high volume roadways. 8. Encourage beautification of local roadways, where appropriate, with amenities such as boulevard trees, decorative street lighting, and monuments. 9. Monitor and address transportation requirements associated with demographic trends, such as an aging population. Function and Access 1. Provide logical street networks to connect residential areas to the regional highway system and local activity centers. 2. Adequately control access points to the regional roadway system (including minor arterials) in terms of driveway openings and side street intersections. 3. Provide access to the local street system (including collector, local connector and local streets) in a manner that balances the need to safely and efficiently operate the street system with the need for access to land. 4. Encourage, through roadway design and signage, intra-area trips on minor arterials rather than the principal arterial system, and promote serving regional trips on the metropolitan highway system. 5. Separate, to the extent possible, conflicting uses on the roadway system in order to minimize safety problems. Give special attention to pedestrian and bicycle routes. 6. Provide access to redeveloping sites using current functional classification and standards rather than the existing access at the sites. -Page 26- 7. Review and update regional and local functional street classification and coordinate with adjacent cities and Hennepin County. Establish subcategory classifications and criteria for local streets if warranted. Revise local roadway classifications when warranted. 8. Review and monitor citywide traffic volumes, congestion, existing traffic calming devices and measures, accident history, vehicle violation history, speed limits and enforcement. 9. Educate public on vehicle operations including public relations campaigns that focus on individual responsibilities to each other rather than individual rights only. 10. Review and recommend traffic calming policies and consider traffic calming implementation where requested by residents using the Living Streets Plan as the primary guide. 11. Implement measures to reduce non-local, cut-through traffic in cooperation with County and State efforts by developing a local traffic calming policy to mitigate the effects of cut-through traffic. Identify the origin and destination of cut-through traffic. 12. When requested by the Edina Transportation Commission and/or the Planning Commission, review land use that may impact traffic implementations. Continue to monitor adjacent community redevelopment and other activity that potentially impacts the City of Edina. 13. Evaluate and implement measures required for school safety. Maintenance and Operation 1. Cooperate with other agencies having jurisdiction over streets and highways in Edina to assure implementation of Living Streets elements, good roadway conditions and operating efficiency. 2. Continue the implementation of the I-494 frontage road system through ongoing coordination with MnDOT, Hennepin County, and the cities of Richfield and Bloomington. 3. Maintain roads by repairing weather-related and other damage. Continue current on-going pavement improvement plan. 4. Use economic and environmentally sound management techniques for snow and ice removal. 5. Replace substandard bridges and bridges that present safety or traffic problems. 6. Track developments regarding the most current transportation systems and technologies, evaluate and implement as warranted. 7. Support state legislation to decrease statutory urban speed limits from 30 to 25 miles per hour. Implementation Previous sections of this chapter have examined existing conditions, as well as future issues, needs, and recommendations. This section discusses implementation of the City’s transportation objectives. By adopting the overall Comprehensive Plan Update including the Transportation Chapter, the City Council will establish the guidelines by which decisions regarding transportation facilities and programs will be made in Edina. The City should periodically review the assumptions under which the plan was developed, including estimates of future development, changing financial resources, citizen and governmental input, and other factors which may arise, and update the plan as appropriate. Roadways • France Avenue – work with Hennepin County to ensure the overall operation and safety of this roadway, particularly at its interchanges with TH 62 and I-494. • Gateway redevelopment project area – continue to work with the local developer to define roadway needs and ensure that the developer(s) participates appropriately in the funding of improvements. -Page 27- • East-west connector roadway – continue to coordinate with adjacent communities, MnDOT, and Hennepin County to discuss and advance this concept (identified on Figure X.20) as appropriate. • Jurisdictional Classification – Hennepin County has identified two roadway segments as potential candidates to turn back to the City. The City opposes these reclassifications. The City should coordinate as needed with Hennepin County to demonstrate that turning back jurisdictional authority to the City is not appropriate for the following locations: o Vernon Avenue/Gleason Road (CSAH 158) between TH 62 and TH 100 o York/Xerxes Avenue (CSAH 31) between I-494 and 50th Street (CSAH 21) • Review and potentially implement the option of increasing TDM requirements for developers. Transit • Continue efforts to establish a park-and-ride facility at TH 100/50th Street. • Continue to evaluate the feasibility of circulator service focusing on the western portion of the City, and evaluate the existing CloverRide shuttle service in the Greater Southdale area. Bicycling and Walking • Use the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan to identify ongoing bicycle projects for feasibility review and implementation as warranted. • Working in conjunction with roadway or other infrastructure improvement projects, construct sidewalks on an on-going basis consistent with the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Funding Funding for transportation improvements and programs can be obtained from a variety of sources, as summarized below: • General Ad Valorem (Property) Taxes – Transportation projects can be funded with the general pool of municipal revenues raised through property taxes. • State Aid – Cities with populations of greater than 5,000 are eligible for funding assistance from the Highway User Tax Distribution Fund (funded with the state gas tax and vehicle taxes, as well as federal transportation funds through MnDOT). These funds are allocated to a network of Municipal State Aid (MSA) streets. Currently, the City of Edina receives an apportionment per year for improvements to its MSA streets, which are typically collector roadways higher in functional classification. • Federal Transportation Funds – The guidelines for direct federal funding for transportation projects are established under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. These funds are allocated by the Metropolitan Council which serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Roadway, transit, non-motorized, and other transportation-related projects are selected on a competitive basis based on evaluation, prioritization, and recommendation by the Metropolitan Council’s Transportation Advisory Board (TAB). The process of solicitation for project proposals and resulting allocation of federal funding to selected projects occurs every two years. The next round of solicitation for proposals will take place in 2019. • Cooperative Agreements with MnDOT and/or Hennepin County – Different levels of government can cooperate on planning, implementing, and financing transportation projects which provide benefits to all the concerned agencies. The financial terms and obligations are generally established at the front end of the projects. • Tax Increment Financing (TIF) – This is a method of funding improvements that are needed immediately by using the additional tax revenue anticipated to be generated because of the given project’s benefits in future years. The difference between current tax revenues from the targeted district and the increased future tax revenues resulting from the improvements is dedicated to retiring the municipal bonds used to finance the initial improvement(s). • Developer Contributions/Impact Fees – Under this approach, the impact of the additional traffic from a proposed development on the local roadway system is projected, using standard traffic engineering procedures. Costs associated with improving the roadway system to handle the additional traffic at an acceptable level of service are assessed to the developer. This approach generally involves some level of negotiation between the local government and the developer to work out a cost-sharing agreement that allows the development to move forward. -Page 28- • Assessments – Properties that benefit from a roadway scheduled for improvement may be assessed for the cost of construction. In order to assess the owner, it must be demonstrated that the value of their property will increase by at least the amount of the assessment. • Utility Francize Fees – The City’s Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund is one example of using francize fees for public improvements. The PACS Fund is generated from francize fees on customers of electric and gas utilities in Edina are dedicated to the construction and maintenance of non-motorized infrastructure. In addition to these methods, the City should always consider negotiating with business and medical centers to help fund transportation improvement projects, large or small, which would have direct benefits to those centers. Two potential sources of transportation funding have been proposed and discussed for a number of years, but are not currently allowed under state law. They are: • Road Access Charge – All new developments would be charged based on the trip generation rates of the given development, without an estimation or documentation of specific traffic impacts or improvement requirements. It would be analogous to the Sewer Access Charge (SAC) for access to the Metropolitan Council’s sanitary sewer system. Revenues from this source could be used to build or improve collector and arterial roadways within the local jurisdiction collecting the tax. • Transportation Utility Billing – All properties within the local jurisdiction would be subject to a periodic fee, based on the number of vehicle trips generated by the type of property. The pool of funding generated in this manner would be used for community-wide transportation improvements such as preventive maintenance and road reconstruction. The periodic nature of the billing would be beneficial in terms of supporting on-going or routine roadway maintenance projects through the entire network. The City should continue to support and promote the passage of legislation at the state level which would allow these forms of dedicated local transportation revenue generation. Capital Improvement Program The City has a Capital Improvement Program that is used to guide transportation investments within the community. The process includes analyzing projects that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the transportation network based on the policies set forth within the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council updates the Capital Improvement Program biannually to reflect the changing needs of our transportation network. %&h( %&c( %&f( %&c(%&d( %&f( )y %&f( ?ÞA@ %&e( ?ØA@ !"b$ )m !"b$ !"`$ %&d( ?úA@?«A@ )p )z )y ?éA@ %&h( Eagan Blaine Minneapolis Saint Paul Orono Corcoran Plymouth Medina Bloomington Shakopee Eden Prairie Rogers Maple Grove Burnsville Edina Dayton Minnetonka Lino Lakes Chaska Savage Lakeville Rosemount Brooklyn Park Chanhassen Prior Lake Empire Coon Rapids Fridley Louisville Roseville Apple Valley Shoreview Sand Creek Champlin Credit River Richfield Golden Valley North Oaks Spring Lake Mendota Heights Maplewood Hopkins Anoka Jackson Inver Grove Heights Shorewood Arden Hills Crystal Saint Louis Park Brooklyn Center Fort Snelling New Brighton Vadnais Heights New Hope Carver Jackson Wayzata Little Canada West Saint Paul Mounds View Victoria Robbinsdale Deephaven Columbia Heights Circle Pines Farmington Falcon Heights Sunfish Lake Spring Lake Park San Francisco Saint Anthony Hanover Osseo LilydaleTonka Bay Long Lake Excelsior Lexington Woodland White Bear Saint Anthony Coates White Bear Mound Lauderdale Loretto Blaine Minnetonka Beach Mendota Hilltop Chanhassen Medicine Lake Saint Michael Jordan Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 1 - Regional Roadway Network December 2018 0 24,000Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend HIGHWAY INTERSTATE ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 2 - Aerial Photography December 2018 0 4,200Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Aerial Flown Spring 2015 ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 3 - Number of Traffic Lanes Collectors and Arterials December 2018 0 4,200Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Number of Traffic Lanes 4 Lanes 2 Lanes3 Lanes ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 9100 3 7 0 0 0 890064000720300001400153000 9300 880004600130000 89000970001700 13505900034500 20300 11300079005200 940002 2 5 0 13100 1 3 3 0 0335050005050 1600 4350730011400 103002500 15500 0164008100 3550 87000 96004702 3 3 0 0 6700111001850 115005100770026500 5700590063000 176000 1500 166002 650340011000 1120023509100092004050 3900 38001 8 6 0 0 19001550375096000 3500 4250820035500 310061008700 440013003950270036502100 1 9 5 098004650 2050 3600 32002 4 5 0 3250 19900345078000 6000031500 176006200 5600 7200 215042006400134001000019100150006900 430017700920002850 1650 7600 9500125550049507400 3000 9000 370027500 227009101840016200115 0 2900310001490013700205002600 58000231002020063001360045002200 2950 2 4 8 0 0 400085004450 75003850 158000 4150012900 9 5 0 0 0 4750 20600122001 0 2 0 0 0 235001 6 7 0 01100 3300 101000 22500 900 850680013200157006307800158 0 0 16 1 0 04100 148005800 7100 2 2 6 00 15400 10900 2700 1700195060000 8900 225085002150 36504950 570013503800 3200 5600 5700435014007700 7900670027002250 1700 510015000 295026008900011501330039002350 5900 3950 5200 10000 8900 1000010300 16007400 6900 9200 39002250 2350 5700 19003 8 0 01350 6300880003650 1 3 3 0 030000 29503200 890078001950 1 6 0 0 6700 1100037504200 42509600 0 3000 5200 340027002950 7 8 0 0 3100 1350 9 8 0 02050 790034005100 580003 7 0 0 1150 290018502 3 5 0 4650 6400062002 85079003550350019001 1 4 0 0 8100 61005700 9100079007200 13700 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota December 2018 0 4,200Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegendTraffic Volumes: Vehicles Per Day (2016) 5 - 1000 1001 - 2650 2651 - 5150 5151 - 8700 8701 - 13700 13701 - 21200 21201 - 35500 35501 - 69000 69001 - 113000 113001 - 176000 Figure 4 - Current Traffic Volumes ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 70TH ST W G L E A S O N R DBLAKE RD STRACY AVEXERXES AVE SINTERLACHEN BLVD DEWEY HILL RD CAHILL RDYORK AVE SVALLEY VIEW RDBROOKSIDE AVEANTRIM RD77TH ST W 78TH ST WMCCAULEY TRL SVALLEY VIEW RD 76TH ST W VALLEY VIE W R D 50TH ST W Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 5 - Regional Roadway Functional Classification December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT Classification "A" Minor Arterial-Augmenter"A" Minor Arterial-RelieverMajor Collector OtherPrincipal Arterial ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 70TH ST W G L E A S O N R DBLAKE RD S66TH ST W 58TH ST W 4 4 T H S T W WOODDALE AVETRACY AVECAHILL RDXERXES AVE SSCHAEFER RDINTERLACHEN BLVD MCCAULEY TRL SGRIMES AVEHILARY LN 60TH ST W WEST SHORE DRBENTON AVE METRO BLVDYORK AVE SWILLSON RD69TH ST W VALLEY VIEW RD CORNELIA DROLINGER BLVD MALONEY AVE E D E N A V E SUNNYSIDE RDRIDGEVIEW DR54TH ST W NORMANDALE RDDEWEY HILL RD CONCORD AVEMALIBU DRHANSEN RDMIRROR LAKES DR62ND ST WVERNON AVE SV A L L E Y L N 63RD ST W DIVISION ST MINNESOTA DR 74TH ST W AY R S HIR E BLV D BROOKSIDE AVEOHMS LNEDINA BLVDMORNINGSIDE RD BUSH LAKE RDHAZELTON RD BRAEMAR BLVDMAPLE RDANTRIM RDLIN C O LN D R MCCAULEY TRL W 65TH ST W 48TH ST W 7TH ST S DOVRE DR HALIFAX AVE SEDINBOROUGH WAYP A R K L A W N AVE MADDOX LNPARKWOOD RDR A B U N D R 51ST ST W 49 1/2 ST W WASHINGTON AVE S72ND ST W72ND ST W 60TH ST W VALLEY VIEW RDTRACY AVENORMANDALE RDNORMANDALE RDINTERLACHEN BLVD VALLEY VIEW RD V A L L E Y V IE W R D TRACY AVENORMANDALE RDEdina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 6 - Local Roadway Functional Classification December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT Classification Minor CollectorLocal ConnectorRegional Functional Classification ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 45673 456721 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 7 - Existing Jurisdictional Classification December 2018 0 4,200Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Hennepin County MNDOT City of Edina ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 70TH ST WGLEASON R DBLAKE RD S66TH ST W 58TH ST W 4 4 T H S T W TRACY AVE50TH ST W WOODDALE AVECAHILL RD77TH ST W W 7 8 TH ST INTERLACHEN BLVD HILARYLN BENTON AVE METROBLVD69TH ST W OLINGERBL V DMALONEY AVE 76T H ST W E D E N A V E VALLEY VIEW RD 60TH ST W 54TH ST W DEWEY HILL RD WASHINGTON AVE S62ND ST WVERNON AVE SCONCORD AVEVAL LEY LN MINNESOTA DRPARKLAWNAVENORMANDALE RDANTRIM RDLIN C OL NDR78TH ST W RID G E VIE W D RLINCOL N DR VALLEY VIEW RD 7 8 TH S T W Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 8 - Municipal State Aid Streets December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT State Aid Streets (2018 Network) !Т !Т !Т ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 !Ρ 578 578 578 600 600 600 600 600 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 589 589 589 588 588 588 588 587 587 587 587 540 540 540 540 538 538 578 515 493 493 490 490 46 46 46 587 600 46 146 146 146 537 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 9 - Transit Service December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !Т Southdale Transit Center with Parking Bus Route !Р Park and Ride Lot ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 10 - Existing Sidewalk Facilities December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT Existing Pedestrian Facilities Existing Park Pathway Existing Sidewalk ParksExisting Shared Use Paths Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 11 - Existing Bicycle Facilities December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT Existing Bicycle Facilities Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Existing Park PathwayParksExisting Bicycle FacilitiesExisting Shared Use Paths Bloomington EdenPrairie Edina Hopkins Minnetonka Richfield St.LouisPark Minneapolis 35W 494 212 169 62 100 7 62 Eden PrairieCenter Area GoldenTriangle Hwy 100 andExcelsiorBlvd Hwy 169 andBren Road Hwy 169 andExcelsiorBlvd, Hopkins Hwy 7 andLouisianaAvenue I-494 andFranceAvenueI-494 andHwy 100 I-494 andI-35W SouthdaleCenter Area MinneapolisChain ofLakes Park Regional Bicycle Transportation Network (RBTN) 0 1 2 30.5 Miles City of Edina, Hennepin County Regional Trails (Parks Policy Plan) Existing Planned County Boundaries City and Township Boundaries NCompass Street Centerlines Open Water Features Existing State Trails (DNR) Mississippi River Trail RBTN Alignments Tier 1 Alignment Tier 2 Alignment RBTN Corridors (AlignmentsUndefined) Tier 2 Corridor Tier 1 Priority Corridor Regional Destinations Metropolitan Job Centers Regional Job Centers Subregional Job Centers Large High Schools Colleges & Universities Highly Visited Regional Parks Major Sport & Entertainment Centers ?úA@ ?«A@ +¡ ?ÞA@ %&f( %&d( )z Edina Minneapolis Saint Louis Park Hopkins Minnetonka Eden Prairie Richfield Bloomington Golden Valley Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 13 - Freight System December 2018 0 5,700Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT INTERSTATE US HIGHWAY STATE HIGHWAY EXISTING RAILROADS ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 4567537000 8500 12 5 0 980 75006000 29003200235080 0017002250 9000 3150 5500185020503750 1200425 3100 1900510 355022001050 500016503950 18007 5 0 0 1200 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 14 - Current Heavy Commercial Traffic Volumes December 2018 0 4,200Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Traffic Volumes: Heavy Commercial Vehicles Per Day (2016) 5 - 600 601 - 1600 1601 - 3450 3451 - 6000 6001 - 14000 ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 523 520 526 528 531 527 535 517 519 518 525 536 524 521 532 530 515 529 512 522 511 513 516 514 327 541 533 543 593 534 522571 543 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 15 - Traffic Analysis Zones Network December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT TAZ Traffic Analysis Zones INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD 4 4 T H S T R E E T W E S T HANSEN ROAD58TH STREET WEST 66TH STREET WEST 69TH STREET WEST 70TH STREET WEST 76TH STREET WESTTRACY AVENUEGLEASON ROADBLAKE ROAD BENTON AVENUE WOODDALE AVENUEVALLEY VIEW ROAD54TH STREET WEST VA L LE Y LA NE OLINGER BOULEVARD RIDGEVIEW DRIVEHAZELTON ROADCONCORD AVENUEMALONEY AVENUE 50TH STREET WEST BLAKE ROADV E R N O N A V E N U E STATE HIGHWAY 169BROOKSIDE AVENUEDEWEY HILL ROAD 7 8 T H S T R E E T W E S T HILARY LANE MCCAULEY TRAIL YORK AVENUE SOUTHFRANCE AVENUEXERXES AVENUE SOUTH77TH STREET WESTMINNESOTA DRIVECAHILL ROAD170006800 8900 8900 3600 16000 34008900 14000 790011000 12000 4200 150001600350026006600 10000 5800 11000 3700 16000270087001100019000 67008 5 0 01100 1 6 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 6800 7900510013000350023000 39004500 5900 190008500240001800084003100 3 8 0 0 3 7 0 0 63009600 17002600 2 5 0 0 0 58000 7400 1800 2 8 0 0 3400 89002000 2300038002000011000 1 0 0 0 0 7 6 0 0 950057006700 470039006200 15000350014000 3400 190036002 2 0 0 5500 9 2 0 0 0920002300 2700 2300 400010000130005700 610052008700 8700 610019001100031002 5 0 0 38009 8 0 0 81000 4100 240016007 9 0 0 37002 1 0 0 890002100 99000 640003600 110008 1 0 0 12000590029001700 1800 68000440097000 160002300 5500 3700940005900097000970009600089007 0 000 9100 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota 2040 Base Forecasted Volumes December 2018 0 3,500Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend 2040 Forecast City Boundary ?úA@ ?úA@ %&f( G£WX GqWX GuWX GbWX ?ÞA@ INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD 4 4 T H S T R E E T W E S T HANSEN ROAD58TH STREET WEST 66TH STREET WEST 69TH STREET WEST 70TH STREET WEST 76TH STREET WESTTRACY AVENUEGLEASON ROADBLAKE ROAD BENTON AVENUE WOODDALE AVENUEVALLEY VIEW ROAD54TH STREET WEST VA L LE Y LA NE OLINGER BOULEVARD RIDGEVIEW DRIVEHAZELTON ROADCONCORD AVENUEMALONEY AVENUE 50TH STREET WEST BLAKE ROADV E R N O N A V E N U E STATE HIGHWAY 169BROOKSIDE AVENUEDEWEY HILL ROAD 7 8 T H S T R E E T W E S T HILARY LANE MCCAULEY TRAIL YORK AVENUE SOUTHFRANCE AVENUEXERXES AVENUE SOUTH77TH STREET WESTMINNESOTA DRIVECAHILL ROAD170007200 9300 9300 3700 16000 36009300 15000 830012000 13000 4400 160001700370027006900 11000 6100 12000 3 9 0 0 17000280091001200020000 70008 9 0 01200 1 7 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 7100 8300540014000370024000 40004700 6200 200008900250001800089003300 4 0 0 0 3 9 0 0 660010000 18002700 2 6 0 0 0 61000 7800 1900 2 9 0 0 3600 93002000 2400039002100012000 11 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1000060007000 500041006500 160003600380015000 3500 190038002 3 0 0 5800 9 7 0 0 0970002400 2800 2400 410011000140006000 6400550017009100 9100 640020001200033002 6 0 0 390016001 0 0 0 0 85000 4300 250017008 3 0 0 39002 2 0 0 930002200 104000 670003700 120008 5 0 0 620031001800 1900 71000460012000 101000 170002500 5800 3900990006200010200010200093007 3 000 9600 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota 2040 Revised Forecast Volumes December 2018 0 3,500Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend 2040 Revised Forecast City Boundary ?úA@ ?úA@ %&f( G£WX GqWX GuWX GbWX ?ÞA@ INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD 4 4 T H S T R E E T W E S T HANSEN ROAD58TH STREET WEST 66TH STREET WEST 69TH STREET WEST 70TH STREET WEST 76TH STREET WESTTRACY AVENUEGLEASON ROADBLAKE ROAD BENTON AVENUE WOODDALE AVENUEVALLEY VIEW RO AD54TH STREET WEST VALLEY LAN E OLIN GER B OULEVARD RIDGEVIEW DRIVEHAZELTON ROADCONCORD AVENUEMALONEY AVENUE 50TH STREET WEST BLAKE ROADV E R N O N A V E N U E STATE HIGHWAY 169BROOKSIDE AVENUEDEWEY HILL ROAD 7 8 T H S T R E E T W E S T HILARY LANE MCCAULEY TRAIL YORK AVENUE SOUTHFRANCE AVENUEXERXES AVENUE SOUTH77TH STREET WEST MINNESOTA DRIVECAHILL ROADEdina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota 2040 Base Forecasted Deficiencies December 2018 0 3,500Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Approaching Capacity Over Capacity City Boundary ?úA@ ?úA@ %&f( G£WX GqWX GuWX GbWX ?ÞA@ INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD 4 4 T H S T R E E T W E S T HANSEN ROAD58TH STREET WEST 66TH STREET WEST 69TH STREET WEST 70TH STREET WEST 76TH STREET WESTTRACY AVENUEGLEASON ROADBLAKE ROAD BENTON AVENUE WOODDALE AVENUEVALLEY VIEW RO AD54TH STREET WEST VALLEY LAN E OLIN GER B OULEVARD RIDGEVIEW DRIVEHAZELTON ROADCONCORD AVENUEMALONEY AVENUE 50TH STREET WEST BLAKE ROADV E R N O N A V E N U E STATE HIGHWAY 169BROOKSIDE AVENUEDEWEY HILL ROAD 7 8 T H S T R E E T W E S T HILARY LANE MCCAULEY TRAIL YORK AVENUE SOUTHFRANCE AVENUEXERXES AVENUE SOUTH77TH STREET WEST MINNESOTA DRIVECAHILL ROADEdina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota 2040 Revised Forecast Deficiencies December 2018 0 3,500Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Approaches Capacity Over Capacity City Boundary ?úA@ ?úA@ %&f( G£WX GqWX GuWX GbWX ?ÞA@ ?úA@ ?ÞA@ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456753 #*W78TH ST W77TH ST W76TH ST EDINA INDUSTRIAL BLVD #*#*Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 20 - East - West Connector Concept December 2018 0 3,000Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend RICHFIELDMINNEAPOLISEDEN PRAIRIEBLOOMINGTON East - West Connector Concept Long Term Alternative Alignment ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 45673 456721 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota December 2018 0 4,200Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Identified by Hennepin Countyas a Candidate for turn back to City Not Endorsed by City of Edina Figure 21 - Jurisdiction Turnbacks Proposed by Hennepin County %&h( %&c( %&h( %&f( !"b$ %&c( %&d( %&f( )y %&f( ?ÞA@ Edina %&e( ?ØA@ !"b$ )m )m ^^ DAKOTA ANOKA HENNEPIN SCOTT CARVER WASHINGTONRAMSEY Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 22 - Metropolitan Council 2040 Transitway December 2018 0 56,000Feet Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT !ILegend Blue Line Gold Line Green Line Northstar Orange Line Red Line TW Under Study ^Regional Multimodal Hub Arterial BRT ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 23 - Proposed Sidewalk Facilities December 2018 0 4,100Feet !ILegend Proposed Pedestrian Facilities Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT ParksNew Shared Use Path Upgrade to Shared Use Path New Primary Sidewalk New Secondary SidewalkTwin Loops Facility ?úA@ ?ÞA@ +¡ %&f( 4567158 456717 456731 456721 45673 456753 Edina Comprehensive Plan Edina, Minnesota Figure 24 - Proposed Bicycle Facilities December 2018 0 4,200Feet !ILegend Source: City of Edina, Hennepin County, MetCouncil, MnDOT Proposed Bicycle Facilities ParksNew Shared Use Path Upgrade to Shared Use Path Proposed Bicycle Facilities Twin Loops Facility Date: December 20, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Other From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Approved 2019 Transportation Commission Work Plan Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: At their December 4 meeting City Council approved the 2019 board/commission work plans. For your information (and discussion, if desired), attached is the ETC's approved work plan for next year. ATTACHMENTS: Description Approved 2019 Transportation Commission Work Plan Approved by Council 12/4/18 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Commission: Transportation Commission 2019 Annual Work Plan Initiative #1 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility August 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_20_ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☒ Other Staff: Hrs_16__ Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee (see partners) to review Travel Demand Management (TDM) options and recommend a TDM policy or ordinance for Council consideration. ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Bruce McCarthy Partners: Transportation Commission [LEAD] and Planning Commission Progress Report: Initiative #2 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility October 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_8 _ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs _ __ Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to determine if a process is feasible for the Transportation Commission to provide input on transportation- related issues, including traffic study results associated with development/redevelopment. ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Lori Richman Partners: Transportation Commission and Planning Commission [LEAD] Progress Report: Approved by Council 12/4/18 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Initiative #4 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility September 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_8 _ ☒ CTS (including Video) ☒ Other Staff: Hrs _ 16_ Annually, spring through fall, the commission will coordinate an educational campaign to inform community members about pedestrian, bicycle and motorist safety which will include an annual community event. ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project ((explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Mindy Ahler Progress Report: Initiative #5 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility June 2019 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_12_ ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs _ _ Monitor and evaluate the CloverRide circulator service (charge #4) and make recommendations to Council for future service after twelve-month agreement expires (charge #3). ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Larry Olson Progress Report: Initiative #6 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_8 _ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs _ _ Review and comment on PACS Fund allocating process with a race and equity lens. ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project ((explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Progress Report: Approved by Council 12/4/18 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Initiative #7 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs____ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____ Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to complete requirements for Edina to receive the AARP City Designation. -Complete Walk Audit Tool Kit provided by AARP -October Senior Expo & Designation ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Partners: Community Health Commission [LEAD], Human Rights & Relations Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, Transportation Commission Progress Report: Initiative #8 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs 10 ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____ Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to develop a draft plan on Edina Grand Rounds, including wayfinding. ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Partners: Parks & Recreation Commission [LEAD] and Transportation Commission Progress Report: Date: December 20, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Report of December 4, 2018 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and recommend the Traffic Safety Report of Tuesday, December 4, 2018, be forwarded to City Council for approval. INTRODUCTION: See attached staff report. An overview of the comments from the Edina Transportation Commission will be included in the staff report provided to the City Council for their January 23, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of December 4, 2018                 December 18, 2018 Edina Transportation Commission Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of December 4, 2018 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on December 4. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, Police Lieutenant, City Engineer, Public Works Director, Transportation Planner and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Traffic Safety Specialist was not able to attend and was informed of the decisions and did not object to the recommendations. For these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the December 20 Edina Transportation Commission and the January 23 City Council meeting agendas. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request to add a speed limit sign on W 58th St  A resident who lives on Philbrook Ln is concerned with vehicle speeds on W 58th  W 58th St has a speed limit of 30 MPH  France Ave (to the east) has a speed limit of 35 MPH  W 58th St, east of France Ave has a 25 MPH speed limit  No speed limit sign is present on W 58th  85% speeds have decreased from 36.3 MPH in 2009 to 33.9 in 2018 (-8%)  ADT has increased from 2640 in 2009 to 3600 in 2018 (+36%) After review, staff recommends installing speed limit signs for east and westbound traffic on W 58th St. Staff agrees a speed limit sign should be present to inform westbound drivers of a different speed limit when coming from France. An eastbound sign will be installed to remind drivers of the speed limit when traveling down a hill. Map: Location of W 58th St between Wooddale Ave  and France Ave  STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Review the school speed zone on Tracy Ave  Residents from Hawkes Drive are concerned with vehicles exceeding the speed limit on Tracy  Tracy between Vernon Ave and Benton Ave was reconstructed in 2012  Same stretch of Tracy has a speed limit of 25 MPH  ADT and 85% speed on Tracy is 3970 and 33.6 MPH, respectively  No school speed zone sign is present for southbound traffic on Tracy After review, staff recommends installing a School Speed Zone sign for southbound traffic on Tracy Ave. The sign will raise awareness for drivers that are traveling within a school speed zone. A3. Request to provide dedicated handicap parking on Xerxes Ave  The ARIA construction project located off W 66th and Xerxes is requesting dedicated handicap stalls for perspective tenants along Xerxes Ave, adjacent to the site  Xerxes is 32’ wide  Parking restrictions on Xerxes were removed in September 2018 to allow parking for perspective residents  Temporary spaces are requested between April and July in 2019  Developer is requesting to sign two parking spaces After review, staff recommends allowing the developer to temporarily mark two parking spaces on the west side of Xerxes Ave for handicapped parking. It was agreed upon the developer is responsible for the installation and removal of the signs, along with utilizing adequate signage from MN-MUTCD. A4. Request to restrict parking on W 64th St  A resident at 4200 W 64th St is requesting to restrict parking on the south side of W 64th St  The resident is concerned with people parking directly across the street from their driveway  W 64th St is 22’ wide After review, staff recommends restricting on- street parking on the entire south side of W 64th St. Staff sites the width of the street is too narrow to allow parking on both sides while having enough room for EMS services. Map: Location of Tracy Ave, near Countryside  Elementary. The symbol inside the rectangle is where a  new School Speed Zone sign will be installed  Map: Location of Xerxes Ave with new Aria  development  Map: Location of W 64th St. (note: the red area  represents a length of 140’ requested restriction)  STAFF REPORT Page 3 Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request for playground signs to be installed near Walnut Ridge Park  A resident is concerned that some drivers are not aware children may be traveling near Walnut Ridge Park  The main entrance to Walnut Ridge Park is on Londonderry Dr  No playground signs are present along Londonderry or Biscayne Blvd  Walnut Ridge has tennis courts, a playground and lacrosse field  Traffic on Londonderry is stop controlled, Biscayne is uncontrolled After review, staff recommends not adding further playground signage. Staff believes there is little justification of the effectiveness of playground signs, especially with the level of traffic nearby. Section C: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends further study C1. Request to add a turning lane for eastbound traffic on Edinborough Way at York Ave  Vehicles use Edinborough as a cut-thru for evening rush hour  Eastbound traffic on Edinborough is stop controlled  North/south traffic on York Ave/Xerxes Ave is uncontrolled  Edinborough is marked with one eastbound and westbound lane  When evening rush hour takes place, eastbound vehicles create two lanes. Typically one right-turn lane and one left/thru lane  Edinborough is measured 35’ wide  In 2015 alone, 4 of 5 reported crashes took place between 4:50 pm and 6 pm- evening rush hour  Hennepin County has a 2019 Overlay project taking place on York and Xerxes. This intersection is being considered for an all-way stop control After review, staff recommends collecting turn-count data prior to adding additional eastbound turn lanes. Hennepin County will be contacted for turn count data. If no recent data is available, video will be collected and reviewed in-house. Map: Location of Walnut Ridge Park  Map: Location of Edinborough Way at York Ave/Xerxes  Ave  STAFF REPORT Page 4 Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A faculty member from Concord Elementary requested traffic safety knowledge for pedestrian and traffic congestion during school drop-off and pick-up hours. During a site visit, options that were discussed included improving pavement markings, increasing sign visibility and even adding a pork-chop median to raise pedestrian safety at the entrance and exit of the driveway, along with restricting turning movement to require exiting vehicles to take a right onto School Rd. D2. A resident who lives in a cul-de-sac was concerned with the amount of vehicles using Green Farm Court to make U-turns. Upon a two-day video surveillance, four U-turns were counted. With the low number of U-turns taking place, this is found to not be a safety issue and signs are unwarranted. D3. Many residents reached out to traffic safety requesting police enforcement for on-street parking in restricted areas and parking overnight. Locations mentioned include Abbott Ave, Beard Ave, France Ave, Aspen Rd and Harrison Ave. The requestors were informed the EPD was made aware of these issues. D4. A request was made to slow vehicles in the parking lot of City Hall directly outside of the main entrance. An elevated crosswalk is being designed to slow vehicles when traveling over the crossing which will also lead to increased pedestrian safety. D5. A resident contacted traffic safety concerned with the level of safety on Xerxes Ave near W 69th St. The resident was concerned with parking being utilized on both sides of Xerxes and vehicles parking too close to the intersection and disrupting sightlines. The resident was informed allowing parking on both sides of the street is a traffic-calming technique forcing cars to take-turns and slowly pass thru. The EPD is aware of parking too close to the intersection and will patrol to discretion. D6. A resident requested left turn restrictions for eastbound traffic on W 62nd St approaching France Ave. The resident is concerned with the level of safety for vehicles turning north onto France Ave during evening rush hour. Hennepin County reviewed this request and found there was not enough crash data to recommend a turning restriction to be implemented. D7. Pedestrian signal controllers were reported as nonfunctional along France Ave at Hazelton Ave and Minnesota Dr. These intersections are under county jurisdiction so these requests were sent to Hennepin County to be fixed. D8. A resident was looking for traffic calming on Lincoln Blvd. The resident was informed of traffic calming techniques and was requesting the temporary speed trailer to be utilized. The EPD was informed to add this location to their list when they use their speed trailer. D9. A request was made for adding stop controls at the intersection of Code Ave and Windsor Ave. The resident was concerned with vehicles not yielding properly when approaching the intersection. This intersection has a low number of vehicles entering in a day and no reported crashes. With this location having adequate sight lines, no stop signs are warranted. D10. A resident who lives off Prescott Circle was requesting an all-way stop to be added to increase pedestrian safety when crossing Interlachen Boulevard. The resident was informed all-way stop controls at the intersection are not warranted based on historical traffic data and adding unwarranted stop signs can decrease the level of safety. The resident was informed a shared used path is proposed to be installed along Interlachen in the future as they also raised concerns with the lack of pedestrian facilities on Interlachen. Date: December 20, 2018 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Other From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Schedule of Meeting and Event Dates as of December 14, 2018 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Upcoming Meetings/Dates/Events TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF MEETING AND EVENT DATES AS OF DECEMBER 14, 2018 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday Dec 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Jan 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Feb 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Mar 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Apr 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday May 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday June 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday July 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Aug 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Sep 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday Oct 24 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM