HomeMy WebLinkAbout191217 DRAFT Action SheetsDescription Create a standard method across the city (and potentially across other nearby cities) to analyze the risk and consequence of potential for failure of the entire storm sewer system, pipe by pipe, structure by structure. Additionally, this would include creating a standard method to determine impacts due to failure of a part of the system. Finally, reporting methods (maps, prioritized infrastructure components, etc.) would be standardized so that infrastructure risk in different parts of the city and even nearby cities can be easily compared. Justification/Motivating Factors A general understanding of the risk of each part of the storm sewer infrastructure system will be able to help prioritize maintenance and inspection activities. Additionally, failure analysis which is often risk based, is not currently standard and is generally quantified on a case by case basis and by the people involved. Therefore, comparing infrastructure risk in different parts of a city or between cities is quite difficult. The only way to know which parts of the infrastructure system should be prioritized in maintenance, with a finite maintenance crew, is assess the risk of entire storm sewer system in a standard and encompassing way. Activity Number: I.01 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Risk and criticality system assessment  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations The process of evaluating risk of infrastructure well may not lend itself to process that is general. It may be a process that is so "case by case" that the standardized method may become overly complicated and onerous. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Create a standard process for investigating reported or actual failures after significant events. Post event investigation would survey debris lines for peak flow elevations, review damage, investigate system function using hydrologic models, investigate past maintenance records and report expected and actual system performance. Justification/Motivating Factors This is an alternative or lead in to "IoT / Smart infrastructure" that allows the organization to build knowledge of system function, and periodically review and plan interventions in operations and maintenance that may lead to better system function. Activity Number: I.02 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Standardize failure analysis and reporting  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Additional data could sit on the shelf if there is not organizational capacity to review, utilize or react to it. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description Create visual products that visualize and explain the extent of expected flooding during storm events. The various types of products could be paper and/or digital maps, the online water resources web map, Google Earth xml files, or other innovative methods. Justification/Motivating Factors Creating maps or other visualizations of the potential extent of flooding helps identify the locations throughout the city that are most likely to flood. Additionally, similar to the activity of education and outreach, identifying areas of potential flooding and areas that do not show flooding help the public be aware of times when the system is not functioning as expected. As the public becomes more aware of flooding throughout the city through these products, the new knowledge can likely motivate more citizens to take part in flood risk reduction efforts when they are aware of the extent of flooding throughout the city. Activity Number: I.03 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Publish flood peak elevations visualization for the entire system  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations With new flood mapping that is far more extensive than traditional FEMA maps, flood insurance prices and home prices may be affected. Maps alone do not tell the entire story; they cannot explain other flood characteristics such as duration. Some reactions to the flood maps from the public may not be entirely appropriate. Notes concerning the reliability of the tools must be included (based on a calibrated or uncalibrated model, validated with observed data, etc.). Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Create visual products that explain the routes that water would flow during storm events. The various types of products could be paper and/or digital maps with flow direction arrows, the online water resources web map, Google Earth xml files, animations or videos, or other innovative methods. Justification/Motivating Factors Creating maps or other visualizations of flood water flow paths helps identify the locations throughout the city that should remain open (no obstructions, no development, no pedestrians, cars, etc.) during a flood. Additionally, similar to the activity of education and outreach, identifying areas where water should be flowing during flooding events helps the public be aware of times when the system is not functioning as expected. Areas that would be emergency overflow areas (EOFs) during a flood can also be improved prior to flooding so that when activated, they do not erode. Activity Number: I.04 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Publish flow path visualization for the entire system  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations With new flood mapping that is far more extensive than traditional FEMA maps, flood insurance prices and home prices may be affected. Maps alone do not tell the entire story; they cannot explain other flood characteristics such as duration. Some reactions to the flood maps from the public may not be entirely appropriate. Notes concerning the reliability of the tools must be included (based on a calibrated or uncalibrated model, validated with observed data, etc.). Homeowners who live adjacent to flow paths and/or EOFs may take it into their own hands, on their own property, to alter the terrain so that water does not flow adjacent to their home. This may have other adverse consequences on their own or on other people's homes. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Forecasted/predicted snowmelt modeling to help the city better understand spring flood risk. Justification/Motivating Factors Predictive snowmelt modeling may help city staff and the community better understand spring flood risk. Forecasted high springtime water levels associated increased flood risk may inform flood risk reduction measures by the city (e.g. preparation for emergency pumping, sandbags, etc.), especially for landlocked basins and basins with restricted outlets Activity Number: I.05 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Predictive snowmelt modeling (based on winter snowpack information)  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations While melt can be estimated, it is uncertain due to duration of melt and any intervening rainfalls. This can lead undue alarm or a 'cry-wolf' affect. This effort may be better at a watershed or metro area level. Alternatives include amplifying general messages from the NWS. Existing water levels and snowpack measurements are required to forecast spring water levels. Collecting this information may take considerable staff time; but without this information, the snowmelt modeling may only provide a limited benefit for restricted outlet and landlocked basins. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description Construct water level and discharge measurement sensors at key stormwater management system points (i.e. critical lakes, ponds, streams, and pipes). Justification/Motivating Factors Inconsistencies between measured data and flood models has led to identification of stormwater infrastructure no longer functioning as intended (i.e. sediment filled pipes, pipes with frost heaves, sediment filled channels, clogged outlets, etc.). Increasing the number of sensors throughout the city would allow for a more widespread system performance evaluation. Activity Number: I.06 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Smart infrastructure pilot; Retrofit or build new level sensors at key system points  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Sensors can be difficult to maintain and are frequently damaged by adverse weather conditions and vandalism. Discharge monitoring may lead to idenfication of I&I issues. Data connections could be considered to creek flow gages maintained by watershed districts. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Planning Description Use a proactive asset management strategy to proactivly inspect system to 1)identify infrastructure with relatively minor issues that can be readily repaired, and 2)Add operations to remove collected debris and sediment from system trash racks, storm sewer pipes, catch basins, and inlets. Justification/Motivating Factors Repair and replace stormwater infrastructure before minor issues escalate to costly replacements (inspect concrete pipe cracks, CCTV, stormwater pump head tests, ditch/stream thalweg surveys). Additionally, trash racks, culvert inlets, and storm sewer pipes can be blocked by sediment and debris. Poorly performing infrastructure reduces the overall stormwater infrastructure system efficiency and results in additional flooding/drainage issues. Activity Number: I.07 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Better maintain existing system and features  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Addressing minor issues may provide water quality benefits. Less complaints from residents (and more confidence in the stormwater management system). Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Street and flow path debris can clogs and plug stormwater infrastructure. Proactive street sweeping and maintenance of inlets and flow paths can reduce debris sources. Justification/Motivating Factors Trash racks, culvert inlets, and storm sewer pipes can be blocked by sediment and debris, resulting in additional flooding/drainage issues. Even if partially plugged, additional flooding can occur. To address these sources of clogs and debris, the city could evaluate the benefits of implementing/constructing more stormwater BMP's (i.e. vegetative cover, construction stormwater management, etc.). Activity Number: I.08 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Control the sources of clogs and debris with proactive street sweeping and maintenance of inlets.  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Addressing the sources of clogs and debris may provide water quality benefits and documentation of these measures may be useful for MS4 permit/SWPPP. Addressing the sources of clogs and debris may also require enforcement, which could adversly impact relationships with private property owners in the city. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Assess risk, floodproof, raise or relocate sanitary lift stations out of floodplain. For those sanitary lift stations that are low in elevation and within the floodplain, it may be important to elevate the lift station, or move it entirely so that it is no longer in the floodplain. Justification/Motivating Factors When sanitary lift stations are in the floodplain, they can become unreachable during a significant flood. Additionally, they may become inundated with stormwater. This could cause a problem by allowing stormwater into the sanitary system, overwhelming it with too much flow. Improvements could include raising the electrical and controls systems, floodproofing the hatch, planning for emergency sandbagging and pumping to access, raising a section of the structure, or relocating entirely. Activity Number: I.09 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Assess risk and reduce vulnerability of sanitary lift stations.  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Often these features are placed where they are for multiple very good reasons. Moving a lift station is a significant task, especially when space in a well-developed city is hard to come by. And finding another place out of the floodplain that is still as good as the original place (with regard to the other deciding factors) is a difficult task. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description Failures in the sanitary sewer system can cause backup into structures. Justification/Motivating Factors The long term reduction of sources of infiltration and inflow of surface and groundwaters can incrementally reduce risk. Activity Number: I.10 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Reduce sources of inflow into sanitary sewer system  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This program is ongoing and associated with the sanitary sewer utility. It is ongoing in standalone projects and the neighborhood and MSA street reconstuction programs. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Ongoing Description For those water supply systems (for example, wells) that are low in elevation and within the floodplain, it may be important to elevate the system, or move it entirely so that it is no longer in the floodplain. Justification/Motivating Factors When water supply systems are in the floodplain, they can become unreachable during a significant flood. Additionally, they may become inundated with stormwater. This could cause a problem by contaminating the water supply system and creating an expensive condition that requires remediation. Activity Number: I.11 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Assess risk and reduce vulnerability of water supply system  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Often these features are placed where they are for multiple very good reasons. Moving water supply systems is a significant task, especially when space in a well-developed city is hard to come by. And finding another place out of the floodplain that is still as good as the original place (with regard to the other deciding factors) is a difficult task. Often distribution pipes are buried under roads and this would require tearing up roads. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Planning Description Much like an emergency action plan, or education and outreach, this activity would be providing the proper information to private utility companies (electric, internet, fiber optic, etc.) of the locations and facilities that are most flood prone. Ideally, the activity that publishes flood extent visualizations could feed into this one. Justification/Motivating Factors Access to buried utilities could be very limited around flood prone facilities. During flood events, driven often by large storm events, electricity could be down in parts of the city. The private utility companies should be aware of the areas and facilities prone to flooding so that they can plan to reduce the vulnerability of exposed systems, or be better prepared to fix elements of their system during and after a storm. Activity Number: I.12 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Notify private utilities of flood prone facilities  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This could become a daunting task every time the modeling is updated and the maps are recreated. Additionally, if there are flooding issues and private utilities are down, the city could be blamed or even sued if the private utilities company feels that the provided information was not accurate enough to help them be successful. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description The stormwater network involves a complex system of overland flow, stormwater pipes, ditches, ponds, and streams to convey stormwater off of the landscape. Using existing models and infrastructure data, identify the isolated and "easy to solve" choke points that may be limiting the overall capacity of the stormwater management system. Justification/Motivating Factors Significant reductions in flood risk may be achievable in areas with "easy to solve" stand-alone constraints. These "easy to solve" fixes are likely to be significantly less expensive than other comprehensive system changes. Activity Number: I.13 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Search for "easy to solve" stand-alone retrofits such as single pipe constraints or inlet capacity constrained low points that are associated with flooding  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Some of these retrofits are likely to be located within stormwater easements on private property (i.e. backyard flooding problems). Replacement/retrofit of the storm sewer in these areas may be disruptive. (Assume this is a desktop review to find these "easy to solve" retrofits and other activities are the construction/implementation for those locations). The effort can be used to inform future project scope and selection to better target resources to flood risk reduction. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Development Description Replace undersized storm sewer in specific flood areas in some areas where there are no/limited downstream impacts associated with larger discharge from bigger pipes. Justification/Motivating Factors Replace undersized storm sewer in specific flood areas to improve discharge away from the site and reduce flooding for areas without concerns of downstream impacts. Activity Number: I.14 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Retrofit bigger pipes in specific flood areas  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations In many instances, retrofitting bigger pipes is likely to lead to downstream impacts. Furthermore, other governing agencies, such as watershed management organizations or downstream cities, may limit or refuse additional discharge associated with larger pipes because of downstream impacts. There are limited oppertunities for this type of risk transfer after the affects of climate change are factored in to an already constrained system. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Development Description Retrofit new storage into or under park spaces Justification/Motivating Factors There is limited available, open space for construction of stormwater storage. Utilizing the space in or under park spaces is one of the few remaining places for stormwater storage. Increased stormwater storage will reduce downstream discharge and reduce flood risk (impacts) to downstream properties. Activity Number: I.15 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Retrofit new storage into or under park spaces  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations There will likely resistance from the community to flooded parks and additional resources may be required to convert the park to a multipurpose land use. The addition of new storage may not be applicable everywhere, including sites with limited infiltration capacity, polluted ground, adjacent to wellheads, or with high bedrock. To use park spaces as flood storage, the city will likely need to educate residents about the multipurpose land use and that the park space will be flooded from time to time. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Development Description Retrofit new stormwater storage into or under roads. Justification/Motivating Factors There is limited available, open green space for construction of stormwater storage (i.e., a stormwater pond). As roads and parking lots are reconstructed, utilize this space in or under parking lots/roads as one of the few remaining places for stormwater storage. Increased stormwater storage can help reduce downstream discharge and reduce flood risk (impacts) to downstream properties. Activity Number: I.16 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Retrofit new stormwater storage into or under roads  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Flooded roads and parking lots may receive pushback from the community and additional resources may be required to educate residents about where to drive/park during wet periods. The addition of new storage may not be applicable everywhere, including sites with limited infiltration capacity, polluted ground, adjacent to wellheads, or with high bedrock. Furthermore, stormwater storage on roadways is limited by requirements for emergency vehicle access. Storage under roadways is also limited by other buried utilities. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description When designing a part of the stormwater infrastructure system, we can no longer rely on using design storm events that are based solely on past observed data. We should be considering what climate forecasting models are telling us, and we should be considering the expected life of the infrastructure. Justification/Motivating Factors A part of the stormwater infrastructure system that is mean to last 5 years and then no longer function does not necessarily need to be overly concerned with what the climate may be 30 years from now. Additionally, the probability of a 1% annual chance event occurring in the next 5 years is only about 5 percent. On the contrary, a part of the system mean to be functional for the next 50 years should most certainly be considering the changing climate and the predictions of future large storm events. The probability of a 1% annual chance event occurring in the next 50 years is 40 percent. Given that, the chance of a piece of infrastructure being tested by its design storm during its life depends on the expected life of the infrastructure. And the magnitude of the change in the characteristics of the design storm event also depends on the expected life of the infrastructure. Activity Number: I.17 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Choose a future climate risk event commensurate with the lifecycle of the infrastructure  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This approach will create even more uncertainty in the design process. In all likelihood, ponds, pipes, structures, weirs, pumps, and all other infrastructure will be designed bigger, potentially uncomfortably big and uncomfortably expensive, if the future climate risk is seriously considered in design. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Planning Description Planning emergency flow paths is the approach of understanding the natural emergency overflows, and then planning to create, maintain, and protect those that exist, that safely pass stormwater flow, and therefore protect people and structures from flooding and harm. Justification/Motivating Factors Having a prepared understanding of the emergency flow paths, rather than surprise of where stormwater ends up flowing, is beneficial for the protection of infrastructure within the city. Additionally, similar to the activity of publishing visualizations of flow paths, this planning can help understand the function of the system and whether or not it is operating appropriately during large flood events. Activity Number: I.18 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Plan emergency overflow paths  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Some residents may not like where emergency overflows are planned, prepared, maintained and protected. There are certainly instances of unplanned overflow locations that will suprise the public, and require study and private or public action to limit exposure. There may be pushback from the public in creating or maintaining these features. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Offer to purchase homes that are so flood exposed that the cost to protect them from flooding (or significantly reduce their flood exposure) is so high that it is beyond the value of the home. This is much like totaling a car after an accident significant enough that it doesn't even make sense to try and fix the car. Justification/Motivating Factors The cost of capital projects to protect some homes can be very high, particularly for some homes that are built very low and near bodies of water. The vulnerability can be due to a number of factors and decisions when the home was built. Regardless of the reason for the high vulnerability, the cost to protect homes in this condition is beyond the value of the home itself. Additionally, there may be a cost in emergency rescues for people who live in those homes during flood events. Therefore, buying the home is the most cost-effective solution. Activity Number: I.19 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Voluntary acquisition of flood exposed structures  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Strategies to reduce vulnerability of these homes to flood can be much more fruitful. Buying out a resident is an emotional process. It is not easy for a person to be forced to move, even if it is for their protection and benefit. After buying out a home, it is necessary to find a place for the resident to move to. Removing the vulnerable home will also remove a property/home from the tax base of the city. The city then would have to decide if it is possible to redevelop the site, raise the future stucture to limit exposure, or leave it vacant. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Development Description The city can create a program that is available to residents where they can redevelop or reduce the flood risk of their home and be helped financially by the city. Justification/Motivating Factors A redevelopment project of a home is expensive financially, takes time and effort, can be stressful if the home is inhabitable for a time, and has other factors that make it difficult. Incentives offered by the city can be motivating to a homeowner to help them decide to take action and protect themselves. The incentives can also turn the necessary project from impossible to possible financially. If the buyouts of activity I.D7 are not an option, this approach may be able to reduce flood risk while maintaining, or even improving, the tax base. Activity Number: I.20 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Incentivize redevelopment of exposed structures  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This process of redevelopment is happening without incentives. Incentives complicate the financial proposition, and involve the city in a process that is atypical and may cause more uncertainty and conflict. Incentives may need to be large to convince a homeowner to take on such a big task. The overall cost of the city depends on the number of homes that they intend to provide aid to, and the number of people willing to join the incentive program. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Development Description Add water level measurement system to key surface waters. Justification/Motivating Factors Current water level measurements can be used to monitor vulnerability and therefore inform flood management activities (e.g. emergency pumping, sandbags, etc.) as well as optimize operation of dynamic stormwater management systems (e.g. controllable/adjustable weirs and outlets). Activity Number: I.22 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Surface water level measurements to optimize operations and monitor vulnerability  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations The ability to construct and utilize controllable/adjustable weirs based on forecasted data may be limited DNR restrictions. For these additional measurements to be useful, the existing flood models may need to be refined to provide real-time forecasting abilities. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Planning Description Add the innovative technology that monitors current conditions, tracks forecasts, models predicted flooding, and operates pumps to respond, to pump stations on water bodies that could benefit from predictive pumping flood risk reduction strategies. Justification/Motivating Factors Water bodies with passive outlets can only be drawn down to the outlet's invert, or sometimes below with long periods of evaporation and minimal rain. All of the water in the water body is taking up storage that cannot be filled with incoming stormwater. A water body with a pumped outlet could potentially be drawn down further than normal to create the opportunity for added stormwater storage during a flood event. This is a way to create or provide storage without actually creating additional ponds, underground storage, or other types of storage on the landscape. It's simply a way to better utilize the current volume available for storage within the city. Activity Number: I.23 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Retrofit predictive pumping on existing lift stations  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This method (predictive pumping) requires good weather forecasts, calibrated models with proven prediction capabilities. This method will likely be a long process of working with the DNR to develop a plan that improves storage capacity for the protection of the people, but also promotes protection of the other living things in and around the water body. Retrofitting predictive pumping will require more than electronics, wiring, and programming logic. It will likely require modifications to pipes on the suction side of the pump to be able to draw the water body down further. Some lift stations are quite small (fitting in the space of a manhole perhaps) and retrofitting this type of capability may require a small box or building on the surface to house the equipment. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Development Description Add the innovative technology that monitors current conditions, tracks forecasts, models predicted flooding, and operates pumps to respond, to pump stations on water bodies that could benefit from predictive pumping flood risk reduction strategies. Justification/Motivating Factors Water bodies with passive outlets can only be drawn down to the outlet's invert, or sometimes below with long periods of evaporation and minimal rain. All of the water in the water body is taking up storage that cannot be filled with incoming stormwater. A water body with a pumped outlet could potentially be drawn down further than normal to create the opportunity for added stormwater storage during a flood event. This is a way to create or provide storage without actually creating additional ponds, underground storage, or other types of storage on the landscape. It's simply a way to better utilize the current volume available for storage within the city. Activity Number: I.24 Sector: Infrastructure Activity Name: Consider flood storage with predictive pumping or valves to draw down water bodies in anticipation of a flood  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This method (predictive pumping) requires good weather forecasts, calibrated models with proven prediction capabilities. This method will likely be a long process of working with the DNR to develop a plan that improves storage capacity for the protection of the people, but also promotes protection of the other living things in and around the water body. Retrofitting predictive pumping will require more than electronics, wiring, and programming logic. It will likely require modifications to pipes on the suction side of the pump to be able to draw the water body down further. Some lift stations are quite small (fitting in the space of a manhole perhaps) and retrofitting this type of capability may require a small box or building on the surface to house the equipment. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description Engineering review for small additions, accessory structures (sheds), impervious expansions not related to a building (deck/patio/etc.) Permits for grading, new homes, and major remodels with footprint changes all include engineering review for flow paths, grading and drainage. Retaining wall, minor remodels, internal remodels, mechanical, and other permit types are not reviewed. Justification/Motivating Factors Reviewing more permit types may catch additional issues relating to site-to-site, drainage. Activity Number: R.01 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Consider and reduce exposure at flood storage areas for a greater range of permitted activities  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This program is staff intensive, and would require additional resources for a fairly limited benefit. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Planning Description Inventory overland flow paths. Consider flow paths in permit review process. Make room for and plan for flow where it occurs by grading or armoring flow paths. Divert or limit unplanned flow paths by requiring engineered grading plans during permit review, when serious issue areas are encountered. Justification/Motivating Factors Some improvements may not be presently triggering a permit review by the Engineering Department. Staff could investigate and indentify issue areas, create a comprehensive list, and require private properties to address the risk in design if at the time a permit is applied for on an issue area. Activity Number: R.02 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Consider and reduce exposure in flow paths  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Minor addition to staff review process for permits that are already reviewed by Engineering. Minor addition in permits that would trigger a review by Engineering. May limit property owners ability to implement improvements on their property or increase their costs. Policy or code revision may be necessary. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Planning Description Impervious surfaces generate more runoff. Limiting impervious surfaces by changing ordinance can reduce runoff generation. Justification/Motivating Factors Analysis in task force effort showed this approach is very limited in terms of effectiveness. Activity Number: R.03 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Use regulatory program to reduce community vulnerability by controlling impervious  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Major additional cost to private parties. Moderate addition to staff review process for permits that are already reviewed by Engineering. Moderate addition in permits that would trigger a review by Engineering. May limit property owners ability to implement improvements on their property or increase their costs. Policy or code revision would be necessary. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description Projects that trigger the regulatory check would be required to store volume on their site. Justification/Motivating Factors Perception that redevelopment is adding volume and contributing to flood impacts. Analysis in task force effort showed this approach is very limited in terms of effectiveness. Activity Number: R.04 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Use regulatory program to reduce community vulnerability by requiring private flood storage  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Major addition to staff review process for permits that are already reviewed by Engineering. Additional design, coaching, and inspeciton necessary. Post-construction program with inspections necessary. Maintenance agreements or other legal instrument necessary. Enforcement necessary. Will limit property owners ability to implement improvements on their property and will increase their costs. Policy or code revision would be necessary. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description Level of protection is currently the 1% annual chance (100-year storm). This would be more restrictive, applying standards for a larger storm event (i.e. higher lowest floors and potentially further setback from water). Justification/Motivating Factors Climate change is a main driver of increased flooding. Future predictions are that flood events will be larger and more frequent. Activity Number: R.05 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Regulate development for bigger storm modeled inundation areas (500-year floodplain)  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Minor addition to staff review process for permits that are already reviewed by Engineering. Minor addition in permits that would trigger a review by Engineering. May limit property owners ability to implement improvements on their property or increase their costs. Policy or code revision will be necessary. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description High impervious sites pay more. Model site runoff generation and rework the land use x acreage calculations to consider specific impervious of the individual site. Justification/Motivating Factors Make the polluter pay concept. Applying penalties for adding impervious may deter those from implementing. Activity Number: R.06 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Use stormwater utility to nudge impervious related decisions by putting a price on impervious.  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Staff intensive. Potential for a lot of negotiating back and forth about impervious cover. Would need to consider how residential stormwater BMPs like raingardens, landscaping, permeable pavements, and rain barrels fit it. May require staff intensive site inspections/verifications and annual or biannual updates. Some owners may be willing to 'pay their way out' to still be able to complete their project. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements. As a result, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from the community actions Justification/Motivating Factors Potential cost savings for those holding policies Activity Number: R.07 Sector: Regulatory Program Activity Name: Participate in the Community Rating System  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Number of policies and staff time required will determine if participation is cost-effective. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description Education of and outreach to community on the function and importance of the stormwater management system. Justification/Motivating Factors An education and outreach program will help the community understand the function and importance of the stormwater management system and its role to minimize flooding and manage water quality. Education may improve flooding issues (e.g. improved participation in Adopt-a-Drain), identify stormwater infrastructure that is no longer functioning as designed, and help residents understand multipurpose land use (e.g. flooded parks and soccer fields). Activity Number: C.01 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Build awareness of stormwater system function and important  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Additional understanding of flood risk has the potential to impact property values may reduce some property values. Synergy with MS4 required community education/outreach may limit additional city resources required. Education of the community may also improve water quality (reducing illicit dumping, salt usage, etc.). Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description Forecast flood threat for design storms and also scenarios such as ice jams, saturated conditions, and snow melt. Host the dynamic indicator online. Justification/Motivating Factors Perception of flood threat determines action. Activity Number: C.02 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Develop and communicate dynamic flood threat indicator  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Would require moderate maintenance effort. Groundwater level and extent is highly uncertain and non-continuous. May provide false sense of security. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Development Description Users can view relative groundwater level with year over year changes. Justification/Motivating Factors Flooding risk may increase if shallow groundwater is high and stormwater infiltration is limited. Activity Number: C.03 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Develop and communicate relative groundwater level viewer  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations May provide false sense of comfort. Groundwater elevations and extent is extremely variable spatially and temporally. Might be difficult to relate relative groundwater level to an individual basement elevation. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Planning Description Anyone can sign up for text alerts for available USGS stream gauge sites. Justification/Motivating Factors Program already operating. Would be low cost/energy to implement. Changes can be viewed in nearly real-time. Experience may help customers to benchmark their own risk on the hydrograph (water elevation graph). Activity Number: C.04 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Promote WaterAlert (USGS) subscriptions  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations May provide false sense of comfort. Urban streams tend to be flashy (i.e., flow and elevation can increase rapidly),. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: low Action Category: Quick Win Description Complementary to existing water resources map with the goal of communicating flood risk clearly. Justification/Motivating Factors Better communication of flood risk. Understanding circumstance is first step in addressing vulnerability and exposure. Activity Number: C.05 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Develop a 'What is my flood risk?" map  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Concern over impact on property values as community becomes more flood aware. It may be difficult to show the depth of flooding on the map - some may be an inch whereas others may be more than a foot. Some assumptions are made about topography - more detailed surveys on a site by site basis could show structures higher or lower than the model and aerial photo suggest. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Quick Win Description Create series of videos to communicate how to make a request for sandbags and how to build a sandbag wall. Justification/Motivating Factors Many are unaware of the service. Those that are aware highly value the service. Activity Number: C.06 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Promote sandbag service  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Some property owners and renters may have limited ability to place their own sandbags. Unclear what service provider might do this type of work if it were hired out. Disposal of sandbags post-event. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Quick Win Description Available on the City website. Justification/Motivating Factors Would help to debunk myths. Help people self-serve the information. More immediate access to information versus calling a staff person, although always an option. Activity Number: C.07 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Develop community flood risk Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Occassional review and minor edits would be needed. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: high Action Category: Quick Win Description Develop Fact Sheets for common interventions that property owners and renters could implement to reduce their exposure and vulnerability to flooding. Interventions may be pre, mid, or post storm. Fact sheets would provide a description, general cost information, and appropriate applications. Justification/Motivating Factors Some feedback suggests that the interactive water resources map in its current form requires some technical expertise to interpret. Changes to the interactive map would make the flood risk information more accessible. A potential barrier to reducing one’s own exposure to flooding may be their perceived ability (knowledge, skills, and resources) to take action. Activity Number: C.08 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Develop Fact Sheets for residential flood resilience strategies  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Other barriers, such as cost may limit a property owner or renter's ability to implement. Renters may have limited ability to implement strategies. Considerations ought to be made for all residential structures, not just single dwelling units. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Quick Win Description Pilot year just completed. Justification/Motivating Factors Some technical assistance can increase the perceived ability (expertise, knowledge, resources) for an individual to help themselves. Case studies may be useful to others in similar situations. Activity Number: C.09 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Provide Stormwater Technical Assistance Grant program  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Grant covers design, up to a cap. Grant does not cover implementation. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Quick Win Description Direct mail invitations to at-risk properties. Get all stakeholders together including representatives from neighborhoods, insurance, emergency service professionals, county, police and fire, landscapers, home service providers, MN DNR, engagement professionals, decision-makers, Watershed Districts, infrastructure experts, neighboring cities. All share and discuss roles and approaches for a changing climate. Justification/Motivating Factors Incorporates various approaches involved in reducing exposure, increasing resilience to changing risks, transformation, reducing vulnerability, transfering and sharing risks, and preparing, responding, and recovering. Activity Number: C.10 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Host Flood Summit  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Would require major staff effort and coordination of other parties. Would be a pilot. Unaware of a local model to follow or existing process/program to leverage. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description Incorporate into public improvements such as street reconstruction and park improvement projects. Develop custom engagement plans as appropriate. Justification/Motivating Factors Incorporate into public improvements such as street reconstruction and park improvement projects. Develop custom engagement plans as appropriate. Activity Number: C.11 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Engage with stakeholders at time of capital investment  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Opportunities to address problem areas may lie outside of the public improvement project boundaries. Some solutions may require private property cooperation in the form of easements, agreements, and assessments. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description Host a class to inform realtors, developers, and insurance agents on local flood risk. Presentation materials could be hosted online or made into a brief video. Justification/Motivating Factors As more stakeholders understand flood risk, there may be a market effect. Activity Number: C.12 Sector: Communication, Education, and Engagement Activity Name: Engage with realtors, developers, and insurance agents on local flood risk  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations As more stakeholders understand flood risk, there may be a market effect. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Development Description Source flood threat information and predict flood threat. Define affected areas/parties and frontline communities. Develop warning system. Develop emergency response plan. Establish public information program. Justification/Motivating Factors A hazard response plan exists for major disasters only. Customers expect a higher level of service and response than the current major disaster response plan provides. The perceived flood threat likely influences property owner/renter behavior. A thoughtful plan may help to respond to populations and areas that are the most vulnerable and perhaps less likely to submit a service request - this may be more supportive of equity goals than the status quo. Activity Number: E.01 Sector: Emergency Services Activity Name: Develop Local Flooding Emergency Response Plan.  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations This strategy doesn't effect the flood, but instead effects the preparation for and recovery after a disaster. Damages may be reduced and a return to normalcy may happen more rapidly. Would require setting a trigger condition. Opportunity to consider better protections for frontline communities. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $$$ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Planning Description Info about what the City can and can’t do about active flooding; explanation of how the City prioritizes flood- related requests for service. Justification/Motivating Factors There is a gap between the status quo service level and customer expectations. Better defining available services may motivate property owners and renters to take actions to reduce their own exposure. Activity Number: E.02 Sector: Emergency Services Activity Name: Establish service level definitions and share them on the City's website  Tradeoffs and Other Considerations Potential equity disparity if service delivery is driven by requests for service only. Have a plan for engaging with frontline communities, reaching out rather than only waiting for a request for service. Task Force Rank:  Cost Score: $ Staff Rated Effectiveness Score: medium Action Category: Quick Win