HomeMy WebLinkAbout465*tate of jninne5ota, ss. County of........ ENNE IN .............. ............................... On this .........................p ..."r.... ............day of ......................Oct.ob.er 19.56.... before Me a, .............. . ............. Notaxy...P. lic...... ............................... ........................within and for said County, personally appeared HILMAR FJELDHEIM and DOROTHY FJE1DHEIM., husband and wife., as parties TO-OK2109 of the first par PAGE 10 t to the known to be the person.3 ................. ......................described in, and who executed the fore -oinks instrument, ............................................................................. ............................... ............................and acknowlcd: ed that ...the.X.. executed the (See Note) same as ..... ....their ............ free act and deed. ......... ...................... ...... ...................... .. .......... .......... (See Note) (Notarial Seal) ✓lrotary Public .................... ............................... ........................County, .lfinn. .Jfy commission expires .................................... ............................... 19............. Note: The blank 'lines marked "See Note" are for use when the in=strument is executed by an attorney in fact. t , r �P Cs�iSY' "Trr s enXY bay i h nfti' Filed for reeaord on the 2b day of Oct A. D. 1956 at 2 :40 ofelock P. Me A M Z LLI ^ p w o f. L e6 a i► 44 s S •lo_ "' o C! o d Cj E I Av r`��: w o: as as ���a'•N�d � oN �� to 01 A i� V w 4A R4is_ tl : n dividual tCeo. ration. form No. Z8-M. Minnesota Uniform Conte yincMi Bta�abufl93) 'K2109 , PAGE / 4 30" 5W Xbtf Jnbtnturt, .Made this.... ........................day of.................. lgher.......................119-56 ... I between.... HILMAR FJELDHM M and DOROTHY HEIM, husband and wife: ...........................I. ...... ..... ............................... of the County of ..... HeAnepu ........................ f......... n sot .. ............................and Stale o M,�.l?... �......... a........................... .............................., parties... of Ae fbret part, and - the.... VILLAJM ... OF...EDINA,..- &- munici pal .. ............................... ............................................ .................... . .............. . ............................................ . .............. . ............................................................................................................ , - a-corporation under the laws of the State of....... m. ao.t a ............................................... I pa +econd_ per , 60G�i J ppgqGE itne�c�cet�j, That the said part. of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ..Qns...Dollar ... . ..QA)... and ... Q.ther ... good ... and ... valuable .... coxmiderati M ........................................... DOALOR ; to.......... thGO1t ......... .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel....... of land lying and being OP. .............and State of Afinneeota, described as follows, to -wit: in the County of.....Hei'�i� 3, � ........... ............................... easement for public road purposes ins over and upon the following described property. - That part of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8s Township 116, Range 21, being a strip of land 60 feet in width, being 30 feet, mea- sured at right angles, on each side of the following described center line, to -wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Shannon Drive and the North line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence Southeasterly along a curve line, tangent to the center line of said Shannon Drive, with a radius of 157.54 feet, a distance of 114.66 feet; thence southeasterly along a curve to the left; tangent to last described curve, with a radius of 284.8 feet, a distance of 210.01 feet; thence south along a straight line, tangent to last de- scribed curve, a distance of 331.6 feet, more or less, to the North line of West 74th Street and there terminating, according to the United States Government Survey. go *abt allb t0 360Ib the *amt, Together with all the hsredUa?nents and appurtenances there - unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. 3n 2:vOtimottp Wbfft0f, The said part... @ .5. of the first part have...... hereunto set...' fheIr .................. hand s. the day and year first above written. In presence of ...... a", t .... ...... ........ .................... ......... ............................... f�ilma�l�eim oro y F dYiei .... ............................. . .............. ........... pgrti.e .a...b f...m6..first I r4C! ca 4 35 ok IL P. 7 -u ;u z mx 0 U) rrl -4 0 z > r_ z z > (o tq M !)Ko U7 'd ATiON v I.-i Iq AoujonV MV Aq pa4noaxa Iq lzm=n.;;Sut Stn U34,a OM joj M .,840 "C PGRMU l-RI V-" N%L "00 61 . ...... .. ..... . .. . . Mzdx2 uoininumoo filr ............. .. .......... ........ ......... I.- .................. ..... .... .. P"p pug #vv Mai RD i•tu'lm (440K -S) Pk*V'iw" tevv quq? pa;pQjxouNav PUD ......... ;UrJFOJO; Vqj PPITIP"d O'YM PUD 'U'l PN.I.Los*p 9 idociod "I Pq ol um&u.11 V-Uj of OJT• VTq 'MTG'qPTGrd -W QTJVV( PUB/UTG'qPTOrLq *0 -I'Suz-rTH pu,oqonR IYAivaddv fi17vuo#.wa lfi;unoj p?,vo .col puv ujypm .... ....... ............. I .. ..... .... ..... 1Catna4ea ........ ....... o fivp ..... - .... ..... ... T4 .. 14 - Li ..... "I wo ujiff #trawa- - - - io filunod ... 03'"uull*F Jo 219lq 7-1 !)Ko U7 'd ATiON v I.-i Iq AoujonV MV Aq pa4noaxa Iq lzm=n.;;Sut Stn U34,a OM joj M .,840 "C PGRMU l-RI V-" N%L "00 61 . ...... .. ..... . .. . . Mzdx2 uoininumoo filr ............. .. .......... ........ ......... I.- .................. ..... .... .. P"p pug #vv Mai RD i•tu'lm (440K -S) Pk*V'iw" tevv quq? pa;pQjxouNav PUD ......... ;UrJFOJO; Vqj PPITIP"d O'YM PUD 'U'l PN.I.Los*p 9 idociod "I Pq ol um&u.11 V-Uj of OJT• VTq 'MTG'qPTGrd -W QTJVV( PUB/UTG'qPTOrLq *0 -I'Suz-rTH pu,oqonR IYAivaddv fi17vuo#.wa lfi;unoj p?,vo .col puv ujypm .... ....... ............. I .. ..... .... ..... 1Catna4ea ........ ....... o fivp ..... - .... ..... ... T4 .. 14 - Li ..... "I wo ujiff #trawa- - - - io filunod ... 03'"uull*F Jo 219lq QQuit Claim Deed Form No. 28-M. Tiryiddr t m Cerpend.n. • �ltbtt[�1iCt. Made .....17t.h... brown,..., Alilm :r Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota Uniform Conveyandaa Illaalu (1971). .....dsy of ..... .. .... February ........................ 19..5...... .F. jle.ldh.eim, ... his .... wif. e.* ... ............................... of Ow Coirwtb► of .................Henna� ......... ............................aid Stag JW... ..... ...... Y1nn, o. s. ot. a ... ..... ....... . .................. ............. , Part-168 rt.las of olls *+at PMt, sari ............. V111.gage....af.... Edina.,.... a...aunlc.ipal...rz rpora.t.ion............... . ....................... _ .............................. _ .... .... ... _. ...... ...................................... ...................................................................................... ....................... ............. ....... .. , ao1�w andwr A# Imm of the Stets of ....... ....... Yinae acts, ... ............................... party of the wooed part, Utbl MO, That the mid parties. of the PW part, in oonaideration of ills mm of 1,.... cellar........ sr .....��.uuw�....c..d..�t..os... -.....-....-..... - .... -. ....- .....- ..... - ....- �vsa��rs, ilt............. tjo ilm " ............................in U" p W by the acid party of the wwad part, the rewipl wholmoof is hwvbw aeh"W449bd, do............ ha ebp bran#, .dargai n, Qwibiai.m, and Conve'b "*0 the acid party of W sesewd part, is aeaoernora asd aadd#sa, Forever, ail the *%W _.. 4r pcareel...... of land lying and being iaa the Coaawtbr of .. ...........Hann Pln ................... .......... ... ...... .and State of Minnesota, dawribed as follmm, to -wit: An easement for public road purposes in, over and upon the following described fro rtyt That part of the south 12 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, being a strip of land 60 feet in width being 30 feet measured at right angles on each side of the follow- ing described center line, to wits Beginning at a point in.the South. line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, distant 210 feet Easi of the Southwest corner thereof; thence North arallel with the West line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4P, a distance of 358.18 feet; thence Northwesterly on a tangential curve to the left, with a ' radius of 293.13 feet, a distance of 214.14 feet; thence Northerly on a reverse curve, with a radius of 157.54,feet, a distance of 114.66 feet to the intersection of the North line of the South 1/2 of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the center line of Shannon Drive Re laid out and platted in Prospect Hills 2nd Addition, and there teruisating. This isetrrsnt is *xoWt crow State Deed Tax. ie 08it nab 11 AWN *t Oatrit, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenanosa there - awy belewfiwg or in anysoias appertaininkl, to the said party of the seoond part, it$ siccce+"ors and aesigna, iporopw. in 94smumv I trtet, The said part i.0.1l. of the first part hO.e ... hereunto act their ... bawd s the day and year first above teritten. In preeence of / -�; �, Exi W � � r O ., dQ A 0 o: r.: � o N V - co o w P o � w A J o � W P [N� � I Z -4 Cn to (•t"i „-, �f (: t� RI to III ro n ro n: o C � D P z 7u ti \L L� I r A � a CA � A i-- �..r.. � :CZ's' � � 1.1• :�• �(� r�` w o e h� �+ � i ie A+ c„ CO M � � � �►1 �•c• ,,,y �+ C� � A' a► �.a � o • � '� ' °� : � ;5.: ts ° qm ..s -_ ........_ _ .: ..... -'� .. .......... .« _..� .._.a ... ...... �._..:; _ .-., <....._. ...:,.. ..._._- ..«....._..._ ....e..,...._..r� «.sue.. .- ..<..:....w_«.. e.... .. ... . ..r_.a. ............61 .............................. .................................... sa.c ?dxa uomsiwwoo fi w ��nr saa,d" II —s ""WOO RW uu ?y� uno p Al no 31VO �:I..' ?.....!G'. }..N ruv o '•� N3'I`d0 •N -� d � K uo? mod.coo pins /o Popp Puv ton oa.11 gill aq o? 2uowiz.gm2 pins pa9Gpa2mou. 2av ...................................... .5TxVT,5...W89T.T.T ................... PUv........................................................... .............�a ...O d... i6a4 .........................p?vs , puv ........................ Vp- aunoo...af TTT- ........... to p.rvo& sit jo r?;uo'glnv izq uo2gvaodzoo P ?vs fo 12"oq u2 palms puv pauff2s own quaw7mgsui p ?vs qvq; pun `uoyvaodaw p2vs jo 2vas vVn.iodzoo 921g 82 ?uaurngm? p2vs 01 paxjuv 2vas Pyl 7"7 puv'qupucnajsu2 you ?oga.LOJ "I u? ppauvu uo22v.zodcoo ai12 �o.......................... . ................ zal�...a�EZT ...ova.- xn�c�ix.....�fa ryan,.qaadsat acv fiatp Iv21l Fens,, p?l ....................u.zons r2np Ow fiq zlova .8wlaq bz /ac lluamual d222iuoszad auz o? ....... .............................�z aq j.j EH ... � .g ...a �ataz o 13 ............ .... puv........ . .................... . ................ '�� a gtia�f iAum.... otue r................... pax addv r22vuosaad lrqunog p2vs aol puv u2zll n ....................................... ............................... 5-t....rt.....AXwTs v`ow a.zo a � ................. ............................... ...... ...... ............................... � q S9 6I �C:zsri:zga3 ,�o rvp .... ............................... u�9i 9?112 uF) .......... .� f ?, , nfo uo uzdauuag .... o so p Z Cn to (•t"i C a C ............61 .............................. .................................... sa.c ?dxa uomsiwwoo fi w ��nr saa,d" II —s ""WOO RW uu ?y� uno p Al no 31VO �:I..' ?.....!G'. }..N ruv o '•� N3'I`d0 •N -� d � K uo? mod.coo pins /o Popp Puv ton oa.11 gill aq o? 2uowiz.gm2 pins pa9Gpa2mou. 2av ...................................... .5TxVT,5...W89T.T.T ................... PUv........................................................... .............�a ...O d... i6a4 .........................p?vs , puv ........................ Vp- aunoo...af TTT- ........... to p.rvo& sit jo r?;uo'glnv izq uo2gvaodzoo P ?vs fo 12"oq u2 palms puv pauff2s own quaw7mgsui p ?vs qvq; pun `uoyvaodaw p2vs jo 2vas vVn.iodzoo 921g 82 ?uaurngm? p2vs 01 paxjuv 2vas Pyl 7"7 puv'qupucnajsu2 you ?oga.LOJ "I u? ppauvu uo22v.zodcoo ai12 �o.......................... . ................ zal�...a�EZT ...ova.- xn�c�ix.....�fa ryan,.qaadsat acv fiatp Iv21l Fens,, p?l ....................u.zons r2np Ow fiq zlova .8wlaq bz /ac lluamual d222iuoszad auz o? ....... .............................�z aq j.j EH ... � .g ...a �ataz o 13 ............ .... puv........ . .................... . ................ '�� a gtia�f iAum.... otue r................... pax addv r22vuosaad lrqunog p2vs aol puv u2zll n ....................................... ............................... 5-t....rt.....AXwTs v`ow a.zo a � ................. ............................... ...... ...... ............................... � q S9 6I �C:zsri:zga3 ,�o rvp .... ............................... u�9i 9?112 uF) .......... .� f ?, , nfo uo uzdauuag .... o so p Quit Claim Deed. Form No. 30 -M. Miller -Davie Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Corporation to Individual. Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blank* (1881). r TIUntUrt, alade this ........................ 16th .................................... dam of..Vdbi"'Et ff..........., 19. ..., between .................... 111 ,age .... a ... Zd.ina., .... a ... wmi.Gival....conS?�.:At..1 ................................... ............................... under the laws of the State Of ............ U4=4 cotta ... ............................... party of the first part, and ti............................................... ............................... ..... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... of the County of .................... 11smapin, .................................. and State of .............. N i . A91kk................... ............................... part ...y ........... of the second part, alitneactiJ, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of one.... Lollar.... and .... :ather... almola .... c derations _ .. ...:'..." .. ......... ................ to it in hand paid by the said part..y ............ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said part ... 7 ........... of the second part,.. #........ heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract ... ;.......or parcel ............ of land lying and being in the County of .............. Hennepin ................................... and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: That part of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section S. Township 116, Range 21, being a strip of land 60 fast In width, being 50 feet, measurer at right eagles, on each side of the following described center lime, to witt.Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Shannon Drive and the forth Bice of the South 3%8 III of the Southeast 1/4 of the 'Northwest 1/4 of said Section; then** South- easterly along a curve line, tangent to the center line of sold Sham -an Drive, with a radios of 157..64 teen,, a distance of 1.114.66 feet.; thence rautheasterly along a curve to the left, tangent to.last described curve, with a radius of 884.5 feet, a distance of 210.01 feet; thence South along a straight line tangent to last described curve, a distance of 331.6 feet more or. lea to the North line of West, 7\4th Street and there terminating. 3 This iao tranasl it is eseWt from State Deed Tax. To JI)dbe anb to lbolb the Game, Together with all the hereditanients and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part....y'..........of the second part,...... s .:.................. . ...... Heirs and assigns, Forever. s i k In Treotimonp Whereof, The said first party has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its ......... 1`?.aygK ... Pro Tem Prat&wrand its.W.UA e...0erk .................and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. V��, `'....© F'... F�3INA.:..., r' �. ...........,.! ........ 1........ F By In Presence of } . ....... .. ....... C its ............. Mayor.... Pro TemF lJ ...................................... ................................................. ......... its .....Village Clerk,. MkmmtaFQrw-No,3Q, 00--i Doe. Xo....3053017, F 8, QUIT CL IM DEED COM9 ion to Individual .....Z ...... ........ ............ .................... ...................... .. ......... ......... ................... ....... i ........ Mad ... . ... 1..� R.�, ....... V .... S....001.5020 a Office of Register of Deeds, 6tate of Ininnezota, Countyof .. HENNEPIN ................................................. * .................. I hereby certify that the within Deed was filed in this office, f pr record on the day of 1 ....o'clock... Al., ......... . and was, duly recorded in of D7 ........................ ........ ... ...... I f Deeds. By ...... J. . ......... Taxes for the year 1J......, on the lands described within, paid this ................ dayof ............................................................. 19- .............................. I .................................. I ............................ County Treasurer. By..................................................................... Deputy. Taxes paid and Transfer entered this ...........................day of.................... ....................`........., 19 ............. I ..................................................... .............. ............ County Auditor. By ......... ............................... . ... .............. Depute. Recording Fee $1.00 TRANSFER El MAR 2 1965 R-( F. FIRSIMMONS, AUDIT09 E is MINN. 13Y 6pury, TAXES PAYABLE'IN 19—Z WITHIk DESCRIBED z PROPERTY ARE PAID. C- ` L-0y 7 C00Kry TittAS- ! ZZ -I 0"w C." g g go 31 it P. ► Ib o M ?D :& 1PV- (D 9 H ii . !i 0 : rmD 9 OQ co 0 Ct 1 Z 5 C2 Q 1Z om & 0 F -b ItI H ftj m H to' 01 r. rD 0 1 :(D 0 0 Z, 0 CS N itr ;I 'n F V sz 5 ;Z M k ! ZZ -I 0"w C." 0 Quit Claim Deed. Form No.30 -M. Wiler -Davie Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Corporation to IndivMnal. Minnesota Uniform Conveyandaw Blanks (1881). �0ED �a�� ow 3530178 465 _ _. Tots 30enture, Alade, this ......................... 16th .................................. day of .... ebruary............ 19..65.., between ................... ... V111 gO.... QX.... Edi na. .......a....mmle,1p.A.1.... . Qr'P.. Qr.% t. 14on ... ......................................................... ..... aXaCWM* =under the laws of the State of ............. Minn e.s. Cat. a.. ............................... party of the ,first part, and ........ ....... i3.i.lmar. .... F. je. ldhaim................................................................................................................................................... ............................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... of the County of ..................... H.a.nne.pin ............................ :.... and State of...............191 P.A to part .... .y .......... of the second part, Witneovetb, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of pue. .... Dpilar .... and .... t.Apg ... pa.luable considerations - - - - - -7 - ........................................... ............................... ............................W to it in hand paid by the said part...3t ........... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said part.....y. .......... of the second part,...h.iS....... heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract .... ; ....... or parcel ............ of land lying and being in the County of .............. He.nnep iii ......... '........................ and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: That part of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, being a strip of land 60 feet in width, being 30 feet, measured at right angles, on each side of the following described centel, line, to wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Shannon Drive and the North lihe of the South 1/2 (U. of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South - easterly along a curve line, tangent to the center line of said Shannon Drive, with a radius of 157.54 feet, a distance of 114.66 feet; thence Southeasterly along a curve to the left, tangent to last described curve, with a radius of 284.8 feet, a distance of 210.01 feet; thence South along a straight line tangent to last described curve, a distance of 331.6 feet more or less to the North line of West 74th Street and there terminating. VC / J, This instrument is exempt from State Deed Tax. To Jjabe aub to jboib tbt &arne, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part .....y .......... of the second part,....... h10 ........................... w 31n tregrimonp Whereof, 21ft said first party has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its ...... Mayo.r..pro ... tem °* Villa a C1 , , , �� Fresh and its ...................$. ...........erk.,...,,.,,,...and its corporate seal to µ be hereunto a f j`ixed the day and year first above written. VIL E OF NA .......................... ... .. ...................... . ............... ...:....... ..... .......... ................. . In Presence of 1 ....... ................... 7/n. ... ............... MURK... P�ro` ... . T' ................. ....... emPresc ?d Its Villa &.e Clerk Otatit of Ainneotat 89. County of ............... Renn.e.p.14... ............................... On this.- ... ............... 1.7.t.h .................................... day of ........... February ................................ P ... .. .. .... ......... I ......... ............. before nte, a ........... Notary...-Yub.11P ........................ I ........................................... within and for said County, personally appeared husband Hilmar C. Fjeldheim/and Marie M. Fjeldheim, his wife., to me, known, to be. the persoms ................ ......................described in, and who executed the foreffoinff instrument, .................................... ....... I ............ - - --- .... .................................................................. and acknowledged that executed the (See k 0tei sane as ..their .. .............. free act and deed .............................. ........ - ........................................ (See Note) .......................... 40 ... .. ....... 4 ...... 10 ........ .... ......... ........................... .................... Al Notar y Public ................................................... ...... ................ County, Minn. ti illy commission, expires ..................................... ............................. 19 .... ........ b Un Uini.rked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. ROY Notary Pu !�,-. g` y j,-s 1_,L. 7, 1�"3, My Filed for record on the 3 day of Mar AD 1965 at 2s40 o'clock P.M. W Z U W W 770 z ED 0 Qua U CL F IL 0 W < X z 0 IL nt _h, ao or i Pg 3 N-Q o J a :-6b ? C, 4z ta t2 X- sk Ln (CODY, a6 s Q- Quit Claim Deed. Form No 2$- Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Individual to Corporation . . Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1931). q- 3530179 800K2487 FAGE�21 Tbig Rbtnturt. Made t ' ... ...........7.th.............day of...........Fe. bra .&pry......................... 19.6.15...... between ........ . Hilmar ..........E.j.eldhe.izn /..an ' ar. ie.... M�.... F. �e. �. dheiYn,.... hia.... wi fe., .... ............................... of the County of ................. Hennepin .................................. _and State of ... .......... Minne. s. at. a ............................................... I part.1as of the ford part, and ............. V.. iIlage .... of. .... E.dine.,.....a ... .muriUpal.... a rpor.at.ion................ ............................................................................................................................. ............................... ......................................................... ............................... rsd3irid under the laws of the State of............... Minn.ezot.a.................................. party of the second part, Witntgg;t(j, That the said parties•• of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Qx�e...r?o..ax'.....4.... 4th ...$'.....v..luble.:..consderat .ions......-..... -.....-....-. . ...... ......... to ............... them . .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Conve unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... qr parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of............. He.nne.pin ......................................... and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: An easement for public road purposes in, over and upon the following described property: That part of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, being a strip of land 60 feet in width being 30 feet measured at right angles on each side of the follow- ing described center line, to wit: Beginning at a point in the South line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, distant 210 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence North parallel with the West line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, a distance of 358.18 feet; thence Northwesterly on a tangential curve to the left, with a radius of 293.13 feet, a distance of 214.14 feet; thence Northerly on a reverse curve, with a radius of 157.54 feet, a distance of 114.66 feet to the intersection of the North line of the South 1/2 of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the center line of Shannon Drive as laid out and platted in Prospect Hills 2nd Addition, and there terminating. eoQ 2481 FAa;)22 This instrument is exempt from State Deed Tax. To 3►abe allb to V0oCb tbC *aine, Together with all the hereditaments and .appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. Sit TeOtimotrp Wbtreuf, The said part. i.01 of the first part haV.6 .... .. hereunto set .....thP.Ir ................. hand. 9.. the day and year first above written. .............. . .............. . ........................................... ....wi .......... ...................................................................................... ............................... CERTIFIED COPY OF Quit Claim Deed Hilmar Fleldheim To —'tillage of Edina_._ DONALD C. BENNYHOFF REGISTER OF DEEDS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA >rm R. D. A34. .,000 1 -56. z s Quit Claim Deed. Forth No. 28 -M. biiller -Davie Co., Minneapolis. Blanks Minn. Individual to Corporation. Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing IIlanka (191). QIt�1�� PAGE Tbiz Inbenture Made this.... .... ..... to? -q ....................... 19... 6... .........................day o f..............: �.. > between....HILMh1� FJELPIM and DOROTHY JE HEIM, husband and wlf. e., ............................ ofthe County of ..... HeiMePiA ........................... ............................and State of ......... ........................... ............................... I parties... of, . the frrst part, and.. the .... VILIAn ... OF ... ED.INA,... a ... municipal ............................................. ............................... ... ............................... ............................ I ..................... , -a- corporation under the laws of the State of ....... M4 e s ota ... ..................... ............ I ......... I party�of th4 second Part, That the sald part.ie.s.. of the first part, in consideration of flu mm of ... ane ... and ... Q.thex ... good ... and ... valuable ... c.on%qjder.a.tjQA hb.A #By-, to .......... them ......... .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and a88!jn8, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of.....jje.=ep.JA ........................... ............................and State of Ninnaeota, described as follows, to-wit: ,-An easement for public road purposes in., over and upon the following described property: That part of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8. Township 116, Range 21, being a strip of land 60 feet in width, being 30 feet., mea- sured at right angles, on each side of the following described center line to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Shannon Drive and the North line of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence Southeasterly along a curve line,, tangent to the center line of said Shannon Drive., with a radius of 157-54 feet, a distance of 114.b6 feet; thence southeasterly along a curve to the left, tangent to last described curve, with a radius of 284.8 feet., a distance of 210.01 feet; thence south along a strairht line, tangent to last de- scribed curve, a distance of 331.6 feet, more or less, to the North line of West 74th Street and there terminating, according to the United States Government Survey, I& Jbabe anb to *01b the *amt, Together with all the heredita?nents and appurtenances thzre- u,nto belonging ln or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and a I ssigns, Forever. �Jn Ircotimonp Wbemf, The said part.ie.$. of the first part have...... hereunto set,..the.ir .. .... hanfl S. the day and year first above written. In presence of .6;� r. Y, ... a .... I. 6tate of Ainneotap ss. Coitnty of ... .... HENNEPIN .......................... ....... . ... .... On this ............ ...... ... .. ......... day of...__ . ...... 19..56...., bCf07'C Vi.e, a . ...... .. I.., ........Notary.... lic ............. _..................... ........................within and foi, said County, personally appca7'C(7, HILMAR FJELDHEDI and DOROTHY FJELDHEIMy hu--,band and wife, as parties of the first part,, V0092109 PAGE 10 to nae known to be the personZ ................. ......... .......... in., and who executed the foregoing instrument, _ ............. _......... ........... .... ... .. ... ... ............ ......... ......_ ....... ... ..................... ....._...... -and acknoulcd! ed that, ..,the.Y.. executed the, (See Note) sa.m.c as ....._..their..._...... free act and deed ............................................................ ............................... (See ?vote) ...... .... ...1...., ...................... ........."nom (Notarial .Seal) rVotary Public ................. ............................... ........................County, Afinn. Jfy commission expires ................................... ............................... 19_ .......... Note: The blankflines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by as attorney in fact. r, YranT? *•o'asY''e',1. ;. t' 'F ''i .. 1;�tc _.'ly, 1' �8. i Ulf C��. sic. 6 r i. Filed for record on the 26 day of Oct A. D. 1956 at 2:40 o'clock P. Me ..FORM RD 18.- IM -9 -48 •.:� „'"”- �`k'." T .- .. 6t ate of Anne-. ota I • OFFICE OF ay County of Hennepin TJ L�l Register Of Deeds 1, Donald C. Bennyroff, Register of Deeds, within and for said C:ount,y of Ilenn-epin. and Slaty' of '1lirrncsota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the ahovr� and fore,oinb copy of --- i._3- Deed __ - -___ ............ with the record thereof as recorded in my n five, . /lo/. -- X -------- of-.-- geeasi . .......... ... . ... prf,,r,-- .8- et0..._ and Clint the same is a true rind correct photo -copy, of the same, and of the whole thereof, and 1 do further certify that I am the officer in whose custody said record is reyrtired by lain io be kept,. ht Witness Whereof 1 have hereunto set nr.y hand and offi.riol seal this, ----- --------- 7th _- .._ -_. ___ - -. ---- _- _- ._da7- of I - ltpril . ------------- ----- - --A. /;. 1958 ----