HomeMy WebLinkAbout47777 27246 State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Probate Court In the matter of the estate of Sarah G. Baird, Deceased. Petition & Agreement. 0�*, I STATS OF MINNESOTA C OUNTY OF RM-EPIN In. the matter of the, estate of Sarah Go Baird, Deoeas,edp PROBATE C OURT P E T I 1' ION. The Village of Edina, by and through its officers,, and Edwin 11. Burr as Executor of the E;state,o.f Sarah G.. Baird,, de- ceased., hereby petition the above named Court and allege as fol- lows: That Edwin H. Burr is the duly qualified and acting Executor of the Estate of Sarah Go Baird, deceased. That said Edwin H. Burr as !{,,Xecutor of the :,state of Sarah Go Baird, deceased, has entered int,o an agreement with the Village of Edina to convey a right in .the land hereinafter described to the Village of Edina by dedicating paid land for road purposes and high- way purposes to said Village. That the agreement, is hereto attached, made a part hereof and marked !'xhjbit "A". That the name of the decedent is Sarah Go Baird. That the name of the corporation with which the agreement is made is the. Village of Edina, a municipal corpPratJon, situate in Hennepin County,. Minnesotu. That the description of the right in the land taken is as fol- lows: An eaoement for road and highway purposes over the hereinafter described property situate in Hennepin County, 1%hinnesota,,to-wit: Commencing. at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Section eighteen (18), Township twenty-eight (28), Range twenty-four (24); thence East along the South line of said Eorth- east quarter which is also the center line of Fiftieth Street, a distance of thirty (30) feet; .thence North and parallel with the West line of the said Northeast - I - quarter Ou4l) ► disc anoe of two hundred. anoty-five (29b) feet; thendo West and Parallel witla the South line of said 140%1#110a of quavte:r (Mq)v a 41stmme of thirty (30)f et to the "est line of oaid Northeast qumr�for thenoe �',Iouth. 4Am%; the aa14 �Ieat 11no of zaid Northaast quanar (N44) a dintanme of two fiimdrod wainoty-five (205) feet to the point of beginning, subject to =y public hiahranyop atreate and roadis exubmied In Uao ;Cor%,min&7, t1emoription, Situate iyi the Vil:Lage of 414 ins, Hennepin Cowityp idinnototao Which omeement to to be given to said Vill-age of 1141ine. by dedloaUng the herein before f4esoribed property for road and highway purpones. 'Mat the rU' ht In awe 1, rid would be convoyed for road and publio bikomay purposkm by the dedioation of oaid land 'or t1v_:1, smaot %liat the amount to be paid for the taking of the ridit in the aforeoaid de. " 4, "Ifty ll�ars ( , soribod 1twid to tho Oura of $ 'Do 0 ". 1) A wrid the a­reement to O,pen an vublio road or highmay on ruxid land to be dedicated. without oost to the eatate of 'Sarah Go clteceaiedo and the agveeraent not to vaogas$ any Vonerits for Opening suoki a publ4to road or 1A.6hvW on %a id land zo to be dodiouted. -,,,md not to asoosoleVy or ttipooe uay taxes or speoial asnosum-ents for Grading amid pub:Uc road or hiOrway over said land to"bo dedicated upon :,,IdJoUiins Land 4,Aoh Is Part of tho estate of Sarah, Go Zair4, dooensed, as in ,mid a ;rooraont cot. forth. Tbat the potitionero believe tlmt suah =ount and aj4rewient, are laic full vailas of tha riL,,Itt in said land to be oonvayo4 and -the to the ram-Anaer, taleting into woount the fact that other laiido wh1c)a Is part of the estate o.V Sv.trah G. Baird, deocasad, adjolno this pxoparty and would be benofited by the placing of as road ovor the land rIoya do- scribed, =4 that no benefite will be aarieased acainst said �,.kjjoinjng land of said estates and that naid Villaeo of to open a publia road or 1ai,&ivV over ouch land so to be d,odicated and to j>rade said land so to be dedicated for road and hig4iay pwxj)oaom1i without any ao4t to the estate of flmarah (.';, Butird, deoeaaado and w1 tho ut, levying any te-txeo or ripomimi as lids v,,'ruonta on other adijoining L] laid daiob, in part Df the esuite of 11,-trah Clo dooemsed. your patitioners Prrg�if Ulat the &k4roanmut horato attached be cxpproved by tho above no-nmod Court =d that 44V ' rah in ij* Burr as exe.outor of estat,o of G*, J,'iaird, do- ooasedp be ordoro 4. by the above rome4 a ,Nourt to ,odic to fAbOVO �A ;L aesorlbiA land to Ville.,60 Of 14tna fOV road =,.d highymy purwo � � � ice. "trIlle llarsh Go rinirdo deoeased$ Petitioners* — a - STATS OV =1142SOTAII COUNTY (Y HICK. TI MvIn Its Burr being duly owo An DaYS taut VIO foregrolng Petition is UU6 Of his tai m knovd edge, m a-e to thoov matters vhJ011 are thoroin stated on 111foruption and be- lief, and an to thoue ,,inttars he be;lloves it to bu, t,.uo,* SNAbouribed =d uvml to belore me this of Januav 19240 SILMM,' CIP i CUMITY Wi," 1146 E� 2"E" �� 41-1 X ) oinU duly -,)%vorn 4�ayia tllat hO -a 0 and is tho 'I'reuiclent of vve villng;e Counall of the V1,11n6l 0 hio that the foregoing petition by said of Ila is true of ovn knov aodgao except a$ to thotle matterr t1larein ,,,v,,ted upon inrorn�ation ,-4zd bolieg,, a as to tjior�o matters tliat lie belieVUB it O to be true* Subsoribed and sworn to 'be:�ore Ma this 0 M7 uary, 1924., F. W__AT 0 .3* Aare,emleUt, lbetwaea FAdvin 114UTT 90 .&:K66UtO:r Of the 4,406aA610 o6ad the ViII065e Of 44,490 a uViAot n pal corpofttot O 1�t, is, hereby afire by and betWedn 4dvin 11'43= as 0X00utOr Of the estate of Sarah G* Baird, deoesse4o and the Village Of 11',dinax a Muni0pal 0o:rP*T4tJoA# of Honnspin. GountY# 14=060tas that 34dwin H. Burr as the executor of the estate of "Arah Go Baird, 400eased, of Hennepin County$ jainnes,ota, in consideration Of the BUM Of FiftY DOI.* I%r* (000.00) and the agreement of the said village of -Xina to open and grade ,a publio road or highway over and across the hereinafter desoribed land without cost to the estate of Sarah, G. Baird, deoeased., and not to ans,000 any beneXits for opening such road or highway upon adjoining- land whioh is a part of the eat-ate of Sarah G. Baird,deceasedg and not to asseest levy or impose any speoial a08083=04ts or taxes for grading such public road or highway upon the adjoining land thigh is a part of the estate of said Sarah G. Baird# deceased, horeby ogrees su'.- Jsot wid aoaditioned upon the aPPrOvOl of the Probate Court of Hennepin C ow-It dina a strip of land jinnesota, to dedicate to said Village of 1,, hereinafter described situate in'lienneptn County,,Uinnesotap for roaa and highway purposes, which land In described as follolas, to--Ylit*- Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter (IL'Sli) Of Seetion eighteen (18), "Alownship twenty-eight (28)t Range twenty-four (24), thence 'jgaot along the South line of said .111ortheast quarter (NE *)o which ig also the center line of 11iftleth Streety a distance of thirty (3 0) feet; thenoo North and parallel with the West line of the said Vortheast qaarter a distance of two hundred no nity -five (295) feet; thence West and parallel with the South line of said J:Tortla- esst quarter a distance of thirty (750) feet to the West ow I ** 1111A of aajd Northeast q thence South along the said Wewt limp of said Northoast, qUaTter (Y4) 4 distanee Of two hun, dre& njn4ty-fiye (29&) feet, to the point of begtnxiingt subject to aty publte b4ghways, streets and road is, embraaea in the fore- going desor ption, eituate in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, m*nnosota- IN' WITHMS WIIIMZO:P, The parties hereto have herounto set - theiz hands and seals this " day of January, 1924 Signed,sealed and delivered in presence of .2 "a .Mo Lixecutor of the 1i"state of Sarah G. Baird, Depeased. By By (SEAL) . (SFAL) STATE OF X11qv , IZOTA COUNTY (2 HENNI"WINi T On this ..day of January, 1924, before me, a IlAotary Publio within and for said County* personally appeared 113idwin H. Burr as executor of the estate of Sarah G. Baird, deaeasedl to me knovm to be the person desoribed in and who executed the foregoing instru. meat, and he a0mow.edged that he exeouted the awne as the free act and dead of such exeoutor, 1otary Publ _016 nepin County, Nly commission expire STATE OF MMW480TA M 11 • 0 OUNTY OY HEMIOP111 On this day of January, 1924, before mea Rotary Publia within and for said County, personally appeared and to me per" sonally 3mown, Who* being by me duly sworn did say that the and is the of the Village Council of the Village of luldina, the munioipz-a oorporation n=kid in the fore- going inatrumeAt, and that the seal affixed to said instrttaent Is the carporate seal of said iaunioipal corporation, z%nd that said instru- -ment vas signed and sealed in behalf of maid municipal corporation by authority of its Village Counoil and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free aot and deed of said corporation. Ily commission expires -* 3 - ry M-ic-,71-ennepin 0TUriTt—y. 111nnesota•