HomeMy WebLinkAbout7583274761 v� �Pn fi OFFICE OF REGIS I R OF DEEDS STATE OF MINNP�r)rA j COUNTY OF HENN3PIN - 1 hereby ecrtitq that `hs wfWn it?5trament was filed for f o l d h? r f on 'ahe , o'�loek - /t9 , a rzas tl�r Led in°book of G1.t'c%L't Pace TY 1 OF DEEDS -0 X �;tiR TO14 i t�ANSFER ENTERED JAN 20 "61 ROBERT F. HUSN1 ONS, AUD1t0A HENNEPIN C101LINJY MINN. Y DEPUTV T 7 5` ABSOLUTION VACATING ALLEY (ALLEY BETWEEN NORTH VILLAGE LIMITS AND BS1WRE LANE, AND BETWEEN MONROE AND IA C�XM AVtS.) WHEREAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the North - South Ailey lying in Block pour (4), West Minneapolis Heights Addition and between the North Edina Village Limits and Delmore Lane and between Monroe and Jackson Avenues, have petitioned for the Vacation of said alley; and WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on said petition on September 12, 1960, at 7 :00 P.M., has been given and made, and a hearing thereon has been had by the Village Councils NOW, THIRIFORi, DI IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota thatt "All of that North -South Alley lying in Block Your (4,'vest Minneapolis Heights Addition and lying between the Nol'th Edina Village Limits and Delmore Lane and between Monroe and Jackson .Avenues, as the same is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, shall be and hereby is vacated ". Adopted this 12th day of September, 1960. ATTEST: (Signed) GRETCHEN S. AID= Village Clerk State Deed Tax Due Hereon $None. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SS VILLAGE OF EDINA (Signed) - ,ARTHUR C. DRIDESBN, JR. Mayor EXEMCPT HENN. C;� "��3y�`t b, e I, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I haw compared the attached and foregoing "ABSOLUTI011 VACATING ALLEY" with the original thereof on file in my office; and that the same is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Village Council of said Village at its regular meeting held September 12, 1960. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal oft Village this 11th day of January, 1961. Village Clerk, Village of Edina, Minnesota 75-8 3274761 RANsFER ENTEREU jpli 20 1961 ROBERT F. FITZSIMMONS, AUDIT01 HENNEPIN COUNTY, ay DEPUTY \eK T BOX 880 Fa 389 RESOLUTION VZ: GATIIIG ALLEY (ALLEY BETWEEN I ?OI.` iI VILLAGE LIMITS AED 3 LI'lORE LANE, A1,TD BETWEEN ASOTI..OL AND JACKSON AVES . ) WHEMAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the North - South Alley lying in Block Four (4) , West Minneapolis I -Ia �.ghts Addition and between the North Edina Village Limits and Belmore Lane and between Monroe and Jackson Avenues, have petit.Coned for the Va <_ation of said alley; and WH33REAS, two weeks' published n 'i.ce of a hearing to be had on said pat;-Lion on S,4pLembe J oC, at 7:00 P.M., has been given and made, and a hearing th:.reon has been had by the Village Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village ouncil of the Village of:dina, Hennepin County, Minnesota that: "All of that North - South 21112y ly_zz1- in Blo k your (4), West I,i nneapoiis Ie'ghts Add. Lion and. lying between the Forth Edina V- -llage L:1mmits aad almore Lane and between lonroe and Jackson Av =anu a s, as L h z same f _s recorded - n the off. of the Reg.i_st -- r of De:eas of 1:1e- anap.:Un County, llin,iesoLa, shall be and ere y,is va ; --ated ". ,Wopted Lh'_s 12th day of ., pL :mbar, 1"3-. ^�TTEST: (S .gz.ed) AR' iUR C BREDE Z14 JR. (S-` geed) GRLT'1 1-1&I S. ALDE:?N Piayor Village Clark State Deed Tax Due Hereon $None, kkEfdrpT s =51 SiATE S. °:cis n, CEO. A. TOTTEN, JR. HENN. COUNTY TREASURER Sa': TL OF MININESOTA ) COUNTY OF Hi!.11 zPIN) SS VILLAG.0 OF EDINA I, the undiarcigned, duly appointed and acting Va_llage Clerk of the Village of F,dina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby wertify that I have ^oznpared the a -ac.aad and foragoing "RESOLUTIUi.,T V ACATUIG ALLEY" wz th teze or 4 &I nal tharnof on file _n my off :::�; and that the same is a full, true, # aka 600tract :opy of a r�solut _on duly 'Dy th:. V illa e ounv :Tl of sa'_ its t .gll) .ar ;i�: et_Ln field Se y?temb—r 12 , 196" t 'x 4 -W ES S I -Y, :,UND and the s,�.al of ,kj�._+_s W llage the -_s 11th Ala .Ianu V .11aT Clerk, Village of 4r4iaiza, -4i.artegbta Filed for record on the 30 day of Jan A.D. 1961 at 12:50 o'clock P.M.