HomeMy WebLinkAbout76824im ciforod tho ic;ilviving anii r.-vod its adopti -n. �}, .�y.A rry.. R'O 1 Ia-0 i.�?�' 1:.`-�J d'^�:����Ji .; T L.. 1' lit Lb..C!r.`.• 2-' i'lir- 2:0,09 a majority of they e:wwnwrs oz Lct 1 and the East Crio -: 31 of L..t 2, Bb;,cl: 2s Stevens Host -;Jd t-icn and Lot 7, Block 2. First -ddit.un have patiti;.nsd or the Vacation of tiat F:cst ~1,eat r,lloy lying betwoun said lots: anj 1HIM- C-1Z, twD wooks' publiahad notico W,d postod noticb of a hearing to be had cn suld potil.•t,ion .:n April 13, 1 ^7590 a; 7:00 p.m., hz-0 40-^n given and made, and a -iaeu ing Baas bmc a 4ad thereon by the Villago Councils ;;Gav TH E- L1170az- w is r �-=M— by t` a V111age C .uncil of the V:IIago of Edina, Han.riopin Coursty, 1 irmosata, that mot cortain Ea3t -1-T sL alley lyin(i bra ;wwr, ALo. cr -O and 't� Q s�", a&— Gne -Ralf of Lot V.,o, Flock Tw,.), :>tevenza First Wicri and Loy Sown, Block Twos Stevens "First � lditions a&, fl,t� J4i: c is rQc.'rdad in the of ica of tho nogiator of Deeds of Nonnepin Lcunty, Minnesota, be and is hereby vacated for a distance of 120 feot Ilost from the ,- :ost ling of Indianola Avenues to the Y.o t 1 .no of tho East One-Half of Lot Two, Block Two, Stevrans First Addition." Votion for adoption of Resolution Vacating JUloy wa6 soconded by Tinian and on Rollcall there worn four eyes and no nayst as follows: Beim, aye; Kohler* ayo; Tupa, ayol and llradason, aya; and the Resolution was a icptod. Adapted t1da 13th day of Ppril, 1959. ATTIESTs �+y 0111,31Z.,41 A sSF C. FT�';. J. Villoce Clark N% S • 7. jF OF S Al:. NiL.3MA J CGI1111 I OF iMUE. IN � SS VILUZE. OF EDINA Is Gretchen S. Alden, being tha 4uly appain4 and acting Village Clark of the Village of Edino, Hennepin C(vnty, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have ok mind the attpchod mid forogr.,ing rv,coluticn, en ti .lvct V,GrzT11Z IILiY ", with than original thoroof on filo in my office; and tho cw -ne is c full, truo and correct copy of v"eh rvsoluLion as duly adopted by the Village Council of said Village at its regular zooti.ng hold April la, 1:59* t"TxniESS my hand ,and the real •of this 'Village this 203rd day of l.pril, 1c596 l Villago Glor% Village of Edina ��� 2 --L _ i�a r. DORSEY, OWEN, BARBER. MARQUART a WINDHORST JAMES E. DCIRSE, Il..v -­. DAVID E. *ENTNSON KAYNARD N NA �s CLOUIS' AENNFTN N.JWEN PET kR DORSE` 111.'.1 H EARNER GEOPIE P.iUMNEP} DONALL HEST CUN's . ROY WALDO i. KAR01..R' ART,.UR E. WEISWF R!, JOHN W. MNDN00" DUANE k IOSEM NENRY NA -.A-, "..N W JONIES ­tt P n kIft0ORD JAME* &VESSEY AW—JA IE —TNET CNARE Is O. H~RD JORN G.D -10 WLLL:MI A. WNIT'Cl RUSSELL W i. 1NF+.A11`,T TN(IMS . RROWN DAVND R. BRIM CORW," D _ONES ,,)WE E.HM r THOW3 1 ERK, Q`N VWW' N KILL RC EDWA . SCNRMIET211AUFR TARW/ NICHAE.- F 6REAs Do Lumv SPENCER MUL G 11TWW` RO"On !04R50N LAW OFFICES FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2,MINNMSOTA 4 r t c. Village of Edina 450' hest 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota FEDERAL t -7361 March 6, 1961 ATIRUTIQN: Mr. Joseph Zikan Gentlemen: �I I of L l EN% RE: Edina Covenant Church - Recording data for Storm Sewer Basement and Truck and Equipment Turn - ,Around Easement. The following is the information re the recording data of the above described ease nts: 1. Truck and Equipment Turn- Around Easement covering all that part of Lot 4, Block 2, Stevens' lot Addition North of the South 20 feet thereof, recording date December 14, 1960, Document No. 3267550, Book 2282 of Deeds, page 606. 2. Sewer Easement over the vacated portion of the alley running east West in said block, recording date December 14, 1960, Document No. 326`7551, Book 2282 of Deeds, page 609. If there are any other questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, D , 0WBNi BAWW_j M R4UART &How y� I J J. eyl JJT/al UF,1 ,NSEL 'AVIT' R WARAER e. LANC N SCOT' V i S, 311-W TA111131 V11TVITT Ffill 8"TUFUN 3 i'M �_1111S IMSTRUPP141% da,�- r":X 19 by emd Wye= EDINA WVVAR? CRURCU, A ' CorI)OI-Wion, pulty of the first part j and tho V01age of irFjqn a rxunii9 dl aaal corporarbion OrgwWea Under the lava of UP Otete of Wann=U a:,:"14y of the second I ax IVOWTH that the eaid party of the first paat, In consideration OV One v4d NOW Doilars to it in hood poid by the sald party of the second part, the reoeipit irs hereby anknouledged, does grant bargain, zell, {ii vey and wax .en t tQ Valld perty oX the zpaor,01 part &L, c�ase_ ment in Perpotulty for story. set, r inO-1-14irv-4 lalt Tight to enter for thx' pixr, pose of' constructine, va1ix,1ta1vinC.-, altering, rte �,,?aLriirrg erd reconstruet... ing S Storm.sewer SysteZ In and r7ve-r the f011kAzing; deseribea pwoperty sjtuat�� in, t1he V'Yady of Ronnepin and State of minte-sotal to"&W All that part of tj�r,- . ef ., va %tAd a�_jey runnins shaterly and Westerl, in Block 2, Stevens' Ist Addition to Minne- eapolis, whiob alley is rare paiticularly denclibed as follows: C"amencing at the Nortbealt cornBx of Lot 7, Bloat 20 of said AddItion, thence Went at oAi& the North lLille_ ('r said Lot 7, a diStanne of 120 feet; thanee North to a point on the V"nith line. of Lot 2, Block 2, SaVq Addition, Wbich p,jnt is 120,yeet westerly of the Southeast corner of Let 1, Blook 2, said Addition her�ce east *l Olen g the coot h line of salf"I Lot. 2 exid the NPouth live of Lot 1, Block 2p s*16 Addition, to the C out heast cornor of sald Lot 1; thence Vouth to tbO at of beginning, apeordin , +,0 file and of recoW In the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota. It is the Oteation Wd agreement of the parties boxelo that the party of the first :nal-t will owape any buildinas, struoturps and improve- z-9,5n%o. S,-Illclh May be coxistMicto-0, on the dbove deserlb& premim to be coa- st-,'actee.1 in such a manner tbet such builAings, atructu-reo will not Interfere w0b tho aperntiGn ot the presertly exleting stona sewer Gyettysa 1:j�mted W1 Wnd water eald premises, It io the i-z 't enti-o'n twqd tl:at of the part ion hereto that WPO"'I Writtan notice YOW the Party nZ tl'he� pati t ,.)f C oaat .,rrence rir SOn Ma Y9 It nwMaWy to enter upon the Move doscribed premiger for tht, pen Veres of oorstructing, maintalnivy, Stu in Mal rinn " "Gnstryot- Ine gald storm sever system, erd. upon wrttteii not'ice tivx% th4'z party of the sycond text deems it WWWY W remOve W' a-It•r uny bt.;AJAWIZO, strMares and improvements located on still premiSez in Orden tO W"te Oall c0a- struction, maintenance, alter=104, repair sxd rea=struot,10% W Party ly ct tbe first part 0011 pXWOM Ot its 0M cAt Md We", and es qY"1 ao p000ible, with Ulf- reM-'-)Val (.)r Of the bujidinos, otructurns and Sprovemento upon Said Proralcee, Wich way interfere vith 0aid construnt- ion, maintepance, alteration, repelr vmd re,construetlon of Said, stoxia Sewer syotem; It is Artber the rf the parties hereto that If said xci- Moval or *iteration Is not cormenced by the party of the tirst Art vithin 3 Ws from the r6colpt of said notice, the party of tli.*.,: seool)d 1-I-Art re$enles the rigut to etter upon said prealses an to zuke euch removal or alteration it saY W140 8s; struntaveo and 11provements aS it dsems nMOOSQ; and it is the intentioan and agreement of An Paxties herato that the pnxty of Who or tki,st, pa2tt, ir, the event of the entry upon andd promiaes by the paxty 0 th, sesond pant to remove or altor any bulldjr�,.gr,, -&itruetiir<.-s and improvements thexwon, shell reimburse the party of the zecond part for all OoKs and ex-- pen an of such alteration or romoval, upon demand by the party Of thO SeoWhA part. It io the intention and agWeewent of tht partleg hereto that in the �?aa,7ty of the Z4 c�11A part de it necessary to enter upon the e)r above denaribed pramises A, th ar °waca of construction, malrtenanav alturetion, rejeIr an reranotr"OtIon of Said sto =. eevor s tw,, but aloes I .16 riot requt*st that any buildInge, Aruotures and IWOVOMWO ZOOM On 001 promises be ronxed or altered, then the SKY Of WO first Paxte s all Pay to the paxty of the seconparty on demand, the ifference btwen the coot thru ectust"otVni, ran al-exten la"', ujteratjon x-epcLjr and recon truotln as said cost yea actually VnvurreO end the estimMa =t Of the Wnstraa- alteratlan, repalr and reconstruction Woh vauld bare been Wourred; had t1, e above, prami"s bsen fre,, try buildings" atructurto VQ improvements. It Is further tO AnteWaa and agreement of the POKWO WHO that the paxty of the aeoond part, 14 the altera- tjon., 3C` 3" and reconstruction of said storm mover system, shall not to obliged to reeqnstruct or et-plaop. th:e Who, or any paxt of any buildlngp sV"%xqture W improvemevh removed or altered in the couxle of 00-id canatr-oa- and ftrbher it is the : tcx'ution of t 'palt ies h0'A_G that the port of tbe, second part, in tha 1'aaixjtett jan- - - al I eao-an 0* on ation, rope r t- Wzti, of said storm sewer System 01421 be 01190d Q WIMe fix-1 to and- sod Pamoved by any exiavation Q 10=Winn Witb sunh construetinny vaintvnawaq a3t.eratiori., It Is the 100ation and agreomoat or the Parti, WOW that the I ptKy at the s000nd pal-L shg1j We We absolirte, -ri�71it to determine Me,, following: (a) The occasions U04 timth vhimb will make it necessary to antep upoa So aboVe described pxoptrty Vo• 140 Purvoses of tonKructins! main-, taniog, PItcwing, repairing and rwaaautruating seld WrM sewer ZYMM; (b) The owassinxio and tb-n-es which will MOW it Ofmoosaxy to re- mavo, &I'Ler may WJAIT,Lav;',a otruotu'.*�"ez YWxl 1U,-'e-ated P'U16 promises in order to Oaaatruct, WNW, 61tero Weir .*vd 1*00nst1 l4',t abi sto;m SO= system. the Mention and agreement of the Paxties hereto that the myd agreemento set forth in this Otruw4rt oball run with the land aod W11 be hind0a upon t, Church, perty of the first pea%" end VjjjqjO of Edina, party of the second part - t)iai i r , ex re peative suctenoors and assigne, Firat NOW Sominve ana Mtn Anaooiot.jon Is tll of tbo uml'er thst COMID mortgage Indentume WON FedeTal Wingo W Lo Association, of MInnappolis, wnxteo6ewo Mich In- strument vas mea wr rennya on Peorunij 29, !960o in the office of the Rocister of Deeds, Henne,4 and wea •filed theenin in 'Borat 3:rf4 ot Morteages, page 159. r1rat rwlerall SaVIPWA 4 Lost AssoolokU !is jous in. this InZtinment eXprossAy or th-, .-,>vrpose of P.-,)aaonting U,� t1j,- easement depwrVbad herein 4rA for the -purprose of declaring Emy right.,, Utle or into-rest saitl First Y-derea, Savina's V-DA Loan AmsoGiation of Mir-new, Us may hu've in -the prewines described heartlu,, to be wholly stub or6lrAte wA subjeot, to the evowint, set fort-b he,4�'eirn raxI to the eovenvrato and eon- in this lro tri)zexlt. rX �41TNPSS WRTERV , I�Miti4 Cov,�nant Church,, the first -party herein, rigs, cause4, t1ione premisea to executed in Its corporate awne 'bw its Obairman, Trustee Doard, tod litz 11I.Masurer -o-u4 ges, . _V 41m, 4*_*a the day and year f 1-jr-st above u.-ritton. I I N W rMin WWARB/017,, First pede� &.I Savlwxp and Loan A,,qsociatjon o:r ,j'-O_, Mirineapolis hwi caused these prwises to bo exeou�ed in 'its 00 -,)rate 4amt* by ito and 1-ts Assiettant Vice -Pr eside'at and Its coyporate nee.. Ito he 'hereunto affixed th(.h d4y and y first Whove qrIttan.. f',tate N�ed Teux .1 , due jier­rda Xx,, 1` Lfwerace of; (Otuv-p rvte (Carporcvte szea MINA COWAVOW CHURCT Dv 7. ba uar Utz hal >ard Ito Tross.-urer FMST FMIMAL SAVINCRER JASO '144 N ASUS(ZIATIr•s or, MIMM"I")LIS By z, 'd S cA } Ommy or vIN On this 9 1h day. C+fc�c:FMS � 1 a, before me, OL Votary Publio vithi n and for said county, Pex song lY aPP-lared ALB AM -. .4uA CUMMI A. FIMDL � to my pgrsona i knovu, vilo, being each by jae duly avorn dId say that they are r spoetivejy the Chairmm,, Trustee Bosand cod, tho Treasurer of the carporati n nmed in the foregoing inst L- ' .ter.. LO x and that isaid instr ent was Signer ftvA-is ! in beheIr of sad corporation by aut- bority of Its Churdh toard and said Albert t. Andes vnn m4. Chaxles A. Fiedler acknovIedged. said inot-rumont to be the free act and deed of said corporation. (1f C, c a,tina- seal) �'a C Pry l "iii �/i lJi t i STAVE tjF Wom, "In this barn,* me, a votary 4PPewod C. L- Tbeifs =d me belma fto-41 �- 41A :j:,re:Ly the vloe Prealdont and t)le ppk�4}} lt V104 Prooldant ''f t'l"O c,l%rV0r4tVM Usowd in the N 144- that the sew. elff%xon4 t,:� Sao. inatraa,�,,� �t j$', the of)rp)ra+,e cX -Alalel aorporaaon� arA f Irlatn=011t, was Vlgae4 and seaied ka twimir of ""d OOrPn-,�atl= 1w aut,)urity or it I s wum, of aucl Vail 0, L, Theis and C!,,, 0. Xv �gt an aclknovjedgm, acid jnat.,,�t to be, the f.rea ac�t. ar,& deed Of said aorporation. io ll*�=epin County, 1411MOSO-44 XY aamsalOn OXPl-w-OS OcWber 8,,, 1965, Wtarw, awe) P S3