HomeMy WebLinkAbout866I 6859.1 ,?jMlSTE RED VOC,_ ..,___p tl r_,LZ . ` -- IN, G G F, G( -) OFFICE OF REE15l-RAR OF TITLES STATE OF MINN ' ' -'OTA C, UNITY OF HENf - "FrIN t+jib?in frrstrurn2rrt urs )`ri .r'; tt; s oj, iee can t} e 13 day cJ [Vjpp �i A, D. °tO J2 fit r �� ATTF-S'r 685941 C. r- NOTIC'E OF ADVERSE CLAM (Section 508370 MiLnesota statlxt;(:B) HENRY IT. RVUEDGE and OUR R. RMLOGE9 husband and vife., have granted an easement to the VillaGe of Edina Uted Marah % 1962j, for st-orm sewer -purposes over the property situate in Hewepin County,, Minnesota.. described as follcusj to --vy it: The East Twentjy (20 feet of Lot OP Hilldale Addition. Said Henry T. Rutledge mid Helen R. Rutledge,, husband and wife2 are the owners of nil of said Lot C., Addition., by virtue of sn unrecorded deed from the record owner,, Annabel Mae Hutchinson and her husband M,.!rrill Hutchinson, are in actual possessiaxi of said lot and will. not now record said deed. Said easement grants to the Village of Edina an interest in said lot adverse to the registered owner. An executed copy of the aforementioned easement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The registered owner of all of said IrA. Cj, Rilldale Addition; is Annabel Mae Hutchiariono as evide4aed by Certifiaate of Title No. 67516, in Volume 215, P*9.-e 67516? The offices of the 'Village of Edina are at 4601 Meat 50th Street., Edina, 24p Minnesota., and axiy notice or notices to be served upon it under this statement of Adverse Claim may be served upon it at such atd4ress. VILIAGE W z And Vi -11 ("1 M-PIC VERiFICKTION WARREN 0. HYDE, Village Manager of t'he Village of Edina and ORKI"CM 8, PIDEN,. Village Clerk of tlx- Village of Edina have read the for ego zt stem .,r4t, of Adverse Claim,, and know the contents thereof and herein state the:.�same io true cmd correct to their best information and 1-1 subocr ibqd land sworn to before me befor this day of, ,43 EASEMENT FOR STORM SEWER THIS INSTRUMENT, Made this day of X& , 19 dt., by and between R"= To WAtlAfto gjA X:bud wA yUo of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, parties of the first part, and the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part; - WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part, in considera- tion of One and no/100 (1.00) Dollars, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey, and Warrant to said party of the second part an Ease - ment in perpetuity for storm sewer purposes, including the right to enter for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, altering, repairing and recon- structing a storm sewer system in, under, and over the following described property situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to -wits wt #an jr (20) flat of Lot 6,0 UUd*U lddiUm s f. It is the intention and agreement of the Parties her that the party of the second part shall in the construction, or maintenance of said storm sewer replace any shrubs or sod removed by any excavation in connection with such con- struction or maintenance work, in as nearly as possible the same condition as before such excavation. i EASEMENT FOR STORM SEWER THIS INSTRUMENT, Made this day of X& , 19 dt., by and between R"= To WAtlAfto gjA X:bud wA yUo of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, parties of the first part, and the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part; - WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part, in considera- tion of One and no/100 (1.00) Dollars, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey, and Warrant to said party of the second part an Ease - ment in perpetuity for storm sewer purposes, including the right to enter for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, altering, repairing and recon- structing a storm sewer system in, under, and over the following described property situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to -wits wt #an jr (20) flat of Lot 6,0 UUd*U lddiUm s f. It is the intention and agreement of the Parties her that the party of the second part shall in the construction, or maintenance of said storm sewer replace any shrubs or sod removed by any excavation in connection with such con- struction or maintenance work, in as nearly as possible the same condition as before such excavation. IN WITNESS-1%'TIEREOF, The said parties of the first part have hereunto *,-t their_ hands and seals the- day and year first above written. In Presence of; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this 5th day of March .9 A.D. 19 62 , before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared H.nry T. Rutledge and Helen R. Rutledge d USLind and Wife � to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. a (Notarial ;peal) V r ain CoLmtY, Minn, I i RANSFER ENTERED MAR 13 1962 ROBERT F. FITZSIMtMiONS, AUDITOR N E ING�G -CITY, MINN. a �EpuTV A5131V OF ADVERBE CLAIX (&actiol, 508-70 Mianesota Statutes) 7j -1C HENRY T. RUTLEDGE and MEN R. RUTLEDGE, husband and wife, have granted an easement to tle Village of Edina dated Arab; 5, 1562, for storm sewer purposes over the propert;y situate In Be lain County, Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit r The East Twenty (20) feet of Lot. C, Hilldale Addition. Said Henry T. Rutledge and HIM R. hutledge, husband sud vife, are the ov-sers of all of said Lot C, Hilldule Addition, by virtue ot an unrecorded deed from the record owber, Annebel Mae Hutahineon taxi her husband Phrrill Hutchinson, ore in actual possessioa of said lut an will not now record said deed. Said easement grants to the VlllaZe of 190-ins tia interest in said lot adverse to the registered owner� An executed copy of the aforementioned easement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The registered owner of all of said lot C, HilMale Addition, is ArnMel Me Hutchinson, oz evidenced by Certifleate of Title No. 67516, in Volum�� 215, page 6106. The offices of thm Village of Edina are at 4801 West 50th Street, Edina 24, Mirinesota., _zmd Euxy rk icy it notices tt; be oerv• d upon it urder ';,his statement of Adverse Claim s be served upon it at suceh VZ,GU CW nMiA BY WARREN C. BYDS, Village QnaZer of the Villvge of Edina and GRETCHEN S. AIDEN2 Village Clerk of the Village of Sdina have road the foraGoing statement of Adverse Claim, ard l,now tit contents thereof tLiatj hay,edu state the same is true anA correct to their best information and b . P "1 11 War edy PAWde Subscribe swor before IVE Gxatcban S. Alden— this 7 v1dialay, of :L9 r A MTV Scats" 'Of W"W"'two, psfties of the f i� �• L. r a y WW IM SM#'that the said partift Of tion of one and no /100 (1,00) Dollars, to them in hand potdY,by tom► ltf of the second part, the receipt whereof is hersiby acknowledged, do Qcant, '` Bargain, Sell, Convey, and Warrant to said party of-the second part `s Lase• , A sent in perpetuity for storm sewer purposes, including the right to enter for the purpose of constructing. maintaining, altering, repairing a structin a storm '' 4 sorer system in, enders and over the following dSVOtt propwrtlt situate in the COUnty of Hennepin and State of 1Mirg"sota K rM1 *set tafnty (20) feet of Lot C, 8111 dais Addition. � It is the intention and agreement of the Parties hereto that the party of the seconi part shall in the construction, or maintenance of said storm sewer replace any shrubs or sod removed by any excavation in connection with such con- struction or maintenance work, in as nearly as possible the same condition as before such excavation. fi ix ( �ti.; A o IN Ai' y 4 .4, LX 4 Jl k ir 4 0� V 1 Vi ri q 16 iq Oh this Sth da of M* ek 'NO t&3W P ubliO w ithin'4t%: 4id 6r � 'ald k4r, A 7 77-7 77� -vA M f.2 th k]2010n t b4 pers ,,desojibod �U 0 'd Aris �U, I t h6 MW�" Aea4 A, 31 juo q 4g -k A. t! �� L. maw - -C�