HomeMy WebLinkAbout876A1r r THE CITY OF HOPKINS 723 EXCELSIOR AVENUE TELEPHONE WEST 8.3548 January 5, 1962 Mr, Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Sir: We are attaching the two (2) copies of the agreement between the City of Hopkins on the use of Hopkin's sewer and easement for Sanitary Sewer. Yours truly, t CR"vc C. R. Peterson, City Clerk CRP: f Enc: -10ps RgdA a A f � •c4A11C�, HOPKINS, MINNESOTA P-jViTXTT Poft a"May -IM T-4 IS li 3WUX tT Made this , day of JanuarZ_, 1962.„ by an :tuftn the City of Ropkins, a mmi.a:ip&l corp*mUca unAer the 3&vs of the $tate of Minnesota, party of t first ,part, ars4 tJw VIllimae of r4ina, sa rmnitoipal cov,*ratlm organized ur4tr the laws ort the Bute of Minnesota, Wit' of the seam at; WIMWM, VWt tip, said psrty, of the, fiTst psrta In zmaideration of one Dollar ($1.00) &44 lather SLv4 and valuable coAsideeration, to it in band paid 'by said fArty of the seomd part, the rocci. pt whex of is hereby aoUaQwledged, aloes Graut, Barigla, rAll, Convoy, and Var t to said party of i2w second part an Easement in t", t%i Von sanitary avver parposes, 1*01*4tag the right to eater for tbo pur ass of cowtvacting, maintainiag, all ring, repwiring, and mconsUmt g a$ sanitary soa r aptem in, fir, and over tbo following Aessa xci'bea3 arty altuatae in tide Cot axty of HenAmpin and ' tae of 141a sots, t v;tt% A strip of land tvantyr ( ) feet in width lying being in the Northwest Quartoor of the Northeast Quarter of $eatlon 30, dip 117, Saw 91, a the Northwest qimwter of the North - vest Quarter of Section 29, Township 117, amalp 21p and laa the Southwest quarter of the Soutkniest Quarter of Section 2D, Zmm- ship 1170 Renew 21, all eceoraing 'to the United states 0overn Bent U'ver thereof Iftamp" arc ty, Minnesota, the otater lirm of which is described as followeg to -vilt: It is the intention and nt of the parties boreto tbat the party oih the second part shell. in the eosast iwtion, or ualateziance of ssid CAUIUX ev"V M'Lm� spy tg=w, 00d or Pmu-,w remjvt4 by a47 ommotl= i'm tt-cmowre'101'1- -Alwh Such vx�oadb-la; the, wvae coolut r bO 'a v mvvA r 't ty, t4 a P�zr MW043 tO 1,11 OV-0-OW TA ItO 1"VAO b.-'r r ,tnd ita City Clerk ear) �mA tc* be hwe�wt4 att' the 4ity 'ta �,7v Owe we.,t 01'rivy ar NOW110 ILL 4-L J, C�L Clerk 071AIVIT a"k, 118MMISPIN t;)n Ullt) QT'e 140!,, 1 -190 n W��x sM- aw —Idf Donald J. Milbert tyd Clifford R, Pe erson g , 7a 2, 7v 7-7z e 1 a VI- cow lc�tlivb4 l h pq t1e ")z 4t tzd- t LO' 1. er Y, vjt* I I MG, 3 'wou"ummmt �o -ww Q �6orzxxiV 1 that s �, vt M-ont, 1 k Sugm-'a, 00a oft t"n lm-&1011 z ,-dd �tawvw""t,., City Clerk to "Ver 41 CATHERINE C. SCHUTZ Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. MY n Expires Jan. 23, 1968. 6834t.`20 ;axx la; 111tra Y i 4iiS " in, b*40 thi's .. or ,. a G ad a4 I 91a, y t *t1 Q0 City of aptisa, a a ai+cipal ca?1 om%j 2 under the )*we C t 8tats of " x bot^, vary of the first part, 44A tho VUIS �+f �, aina a rAulo y4l csrpoxstim Or r 'the JA s ` State or Minnesota, $a y or the smand t wrm=v , t the CA14 tarty or the first Wit, in considerstica gal ;: Zollar (s 1.00) and otl*r SoW and valmable cc jdevatjou, to it in head tAM ty said party or the sev art, the reeelpt witereof is bereby does Great, Salva.a, Bell, veY, end wsrmu to said Party of tho second part an t : getulty for ltd' sever purposes, laola4lnS the right to enter far pu phse of vomstr ting, oalataining, rejairingo we reconstmwting a sanitary savor oyatem Inp under, and over the following 4escribed Vroporty situate In %M OtTanty of Hennepin e :l Z to of mimesaw, ter -t it s It is the intention arA agreement of the p&rtles Wreto that the party or tbe second art shoU in the construction, or maintenswe of said smstevy Ower xTimee lik wfrncxAlwt vith V406h in, tim-1, sx: m"'i'm tav,�; ROO, '21 jwwwwwo to to asocutoa 4ka �,tu vA6,1,P-,Oz by, ito Aw Ito eu-4, It's 0- 1W hous ths- OLv 0A. �'Zw `lmst lbawo VOW, "Ormew"O Ott" —, 57.-. " . . .1 r. a- A., LL �or viru �J)n 41ilt".1 w, 11010 vu? IA Igo "NOW Sao l to me vow gat n. Xul", lzl tho the ;<, >ca ud mmdl Irk, mu u) w Mop