HomeMy WebLinkAbout964`728004 UlUer -ftv% C.. Kim sea. q�f pN, Form No. 31 �M. 1[I,rwa u.lt� c...q.nsfaj llt3u. 9fjco Nbenturet Made this .............. i It. h......................... day of ................ Febru...... .............., 19.63 ......... 1iiago of. tiina ........................................................................................... .......................... _ a ooiporC ti T under the hasp 0 tht state of............ xinnesota .. ...., pasty of the fist part, and ....... _ ....... » .. ............................... ....6.... ... .�........ +............... ............................... ........................................................................................ .I............................. a esrporation tinder the Was of the State of Minnesota ............... ............ party of the second part, and A. J. toppelaars , party of the third part, and `' .., nitneometb. That the said party of the first part, in conetderation of the sum of Ate_ U�l z...aio�...a1�1�, ..a►+��, ,k�,�.. lax WPM .. -------------------------- °� I......... ..... - .- ................-... to u In Band paid by the said part the second/ ,1 , iii+ �p -- f . - j , wliano is here ,,,,,,�� ed does hereby Grant, Barjoin, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said pawoof the second /pa fue4eAisors and assijne, Pbrevor, all the traol ............ or parioel ...... ... of land lyinj and bein j to the County of ....................... Henn i .! .........................and State of Minnesota, desertbed as follows, to-witr A strip of land ten (10) feet in width lying five (5) feet on each side of the following described line: V A line drawn from the last line of Lot Twelve (12), Block L11 Your (4), Brookline let Addition, Edina, Minnesota, to the West lime of said lot parallel with and distant one hundred sixty (160) feet North measured at right angles from the v� South lime of Lot Ten (10), Block Your (4), Brookline let Addition, Edina, Minnesota. This deed is given for the purpose of releasing and terminating that certain easement for maintenance of a storm sever created in that certain instrument recorded in the office of the Registrar of Titles as Document Number 715475 The North 5 feet of the above described 10 foot strip being hereby conveyed and released to C. K. Katter & Sons, Inc., party of the second part and the South 5 feet of the above described 10 foot strip being hereby conveyed and released to A. J. Poppelaars, party of the third part. We *abe nub to Oo1b the tutu, To jether with all the h vditaments nd ppurtenanoes there - awie belon fin j or in anywise appertainin j, to the said pa?4T the second t, sors and assijns, Peswer. In ,Presenos of fi. -C i Jn Zt.0HUMP Wbtftd, The said first party has oauted these presents to be executed to its corporate name by its....... MAYOR ............_ PTAMM and Its ...... rlxe M.9 ... CIAM ........... and its oorporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. VIL �P EDINA ............................... ......... ............................... r ' Its. MAYOR 75ionk I to V ILLACE CLERK *tate of Ainne'50tal N. County of HENNEPIN On Chia . ......... ........ �11th ........day of. 19 53, before me, a ............ ... NO.TA,R.Y... -.P.U.BL.I.C. within and for said County, personally appeared ...... .....ART1iUR, C.- BREDESEN, ... JR.-- ................... ... .. . . .......... to me personally known, who, beinj each by me duly sworn TIHEY did qay that they are respectively the ....... mAy-OR ft'W$" and the. .......................CLERK .... _ of the corporation named in the forejoinj instniment, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, apid that said instrument was slined and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its j*XW )W .... VILLA.SE. COUNCIL and said.. ............ AFTHVE ... J-R . .. ... ... ... and -GRETCHEN S& ALDEN acknowledied said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. DALEN) Fri 06 cc> is v , Xotary Fublw . �, HENN EpIS ... .. ... .. . ........ County, Minn My commission expires.. --JULY, 24 , 19 6_1 - r., Uj x Z' Lu —j go H U. 0 rz ts Q 0 < x .z M 4z Q, co C-0 a) < (n J Z 75) LLI -rz co LL. #� .- . 0 4.. Ld < EL W < W 0 as 115: 0 D- Zh (n RL Z5 Z S-:' Q LL, Z ts -0 Z" U- Z 0 LJ W z :) -'Z co LL 0 0 r., x Z' L6 - Vo Z nt� Zh RL zo) IN r., x Z' L6 - Vo Zh r., x Z' L6 2041---Quit CI&Ow Oqsod, 11.111. . — ­_ • -1, .­ I el"700rett" ft 4*f*WP*64*9% 72SO05 Unt2arsn 41"ic* 0'"I: 9bi Jubenturt, xae th4s ... . ......... ........ . ... . ................. ............ a ow7pration under the laws of the St.0. of _._-.__.......Minnes.9t.a .............. __, party of the ftrit part, and .... 52alu.-larc . ..... . . . .......... . .................................................................... ow7oraJiox under the laam of the SA%U of . . . ........ ­.Mia MN 11 ............. . ................ .............................................. . .......... Pa"r of the WOO" part, NNWtWk*, That the said party of the ftret part, 1A oo"1dowatiox of the sum of - : one Dollar and other valuable considerations ------------------------- :jqUZAXW ....... ­._ .. . ........ . . I ................ ...... .. — ................. . ............... ­­ ..... . ................ . ............................................... . ........................... ....... :� ... to 14 in hand paid by As said party of the sowed part, OW receipt wh4reof is hereby acknowledged, dow hw4y Grant, Bar#"*, Qult"ms, and Convey unto the said party of the am" part, Us mwasors w&d aa4fns, Forever, all the 6 __-or pwv4__*1 WW lying and Mai in OW County Of._..- -------------- ........... ....... 8ts" 01.464moso* doom-ibed of follow, Jo-W": The North 5 feet of Lot 12, and the Su'lztli 5 feet of Lot 1-5, Blob 4, "Broo�<Itne of Audition ", Edina, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. This deed is given for the purpose of releasing and terminating t*­Ose certain easements for constriction and maintenance of storm sewer created is those certa4n instruments recorded in the office of the itegiBtrar of Titles as Document Numbers 367481 and 367483. to *At 06 10 JOA tit OMU, Together with all Ow he wWamonts and appurUnaao" A-Orf- usWo b*Ja%#^jf or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of t1w wooed part, its suooessors and assigns former. In P"Samos of .......... ........ ­ ...... .............................. .% 9"t11 " Oftned. The said ftrot party has musod these pr@#W%" to be Smouta in UO Wrpm%* nam# j. jU___114.Y.r)R.. ANINUM and W ...... VULLAGE.-CLERK -------- __daJ U& Corporate SM1 to be hwvunto affLad the daP "d year *0 above Written. ____V.iLLAAA. Of.. A ........... ...... ..... .......... it............ I .. .... .. .. . ..... �� �,,. VILLAGE CLERK .............. . ................... ........... ..................... ......... ......... ite *tate of Iffinntota, 88. County of ... 1, kinnep in ........... ............................... On this.., 28th 1 . . January NOTARYPUBLIC — ........ -day of— ........................ . ...... I ....... I ....... 1 19 ..... 6 ... I ... .... before me, a within and for said County, personally appeared ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JR. IRETCHEN S. ALDEN . .... .. ........ ... .. . .... ... and ...... ...... ... ­ * .. ...... . .... .. .. .... ........ to me per.qonally,known, who, being each by "w duly sworn . . ........ .... did may that they are respectiuely the.... MAYOR and the... .... E ... ...... . ..............of the corporation named in t** foregoinj in0ru•ent, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corpora- tion, and that said in4trument uxw signed anA sealed in behalf of said oorporation by authority of its NX6*yox ................. ............ and said .............. ARTH.UR and I-RETCUX—S. ..ALDEN ... .......... .... ... .... ack"wledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said ....................... ........ ............ ......... ....... .......... ........ ..... HEN N.E.P.I co"J"Y' Alin*. NY ..... J.- 41 W W W ,9 LL QD F- 0 LL- 0 ti CV) W 7- LL Ld Az -6., U. *' Qtz OM 0 tz -4� Q D a. it zz LLJ < 0 W CL tn. Ld!� .z 3 z lf-Z' Q Z > 00 Z31 tz LL LL 0 0 3 ts 0 0 LLI LL, Az Q0dc LL 0 4 LLj ot it (44 A z 4; O z FS Pit 44: 0: IL 1z 4, P% QA GEO. R. KODADEK ATTORNEY AT LAW 928 MIDLAND BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401 FEDERAL 2.5884 July 19, 1966 Clerk of Village of Edina 1801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Sir: On June 13, 1960, the Village of Edina executed a quit claim deed purporting to release all right, title and interest in the South 10 feet of the North 15 feet of Lot 4. Block 4, "Brookline 1st Addition ". The purchaser of said property is attempting to secure a mortgage and Title Insurance Company is requesting a certified copy of the resolution authorizing the Village of Edina to exe- cute said quit claim deed. Will you kindly check your records and furnish me with a certified copy of said resolution. Also include therewith your bill for services and I will mail you a check. Thanking you, I am GR.K : g Yours truly, GEO. R. KODADEK sj I� I r7 t t i�i_. July 20, 1966 Mr. George R. Kodadek 926 Midland Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Kodadek: Enclosed is a certified copy of a portion of the Minutes of the Village of Edina Council Meeting of June 13, 1960 relative to the release of storm sewer easements by the Village in the South 10 feet of the North 15 feet of Lot 4, Block 4, Brookline 1st Addition. $ am enclosing a statement in the amount of $1.00 for this document. Yours very truly, Village Clerk fbh encl. May 16, 1952 Mr. John W. Windhorst Dorsey,Colman,Barker,Scott & Barber First National -Soo Line Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Windhorst: lie are enclosing herewith the following Storm Sewer Easements received yesterday, from Mr. Peder Mickelsen: 1. South five (5) feet of Lot Three (3), Block Four (4), Brookline First- Addition. 2. North five (5) feet of Lot Four (4), Block Four (4), Brookline First Addition. 3. North five (5) feet of Lot Twelve (12), Block Four W., Brookline First Addition. 4. South five (5) feet of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Four (4), Brookline First Addition. We will appreciate your having these easements recorded as soon as possible. Also enclosed, for record, is a street easement from E.G. Thnrnell Construction Company, Inc. at Edina Bel -Air. gsa Yours very truly, PILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk STORK No EASEMENT WHEREAS, the undersigned Feder Bi,e:k,,,, essn .�.._.... and Chdst„ei „Ij„ W husband and We, are the owners of the promises hereinafter described situated In the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin and State of Minnese"I WHEMS, the undersigned are desirous of having a Store Sewer contrasted and thereafter maintained for the service of their property IOW, THEMMRI, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of One Dollar (#1.00) to-us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowrlsdgsd, wit, the undersigned, hereby give and grant unto the Village of Edina, a municipal cor- peration of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, a perpetual easement of the nsoossary width and depth for the construction, installation, operation,, maintenance and repair of a Storm Sewer, in, under, over and upon the following described premises, to wits South five_ (5) feet of Lot Three (3) Mock Your (4), Brookline Fisvt= Addition. It is understood that said Storm Sewer will be constmated and thereafter maintained as nearly as may be in the location upon said promises established by the' Engineer in charge of the construction of said Storer Swore IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereoauto set our hands this „A*day lor 1952. STATE OF MID SMA) COUNTY OF HIMPIM)ss. On this day of p 1952, before me, a notary Public Athin and for said County, personally appeared and ZgraJljEi!.G /Go me known to be the persons described in ___ and who executed the foregoing easement and acknowledged that they exesuted the ` STORM MU EASB'HE�iT WHEIAS, the undersigned Peder Mckelaen and Christine Migkelsen husband and wife, are the owners of the premises hereinafter described situated in the Vitilage of Edina, County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, am WHEREAS, the undersigned are desirous of having a Storm Sewer constmotod and thereafter maintained for the service of their property NOWt THE FORE, in consideration of the premises and of the no of Quo Dollar (+1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, hereby give and grant unto the Village of Edina, a municipal cor- poration of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, a perpetual easement of the necessary width and depth for the construction, installation, 'operation, maintenance and repair of a Storm Sewer, in., under, over and upon the following described promises, to wits Meru► five (5) feet of Let Four (4), Block Four (4), Brookline First Addition. It is understood that said Storm Sewer A31 be constructed and thereafter maintained as nearly as may be in the location upon said promisee established by the Engineer in charge of the construction of said Storm Sewer, IN STIMONr WHEREOF, we have hereunto sot oar hands this of 1952• STITE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SIN aa. 7 01 On this day of , 19520 before me, a Notary Publea thin,and for said County, personally appeare and to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing easement and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. a�vww, • ww�.rv, Yq commission l , STORM SEM RAM= WHEREAS, the undersigned , Peder Mielcelsen and Christine �tieealas husband and wife, are the owners of the premise* hereinafter described, situated in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the undersigned are desirous of having a Storm Sewer constracted and thereafter maintained for the service of their property NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the am of One Dollar ($1.00) to us is harm paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, too, the undersigned, hereby give and grant unto the Village of Edina, a municipal cor- poration of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota„ a perpetual easement of the necessary Adth and depth for the constructions installation,, operation„ maintenance and repair of a Storm Sewer„ i.n, under, over and upon the following described premises, to Witt South five (5) feet of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Four (4)„ Brookline First Addition. It is understood that said Storm Sewer will be constructed and thereafter maintained as nearly as may be in the location upon said premises established by the Engineer in charge of the construe tion of said Storm Sewert, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this day of ,,.......,........_...� 1952. M �'A T ' W, P., � W'�" wo.'o STAB OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENDiEPIN ss. - On this day of 1952s before mer a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared 00, 24 and o me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing easement and acknowledged that they executed the sate as their free act and deed, .,..WW*. a ......may, My commission I= M R EASE WHERMI the undersigned Feder Mi*elsen and Christine &t. sea husband and wife, are the owners of the premises hereinafter described situated .n the Village of X&naj County of Hennepin and State of �U=esota, and SASj the undersigned are desirous of having a Storm Sewer,iibnrtracted and thereafter maintained for the service of their property NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sus of One Dollar ($10 O0) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,, we„ the undersigned, hereby give and grant unto the Village of Edina, a municipal, porporation of the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, a perpetual easement of the necessary width and depth for the con stmetion, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of a Sto zm Sower, in, under,, over and upon the following described premises, to wit: North five (S) feet of Lot Twilve (12), Block Four (4). "kline First Addition. It is understood that said Stom Sewer will be constmeted and thereafter maintained as nearly as may be in the location upon said premises established by the Engineer in charge of the co!)nstrutetion of said Storm Sewere TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this day of _...._ ._.......r., 19520 In presence eft zt4 . STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPINss. On this 492A day of , 1Q52, before m a Rotary Public thin and f said County, personally appear and to me known to be the persons described ix and uho executed the foregoing easement and acknowledged that they eseauted the same as their free act and deed. MY commission