HomeMy WebLinkAbout1277SURVEY FOR= GREEN WHITE SHEET 1 of 3 SHEFTS CONSTR., S9nilaly r 18Q•93&1 Inw.811.� � � � �,a §3 >> aael / _ ..r,— _ '- _-� a*1 ° "' t MO t _ �" i UrJ1n]Q: t U4i114�m4. /� /� �;_ y� , y Sour Gng1 aw:4 LL 4aee ° 11'� 1 r -) 4 r7 !: � �o---- �— ._'�.____�T 4_- WIttS we •_�': , .... �. .. spur. r�- ��_::11..G;;:� -. ---� - :�`' - -" --`-° - - -- -- r .. - - _ - . ✓. _ �_- . „— 838 _ �.., .� -- .� .�- 9l6 - _ —.� ' \Bj •�1' • a- --- 839 — — — — � —�'`^ � � � ✓ ( 36" $.t.P Storm Stwtr Powbiq an Lot lint �835 I � / � � r hadra9d Easemm4 \ j � I10.H ee9e P° 6 a \°e 0% eaae ` 9 I � n _c sly. I a \ . _5anitaryf3tw t MN. a ON C //^ \ \� cope we' \ . �e j �1.` 3 eee3 I %W" ,a'SS. e ` 1.4 I c _ In0 1 T 10 NAL ^IOTFS Curb peni s( visible \ r, o, ng of .ny)not due to heav snow cover. - I yy ''orth•xestern Bell Telephone .nd Norther a \ f I a I ^ \ rE / I States Power Company should be contacte \ ' F I a ( (�` • �® /4j I prior to any major excavations on site / \ ' -or field location of underground tele- w1 6A y ` :v. §e§s eett jncne cable and power tines, rrspective / i / NSe east y- E lre shot noted on railroad spur track were shot on too of rail. ZZ i3B 11 ee S Bee! SaniVar Sewer M.H. ....—�' tmay � Hydrint� — 91 . . —__i tuth •4 x Hydrant~ § °S1 to mi ---- 1111 e1 lo' tip Wally Main 831 8I + ° O " epe Bus -- Il•t.1➢ WlItr Hfin -- - ese 6� San.Se.ey Ham i �, / 1�► C (T yY 1 J 1 `:� hntiar4 Stxcr NH. t4 qCP Stotm Strtr 7 L jH / 9 a.t.a. VSan4ary WWet At. .e Bass 1oD Ba90 Inrretaet �� i p / lap•8366 Tna- B15b r j l eta— s - t.1.H. iQhY o4 Wad.% - -- Etit4inQ 3" Gas Main LEGEND NOTES: F _ P. P. _ V.C.P.= Power Pole Vitrifled Ciay Pipe Buildi9 Re ui?ementsl et ac c eef from right -of -way of Bench D rks (cont.) `[2jTi in South face Railroad Easement Description (con t.) c ' tion of a trian:ular F C.I.P.= Cast Iron Pi e P street and road it in7 or parking of P power pole near Northeast corner of Lot i3, Block saa ast the rom t e 77rthea'st corner of Block 5 E.Mf iN,TERCHC.NGE CENTER, lying lyingtNerth- R.C.P.= Inv, Reinforced Concrete Pipe Invert re n -yea. (50 foot green strip] 5, Elevation fs 8.82, 3 said Lot 8; thence Westerly and parallel to east of a line extenain-- Southwesterly from a t Ser. = Service 30 feet required from rear lot line to (3) To of nut oire h Brant near South- the North line of said Lot 8 a distance of 207.19 feet to point on the E s -line of 8. said Lot 1, dis- C.B. = Catch basin'' building• 1 1/2 times east corner of Let 8y b }ock 5, Elevation point ofetan ential curve to J the North, radius 60.29 feet, r rant 3�.0 Fect Lrtterly jCa�t' of the Southeast I C•i.M.= Cast Iron 13o�urnent the height of building re- to side lot line. 841.64. ch:)rd defini- thence along curve an arc length orn corner of the s��d Lot 1 to a point on the North FS.H, _ Fianhcle quired yard of the height buildings hydrant (4) op o nut on fire hycrant near Sarth- of 99.90 feet, central an;;le 5 "57'39", to of above - e$$cribed right -of -way distant 175.0 Guy of the re -" eeasticorner of Lot 10, Block 5, Elevation point of tangency; thence NorthwesterTy feet ldraterly fr3m the East uiied between the buildings. 838.13. along tan- line of said-Lotil. • °.: �- Water pressure in rrwins on west 76th Streetand Bush Lake Road equals lU0 110 Rai Irca�asement Descri tion: gent a distance of 223.18 feet to Point of t t tangential curve to the �/ !7ldf7�aS.fO%d%dSQfl ii 1S1H it SfSa:N N9'�! 1i'4, +iP it (1t �gbb to pounds aer squere inch. k 20. - pot wa3e ship of land t.xated in the Village north, radius 383.06 feet, degree of curve ly chord definition; -• � • ( „t'M34�l — — Bench marks: of 'Edina, County of Hennepin, State of c innesota, w centerline is described as thence clan g curve an arc length of 1 +96.,70sOC�/%//7C, °17'3,', �ic 2] roads spike in p power pole near North- P follows Beginning feet, central n angle of 74 to its GVi+�e zr pp �;Q��1. w st corner of Lot , Block 7 5, Elevation at a ginning point on the East Tine of Lot 8, Block 5, £D14 INTERCHANGE CENTER intersection with the West line ,of Block 3, 0IF1A;:rNTERCf -r-KGE � rixxe :ANt i +ve. ..4T. r • ,r, rN[4i�OTA L"P�•�1\ S ` £ +- 8 2,70: , distant 20.0 Peet Sputberly as measured along CENTER, and tfler.e tenr,i- hates, - 1 04 TYJ[iYq ..f i.a together with that additional por- S