HomeMy WebLinkAbout1336`! t d U. :llag of E dina 4801-YVEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 INN 927 -8861 RISOLUTZON VAt'S IPM A` PQflnQK MILL,AtS LANE WHEREAS, o weeks' published, posted.,litnd mta'kled noticer of a Hearing to be held on Og0t)ber �, 1966, at 7:00 P.M.:,; on tlI f proposed street vacation Of t%'-- VtVL't zc:.,. ^iaalt:: " dc8e'rihQ4t hu been given and aado, and a Hearing has been held thereon by the Villtige gquncil: NM, 'THEREFORE, be iL resolved b; the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, iiinnesota, that therfoll =ing .describes# portion of Miller's T.ane. �3., as niattad and of �acoi:d��n the office of the Register of ieecL- in ane fz�,r annepin County, hinnesota; biE and is hereby vacated effective :-kweaiber 10, 1966, unless on. or befori s*aid date this resolution is amended, annulled or rescinded by the7-Vi1- l4j&e 'touncil: All of that part of Miller's-line, ax,t..u�.IbIl tte d lying;. west of the east. line of Lot 1, Block 1,,M�llsr`� `Si�ecc�nd Addition extended north,-- except a 10' uLil:Cy_ eiislaj; t '0* w:ate::r.>ain, the center line of is deficribed as followsr.. _.s`commsacin�, at 'a point on the east line of St. Johns the.;Aai�d point being 15' north of the northwest corner of LA 1, 4 c 2, Valley View Ridge Sec(;rd <1c;;;it;,;;;., t1w.ice2 eas 15' trorirth "ui and parallel , to the north ll -aces of I,ut 1, Block 2, Valley View Ridge Second Addi- tion 4m; -1 Lot 1, Block 1, Millar`e Seaconu Addition to the east line of lot 1, Flock 1, Pillar's Sacand Addition extended no-,.th and there terminating. Arr*`_ "" (signed) FLORENCE 3. HALL_ 13Ei+ Villra&a Clark STATE OF ioiwnam ) COL14TY OF 11WEPW ) SS faicned) ARTHUR C. BREDES0. JR. Mayor VILLAGE OF EDINA ) CE��CATH OF VILLAGE CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointee and acting Village Clerk for the. - village of Edina, County of Hennepin, ninnesota, do hereby certify t pared the attached and foregoing resolution and that the correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Village. nh at its Regular Meeting held. Monday. October 3, 1966, a i�e43 cov Minutes of said Regular Meeting and that said resoluti not +In annulled or rescinded since that date by the Village WITNZSS my hand and seal of said Village age this 23rd diy d�u�, 7 , �4�t1 4Ws�M, 0 rr, .2 Village f, of 1 E&Lna, 4 480,1�, T FIFTIETI,H,,SfREE I T • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424�, 7 7 927-8861 L A LI RUXES UTION HER 5, dUb weeks' Published, Posted wtild walled notice of a Hearing to be held On 0(.4)ber 3. 1+466, at 7,.Oo p.14-, oil t4- proposed stillest Vacation cif (iris c I-Jaij h(ib been given and made, aad a Haarinj� has been held thereon by the t illn�4;e (: U"'il: NIM , TREPEPOP.9, be J,L re--,:jlvp-d b;; the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Her.11epill County, Minnesota, that thet-joll 7inj;.described pottion of Miller's Lane fill aq platted -an d Of iPecoj,-d'-jn,. t1lij office of the Register of in an'd, -1'(17: fUiule-itl County. Ainnes6t4w, b and is hereby vacated effectivO Novealber 10, 1966. vnless on,'or befd7-6. $)Ilid date this resolution, is atimilded, antrulled or tescinded by the l"Vil-14'J All oi'L* that p-hi�t of K I Lar's 104le' its-' t, Ld Lying,. west of the eazt. lilke of 4A. 1, 131ock I /.S c rid Atklltion v,,;Lended .0 -wetit _ro -ate" 110-CL11;-OXCept; C4 10' 1-1LiULy'P-4it6- w. the .c titer lille. (if ii '. described s -f olloos,, at'a poii1t or the. east 11.ne of St. Joh64t', P,%e'4,°�54x' point being 131 nerth of the northwest corner of "t 1 2, Valley View 111idge 1 X0, AdJltiQ;,' chelxc east ' , 15, a"d parallel ,to the 1L.Ins of 7,ot 1, Block 2, Yalley' view . Ridge Second Addi- 0-011 4iMI 1,0L 1, Block 1, HilUr'& Second Addition to the cast line of Lot 1, block 1, Miller's SacQkij Addition extended aoi:th and there terminating. Lt"_x1edj_-.-A1RTffUR C. BREDESEN JR. A r r 1`i-11ya r Village Clarl.-. STATH OF FINNESOTA ) COL14TY OF 113NNSPIN -W-8 VIMACK OF EDINA C9RTIEIqAT9..Qt.VILLAGE JQLERK 1, the undersigOed duly apepointed afkd nt-Unt Village Clerk for Khe-vinage of Edina, County of Henilepill, V;ijjaesota, do haveDy certify OR jl#y ootu- Pared the a re attached and foregoing resolution Wid that the Correct C OPY Of a resolution duly adopted by the village ) - at its Replar Meetinj� held Nondaiy, (N-tober 3, 1966 an as-p" ed 1. Minutes of said Regular Meeting and that said -esolutio� ' (lot" b annulled or resciaded siace that date by the Village r,'o'j4nc;*,j41 WITNESS my'liand and seal of said Village this 23rd day FEB 13-66 E OF q.I9 N E S 0 TA -4 A COUNTY 0 C;*� PE Z�, e 'ith 13 FEB D-1 o clouh a (4, w (I.q, duly re 'D f I o p H E N N E'p I N W. Im 3 F—QE?UTY/RE vim! 1 y 47 r, G as