HomeMy WebLinkAbout1398Quit Claim Decd. 11,i,1.1eT avis n n6a 0" Minn. U. '2 1ndividual r2kraq Form No. 28-M. Minnesota C ..... Co., I cin. Blanks this ............................ I ......... ..... of ....... 0*000ker .............................. 19*1 ....... between ..... W..-.x.-.-J0MST0H .. and... ........................... I ........................ of the County of .............. NJ 'OPYRAW" ............. ............................and State of ................ MUNW.-tA .................................................... '"I"W . -T .. am ............ part.1.0a.. of the first part, and ..................... .. 0 ............... ........................................................................ ....... Municipal.................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... alcorporation under the laws of the State of .............. KIM"OU ........................................ party of the second part, mitneaelb, That the said party".... of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One.. .... and-otbar .. xe"..&VA ... V%luable-ANDMI-deratlim ............................................ so==* tAW ................................................. in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of ........... .................... ............................and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: Outlet C9 ME ?AIM, according to the plat thereof OU f1l* 4Ad VW*rd4W in the office of the Registrar of Titles, In and for Hennepin CwA*ty# Together with all that area ebma on Classes Road on said plat of HYDI PARX and lying East of the East line of the Wast 212 of the West 20 acres of the North 112 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section S. TwoushIp 1160 Ulago 219 Vessepts Connty,w ftnne**t►# belag the intention of th.1a conveyance to cow►ey sari Outlet C together with all of *aid Glosses Road -adjoining said Outlet C on tbo Sorth# Fast and South. Also, all that part of Dewey Hill load,, as dedicated by said plot of ME PA1tK'V lying West of the Northerly extession of the Zest It** of GUWMHM Road 09 shown on s&14 plat of UTW PARK, To Jbabe anb to jbolb the *=C, Together with all the hereditaMents and appurtenances there- unto belonding or in anywise, appertalnin6, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, F07'e-vMjLs instrument Is, ex*Ppt from; State dead tax, Is* Ve their in Zezfimonp Wbertd, The said part... ........ of the first part ha............ hereunto set ..... .... han,d..... the day and year first above Wrltte7t. 172, presence Of ................ .................................. I ...... ............... S, ... ETA wo...................... ............................... ....................... ................................................................................... ...... ...... - ............................................ .................................. ... 11 ..... ... ­­­ ......... 1­.­­­­.­.­­ ...... ­­ ........... ................. ........ &tate of Ainnv ota, SS. COUntyOf ............. . XX .......... ............................... Onthis ............. ............................... ............................day of ..... .... .... .__...... ..... ....., 19...69..., before Me, a. ... l ar''.. ru bne ........................................................... ........................with.in, and for said County, personally appeared ii'. to JOUASYON attd URRHAIWI S C. JOHNSTORp htwbaud and wife* to me known to be the person..* ............... ......................described in, and who executed the f07,egOin6 instrument, ........... ................ ............................................. ............................... ............................and acknouledyed that .t- hel.... executed the (See Note) sameas ....114 dir ..............:..free act and deed........................................................... ............................... (See Note) ............................................................................................... ............................... .111'otary Public ................... ............................... ........................County, „Minn. .,lly commission expires ........................ _......................................... 19............ Note: The blank lines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. i�l�� Ql ' � 1y `� w1 •N A � ' x '� � � o", 0. "� ? •S obi 0 Q3 pe rs to v c 4� 4 -,t 0 Q N K L u W a C t. O v a Ceryentlon to Individual. This 30enture, Made this ............ ............................... ............................day 1 1 9 .......................................... 1J..........., between................. tkili ... Y.1 4 ...QF...k"�?. ........................................................................................................................... ............................... municipal t1wX ration under the laws o the State o Minnesota _..... .. arty o the first art and f f .............................. ........... L. 110MREN. W•...E ..J TON and BERNAF�1Irtis' C. J4Iia3'iC)8� p n ......................... ............... ....... .................................................................. ............................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... Of the County Of ........... ............................and State of .............................................. .. ............................................... ., part...1 @8 ...... o of the second part, 1tneysisetb, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and no /1JJ and other good and valuable con; ideration .............................................................. .............................x7 D>nS to it in hand paid by the said part... �$ ...... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said part. es.......of the second part,...their., heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract .... ; ....... or parcel ............ of land lyin_s and being in the County of ..........$Cn ................................................. and State of Minnesota, deserihrc' as follows, to -wit: Tots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, £i, 19 and 23, Block 1, HYI:1! F "�i�i{, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Regintrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County, MinneG,3ta. Excepting and reserving, however, unto party of the first part, all that area shorn as Gleason Road on said plat of HYIT MX and lying West of the East line of the Nest 1/2 of the West 2J acres of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 8. Township 1IJ,., Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, being the intention of this conveyance thrt no part of said Gleason Road shell be conveyed with the lots in BIack 1 of HYDE PAIM above described. This instrument is exempt from State Deed T,-LK. 0:0 Jbabc anb t0 IWO tbt 64mC, Together with. all the hereditainents and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part.. .. of the second part .......their .......................... heirs and assigns, Forever. In Presence of i ........................................ ............................... ....... ........................................................ ............................... I In TCSitimo2ip Ullfjercof, 177ee said first party has caused these presents to be executed in ils rorporcr.te name by its .... ............................... President and ifs ._ .............. and its corporate seal to be hereunto afji.rrrl, th,r (1,�y arul year first above written. YZkI,{` "I" 01F By— ... . . ........................................... ............................... Its .....I ....... .... ...._ . Presidrllt Its.......... l 6tatt of Aiinnc5oto, SR. Oif 11111 Of . .............. I .... ,........ On, this .................. ..... ......... ........................................ day o _ ........... ..............................1 19............, before me, n .............................................. ............................... ..within. and for said County, personally appeared .............. ............................... . ............................................................. ............................... ............................and ......... ... .......................... ....................... ....................... ............. to me personally knozvn, uho, bei.n6 each, by me duly sivor,z ........... ......_ ... did say that they are respectively the............ .Qar........ 4 awt and the................. C.: Wr x .................... .............................of the corporation, named in the fore6oin6 instrument, and that the seal afa-ed tosaid instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation., and that said instrument was signed and sealed in, bclutlf of said corporation by authority of its BDUA jE.......I IUA W... C.Qti 1C.LI .......................and said. ............................... .............................. and .............................................. ............................... ...................acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.. 0— I� i i � of A w o M D A •i r'1 E M :w 0 � O O' `tom `i ................................................................................................................ ............................... Notary Public .................. ............................... ........................County, Minn. My commission ex. Aires ........ ............................... ........1 19............ of A o :w .� `0 d •N o ........1 19............ :w f :i *Jnz1486 ?&A- 448735 L4*r difiratle or 448735 DISTRICT COURT N4 12061 Village of Edina IMPORTANT In dealing with the land described in this certificate, the names of the parties and descrip- tion of property should be ex- actly the same as written herein. & # go" 4432 cb ATTENTION DELAY and EXPENSE will be caused by the loss of this certificate. CONTINUED DATE* OF REGISTRATION E HOUR MONTH DAY YEAR AMOUNT RUNNING IN FAVOR OF SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR DOCUMENT NUMBER KIND OF INSTRUMENT DATEOFIN STRUMENT MONTH DAY YEAR R T. A. D. 1956 Volume 815 T registered the 4th day of Page 247564 STATEOYMINNEsoTA, REGISTIRATION Co�oFP1N. Village of Edina, a Mnnesota municipal corporation, havin g its principal place of busin4ss at 4801 West 50th Street in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota Ile .��/.��'r��/i�!i- '1��� f �,/. y%/' �fyi, G/ ����1�/ �P�G/! ir— �i� '/�i,�/�- /�/,� /���Y /� �'✓y/�Pi (��1,/i�'I�� �%�C% {i:B�/l�Z� ?I ��cJ ��CI�Pi % /�//f?/%'�l/;lC!',�- �G/i//,L: Outlot C, Hyde park, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Hennepin County, V�� /le �PpiIT/eW,w/2Aw11 Y�/�O CQ� ! /�i 4w,-iO 199i& .Aile �lii. l5l 6.IV,u/ha��1i��CrQ*� y; - / /�U.U�,P /�1 U,/ lCl/ yF1�7I OiC�Ll. �l•' I�i// i?/ �t ZP/ �.( l�'� ����. dI'I ���/ 12I���i�/. �% G/././ ��i //J'/ / //1//.P /iP.r�J�/��/'�Q�P/ 161' GC!��i�fP /�.E'P //%2r�/%O'i/�P/ 6 �,�- , ���' ��, (�/���C92.�1,f�.i�i6,10�'//,��i �% aP /I/,e!C�'�li:- (Jir,COf7��2(��G/ lei, G�, P. G��C' L/ yi /vf2lZP;C�ff�l2P�i/.(J�ii/��P/ �i.1G✓�GP/ n Twenty - fourth a% October 69 Ben K. Allison EM BY DEPUTY OFLSTATES. LASE.VLW N Ola' UHAROiKS ON TNEGANDDESCRIBED IN THE CERTIFICATE OF TITLE HERETO ATTACHED. DOCUMENT NUMBER KIND OF INSTRUMENT DArE0F1NSTRU1WE1Vr DATE Or REGISTRATION AMOUNT N FAVOR OF- RUNNING IN FAVO O SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR MONTH DAY YEAR MONTH DAY YEAR HOUR A.M ( a wr u&= % VCK btate of { rtrt n D a AFFIDAVIT County of .................... tr EP ITT............................ s TAj.....E......�QNNSTQN..: and ... BExNARIIZNE ... C....J.QHNSTON.,... husband ... and ... wife ............................. ....... , residing at $836 ... Queen.. AYenue., South,...Mnneapo.lis.,... Minne.So.a....5.4.� 0 ........... ............................... ........................., being first duly sworn, on oath gays: That (they are) (.... pia) (......he knows) .................................................. ............................... .............................................................................................................................................................. ............................... ae .person...... named as.... ................................................................................. .............................., in that certain instrument dated .......... ...............,19............, and filed for record................................................ ............................... 19............, asDocument No ............................. ..............................I in the office j"ice o f the Regist........................ of ............................. ............................... Of................. ............................... ........................County, Minnesota; That said person(s) are of le -dal age and are by occztpation respectively ........................ .............. ............................... and........................................ ............................... with place of business at............................................................................. ............................... and that for the last past ten years have resided at That the said persons) (are) (is) not now and ha...... not been in the armed forces of the United States except as herein stated; That there have been no proceedings in Probate Court, no bankruptcy or divorce proceedings, and that there are no unsatisfied judgments of record nor any actions pending in any Courts, State or Federal, nor any tax liens filed against the above named person(s), except as herein stated; That any judgments, bankruptcies, probate proceedings, State or Federal tax liens, of record against parties with same or similar names are not against the above named person(s); 1 i i 1 That there has been no labor or materials furnished to the premises described in the above mentioned j document during the last 90 days for which payment has not been made; That there are no unrecorded contracts, leases, easements, or other agreements or interests, relating to said premises, of which your affiant(s) ha...... knowledge except as stated herein; That a ffiant (s) know (s) the matters herein stated are true and make (s) this affidavit for the purpose of inducing the passing of the title to the premises referred to in said document, free and clear of all judgments. State or Federal tax liens, and questions of service in the armed forces of the United States, divorce, competency, bankruptcy and unrecorded interests. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........................day of ................................ ............................... 19............. ...................................... ................. ........... . ....... . ....... .................. I........................ ......................................................................................... ............................... W. E. JOHNSTON ... ................................ I ...... I ........ ....... $� RI�ARDINE���C. ���JOHN�TON State of Minnesota, ':'aunty of ........................................................................ Office of Reffist .................. of..... ............................... I hereby certify that the within in- struntent zvas riled for record in my office anthe- ................... .... .... ............................... day of .................... 19.........., at ................................... . ..o'clock ....... . ...... .41. and recorded in Book. . ........... ... ................... ...... ... Of ......................................... ...... I at page ........................... .................................... .... I .................................................. Re'dist ...... .. ........ of ............. ...................... ........ . ..... .. . . . . .. ..... ...... ............. . Deputy I Co., �jt� �1re h s.......1j ............ ............................day of ......... ....! t............................. , 19...x'1..., between. ............................... �...... ...... f.............................................................................................................. ............................... of theounty of ................................. ............................... of................................................ ............................................. , Hennepin m3� — i► ltiaseaots part............ of the first part, and .................................................. ................................................................... ............................................................ ............................. ............................... a corporation under the laws of the State of ................................. ............................... party of the second part, One Dollsa 1 %*Y),aaV' Oft d p . �i tdbiie- AW" Wit consideration o .. t h ...................his ... ................................ .... ....... ................. .............................................................,....................................... . ...... ................ .... . to ... ............................... in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its succ% assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of ......................... ............................... ............................and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Outlet Co 'HYDE PARK, according to the plat thereof an file sod reaerded In the office of the Registrar of Title* in and for grin Ceuutyo Minnesota. Together with all that auret shorn as Cleamm Read an said plat of XYDR PARK and lylu$ Zest of the East line of the hest 1/2 of the West 20 acres of the 'forth 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 1169 Range 210 llen apia Countyo Minaesotao being the intention of this comweyance to commy sold Outlet C together with all of said Classes Road adjoining said Outlet C on the Vertb, East and South. Also, all drat part of Dewey 9111 Road, as dedicated by said plat of MR PARK., lying, meat of the Northerly ertemdou of the Bast line of Clemson Arad as shown on said plat of HTDK PARK. Mate deed tax due hereon $30.80 Igo ibabe anb to jbolb the frame, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. d nd the said ..................................................................................................................................................... ............................... .......... . .... y ............................................................ htuself, ... his ........................................................ .............................................. .......................es...... part............ of the first part, for ................... ............................... .........................heirs, executors and WWrj�p istrators, do............ covenant witfz the said party of the second part, its suceesWrs and assigns, that ........................ ...........................well seized in fee of the lands and premises aforesaid, and ha............ good right to sell aiijj0WeMjhjd~ in *t &UW -.and form aforesaid, and that the same are free from all incumbranees, .,lnd the above bargained and granted lands and premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against all persons lawfully claiming or to c1 tim the whole or any part thereof, subject to incumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned, the said part............ of the first part will Warrant and Defend. y s his In Tegtimonp Wijemf, The said part............ of the first part ha............ hereunto set ............................. hand...... the day and year first above written. Lo HORGREN InPresence of 1 ................................................................................................... I....................... t otate of jainneota, ss. County of................. . P. IN. ............................. ....... Onthis ................ ............................... ............................day of .......... l eptelsl............................................ 19....69..., before me, a .............. N otft7 ... P ublIc................... ............................... .........................within and for said County, personally appeared 9B7tlIN..L.... IG�tJi �... Al; � %** ........................................................................................................................... ............................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... to me known to be the person......... described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, ............................................................................................. ............................... ............................and acknowledged that ......he...... executed (See Note) thesame as ................ b1s ............................... free act and deed......................................................... ............................... (See Note) WZ A � b ............................................................................................ ............................... Notary Public ............................. ............. ........................County, Minn. ✓lfy commission expires ................................ ............................... 19............ NOTE: The blank lines marked 'Bee Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney In fact. 0 .4Q dj AS Cl iv >, Oi �o �► •IJ N •� •� `4 N FI • V.+ O ,� O %) o F. � ~ C o 0 0 0 N d w bo a .4Q dj AS U tl �o 0 0 N d w bo a DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST 8L HALLADAY JAMES E.DORSEY (1809 -1959) CHARLES A. GEER DONALD WEST DUANE E.JOSEPH WALDO F. MAROUART FREDERICK E.LANGE JOHN W.WINDHORST JAMES B_VESSEY HENRY HALLADAY WILLIAM A.WHITLOCK JULE M.HANNAFORD E.J. SCHWARTZBAUER ARTHUR B.WHITNEY THOMAS M. BROWN RUSSELL WAINDOUIST CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY DAVID R. BRINK THOMAS S. ERICKSON HORACE HITCH MICHAEL E.BRESS VIRGIL H.HILL PAUL G.ZERBY ROBERT V. TARBOX RAYMOND A. REISTER DEFOREST SPENCER JOHN J.TAYLOR ROBERT J. JOHNSON BERNARD G.HEINZEN M.B.HASSELOUIST WILLIAM J. HEMPEL PETER DORSEY JOHN S. HIBBS GEORGE R FLANNERY ROBERT O. FLOTTEN CURTIS L.ROY JOHN D. LEVINE ARTHUR E.WEISBERG ROBERT J.STRUYK LAW OFFICES 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SS402 Mr, W. E. Johnston 5836 Queen Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 Dear Mr. Johnston: TELEPHONE: 333 -2151 AREA CODE: 612 CABLE ADDRESS: DOROW September 17, 1969 Re: HYDE PARK MICHAEL A. OLSON CHARLES A. GEER LARRY W. JOHNSON JOHN C.ZWAKMAN THOMAS S. HAY JOHN R.WICKS CURTIS D.FORSLUND EUGENE L.JOHNSON G- LARRY GRIFFITH ROBERT O. KNUTSON CRAIG A. BECK JOHN W. WINDHORST, JR. DAVID L.M000SKEY MICHAEL PRICHARD THOMAS O. NOV. RICHARD G.SWANSON JAMES H.O'HAGAN RICHARD W. DuFOUR,JR. JOHN M. MASON FAITH L.OHMAN MICHAEL W. WRIGHT DAVID A. RANHEIM LARRY L- VICKREY ROBERT J. SILVERMAN LOREN R. KNOTT PHILLIP H. MARTIN OF COUNSEL JOHN J. HELD, JR. DAVID E. BRONSON REESE C.JOHNSON HUGH H.BARBER JAMES T. HALVERSON LELAND W. SCOTT CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN LEAVITT RAARKER I enclose herewith an original and one copy of each of the following in connection with the above plats 1. A deed from Vernon L. Norgren to the Village of Edina conveying Outlot C, that part of Gleason Road adjoining the same and that part of Dewey Hill Road lying West of Gleason Road. 2. A deed from you and your wife to the Village of Edina for the same property as the deed from rir. Norgren. 3. An affidavit from you and your wife relative to judgments, tax liens, etc. I request this affidavit because of the existence of tax liens and judgments against persons with like names. Will you please return the original of each of the enclosed documents duly signed, witnessed and acknowledged. Also, at the same time, send to me a check in the amount of $30.80 payable to the order of the Hennepin County Treasurer for the purchase of the State deed tax stamps on the deed from Mr. Norgren and a check in the amount of $9 payable to Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay to pay for the recording of the deeds and the issuance of a residue certificate. When I have received back all of these documents the Village will execute and deliver to you a deed in the form enclosed conveying the platted iots lying within the boundaries of its property but reserving all of its interest in Gleason Road. This matter has been in process for some time now and I would, therefore, appreciate your prompt attention to the execution and returning of the enclosed documents together with the necessary checks. Very truly yours, TSE:mj homas S. Erickson Enclosures cc Fred Hoisington